US Internal Revenue Service: p1438
US Internal Revenue Service: p1438
US Internal Revenue Service: p1438
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
FORM 1041
fairness to all.
On page 10, item 1, the change identifies the field for Form 1041, line 24f that
was added to accommodate entries from Form 8913.
On page 100, we corrected Reject Code 613 by removing field 0160 from this
validation check
Sched. E: Added four new Statement fields to correct a problem that was
brought to my attention after we removed the ability to reference a Statement in
certain fields that are now A/N (alphanumeric). (Thanks Cheryl.)
Form 4136: Many changes to the Type Use codes as well as new fields due to
recently enacted legislation.
Form 3800: Deleted two fields and added a new one. All related to line 1y.
Form 6765: Major changes including many new lines due to recently enacted
Code Form Fields changed
270 3800 Remove 0680.
4136 Added 0795, 0825
6765 Added 0465, 0470, 0475, 0480, 0495, 0505, 0520
through 0690, 0720, and 0730 through 0760.
Code Form Fields changed
292 Deleted this reject code.
Introduction 7
General Information for Tax Year 2006 8
Important Items to Remember 9
Significant Changes for Tax Year 2006 10
Most Frequent Filing Errors 16
This publication contains the validation criteria and record layouts for transmitting Form
1041, U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts electronically to the Enterprising
Computing Center-Memphis (ECC-MEM). (Formerly referred to as the Tennessee Computing
Center, i.e.). This publication should be used in conjunction with Publication 1437,
Procedures for the Electronic Filing Program for Form 1041, U.S. Income Tax Return for
Estates and Trust. Software developers and transmitters should use both publications and
must transmit test returns using their own scenarios.
The testing process, known as Business Acceptance Testing (BATS) is discussed in detail in
Publication 1437.
These publications are available from the Electronic Filing Unit at the IRS Ogden
Submission Processing Center (OSPC). You can obtain a copy of the publications by calling 1-
866-255-0654. You may also call 1-800-829-3676 for additional copies of the publications. The
publications are also available through the IRS Website
If information in this publication changes after the final version is printed and distributed, a
change page will be issued. Information that is changed, added, or deleted in this publication
will be emailed to software developers and filers listed in the 1041 e-file database, and also will
be displayed on the IRS Website.
The user's cooperation is requested in the development of a qua lity publication. Please let
us know if you are aware of any errors (typographical, technical or usage) or if you have any
suggestions and/or comments.
Write or Email:
Internal Revenue Service
1111 Constitution Ave, NW
NCFB C7-151
Washington, DC. 20224
Effective November 1, 2005, the IRS discontinued the use of analog and ISDN
telephone lines to transmit returns (with the exception of dedicated leased lines).
Transmission of tax returns will be via the internet and will require encryption.
Detailed information about the transmission process is provided in Section B of this
publication. The decision to discontinue ISDN and the requirement to encrypt data
was widely shared with software developers previously on several occasions.
9. NOTE: To avoid your transmission and return from rejecting, assure that:
1. FORM 1041:
• Line 24 has been re-lettered to accommodate new Form 8913. We added new
field 0705 to accommodate the entry from Form 8913.
• New Statement Fields 0075 and 0385 have been added.
• Changed the Identification of Field 1840.
• Deleted Fields 0504 and 0505.
• Changed the Identification of Fields 0300 and 0310.
5. FORM 1116:
• Added new Field 0125.
6. FORM 3468:
• Major revision of file specifications.
7. FORM 3800:
• Added new Fields 0065, 0535, 0555, 0630.
8. FORM 4136:
• Major revision of file specifications. This form is now 4 pages in length.
9. FORM 4562:
• Added new Fields 0011 and 0013.
• Changed the number of Field 0020 and 0008.
• Revised the Identification of Fields 0150, 0181, 0182, 0830, and 1950.
• Major changes were made to the file specifications to these forms. In most cases, Part II
has been deleted.
• NOTE: FORM 6765: A the time this document was prepared, the provisions contained
in Form 6765 were not extended for Tax Year 2006. However, since the provisions may
be subsequently extended, we have retained all references to Form 6765 in the
publication. If not extended, we expect fiscal year filers will be instructed to report the Tax
Year 2005 portion of the credit directly on Form 3800, and the final version of Publication
1438 will not include Form 6765.
A. Validation was revised as necessary due to the major changes to the Business
Credit Forms. Please review the various reject codes that relate to these forms.
C. Validation was revised as necessary due to the major changes to Form 4136.
The following reject codes were affected:
Revised: 683, 830, 831, 832, 835, 836, 838, 839, 840, 842, 843, 844, 848, 860,
861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 866, 868.
D. Form 3468: Deleted Reject Codes 617, 619, 621, 717, and 718.
E. Form 3800:
Revised reject codes: 500, 501, 504, 505, 506, 511
Created new reject codes 556, 558, 562.
Code Explanation/change requested.
102 Updated the valid tax periods in this code to reflect:
Calendar Year returns are: 200612, and
Fiscal Year returns are: 200701, 200702, 200703, 200704, 200705,
104 Updated this reject code to read as follows: If the Tax Period (Field
#0005), on Form 1041 Return Record is equal to 200612 and the Fiscal
Year ending (Field #0020) on the Return Record is not equal to
December 31, 2006 (20061231) or spaces.
106 Updated valid ranges to be: 200701, 200702, 200703, 200704, 200705,
108 Updated valid ranges to be: 200701, 200702, 200703, 200704, 200705,
122 Added test range of 41-0000001 through 41-0001000 for BATS only.
Use of the test range will prevent rejection of the return due to an
EIN / NAME CONTROL mismatch during BATS.
1. FORM 1041
• We changed Field 0095 a Foreign Address Line 1.
• We added Field 0097 as Foreign Address Line 2.
• We added Field 0115 as a Foreign Country Code.
• We reclassified Field 0090 as a Domestic Street Address.
• Field 0700 was changed to positive only.
3. FORM 2210
• Deleted Fields 0600 and 0610.
• Changed the Identification of the following Fields:
0633, 0637, 0639, 0643, 0636, 0638, 0640, and 0647.
4. FORM 3468
• Changed Field 0150 by increasing the length to 18, and allowing a hyphen as an
allowable character.
• Corrected the Identification of Field 0410.
5. FORM 4136
• The following Fields were changed to No Entry due to a late revision.
Fields: 0785, 0790, 0795, 0815, 0825, 0830, 0835, 0840, 0860, 0870,
4040, 4060, 4080, 4100.
• We added the following Fields (also No Entry): 0810 and 0850.
• Deleted Fields 0827 and 0875.
6. FORM 8586
• Deleted Field 0115.
7. FORM 8829
• Added two new Fields: 0245 and 0247.
• Revised the Form Reference for all fields beginning with Field 0250 to the end of the
8. FORM 8874
• Deleted Field 0330.
9. FORM 8886
• Added Field 0039.
Code Explanation of Change
226 Add Form 1041, Fields #0095 and #0097 to this validation check.
232 Add Form 1041, Fields #0095 and #0097 to this validation check.
830 Remove the following Fields of Form 4136 from this validation:
Fields: 0825, 0870, 4060, and 4100.
853 Remove the following Fields of Form 4136 from this validation:
Fields: 4040, 4060, 4080, and 4100.
855 Remove the following Fields of Form 4136 from this validation:
Fields: 4060 and 4100.
224 Revise this validation by providing an exception for the first requirement only
If Form 1041, Field 0115 is significant. The reject will read:
“The Street Address (Field 0090) on Form 1041, page 1, must be significant
unless Field #0115 (Foreign Country Code) on Form 1041 is significant.”
246 If Form 1041, Field #0110 is equa l to .b, then Fields #0095 and 0097 (Foreign
Address Lines) must be significant.
Code Validation Added
856 On Form 4136, if Field #4260, Line 18a (d) is significant, then Field #4220,
Registration No. must also be significant.
860 On Form 4136, if any of the following fields are significant, then Field #0608
(Registration No.) must also be significant. Fields: 0625 (Line 6a (d) or 0640
(Line 6b (d).
861 On Form 4136, if any of the following fields are significant, then Field #0645,
Registration No. must also be significant. Fields: 0680, Line 7b (d) or 0695,
Line 7c (d).
867 On Form 4136, if any of the following fields are significant, then Field #00950,
Registration No. must also be significant. Fields: 0970, Line 12a (d) or 0990,
Line 12b (d).
868 On Form 4136, if any of the following fields are significant, the n Field #03010,
Registration No. must also be significant. Fields: 3030, Line 13a (d), or 3050,
Line 13b (d), or 3070, Line 13c (d).
“The City (Field #0100) on Form 1041, Page 1, must be present unless the
State (Field #0110), Form 1041, Page1, is equal to “.b”.
587 Revised by adding an exception if Form 1041, Field #1260 is equal to x. The
revised reject code will read as follows:
“If Form 6478, Field #0450 (Credit for Alcohol Used as Fuel Allowed for Current
Year) is significant, then Form 1041 Page 2, Field #1270 must equal “X” and Field
#1280 must equal “6478” and Field #1290 must equal Form 6478, Field #0450,
unless Form 1041, Field #1260 is equal to x.”
504 Updated to correct changes in the Identification for Field 0550 due to changes in
line numbering during revision of the form.
Reject Code 256: Total errors: 2 ,431 (Last season 748).
Reject Code 084: Total errors: 709 (Last season 740)
Reject Code 086: Total errors: 672 (Last season 722)
Reject Code 236: Total errors: 645 (Last season 658)
Reject Code 258: Total errors: 428 (Last season 2)
Reject Code 206: Total errors: 423 (Last season 38)
Reject Code 250: Total errors: 292 (Last season 4,338)
Reject Code 204: Total errors: 273 (Last season 94)
Reject Codes: 106 108 745 312 666 654 230 170 877 724 068
162 124 748 643 198 638 175 636
1. Form 1041 (U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts)
9. Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) (Beneficiary’s Share of Income, Deduction, Credits, etc.)
11. Form 2210 (Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates and Trusts)
13. Form 2439 (Notice to Shareholder of Undistributed Long -Term Capital Gains)
40. Form 8801 (Credit for Prior Year Minimum Tax Individuals, Estates and Trusts)
47. Form 8881 (Credit for Small Employer Pension Plan Startup Costs)
48. Form 8882 (Credit for Employer-Provided Childcare Facilities and Services)
52. Statement (“STMbnn”) Statement Records for forms and/or schedules other
than Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) or Schedule K-1 in ascending numeric order.
Preparer’s Note
Election Explanation
Regulatory Explanation
55. Payment Record Electronic Funds Withdrawal (Direct Debit) Payment Record.
More than one of the following forms and schedules may be transmitted electronically:
NOTE: See Reject Code 124 for the proper sequence for transmitting all forms, schedules and
statements within the return. Also refer to the “NOTES” at the end of Reject Code 124.
There are two methods to electronically pay a balance due on an electronically filed Form 1041
(1) The fiduciary may authorize the U.S. Department of Treasury (through a Treasury Financial
Agent) to transfer money (direct debit) from their bank account to the Treasury account. The
fiduciary must sign the Jurat on Form 8453-F to authorize the agreement between IRS and their
Financial Agent to initiate an EFW (electronic funds withdrawal). The fiduciary must then submit
with each electronically filed return a Payment Record form as shown in Section B (Record
(2) Payments also may be made through the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
(This method is not part of the electronically filed form 1041 record.)
Contact an EFTPS Financial Agent at 800-555-4477 or 800-945-5300 for information.
IRS EFTPS Contact: 1-800-255-0654
Payment of balances due may also be made via paper check which may be attached to the
Form 8453-F, or by mailing the check directly to the Submission Processing Center identified in
the 1041 Instruction booklet. Currently, there are no plans to create a payment voucher for Form
1041. Therefore, paper checks mailed separate from Form 8453-F should be attached to a letter
to assure the payment is credited to the correct account. The letter should provide the following
information for the Estate or Trust:
• Form 1041
• Employer Identification Number of the Estate or Trust
• Name of Estate or Trust
• Tax year for which the payment is intended.
• Name, address, and telephone number of the Fiduciary.
• Amount of payment
The Paper Remittance Register and Electronic/Magnetic Media Remittance Register are no
longer accepted.
Filers must include all Federal Data required by the State, in one of the State attachments,
i.e. Attachment E.
Fed/State Electronic Filing is a cooperative one-stop filing program between IRS and state tax
administration agencies. This program allows the filing of both Federal and State income tax
returns as a combined return through the IRS Electronic Filing System.
The general concept is to emulate current operations used for the e lectronic filing of federal tax
returns (EFS). The tax return data must be placed into the transmission format specified by the
IRS and the state.
The combined return will be rejected in its entirety if it contains any error conditions specified in
this p ublication. If the error(s) is of such a nature that it can be corrected and the return(s)
processed, the combined return may be retransmitted to ECC-MEM.
The participant may elect to retransmit the federal tax portion of a rejected return and then file
the state return using state tax paper forms.
How to Transmit
See Page 20, item D.
Form 1041 returns can no longer be transmitted over the Public Switched Telephone Network to
the ECC-MEM using dial-up. The methods to transmit the returns are either via the Internet or
using a dedicated leased line. See Section B; Data Communications, detailed information.
The Front End Processing Subsystem (FEPS) uses a menu-driven instead of a prompt-mode
Trading Partner Interface.
Transmitters who expect to handle a large volume of electronic returns may request to lease
their own dedicated line(s) at ECC-MEM. They must arrange to lease and install the lines and
purchase modems at both ends. They may also purchase equipment to use one of the high-
speed file transfer protocols, such as FTP, on 56 kbs or ISDN lines at ECC-MEM. For more
information and approval, contact:
(Phone: 202-283-5193)
1. All transmission data must be in ASCII format. No binary fields may be transmitted.
c. Then, the return record transmission may commence. The return record transmission
will consist of 1) a series of logical records, beginning with the TRANA record, 2) some
number of logical return records, and 3) a RECAP Record.
4. Two four-byte fields (the Record Control Information) must precede each record within a
transmission. The first four-byte field is a record Byte Count that will contain a count of the
number of bytes within the logical record including the four bytes for the counter itself, four
bytes for the Start of Record Sentinel (****), and one byte for the Record Terminus
Character (#). The second four -byte field will be the Start of Record Sentinel, which must
be four asterisks (****).
5. Every record must have the Record Terminus Character (#) as its last significant byte.
Note that provisions have been made to allow for non-significant padding to exist following
the Record Termi nus Character, i.e., CR or LF may be added after the Record Terminus
Character to fill up a physical block size. This is permitted to accommodate all the different
computer systems being used to transmit data.
6. The first records on a transmitted file, the TRANA and TRANB Records, contain
information regarding the transmitter and file format. These records should be followed by
the records comprising the tax returns being transmitted.
7. The end of the logical transmission is signaled by the literal "RECAP". It is followed by the
RECAP Record data and the Record Terminus Character (#).
8. The TRANA, TRANB and RECAP records are fixed-length records of 120 bytes each.
Any non-significant field should be blank-filled.
9. A tax return will consist of a variable number of fixed length or variable length records.
The size and format of the logical record for each page of each schedule, form, etc., are
specified in Section 11 Record Layouts.
10. Each logical record should contain all data fields pertaining to one printed page of an
official schedule, form, or line of a Statement Record. Therefore, the logical record
contains an entire schedule or form, or a logical part (i.e., PG01 or PG02) of a schedule or
form, or line of a Statement Record.
11. Each complete tax return must consist of all logical records pertaining to it in the following
Form 1041 Page 1 – 4; (or pages 1-2 if pages 3 -4 are not needed.)
Schedules in alphabetical order or in Attachment Sequence Number order as
preprinted on the official IRS form;
Forms in numerical order or in Attachment Sequence Number order as preprinted on
the official IRS form;
Statement Records;
Summary Record.
12. Schedule, Form, and Statement Records can contain additional sequential Page Records
if the record consists of more than one printed page. (Pages are only numbered within a
schedule, form, or statement record, not across the return.) All records must appear in the
order above with the proper control information. The counts of the schedules and forms
must match the counts in the Summary Record or the return will be rejected.
13. The file should be unlabeled (no standard header or trailer records).
15. The page should not be generated if there are no entries on a page record of a schedule
or form. A blank page (Record ID Group only) will cause the return to be rejected, except
in cases where multiple forms require that one page be present when the other page is
There are two options available for transmitting logical tax return records: fixed length (fixed
format) and variable length (variable format). (The Transmitter Records TRANA, TRANB, and
RECAP Record are not tax return records.)
The fixed length option requires the complete tax return to be transmitted exactly as
defined in Section 11 Record Layouts. All fields must be present. If a field contains no
data, it must be blank-filled or zero-filled. The fixed length option is indicated by an "F" in
the Record Type (SEQ 100) of the TRANS Record A (TRANA).
When the fixed length option is used, the following data field conventions must be
(2) When a "literal" is included in the field description, enter the literal value exactly as
specified in Section 11 Record Layouts, left-justified. Trailing blanks must be
NOTE: The trailing blanks are not shown in the Record Layouts.
(2) Signed numeric fields (money amounts): Right-justify with leading zeros, reserving
the right-most position for the sign. A blank ( ) indicates a gain and a minus sign (-
) indicates a loss.
(3) Signed numeric fields that can also contain literal values:
Enter signed numeric fields as described above. When entering a literal value,
left-justify and blank -fill the field.
The variable length option provides for the transmission of only control information,
including the record ID group, significant data fields, and significant data within individual
fields. The variable length option is indicated by a "V" in the Record Type (SEQ 100) of
the TRANS Record A (TRANA).
When the variable length option is used, the following data field conventions must be
(1) Left-justify data in the field. Do not enter leading blanks. Trailing blanks are
(2) When a "literal" is included in the field description, enter the literal value exactly as
specified in Section 11 Record Layouts, left-justified. Only the value of the literal
(including embedded blanks) must be entered. Trailing blanks are dropped.
(1) Unsigned numeric fields: In most cases, leading zeros may be dropped.
(2) Signed numeric fields (money amounts): Leading zeros are dropped. For a
positive value, the trailing blank that indicates a gain is dropped. For a negative
value in a field that can contain either a gain or a loss, the minus sign (-) must be
entered in the last position of the signed numeric field.
(3) Signed numeric fields that can also contain literal values: Enter signed
numeric fields as described above. When entering a literal value, left-justify
the field; it is not necessary to enter trailing blanks.
When transmitting in variable format, each Tax Form (Form 1041) Schedule and Form
Record will begin with the Record Control Information (Byte Count and Start of Record
Sentinel fields) in the same fixed format shown in the record layouts. This is followed
by the Record ID Group. Following the Record ID Group are the data fields. Each data
field is preceded by the applicable Field Sequence Number, which is enclosed by
square bracket field delimiters, “[“ and “]”. The Field Sequence Number is a 4 position
number. However, it is permissible to drop the first zero when bracketing the field
sequence number. A minimum of three position must be present. For example, you
can use [0010] of [010] for Primary SSN of Page 1 of the Tax Return record. The
Record Terminus Character (#) follows the last data field in the record.
nnnn****RECORD ID GROUP [1st field sequence number]DATA...[next field
sequence number]DATA...# ("nnnn" is the record byte count)
4 for information about types of characters in electronically filed returns.
All data fields of the Statement and Summary Records must be formatted as fixed
length fields. If a field contains no data, it must be blank-filled or zero-filled, as
When transmitting in variable format, each Statement and Summary Record will begin
with the Record Control Information (Byte Count and Start of Record Sentinel fields) in
the same fixed format shown in the Part II Record Layouts. This is followed by the
Record ID Group, the data fields formatted as fixed length fields, and the Record
Terminus Character (#).
All transmission data must be in ASCII Format. No binary fields may be transmitted.
(1) All logical records must be transmitted electronically in a series of logical blocks. A four-
byte counter must precede each logical record within a block. The byte count must
include the length of the record plus the length of the byte count, the Start of Record
Sentinel 4 asterisks ("****") and the Record Terminus Character pound sign or hash mark
NOTE: IBM byte counts must not be used. Using the IBM Byte Count will add four
(4) positions to each record. This will increase the size of the record and
shift everything over four (4) positions. This is not compatible with the
Form 1041 programs.
(2) Every logical record must have as its last significant byte the Record Terminus Character
(3) Records must be fixed (all records within the return are the same length) or
variable (each record within the return is of the length shown on the
Form/schedule in Section 11).
A fixed length, blocked record, data structure is unacceptable, as this format will
produce blank padding between logical records within the block.
(4) Files must not contain more than 500 Form 1041 tax returns in a single
transmission when using a dial-up connection.
(5) The first record on a transmitted file (the TRANA and TRANB records) contains
information regarding the transmitter and file format. The records comprising a tax
return being transmitted should follow this record. The record after the Summary
Record of a transmitted file is the RECAP Record, which provides a total return
count (Field #0030) which is compared to the IRS computer count. The TRANA
Record also uniquely identifies each file transmitted. Field #0080 (Transmission
Sequence Number) of the record is used for this purpose.
(6) A tax return will consist of a variable number of fixed-field records. The size and
format of the logical record for each page of each form, schedule etc., are
specified in Section 11. In addition, a variable field/record format for Schedule
K-1 is acceptable. See details under Variable Length Option.
(7) Each logical record should contain all data fields pertaining to one printed page
of an official form or schedule or to a line of a statement. Therefore, the logical
record contains an entire form or schedule, or a logical part (i.e., PG01 or PG02
of a form or schedule, or a line of a statement).
The sequence of a complete Form 1041 tax return file submission is as follows:
(6) Statement (STMnnn) Records for forms and schedules other than
Schedule K-1.
(10) Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) Records - must be transmitted in ascending numeric
(11) Schedule K-1 (Form 1041) Statement (Stmb99) Records if applicable, must be
transmitted in ascending numeric sequence and must trail the corresponding
Schedule K-1.
(14) RECAP Record (REQUIRED): The end of a logical transmission will be signaled
by the literal "RECAPb" Field #0000 of the Record ID) followed by the RECAP
Record data and then the Record Terminus Character.
Note: Do not generate a page of a form or schedule if there are no entries on the page
record. A blank page (Record ID only) will cause the return to reject. (Except in
cases where multiple forms or schedules require that one page be present if the
other is).
The Fixed Length Option requires that the entire tax return be transmitted exactly as
defined in the record layouts, and all fields must be present. If a field contains no data,
it must be blank-filled or zero-filled. A “F” in the Record Type Indicator (Field #0100) of
the Transmission (TRANA) Record should indicate the Fixed Format.
NOTE: Fixed and Variable data should not be submitted in the same transmission.
When the fixed length option is used, the following data field conventions must be
(b) Fields defined, as containing literal values (including embedded blanks) must be
as specified in the Record Layouts. Trailing blanks must be entered.
NOTE: The trailing blanks are not shown in the Record Layouts.
(b) Signed numeric fields (money amounts): Right-justify with leading zeros,
reserving the right-most position for the sign. A blank ( ) indicates a gain and a
minus sign (-) indicates loss.
(c) Signed numeric fields that can also contain literal values: Enter signed numeric
fields as described above. When entering a literal value, left-justify and blank-fill
the field.
The Variable Length Option provides for the transmission of only key fields and
significant data fields within a return record. The TRANA, TRANB, Statement Record,
Summary, RECAP Records, Preparer Note, Election Explanation and Regulatory
Record must be transmitted in a Fixed Format.
(1) A “V” in the Record Type Indicator will indicate the Variable Format
(Field #0100) of the Transmission (TRANA) Record. In this format, the data field is
preceded by the applicable field identification number shown in specific record
layouts. The field identification number is enclosed within square bracket field
delimiters ([ ]).
NOTE: Variable and Fixed data should not be submitted in the same
NOTE: The Record Control Information must precede any variable format
but must not be preceded by Field Numbers.
(2) The Record Control Information and the Record Terminus Character must remain
in Fixed Format. The individual data fields need only contain the significant data
(i.e., no leading zeros or trailing blanks).
bracket "]", and pound sign or hash mark "#" ARE RESERVED AS DELIMITERS
(4) For Variable Length Records the following data field conventions must be followed:
Alphanumeric Fields - Variable Format
1. Left - justify data in field. Do not enter leading blanks. Trailing blanks may be
1. Unsigned numeric fields, leading zeros must be dropped, except for date and
percentage fields.
2. Signed numeric fields (money amounts): Leading zeros may be dropped. For a
positive value, the trailing blank that indicates a gain is dropped. For a negative
value in a field that can contain either a gain or loss, the minus sign ("-") must
be entered in the last position of the signed numeric field.
3. Signed numeric field that can also contain literal values: Enter signed numeric
fields as described above. When entering a literal value, left-justify the field, it is
not necessary to enter trailing blanks.
NOTE: The Byte Count must include the four character Byte Count field,
the record sentinel field and all left/right brackets including the field
Because the individual data fields of the Statement and Summary Records are not
keyed to Field Sequence Numbers, all the data fields must be formatted as fixed
length fields, so the data will appear in the correct positions. If a field contains no
data, it must be blank-filled or zero-filled.
When transmitting in fixed format, each Statement and Summary Record will begin
the Record Control Information (Byte Count and Start of Record Sentinel fields) in
the same fixed format as shown in the Record Layouts. This is followed by the
opening square bracket field delimiter ([), the Record ID, the data fields formatted
as fixed length fields, the closing square bracket field delimiter (]), and the Record
Terminus Character (#).
The first record on each file must be the Transmission (TRANA and TRANB) Record
that will identify the Transmitter, the file format and the specific file being transmitted.
The Transmitter is the firm transmitting directly to the IRS.
The second record is the Return Record. Each tax return must start with a Form 1041
Page 1 and followed by a Form 1041 Page 2, 3 and 4.
If Schedule Records are included in the return they should follow the Form 1041 return
and be the second series of records. Each Schedule Record within a Form 1041
contains a Schedule Occurrence Number (Field #0005 for page 1). The Schedule
Occurrence Number increments by one for each succeeding schedule. If a return
contains several Schedules C and Schedules F, the Schedule C Schedule Occurrence
Number would begin with 0000001 for both pages, incremented by one for each
succeeding Schedule C. The first Schedule F Schedule Occurrence Number would
also begin with 0000001 on both pages 1 and 2 and would also be incremented by one
for each succeeding Schedule F (i.e., 0000002, 0000003, 0000004, etc). Each
schedule page should appear in ascending alphabetical order by schedule type. For
each schedule page filed the appropriate summary count should be incremented.
If Form Records are included in the return they should be the third series of records and
should follow the schedules if present. Each form record within a Form 1041 return
contains a Form Occurrence Number (Field #0005). The Form Occurrence Number
increments by one for each succeeding form. If a return contains several Forms 4562
and Forms 4684, the Form 4562 Form Occurrence Number would begin with 0000001
for both page 1 and 2, incremented by one for each succeeding Form 4562. The first
Form 4684 Form Occurrence Number would also begin with 0000001 on both pages 1
and 2 and would also increment by one for each succeeding Form 4684 (i.e., 0000002,
0000003, 0000004, etc). Forms must be in ascending numeric sequence order.
(1) Statement Records are the series of records after Returns, Schedules, Forms and
Payment Record (if applicable), and can be used only where the Record Layout
specifies "STMbnn". Statement Records are only used WHEN:
a. The number of data items exceeds the number that can be contained in the
Field provided on the electronic form or schedule. Data must be provided on a
separate Statement (STM) Record; or
(2) An optional statement (marked with an asterisk '*' sign in the record layout) or a
required statement (marked with a commercial at sign '@' in record layout) will
contain at least one statement line record if corresponding fields contain significant
data, otherwise the fields should contain blanks.
(4) The first 55 characters of a statement record are a combination of specific data and
reserved fields. The record begins as: 0136, followed by ****. The total bytes for
each line must equal 136.
(5) Each line of a statement must contain the EIN of the primary taxpayer and is
considered a record itself.
(6) The Data Record field begins at position 56 and continues for 80 positions through
position 0135. All 80 positions must be populated. The record concludes at position
0136 with the Record Terminus character.
(7) Each Statement Record is given a sequential number from 001-96. Statement
References 97, 98, and 99 are for Schedules D,J, and K-1, respectively. See
Reject Code 296. References to statements on the tax return must be in ascending
numeric sequence and must be referenced in the same sequence as they appear
on the forms and schedules.
(8) Each Statement Record may have up to 99 pages and each page may consist of
50 lines per page.
(9) The 80 character literal description of data corresponding to any Statement Record
within the return, containing non-tabular data (e.g. Field #0380 in Form 1041), will
begin with line 1. Data should appear left justified as a continuous print line. The
same statement may be continued with additional lines, consecutively numbered,
until a maximum of 50 lines have been formatted for the first page or the end of the
information needed to be formatted as a statement has been reached, whichever
comes first. If additional lines are needed to complete a statement, an additional
page with a maximum of 50 lines may be formatted continuing with the line
numbering sequence starting with line one.
(10) The Statement Record with tabular data may contain column headings (tabular
column titles) spaced with the headings as they would appear on the printed form.
If the sta tement data does not require tabulation, free format is allowed.
Statement (STMb99) – The Statement Record Literal for Schedule K-1 (Form 1041)
must be written as STMb99.
Free form Statement Record for Schedule K-1. The Statement Record for a Schedule
K-1 is used in place of paper attachments to the Schedule K-1. There is only 1
statement (STMb99) per Schedule K-1. The Schedule K-1 sequence range is 0000001-
9999999. Statements Records and the Schedule K-1 must have the same sequence
number and Employer Identification Number (EIN). A Schedule K-1 Statement Record
(STMb99) must trail the corresponding Schedule K-1. The Statement Record (STMb99)
for Schedule K-1 page 1 must trail the corresponding Schedule K-1 page 1. Each
Statement Record may have up to 99 pages and each page may consist of 50 lines per
Example: (STM099)
Schedule K-1 Page 1 00-0000000 Sequence 1
STMb99 Page 1 00-0000000 LN 1 Sequence 1
Note: Statement Records (STM099 and STM100) may have up to 999 pages
with 50 lines per page.
The preparer record is to provide additional voluntary information related to the tax
return but not required to be attached to the return.
The election explanation record can be used when the taxpayer makes an election for
certain tax treatment, status, exception or exemption based on an instruction for the tax
form or in a related tax publication when there is no official IRS form designed for that
The regulatory explanation can be used when the taxpayer cites a specific
regulation for certain tax treatment, status, exception or exemption when there is
no official IRS form designed for that purpose.
The Summary Record or Schedule K-1 Summary Record is the final record for each
Form 1041 tax return. This record will contain filer identification data; counts of the
schedules, forms and statements included in one return; and indicators for paper
documents that are attached to Form 8453-F.
The RECAP Record is the final record in a return file. Fields in this record cross-
reference the transmitter's information from the first record of the Transmission (TRANA
and TRANB) Record. The RECAP Record contains a field that specifies the Total
Return Count (Field #0030) for all the records submitted within the transmission.
Note: The Preparer Note, Election Explanation and Regulatory Explanation Records
are allowed a maximum of 20 pages and 4,000 characters per page.
• The Name Control consists of up to four alpha and /or numeric characters.
• The ampersand (&) and hyphen (-) are the only special characters allowed in the
Name Control.
• The Name Control can have less but no more than four characters.
• Note: Do not include “dba” (doing business as) or “fbo” (for benefit of) as part of
the Name Control.
• Alpha (A – Z)
• Numeric (0 – 9)
• Hyphen ( - )
• Ampersand ( & )
Name(s) Rule
Estates: Estates:
Frank Walnut Estate, Alan WALN The Name Control is the first four
Beech, Exec. characters of the deceased individual's
last name.
Estate of Jan Poplar POPL Note: The decedent's name may be
followed by or preceded by "Estate" on
Homer J. Maple Estate MAPL the name line.
• If the organization name control contains the name of an individual and the words
“Trust” and “Fund” are both present; apply the trust name control rules.
See item a. below.
• When the organization name contains the name of a corporation and the words
“Trust” and “Fund” are both present; apply the corporate name control rules.
See item b. below.
Name(s) Rule
Trusts and Fiduciaries, Trusts and Fiduciaries, cont’d
c. Trust No. 12190 FBO 1219 c. For numbered trusts and GNMA Pools,
Margaret Laurel use the first four digits of the trust
number, disregarding any leading zeros
ABCD Trust No. 1036 and/or trailing alphas. If there are fewer
001036 Elm Bank than four numbers, use enough letters
TTEE from "GNMA" to complete the Name
0020, GNMA POOL 20GN
The following illustrates the various characters that are allowed in electronically filed
.01 ALPHA (A) A - Z Upper case alpha characters only. (Literal - must be in the
exact character string as shown in Section 11 Record Layouts)
(1) Money amount field (N) -12 characters - 11 numeric characters followed by a
minus sign (-) to represent a negative amount, or followed by a blank space to
represent a positive amount.
(2) Percentage Fields for Form 1041 and related forms and schedules are 6 numeric
Must be left-justified, zero-filled and no decimal points entered. (The decimal point is
assumed to be between the third and fourth position).
(3) Zip Code (N) - 12 character numeric field, must be left- justified. If using only 5 Zip
Code characters, the last 7 remaining digits must be either space/blank or zero-filled.
If using only 9 Zip Code characters, the last 3 remaining digits must be space/blank
or zero-filled.
EXAMPLE: nnnnnbbbbbbb
If not present - blank-filled unless otherwise specified in the Record Layout for that
Literal must be the exact character string as shown in Section 11 Record Layouts.
(1) Special Data Characters - Only the following characters can be used in certain
cases: Ampersand (&); Blank ( ) - often shown as "b"; Hyphen (-); Percent (%); Slash
(/); (<) Less Than
(3) Special Symbols and their hexadecimal conversion characters for ASCII and
EBCDIC are below:
NOTE: Some of the above symbols are not permitted in certain fields.
5. For a military overseas address, enter the letters "APO" or "FPO" in the first three
leftmost positions of the City Field.
(See Exhibit for list of valid APO/FPO City/State/Zip Codes).
6. When it is necessary to abbreviate the street address data, see Section 1 for the
recommended abbreviations.
05. CITY
The City Field will be invalid if it contains characters other than alpha or blank for
cities that are not foreign. (The only special character allowed is the blank, but it
must never be the first character). If the name of a city contains two words or
more, only one intervening space is allowed between consecutive words (e.g.,
New York).
The State Abbreviation must be alpha and consistent with the standard state
abbreviations issued by the Postal Service. (See Pages 85 - 87 for the standard
Postal Service State Abbreviations, and Page 87 for the valid City/State/Zip
Code combinations for military personnel with an overseas address). The
abbreviations must be used for the State Abbreviation field and must correspond
with the valid range of the three high order zip code digits for each state.
NOTE: For Foreign Addresses enter a period and a blank (".b") in the State
Code field on the Schedule K-1 (Form 1041).
Zip Code should be left justified. If there are only 5 zip code characters, the last 7
remaining digits may be either blank or zero-filled. If there are only 9 zip code
characters the last 3 remaining digits may be either blank or zero-filled. Zip Codes
must be within the valid range for that state.
Word Abbreviation
and &
Air Force Base AFB
Apartment APT
Avenue AVE
Boulevard BLVD
Building BLDG
Care of, or In Care of %
Circle CIR
Court CT
Drive DR
East E
Fort FT
General Delivery GEN DEL
Heights HTS
Highway HWY
Island IS
Lane LN
Junction JCT
Lodge LDG
North N
Northeast, N.E. NE
Northwest, N.W. NW
One-fourth, One quarter 1/4
One-half 1/2
(all fraction, space before & after the number
e.g., 1012 1/2 ST)
Parkway PKY
Place PL
Post Office Box, P.O. Box PO Box
Route, Rte. RT
Road RD
R.D., Rural Delivery, RFD
R.F.D., R.R., Rural Route RR
South S
Southeast, S.E. SE
Southwest, S.W. SW
Square SQ
Street ST
Terrace TER
West W
NOTE: For a complete listing of acceptable address abbreviations, see Document 7475,
State Abbreviations, Major City Codes and Address Abbreviations.
Alabama AL 350nn-369nn
Alaska AK 995nn-999nn
American Samoa AS 967nn
Arizona AZ 850nn-865nn
Arkansas AR 716nn-729nn,
California CA 900nn-908nn,
Colorado CO 800nn-816nn
Connecticut CT 060nn-069nn
Delaware DE 197nn-199nn
District of Columbia DC 200nn,
Fed. States FM 969nn
of Micronesia
Florida FL 320nn-339nn,
341nn, 342nn,
344nn, 346nn,
347nn, 349nn
Georgia GA 300nn-319nn,
39815, 39834,
Guam GU 969nn
Hawaii HI 967nn-968nn
Idaho ID 832nn-838nn
Illinois IL 600nn-629nn
Indiana IN 460nn-479nn
Iowa IA 500nn-528nn
Kansas KS 660nn-679nn
Kentucky KY 400nn-427nn,
Louisiana LA 700nn-714nn,
Standard Postal Service State Abbreviations and Valid Zip Code range(s).
Maine ME 039nn-049nn
Marshall Isl. MH 969nn
Maryland MD 206nn-219nn
Massachusetts MA 010nn-027nn,
Michigan MI 480nn-499nn
Minnesota MN 550nn-567nn
Mississippi MS 386nn-397nn
Missouri MO 630nn-658nn
Montana MT 590nn-599nn
Nebraska NE 680nn-693nn
Nevada NV 889nn-898nn
New Hampshire NH 030nn-038nn
New Jersey NJ 070nn-089nn
New Mexico NM 870nn-884nn
New York NY 004nn, 005nn
North Carolina NC 270nn-289nn
North Dakota ND 580nn-588nn
N. Mariana Isl. MP 969nn
Ohio OH 430nn-459nn
Oklahoma OK 730nn-732nn,
Oregon OR 970nn-979nn
Palau PW 969nn
Pennsylvania PA 150nn-196nn
Puerto Rico PR 006nn-007nn,
Rhode Island RI 028nn-029nn
South Carolina SC 290nn-299nn
South Dakota SD 570nn-577nn
Tennessee TN 370nn-385nn
Texas TX 733nn,
Utah UT 840nn-847nn
Vermont VT 050nn-054nn,
Virginia VA 20041, 20301,
20370, 201nn,
Virgin Isl. VI 008nn
Washington WA 980nn-986nn,
West Virginia WV 247nn-268nn
Wisconsin WI 49936,
Wyoming WY 820nn-831nn
This Table provides the acceptable foreign country code that may be entered
on Form 1041 returns with foreign addresses.
Foreign Countries
If Alpha Country
Then Insert the Following Country
Code is…
AA Aruba
AC Antigua & Barbuda
AE United Arab Emirates
AF Afghanistan
AG Algeria
AJ Azerbaijan
AL Albania
AM Armenia
AN Andorra
AO Angola
AR Argentina
AS Australia
AT Ashmore & Cartier Is
AU Austria
AV Anguilla
AX Akrotiri Sov Base Area
AY Antarctica
BA Bahrain
BB Barbados
BC Botswana
BD Bermuda
BE Belgium
BF The Bahamas
BG Bangladesh
BH Belize
BK Bosna-Herzegovina
BL Bolivia
BM Burma
BN Benin
BO Belarus
BP Solomon Islands
BQ Navassa Island
BR Brazil
BS Bassas da India
BT Bhutan
BU Bulgaria
BV Bouvet Island
BX Brunei
BY Burundi
CA Canada
CB Cambodia
CD Chad
CE Sri Lanka
CF Congo
CG Dem Rep of Congo
CH China
CI Chile
CJ Cayman Islands
CK Cocos Island
CM Cameroon
CN Comoros
CO Columbia
CR Coral Sea Islands Territory
CS Costa Rica
CT Central African Republic
CU Cuba
CV Cape Verde
CW Cook Islands
CY Cyprus
DA Denmark
DJ Djibouti
DO Dominica
DQ Jarvis Island
DR Dominican Republic
DX Dhekelia Sov Base Area
EC Ecuador
EG Egypt
EI Ireland
EK Equatorial Guinea
EN Estonia
ER Eritrea
ES El Salvador
ET Ethiopia
EU Europa Island
EZ Czech Republic
FG French Guiana
FI Finland
FJ Fiji
FK Falkland Islands
FO Faroe Islands
FP French Polynesia
FQ Baker Island
FR France
FS Fr Southern & Antarctic Lands
GA The Gambia
GB Gabon
GG Georgia
GH Ghana
GI Gibraltar
GJ Grenada
GK Guernsey
GL Greenland
GM Germany
GO Glorioso Islands
GP Guadeloupe
GR Greece
GT Guatemala
GV Guinea
GY Guyana
GZ Gaza Strip
HA Haiti
HK Hong Kong
HM Heard Is & McDonald Is
HO Honduras
HQ Howland Island
HR Croatia
HU Hungary
IC Iceland
ID Indonesia
IM Isle of Man
IN India
IO British Indian Ocean Terr
IP Clipperton Islands
IR Iran
IS Israel
IT Italy
IV Cote d’Ivoire
IZ Iraq
JA Japan
JE Jersey
JM Jamaica
JN Jan Mayen
JO Jordan
JQ Johnston Atoll
JU Juan de Nova Island
KE Kenya
KG Kyrgyzstan
KN Dem People’s Rep of Korea
KQ Kingman Reef
KR Kiribati
KS Republic of Korea
KT Christmas Island
KU Kuwait
KZ Kazakhstan
LA Laos
LE Lebanon
LG Latvia
LH Lithuania
LI Liberia
LO Slovakia
LQ Palmyra Atoll
LS Liechtenstein
LT Lesotho
LU Luxembourg
LY Libya
MA Madagascar
MB Martinique
MC Macau
MD Moldova
MF Mayotte
MG Mongolia
MH Montserrat
MI Malawi
MJ Montenegro
MK Macedonia
ML Mali
MN Monaco
MO Morocco
MP Mauritius
MQ Midway Islands
MR Mauritania
MT Malta
MU Oman
MV Maldives
MX Mexico
MY Malaysia
MZ Mozambique
NC New Caledonia
NE Niue
NF Norfolk Island
NG Niger
NH Vanuatu
NI Nigeria
NL Netherlands
NO Norway
NP Nepal
NR Nauru
NS Suriname
NT Netherlands Antilles
NU Nicaragua
NZ New Zealand
PA Paraguay
PC Pitcairn Is lands
PE Peru
PF Paracel Islands
PG Spratly Islands
PK Pakistan
PL Poland
PM Panama
PO Portugal
PP Papua New Guinea
PU Guinea-Bissau
QA Qatar
RB Serbia
RE Reunion
RO Romania
RP Philippines
RS Russia
RW Rwanda
SA Saudi Arabia
SB St Pierre & Miquelon
SC St Kitts
SE Seychelles
SF South Africa
SG Senegal
SH St Helena
SI Slovenia
SL Sierra Leone
SM San Marino
SN Singapore
SO Somalia
SP Spain
ST St Lucia
SU Sudan
SV Svalbard
SW Sweden
SX S Georgia & S Sandwich Is
SY Syria
SZ Switzerland
TD Trinidad and Tobago
TE Tromelin Island
TH Thailand
TI Tajikistan
TK Turks & Caicos Islands
TL Tokelau
TN Tonga
TO Togo
TP Sao Tome and Principe
TS Tunisia
TT East Timor
TU Turkey
TV Tuvalu
TW Taiwan
TX Turkmenistan
TZ Tanzania
UG Uganda
UK Great Britain
UP Ukraine
UV Burkina Faso
UY Uruguay
UZ Uzbekistan
VC St Vincent & Grenadines
VE Venezuela
VI British Virgin Islands
VM Vietnam
VT Vatican City
WA Namibia
WE West Bank
WF Wallis and Futuna
WI Western Sahara
WQ Wake Island
WS Western Samoa
WZ Swaziland
XA Ascension
XC Channel Islands
XE England
XI Aland Island
XM Myanmar
XN Northern Ireland
XR Slovak Republic
XS Scotland
XT Tristan Da Cunha
XW Wales
XY Canary Islands
XZ Azores
YI Yugoslavia
YM Yemen
ZA Zambia
ZI Zimbabwe
2. If the entire transmission is rejected by the Unisys programs, the ACK File will
contain the following :
b. One ACK Record Set consisting of an ACK Key Record with a “T” in the
Acceptance Code Field, and one ACK Error Record containing all transmission
reject errors related to this transmission.
3. If the transmission is accepted, the Acknowledgement File will contain the following:
a. The ACK Key Record contains information to identify the return it represents, plus
a field to indicate how many (if any) ACK Error Records follow. See the
Acknowledgement Key Record Layout for the Values of the Acceptance Code.
b. If present, each ACK Error Record will contain data defining the Form Record
Number, the Form Occurrence for multiple occurrences of forms or schedules, the
Field Sequence Number, and the Error Reject Code describing the specific error
encountered – for up to eight unique errors.
5. Any tax return with an “A” in the Acceptance Reject Code Field has been accepted as
a filed tax return and will be processed in the same manner as a return submitted as a
paper document. This does not imply that the return will pass all IRS Service Center
validity checks or post to the IRS Master File without delays.
6. If an ACK KEY Record contains a “R” in the Acceptance Code Field, the return has
been rejected due to a fatal error involving the return format, internal consistency, or
data errors in a key field, and must be corrected and resubmitted to the IRS to be
considered as a filed return.
7. If an ACK KEY Record contains a “D” in the Acceptance Code Field, the return has
been identified as a duplicate record, (i.e., a return record has previously been
transmitted and accepted for the Primary EIN) or 2 or more returns with the same
Primary EIN have been submitted on one transmission.
8. Up to 96, three –position, Reject Codes may be furnished to the Electronic Filer on
the ACK Error Record(s). Filers should use these Error Reject Codes to determine
the source of the error causing the return or transmission to reject. Error Reject Code
“999” is generated if more than the maximum number of reject conditions (96) are
9. Error Reject Codes and references to validation criteria related to the errors are listed
in SECTION 7. Filers should use this information to resolve reject conditions. When a
condition cannot be resolved with the information provided, the filer should contact the
Electronic Filing Unit at the Ogden IRS Center for assistance at
(866) 255-0654.
1. After the FEPS has verified that the transmitter is an authorized user and after a
VALID logon, the following messages are sent from the FEPS back to the
NOTE: The default is N, to receive ackno wledgment files, you must enter "Y" or
"y", followed by carriage return "<cr>" to override. If not, you will be disconnected
because it is a requirement of IRS e-file to pick up ACK Files timely. The next time
you logon, you will be sent a Communications Error Acknowledgment File with the
following message:
4. The transmitter should match the Acknowledgment File back to the original file
transmitted by using the IRS-assigned file name, a combination of ETIN and
sequence number. If no ACK File is received, call the Help Desk to be sure that
there is not a processing delay. Any electronically transmitted return which is not
acknowledged by the Service has NOT been accepted for processing, and must
be resubmitted and acknowledged as accepted before it is considered a filed
5. When a return has been rejected after three attempts, contact the Electronic
Filing Unit Help Desk at the Ogden IRS Center for assistance.
0010 Client ID 3 N
2. Example of Rejected Refund Return (Address field missing on Form 1041 – Reject
Code 224):
The Electronic Filing System (EFS) also validates the Transmission (TRANA and
TRANB) Records. The following Error Reject Codes (ERC) and Validation Criteria
pertain to the TRANA and TRANB Records only. The error reject code values will be
generated and listed on the Acknowledgment Report whenever an invalid condition is
012 If the transmission date (Field #0050) on the Transmission (TRANA) record
is not valid.
034 If Record ID or TYPE or Page Number are not valid on all records within the
(Fixed and Variable Length Data)
052 Field Number is not four characters in length, or missing right bracket.
(Variable Length data only)
The following Reject Codes and validation criteria pertain to the Payment Record.
066 If the Payment Ein (Field #0003) does not match the data from the 1041
EIN (Field #0003) tax return record.
068 If the daytime telephone number (Field #0090) does not contain te n (10)
numeric characters or contain all zeros.
072 If the first two characters of the RTN (Field #0030) are not in the valid range
“01-12 or 21-32”.
074 If the RTN (Field #0030) is not present on the Financial Organizational
Master file.
076 The Bank Account Number (Field #0040) may no t be blank or contain other
than the allowed values.
Valid Values: A-Z; 0-9; or “-”, or spaces.
078 If Bank Account Type (Field #0050) is not equal to “1” or “2”.
080 If the payment amount (Field #0060) does not contain only numeric
characters and is not greater than zero.
082 If the payment amount (Field #0060) does not equal the Net Tax Due
Amount (Field 0780) of the 1041 tax return.
083 If the Payment Record is present, Field 0080 must equal the current processing
084 If the 1041 tax return is rejected then the payment record is rejected.
086 If the payment record is rejected then the 1041 tax return is rejected.
The following Reject Codes and validation criteria pertain to the Form 1041 and Schedule
k-1, Statements and all other Forms and Schedules.
102 If the Tax Period (Field #0005), Form 1041 is not in the valid format.
(See the instructions on Page 71).
104 If the Tax Period (Field #0005), on Form 1041 Return Record is equal to
200612 and the Fiscal year ending (Field #0020) on the Return Record is not
equal to December 31, 2006 (20061231) or spaces.
106 If the Tax Period (Field #0005) on Form 1041 is within the valid range, and the
Fiscal Year Ending (Field #0020) is not in the range.
108 If the Tax Period (Field #0005), Form 1041 is a valid Fiscal Year and the Fiscal
Year Beginning (Field #0010) or Fiscal Year Ending (Field #0020) on Form
1041 is equal to blanks.
VALID TAX PERIOD: 200701, 200702, 200703, 200704, 200705, 200706
110 E-file does not allow a Tax Period (Field #0005 on Form 1041) of 200707 or
115 If Form 1041, page 1, Field 0005 is equal to nnnn12, then Schedule K-1,
Fields 0010 and 0020 must equal to blank.
120 If the return is a short period return (Form 1041 fields 0010, 0020 < twelve months)
and the Initial Return (Field #0210) and Final Return (Field #0220)) on Form
1041, Page 1 are both blank.
122 The Employer Identification Number and the Name Control on the return do not
match information on the IRS National Account Profile database.
Exception: This reject code will not apply when using the following EIN range
during BATS only: Valid range: 41-0000001 through 41-0001000.
Tax Period:
(1) The valid tax periods for Tax Year 2006 are:
(2) The Tax Period, Field #0005 in the Return Record is composed of a numeric month
and year of the Calendar/Fiscal Year Ending for which the return is being filed. The
format is YYYYMM (YY=year and MM=month).
Example: A return with a Fiscal Year Ending of February 15, 2007 will be assigned a
Tax Period of 200702. Returns filed under the 52-53 week rule may end not more than 6
days before or more than 3 days after the close of the month. They should be assigned a
Fiscal Year Ending based on that month (i.e., if the ending date is June 3, 2007, the Tax
Period field will be 200705 or if the ending date is June 25, 2007, the Tax Period is
123 If the Tax Period (Field 0006) of Form 8913 is not a valid tax period.
Valid tax periods are: Calendar Year Returns: 200612.
Fiscal Year Returns: 200701 through 200706.
148 If the Schedule Occurrence Number (Field #0005) on Page 1 of a schedule is not
in ascending, numeric sequence and within the valid range.
150 If the Schedule Occurrence Number on Page 2 of a schedule is not equal to the
Schedule Occurrence Number (Field #0005) on Page 1 of a schedule.
162 If the EIN is not nine numeric characters. The first two (2) positions of the EIN
must represent a valid EIN prefix equal to one of the following:
01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51,
52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72,
73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,
97, 98, 99
164 The Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the 1041 Record ID (Field 0003)
must be present and equal to the EIN of the Record ID on all multiple pages of
forms, schedules, and statement records within the return.
170 All digits o f the Employer Identification Number (EIN) cannot be the
same numbers. (e.g. 999999999, 888888888, 777777777, etc.)
174 The Beneficiary’s Identifying Number (Field #0180) on the Schedule K-1, Page
1, must be numeric or equal to the literal “APPLD FOR” or “FORM1042S”.
175 The Preparers Taxpayer Identification Number, SSN or PTIN (Field #0850)
on Form 1041 must be in the following format if significant:
If PTIN - VALID FORMAT: Pnnnnnnnn - The first position must always contain
a “P” followed by 8 numerics, and not equal to all zeroes or all nines.
If SSN - must be numeric and cannot be all zeroes or all nines
192 All date Fields must be in the valid format and fall within the valid range.
NOTE: Fiscal year returns have a different valid range than the range shown
below. See Reject Codes 106 and 108.
196 If the Fiscal Year Beginning (Field #0010) and the Fiscal Year Ending (Field
#0020) on Form 1041 is significant and the year digits of the Fiscal Year
Ending is less than the year digit of the Fiscal Beginning.
200 The first position of the Name Control (Field #0030) on Form 1041, Page 1
must be valid and left-justified.
202 The second, third and fourth positions of the Name Control (Field #0030) if
present, must consist of only valid characters.
204 The Name Control (Field #0030) on Form 1041, Page 1, may have a maximum
of four characters and a minimum of two characters. Spaces, if applicable, are
allowed only in positions three and four.
206 The Name Control (Field #0030) on Form 1041, Page 1 must not be equal to
zeros if the name line (Field #0060) on the return record is equal to “GNMA”,
Name Line Fields #0060, #0070, #0190, on the Schedule K-1 must be present.
210 The first Name Line (Field #0060) on Form 1041, Page 1, must be
left-justified and significant. (Leading space or spaces are not allowed)
Name Line Fields #0060, #0070, and #0190 on the Schedule K-1 must be left-
justified and significant.
212 The first Name Line (Field #0060) on Form 1041, Page 1, must contain only
valid characters.
Name Line Fields #0060, #0070, and #0190 on the Schedule K-1 must contain
only valid characters.
Name Line Fields #0060, #0070, and #0190 on the Schedule K-1 must not
have two (2) or more consecutive embedded spaces.
218 The second Name Line (Field #0080) on Form 1041, Page 1, must be left-
221 The second Name Line (Field #0080) on Form 1041, Page 1, must contain only
valid characters.
“If Form 1041, page 1, field 0085 (In care of Name Line) is significant, the
characters must consist only of any of the following valid characters:
222 The second Name Line (Field #0080) on Form 1041, Page 1, must not have
two (2) or more consecutive embedded spaces.
If significant, Form 1041, page 1, field #0085 (In care of Name Line), must not
have two (2) or more consecutive embedded spaces.
The Street Address (Field #0210, Field #0090) on Schedule K-1 must be
226 The Street Address (Fields #0090, #0095, and #0097) on Form 1041, Page 1,
must be left-justified.
230 The Street Address (Field #0090) on Form 1041, Page 1, must contain only
valid characters.
The Street Address (Field #0210) on Schedule K-1 must contain only valid
VALID CHARACTERS: A-Z (Alpha), 0-9 (Numeric), Hyphen (-), Slash (/) or blanks
231 If Form 1041, Fields #0095 or #0097 (Foreign Address Lines) are significant,
then Form 1041, Field #0110 (State) must be equal to “.b” (period, space), and
Form 1041, Field #0115 must be significant.
232 The Street Address (Field #0090, #0095, and #0097) on Form 1041, Page 1,
must not have two (2) or more consecutive embedded spaces.
The Street Address (Field #0210) on Schedule K-1 must not have two (2) or
more consecutive embedded spaces.
236 The City (Field #0100) on Form 1041, Page 1, must contain only valid
The City (Field #0220) on Schedule K-1 must contain only valid characters.
NOTE: FOREIGN ADDRESSES: City Fields 0100 (Form 1041) and 0220 (K-1) may
be Numeric when State Fields of the same record (0110 for Form 1041 and 0230
of K-1) are equal to “.b”.
238 The City (Field #0100) on Form 1041, Page 1, must not contain two (2) or more
consecutive embedded spaces.
The City (Field #0220) on Schedule K-1 must not contain two (2) or more
consecutive embedded spaces.
240 The City (Field #0100) on Form 1041, Page 1, must be present unless the
State (Field #0110), Form 1041, Page 1, is equal to “.b”.
The City (Field #0220, Field #0100) on Schedule K-1 must be present.
The State Code (Field #0110) on Form 1041, Page 1 must be left justified.
250 The State Code (Fields #0230, #0110) on Schedule K-1 must be left justified.
The State Code (Field #0230, Field #0110) on Schedule K-1 must be valid or
equal to ".". It may not be blank.
252 If Form 1041, Field #0115 is significant, then Form 1041, Field # 0090 (Street
Address-Domestic) must be blank, and Field #0110 (State) must be equal
to “.b” (period, space).
The Zip Code (Field #0240, Field #0120) on Schedule K-1 must be numeric.
258 The Zip Code must be valid and must be a valid State/Zip Code combination.
(For valid Zip Codes please refer to SECTION 5, Pages 49 - 51 of this
NOTE: The valid range for the last two digits of the 5 digit Zip Code is 01- 99.
260 If Form 1041, Field 0303 is equal to X, then Field 0307 must be significant and
have the year (first 4 characters) equal to the current tax year, i.e. 2006.
270 If significant, money amount field must be numeric. Refer to record layout
for specific field numbers.
272 All money amount Fields marked with 3 asterisks (***) in the Record Layouts
(Field Description) must be numeric and contain only positive money
Schedule F 0700
Form 4684 0060, 0150, 0240, 0330, 0550, 0640, 0730, 0820
0900, 0910, 0940, 0950, 0970, 0980, 1060, 1070
1100, 1110, 1130, 1140
282 A field marked with an “@” or a “*” must be equal to “STM nn” (nn=01-99),
blanks or literal as stated in the record layouts.
284 The page number (Field #0002) on the Statement Record must be equal to
“PG01” – “PG99”.(Exception for Schedule D, Schedule J and Schedule K-1)
286 The page number (Field #0002) on the Statement Record must be in
ascending, numeric, consecutive order.
288 The line number (Field #0010) on the Statement Record must be in
consecutive ascending numeric sequence starting with one (1) and
incremented by one (1) but not exceed fifty (50).
New: 294 On Form 4136, if any of the fields listed below are significant, the entry must be
equal to “Bus”. Fields: 3199, 3239, 3299, 3359, 3419, 3479, 3539.
Schedule D………STM 97
Schedule J……….STM 98
Schedule K-1…….STM 99
301 If the following Field(s) of Schedule C record contains a significant entry, then
the corresponding Field must contain “STM nn”.
302 If the following Field(s) of Schedule F record contains a significant entry, then
the corresponding Field must contain “STM nn”:
303 If the following Field(s) of Form 4136 record contains a significant entry, then
the corresponding Field must contain “STM nn”:
304 If the following Field(s) of Form 4835 record contains a significant entry, then
the corresponding Field must contain “STM nn”.
305 If the following Field of Form 2210F record contains a significant entry, then the
corresponding Field must contain “STM nn)”.
306 If the following Field(s) of Form 4562 record contains a significant entry, then
the corresponding Field must contain “STM nn”:
307 If the following Field(s) of Form 3468 record contains a significant entry, then
the corresponding Field must contain “STM nn”:
308 If the following Field(s) of Form 1041 contains a significant entry, then the
corresponding Field must contain “STM nn”:
Revised….309 If any of the following Field(s) of Form 6765 record contains a significant entry,
then the corresponding Field must contain “S TM nn”:
311 If the following Field(s) of Form 2210 contains a significant entry, then the
corresponding Field must contain “STM nn”:
312 If the following Fields(s) of Form 1116 record contains a significant entry, then
the corresponding Field must contain “STM nn”:
313 If any of the following fields on Form 3800 contain a valid entry other than zeroes
or spaces, the corresponding field must contain “STM nn”:
314 If the following Field(s) of Form 6252 record contains a significant entry, then the
corresponding Field must contain “STM nn”:
315 If any of the following fields on Form 6478 contain a valid entry other than zeroes
or spaces, the corresponding field must contain “STM nn”:
316 If the following Field(s) of Form 8824 record contains a significant entry, then
the corresponding Field must contain “STM nn”:
317 If the following Field(s) of Form 8829 record contains a significant entry, then
the corresponding Field must contain “STM nn”:
318 The following Fields on the Return, Schedules and Forms must contain no
significant data (NO ENTRY FIELDS).
Schedule C 0010
Schedule E 0750-0780
(Revision in Form 3800 0040, 0090, 0100, 0110, 0120, 0570, 0600,
Bold) 0610, 0620, 0630, 0640, 0650, 0685, 0800, 0840
1070, 1080, 1090, 1180, 1190
318 The following Fields on the Return, Schedules and Forms must
(Continued) contain no significant data (NO ENTRY FIELD).
319 If Form 8913, Field #0600 is significant, then Form 8913 Fields #0580 and
#0590, must also be significant.
320 If Form 8913, Field #0600 is significant, then Form 1041, Field #0705, must
also be significant.
321 If Form 1041, Field #0705 is significant, then Form 8913 must be present.
322 The following Fields are designated as “X” or blank and must contain either
“X” or blank.
322 The following Fields are designated as “X” or blank and must contain
(Continued) either an “X” or blank.
Summary 0070
The following Reject Codes and validation criteria pertain to the Summary Record.
328 If the total number of logical records on the Summary Record (to include the
Summary Record), (Field #0130) is not equal to the IRS count of logical records
within the return.
330 If the total number of Schedule C records on the Summary Record (Fields
#0364 and 0366) is not equal to the IRS count of logical records within the
331 If the total number of Schedule C-EZ records on the Summary record
(Field #0368) is not equal to the IRS count of Schedule C-EZ records within
the return.
334 If the count of Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 1 on the Summary record
(Field #0388) is not equal to the IRS count for Schedule H (Form 1040), Page
1 records within the return.
335 If the count for Schedule H (Form 1040), page 2 on the Summary Record
(Field #0389) is not equal to the IRS count for Schedule H (Form 1040), Page
2 records within the return.
336 If the total number of Schedule E records on the Summary Record (Fields #0380
and #0385) is not equal to the IRS count of Schedule E records within the return.
338 If the count for Schedule F, Page 1, on the Summary Record (Fields #0386 and
#0387) is not equal to the IRS count of Schedule F, Page 1, records within the
340 If the count for Schedule J records on the Summary Record (Fields #0390 and
#0395) is not equal to the IRS count of Schedule J records within the return.
342 If the total number of Statements on the Summary record (Field #0400) is not
equal to the IRS count of Number of Statement Records (excluding Schedules
D, J and K-1 Statement Records).
344 If the total number of Schedule K-1 records on the Summary Record (Field #430)
is not equal to the IRS count of Schedule K-1 records within the return.
350 If the total number of STM 99 records which correspond to Schedule K-1
records on the Summary Record (Field #0440) is not equal to the IRS count of
STM 99 records within the return.
351 If the count for Form 3800, page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0202) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 3800, Page 1 records within the return.
352 If the count for Form 3800, page 2 on the Summary Record (Field #0203) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 3800, Page 2 records within the return.
353 If the count for Form 1116, Page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0150) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 1116, Page 1 records within the return.
354 If the count for Form 1116, Page 2 on the Summary Record (Field #0160) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 1116, Page 2 records within the return.
356 If the count for Form 2210, Page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0170) is
not equal to the IRS count for Form 2210, Page 1 records within the return.
358 If the count for Form 2210, Page 2 on the Summary Record (Field #0180) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 2210, Page 2 records within the return.
360 If the count for Form 2210, page 3 on the Summary Record (Field #0190) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 2210, Page 3 records within the return.
361 If the count for Form 2210, page 4 on the Summary Record (Field #0192) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 2210, Page 4 records within the return.
362 If the count for Form 2210-F, Page 1 on the Summary Record (Field # 0194) is
not equal IRS count for Form 2210-F records withi n the return.
363 If the count for Form 2439, page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0196) is not
equal to IRS count for Form 2439, Page 1 records within the return.
364 If the count for Form 3468, Page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0200) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 3468, Page 1 records within the return.
365 If the count for Form 4255, Page 1, on the Summary Record (Field #0210)
is not equal to the IRS count of Form 4255, Page 1, records within the return.
366 If the count for Form 4562, page 1, on the Summary Record (Field #0220)
is not equal to the IRS count for Form 4562, Page 1, records within the return.
368 If the count for Form 4562, Page 2, on the Summary Record (Field #0230) is not
equal to the IRS count fo r Form 4562, Page 2, records within the return.
370 If the count for Form 4684, Page 1, on the Summary Record (Field #0240) is
not equal to the count of Form 4684, Page 1, records within the return.
372 If the count for Form 4684, Page 2, on the Summary Record (Field #0250) is not
equal to the IRS count of Form 4684, Page 2, records within the return.
374 If the count for Form 4797, Page 1, on the Summary Record (Field #0260) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 4797, Page 1, records within the return.
375 If the count for Form 5884A, Page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0287) is
not equal to the IRS count for Form 5884A, Page 1 records within the return.
376 If the count for Form 4797, Page 2, on the Summary Record (Field #0270) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 4797, Page 2 records within the return.
377 If the count for Form 4835, Page 1 on the Summary Record (Field # 0275) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 4835, Page 1 records within the return.
378 If the count for Form 4952, Page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0280) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 4952, Page 1 records within the return.
379 If the count for Form 5884, Page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0286) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 5884, Page 1 records within the return.
380 If the count for Form 6198, page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0290) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 6198, page 1 records within the return.
381 If the count for Form 6252, Page 1, on the Summary Record (Field #0295) is not
equal to the IRS count of Form 6252, Page 1, records within the return.
382 If the count for Form 8271 on the Summary Record (Field #0303) is not equal to
the IRS count of Form 8271 records within the return.
386 If the count for Form 8582, Page 1, on the Summary Record (Field #0310) is not
equal to the IRS count of Form 8582, Page 1, records within the return.
387 If the count for Form 4970, Page 1, on the Summary Record (Field #0282) is
not equal to the IRS count of Form 4970, Page 1, records within the return.
388 If the count for Form 4972, Page 1, on the Summary Record (Field #0284) is
not equal to the IRS count of Form 4972, Page 1 records within the return.
389 If the count for Form 6478, Page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0296) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 6478, Page 1 records within the return.
390 If the count for Form 8582-CR, Page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0320) is
not equal to the IRS count of Form 8582-CR, page 1 records within the return.
391 If the count for Form 8582-CR, Page 2 on the Summary Record (Field #0330) is
not equal to the IRS count of Form 8582-CR, page 2 records within the return.
392 If the count for Form 8801, Page 1, on the Summary Record (Field #0340) is
not equal to the IRS count of Form 8801, page 1 records within the return.
393 If the count for Form 8081, Page 2, on the Summary Record (Field #0345) is
not equal to the IRS count of Form 8081, Page 2 records within the return.
394 If the count for Form 8824, Page 1, on the Summary Record (Field # 0350)
is not equal to the IRS count for Form 8824, Page 1, records within the return.
396 If the count for Form 8824, Page 2, on the Summary Record (Field #0355) is
not equal to the IRS count for Form 8824, Page 2, records within the return.
397 If the count for Form 8582, Page 2 on the Summary Record (Field #0313) is
not equal to the IRS count of Form 8582, Page 2 records within the return.
398 If the count for Form 8829, Page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0356) is
not equal to the IRS count for Form 8829, Page 1 records within the return.
399 If the count for Form 8582, Page 3 on the Summary Record (Field #0316) is
not equal to the IRS count of Form 8582, Page 3 records within the return.
400 If the count for the Payment record on the Summary Record (Field #0360) is
not equal to the IRS count for the Payment Record Page 1, records within the
402 If the count for form 6765, Page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0297) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 6765, Page 1 records within the return.
404 If the count for Form 6765, Page 2 on the Summary Record (Field #0298) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 6765, Page 2 records within the return.
406 If the count for Form 8586, Page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0331) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 8586, Page 1 records within the return.
408 If the count for Form 8609-A, Page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0335) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 8609-A, Page 1 records within the return.
410 If the count for Form 8820, Page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0346) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 8820, Page 1 records within the return.
420 To validate the entry in Field #0442 of the Summary Report to accept only “NY”
or Blank.
422 If the count for Form 4136, Page 1, on the Summary Record (Field #0204) is not
equal to the IRS count of Form 4136, Page 1, records within the return.
423 If the count for Form 4136, Page 2, on the Summary Record (Field #0206) is not
equal to the IRS count of Form 4136, Page 2, records within the return.
424 If the count for Form 4136, Page 3, on the Summary Record (Field #0204) is not
equal to the IRS count of Form 4136, Page 3, records within the return.
425 If the count for Form 4136, Page 4, on the Summary Record (Field #0206) is not
equal to the IRS count of Form 4136, Page 4, records within the return.
430 If the count for Form 8082, page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0299) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 8082, page 1 records within the return.
431 If the count for Form 8082, page 2 on the Summary Record (Field #0300) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 8082, page 2 records within the return.
432 If the count for Form 8275, page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0304) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 8275, page 1 records within the return.
433 If the count for Form 8275, page 2 on the Summary Record (Field #0305) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 8275, page 2 records within the return.
434 If the count for Form 8275-R, page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0306) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 8275-R, page 1 records within the return.
435 If the count for Form 8275-R, page 2 on the Summary Record (Field #0307) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 8275-R, page 2 records within the return.
436 If the count for Form 8886, page 1 on the Summary Record (Field #0358) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 8886, page 1 records within the return.
437 If the count for Form 8886, page 2 on the Summary Record (Field #0359) is not
equal to the IRS count for Form 8082, page 2 records within the return.
438 If the count for Form 8860 on the Summary Record (Field #0336) is not equal to
the IRS count for Form 8860 records within the return.
439 If the count for Form 8864 on the Summary Record (Field #0337) is not equal to
the IRS count for Form 8864 records within the return.
440 If the count for Form 8874 on the Summary Record (Field #0338) is not equal to
the IRS count for Form 8874 records within the return.
441 If the count for Form 8881 on the Summary Record (Field #0339) is not equal to
the IRS count for Form 8881 records within the return.
442 If the count for Form 8882 on the Summary Record (Field #0347) is not equal to
the IRS count for Form 8882 records within the return.
443 If the count for Form 8896 on the Summary Record (Field #0348) is not equal to
the IRS count for Form 8896 records within the return.
447 If the count for Form 8913 on the Summary Record (Field #0360) is not equal to
the IRS count for Form 8913 records within the return.
450 If the count for Preparer Note records on the Summary Record, (Field #0455) is
not equal to the IRS count for Preparer Note records within the return.
451 If the count for Election Explanation records on the Summary Record, (Field
#0456) is not equal to the IRS count for Election Explanation records within the
452 If the count for Regulatory Explanation records on the Summary Record, (Field
#0457) is not equal to the IRS count for Regulatory Explanation records within the
480 If year of Electronic Postmark Date (Field #0520) of the Summary Record is
present, then Year of Electronic Postmark Date must equal to the current
processing year. (Note: For BATS testing, use of field 0520 is optional. It can
be blank. For Production, use a 2006 date.)
490 If one of the three (3) fields on the Summary Record is present (Field #0520,
#0530, #0540), then all the following fields must be present: Electronic
Postmark Date (Field #0520), Electronic Postmark Time(#0530) and Electronic
Postmark Time Zone (Field #540).
495 The following records have a maximum limit of 20 pages each (Field 0002):
Preparer Note, Election Explanation, and Regulatory Explanation.
The following Reject Codes and validation criteria pertain to Consistency Checks.
500 If Form 3800, Field #0020 (Investment Credit) is significant, the entry must equal
Form 3468, Field #0410 (Current Year Credit).
501 If Form 3800, Field #0030 (Work Opportunity Credit) is significant, the entry must
equal Form 5884, Field #0120 (Subtract Line 5 from Line 4).
504 If Form 3800, Field #0060 (Current Year Credit for Increasing Research
(Revised) Activities) is significant, the entry must equal Form 6765, Field #0760 (Subtract
Line 45 from Line 44).
505 If Form 3800, Field #0070 (Current Year Low-Income Housing Credit) is
significant, the entry must equal Form 8586, Field #0150 (Subtract Line 6 from
Line 5).
511 If Form 3800, Field #0130 (Current Year Orphan Drug Credit) is significant, the
entry must equal form 8820, Field #0070 (Subtract Line 5 from Line 4).
512 If Form 3800, Field #1140 (Tentative Minimum Tax) is significant, the entry must
equal Form 1041, Field #2130 (Tentative Minimum Tax)
513 If Form 3800 is present and Field #1030 (Alternative Minimum Tax) is significant,
then Form 1041 Page 4, Field #2170 (Alternative Minimum Tax) must also be
514 If Form 3800, Field #1200 (General Business Credit Allowed for Current Year)
is significant, then Form 1041 Page 2, Field #1260 (General Business Credit
Check Form 3800) must equal “X” and Field #1290 (General Business Credit)
(Revised) must equal Form 3800, Field #1200, unless Form 6478 is present.
550 On Form 3800, if Field 0705 (Credits for Employers Affected by Hurricanes
Katrina, Rita, or Wilma) is significant, then Form 5884-A must be present.
551 If Form 3800, Field #0705 (Credits for Employers Affected by Hur ricanes Katrina,
Rita, or Wilma) is significant, the entry must equal the sum of Form 5884-A,
Fields #0045 (1041 Portion) and #0125 (1041 Portion).
554 If Form 3800, Field #0580 (Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Fuels Credit) is
significant, the e ntry must equal Form 8864, Field # 0210.
556 If Form 3800, Field 0540 is significant, the entry must equal the amount on Form
8874, Field 0360.
558 If Form 3800, Field 0550 is significant, the entry must equal the amount on Form
8881, Field 0060.
559 If Form 3800, Field #0560 (Employer-Provided Child Care Facilities and
Services) is significant, the entry must equal Form 8882, Field # 0160.
562 If Form 3800, Field 0590 is significant, the entry must equal the amount on Form
8896, Field 0210.
584 If Form 6252 is present and Field #0055 (Property Sold to Related Party – No
Box) equals “X”, Field #0060 (Market Security – Yes Box) and
Field #0065 (Market Security – No Box) must both be blank.
585 If Form 6478 is present and Field #0250 (Alternative Minimum Tax) is significant,
then Form 1041 Page 4, Field #2170 (Alternative Minimum Tax) must also be
586 If Form 6478 is present and Field #0425 (Tentative Minimum Tax) is significant,
then Form 1041 Page 4, Field #2130 (Tentative Minimum Tax) must also be
587 If Form 6478, Field #0450 (Credit for Alcohol Used as Fuel Allowed for Current
Year) is significant, then Form 1041 Page 2, Field #1270 must equal “X” and Field
#1280 must equal “6478” and Field #1290 must equal Form 6478, Field #0450,
unless Form 1041, Field #1260 is equal to x.
588 If Form 6765 is present and Field #0180 (Electing Reduced Credit Literal) equals
(Revised)…“SEC 280C”, then Fields #(s) 0195, 0200, 0210, 0220, 0224, 0230, 0240, 0250,
0260, 0270, 0280, 0290, 0300, 0310, 0320, 0330, 0340, 0350, 0360, 0370, 0465,
0470, 0475, 0480, 0495, 0500, and 0505 must be blank.
593 If Form 8609-A is present, and either 0060 (Have original Form 8609; No ) or Field
0080 (Building qualifies as low-income housing project; No) are equal to “X”, then
Form 8609-A, Fields 0200 through 0370 must be blank.
602 At least one of the following fields (Field #'s 0130, 0140, 0150, 0151, 0152,
0160 or 0190) on Form 1041 Page 1 must equal "X".
604 If Form 1041 Page 1, Field #0130 (Decedent Estate) is equal to “X”
then Field #0140 (Simple Trust) and Field #0150 (Complex Trust) and Field
#0151 (Qualified Disability Trust) and Field #0152 (ESBT) and
Field #0160 (Grantor Type Trust) must be equal to spaces.
608 If Form 1041 Page 1, Field #0140 (Simple Trust) is equal to "X" then
Field #0130 (Decedent Estate) and Field #0150 (Complex Trust) and Field
#0151 (Qualified Disability Trust) must be equal to blanks.
609 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field 0151 is equal to “X”, then Fields 0130, 0140, 0150,
0152, and 0160 must be equal to blanks.
610 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field 0152 is equal to “X”, then Fields 0130 and 0151
must be equal to blanks.
612 If Form 1041 Page 1, Field #0150 (Complex Trust) is equal to "X", then
Field #0130 (Decedent Estate) and Field #0140 (Simple Trust) and Field
#0151 (Qualified Disability Trust) must be equal to blanks.
613 “If Form 3468 is present and Fields 0120 or 0140 are significant, then Field
0150 must also be significant.”
616 If Form 1041 Page 1, Field 0160 (Grantor Type Trust) is equal to "X",
then Field #0130 (Decedent Estate) and Field #0151 (QDT) must be equal to
618 If Form 1041 Page 1, Field #0220 (Final Return Box) is equal to "X",
then Field #0800 (Credited to 2005 Estimated Tax) must be zero or blank.
620 If Form 1041 Page 1, Field #0340 (Capital Gain or Loss) is greater than
zero, then Schedule D must be present.
632 If Form 1041 Page 1, Field #0340 (Capital Gain or Loss) is a negative
amount and is not equal to the amount entered on Schedule D, Page 2,
Field #1760 (Net Loss From Line 16 or $3000).
634 If Form 1041 Page 1, Field #0340 (Capital Gain or Loss) is a positive
amount and is not equal to the amount entered on Schedule D, Page 1,
Field #1730 (Total Net Gain or Loss).
636 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0340 (Capital Gain or Loss) is equal to zeros
or spaces and the amount entered on Schedule D Page 1, Field #1730 (Total
Net Gain or Loss) is a significant amount, EXCEPT when Form 1041,
Field #0220 (Final Return Box) is significant.
638 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0370 (Ordinary Gain or Loss) is significant,
then Form 4797 must be present, unless Form 1041, Field #0375 is equal to
”Form 4684”.
640 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0400 (Total Income) is significant, then at
least one of the following fields (Field #'s 0310, 0320, 0330, 0340, 0350,
0360, 0370 or 0390) must also be significant.
642 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0450 (Charitable Deductions) is significant, then
Field #1000 (Charitable Deduction) on Form 1041, Page 2 must be significant and
equal to Field #0450, EXCEPT when Form 1041, Field #0190 (Pooled Income
Fund) is equal to X.
643 If Form 1041, Field #0190 is equal to X, and Field #0450 is significant, and Form
1041, Field #1000 is zero or blank, then Form 1041, Field #0455 must be equal to
648 If any one of the following fields (Field #'s 0420, 0430, 0440, 0450, 0460,
0480, or 0490) on Form 1041, Page 1 contains a significant entry, then
Field #0510 (Total) must be significant.
652 If Form 1041 Page 1, Field #0530 (Income Distribution Deduction Schedule B)
has an entry then it must be equal to Field #1180 (Income Distribution
Deduction), EXCEPT when Field #0025 ("SECTION 542(i) Trust") or Field # 0190
(#Pooled Income Fund) is significant.
655 If Form 1041, Field #0270 is greater than zero, then Summary Record Field #0430
must be equal to Field #0270.
658 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0130 (Decedent Estate) is equal to "X", then
Field #0560 (Exemption Amount) must equal 0 - 600.
660 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0140 (Simple Trust) is equal to "X", then
Field #0560 (Exemption Amount) must equal 0 - 300.
662 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0150 (Complex Trust) is equal to "X", then
Field #0560 (Exemption Amount) must equal 0 - 300.
663 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0151 (Qualified Disability Trust) is equal to "X", then
Field #0560 (Exemption Amount) must equal 0 - 3200.
664 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0160 (Grantor Type Trust) is equal to "X" and
Field #0580 (Taxable Income of Fiduciary) is greater than zero, then
Field #0560 (Exemption Amount) must equal 0 - 300.
665 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0152 (ESBT) is equal to "X", then
Field #0560 (Exemption Amount) must be equal to 0 - 300.
666 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0160 (Grantor Type Trust) is equal to "X" and
Field #0580 (Income of Fiduciary) is equal to zeros, blanks or a negative
amount, then Field #0560 (Exemption Amount) must equal zeros or blanks, except
when either Field 0140 or Field 0150 are significant.
668 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0300 (Nonexempt Charitable and Split Interest
Trusts Sec 4947(a)(2)) equals “X”, then Field #0010 (Fiscal Year Beginning)
and Field #0020 (Fiscal Year Ending) must be blank.
670 If any one of the following fields (Field #'s 0530, 0550 or 0560) on Form 1041
Page 1 contains a significant entry then Field #0570 (Total Deductions )
must be significant.
672 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0590 (Total Tax Schedule G) is not equal to
Field #1370 (Total Tax) on Form 1041, Page 2.
Revised 674 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0620 (Current Year Estimated Tax Payments and
Prior Year ES Credit) is significant, then Field #0640 (Line 24A Minus Line
24B) must be equal to Field #0620.
676 If either Form 2210 or Form 2210F is present, then Field #0700 (Federal
Income Tax Withheld) on Form 1041, Page 1 and either Field #0070
(Withholding Taxes) Form 2210 or Field #0100 (Withholding Taxes)
Form 2210F must be equal.
677 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0740 (Total) is significant, then either Form 1041
Page 1, Field #0710 (Form 2439 Amount) or Field #0720 (Form 4136 Amount)
must be significant.
680 If any one of the following fields (Field #0640, #0680 or #0700) on Form 1041,
Page 1 contains a significant entry, then Total Payments (Field #0750) must
be significant.
682 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0710 (Form 2439 Amount) is significant, then
Form 2439 must be present and the sum of all Field #0230 (Tax Paid by
RIC/REIT) from all Forms 2439 must equal Field #0710, Form 1041.
683 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0720 (Form 4136 Amount) is significant, then
Form 4136 must be present and Field #4360 (Total Income Tax Credit
Amount) Form 4136 must equal Field #0720 Form 1041.
684 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0780 (Tax Due) and Field #0790 (Overpayment)
are greater than zeros.
686 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0780 (Tax Due) is significant and Field #0590
(Total Tax Schedule G) is either zeros or spaces.
692 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0040 (EIN) matches Field #0850
(Preparer’s TIN) or Field #0870 (Preparer’s Firm EIN).
695 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0007 (Form 8453-F Indicator) is not equal
to 00 or 01.
702 If Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1040 (Amount from Schedule A) is numeric
and greater than zero, then Field #0970 (Capital Gains for Tax Year Allocated
and Paid or Permanently Set Aside) must equal Field #1040.
704 If Schedule J, Page 1 (Form 1041) is present, then Field #0030 (Distributable
Net Income Schedule B) must equal Field #1090 (Distributable Net Income)
on Form 1041, Page 2, if Field #1090 is significant.
706 If Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1090 (Distributable Net Income) is significant,
at least one of the following fields (Field #1010 through #1070) must also be
708 If Schedule J, Page 1 (Form 1041) is present, then Field #0040 (Income
Required Schedule B) must be equal to Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1120,
(Income to be Distributed Currently), if Field #1120 is significant.
710 If Schedule J, Page 1 (Form 1041) is present, then Field #0020 (Amounts
Required Schedule B) must equal Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1130 (Other
Amounts Paid/Credited).
714 If Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1240 (Foreign Tax Credit) is significant, then
Form 1116 must be present, and Field #1250 (Foreign Tax Credit) on the first
Form 1116 must be significant.
716 If Form 1041, Page 4, Field #2120 (Alternative Minimum Foreign Tax Credit)
is significant, then Form 1116, Field #0007 (Alt Min Tax Literal) and
Field #1250 (Foreign Tax Credit) must also be significant.
719 If Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1290 (General Business Credit) is significant, then
either Field #1260 or Field #1270 must equal “X”.
720 If Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1300 (Credit for Prior Year) is significant, the n
Form 8801 must be present.
722 If any one of the following fields (Field #1240, #1290 or #1300) on Form 1041
Page 2 contains a significant entry, then Field #1310 (Total Credits) must be
724 If Form 2210, Field 0150 (Box C) is equal to X, then Form 2210, pages 3
and 4 must be present.
725 If Form 2210, Page 1, is present, then one of the following Fields must be
equal to X: 0130, 0140, 0150, 0160, 0170.
726 If either Form 2210 or Form 2210F is present, then Field #1320 (Line 1c
Minus Line 3) on Form 1041, Page 2 and either Field #0020 (Tax After
Credits) Form 2210, Page 1 or Field #0020 (Current Year Tax After Credits)
Form 2210F must be equal if Field #1320 is significant.
728 Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1225 (Alternative Minimum Tax, Schedule I) must
equal Form 1041 Page 4, Field #2170 (Schedule I, Alternative Minimum Tax).
729 If Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1367 contains the literal “SECTION453A(C)
INTEREST”, then Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1366 (Computation Schedule)
must equal “STMbNN”.
730 If any one of the following fields, Field #1320 (Line 1d Minus Line 3), or
Field #1350 (Recapture Taxes) or Field #1365 (Household Employment
Taxes) on Form 1041, Page 2, contains a significant entry, then Field #1370
(Total Tax) must be significant.
732 If Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1367 contains the literal “SEC641(c)”, then
Field #1366 (Computation Schedule) must equal “STMbnn” and Field #1368
(Tax or Interest Due) must be significant.
734 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0220 (Final Return Box) is spaces, and Schedule D,
Page 2, Field #1760 (Net Loss from Line 16 or $3000) is greater than $3,000.
738 If Form 4684, Page 2, Field #1210 (Loss on Line 40 is Equal to or Less than
Gain on Line 39) is greater than zero, then Form 4797, Page 1, Field #0600
(Gain Form 4684 Line 42) must be equal to Field #1210.
740 Form 1041, Page 1, Field # 0370 (Ordinary Gain or Loss) must be equal to
Form 4797, Page 1, Field #1340 (Combine Lines 10-16), unless Form 1041, Field
#0375 is equal to “Form 4684”.
744 Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0270 (Number of Schedule K-1's Attached) must be
numeric or blank.
745 IF Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0825 (Paid Preparer Authorization Yes Box) equals
“X”, then Form 1041, Page 1, Field #830 (Preparer’s Name) must be significant.
746 Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0825 (Paid Preparer Authorization Yes Box) and
Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0826 (Paid Preparer Authorization No Box)
cannot both equal “X”.
748 Form 1041, Page 2, Field #0925 (Tax Period) must equal Form 1041,
Page 1, Field #0005 (Tax Period).
750 Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0600 (Estimate Tax Credited to Trust Literal) must be
equal to "SECT 643(G)" if significant.
752 “If Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1270 is equal to x, then Form 1041, Page 2, Field
#1280 must equal 6478.
754 If Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1210 (Tax on Lump-Sum Distributions) is other
than blank or zero, and Form 4972 is not present, Field #1220 (Other Tax
Description) must equal "FORM8621ONLY".
755 Either Schedule F (Form 1040), Field #0040 (Accounting Method Cash) or
Field #0050 (Accounting Method Accrual) must equal “X”.
Both must not equal “X”.
756 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0360 (Net Farm Profit/Loss) is significant, then
Schedule F (Form 1040) must be present.
758 If Schedule F (Form 1040) is present and Field #0300 is significant, then one
of the following Fields #0130-0190, #0210-0240, #0270-0290 or #0950
must contain a valid entry.
759 If Schedule F (Form 1040) is present and Field #0950 is significant, then
Field #0300 must be equal to Field #0950.
764 If Form 4835 (Form 1040) is present, then Form 4835, Field #0620 (PAL
Indicator) must be "PAL" if significant.
765 If Schedule F (Form 1040), Field #0720 (PAL Indicator) is significant, the entry
must be equal to "PAL".
766 If Schedule D, Page 1, Field #0750 (Short Term Capital Gain or Loss Entire
Year) is significant, either Form 4684, Form 6252 or Form 8824 must be
767 The “Date Acquired” fields for Schedule D may contain only the data specified
under the “Description” heading as reflected in the Record Layouts.
768 If Schedule D, Page 1, Field #1580 (Long Term Capital Gain or Loss Entire
Year) is significant, then at least one of the following forms must be present:
Form 4684, or Form 6252, or Form 8824, or Form 2439.
770 If Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1220 (Other Tax Description) is significant, then
it must contain the literal "FORM8621ONLY".
771 If Schedule D, Field 1770 (line 17) is less than zero, then Schedule D, Field 1970
(line 35) must be blank or zero.
772 If Schedule D, Page 2, Field #1810 (Amount From Form 4952, Line 4g) is
significant, then Form 4952 must be present and Field #0090 (Line 4g
Investment Income,) Form 4952 must be significant.
773 Schedule D, Field 1970 (line 35) cannot be less than zero.
774 If Schedule D, Field #1970 is greater than zero, then Form 1041, Field #1205
must be greater than zero.
776 If Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0330 (Business Income or Loss Schedule C)
is significant, then Schedule C or Schedule C-EZ must be present, and either
Schedule C, Field #0540 (Net Profit/Loss) or Schedule C-EZ, Field #0120
(Net Profit) must be significant.
778 If Schedule C, Page 1 (Form 1040), Field #0190 (Cost of Goods Sold) is
significant, then Schedule C, Page 2, Field #0730 (Cost of Goods Sold) must
also be significant.
780 Form 1041, Page 1, Field #0535 (SECTION 542i Number of Gravesites) must
be numeric or blank.
783 If Schedule C (Form 1040), Field #0530 (PAL Indicator) is significant, the entry
must be equal to "PAL".
784 If either Schedule C (Form 1040), Field #0560 (Some Investment Not at Risk)
or Schedule F (Form 1040), Field #0750 (Some Investment is Not at Risk)
or Form 4835, Field #0650 (Some Investment is Not at Risk) is equal to “X”,
then Form 6198 must be present.
786 If Form 4797, Field #0610 (Sec 1231 Gain) or Field #1300 (Ordinary Gain
From Installment Sales) is significant, then Form 6252 must be present.
788 If Form 4684 is present and Field #1040 (Casualty or Theft Gains From
Form 4797) is significant, then Form 4797, Field #2380 (Subtract Line 31
From Line 30) must also be significant.
790 If Form 4684, Field 1215 significant and not equal to blanks, the entry must
be equal to “PAL”.
792 If Form 6252 is present a nd either Field #0280 (Line 24 Minus Line 25) or
Field #0450 (Line 35 Minus Line 36) is significant, then either Schedule D
or Form 4797 must be present.
794 If Form 6252 is present and either Field #0270 (Ordinary Income Under
Recapture Rules) or Field #0440 (Ordinary Income Line 35) is significant,
then Form 4797, Field #1300 (Ordinary Gain From Installment Sales) must
be significant.
795 If Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1350 (Recapture Taxes) is significant, then
Form 4255 must be present and Field #1330 (Recapture Taxes Form 4255)
on Form 1041 Page 2 must equal “X”.
797 Form 8829, Field #0065 (Total Hours Available) cannot exceed the maximum
number of available hours (24 hours x the number of days in the year).
798 “If Form 8824 is present and Field #(s) 0020 through 0217 are blank and Field#(s)
0230 through 0330 are blank, and Field #0340 (Recognized Gain) is significant,
then Field #0345 (Total Recognized Gain Statement) must equal “STMbnn”.
799 If Form 8824 is present and Field #(s)0230 through #0290 are blank, and
Field #0300 (Realized Gain or Loss) is significant, then Field #0305 (Multi Asset
Gain Statement) must equal “STMbnn”.
800 If Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 1, Field #0140 (Total Taxes Less Advance EIC
Payments) is significant, and Field #0150 (Cash Wages Over $1000 Paid
Quarterly – No Box) equals “X”, then Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1365
(Household Employment Taxes) must be significant.
801 If Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 2, Field #0530 (Total Combined Taxes Plus
FUTA Taxes) is significant, and Field #0540 (Required to File Form 1040 –
Yes) equals “X”, then Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1365 (Household Employment
Taxes) must be significant.
802 Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 1, Field #0040 (Cash Wage Over Annual Amount
Paid Yearly – Yes Box) and Field #0045 (Cash Wage Over Annual Amount Paid
Yearly – No Box) cannot both equal “X”.
803 Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 1, Field #0040 (Cash Wage Over Annual Amount
Paid Yearly – Yes Box) and Field #0045 (Cash Wage Over Annual Amount Paid
Yearly –No Box) cannot both equal blank.
804 Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 2, Field #0200 (Name of State Where
Contributions Paid) must equal a standard postal state abbreviation.
805 Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 1, Field #0050 (Federal Income Tax Withheld
– Yes Box) and Field #0055 (Federal Income Tax Withheld – No Box) cannot
both equal “X”.
806 Schedule H (Form 1041), Page 1, Field #0060 (Cash Wage Over $1000 Paid
Quarterly – No Box) and Field #0065 (Cash Wage Over $1000 Paid Quarterly
– Yes Box) cannot both equal “X”.
807 Schedule H (Form 1041), Page 1, Field #0150 (Cash Wage Over $1000 Paid
Quarterly – No Box) and Field #0155 (Cash Wage Over $1000 Paid Quarterly
– Yes Box) cannot both equal “X”.
808 If Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 1, Field #0045 (Cash Wage Over Annual
Amount Paid Yearly – No Box) and Field #0055 (Federal Income Tax Withheld
– No Box) and Field #0065 (Cash Wage Over $1000 Paid Quarterly – Yes
Box) all equal “X”, then Schedule H (Form 1040) Page 2 must be present.
809 If Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 1, Field #0045 (Cash Wage Over Annual
Amount Paid Yearly – No Box) and Field #0055 (Federal Income Tax Withheld –
No Box) and Field #0060 (Cash Wage Over $1000 Paid Quarterly – No
Box) all equal “X”, then Schedule H cannot be filed.
810 If Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 1, Field #0050 (Federal Income Tax Withheld
– Yes Box) equals “X”, then Field #0110 (Federal Income Tax Withheld) must
be significant.
811 If Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 1, Field #0045 (Cash Wage Over Annual Amount
Paid Yearly – No Box) and Field #0050 (Federal Income Tax Withheld –Yes Box)
both equal “X”, then Field #0060 (Cash Wage Over $1000 Paid Quarterly – No
Box) and Field #0065 (Cash Wage Over $1000 Paid Quarterly – Yes Box) both
must be blank.
812 If Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 1, Field #0040 (Cash Wage Over Annual Amount
Paid Yearly – Yes Box) equals “X”, then Field #0070 (Social Security Wages) and
Field #0090 (Medicare Wages) each must be equal to or greater than the Annual
813 If Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 1, Field #0040 (Cash Wage Over Annual Amount
Paid Yearly – Yes Box) equals “X”, then Field #0050 (Federal Income Tax
Withheld – Yes Box), and Field #0055 (Federal Income Tax Withheld – No
Box), and Field #0060 (Cash Wage Over $1000 Paid Quarterly – No Box)
and Field #0065 (Cash Wage Over $1000 Paid Quarterly – Yes Box) all
must be blank.
814 If Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 2 is present, then Field #0150 (Cash Wage
Over $1000 Paid Quarterly – No Box) cannot equal “X”.
815 If Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 2 is not present, then Field #0155 (Cash
Wages Over $1000 Paid Quarterly - Yes Box) cannot equal "X".
816 Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 1, Field #0070 (Social Security Wages)
cannot be greater than Field #0090 (Medicare Wages).
817 If Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 2 is present, then Field 0520 (Total
Taxes from Line 8) must equal Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 1,
Field #0140 (Total Taxes Less Advance EIC Payments).
818 If Schedule H (Form 1040), Page 2 is present, then Field #0230 (Total
Taxable Wages for FUTA Section A) must be significant.
820 If Form 1116 is present, either Field #0020, #0030, #0040, #0050, #0060,
#0070, #0080, #0085, #0090 or #0095 must equal “X”. More than one may
not equal “X” on any individual Form 1116.
821 If Form 1116 is present, either Field #0650 (Foreign Taxes Paid or Accrued
– Paid) or Field #0660 (Foreign Taxes Paid or Accrued – Accrued) must
equal “X”. Both may not equal “X” on any individual Form 1116.
827 If Form 2439, Field #0230 (Tax Paid by RIC/REIT) is significant, then
Form 1041, Field #0710 (Form 2439 Amount), must also be significant.
830 On Form 4136, if Field 4360 is significant and not blanks or all zeroes, than at
least o ne of the following Fields must contain a significant entry: 0070, 0090,
0180, 0230, 0237, 0307, 0320, 0340, 0347, 0407, 0416, 0420, 0424, 0428.
On Form 4136, if Field 4360 is significant and not blanks or all zeroes, than at
least one of the fo llowing Fields must contain a significant entry: 0625, 0640, 0680,
(Revised)…0695, 0725, 0750, 0757, 0764, 0775, 0795, 0825, 0890, 0910, 0940, 0970, 0990.
On Form 4136, if Field 4360 is significant and not blanks or all zeroes, than at
least one of the following Fields must contain a significant entry: 3030, 3050, 3070,
3220, 3280, 3340, 3400, 3460, 3520, 3580, 3640, 3680, 3720, 3760, 3800, 3840,
3880, 3940, 3980, 4020, 4160, 4200, 4260, 4300, 4340.
835 On Form 4136, if Field #4360 (Line 20) is significant, then Form 1041, Field #0720
(Line 24g, Form 4136 Amount) and Form 1041, Field #0740 (Line 24h, Total) must
be significant.
836 On Form 4136, if Field #0040, Line 1c (c) is significant, then Field #0030, Line 1c
(a) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0070, Line 1c (d) is significant, then either Field #0010,
Line 1a (c), or Field #0020 Line 1b (c), or Field #0040 Line 1c (c) must also
be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field 0090, Line 1d (d) is significant, then Field 0080, Line 1d (c)
must also be significant.
838 On Form 4136, if Field #0180, Line 1a (d) is significant, then Field #0170
Line 1a (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0200, Line 2b (c) is significant, then Field #0190, Line 2b
(a) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0230, Line 2b (d) is significant, then Field #0200,
Line 2b (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field 0237, Line 2c (d) is significant, then Field 0233, Line 2c (c)
must also be significant.
839 On Form 4136, if Field #0380, Line 4a (c) is significant, then Field #0370, Line 4a
(a) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0407 Line 4b (d), is significant, then either Field #0380,
Line 4a (c), or Field #0399, Line 4b (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0416, Line 4c (d), is significant, then Field #0409,
Line 4c (c), must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0420, Line 4d (d), is significant, then Field #0418,
Line 4d (c), must also be significant.
840 On Form 4136, if Field #0260, Line 3a (c) is significant, then Field #0270, Line 3a
(a) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0307, Line 3b (d) is significant, then either Field #0270,
Line 3a (c) or Field #0303 Line 3b (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0320, Line 3c (d) is significant, then Field #0310, Line
Line 3c (c) must also be significant.
841 On Form 4136, if Field #0340, Line 3d (d) is significant, then Field #0330, Line
3d (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0347, Line 3e (d) is significant, then Field #0343,
Line 3e (c) must also be significant.
842 On Form 4136, if Field #0424, Line 5a (d) is significant, then Field #0422, Line
5a (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0428, Line 5b (d) is significant, then Field #0426, Line
5b (c) must also be significant.
843 On Form 4136, if Field #0625, Line 6a (d) is significant, then Field #0620, Line 6a
(c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0640, Line 6b (d) is significant, then Field #0635, Line
6b (c) must also be significant.
844 On Form 4136, if Field #0680, Line 7b (d) is significant, then either Field #0660,
Line 7a (c) or Field #0670, Line 7b (c) must also be significant.
847 On Form 4136, if Field #0615, Line 6, Exception Box, equals "X", then Field #0610,
Line 6, Explanation must equal "STMbnn" and Field #0608, Line 6, Registration
Number must be significant.
848 On Form 4136, if Field #0655, Line 7, Exception Box equals "X", then Field #0650,
Line 7, Explanation must equa l "STMbnn" and Field #0645, Line 7, Registration
Number must be significant.
850 On Form 4136, if a field identified under the Significant Entry column is present,
(not equal to zeros of blanks), then the field(s) identified under the Corresponding
Entry column must also be present.
Significant Entry Corresponding Entry
3220 3210 3200
3280 3260 3240
3340 3320 3300
3400 3380 3360
3460 3440 3420
3520 3500 3480
3580 3560 3540
3640 3620
3680 3660
3720 3700
3760 3740
3800 3780
3840 3820
3880 3860
853 On Form 4136, if a field identified under the Significant Entry column is present,
(not equal to zeros or blanks), then the field identified under the Corresponding
Field column must also be present.
Significant Entry Corresponding Entry
3940 3920
3980 3960
4020 4000
4160 4140 4120
4200 4180
4300 4280
4340 4320
854 If on Form 4136, if any of the following fields are significant, then Field #3600,
Line 15, must also be significant.
855 If on Form 4136, if any of the following fields are significant, then Field #3900,
Line 16, must also be significant.
856 If on Form 4136, if Field #4220, Line 18 is significant, then Field #4260, Line 18a
(d) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #4260, Line 18a (d) is significant, then Field #4220,
Registration No. must also be significant.
858 On Form 4136, if any of the Field Numbers listed below are significant, the value
code may only be one of the codes listed in the Record Layout, Description, for
that specific field.
(Revised)…..Fields: 0030, 0190, 0260, 0370, 0759, 0768, 0785, 0810, 0920, 3200, 3240, 3300,
3360, 3420, 3480, 3540, 4120
860 On Form 4136, if Field #0608, Line 6, Registration Number is significant, then
either Field #0620, Line 6a (c) or Field #0635, Line 6b (c) must be significant.
On Form 4136, if any of the following fields are significant, then Field #0608
(Registration No.) must also be significant. Fields: 0625 (Line 6a (d) or 0640
(Line 6b (d).
861 If Form 4136, Field #0645, Line 7, Registration Number is significant, then either
Field #0660, Line 7a (c), or Field #0670, Line 7b (c) or Field #0685, Line 7c
(c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if any of the following fields are significant, then Field #0645,
Registration No. must also be significant. Fields: 0680, Line 7b (d) or 0695, Line
7c (d).
862 On Form 4136, if Field #0695 Line 7c (d) is significant, then Field #0685, Line
7c (c) must also be significant.
863 On Form 4136, if any of the following fields are significant, then
Field #0705, Line 8, Registration Number must also be significant.
Fields: #0725, Line 8a (d), Field #0750, Line 8b (d), Field #0757,
Line 8c (d), Field #0764, Line 8d (d), Field #0775 Line 8e (d).
On Form 4136, if Field #0725, Line 8a (d) is significant, then Field #0715, Line
8a (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0770, Line 8e (c) is significant, then Field #0768, Line 8e
(a) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if #0775 Line 8d (e) is significant, then Field #0770 Line
8e (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0760, Line 8d (c) is significant, then Field #0759, Line 8d
(a) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0764, Line 8d (d), is significant, then Field #0760,
Line 8d (c), must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0757, Line 8c (d), is significant, then Field #0755,
Line 8c (c), must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0750, Line 8b (d), is significant, then Field #0745,
Line 8b (c), must also be significant.
NEW…864 On Form 4136, if Field #0795, Line 9a (d) is significant, then Field #0790, Line
9a (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0790, Line 9a (c) is significant, then Field #0785, Line
9a (a) must also be significant.
NEW…865 On Form 4136, if Field #0825, Line 9b (d) is significant, then Field #0815, Line
9b (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0815, Line 9b (c) is significant, then Field #0810, Line
9b (a) must also be significant.
Revised..866 On Form 4136, if Field #0890, Line 11a (d) is significant, then Field #0885, Line
11a (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0910, Line 11b (d) is significant, then Field #0900, Line
11b (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0940, Line 11c (d) is significant, then Field #0930, Line
11c (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0930, Line 11c (c) is significant, then Field #0920, Line
11c (a) must also be significant.
867 On Form 4136, if Field #0950, Line 12, Registration Number is significant, then
either Field #0970, Line 12a (d) or Field #0990, Line 12b (d) must also be
On Form 4136, if Field #0970, Line 12a (d) is significant, then Field #0960, Line
12a (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #0990, Line 12b (d) is significant, then Field #0980, Line
12b (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if any of the following fields are significant, then Field #00950,
Registration No. must also be significant. Fields: 0970, Line 12a (d) or 0990, Line
12b (d).
868 On Form 4136, if Field #3010, Line 13, Registration Number is significant, then
either Field #3030, Line 13a (d) or Field #3050, Line 13b (d), or Field #3070, Line
13c (d) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #3030, Line 13a (d) is significant, then Field #3020, Line
13a (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #3050, Line 13b (d) is significant, then Field #3040, Line
13b (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if Field #3070, Line 13c (d) is significant, then Field #3060, Line
13c (c) must also be significant.
On Form 4136, if any of the following fields are significant, then Field #03010,
Registration No. must also be significant. Fields: 3030, Line 13a (d), or 3050,
Line 13b (d), or 3070, Line 13c (d).
869 If Form 4970 is present and Field #0670 is significant, then Form 1041
Page 2, Field #1367 must equal "FROMFORM4970" and Field #1368 and
Field #1370 must be significant.
870 If Form 4972 is present and either Field #0220 (Capital Gain Election) or
Field #0705 (Total Tax on Lump Sum Distribution) is significant, then
Form 1041, Page 2, Field #1210 (Tax on Lump Sum Distributions) must also
be significant.
871 If Form 4972 is present, Field #0026 (Distribution of Qualified Plan No Box)
and Field #0030 (Rollover Yes Box) and Field #0190 (Prior Year Distribution
Yes Box) and Field #0201 (Beneficiary Distribution Yes Box) must be blank.
872 If Form 4972 is present, Field #0024 (Distribution of Qualified Plan Yes Box)
and Field #0040 (Rollover No Box) and Field #0200 (Prior Year Distribution
No Box) must equal "X".
873 If Form 4972 is present, either Field #0044 (Beneficiary of Qual Participant
No Box) or Field #0086 (Qual Age - Five Yr Member No Box) must equal
"X". Both must not equal "X".
874 If Form 4972 is present, either Field #0220 (Capital Gain Election) or
Field #0240 (Ordinary Income) or Field #0690 (10 Yr Method Average Tax)
must be significant.
875 If Form 4972 is present, either Field #0042 (Beneficiary of Qual Participant
Yes Box) or Field #0044 (Beneficiary of Qual Participant No Box) must
equal "X". Both must not equal "X".
876 If Form 4972 is present, either Field #0084 (Qual Age - Five Yr Member Yes
Box) or Field #0086 (Qual Age - Five Yr Member No Box) must equal "X".
Both must not equal "X".
877 If form 8582, Page 1 is significant, then form 8582, Pages 2 and 3 must also be
New…890 Due to late changes to Form 8886, returns for Tax Year 2006 which include Form
8886 will be rejected if filed before March 15, 2007.
New…892 Due to late changes to Form 6765, returns for Tax Year 2006 which include Form
6765 will be rejected if filed before February 9, 2007.
New…894 Due to late changes to Form 4136, returns for Tax Year 2006 which include Form
4136 will be rejected if filed before February 9, 2007.
900 The Employer Identification Number (EIN) on the Federal Form 1041 does not
match the EIN on the state return.
901 The state return count in the Summary Record does not match the IRS Record
902 The “State Attachment” count does not match the IRS Record Count.
903 Only one AHEADER record may be present for each state return.
Note: Reject Codes related to state returns are also located in the Fed-State
section of this publication.
906 No recognizable State records are attached but the Summary Record is equal to
a valid State Code.
907 A valid State Code does not appear in the Summary Record but there are state
records attached.
916 On the Summary Record, Field 0465 (EFIN) is missing or not a valid number.
(1) The tax return data must be placed into a format for transmission as specified by
the IRS and the State.
(2) If the federal tax return is rejected due to error conditions specified in
Publication 1438, the combined return will be rejected in its entirety.
If the error(s) is of such a nature that it can be corrected and the return(s)
processed, the combined return may be retransmitted to the IRS computing
center. The transmitter may elect to retransmit the Federal tax portion of a
rejected return and then file the state return using state tax paper forms.
(3) After the receipt acknowledgment has been provided to the transmitter, the IRS is
responsible for making the accepted return available to the state agency. Once
the State agency has successfully completed the transmission session and
received the return, the responsibility for data integrity is that of the State agency.
Should subsequent errors of any type be detected during State processing, they
are resolved between the State agency and the fiduciary using normal State paper
In order to file a state electronic Fiduciary Income Tax Return the following
conditions must be met.
1. The state return must be electronically filed with the federal return through the
Tennessee Computing Center.
2. The return must be filed between January 22, 2007 and October 20, 2007.
Returns meeting any of the following criteria may not be filed electronically:
1. amended returns,
2. returns filed for a tax period other than January 1, 2005 through December 31,
3. returns for part-year residents of a state, or cities associated with that particular
4. returns reporting liabilities for nonresident earnings tax for cities associated with
that particular state,
5. returns for decedents with Social Security Numbers in the following ranges:
The format for record lengths may be either fixed or variable. (See Publication
1437 on how to format fixed and variable record lengths).
A header
B attach
C attach
D attach
E attach
IRS acknowledges receipt of state data with federal Form 1041 and passes this
data on to the appropriate state for further validation.
900 The Employer Identification Number (EIN) on the Federal Form 1041 does not
match the EIN on the state return.
901 The state return count in the Summary Record does not match the IRS Record
902 The “State Attachment” count does not match the IRS Record Count.
903 Only one AHEADER record may be present for each state return.
Note: Reject Codes related to state returns are also located in the Fed-State
section of this publication.
904 Reserved.
908 No recognizable state records are attached but the Summary Record is equal to
a valid State Code.
909 A valid State Code does not appear in the Summary Record but there are state
records attached.
As of November 1, 2006, the EMS will be accessed with a new Login-Id created
to strengthen authentication. An eight-byte, alphanumeric EMS Login-Id will be sent for
each ETIN in a letter to Trading Partners in October 2006.
All transmissions must use either 1) the Internet using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
with Telnet/S, or 2) an encrypted IRS-approved dedicated/leased line supplied by the
• Software Developers must integrate the encryption solution in their transmission packages for
direct filing.
• If transmitters do not have the IRS documents concerning Internet Filing or Dedicated Leased
Line Encryption: Send e-mail for encryption documentation and specifications to
[email protected]
NOTE 1: Transmitters who elect to use high-speed lines or expect to handle a large
volume of electronic returns may request to lease their own dedicated line(s) at either
the ECC located at Martinsburg. They must arrange to lease and install the lines and
purchase modems or routers at both ends.
NOTE 2: Transmitters who wish to file through their Internet Service Provider (ISP)
must acquire e-file software that incorporates Secure Socket Layer (SSL) with a
Telnet/s protocol and the interface to the IRS gateway to the FEPS.
b. Character Codes
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) -|
c. File Compression
GZIP (Freeware available from
All responses are echoed back except the password. On default prompts,
the cursor will be to the right of the colon and blank (": ").
After dialing the assigned telephone number to the FEPS, the transmitter must
first enter the carriage return <cr> character, which typically can
be generated by simultaneously entering the Control ("Ctrl") and "m" keys.
This alerts the Operating System to transmit an ASCII login prompt.
NOTE: Turn off call waiting (*70) before logging onto the FEPS to
avoid aborted sessions. (Check with your phone company to
verify use of *70 to disable call waiting).
e. The next time the TP logs in, the TP will receive this ACK
file, but will not be able to transmit. The TP can continue
to pick up all ACK Files.
g. The e-HD will remove the Suspend Indicator so that the TP can
re-transmit the file and begin transmitting new files.
a. Transmission Inactivity
The EMS has incorporated a new password management feature within the trading
partner interface, which is documented in Section 3 of this manual. This section
illustrates the different responses for each password condition when a trading
partner’s password must be changed. Section 3 is categorized into five
subsections, which are listed as follows:
The TP is then prompted for his/her EMS login id and password as shown in
Exhibit 3-2. (Note: Not only will the password not be displayed, but
also there will be no indication of how many characters the TP has typed).
login: xxxxxxxx
If there are more than seven days until the password expires,
then processing continues as in Paragraph “e” of this section.
If the TP’s responses meet the rules for changing the password (refer
to Appendix G for rules regarding passwords), the password is changed
and the message shown in Exhibit 3-5 is displayed. The TP will
subsequently use the new password to log into either EMS processing
center. Processing then continues. as described in Data Communication
Password changed.
However, if the TP’s responses to the password prompts do not meet the
rules for changing the password, then an error message is displayed.
A TP is given at most three tries to change his/her password.
If the TP does not enter the same password in response to the “Enter
new password” and “Re-enter new password” prompts, then the password
is not changed and the message shown in Exhibit 3 -6 is displayed.
If the TP has unsuccessfully attempted to change his/her password
less than three times, he/she is prompted for his/her new password as
shown in Exhibit 3-4. If this is the third unsuccessful attempt, then
the TP is disconnected.
If the TP enters a new password that does not meet the rules, then
the password is not changed and the message shown in Exhibit 3-7 is
displayed. If the TP has unsuccessfully attempted to change his/her
password less than three times, he/she is prompted for his/her new
password as previously shown in Exhibit 3-4. If this is the third
unsuccessful attempt, the TP is disconnected.
If the TP has concurrent sessions, only one can change the password.
If the TP attempts to change his/her password in more than one session,
only one will be allowed and the message shown in Exhibit 3-8 is
displayed to the other session(s) and the TP is disconnected.
System error.
c. Unsuccessful Logon
Login incorrect
d. EMS Unavailable
# ##### ####
# # # #
# # # ####
# ##### #
# # # # #
# # # ####
Next the Main Menu is displayed. The list of choices depends on whether
the TP is a State TP or not. The Main Menu for non-State TPs is shown in
Exhibit 3-16 while the Main Menu for State TPs is shown in Exhibit 3-17.
Since most TPs are not State TPs the Main Menu exhibits in the remainder
of this document except for Data Communication .01.15 will look
like Exhibit 3-16.
From the Main Menu, the non-State TP can now choose to receive
acknowledgment files and transmit a file, change the protocol and/or
compression settings, request a Transmission Status Report, change
his/her password, or end the session. Whenever the TP completes a
process initially selected from the Main Menu other than Logoff,
he/she is returned to the Main Menu screen.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [NONE]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
From the Main Menu, the State TP can now choose to receive acknowledgment
files and transmit a State Ack file, change the protocol and/or compression
settings, request a Transmission Status Report, change his/her password, request
the State Return Menu to perform the State functions described in Data
Communication .01.9.e., or end the session. Whenever the
State TP completes a process initiated by menu items 2-6, he/she is
returned to the Main Menu screen. Whenever the State TP chooses to exit
the State Return Menu, he/she is returned to the Main Menu.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [FTP]
4) Change Compression Method [NONE]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
7) Shown State Return Menu
For all TPs, the current file transfer protocol is displayed in brackets
next to the “Change File Transfer Protocol” menu item. Likewise, the TP’s
current compression method is displayed in brackets next to the “Change
Compression Method” menu item. The possible file transfer protocols and
compression method values are identified in Data Communication .01.10.a-b.,
where the “File Transfer Protocols” and “File Compression Methods” menus are
If the TP enters a character that is not one of the listed number choices, i.e., is not
1-6 for non-State TPs or is not 1-7 for State TPs, then an invalid menu selection
message along with the Main Menu is displayed. An example is provided in
Exhibit 3-18. If the TP fails to make a valid selection in three attempts, the TP is
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [NONE]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [NONE]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [NONE]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
When the TP chooses “Change File Transfer Protocol,” the menu shown
depends on whether or not the TP has been approved to use the FTP
protocol (see Appendix C for FTP usage). If the TP cannot use the FTP
protocol, the menu shown in Exhibit 4-2 is displayed. Brackets frame the
TP’s current file transfer protocol. The TP’s initial setting is “ZMODEM.”
Exhibit 4-2 Initial File Transfer Protocol Menu Display without FTP
If the TP has been approved to use the FTP protocol, he/she must
provide certain configuration information to the IRS before being
able to use FTP. Once the TP’s FTP configuration information has
been added to the EMS system, then the menu shown in Exhibit 4-3
is displayed.
Exhibit 4-3 Initial File Transfer Protocol Menu Display with FTP
After the TP selects a protocol, the Main Menu is redisplayed with the
selected protocol in brackets as shown in Exhibit 4-5. This protocol
setting is saved and is used for all future incoming/outgoing file
transfers unless the TP changes the protocol again.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [FTP]
4) Change Compression Method [NONE]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
While in the File Transfer Protocols Menu, any character other than one
of the menu number choices is considered invalid (as shown in Exhibit 4 -6).
After the TP chooses a valid option from the File Transfer Protocols Menu or
chooses “Return to MAIN MENU,” the Main Menu is redisplayed with the newly
chosen protocol in brackets (Exhibit 4-8).
1. Logoff
2. Receive/Send File(s)
3. Change File Transfer Protocol [FTP]
4. Change Compression Method [NONE]
5. Request Transmission Status Report
6. Change Password
The TP can choose any menu item to continue or choose Logoff to end the
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [FTP]
4) Change Compression Method [NONE]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
Note: The two supported compression methods are gzip (a freeware program
available at and compress (a Unix compression utility). If the TP
chooses 3) GZIP or 4) COMPRESS and sends a file that was compressed using
PKZIP file format 2.04g, EMS is able to decompress the file. EMS Ack files that
are returned to the TPs are named based on the compression method chosen.
For example, a TP sends in a file named compressed with PKZIP 9 and
chooses option 3) GZIP. The Ack file returned will have the extension beginning
with .GZ. See Exhibit A-1 in Appendix A for the complete list of possible Ack file
names. PKZIP and WINZIP will then decompress these files successfully. PKZIP
9 and WINZIP 9 were both successfully tested with EMS. EMS does not support
the use of PKZIP’s new encryption capabilities because of the “key management”
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [FTP]
4) Change Compression Method [GZIP]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
While in the File Compression Methods Menu, any character other than one of
the menu number choices is considered invalid shown in Exhibit 4 -13.
After the TP chooses a valid option from the File Compression Methods
Menu or chooses “Return to MAIN MENU,” the Main Menu is redisplayed
with the newly chosen compression method in brackets (Exhibit 4-15).
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [FTP]
4) Change Compression Method [GZIP]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
Exhibit 4-15 Main Menu Display After Change Compression Method Menu
The TP can now choose any menu item to continue or choose Logoff to
end the session.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [FTP]
4) Change Compression Method [GZIP]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
When the TP chooses the “Receive/Send File(s)” menu item, the EMS TP
Interface software checks to see if there are acknowledgment files to be sent
to the TP. If there are no acknowledgment files, the message in Exhibit 5-2
is displayed and processing continues as discussed in Data Communication
.01.12. This allows TPs to submit files even if there are no acknowledgment
files waiting delivery.
If there are acknowledgment files, the text shown in Exhibit 5-3 is displayed.
The message shows the number of acknowledgment files waiting delivery to
the TP. All acknowledgment files waiting delivery to the TP are delivered
before the TP can submit a file. The count of acknowledgment files is
updated every time the TP selects item 2) Receive/Send File(s), from the
Main Menu. Additional acknowledgment files that were generated during
the session are reflected in this count.
If the TP enters anything other than “Y” or “y,” the Main Menu as shown in
Exhibit 5-1 is redisplayed. If the TP fails to respond affirmatively three
consecutive times he/she is disconnected.
Next, the TP is asked if he/she wants to send a file. Item 12 discusses sending
files. After the receive acknowledgment p rocess has completed, if the TP has
been suspended, he/she is not allowed to transmit new files. Instead, the
message “SUSPENDED TRANSMITTER/ETIN” is displayed, and the TP is
disconnected from EMS (Exhibit 5-8).
Disconnecting from EFS.
Exhibit 5-8 Suspended TP Message
Should this occur, the TP must contact the Home SPC EMS e-Help
Desk to inquire about of the suspended status.
If the TP enters anything other than “Y” or “y,” the Main Menu as shown in
Exhibit 5-1 is redisplayed. If there are no acknowledgment files for the TP
to receive and the TP fails to respond affirmatively three times in a row,
the TP is disconnected.
Enter the LOCAL name of the file you are sending from your
system: myfile
Enter the LOCAL name of the file you are sending from your
system: <CR>
Once the TP has been notified that the file transfer is beginning
(Exhibit 6-2 or 6-3), the TP has 60 seconds to begin his/her file transfer. If the
EMS does not receive at least part of the TP’s file within 60 seconds, the TP is
If the TP Interface software detects that the transmission did not complete
successfully, the message in Exhibit 6-5 is displayed followed by the Main Menu.
If this happens three consecutive times, the TP is disconnected.
Transmission file has been received with the following GTX Key:
S20041020123423.1700 10200001
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [FTP]
4) Change Compression Method [GZIP]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
A Transmission Status Report may be requested from the Main Menu shown
in Exhibit 7 -1. Examples of Transmission Status Reports are contained in
Appendix D. A transmission status report will show the status of all
transmissions submitted by the TP since 12:00 a.m. five days ago. For State
TPs the report also shows the status of a ll state acknowledgments that have
been received and redirected to other TPs since 12:00 a.m. five days ago.
Only one report may be requested per TP session. The report is returned
to the TP in an HTML format file that is suitable for viewing with a Web
browser after the TP session completes.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [FTP]
4) Change Compression Method [GZIP]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
When the TP chooses the “Request Transmission Status Report” menu item, a
message notifying the TP that the report transfer is about to begin is displayed.
The message depends on the protocol being used. For Zmodem, Xmodem, or
Ymodem, the message in Exhibit 7-2 is displayed. For FTP, the message
shown in Exhibit 7 -3 is displayed. The file transfer will begin after the appropriate
If the TP Interface software detects that the transmission did not complete
successfully, the message in Exhibit 7-4 is displayed followed by the Main
Menu. If this happens three times in a row, the TP is disconnected.
After the file transfer has completed, the Main Menu is redisplayed.
TPs can make only one report request per session. If the TP tries to
request a report again, the message shown in Exhibit 7-6 is displayed
followed by the Main Menu. If this happens three times in a session, the TP
is disconnected.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [NONE]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
If the TP’s responses meet the rules for changing the password, the
password is changed and the message shown in Exhibit 8-3 is displayed.
The TP will now use the new password to log into any EMS processing
center. The Main Menu is then redisplayed as shown in Exhibit 8-4.
Password changed.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [NONE]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
If the TP’s responses to the password prompts do not meet the rules for
changing the password, then an error message is displayed. A TP is given at
most three tries per session to change his/her password.
If the TP does not e nter the same password in response to the “Enter new
password” and “Re -enter new password” prompts, then the password is not
changed and the message shown in Exhibit 8-6 is displayed. If the TP has
unsuccessfully attempted to change his/her password less than three times,
he/she is prompted for his/her current and new passwords as previously shown
in Exhibit 8 -2. If this is the third unsuccessful attempt, then the Main Menu is
redisplayed as previously shown in Exhibit 8 -4.
If the TP enters a new password that does not meet the rules identified in
Appendix G, then the password is not changed and the message shown
in Exhibit 8 -7 is displayed. If the TP has unsuccessfully attempted to change
his/her password less than three times, he/she is prompted for his/her current
and new passwords as previously shown in Exhibit 8-2. If this is the third un-
successful attempt, then the Main Menu is redisplayed as shown in Exhibit 8-4.
If it has been less than seven days since the last time the TP changed his/her
password, then the password is not changed and the message shown in Exhibit
8-8 is displayed. The TP is then returned to the Main Menu as previously shown
in Exhibit 8 -4. If it has been less than seven days and the TP needs to change
his/her password, he/she should contact his/her Home SPC EMS e-Help Desk.
If the TP has concurrent sessions, only one can change the password. If the TP
attempts to change his/her password in more than one session, only one will be
allowed and the message shown in Exhibit 8-9 is displayed to the other
session(s). After this message is displayed, the TP is returned to the Main Menu
as previously shown in Exhibit 8-4.
If a system error occurs during the change password operation, the password
may or may not be changed. The messages shown in Exhibit 8-10 are displayed
and the TP’s session is terminated. The TP may need to try both his/her current
and new passwords on his/her next login.
System error.
The TP can only choose the “Change Password” menu item once during a
session. If the TP chooses the “Change Password” menu item more than
once, the message shown in Exhibit 8-11 is displayed immediately. If this
happensthree times in a session, the TP is disconnected; otherwise the Main
Menu is redisplayed as previously shown in Exhibit 8-4.
Note: You will not go through the password prompts for this scenario.
Except in the case of a system error the Main Menu is displayed as previously
shown in Exhibit 8-4 after the TP completes the change password process
whether or not he/she was successful.
When the trading partner is a State TP that can retrieve state return data, the
Main Menu includes an additional option, “Show State Return Menu.” The
State TP chooses “Show State Return Menu” to retrieve state return data,
reset state return files, or to generate a report.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [NONE]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
7) Show State Return Menu
Exhibit 9-1 Main Menu with Show State Return Menu Option
If the State TP selects “Show State Return Menu” from the Main
Menu, and the State Return Menu is unavailable, one of two mess-
ages is displayed. If the State Return Menu is unavailable because of a
scheduled down time, the message shown in Exhibit 9-2 is displayed
and the State TP is returned to the Main Menu.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [NONE]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
7) Show State Return Menu
If the State TP chooses “Show State Return Menu” from the Main Menu
and the State Return Menu is busy, the message as shown in Exhibit 9-3
is displayed and the State TP is returned to the Main Menu.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [NONE]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
7) Show State Return Menu
When the State TP chooses “Show State Return Menu” from the
Main Menu, the State Return Menu shown in Exhibit 9-4 is displayed.
If the State TP enters a character that is not one of the listed number choices,
then an invalid menu selection message along with the State Return Menu is
displayed as shown in Exhibit 9-5. If the State TP fails to make a valid selection
from the State Return Menu in three attempts, the State TP is disconnected.
After the State TP completes tasks on the State Return Menu and chooses
“Return to MAIN MENU,” the Main Menu is redisplayed (Exhibit 9-1). The State
TP can continue selecting menu options or choose “Logoff” from the Main Menu
to end the session.
When the State TP chooses “Reset State File” from the State Return Menu, the
State TP is asked to enter the state file sequence number as shown in
Exhibit 9-6.
If the State TP depresses "Enter" without entering a state file sequence number,
the State TP is returned to the State Return Menu (Exhibit 9-4). If the State TP
enters a non-numeric entry, the State TP is returned to the State Return Menu
after being informed of an invalid file sequence number entry as shown in Exhibit
9-7. If the State TP fails to enter a valid state file sequence number in three
attempts, the State TP is disconnected.
If the State TP enters a valid state sequence number and the state file is
successfully reset so that the state can download the file, a reset message is
displayed that contains the state filename as shown in Exhibit 9-8.
System indicates requested State File <filename> has not been sent.
State File <filename> not reset.
Please contact the IRS e -Help Desk for assistance.
If the State TP encounters errors three consecutive times when trying to reset the
state file, the State TP is disconnected.
If the State TP reaches the limit for the number of state files that can be reset in
one State Return Menu session (10 is the limit), and the State TP selects “Reset
State File” from the State Return Menu, the message shown in Exhibit 9-13 is
displayed followed by the Sta te Return Menu.
Previously this report was automatically displayed during the state data retrieval
session. When the State TP chooses “Request State Files to Download Report”
from the State Return Menu and no state files are available to send to the State
TP, the message shown in Exhibit 9-14 is displayed followed by the State Return
Menu. If this happens three times in a row, the State TP is disconnected.
When the State TP chooses “Request State Files to Download Report” from the
State Return Menu, and there are state files to download, the State Files
Download Report is transmitted to the State TP using the current default file
transfer protocol and the compression method settings displayed on the Main
Menu. A message notifying the State TP that the report transfer is about to begin
is displayed. For Zmodem, Xmodem, or Ymodem, the message in Exhibit 9-15 is
displayed. For FTP, the message shown in Exhibit 9-16 is displayed. The file
transfer will begin after the appropriate notice.
If the report file transmission did not complete successfully, the message shown
in Exhibit 9 -17 is displayed followed by the State Return Menu. If this happens
three times in a row, the State TP is disconnected.
If the report file is transmitted successfully, the message shown in Exhibit 9-18 is
displayed followed by the State Return Menu.
The State TP can make only one State Files to Download report request per
State Return Menu session. If the State TP tries to request a report again, the
message shown in Exhibit 9-19 is displayed followed by the State Return Menu.
If this happens three times in a State Return Menu session, the State TP is
When the State TP chooses “Receive State Return File(s)” from the State Return
Menu and no state files are available to send to the State TP, the message
shown in Exhibit 9-21 is displayed followed by the State Return Menu.
The State TP will no longer receive a dummy file with a STCAP record containing
the NO STATE DATA AVAILABLE message if there are no available files to send
to the state. If the State TP chooses “Receive State Return File(s)” three times in
a row and no state return files are available, the State TP is disconnected.
When the State TP chooses “Receive State Return File(s)” from the State Return
Menu and state data files are present on the SRS that have not been sent to the
State TP, they will be transmitted as separate files to the State TP. The state
files are transmitted to the State TP using the current default file transfer protocol
displayed on the Main Menu. The state return files sent to the State TP will
continue to be in GZIP compressed format. The compression setting from the
Main Menu is ignored for the transmission of state return files. A message
notifying the State TP that the state file(s) transfer is about to begin is displayed.
When the retrieval of state return data file(s) is successfully completed, the
message shown in Exhibit 9-24 is displayed before the State TP is returned to
the State Return Menu.
If there are errors during the transmission of the last file, or the State TP aborts
the transmission, the communications line is disconnected after the messages
shown in Exhibit 9-25 are displayed.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [FTP]
4) Change Compression Method [GZIP]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
login: xxxxxxxx
Last login: Tue Sep 4 10:39:31 from computername
# ##### ####
# # # #
# # # ####
# ##### #
# # # # #
# # # ####
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [NONE]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
Transmission file has been received with the following GTX Key:
S20041020123423.1700 10200001
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [NONE]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
The format of the reference name is MMDDnnnn where MM month and DD day match
the GTX Key. The nnnn number is a 4-digit sequence number generated by the EMS.
The reference name is used to generate the acknowledgment file name.
Note 1: MM = month
DD = day
nnnn = 4 digit sequence number
Note 2: GZIP preserves the uncompressed ACK file name (e.g., MMDDnnnn.ACK)
in its archive.
Note 3: Compress does not preserve the uncompressed ACK file name.
Note 4: For State Ack files that are redirected to a TP ETIN, the ack file will have the
file extension “Sss” where “ss” is the standard postal abbreviation published
in IRS Publication 1346 “Standard Postal Service State Abbreviations and Zip
Codes.” For example, the file extension “SMD” will be used for an ack file
from the state of Maryland. If the state ack file contains a code that does not
appear in Pub 1346, then “ss” will be replaced with “XX”. In this case, the file
extension would be “SXX”.
Note 5: The acknowledgment file names shown in this appendix use upper case
letters. These are the names as they appear on EMS. Some file transfer
protocols and/or some operating systems may translate the names into
EMS checks all incoming files for viruses. If a virus is detected, EMS returns
an error acknowledgment to the TP in XML format. If EMS detects a virus, the
TP is placed in suspended status. Should this occur, the TP must contact the
Home SPC EMS Help Desk to request removal of the suspended status.
Below is the format for the error acknowledgment that is returned to the TP
when a virus is detected in the transmission. All TPs receive the XML
format acknowledgment, even if the transmission was sent using a different
IRS approved format. Note that the second line of the file, the
Content-Description contains a plain English description of the problem;
therefore, an understanding of XML is not required to interpret the message.
The shaded areas contain the GTX key, a timestamp, and the virus name.
These values vary for each returned acknowledgment. The remainder of the
message is constant.
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Description: Notification that transmission file T200303211345.0100 was
rejected because it contained a virus
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
EMS checks all incoming files for XML vulnerabilities or threats. If an XML
vulnerability is detected, EMS returns an error acknowledgment to the TP in XML
format. If EMS detects a virus, the TP is placed in suspended status. Should this
occur, the TP must contact the Home SPC EMS Help Desk to request removal of the
suspended status.
Below is the format for the error acknowledgment that is returned to the
TP when an XML vulnerability is detected in the trans mission. All TPs receive the XML
format acknowledgment, even if the transmission was sent using a different IRS-
approved format. Note that the second line of the file, the Content-Description, contains
a plain English description of the problem; therefore, an understanding of XML is not
required to interpret the message. The shaded areas contain the GTX key, a
timestamp, and the XML threat. These values vary for each returned acknowledgment.
The remainder of the message is constant.
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Description: Notification that transmission file T200303211345.0100 was
rejected because it contained an XML threat
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
If the TP has established a profile that uses one of the supported compression methods,
then EMS will decompress the file before processing it. If there is a problem and the file
fails to decompress, then the TP will receive the error acknowledgment shown below.
All TPs receive the XML format acknowledgment,
even if the transmission was sent using a different IRS approved format. Note
that the second line of the file, the Content-Description contains a plain
English description of the problem; therefore, an understanding of XML is not required
to interpret the message. The shaded areas contain the GTX key and
a timestamp. These values vary for each returned acknowledgment. The
remainder of the message is constant.
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Description: Notification that transmission file T200303211345.0100 was
rejected because it failed to decompress
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
The capability to process all EMS and MGT processes for Forms 94x
return transmissions that are in the EDI and Proprietary formats is being discontinued.
If the TP submits a 940/941 form type in EDI (X12)/Proprietary (MGT) formats, the
following XML error acknowledgment is generated. All TPs receive the XML format
acknowledgment, even if the transmission was sent using a different IRS-approved
format. Note that the second line of the file, the Content-Description, contains a plain
English description of the problem; therefore, an understanding of XML is not required
to interpret the message. The shaded areas contain the GTX key and a timestamp.
These values vary for each returned acknowledgment. The remainder of the message
is constant.
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Description: Notification that transmission file SYYYYMMDDhhmmss.nnnn was
rejected because it is not in acceptable format
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
As of November 1, 2005 analog and IRS ISDN services are no longer available.
However, it may be possible for a TP to use ISDN if he/she provides his/her own
Use of digital services requires authorization from the IRS. Please contact Darryl Giles
at (202) 283-5193, e-mail [email protected].
As of No vember 1, 2005, all dedicated lines must be encrypted using at least 128-bit
encryption provided by a Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) approved
method. A TP, using the digital service, is responsible for choosing, procuring, and
installing his/her cryptographic solution. To determine if a cryptographic solution meets
FIPS standards obtain the "NIST Validation List Certification Number and Date" from
the solution provider. This information can be verified by checking the NIST website at There are validation lists for each major FIPS
Cryptographic Standard. Each list has a sequence number, and lists the
manufacturer/supplier, date of validation, name of the implementation, its operational
environment, and a further description of other characteristics.
The IRS recommends the use of Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) as the cryptographic
solution for the digital service. Additional information for TPs who use Cisco routers
and may need to upgrade them to support IPsec is provided in Section C.1.4.
The following paragraphs describe the hardware and software necessary to use the
digital communication service.
Two (2) Cisco 7206 routers have been installed in both Martinsburg and Memphis.
Each Cisco 7206 has an aggregate bandwidth of 600 Mbps and contains six slots for
communications adapters. While one of the routers is a hot spare, the active 7206 is
configured as follows:
• One (1) Ethernet adapter with four (4) ports–-10 Mbps each port
• One (1) High speed synchronous adapter, which supports eight (8) ports
• One (1) High speed synchronous adapter, which supports four (4) ports
• All high speed synchronous ports support speeds up to 2.048 Mbps. Some TPs
have connected to the interfaces directly from their own high-speed
communications equipment
TPs use either Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) or Frame Relay link encapsulation when
connecting to the high speed synchronous ports.
For a TP to connect over a dedicated line he/she must purchase the circuit. Once the
TP’s request for digital service is approved, the IRS provides him/her with IP
addressing and routing information.
Connection to the EMS system using the digital communications services provides the
TP with a Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) interface. To use
this service the TP must have the following:
• The ability to make a SSH or a secure alternative for Telnet connection from
his/her system to an EMS host.
• If the TP plans to use Secure File Transfer Protocol (FTP) for data transfer,
his/her system must support an FTP server and have the ability to accept an FTP
connection from the EMS. The TP must supply a user logon and password for
the EMS system to use when connecting to his/her FTP server.
• A router capable of supporting PPP or Frame Relay over the digital circuit.
Once the TP establishes a connection using EMS digital services the following
capabilities are available.
Appendix C
Publication 1438 December 2006 Section B 65
• C.1 Digital Service, continued
• Transfer of data using FTP. If a TP has a host system that supports FTP, he/she
may use this as a protocol to send and receive files to the EMS system. For TPs
using this transfer method the only configuration needed is to setup a user
account for EMS to use and directories for EMS to use to “get” return files and
“put” acknowledgment files. EMS transmits one file for each acknowledgment file
available for processing. The file transfers are binary and the “#” hash mark is
displayed for every 1,024 bytes of data transferred.
• File transfers over Telnet. If a TP uses TCP/IP to connect to the EMS system,
his/her logon to the system is through Telnet. If the TP does not want to use FTP
to transfer files, he/she may use another file transfer protocol such as Zmodem
over the Telnet session. This capability is currently available in many of the
Telnet application programs. The file transfer rate of Zmodem over a Telnet
session is not as fast as FTP. See Sections C.3 and C.4 for more details.
• One final aspect of a TCP/IP connection to the EMS is that TCP/IP supports
multiple simultaneous connections to the same host or multiple hosts. A TP may
submit files over multiple concurrent sessions. However, only one session per
host can retrieve acknowledgment files.
To support IPsec encryption, TPs with existing Cisco routers may need to upgrade their
router’s IOS® and memory to the minimum requirements listed in Exhibit C-1 for their
specific platform. TPs that are registered Cisco users can download the newer IOS
version from Cisco’s website (
IOS version features will vary per router. As a rule, the IRS will use the highest 12.2
GD (General Deployment) release at the time of implementation with the following
feature sets: IP PLUS/IPSEC 3DES.
Appendix C
Depending on other functions used by the router (e.g., NAT, IOS firewall, T1 lines), the
CPU utilization can be seriously degraded by adding encryption functionality. It is
recommended that acceleration modules be added. If possible, it is also recommended
that the base router component be upgraded (i.e., 1700 to a 1750, 2600 to a 2650,
etc.). There are no hardware upgrades or module additions for the 800 series routers;
therefore, TPs using these routers should consider upgrading to a 1750 series router.
The Cisco 1600 series and 2500 series routers do not support IPsec and must be
upgraded. Cisco recommends an upgrade to the next highest platform. (i.e., 1600
Router to 1700 Router or 2500 Router to 2600 Router). See the Cisco website for
Those TPs that wish to purchase new routers can do so by purchasing Cisco’s “VPN
bundles.” Exhibit C-2 identifies IRS recommended bundles.
C3725-VPN/K9 3725 VPN Bundle, AIM-VPN/EPII, Plus IOS FW/IPSEC 3DES, 128DRAM
C3745-VPN/K9 3745 VPN Bundle, AIM-VPN/HPII, Plus IOS FW/IPSEC 3DES, 128DRAM
The Telnet/SSL traffic must be transmitted to EMS on TCP port 992. The TP may need
to configure his/her firewall(s) to allow this traffic to pass through. This has been the
most common cause of failure to connect to EMS through the Internet. Most
businesses routinely block traffic on ports not commonly used for security reasons. The
TP connects to EMS using one of the following fully qualified Domain Name Service
(DNS) names.
ETA provides information on which processing sites are located at the two computing
centers, and which DNS name above to use during the calendar year.
If the TP’s software allows him/her to establish concurrent sessions to the same
computing center, the TP may submit files over multiple concurrent sessions. However,
only one session can retrieve acknowledgment files. TPs should note that FTP is not
available as a file transfer protocol when using the Internet service.
A TP may need to provide the following information when he/she is configuring their
terminal emulation software.
• Terminal Type. Select a member of the Virtual Terminal (VT) family (e.g.,
VT100 or VT220).
• Port. 992. This port number is often filled in automatically by the terminal
emulation software if Telnet/SSL is chosen.
• Destination or Host Name. One of the fully qualified names listed previously.
• Host Certificate. EMS sends an Entrust certificate, which the terminal emulation
software must accept.
• Operating System (OS). If your terminal emulation software asks for an OS, it
is asking about the Trading Partner’s system, not the EMS system. Enter the
local system parameters upon which the terminal emulation software will be
• Data Characters. Please specify eight bit data characters if your terminal
emulation software does not default to it.
The IRS has tested several terminal emulation software packages supporting Telnet-
SSL including PowerTerm Pro Enterprise for Unix Version 8.8.3, Hummingbird Exceed,
and Attachmate. Many other commercial and open-source packages can also be used
as long as they support the Telnet specification RFC 854 and the SSL 3.0 specification.
If a TP cannot successfully connect using an internally developed package we
recommend using one of the above packages, which can often be evaluated free, to
verify the connectivity parameters outlined above. Additional guidance is given in C.3
and C.4.
If the TP uses Zmodem, Xmodem-1K, or Ymodem-batch to transfer files over the Telnet
session, to be successful the TP’s Telnet program must support connections that allow
all eight bits of the data to pass through. This is often accomplished on the Telnet
command line as “telnet –8 host”. If the TP uses the “telnet -8” method, the screen
display may appear distorted and after typing in the TP identification information the
systems appears to be hung. If this occurs the TP should terminate his/her responses
with a Line-Feed Character. On a sta ndard keyboard, depressing the Control Key and
the “j” key at the same time generates this character. As an alternative to the “telnet -8”
option, the TP may set binary mode before beginning a file transfer and unset binary
mode upon completion of the transfer.
The most common file transfer software used over the Telnet Session is Zmodem. The
package consists of the “sz” command for sending files and the “rz” command for
receiving files. As with the Telnet session options described in Section C.3, there are
options that may need to be invoked to achieve a successful file transfer. In addition, it
is important to note that these options are not necessarily mutually exclusive from the
Telnet options. It may be that having a specific Zmodem option set might mean that a
Telnet option does not need to be invoked. It is recommended that TPs explore the
Zmodem options first. These options are available if the TP is experiencing problems:
• Zmodem Escape Control Characters. This option, usually “-e”, will have
Zmodem watch for control characters and modify them so that they pass through
undetected as control characters. The option is sometimes available on both the
“sz” and “rz” commands. Other versions have the –e option available only on the
• Zmodem Timeout Values. Within Zmodem there are options for how long to
wait for an expected packet of data. The default is normally 10 seconds. In most
cases, this value should be acceptable. However, the TP should never set these
values to wait forever.
• Zmodem buffer timeout. There may be times when the timeout values may
need to be changed. This can occur with TPs, whose connection to their ISP is
through a dial-up line. Because of the buffering ability of telecommunications
equipment and the amount of communications equipment usually in place for an
Internet connection, the amount of data that can be stored could cause an error.
This can happen if a file that is to be transmitted is approximately the same size
as one of the buffers present in the data link. The sending program will have
completed the streaming of all the data in the file but the receiving side may not
have gotten any data yet. If the sending side has its receive packet timeout set
too low, it may timeout before the receiver can receive and transmit the packet.
• Zmodem sliding window. If this option is not enabled, the sender transmits all
of a file without waiting for an acknowledgment. This results in a faster file
transfer. However, some of the intermediate communications equipment may
store data while it is transferred to the receiver. Sometimes this causes the
sender to "get ahead" of the receiver. In this case, the TP may need to enable
the sliding window option. This results in intermediate acknowledgments and a
slower file transfer. The smaller the value of the sliding window setting the
slower the file transfer.
• Crash Recovery. EMS does not retain partial files. Therefore, if a transmission
to EMS is interrupted, the TP must retransmit from the beginning of the file. For
acknowledgment files and state return files, EMS can resume the transmission
from where the interruption occurred in the transmission if the TP’s software
supports it.
The Transmission Status Report is returned to the TP within a file that is suitable for
display with a Web browser. The file can also be imported into newer versions of Excel
as an Excel spreadsheet. The file name is MMDDhhmm_rpt.html where MM=month,
DD=day, hh=hour, and mm=minute. If the TP had previously requested Unix file
compression, the file name would be MMDDhhmm_rpt.html.Z. If the TP has previously
selected GZIP compression, the file name would be MMDDhhmm_rpt.html.GZ. Some
file transfer protocols or operating systems may translate the “Z” or “GZ” to lowercase
“z” or “gz.”
Exhibit D-3 Browser View of State Transmission Report (displayed in HTML format)
Waiting State The acknowledgment for a State Transmission is available for the
Delivery state to pick up.
Received by State The acknowledgment for a State Transmission has been
received by the state.
In Progress The State Transmission file was received by EMS and is being
Waiting TP Delivery The acknowledgment is available for the TP to pick up.
Received by TP The acknowledgment has been received by the TP.
<th abbr="reference name of ack file">
ACK Reference File Name
<th nowrap="nowrap" abbr="status of transmission">
Transmission Status
<th abbr="transmission mode: test or production">
Test/ Production
<th abbr="date of transmission status">
Status Date
<th abbr="time of transmission status">
Status Time
<tbody valign="top">
<td abbr="T20040304100001.7700">
<td align="right" abbr="">
<td abbr="">
<td abbr="03040010.ACK">
<td nowrap="nowrap" abbr="Waiting State Delivery">
Waiting State Delivery
<td align="center" abbr="T">
<td abbr="">
<td abbr="03050211.ACK">
<td nowrap="nowrap" abbr="Received by State">
Received by State
<td align="center" abbr="P">
<td abbr="2004-03-05">
<td align="right" abbr="20:00">
<td abbr="03050111.SMD">
<td nowrap="nowrap" abbr="Received by TP">
Received by TP
<td align="center" abbr="P">
<td abbr="2004-03-05">
<td align="right" abbr="20:00">
<td abbr="T20040305121524.8800">
<td align="right" abbr="">
<td abbr="">
<td abbr="03051200.NAK">
<td nowrap="nowrap" abbr="Waiting State Delivery">
Waiting State Delivery
<td align="center" abbr="P">
<td abbr="2004-03-05">
<td align="right" abbr="12:16">
While the following information is provided primarily for those who use scripts to control
interaction with EMS, it is also useful for individuals who login and conduct their
sessions “manually.”
1. Use pattern matching, not timers, to control the flow of scripts. Scripts should be
able to handle all messages and prompts from EMS, not just the main “retrieve
acknowledgment” and “submit a file” paths. See Appendix F for an example of a
script that is entirely controlled by simple pattern-matching.
3. Log off using the “Logoff” menu option on the main menu, instead of simply
hanging up. Do not hang up until the “DISCONNECTING FROM EFS” message has
been received. This is true for both scripted and human interaction with EMS.
4. When a message is received indicating that EMS is unavailable, don’t try again
immediately. Wait at least 10 minutes.
6. If a TP has multiple concurrent sessions at the same physical site using the same
ETIN, only one session will retrieve acknowledgments. Unless the other sessions
are used to submit files, they will not accomplish any useful work.
The following example is meant to illustrate how a script can communicate with EMS
using only pattern-matching to control logic flow. The example is for reference only, and
is not intended for actual use by trading partners.
This particular script is written in “expect”, designed for a Unix operating system, and
takes advantage of “expect’s” ability to specify a set of strings and events to be watched
for if there is a failure to match the string that is anticipated. It also assumes that files
are to be sent and received using the FTP protocol. A script that instead used the
Zmodem protocol, for example, would differ noticeably in those parts of the script that
accomplish the actual sending and receiving of files.
Most “expect” commands and syntax appearing in the script are reasonably intuitive, at
least for the limited purposes of illustration for which this script is intended. But it is
worth mentioning that the command “send” directs output to the telnet session, while the
command “send_user” directs output to “standard output”, which is assumed to be
directed to a local log file. Lines beginning with “#” are comments.
#!/opt/sfw/bin/expect -f $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
-exact " EFS is currently unavailable. Additional information may be available on IRS
quick alerts. " {
send_user "got the EFS UNAVAILABLE message (abort) \n"
exit }
eof {
send_user "tp_client disconnected (abort) \n"
exit }
#If there are acks to pick up, EMS will prompt for the TP to receive them.
#If not, or after they have been picked up, EMS will prompt to allow sending a file.
#The logic below handles both possibilities.
#If there are files to pick up, the logic responds "y" to receive them.
#After they are received, it responds "y" to the prompt for sending a file,
#then responds with the local filename to be sent, because this script assumes
#that the FTP protocol is being used.
#If there are not any files to pick up, the logic responds "y" to the prompt for sending #a
file, then responds with the local filename to be sent, because this script assumes
#that the FTP protocol is being used.
expect {
-exact " Are you ready to receive files? Y/\[N\]: " {
sleep .2
send -s -- "y\r"
expect -exact " Do you want to send a file? Y/\[N\]: "
sleep .2
send -s -- "y\r"
expect -exact " are sending from your system: "
sleep .2
send -s -- "$retfil\r"
#The send_user command writes a message into the TP's local log file
send_user "after send file looking for choice \n "
5. A new password must differ by at least three characters from the current
6. A new password must not match any password (the last five) in the TP’s EMS-
maintained password history.
8. Passwords cannot be changed within the first 7 days of the last password
The following represents sample screen shots for logging onto the system and being
required to change the password functionality. For more explanation refer to the exhibit
referenced in Section 3 Logging On To the System.
This screen shot represents Exhibit 3-3 when there are “n” amount of days left before
the password expires.
This computer system is the property of the United States Government. The
Government may monitor any activity on the system and retrieve any
information stored within the system. By accessing and using this system, you
are consenting to such monitoring and information retrieval for law
enforcement and other purposes. Users should have no expectation of privacy
as to communication on or stored within the system, including information
stored locally on the hard drive or other media in use within the unit (e.g.,
floppy disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, etc.).
login: xxxxxxxx
Password must be changed in 5 day(s).
Last login: Tue Oct 11 16:13:12 from
# ##### ####
# # # #
# # # ####
# ##### #
# # # # #
# # # ####
Upon an initial login or in the event that the password has expired, a password change
is required. This screen shot represents Exhibit 3-5 the password change is successful.
This computer system is the property of the United States Government. The
Government may monitor any activity on the system and retrieve any
information stored within the system. By accessing and using this system, you
are consenting to such monitoring and information retrieval for law
enforcement and other purposes. Users should have no expectation of privacy
as to communication on or stored within the system, including information
stored locally on the hard drive or other media in use within the unit (e.g.,
floppy disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, etc.).
login: xxxxxxxx
Enter new password:
Re-enter new password:
Password changed.
# ##### ####
# # # #
# # # ####
# ##### #
# # # # #
# # # ####
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [NONE]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
This screen shot represents Exhibit 3-6 when the new password and the re-entered
password do not match. After three (3) consecutive unsuccessful attempts the
connection is terminated.
This computer system is the property of the United States Government. The
Government may monitor any activity on the system and retrieve any
information stored within the system. By accessing and using this system, you
are consenting to such monitoring and information retrieval for law
enforcement and other purposes. Users should have no expectation of privacy
as to communication on or stored within the system, including information
stored locally on the hard drive or other media in use within the unit (e.g.,
floppy disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, etc.).
login: xxxxxxxx
Enter new password:
Re-enter new password:
New passwords don't match.
Enter new password:
Re-enter new password:
New passwords don't match.
Enter new password:
Re-enter new password:
New passwords don't match.
This screen shot represents Exhibit 3-7 when the password does not satisfy password
rule requirements.
This computer system is the property of the United States Government. The
Government may monitor any activity on the system and retrieve any
information stored within the system. By accessing and using this system, you
are consenting to such monitoring and information retrieval for law
enforcement and other purposes. Users should have no expectation of privacy
as to communication on or stored within the system, including information
stored locally on the hard drive or other media in use within the unit (e.g.,
floppy disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, etc.).
login: xxxxxxxx
Enter new password:
Re-enter new password:
Password rule(s) have not been met.
Enter new password:
Re-enter new password
This screen shot represents Exhibit 3-8 attempting to change the password when
another session is changing the password.
This computer system is the property of the United States Government. The
Government may monitor any activity on the system and retrieve any
information stored within the system. By accessing and using this system, you
are consenting to such monitoring and information retrieval for law
enforcement and other purposes. Users should have no expectation of privacy
as to communication on or stored within the system, including information
stored locally on the hard drive or other media in use within the unit (e.g.,
floppy disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, etc.).
login: xxxxxxxx
Login failed. Another session is trying to change the password.
This screen shot represents Exhibit 3-9 when the system is busy.
This computer system is the property of the United States Government. The
Government may monitor any activity on the system and retrieve any
information stored within the system. By accessing and using this system, you
are consenting to such monitoring and information retrieval for law
enforcement and other purposes. Users should have no expectation of privacy
as to communication on or stored within the system, including information
stored locally on the hard drive or other media in use within the unit (e.g.,
floppy disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, etc.).
login: xxxxxxxx
System error.
This screen shot represents Exhibit 3-10 when an incorrect EMS Login ID or password
is entered. After three (3) consecutive unsuccessful attempts the connection is
This computer system is the property of the United States Government. The
Government may monitor any activity on the system and retrieve any information stored
within the system. By accessing and using this system, you are consenting to such
monitoring and information retrieval for law enforcement and other purposes. Users
should have no expectation of privacy as to communication on or stored within the
system, including information stored locally on the hard drive or other media in use
within the unit (e.g., floppy disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, etc.).
login: xxxxxxxx
Login incorrect
This computer system is the property of the United States Government. The
Government may monitor any activity on the system and retrieve any information
stored within the system. By accessing and using this system, you are consenting to
such monitoring and information retrieval for law enforcement and other purposes.
Users should have no expectation of privacy as to communication on or stored within
the system, including information stored locally on the hard drive or other media in use
within the unit (e.g., floppy disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, etc.).
login: xxxxxxxx
Login incorrect
This computer system is the property of the United States Government. The
Government may monitor any activity on the system and retrieve any information stored
within the system. By accessing and using this system, you are consenting to such
monitoring and information retrieval for law enforcement and other purposes. Users
should have no expectation of privacy as to communication on or stored within the
system, including information stored locally on the hard drive or other media in use
within the unit (e.g., floppy disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, etc.).
login: xxxxxxxx
Login incorrect
Exhibit H-7 Login Incorrect Message
This computer system is the property of the United States Government. The
Government may monitor any activity on the system and retrieve any
information stored within the system. By accessing and using this system, you
are consenting to such monitoring and information retrieval for law
enforcement and other purposes. Users should have no expectation of privacy
as to communication on or stored within the system, including information
stored locally on the hard drive or other media in use within the unit (e.g.,
floppy disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, etc.).
login: xxxxxxxx
This account is currently disabled.
This screen shot represents Exhibit 3-12 when the system is unavailable.
This computer system is the property of the United States Government. The
Government may monitor any activity on the system and retrieve any
information stored within the system. By accessing and using this system, you
are consenting to such monitoring and information retrieval for law
enforcement and other purposes. Users should have no expectation of privacy
as to communication on or stored within the system, including information
stored locally on the hard drive or other media in use within the unit (e.g.,
floppy disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, etc.).
login: xxxxxxxx
EFS is currently unavailable. Additional information may be available on IRS quick
This screen shot represents Exhibit 3-13 when the system is busy.
This computer system is the property of the United States Government. The
Government may monitor any activity on the system and retrieve any
information stored within the system. By accessing and using this system, you
are consenting to such monitoring a nd information retrieval for law
enforcement and other purposes. Users should have no expectation of privacy
as to communication on or stored within the system, including information
stored locally on the hard drive or other media in use within the unit (e.g.,
floppy disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, etc.).
login: xxxxxxxx
EFS is busy. Wait at least 10 minutes, then retry.
The following represent sample screen shots for the password change
functionality. For more explanation refer to the exhibit referenced in Section 8
Changing Password of this manual.
This screen shot represents Exhibit 8-3, when password change is successful.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [COMPRESS]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
Password changed.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [COMPRESS]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
This screen shot represents Exhibit 8-5, when an incorrect current password is
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [COMPRESS]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
This screen shot represents E xhibit 8-6, when the new password and the re-entered
password do not match.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [COMPRESS]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
This screen shot represents Exhibit 8-7, when the password does not satisfy password
rule requirements.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [COMPRESS]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
This screen shot represents Exhibit 8-8, when an attempt is made to change the
password within 7 days from the last successful password change.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [COMPRESS]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [COMPRESS]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
This screen shot represents Exhibit 8-9, attempting to change the password when
another session is changing the password.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [COMPRESS]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
This screen shot represents Exhibit 8-10, when a system error occurs during the
change password process.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [GZIP]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
System error.
This screen shot represents Exhibit 8-11, when a user attempts to change their
password more than once in a single session.
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [COMPRESS]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
1) Logoff
2) Receive/Send File(s)
3) Change File Transfer Protocol [ZMODEM]
4) Change Compression Method [COMPRESS]
5) Request Transmission Status Report
6) Change Password
Error Message Description Form
1. “A VIRUS (VIRUS This message is returned if a 94X, 1040,
NAME) WAS virus is detected in XML format. 1041, ETD,
FILE” Registra-
tion, MEF,
2. “ADDITIONAL TAX If tax data exists after the final 1040, 1041,
DATA AFTER RECAP RECAP record, EMS rejects the ETD, 1065,
RECORD” transmission. StAck
3. “AN XML THREAT WAS This message is returned if an 94X, MeF
DETECTED IN THIS XML threat is detected in XML
FILE” format.
4. “EIN IN TRANA DOES If the EIN in columns 15-23 of the 1041, 1065
NOT MATCH EIN TRANA record does not match
PROFILE” the EIN of the trading partner
sending the trans mission, EMS
rejects the transmission.
5. “EIN IN TRANB DOES If the EIN in columns 15-23 of the 1041, 1065
NOT MATCH EIN IN TRANB record does not match
TRANA” the EIN in columns 15-23 of the
TRANA record, EMS rejects the
6. “EMS RECEIVED This error ack is returned in XML 94X, 1040,
YOUR FILE, BUT format when EMS receives a file, 1041, ETD,
COULD NOT but fails to decompress and 1065, PIN
PROCESS IT. PLEASE process it. Registra-
7. “INVALID FORM For IRS Proprietary format ETD ETD
FORMAT BEGINNING transmissions, EMS validates that
AT RECORD n”. every form begins with a FRM
record (valid Record ID, Form
Number, and Page Number
fields) and ends with a summary
record. In addition, the form
record must contain a numeric
TIN that matches the TIN in the
summary record. If not, EMS
rejects the entire transmission
and returns an Error Ack file with
the new message. or
Publication 1438 December 2006 Section B 113
Error Message Description Form
7. (continued) If the last record byte count and ETD
end of record (#) do not agree,
record sentinel **** is not present,
“RECAP ” is not in columns 9 -14,
byte count is >120 characters or
is not numeric, or CR or LF
imbedded within the record, EMS
rejects the transmission.
8. “INVALID FORM TYPE If the EMS Site is not processing 1040, 1041,
FOR THIS EMS the form type specified in the 1065, ETD,
PROCESSING SITE” transmission type code field StAck
(column 118) of the TRANA
record, EMS rejects the
9. “INVALID JULIAN DAY If the Julian day in columns 91-93 1040, ETD,
IN THE TRANA of the TRANA record is less than 1065
RECORD” the current Julian Day – 2 or more
than the current Julian Day + 1.
10. “INVALID PROCESSING For 1065 and 1041 transmissions, 1041, 1065
SITE DESIGNATOR. if the letter code for Site
B=OGDEN” Designator in column 75 of the
TRANA record is not equal to ‘B’
(Ogden), the value specified
within env_info table, EMS rejects
the transmission.
e and city_name come from the
proc_form_cfg table.
11. “INVALID PROCESSING For 1040 and ETD transmissions 1040, ETD,
SITE DESIGNATOR. if the letter code for Site StAck
C=ANDOVER, Designator in column 75 of the
E=AUSTIN, F=KANSAS TRANA record is not equal to one
CITY, of the specified letter codes, EMS
G=PHILADELPHIA rejects the transmission. If the
H=FRESNO" actual processing site or alternate
site and the Site Designator in the
TRANA record do not agree, EMS
rejects the transmission.
12. “INVALID For 1065 transmissions, if the 1065
PROCESSING YEAR processing year code in column
CODE” 110 of the TRANA record is not
‘P’ for Prior or ‘C’ for Current,
EMS rejects the transmission.
Error Message Description Form
1. “ACK COUNT IN The number of inner-envelope StAck
TRANSMISSION RECAP record-sets does not match the
RECORD DOES NOT number in columns 29-34 of the
MATCH THE COUNT OF outer-envelope RECAP record.
2. Error Ack = “INVALID Letter in column 117 StAck
INNER ENVELOPE (test/production indicator) of
PRODUCTION-TEST inner-envelope TRANA record is
CODE. P = not T or P.
3. “ETIN IN INNER ETIN in columns 84-88 of inner- StAck
ENVELOPE AT RECORD envelope TRANA record does not
<n> NOT VALID” match a valid ETIN in the
tp_login_online table.
4. FIRST RECORD WITHIN Third record in inner-envelope is StAck
INNER ENVELOPE not an ACK record.
5. “INVALID DCN VALUE The return DCN in Field 0090 of StAck
DETECTED WITHIN ACK the Ack Key record is not present
KEY RECORD AT and the first two digits are not
RECORD <n>” zeros.
6. “INVALID ETIN The ETIN in Field 0060 of the StAck
MISMATCH IN INNER inner TRANA record does not
TRANA RECORD AND match the ETIN in the first five
ACK KEY RECORD AT digits of Field 0030 of the Ack Key
RECORD <n>” record.
7. “INVALID FORM TYPE IN EMS Site is not processing the StAck
INNER ENVELOPE FOR State Ack form type for the site
THIS EMS designator (column 75) specified
PROCESSING SITE AT in the inner_envelope TRANA
RECORD <n>” record.
Acronym List
GD General Deployment
GTX Global Transaction Key
0695 IF ANY IS FROM FORM(S) 1099 24e 1 874 - 874 "X" or blank
1390 TAX EXEMPT INCOME - YES BOX 1 1 563 - 563 "X" OR BLANK
1530 INTEREST PT I 12 57 - 68 N
1540 TAXES PT I 12 69 - 80 N
0670 PURCHASES 36 12 78 - 89 N
0810 EVIDENCE WRITTEN - YES BOX 47b 1 194 - 194 "X" OR BLANK
0060 TRANSACTION 1 PT I 12 85 - 96 N
0070 PERSONAL USE - YES BOX A-2 1 265 - 265 "X" OR BLANK
0080 PERSONAL USE 14 DAYS - YES BOX B-2 1 267 - 267 "X" OR BLANK
0085 PERSONAL USE 14 DAYS - NO BOX B-2 1 268 - 268 "X" OR BLANK
0090 PERSONAL USE 10% - YES BOX C-2 1 269 - 269 "X" OR BLANK
0095 PERSONAL USE 10% - NO BOX C-2 1 270 - 270 "X" OR BLANK
0060 CASH WAGE OVER $1000 PAID C 1 104 - 104 "X" OR BLANK
0065 CASH WAGE OVER $1000 PAID C 1 105 - 105 "X" OR BLANK
0150 CASH WAGES OVER $1000 PAID 9 1 214 - 214 "X" OR BLANK
0155 CASH WAGES OVER $1000 PAID 9 1 215 - 215 "X" OR BLANK
1290 MULTIPLY PT I 12 55 - 66 N
LINE 1 3a
1310 MULTIPLY PT I 12 79 - 90 N
LINE 4 BY 6a
0030 NONTAXABLE USE OF GASOLINE 1c(a) 2 61 - 62 VALUES “04”, “05”, “07”, “11” |
TYPE “13”, “14”, “15” or BLANK
0190 NONTAXABLE USE OF AVIATION 2b(a) 2 117 - 118 VALUES “01, “10”,”11”, “13”, “14”
0260 NONTAXABLE USE OF DIESEL 3a(a) 2 162 - 163 VALUES “02, “06”, “07”, |
FUEL TYPE “08, “11”, “13”, “14, “15”
0370 NONTAXABLE USE OF KEROSENE 4a(a) 2 249 - 250 VALUES “02”, “06”, “07”,
TYPE “08”, “11”, “13”, “14”, “15”
0759 OTHER NONTAXABLE USE TYPE 1 8d(a) 2 237 - 238 VALUES “01”, “09”, “10”, “11”,
“13”, “14”, “15”, OR BLANK
0768 OTHER NONTAXABLE USE TYPE 2 8e(a) 2 257 - 258 VALUES “01”, “09”, “10”, “11”
“13”, “14”, “15”, OR BLANK
0785 NONCOMM. AVIATION 9a(a) 2 277 - 278 VALUES “01”, “09”, “10”, “11”,
KEROSENE USE TYPE 1 “13”, “15”, “16”, OR BLANK
0810 NONCOMM. AVIATION 9b(a) 2 297 - 298 VALUES “01”, “09”, “10”, “11”,
KEROSENE USE TYPE 2 “13”, “15”, “16”, OR BLANK
0920 LPG OTHER NONTAXABLE USE 11c(a) 2 79 - 80 VALUES “01”, “02”, “04”,
TYPE “07”, “13”, “14”, “15”
3199 LPG USE TYPE LITERAL 14a(a) 3 213 - 215 BUS OR BLANK
3200 LPG USE TYPE 14a(a) 2 216 - 217 “01”, “02”, “04”, “05”,
“06”, “07”, “11”, “13”, “14”, “15”
3239 P SERIES FUELS USE TYPE 14b(a) 3 236 - 238 BUS OR BLANK
3240 P SERIES FUELS USE TYPE 14b(a) 2 239 - 240 “01”, “02”, “04”, “05”,
“06”, “07”, “11”, “13”, “14”, “15”
3299 CNG USE TYPE LITERAL 14c(a) 3 259 - 261 BUS OR BLANK
3300 COMPRESSSED NATURAL GAS 14c(a) 2 262 - 263 “01”, “02”, “04”, “05”,
USE TYPR “06”, “07”, “11”, “13”, “14”, “15”
3360 LIQUEFIED HYDROGEN USE TYPE 14d(a) 2 285 - 286 “01”, “02”, “04”, “05”,
“06”, “07”, “11”, “13”, “14”, “15”
3420 LIQUID FUEL FROM COAL 14e(a) 2 308 - 309 “01”, “02”, “04”, “05”,
USE TYPE “06”, “07”, “11”, “13”, “14”, “15”
3480 LIQUID HYDROCARBONS USE TYPE 14f(a) 2 331 - 332 “01”, “02”, “04”, “05”,
“06”, “07”, “11”, “13”, “14”, “15”
3540 LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS USE 14g(a) 2 354 - 355 “01”, “02”, “04”, “05”,
TYPE “06”, “07”, “11”, “13”, “14”, “15”
4120 DIESEL-WATER FUEL EMULSION 17a(a) 2 148 - 149 “01”, “02”, “05”, “06”, “07”, “08”,
NONTAXBLE USE TYPE “11”, “13”,“14”,“15”
0210 MACRS 3-YR PROPERTY PT III 2 395 - 396 "HY", "MQ" OR "MM"
0260 MACRS 5-YR PROPERTY PT III 2 430 - 431 "HY", "MQ" OR "MM"
0310 MACRS 7-YR PROPERTY PT III 2 465 - 466 "HY", "MQ" OR "MM"
0360 MACRS 10-YR PROPERTY PT III 2 500 - 501 "HY", "MQ" OR "MM"
0410 MACRS 15-YR PROPERTY PT III 2 535 - 536 "HY", "MQ" OR "MM"
0460 MACRS 20-YR PROPERTY PT III 2 570 - 571 "HY", "MQ" OR "MM"
0484 MACRS 25-YR PROPERTY PT III 2 603 - 604 "HY", "MQ" OR "MM"
0630 ADS (CLASS LIFE) PT III 2 753 - 754 "HY", "MQ" OR "MM"
0660 ADS (12 YEAR) PT III 2 779 - 780 "HY", "MQ" OR "MM"
VEHICLE 1 (NO BOX) 35(a)
VEHICLE 2 (NO BOX) 35(b)
VEHICLE 3 (NO BOX) 35(c)
VEHICLE 4 (NO BOX) 35(d)
VEHICLE 5 (NO BOX) 35(e)
VEHICLE 6 (NO BOX) 35(f)
0230 PRIOR YEAR FORM 6198, PT III 1 366 - 366 "X" OR BLANK
LINE 19, BOX 15b
0310 2ND DISP MORE THAN 2 YEARS 29a 1 523 - 523 "X" OR BLANK
0350 2ND DISP AFTER DEATH OF 29d 1 534 - 534 "X" OR BLANK
0090 REV. RUL., REV. PROC., ETC PT I 35 275 - 309 A/N OR BLANK
0160 REV. RUL., REV. PROC., ETC PT I 35 498 - 532 A/N OR BLANK
0090 REV. RUL., REV. PROC., ETC PT I 35 275 - 309 A/N OR BLANK
0160 REV. RUL., REV. PROC., ETC PT I 35 498 - 532 A/N OR BLANK
0550 ADD LINES 33, 39, 41, 43, PT III 12 247 - 258 N
0003 EIN 9 26 - 34 N
0140 ACK FILE NAME 20 100 - 119 A/N (IRS USE ONLY)
0003 EIN 9 26 - 34 N
0010 CLIENT ID 3 15 - 17 N