Try 15 Face Fat Killing Foods

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Try 15 Face Fat Killing Foods

by John Socratous, Market Researcher

Author of best seller:  The Face Fitness Formula

There are some foods that reduce face fat and some that support face fat (and bulging
face). Check out the 15 foods that help to flatten those chubby cheeks and double

1. Avocados: This small fruit is full of two nutrients that support reducing face
fat: hunger-squeezing fiber (1 avocado contains 11-17 grams); and mono-
unsaturated fats which actually support instant reduction of face fat.

2. Peanut Butter: Well, not only peanut butter, most of the nuts and seeds,
walnuts, almonds (almond butter), pistachios, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds
and flax seeds are good for this purpose. The reason is that these seeds and
nuts help you to feel satisfied and full for a long time and these are actually
saturated with nourishing face fat burning minerals and fats.

3. Olive oil: Olive oil and Coconut oils are healthy

and help in burning face fat by providing healthy
oils to your body that are required.
4. Vegetables: Some vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, kale, brussels sprout
and cabbage are saturated with vitamins and minerals that support your body
to reduce face fat.  Eat as many veggies as you want, you can never get

5. Omelets: Eggs are good, these are saturated with nutrients and have loads of 
face fat burning protein, Vitamin B12, B6, D, A , E and K, choline, folate,
lutein, iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and omega -3 fatty acids. Eat eggs as
they also help you to keep full for a long time.

6. Dark Chocolate: Yes, you can have chocolate!  Just make sure it’s the right
kind (dark)!  Dark chocolates are filled with antioxidants (almost 8 times more
than that found in strawberries) and a stimulant that has a fat burning effect
and includes obromine and caffeine. Select the ones that are higher than 78%
7. Oatmeal: With oatmeal you just cannot go wrong, as this is filled with whole
grains and a ton of fiber. Make sure to avoid the high sugar processed oatmeal,
and eat natural 100% oats.  You can make them in your microwave, and they
are ready in 2 minutes! You can mix walnuts, natural sweetener, berries and
some cinnamon to have an added taste. Oatmeal really is great stuff!

8. Green Tea: It contains potent antioxidants and a lot of research has connected
green tea as a fat reducing agent.  It also increases your metabolism.

9. Beans: Re-fried beans, navy beans, lima beans and black beans add more than
6 grams of fiber in every ½ cup. Fiber supports in washing out lots of “toxic
waste” and helps a lot in reducing your face fat.
10. Berries: Black berries, raspberries and strawberries are saturated with lots of
fiber (which allow gradual absorption of sugar in your body), and they include
lots of vitamins that helps you to fight against cravings (Vitamin deficiency
usually increases cravings)

11. Cinnamon:  Scientists have claimed that cinnamon holds a certain type of
antioxidant that makes your insulin all the more sensitive, which in turn
effectively stabilizes your blood sugar. In a nutshell… are going to store
face fat in a much lower amount.

12. Chili Peppers: Researches has claimed that chili peppers and powders contain
certain active ingredients termed as capsaicin that supports calorie burning and
steadying blood sugar (also supports in reducing fat storage). It also works as a
potent antioxidant. You are welcome to add some “spice” in your life.

13. Yogurt: Regular store yogurts are not good for your tummy. Often it is
saturated with sugar (artificial or real) that will result in more of a bulging
face! Go for the Greek yogurts that are more natural, and make sure it’s plain
(not flavored at all).
14. Wild Salmon:  Wild Salmon is considered one of the best face fat reducing
foods as it contains high protein and omega-3 fatty acids. This can be
mentioned as a double shotgun approach of reducing face fat. Most people,
trying to lose weight in their face, lack omega-3 and when this added to the
diet, the fat starts coming off.

15. Turkey/Chicken: I am not only discussing turkey and chicken meat here. 
Any source of lean protein is a great face fat blasting food. Free-range
chicken, wild salmon, whey protein powders, and grass-fed beef.

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