Opioid Analgesics - A 2018 Update: SA Pharmaceutical Journal January 2018
Opioid Analgesics - A 2018 Update: SA Pharmaceutical Journal January 2018
Opioid Analgesics - A 2018 Update: SA Pharmaceutical Journal January 2018
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Keywords: pain, opioid, morphine, codeine, oxycodone, hydromorphone, buprenorphine, pain ladder, tapentadol
The opioid analgesic drugs constitute one of the most important groups of pharmacotherapeutic agents in the clinical practice setting.
They are vital to pain management, especially moderate to severe cancer and visceral pain, in a myriad of healthcare settings. The key
to optimal pain management is the ability to effectively manage patients to ensure optimal pain relief, whilst also minimising or
managing the side-effects of their pain medication. This necessitates effective collaboration between all the healthcare professionals
managing the patient. This article provides an updated overview of the opioid analgesics, and their usefulness in clinical practice.
© Medpharm S Afr Pharm J 2018;85(1):43-49
There are at least two important mu-receptor subtypes1-4: Pain is defined as “…an unpleasant sensory and emotional
• µ1-receptors: These receptors are involved in the analgesic and experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage
or described in terms of such damage”.8 Pain is one of the most
euphoric effects of the opioids and are found in the CNS.
prevalent and most feared symptoms in patients with cancer and
• µ2-receptors: These receptors are found in the CNS, where other non-malignant diseases. Hence, good pain management is
they are implicated in the respiratory depression caused by the one of the central pillars of good patient care.9
opioid analgesics, and also peripherally in the GIT, where they
The World Health Organization’s (WHO) analgesic ladder serves
cause constipation. as the mainstay of treatment for the relief of pain, combined
with the relevant and necessary psychological and rehabilitative
The delta-receptors are also of importance in peripheral tissues.
modalities.10 This multidimensional approach offers the greatest
Further subtypes of these receptors, as well as subtypes of the
potential for maximising the effectiveness of analgesia, whilst
kappa- and sigma-receptors, also exist.1 minimising the adverse effects thereof. According to literature,
Effects of opioid peptide receptor stimulation about 70–90% of cancer pain is relieved when clinicians apply the
steps of the WHO’s pain ladder appropriately.10 According to the
Table I gives an exposition of the most significant effects that WHO,11 the key to effective pain management is contained in the
stimulation of the opioid receptors have on nervous system following principles:
functioning. It also highlights the usefulness and some of the • By mouth: If possible, analgesic should be given by mouth.
expected side-effects of the opioid analgesics. • By the clock: Analgesics should be given at fixed time intervals
and the dosages should be titrated according to the needs • The development of tolerance (tachyphylaxis) to the chronic
of individual patients. Subsequent dosages should be given use of opioids.
before the previous dosage has fully worn off. • Successful pain management with the use of opioid analgesics
• For the individual: The choice of agent and dosages of the may be achieved by balancing the adverse effects with the
selected analgesics should be tailored to the patient. level of analgesia in each individual patient.13 The newer, oral
• By the ladder: The WHO ladder, illustrated in Figure 1, advocates opioid formulations that are available for the management of
the following stepped approach to the use of analgesics11: moderate to severe pain, can assist in achieving effective levels
of analgesia in patients.
Step 1: Non-opioids (e.g. aspirin, paracetamol or ibuprofen) are
used for mild to moderate pain. The opioid drugs
Step 2: Weak opioids (e.g. codeine phosphate, dihydrocodeine, Two major drug groups are utilised in the pharmacotherapeutic
tramadol and buprenorphine), are recommended for moderate management of pain, namely the opioid analgesics for [moderate
pain, used alone or in combination with a non-opioid. to] severe pain, and the non-opioid analgesics that are generally
Step 3: Strong opioids (e.g. morphine, hydromorphone, used in the management of mild to moderate pain.1
oxycodone, buprenorphine and tapentadol (the latter is not
The opioid analgesics may be classified in a variety of ways. In
available on the South African market yet) may be used alone or
clinical practice, however, the most practical classification is based
in combination with a non-opioid for severe pain.
upon the degree of efficacy that may be expected from each
Note: Although the package inserts of certain opioid analgesics one of the more commonly used drugs. Therefore, a distinction
may display a registered indication of “moderate to severe” pain, is made between high-potency agents, low-potency agents, and
the WHO ladder recommends the weaker opioid agents for the opioid agents of intermediate potency. Some authors choose to
former, and the stronger ones for the latter level of severity. refer to high-, low- and intermediate-efficacy agents. Their degree
If, at the initial consultation, the patient’s pain can already be of potency, or efficacy, is dependent on whether they act as full
regarded as severe, it is recommended that the physician move agonists at µ-receptors, since most of the currently available
to the third level of the ladder directly, rather than starting with opioid analgesics exert their analgesic effects via these receptors,
the first two.11 whether they are high- or low-affinity µ-agonists, or whether
they are µ-receptor dualists. Naloxone is an opioid-receptor
As illustrated in Figure 1, opioids play an important role in the
management of, not only acute and chronic pain, but also in
the management of moderate to severe pain.12 However, certain Also note that the opioid analgesics, in contrast to the nonsteroidal
barriers limit the effective use of opioids in the management of anti-inflammatory drugs (or NSAIDs), cannot be used in the
pain, as explained below13: management of pyrexia (fever) or inflammation. The non-opioid
• Concerns about the use of opioids from healthcare professionals, analgesics act within peripheral tissues, where they facilitate
family members and patients; such concerns may be related to the inhibition of pain impulse formation. The prostaglandins are
the side-effect profile and perceived risk of dependence when important mediators of somatic pain sensations, or so-called
using the opioids. dermal, subcutaneous and musculoskeletal pain.1
Severe pain
Persistent or
worsening pain
Moderate pain
Figure 1: The World Health Organization’s three-step analgesic ladder (adapted and examples added)11
In patients with severe pain, morphine is typically regarded as the 80 mg in packs of 28 tablets. The tablets should be taken at
gold standard for strong opioids. However, careful consideration 12-hourly intervals. After administration, the onset of analgesia
needs to be given to the following agents as well: may occur within 37 minutes and it provides an analgesic effect
• Oxycodone for up to 12 hours.16 Prolonged-release tablets should not be
broken, crushed or chewed, as this may result in a toxic dosage
• Hydromorphone
of the drug being delivered. Patient counselling should include
• Buprenorphine dietary advice (intake with a high-fat meal may increase peak
• Tapentadol (currently not marketed in South Africa) plasma levels) and information on the fact that the matrix
core can be passed in the stools, since it does not dissolve
Each of these drugs will be looked at in more detail.
completely.16,17 In addition, patients need to be informed of the
Oxycodone abuse potential of any strong opioid agonist, as well as the risk
of theft of their pain medication.
Oxycodone is classified as a mild-to-moderate, partial agonist at
the mu- (µ) and kappa- (κ) opioid receptors, with strong analgesic • General side-effects are similar to the ones associated with
properties.4,14 It is a semisynthetic agent, derived from the other strong opioids, including nausea, vomiting, sedation,
opium alkaloid, thebaine.4,14 It has been used for many years, in constipation, dizziness and pruritus.16,17 It may cause respiratory
combination with paracetamol, for chronic pain, but more recent depression and these effects should be monitored. In patients
clinical trial data revealed that it might be more efficacious and suffering from renal impairment (with a creatinine clearance
safe when used by itself, in a controlled-release, or an immediate- of ≤ 60 ml/min), the initial dosage of the prolonged-release
release formulation.4,14 In addition, it has been shown that formulation should be reduced and adjusted according to the
conversion to oxymorphone is not required for its bioactivity; patient’s clinical status.16,17 In patients with hepatic impairment,
meaning that the drug has a high oral bioavailability and is twice the prolonged release formulations should be initiated at 33–
as potent as morphine.14 50% of the dosage that would otherwise be recommended.16,17
Both immediate-release (IR) and prolonged-release (PR) The release of oxycodone from Oxycontin® prolonged release
preparations are marketed in South Africa.15,16 tablets is biphasic with an initial, relatively fast release providing
an early onset of analgesia, followed by a more controlled release,
• Immediate-release preparations (Oxynorm® capsules): The
which ensures the 12-hour duration of action.
conventional preparations of oxycodone can be used orally for
the management of moderate to severe pain in conditions such Hydromorphone
as bursitis, dislocations, etc. It may also be used for postoperative
Hydromorphone is a hydrogenated, semi-synthetic, potent mu-
pain management, post-extraction and postpartum pain.16
(µ) receptor agonist with a weak affinity for kappa- (κ)receptors. It
The approved indication for Oxynorm® is as follows: indicated
is used to treat moderate to severe pain.4,18,19 It is five to ten times
for the treatment of moderate to severe pain in patients with
more potent than morphine and due to alterations in its chemical
cancer, and postoperative pain, once gastrointestinal function
structure (a keto-group instead of a hydroxyl group at position 6,
has returned. It is also indicated for the treatment of severe pain
when compared to morphine), it has enhanced distribution into
requiring the use of a strong opioid analgesic. This product is
the CNS.20
available in 5, 10 and 20 mg strengths, in packs of 28 capsules.15
The capsules should be taken at 4–6 hourly intervals. After A controlled-release formulation of oral hydromorphone is the
oral administration, an analgesic effect may occur within only one that is currently approved for the South African market
10–15 minutes, and may persist for 3–6 hours.16 (Jurnista®, 8 and 16 mg tablets), although powder and oral
• Prolonged-release preparations (Oxycontin® prolonged- solutions, injections, and rectal suppositories are available in the
release tablets): This product may be used orally for the relief USA.16 These formulations maintain consistent hydromorphone
of moderate to severe pain in situations where continuous plasma concentrations throughout the 24-hour dosing interval,
analgesia is needed, for instance in cancer and persistent, non- ensuring long-lasting analgesia. The hydromorphone is actively
malignant pain, or pain during rehabilitation.16 The approved released from the matrix system by the dosage form itself, with
indication for Oxycontin® is as follows: indicated for the minimal effects from food and alcohol (as it is not influenced by
treatment of moderate to severe pain in patients with cancer, gastric pH or motility).16,18,19
and postoperative pain, once gastrointestinal function has
Hydromorphone is well absorbed after oral intake, and when
returned. It is also indicated for the treatment of severe pain
compared to morphine it has a faster onset of action, but with a
requiring the use of a strong opioid analgesic. The prolonged
shorter duration of action. This can be advantageous in the short-
release tablets are not indicated for use in preoperative
term analgesia setting.20
analgesia, or for pain during the immediate (i.e. the first
24 hours) phase post-surgery, nor for mild, short-term or acute Hydromorphone has the same side-effect profile as other opiate
use. The preparation should also not be used on an “as-needed” agonists; however, nausea, vomiting, constipation and euphoria
basis.14,16,17 The available preparations include 5, 10, 20, 40 and may be less pronounced with hydromorphone, when compared
to morphine.16,21 Safety and efficacy has not been established in The following important drug interactions have been identified
children, and in patients over the age of 65 years.16,22 with the use of buprenorphine16:
• Concurrent or recent (within two weeks) use of a monoamine • There is a very real danger that the full µ-receptor agonists will
oxidase (MAO) inhibitor. cause dependency; the dualists generally do not cause this
• Substantial respiratory depression in a setting where it cannot problem.
be monitored or where there is no resuscitation equipment at • Pethidine (also known as meperidine) has a rapid onset of
hand. action, but its analgesic effects are limited to a few hours
• Acute or severe bronchial asthma, where the condition cannot in duration. It has a toxic metabolite that accumulates with
be monitored or where there is no resuscitation equipment repeated administration, which makes it poorly suited to
available. the management of chronic pain, but it is still suited to the
postoperative setting. It is the opioid drug of choice in obstetrics,
Tapentadol is metabolised by hepatic microsomal enzymes and, in ureter colic and biliary obstruction (its action on smooth muscle
particular, by cytochrome P-450 (CYP) isoenzymes 2C9, 2C19 and is less pronounced than that of the other opioid analgesics).
2D6. The only isoenzyme that was inhibited to a limited extent
• Other examples of opioid analgesics include methadone (high
in vitro, was CYP2D6, but the concentrations required are clinically
potency) and dextropropoxyphene (low potency). In addition,
irrelevant. Potential drug interactions may include the following
oxycodone and hydromorphone (both phenanthrenes) are two
drug groups16,27:
more examples of high-potency opioids that may be used in
• Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, as discussed in the text. cases of severe pain. Furthermore, methadone has the ability
• Serotonergic drugs causing serious to fatal serotonin syndrome, to act as an antagonist at NMDA-receptors and to block the
e.g. the triptans. reuptake carriers of the monoaminergic transmitters, and it is
• CNS depressants, e.g. sedatives, tranquilisers, alcohol, etc. long-acting.
• Morphine, and the other opioid analgesics to varying degrees,
Other precautions are similar to general opiate agonist
can elicit adverse effects such as respiratory depression, truncal
precautions.27 Side-effects may include nausea, dizziness,
rigidity, sedation, nausea and vomiting, urinary retention,
vomiting, somnolence, constipation, pruritus, dry mouth,
constipation, miosis, tolerance and dependence.
hyperhidrosis and fatigue.16,22 Gastrointestinal effects (nausea,
vomiting and constipation) have been reported, but tapentadol • Naloxone is a competitive antagonist at the opioid receptors
may have an ‘opioid-sparing’ effect with less opioid-related side- but has a shorter half-life than morphine has, for instance. It may
effects.16,26,27 be used in cases of morphine and other opioid overdosage.
In summary Conclusion
Four key drug examples have been discussed in the aforementioned The effective management of pain requires a multidisciplinary
section. However, a few over-all remarks are herewith summarised healthcare approach. The clear, step-wise escalation pathway, as
for the opioid analgesics in general1-4: recommended by the WHO in its analgesic ladder, provides strong
• The opioid analgesics act as either full agonists (of high or low guidelines in terms of the escalation to opioid-based analgesia
affinity) or partial agonists (dualists) at the opioid receptors. (in cases of moderate to severe pain and discomfort). Healthcare
Morphine is more water-soluble than codeine. It is a high-affinity professionals need to make appropriate recommendations and
agonist at µ-receptors and a very potent opioid. Codeine is not provide effective advocacy for the use of the more potent opioid
nearly as potent as morphine (it is a low-affinity agonist). The analgesics, whenever these should become appropriate and
µ-agonists also cause smooth muscle contraction, and therefore necessary. In addition, the use of adjuvant treatment options
produce a spastic paralysis of the small intestine, which leads should be considered during each one of the three steps in the pain
to constipation. At dosages that are lower than those required ladder, since the augmentation of pure analgesia will strengthen
for effective analgesia, codeine may be used as an antitussive the patient’s experience of symptomatic relief. Pharmacists need
(i.e. a cough suppressant) as well as an anti-diarrhoeal agent. to have a clear understanding of the various treatment options, as
Dihydrocodeine is a more potent analgesic than the latter. well as their indications, side-effects and contra-indications.
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