HOPE 3 - Q1 - W8 - M8 - LDS - OrganizingCommunityDance - ALG - RTP

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Candon City, Ilocos Sur

Health Optimizing Physical Education

(HOPE 3) 12
Quarter 1 – Week 8 – Module 8:
Prepared by: Jonna Wayne S. Ibañez

Organizing Community Dance
8 Programs/Activities
1. Discuss safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypothermia and
hyperthermia during moderate to vigorous physical activity participation.
2. Manage dance events
3. Participate in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and
4. Organizes fitness event for a target health issue or concern.
1. What are the safety protocols to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypothermia, and
hyperthermia during moderate to vigorous physical activity participation?
2. How do we manage dance events?
3. How do we participate in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and
4. How do we organize fitness event for a target health issue or concern?
Dance is the rhythmic movement of the body in a certain location, usually to music, for
the aim of expressing a concept or emotion, releasing energy, or simply enjoying the movement
itself. It is a strong impulse, but the art of dance is the channeling of that impulse by skilled
performers into something that is profoundly expressive and can pleasure onlookers who have
no desire to dance.
Dances can be a way to stay fit for people of all ages. It has a wide range of physical
and mental benefits. It also improves your heart, lungs, muscle, and motor fitness.
You can dance in a group, with a partner, or on your own. There are lots of different
places where you can enjoy dancing, for example, at dance schools, social venues, community
halls and in your own home. Dancing has become such a popular way to be active and to keep
fit. Most fitness clubs now offer dance classes in their own group exercise programs.
Dancing can be done both competitively and socially. It can be a great recreational and
sporting choice because anyone of any age can take part on it. It doesn’t matter whether it is
cold or raining, as dancing is usually done indoors. Dance is a fun activity for everyone from

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children to senior citizens. Furthermore, it is an effective form of exercise to address several
health issues and concerns.
Safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypothermia and hyperthermia
during moderate and vigorous physical activity (mvpa) participation.
• Dehydration refers to excessive loss of water from the body, usually through
perspiration or sweating, urination, or evaporation.
• Overexertion refers to the detrimental cause of excessive training. Some individuals
engage in too much physical activity. Decrease in total number of sets or exercises, or
both is recommended.
• Hypothermia is a condition whereby the temperature of your body falls to a level at
which your vital organs can no longer function and begin to shut down. It is the
condition of low core body temperature.
• Hyperthermia is a result of the body being over heated. Causes can be physical
activity, moderate to high ambient air temperature, onset of dehydration because of
losing too much sweat without adequate water intake to replenish your system, solar or
reflected radiation, improper clothing which does not allow for evaporation [cooling]
of sweat, a low fitness level and or additional workload of carrying excessive weight.
Precautions to Prevent Dehydration during MVPA Participation.
✓ Before: Drink at least 16 – 20 ounces of water one to two hours before a workout or
outdoor activity.
✓ During: Drink six to 12 ounces of water for every 10 – 15 minutes of strenuous activity.
✓ After: Drink at least another 16 – 24 ounces of water.
What are the safety protocols of hyperthermia and hypothermia?
 Avoid exertion or exercise, especially during the hottest part of the day.
 If traveling, allow 2 to 3 weeks in an unusually hot climate before attempting any type
of exertion.
 When outside, wear a hat and loose clothing; when indoors, remove as much clothing
as needed to be comfortable. Take a tepid bath or shower.
Prevent overexertion by:
 Drink a cup of water about 4 hours before you exercise.
 Have another half-cup of water every 10 to 15 minutes while you're exercising.
 Drink water after you're done. If your body is producing plenty of light-colored urine,
that's a good sign.

Participates in an organized event that addresses health/fitness issues and concerns.

Regular exercise and physical activity promote strong muscles and bones. It improves
respiratory, cardiovascular health, and overall health. Staying active can also help you maintain
a healthy weight, reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and reduce your risk for
some cancers.
Physical activity or exercise can improve your health and reduce the risk of developing
several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Physical activity and
exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits. Most importantly, regular activity
can improve your quality of life.

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If you participate in regular moderate physical activity, you can expect to enjoy
numerous health and social benefits, including:
✓ reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.
✓ reduced risk of developing high blood pressure.
✓ reduced blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure.
✓ prevention of some cancers.

Importance of participating in an organized event that addresses health recreation issues

and concern:
1. Raising awareness
Even in the different households in the Philippines, there are many things that we do not
know of. There are a lot of issues and concerns that are unknown specially to the older people
in the households. They sometimes lack access to the modern technology where everything
new or up to date issues are only posted online. Even teenagers do not always read health
articles and mostly focuses on something else like trends in the different social media
platforms. People would become aware of the different facts and knowledge during this kind
of event.
2. Correcting wrong practices
Among the Filipino households, a lot still practices cures handed down from ancestors.
Like treating almost any kind of sickness at home with oil and herbs. There isn’t any problem
with being resourceful and using herbal medicine, but we should do it the right way. Some of
the Filipino herbal treatments are proven to worsen some illness. We should attend these kinds
of events to clear things out. These events always cater questions just to make sure that home
treatment does not do any harm to sick people.
3. Adding Knowledge
Attending in events like this makes an individual more knowledgeable specially about
being healthy. Of course, there will be some information’s we don't know that we might learn
in these events, and we could use them somehow in the future. Knowing more about health
makes someone more reliable when it comes to keeping the family healthy.
1. How to organize fitness event for a target health issue or concern?
2. Set the objectives for your case. What do you want to achieve? What do you want the
people concerned to feel?
3. Establish a theme that suits your goals.
4. Find the best date, time, and place for your case. Figure out the number of people who
will be involved.
5. Identify what you want to have during the event.
Are you going to have mini games, huh? Will you like to offer the prizes? Do you want
to make a lucky draw? Is there going to be a segment on the photo booth? Are you
hosting celebrities? Is there going to be a boarding fee? Can I set up a medical
/emergency team? Are you going to rent out equipment?
6. Knowing the number of people and events would influence your budget. Place your
budget in line with your initial strategy. Change the budget or the events so that all is
7. When you have completed the budget and tasks, you will start to finalize the

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program as well.
8. Have a marketing / publicity strategy to attract attention to your event.

Managing Dance Events

Managing events is a great experience, regardless of whether it is simple birthday party,
a corporate event, or other informal gathering in the community.it can make a great difference
in another person’s life and in the community to be able to engage in dance activities and realize
wellness in any dance form.
What is an event?
It is something that happens especially when it is unusual or important. This is a planned
and organized occasion. Event Management is an application of project management to the
creation and development of large-scale event. It involves studying the brand, identifying the
target audience, devising the event concept, planning the logistic, and coordinating the
technical aspect before launching the event. Dance Event is a social gathering where dancing
is a primary activity. Some dance events are held in a casual setting and open to the public. To
manage dance events, one should know how to organize and be a leader. What makes someone
a leader? Leaders are mostly made and not born. Becoming a leader takes time, experience,
and several mistakes. While libraries are filled with books about leading, the only way to truly
learn to lead is to engage.

10 Essential Aspects for a Successful Dance Event

1. Good organization: Specify and comply with schedules and poster information. It is
the most valued aspect for both positive and negative type of analyzing event. So, stick
to the program!
2. Adequate Information: Correctly informs clients before and during the event. It does
not cost anything to distribute flyers or add posters in a visible way during the event.
People value it negatively if you don't have it.
3. Correct balance: Takes care of the balance of boys and girls both in the workshops
and in the social one and, in addition, it is necessary to take care of the correct balance
of style of music.
4. Quality sound: Sound and microphones should be good, and people value it. In an
event, they assume that there will be a good sound at a dance event.
5. Proper temperature: The space where the event is held should be clean (Bathrooms
also clean), well ventilated and should NOT be hot (or very cold).
6. Enough space: There should be enough space to dance and enjoy the event. It is
necessary to try and choose well the place to celebrate the event according to the
attendees of the event.
7. Facilities and adequate floor: The floor must be valid to dance and avoid knee pain
and the risk of injury.
8. Participatory artists: People value artists who are close, professional, fun, and
involved in social dancing.
9. Good food: If the event is held in a hotel, the food must be of good quality and the
rooms must be clean and friendly. There are people who do not repeat or go to an event

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because of the previous experience they had that has something to do with food and
10. Never cheat: Never cheat with information. There are few opinions of this kind, but
the organization should never deceive with the information as it seriously harms the
dance market.

To organize a dance event or program in the community, you must consider the following
1. Choose the type of event or program
2. Plan the event
3. Assemble your team
4. Budget for the event
5. Set the date
6. Book the appropriate venue
7. Check the utilities and facilities
8. Promote the event
9. Ensure safety and security
10. Hire performers, conductors, and instructors

List of dance activities/events organized by the community that addresses health/fitness issues
and concerns.
Dance Activities/ Health Issues and Reasons
Events Concerns of the
1. Zumba Overweight, Heart Zumba can help you lose weight while
disease, etc. also lowering your risk of heart disease,
lowering your blood pressure and bad
cholesterol and increasing your good
2. Street Dance Low Stamina, Lack of Street dance will greatly improve your
mental self confidence body's stamina over time. Once you
master the basics of street dancing, your
mental self-confidence will improve
tenfold. Your body will feel healthier and
happier and so will your mind - it's all
about effort but effort pays off.

Dances can be a great way to stay fit and have a wide range of physical and mental
benefits. You can dance in a group, with a partner, or on your own. There are lots of different
places where you can enjoy dancing such as schools, clubs, community halls and at home.

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Safety protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion, hypothermia and hypertermia during
moderate and vigorous physical activity (mvpa) participation
✓ Dehydration refers to excessive loss of water from the body, usually through
perspiration or sweating, urination, or evaporation.
✓ Overexertion refers to the detrimental cause of excessive training.
✓ Hypothermia is a condition whereby the temperature of your body falls to a level at
which your vital organs can no longer function and begin to shut down.
✓ Hyperthermia is a result of the body being over heated.

Precautions to Prevent Dehydration during MVPA Participation.

✓ Before: Drink at least 16 – 20 ounces of water one to two hours before a workout or
outdoor activity.
✓ During: Drink six to 12 ounces of water for every 10 – 15 minutes of strenuous activity.
✓ After: Drink at least another 16 – 24 ounces of water.
What are the safety protocols of hyperthermia and hypothermia?
✓ Avoid exertion or exercise, especially during the hottest part of the day.
✓ If traveling, allow 2 to 3 weeks in an unusually hot climate before attempting any type
of exertion.
✓ When outside, wear a hat and loose clothing; when indoors, remove as much clothing
as needed to be comfortable. Take a tepid bath or shower.
Prevent overexertion by:
✓ Stretching and/or warming up before heavy lifting or strenuous activity.
✓ Lifting with your legs bent and objects held close to your body.
✓ Avoiding bending, reaching, and twisting when lifting.
✓ Asking a friend for help when lifting.
Prevention During Exercise:
✓ Drink a cup of water about 4 hours before you exercise.
✓ Have another half-cup of water every 10 to 15 minutes while you're exercising.
✓ Drink water after you're done. If your body is producing plenty of light-colored urine,
that's a good sign.

Participates in an organized event that addresses Health/fitness issues and concerns

Staying active can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk for type 2
diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. Physical activity and exercise can have immediate
and long-term health benefits. Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of
If you participate in regular moderate physical activity, you can expect to enjoy
numerous health and social benefits, including:
• reduced risk of heart disease and stroke.
• reduced risk of developing high blood pressure.
• reduced blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure.
• prevention of some cancers.

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Importance of participating in an organized event that addresses health recreation issues
and concern:
1. Raising awareness
2. Correcting wrong practices
3. Adding Knowledge

Managing Dance Events

✓ Event Management is an application of project management to the creation and
development of large-scale event.
✓ Dance Event is a social gathering where dancing is a primary activity. Some dance
events are held in a casual setting and open to the public.

10 Essential Aspects for a Successful Dance Event

1. Good organization
2. Adequate Information
3. Correct balance
4. Quality sound
5. Proper temperature
6. Enough space
7. Facilities and adequate floor
8. Participatory artists
9. Good food
10. Never cheat
To organize a dance event or program in the community, you must consider the following
1. Choose the type of event or program
2. Plan the event
3. Assemble your team
4. Budget for the event
5. Set the date
6. Book the appropriate venue
7. Check the utilities and facilities
8. Promote the event
9. Ensure safety and security
10. Hire performers, conductors, and instructors

A. Directions: Read the statements carefully. Choose only the letter of the correct
answer and write it on the space provided.

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____ 1. A social gathering where dancing is a primary activity. Some dance events are held in
a casual setting and open to the public.
A. Occasion C. Business event
B. Dance event D. Birthday Party

____ 2. This is a good practice a person must have to remember before performing exercises
and movements.
A. Practice good form first. C. Practice personal hygiene.
B. Be aware and alert. D. Practice to check yourself.

____ 3. It promotes strong muscles and bones and improves respiratory, cardiovascular health,
and overall health.
A. Fitness C. Dance activity
B. Muscular Endurance D. Physical Activity

____ 4. It is an organized occasion.

A. Event C. Disco
B. Get-together D. Bonding’s

____ 5. The following are essential aspects for a successful dance event except.
A. Participatory artists C. Correct balance
B. Body temperature D. Enough space

Directions: Read the instructions carefully below and do the given activity.
1. In a piece of short bond paper, create your own poster as an announcement of a dance
event that you organized.
2. Use any coloring materials to make the poster smart and lively.
3. Be creative and resourceful.
4. Insert your output in your Learning Activity Sheets upon submission.
5. Answer the questions below.

Questions Answers
1. What is the title of my poster?

2. What are the materials used in my poster?

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3.What are the steps in making my poster?

4. What are the difficulties I encountered in

making my poster?

5.How does it feel after I made my poster?

Marcelita L. Apolonia, Mia elaine P. Collao, Pauline A. Gabayan, Gilda Ma.Paz R. Kamus.
Dance for Life


Exercise A
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. B
Exercise B
*Students answers may vary

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