Evaluation of Cookies Produced From Blends of Wheat, Cassava and Cowpea Flours

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International Journal of Food Studies IJFS October 2014 Volume 3 pages 175–185

Evaluation of cookies produced from blends of wheat, cassava

and cowpea flours
Olapade Abiodun Adekunlea* and Adeyemo Abimbola Marya
a Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Technology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan Nigeria
Corresponding author
[email protected]
Tel: +234 8023 418735
Fax: +234 7060 528693

Received: 8 October 2013; Published online: 18 October 2014


Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) were processed into
flours and used to substitute wheat flour for preparation of cookies. The chemical, including proximate
composition and anti-nutritional factors, and functional and pasting properties of the blends were
determined. Cookies were produced from the blends with 100% wheat flour as a control. The anti-
nutritional factors, physical properties and organoleptic attributes of the cookies were evaluated. An
increase in the level of cassava flour substitution resulted in a decrease in the protein content of the
composite flour. However, addition of cowpea flour resulted in an increase in the protein content.
There were significant (p<0.05) reductions in the studied anti-nutritional factors after baking. Cookies
from composite flours were not significantly (p>0.05) different from the control in overall acceptability.
This indicates the feasibility of producing nutritious cookies with desirable organoleptic qualities from
cassava, wheat and cowpea composite flour.
Keywords: Cassava; Cowpea; Wheat; Cookies; Physico-chemical; Organoleptic qualities

1 Introduction tional ingredients include milk, salt, flavouring

agent, aerating agent and other food additives.
Composite flour can be described as a mixture Cookies are a rich source of fat, protein and car-
of several flours obtained from root, tuber, ce- bohydrate, hence they provide energy and are
real and legume, with or without the addition of also a good source of minerals (Kure, Bahago,
wheat flour, which is created to satisfy specific & Daniel, 1998). They can be served with soft
functional characteristics and nutrient composi- drinks or tea, and taken between meals like any
tion. Cookies, otherwise known as biscuits, are other snack. In Nigeria, cookie consumption is
popular cereal foods, commonly consumed by the continually growing and there has been increas-
populace, especially among the pre-school and ing reliance on imported wheat (Akpapunam &
school aged children, in Nigeria. Cookies are Darbe, 1994).
ready- to-eat, convenient and inexpensive food Wheat flour, the main ingredient for cookies
snacks produced from unpalatable dough that is mainly imported to Nigeria because of un-
is transformed into a light porous, readily di- favourable climatic conditions for its commer-
gestible and appetizing product through the ap- cial growth. This importation places a consid-
plication of heat. The principal ingredients are erable burden on the foreign exchange reserve
wheat flour, fat, sugar and water, while other op- of Nigeria’s economy. In an effort to help the

Copyright ©2014 ISEKI-Food Association (IFA) 10.7455/ijfs/3.2.2014.a4

176 Olapade and Adeyemo

third world countries reduce their importation, Table 1: Formulation of flour blends for prepa-
the FAO in 1957 started a study on the techno- ration of cookies
logical feasibility of the use of composite flours
Sample Wheat Cassava Cowpea
for the production of cookies, bread and pastry
Flour (%) flour (%) flour (%)
products. Cookies have been suggested as a bet-
ter use of composite flour than bread due to their 100/0/0 100 0 0
ready to eat form, wide consumption, relatively 0/100/0 0 100 0
30/50/20 30 50 20
long shelf life and good eating quality (McWat-
35/35/30 35 35 30
ters, Ouedraogo, Resurreccion, Hung, & Phillips,
20/70/10 20 70 10
2003). The use of composite flours from cere- 0/80/20 0 80 20
als, legumes and tubers for cookie production is
therefore expected to enhance the utilization of
local crops as raw materials and improve the nu-
tritive quality of cookies. Composite flours are
thus advantageous in the sense that inherent de- and cassava flour affect the desired quality of the
ficiencies of essential amino acids in wheat flour cookies. This study was carried out to deter-
(lysine, tryptophan and threonine) are supple- mine the effect of incorporation of cowpea and
mented from other sources. Bakery products are cassava flours, with wheat flour, on the chemi-
generally used as a source for incorporation of cal, physical, nutritional and sensory qualities of
different nutritionally rich ingredients for their the cookies.
Cassava has been identified as the most impor-
tant root crop in Nigeria in terms of food secu-
rity, employment creation and income generation
2 Materials and Methods
for many households (Ugwu & Nweke, 1996). It
is a staple food in many poor and developing
countries. Its major limitation is the presence 2.1 Preparation of Materials
of cyanogenic glycosides (linamarin and lotaus-
tralin). However, several studies have shown
that these cyanogenic glycosides are volatile The TMS-50395 variety of cassava and IT-93-
and highly soluble in water and therefore eas- 129-4 variety of cowpea seeds were obtained from
ily eliminated by processing methods such as the International Institute of Tropical Agricul-
drying, soaking, and fermentation (Oke, 1994). ture, Ibadan, Nigeria. Commercial wheat flour
Some cassava varieties are naturally low in these (Golden Penny, Flourmills of Nigeria Limited)
cyanogenic glycosides thus enhancing their uti- and other ingredients such as granulated sugar
lization in several food formulations (Ubbor, and salt (Dangote, Nigeria), baking fat (Unilever,
Akobundu, & Onwuka, 2006). Cowpea (Vigna Nigeria), sodium bicarbonate (baking powder)
unguiculata L. Walp.), an annual legume, is also and milk powder (Dano) were purchased from
commonly referred to as southern pea, black eye Bodija market in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
pea and Crowder pea. Cowpea originated in The cassava cultivar was processed into flour as
Africa and is widely grown in Africa, Latin Amer- previously described (Oladunmoye, Akinoso, &
ica, South East Asia and in the southern United Olapade, 2010), while cowpea flour was prepared
States. It is chiefly used as a grain crop, for ani- as previously described by Olapade, Aworh, and
mal fodder, or as a vegetable. There is reported Oluwole (2011). The flours were separately pack-
information on the presence of anti-nutritional aged in moisture proof polyethylene film and
factors in cowpea but normal household prepa- kept at ambient conditions (28±2 ◦ C) for later
ration methods have been shown to reduce their use. Composite flours were prepared by blending
concentrations (Olapade & Aworh, 2012a). How- wheat, cassava and cowpea flours as shown in Ta-
ever, it is important to find out the extent to ble 1 using a Kenwood blender (Model HM400).
which addition of cowpea flour to wheat flour

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Cookies from wheat, cassava and cowpea flours 177

2.2 Particle Size Distribution pade, Akingbala, Oguntunde, & Falade, 2003).
Analysis The pasting properties of each sample were de-
termined using a Rapid Visco Analyser (New-
The particle size of wheat, cassava and cowpea port Scientific 1998). The sample (3.5 g) of flour
flours were determined using a set of eight En- was added into a test canister already contain-
dicott test sieves (Endicott Ltd., London, UK) ing 25ml of distilled water, a paddle was placed
ranging from 600 µm to 53 µm sieve sizes ar- into the canister and the canister inserted into
ranged in decreasing order of sieve size. Each the instrument. The measurement cycle was ini-
sample of 100 g was placed on the top sieve and tiated by depressing the motor tower of the in-
mechanically shaken for 15 min on an Endecott’s strument. The slurry was heated from 50 to 95

sieve shaker (Endicott Ltd.). The flour retained C, with a holding time of 2 min, followed by
on each sieve and in the receiver pan was weighed cooling to 50 ◦ C for a 2 min holding time. The
and expressed as the percentage of total flour. rate of heating and cooling were at a constant
Appropriate calculations were made and cumu- rate of 11.25 ◦ C/min. The canister was then re-
lative graphs were drawn to obtain the average moved on completion of the test and the results
particle size and the most common particle size were interpreted with the aid of thermocline for
of each flour sample as described by ANSI/ASAE windows software provided with the instrument.
(2006). Peak viscosity, trough, breakdown, final viscos-
ity, set back, peak time and pasting temperature
were obtained from the print out. All analyses
2.3 Determination of Proximate were carried out in triplicate.
Composition and
Anti-nutritional Factors
2.5 Production and
Wheat, cowpea and cassava flours were analyzed
Determination of
for moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber
and ash content according to the official meth- Anti-nutritional factors of
ods of AOAC (2000). The total carbohydrate Cookies
was calculated by difference. The phytic acid
content was measured by a combination of two Cookies were prepared from the blends according
methods. The extraction and precipitation of to the recipe shown in Table 2. The sugar and
phytic acid as ferric phytate was first conducted baking fat were creamed together until light and
(Wheeler & Ferrel, 1971) and then the iron con- fluffy. Flours were added to the mixture followed
tent of the precipitate was determined (Makower, by milk, salt and baking powder. The mixture
1970). Tannin content was determined accord- was thoroughly mixed into smooth dough with
ing to the method earlier described (Enujiugha water. The dough was rolled on a flat wooden
& Agbede, 2000). Trypsin inhibition activity was surface sprinkled with some flour to a uniform
determined according to the modified procedure thickness (5 cm) using a hand roller and cut into
of Kakade, Rackis, Mcghee, and Puski (1974). predetermined size and shape (50 cm diameter)
Total cyanide content was measured using the using a biscuit cutter. The dough was arranged
procedures described by Cooke (1978). All anal- in pre-oiled trays and kept at a normal room tem-
yses were carried out in triplicate. perature for 2 h to allow proper dough leavening
and baked in a preheated laboratory oven operat-
ing at 220 ◦ C for 12 min. The biscuits from 100%
2.4 Determination of Functional wheat flour were used as a control. The cookies
and Pasting Properties of the were allowed to cool and packed in High Density
Blends Polyethylene film and stored at room tempera-
ture for subsequent analyses. Phytates, tannin,
Bulk density, water and fat absorption capaci- trypsin inhibitor and total cyanide contents of
ties were determined as earlier described (Ola- the cookies were determined as previously de-

IJFS October 2014 Volume 3 pages 175–185

178 Olapade and Adeyemo

Table 2: Recipe for preparation of cookies tiple Range Test procedures using SPSS version
Ingredient Quantity
Flour (g) 100
Salt (g) 1.0 3 Results and Discussion
Sugar (g) 30
Skimmed milk (g) 7.5 3.1 Particle Size Distribution
Baking fat (g) 20
Water (mL) 76-80 The particle size distributions of the three main
crop flours used in this study are shown in Figure
1. The mean particle size diameters are 127, 129
and 134 µm for cowpea, cassava and wheat flours
scribed. All analyses were carried out in trip- respectively. The most frequently occurring par-
licate. ticle size was less than 212 µm for all the flour
samples. The values obtained in this study were
similar to the values reported by Oladunmoye et
2.6 Determination of Physical al. (2010). UNECA (1985) recommended a par-
Properties of the Cookies ticle size distribution of about 130 µm for flours
intended for baking bread, biscuit and other pas-
Physical properties of the cookies were deter- try products.
mined according to AACC (2000) methods. Six
cookies were weighed on an electronic weighing
balance (Mettler, Germany). The diameter was 3.2 Proximate Composition
determined by placing six cookies edge to edge
The results of the chemical analysis of each
using a ruler. The cookies were rotated at an
crop, the blends and cookies are presented in
angle of 90 ◦ for duplicate readings. The height
Table 3. The wheat flour alone contained
was measured by placing six cookies on top of
10.7±1.08% protein, while cassava flour alone
one another using a ruler. The spread factor
contained 4.93±0.56%, which were similar to
was expressed as the ratio of the diameter to the
the values reported earlier (Oladunmoye et al.,
thickness of the cookies. All measurements were
2010). Increase in the levels of cassava flour sub-
carried out in triplicate.
stitution of wheat flour resulted in a decrease in
the protein content progressively, which is at-
2.7 Sensory evaluation tributed to the low protein content of the cas-
sava flour that diluted the protein content of the
The organoleptic evaluation of the coded cookies wheat flour. Addition of 30% cowpea flour to
was carried out by an untrained panel of 30 mem- cassava-wheat flour resulted in the highest pro-
bers in partitioned booths. Sensory attributes: tein content of 18.4±1.03%. The increase in
taste, aroma, crispness, and overall acceptabil- the protein content with cowpea supplementa-
ity were evaluated under amber light, whilst ap- tion showed that a nutritious cookie can be pro-
pearance was evaluated under bright illuminated duced using cassava flour. The crude protein for
light, using a nine point hedonic scale where 1 cowpea flour was previously reported as 20-26%
represents “extremely dislike” and 9 “extremely (Olapade et al., 2003; Olapade & Aworh, 2012b).
like”. The moisture content ranged from 7.43 to 9.30%
among the blends, which were within the ac-
ceptable limits for flours. The highest fat con-
2.8 Statistical analysis tent (1.80±0.21%) was observed in the 35/35/30
wheat, cassava and cowpea flour, whilst the fat
Data were analysed using analysis of variance content for wheat flour was 1.27±0.05% and
and the significance of the observed differences cassava flour was 0.79±0.04%. Enrichment of
between means was separated with Duncan Mul- cassava-wheat flour with cowpea flour increased

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Cookies from wheat, cassava and cowpea flours 179

Figure 1: Particle size distribution of the flours

Table 3: Formulation of flour blends for preparation of cookies

Wheat/Cassava/Cowpea flours (%)

100/0/0 0/100/0 30/50/20 35/35/30 20/70/10 0/80/20
bc a ab a abc
Moisture content (%) 7.80±1.04 9.04±1.56 8.90±0.98 9.30±1.02 8.27±0.08 7.43±0.89c
Protein (%) 10.7±1.08d 4.93±0.56f 14.3±0.48c 18.4±1.03a 16.4±1.58b 7.63±0.98e
Fat (%) 1.27±0.05b 0.79±0.04c 1.67±0.13ab 1.80±0.21a 1.60±0.06ab 1.57±0.11ab
Ash (%) 3.49±0.04a 1.73±0.11c 3.46±0.23a 3.90±0.12a 3.17±0.05b 3.76±0.12a
Fibre (%) 0.35±0.02c 0.27±0.02c 0.63±0.01b 0.73±0.03a 0.80±0.06a 0.77±0.03a
Carbohydrate (%) 80.3±2.08a 85.2±2.85a 75.1±2.53b 70.6±1.89b 73.7±2.01b 83.3±2.10a
Phytates (Flour) 0.52±0.05d 2.80±0.07c 3.47±0.10b 3.17±0.03b 4.10±0.06a 3.80±0.11a
(mg/kg) (Cookie) Nd 1.00±0.00b 1.00±0.06b 1.00±0.11b 1.50±0.20a 1.50±0.02a
Tannins (Flour) 5.10±1.10c 7.53±1.20c 18.9±2.54b 18.6±1.80b 19.7±1.90b 23.0±2.10a
(mg/kg) (Cookie) 2.50±0.12c 3.83±0.85b 8.00±1.15a 8.00±0.65a 8.00±1.05a 8.00±1.05a
Trypsin-inhibition (Flour) Nd 2.50±0.05c 3.67±0.12b 4.17±0.03a 4.10±0.12a 4.00±0.65a
(mg/kg) (Cookie) Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd
Cyanides (Flour) 0.02±0.02c 0.20±0.06a 0.09±0.03c 0.12±0.06b 0.07±0.03c 0.10±0.05b
(mg/kg) (Cookie) Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd Nd

Means are of triplicate determinations

Means with the same superscripts within a row are not significantly different (p>0.05)
Nd - not detected

IJFS October 2014 Volume 3 pages 175–185

180 Olapade and Adeyemo

the fat content to 1.80±0.21% in the 35/35/30 duced to 2.5±0.12 mg/kg in the cookies. Cas-
wheat, cassava and cowpea flour. The ash con- sava flour alone with 7.53±1.20 mg/kg was re-
tent ranged from 1.73±0.11% in cassava flour duced to 3.83±0.85 mg/kg in the cookies. Sam-
alone to 3.90±0.12% in the 35/35/30 wheat, cas- ple 20/70/10 with the highest tannin value of
sava and cowpea flour. The fibre content in- 19.7±1.90 mg/kg was reduced to 8.0±1.05 mg/kg
creased with increasing level of substitution of in the cookies. The values of phytates followed
cowpea flour from 0.63±0.01% in whole cassava the same pattern as tannin. Wheat flour alone
flour to 0.80±0.06% in the 35/35/30 wheat, cas- had 0.52±0.05 mg/kg, which was not detected
sava and cowpea flour because cowpea seed is in the cookies. The phytates content of cas-
relatively high in both ash and fibre (Olapade sava flour (2.80±0.07 mg/kg) was reduced to 1.0
& Aworh, 2012a, 2012b). Ash content is an in- mg/kg in the cookies. Sample 20/70/10 with a
dication of mineral content; hence samples with phytates value of 4.10±0.06 mg/kg was also re-
higher ash content are expected to have a rela- duced to 1.5±0.02 mg/kg in the cookies. Pro-
tively higher mineral content. The values of ash cessing methods such as soaking, germination
content recorded for the wheat and cassava flours and fermentation have been confirmed to reduce
were in line with the values reported by Oladun- the phytates level of legumes (Sandberg, 2002;
moye et al. (2010). The carbohydrate content Egounlety & Aworh, 2003).
was highest in cassava flour (85.2±2.85%), while
wheat flour contained 80.3±2.08%. Substitution
of cassava-wheat flour led to a decrease in carbo- 3.3 Functional and Pasting
hydrate content of the blends. Properties of the Flour
The major anti-nutritional factors, e.g. Trypsin
Inhibitor, Tannin, total cyanide and phytates, The functional and pasting properties of the
were analyzed both in the flours and the corre- flours are presented in Table 4. Functional prop-
sponding cookies and the results are presented erties were defined as those characteristics that
in Table 3. The total cyanide content of the govern the behaviour of constituents of food dur-
cassava flour (0.20±0.06 mg/kg) was the high- ing processing, storage and preparation as they
est, while 0.02±0.02 mg/kg was detected in the affect food quality and acceptability. Some of the
wheat flour used. The value obtained for cas- functional properties that affect the utilization of
sava flour was lower than the value reported for certain foods are water and fat absorption capac-
lafun by Babajide and Olowe (2013). The val- ities, bulk density, least gelation concentration,
ues ranged from 0.07-0.12 mg/kg, which were be- and pasting characteristic. The water absorption
low the maximum levels of 2-3 mg/kg reported and oil absorption capacities increased with addi-
by IITA (1998). Cyanide was not detected in tion of cassava flour and cowpea flour when com-
the six samples of the cookies, showing effective- pared with the wheat flour, which had the lowest
ness of the baking process used. Trypsin inhi- water absorption capacity (163±8%), while cas-
bition activity values ranged from 2.50 to 4.17 sava flour had 170±10%. There were no differ-
mg/kg, with cassava flour alone having the low- ences among the blended samples. Both wheat
est value. All these values were reduced drasti- and cassava flours had the same value (120%) for
cally in the cookies. Previous workers have re- fat absorption capacity, which increased with in-
ported a similar trend in Trypsin inhibition ac- corporation of cowpea flour in the blends. The
tivity for potato flour supplemented with soy- result showed that the blend would be useful in
bean flour (Iwe & Ngoddy, 1998). Udedibie bakery products, ground meat, doughnuts and
and Carlini (1998) also confirmed the complete pancakes where oil absorption properties are of
elimination of protease inhibitor after pressure prime importance. Water absorption capacity is
cooking canavaline seeds for 30 min. Phytates important in bulking and consistency of product
and tannin contents were also high in blends as well as in baking applications (Niba, Bokanga,
with cowpea flour and they were all reduced to Jackson, Schlimme, & Li, 2002). Bulk density
minimal levels in the cookies. The tannin con- values, as shown in Table 4, ranged from 0.64
tent of wheat flour (5.10±1.10 mg/kg) was re- to 0.69 g/ml, with whole cassava flour having

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Cookies from wheat, cassava and cowpea flours 181

Table 4: Formulation of flour blends for preparation of cookies

Wheat/Cassava/Cowpea flours (%)

100/0/0 0/100/0 30/50/20 35/35/30 20/70/10 0/80/20
3 a a a a a
Bulk density (g/cm ) 0.67±0.12 0.64±0.08 0.69±0.11 0.69±0.12 0.69±0.15 0.69±0.22a
Water absorption (g/g) 163±8b 170±10b 180±9a 180±5a 180±8a 180±5a
Fat absorption (g/g) 120±8c 120±5c 140±9b 140±5b 160±6a 160±5a
Peak viscosity (RVU) 2889±91e 6221±102a 2960±57d 2804±76f 3794±102c 4552±100b
Trough (RVU) 1846±67c 2209±88a 1787±90d 1739±45d 1872±67c 2076±78b
Break down (RVU) 1043±26e 4012±74a 1173±52d 1065±54e 1922±54c 2476±23b
Final viscosity (RVU 3515±95a 3100±56b 2729±78e 2720±71e 2874±87d 2977±56c
Set back value (RVU) 1669±54a 891±56c 942±45c 981±23b 1002±34b 901±34c
Peak time (min) 6.27±050a 3.90±1.0f 5.03±0.92c 5.17±0.82b 4.53±0.55d 4.23±0.35c
Pasting temperature (◦ C) 69.3±1.1a 71.8±2.5a 68.1±2.8a 73.1±1.8a 71.8±2.6a 72.2±2.0a

Means are of triplicate determinations

Means with the same superscripts within a row are not significantly different (p>0.05)

the lowest value (0.64±0.08 g/ml). Cowpea flour substitution reduced it. Wheat flour alone had a
incorporation resulted in the same value (0.69 peak viscosity of 2889 RVU, while cassava flour
g/ml) for all the blends. The results are within alone had the highest value of 6221RVU. The
the reported values for starch foodstuffs (Onuh trough also increased with increase in cassava
& Abdulsalam, 2009). Bulk density is significant flour. It was highest in cassava flour with 2209
in the package design, storage and transport of RVU and lowest in sample 35/35/30 (1739 RVU).
foodstuff. Low bulk density of the blends could Trough is the minimum viscosity value in the
be an advantage in the formulation of baby foods constant temperature phase of the RVA profile
where high nutrient density to low bulk is de- and it measures the ability of the paste to with-
sired. stand breakdown during cooling. Wheat flour
There were significant (p<0.05) differences in the had a value of 1846 RVU and sample 0/80/20
pasting profile of the flour samples (Table 4). had a value of 2076 RVU. The breakdown re-
The RVA results indicated that the flour had dis- duced as the cowpea substitution increased from
tinct pasting properties compared to the control 2476 RVU in 20% cowpea flour to 1065 RVU in
sample of wheat flour. The pasting tempera- 30% cowpea flour. The higher the breakdown in
ture of the wheat flour (sample AA) was 69.33 viscosity, the lower the ability of the samples to

C, while that of cassava flour was 71.80 ◦ C. withstand heating and shear stress during cook-
Sample 0/80/20 had a pasting temperature of ing (Adebowale & Lawal, 2004). Wheat flour
72.20 ◦ C, while sample 35/35/30 had the highest alone had the lowest breakdown value of 1043
pasting temperature of 73.10 ◦ C. For peak time, RVU, followed by sample 35/35/30 (1065 RVU).
wheat flour had the highest value of 6.27 min fol- The setback was highest in 100% wheat flour and
lowed by sample 35/35/30 with a value of 5.17 it then reduced as the level of wheat flour re-
min. Cassava flour had the lowest value of 3.9 duced.
min. The peak viscosity, which is the ability of
starch to swell freely before physical breakdown,
ranged from 2804 and 6221.50 RVU for samples
3.4 Physical Parameters of the
35/35/30 and cassava flour respectively. An in- Cookies
crease in cassava flour significantly increased the
All wheat flour cookies exhibited the least spread
peak viscosity, while an increase in cowpea flour
ratio of 2.32, while all cassava flour cookies

IJFS October 2014 Volume 3 pages 175–185

182 Olapade and Adeyemo

Figure 2: Spread ratio of cookie samples

(AA- wheat flour 100%, AB- Cassava flour 100%, AC- Wheat, Cassava, cowpea flour (30%, 50%, 20%),
AD- Wheat, Cassava, cowpea flour (35%,35%,30%), AE- Wheat, Cassava, cowpea flour (20%,70%,10%),
AF-Cassava and cowpea flour (80%,20%))

had a value of 3.71 (Figure 2). The cookies ies from all wheat flour (7.64). There were sig-
made from 20/70/10 wheat, cassava and cow- nificant (p<0.05) differences among the sample
pea flour had the highest spread ratio value of means for all crispness scores. An increase in the
4.93. Spread ratio is an indication of ability of substitution level of cassava flour resulted in a de-
the cookie to raise, hence the lower the value crease in crispness scores. Cookie produced from
the better the ability. The results obtained in whole cassava scored least in terms of crispness
this study were similar to the findings reported (4.78) while whole wheat cookies had the highest
by Mridula, Gupta, and Manikantan (2007) for score of 6.96 for crispness. The scores for crisp-
wheat/sorghum composite biscuits. Okaka and ness decreased with increase in the amount of the
Isieh (1990) also reported a similar trend in bis- cassava flour in the blend, and substitution with
cuits from wheat and cowpea flours. cowpea flour also contributed to the decrease in
crispness, which may be attributed to the high
fat absorption capacity of cowpea flour. Aroma
3.5 Sensory evaluation of the is another attribute that influences the accep-
cookies tance of baked goods even before they are tasted.
Substitution of wheat flour with either cassava
The mean sensory scores are presented in Ta- flour or cowpea flour at different levels did not
ble 5. Taste is an important sensory attribute significantly (p<0.05) affect the sensory score
of any food because of its influence on accept- of aroma. The highest score of 6.80 in aroma
ability. The taste of cookies ranged from 5.75 was obtained for cookies produced from whole
to 7.94. Except for the cookies from 80/20 wheat flour (control), while the cookies with an
cassava/cowpea flour, there were no significant 80/20 cassava/cowpea blend scored least. The
(p>0.05) differences among the cookie samples. brown colour resulting from Maillard reaction is
Cookies from a 30/50/20 wheat/cassava/cowpea always associated with baked goods. The cookies
blend scored highest (7.94), followed by cook- were significantly (p<0.05) different in terms of

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Cookies from wheat, cassava and cowpea flours 183

Table 5: Organoleptic attributes of cookie samples

Sample Taste Colour Crispness Aroma Overall acceptability

ab a a a
100/0/0 7.64±1.47 7.36±1.99 6.96±2.06 6.80±1.96 7.28±1.69a
0/100/0 6.76±1.74ab 6.88±1.49abc 4.78±2.43c 6.48±1.96a 7.00±1.69a
30/50/20 7.94±1.88a 6.44±2.17bcd 6.00±1.85b 6.52±1.79a 7.04±1.64a
35/35/30 7.28±2.02ab 7.04±2.08ab 6.10±2.14ab 6.28±2.21a 7.08±2.02a
20/70/10 6.98±2.01ab 6.14±1.96cd 5.76±2.19b 6.35±1.88a 6.80±1.95ab
0/80/20 5.75±2.61b 5.65±2.57d 5.33±2.45bc 6.16±2.19a 6.16±2.31b

Means with the same superscripts within a column are not significantly (p>0.05) different

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