Task For BD01
Task For BD01
Task For BD01
1. From the MySQL website, download the MySQL Community Server product on
your computer.
2. Run the installer from the location where you downloaded it and complete the
3. Search through your computer and find the MySQL service, check its status to verify
correct installation (it should be booted or sleeping).
1. From the MySQL website, download the MySQL Workbench product to your
2. Run the installer from the location where you downloaded it and complete the
3. Start the installed application and connect to the database manager system (DMS)
that you installed in section number 1.
1. Describe with your own words what is MySQL Community Server and why we need
to install it.
2. Can MySQL Community Server be replaced for other things?. Give two examples.
3. Describe with your own words what is MySQL Workbench and why we need to
install it.
4. MySQL Workbench can be replaced for other programs. Search on the internet and
find something to replace this Software, you must to show on the video the installation
and access to de DMS.
2. Identify the properties and define the variables that appears in Server Status.
3. Create a new user with administrator permissions on the DMS that you are
1. Close session with the administrator user and open a new one with the user created in
the previous section.
2. Create a new schema and add a table to your database, with at least three different
Scoring criteria. Total 10 points.
● Section 1 -- 1 points
● Section 2 -- 1 points
● Section 3 -- 3 points
● Section 4 -- 3 points
● Section 5 -- 2 points
Resources needed to carry out the Task.
● Computer with at least 1 Gigabyte of RAM.
● Internet Connection.
● Web Browser.
● Mysql https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/.
It is recommended to carry out the sequence of sections in the established order.
When you go to create the new user, use a name and password that are easy to
remember. This practice will not be recommended in the world of work, safety is a
factor that we must always take into account.
It is necessary to explain in detail and precisely what is being done at all times, in the
Section 3 must be done with caution, a deep and detailed analysis of the general
concepts of the administration section must be carried out.
Delivery rules.
The deliverable of this practice is an explanatory video with all the processes. You
have to record the screen and go through the defined steps, the explanations have
to be done using your voice in the video, that is, you have to record the screen and
explain the steps that you are doing.
The video CAN NOT be longer than 12 minutes. Any video longer than 12 minutes
WON’T be corrected.
Once the task is done, you will create a single document, inside, the document
should have a link to the video uploaded and accessible on a platform such as
(Mega, Dropbox, Drive, Youtube). The delivery of the document will be done
through the platform and the file document must be PDF.
Make sure the name does not contain the letter ñ, accents, or special characters. For
example, the student Begoña Sánchez Mañas for the first unit of the MP of BD, should
name this task as ...