How To Retire Before 30 - Ankur Warikoo
How To Retire Before 30 - Ankur Warikoo
How To Retire Before 30 - Ankur Warikoo
This workbook will help you estimate how much you need to save and invest, so that you can "retire" by a certain age.
Retirement here means that the returns generated every year on your investment amount, is enough to pay for your needs and wants.
Step 1
1. Enter your current age and when you wish to retire
2. Enter the amount you can invest, starting today (in lumpsum, if any and then monthly investments)
3. Estimate what is likely to be your monthly expenses, once you retire
4. State all the major spends (beyond monthly expenses) that you will need, and when
Step 2
All of this will give you the investment corpus you will have, at the end of the retirement age
Step 3
By changing cell B23, you will be able to estimate how long will this investment corpus last
This takes into account your monthly expenses (growing with inflation), your scheduled expenses and also your yearly increase in monthly expenses
IMP: Tax Implications are not considered in this, because it is hard to predict what the taxes will be in the future.
Today, there is 10% tax on long-term-capital gains, which means any equities held for more than a year.
Even if you assume taxes, the numbers will not be dramatically different.
thly expenses
Current Age 25
Retirement Age 40
Lumpsum Investment today 100,000 incase you have some lumpsum amount to invest today
Monthly SIP Today 20,000 what is the monthly investment you are going to make, until your re
Increase every year by? 15% How much are you going to increase this monthly amount by, every
Annual Return generated 15% This is assumed, if you invest for 10+ years and invest it in equities
Inflation 6%
Monthly Expenses at retirement age 200,000 towards needs and wants
Expected increase post retirement 3% yearly (do not account for inflation - that is already assumed)
Amounts needed post retirement When (age?) How much (in today terms)? Inflation adj amount
Kid's Education 45 2,500,000 8,017,839
House 50 4,000,000 17,167,483
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
already assumed)
and inflation!
Post Retirement
Age Monthly Expenses Starting Corpus Returns Generated Expenses Additional Withdrawal Corpus left
40 200,000 19,421,729 3,884,346 2,400,000 - 20,906,074
41 201,000 20,906,074 4,181,215 2,412,000 - 22,675,289
42 202,005 22,675,289 4,535,058 2,424,060 - 24,786,287
43 203,015 24,786,287 4,957,257 2,436,180 - 27,307,364
44 204,030 27,307,364 5,461,473 2,448,361 - 30,320,476
45 205,050 30,320,476 6,064,095 2,460,603 8,017,839 25,906,129
46 206,076 25,906,129 5,181,226 2,472,906 - 28,614,449
47 207,106 28,614,449 5,722,890 2,485,271 - 31,852,068
48 208,141 31,852,068 6,370,414 2,497,697 - 35,724,785
49 209,182 35,724,785 7,144,957 2,510,185 - 40,359,556
50 210,228 40,359,556 8,071,911 2,522,736 17,167,483 28,741,248
51 211,279 28,741,248 5,748,250 2,535,350 - 31,954,148
52 212,336 31,954,148 6,390,830 2,548,027 - 35,796,951
53 218,706 35,796,951 7,159,390 2,624,468 - 40,331,874
54 219,799 40,331,874 8,066,375 2,637,590 - 45,760,658
55 220,898 45,760,658 9,152,132 2,650,778 - 52,262,012
56 222,003 52,262,012 10,452,402 2,664,032 - 60,050,383
57 223,113 60,050,383 12,010,077 2,677,352 - 69,383,108
58 224,228 69,383,108 13,876,622 2,690,739 - 80,568,990
59 225,349 80,568,990 16,113,798 2,704,192 - 93,978,596
60 226,476 93,978,596 18,795,719 2,717,713 - 110,056,602
61 227,608 110,056,602 22,011,320 2,731,302 - 129,336,621
62 228,747 129,336,621 25,867,324 2,744,958 - 152,458,986
63 229,890 152,458,986 30,491,797 2,758,683 - 180,192,101
64 231,040 180,192,101 36,038,420 2,772,477 - 213,458,044
65 237,971 213,458,044 42,691,609 2,855,651 - 253,294,002
66 239,161 253,294,002 50,658,800 2,869,929 - 301,082,873
67 240,357 301,082,873 60,216,575 2,884,279 - 358,415,169
68 241,558 358,415,169 71,683,034 2,898,700 - 427,199,503
69 242,766 427,199,503 85,439,901 2,913,194 - 509,726,210
70 243,980 509,726,210 101,945,242 2,927,760 - 608,743,692
71 245,200 608,743,692 121,748,738 2,942,398 - 727,550,032
72 246,426 727,550,032 145,510,006 2,957,110 - 870,102,928
73 247,658 870,102,928 174,020,586 2,971,896 - 1,041,151,618
74 248,896 1,041,151,618 208,230,324 2,986,755 - 1,246,395,186
75 250,141 1,246,395,186 249,279,037 3,001,689 - 1,492,672,533
76 251,391 1,492,672,533 298,534,507 3,016,698 - 1,788,190,342
77 258,933 1,788,190,342 357,638,069 3,107,199 - 2,142,721,212
78 260,228 2,142,721,212 428,544,243 3,122,735 - 2,568,142,720
79 261,529 2,568,142,720 513,628,544 3,138,348 - 3,078,632,916
80 262,837 3,078,632,916 615,726,583 3,154,040 - 3,691,205,459
81 264,151 3,691,205,459 738,241,092 3,169,810 - 4,426,276,741
82 265,472 4,426,276,741 885,255,348 3,185,659 - 5,308,346,430
83 266,799 5,308,346,430 1,061,669,286 3,201,588 - 6,366,814,128
84 268,133 6,366,814,128 1,273,362,826 3,217,596 - 7,636,959,358
85 269,474 7,636,959,358 1,527,391,872 3,233,683 - 9,161,117,547
86 270,821 9,161,117,547 1,832,223,509 3,249,852 - 10,990,091,204
87 272,175 10,990,091,204 2,198,018,241 3,266,101 - 13,184,843,344
88 273,536 13,184,843,344 2,636,968,669 3,282,432 - 15,818,529,581
89 281,742 15,818,529,581 3,163,705,916 3,380,905 - 18,978,854,593
90 283,151 18,978,854,593 3,795,770,918 3,397,809 - 22,771,227,701
91 284,567 22,771,227,701 4,554,245,540 3,414,798 - 27,322,058,443
92 285,989 27,322,058,443 5,464,411,688 3,431,872 - 32,783,038,259
93 287,419 32,783,038,259 6,556,607,652 3,449,032 - 39,336,196,880
94 288,856 39,336,196,880 7,867,239,376 3,466,277 - 47,199,969,979
95 290,301 47,199,969,979 9,439,993,996 3,483,608 - 56,636,480,367
96 291,752 56,636,480,367 11,327,296,073 3,501,026 - 67,960,275,414
97 293,211 67,960,275,414 13,592,055,083 3,518,531 - 81,548,811,965
98 294,677 81,548,811,965 16,309,762,393 3,536,124 - 97,855,038,234
99 296,150 97,855,038,234 19,571,007,647 3,553,805 - 117,422,492,077
100 297,631 ### 23,484,498,415 3,571,574 - 140,903,418,918
100 306,560 ### 28,180,683,783 3,678,721 - 169,080,423,981
100 308,093 ### 33,816,084,796 3,697,114 - 202,892,811,662
100 309,633 ### 40,578,562,332 3,715,600 - 243,467,658,394
100 311,181 ### 48,693,531,678 3,734,178 - 292,157,455,894
100 312,737 ### 58,431,491,178 3,752,849 - 350,585,194,224
100 314,301 ### 70,117,038,844 3,771,613 - 420,698,461,454
100 315,873 ### 84,139,692,291 3,790,471 - 504,834,363,274
100 317,452 ### 100,966,872,655 3,809,423 - 605,797,426,506
100 319,039 ### 121,159,485,301 3,828,471 - 726,953,083,336
100 320,634 ### 145,390,616,667 3,847,613 - 872,339,852,390
100 322,238 ### 174,467,970,478 3,866,851 - 1,046,803,956,017
100 323,849 ### 209,360,791,203 3,886,185 - 1,256,160,861,035