Notes On Structural Adjustment Programmes
Notes On Structural Adjustment Programmes
Notes On Structural Adjustment Programmes
Since the late 1950s the International Monetary Fund have been imposing
monetarism (neo-classical economic theory based economic policies) as a
condition for lending money to less developed societies facing problems with their
balance of payments.
What makes of monetarist strategies a main issue for developing societies during
the 1980s and the 1990s is that the World Bank adopted as its main policy
imposing monetarist economic policies on less developed countries. Therefore,
since the late 1970s-1980s until today, not only the IMF but also the World Bank
has been the champions for creating deregulated markets all over planet earth.
Thus, poor countries had to apply the above policies if they needed to finance
Deficit on balance of payments and/or finance new projects for further economic
and/or social development.
During the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, "structuralism" was the established
orthodoxy for development theory and policy for African, Asian and Latin
American developing countries.
All the above shaped a school of thought based on the idea that the market
economies in the world were divided in a "dual" system: modern economies and
traditional economies, being the traditional economies in need of becoming
modern through "development economics".
During the last stage of the period of the Cold War, the concept of "mono-
economics" began to develop, based on the notion of final victory, end of history,
the arrival of the final stage in human development, because the capitalist system
had defeated-destroyed all alternative attempts to economic development.
Of course, the origin of structural adjustment policies has to be sought not merely
in the deteriorating international economic environment of the 1970s, but also in
the evolution of policy thinking within the World Bank, the latter evolving from
the evolution of economic thinking within the elite groups in the US and the UK.
A) is composed of
A.1 fiscal policy
A.2 monetary policy
A.3 devaluation
B) is composed of
B.1 resource mobilization
B.2 public sector allocation
B.3 market liberalization
B.4 institutional reform
And, then says that "what is the imposition of the type of extreme
deflationary measures associated with structural adjustment. The Bretton Woods
system was created to avoid such pressures, and far more could have been done to
develop alternatives.
In particular, as we argue below, the Bretton Woods agencies should have
demanded large-scale debt reduction to release development resources"... "Instead,
the IMF has imposed a monetarist strait-jacket on much of the South. Potentially
competitive labour intensive industries and rural employment have been
undermined by declining public investment in social and economic infrastructures,
credit shortages and import constraints. Moreover, the imposition of an 'export-led
growth' strategy for resolving the debt crisis has carried the seeds of its own
destruction, especially in the world's poorest countries. Increased commodity
exports have contributed to the most protracted and deepest depression in world
markets since the 1930s..."In Oxfam's view, these adjustment policies were in large
measure responsible for the 'lost decade' of the 1980s, when most developing
countries experienced steep declines in human welfare.
The danger now is that structural adjustment policies will consign large swathes of
the developing world to another 'lost decade' of deepening poverty, rising
inequality, slow growth and mass unemployment"...
---In Africa, where more than thirty countries have embraced structural
adjustment, average incomes fell by 20% during the 1980s, open unemployment
quadrupled to 100 million, investment fell to levels which were lower than in
1970, and the region's share of world markets fell by half to 2%. Today, sub-
Saharan Africa is the only developing region in which poverty is increasing and
human welfare is worsening. Africa recovery prospects have suffered in acute
form from the emphasis placed by SAPs on export-led recovery. As one country
after another expanded production of primary commodities for stagnant world
markets, they contributed to the worst international price slump since the 1930s.
During the second half of the 1980s, West African cocoa producers almost
doubled their production, only to see their foreign-exchange earnings fall. The
IMF now concedes that worsening terms of trade have undermined its adjustment
programmes, and the World Bank's most recent GLOBAL ECONOMIC
PROSPECTS report acknowledges that world prices for coffee, cocoa and tea -
Africa's major primary commodity exports- have been depressed by oversupply."
An empirical illustration of Oxfam's argument is the
Diverging prices for commodities and manufactured goods in the international
market during the process of globalization: Oxfam (1994) added that "...economic
growth has yet to translate into a reduction of poverty and inequality...". The World
Bank "...also confirmed that there is little prospect of economic growth making an
Impression on poverty in the foreseeable future. In Ghana, the star pupil of both
the World Bank and the IMF, the average citizen will not cross the poverty line for
another half-century. Moreover, after a decade of adjustment and aid transfers
equivalent to 8% of national income, private investments in Ghana remains
insufficient to replace existing capital stock, and the country's debt has tripled to
over $4bn."
2) In countries such as Mexico, Costa Rica and Bolivia, average wages have
fallen by one third since 1980 -and they are still falling. "This partly explains the
increase of 38m to 69m in the number of urban-based people living in poverty in
the region. In Costa Rica, one of Latin America's model adjusters, the proportion
of the population unable to meet its basic needs increased from 21% to 28%
between 1987 and 1991."
6) "In Chile, widely cited as a model adjuster by the World Bank and the IMF,
income inequalities have widened dramatically. In 1990, minimum wages were
20% lower than in 1980. Meanwhile, the income share of the poorest 20% of the
population fell by a fifth between 1980 and 1990. Flexible labour markets are
now the main cause of poverty in Chile." ( see C. Schneider, "Chile, the
underside of the miracle", and R. Rojas, "15 years of monetarism in Latin
America. Time to scream")
"In India, the Department of Rural Development cut its social expenditure budget
in the first year of the country's stabilization programme. This was followed in
1992-1993 by a 46% cut in the rural sanitation budget and a 39% cut in rural
water-supply spending –areas of social expenditure of vital importance to poverty
"In Nicaragua, per capita social spending is back to the level of the mid-1970s,
following a dramatic decline during the 1990s"..."Meanwhile, infant mortality rates
are increasing, after declining steadily for more than a decade."
"In Zimbabwe, per capita spending on health and education has fallen by one third
since the introduction of an adjustment programme in 1990"... "Infant and maternal
mortality rates have increased sharply, with maternal mortality rates have increased
sharply, with maternal mortality rates among women from Harare attending the
city's main hospital doubling between 1991 and 1992."
"In Zambia, where the World Bank pledged to protect social expenditure, the 1992
education budget accounted for 9.1% of the total budget, compared with 13.4% in
1985. In the health sector, the World Bank itself has acknowledged that the
introduction of user-fees is perceived by village women as a serious threat to their
health status, yet it initially supported their introduction. These fees have had a
detrimental impact on the provision of immunisation for measles, whooping cough,
diphteria and tuberculosis -diseases which have re-emerged as major killers across
the country."
"Evidence from many developing countries have shown that economic pressures
and the introduction of user-fees in education result in disproportionately higher
drop-out rates among young girls."
"Oxfam's experience across Africa, Asia and Latin America is that the curtailment
of social services, has forced women to compensate by increasing their unpaid
work-burden. Increased poverty, the collapse of water and sanitation services, and
the erosion of primary health acre provision has brought with it an increase in
incidence of poverty-related diseases -such as measles, cholera and malaria- and in
the amount of time spent by women caring for the family."
United Nation's "Human Development Report 1996", identified five types of bad
economic growth that were most common in the world after the triumph of
"globalization", which is equivalent to structural adjustment programmes in less
developed societies. The five types were:
-Jobless growth -the overall economy grows, but fails to expand job
-Ruthless growth -the rich get richer, and the poor get nothing.
-Voiceless growth -the economy grows, but democracy/empowerment of the
majority of the population fails to keep pace.
-Rootless growth -cultural identity is submerged or deliberately
outlawed by central government, as in some of the states of former
Yugoslavia or the Kurdish areas of Iraq and Turkey.
-Futureless growth -the present generation squanders resources needed by
future generations.
About the last type of growth, two major forces contribute to increase
environmental damage when structural adjustment programmes are implemented:
"Small farmers and rural workers with little or no land cannot absorb the increased
costs of agricultural inputs, such as seed and fertilizer,as easily; nor have they been
able to respond as effectively to the new price incentives offered by trade
liberalization. Given their precarious situation, the small farmers' priority is to
ensure their families' food security, often by extensifying food production, with all
the attendant environmental problems. There are indications that the small farmers'
situation has opened opportunities for commercial farmers to expand their
commercial land holdings, thereby increasing their benefits from the emerging
economic system. The full impact of the emerging economic changes on small
farmers and rural populations will become more evident when the impacts of
internal adjustment, including fiscal policy reform,are taken into account."
"The extractive sectors, including forestry and mining, have responded quickly to
the new economic incentives. Expansion in these sectors created environmental
problems, and although some are already visible, the studies suggest that the long-
term impacts may be more serious. This point also applies to the tourist sector.
Local employment may increase as new hotels and facilities are built, but
environmental problems are already in evidence and are expected to intensify.
Expanded industrial production, coupled with expanded transport systems relying
on poorly maintained used equipment, will lower the quality of urban
environments through rising air pollution levels. These environmental costs are not
immutable features of the adjustment programs implemented in the nine countries.
They often result from disregard for the effects of price changes on the
environment and from the lack of complementary policy reforms prior to or during
the economic restructuring process."
"...As regards reductions in agricultural extension activities and social services, the
impacts fall decisively on the poor, and most directly on the rural poor and
women"..."Loss of credit for agricultural inputs, such as hybrid seeds and fertilizer,
the reduction of agricultural extension services to encourage intensification of
production, and the disruption of marketing systems caused by privatization are
among the most direct effects of internal economic adjustments on rural
populations. These changes generated downward pressure on the living standards
of the poor and, in the process, accelerated the most intractable environmental
problem facing many countries -that is, poverty-induced environmental