SHU Ciomas - ABA
SHU Ciomas - ABA
SHU Ciomas - ABA
RL = Reporting limit, quantitation limit of analyte in sample
= Standard limit, regulatory limit or threshold value
# = Refer to PPRI No. 2212021 Attachment Vl Category ll
* Subcontracting
NA = Not Applicable
(x,x) = (,) As character indicate thousands notation
(x.x) = (.) As character indicate decimal notation
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.RL = Reporting limit, quantitation limit of analyte in sample
= Standard limit, regulatory limit or threshold value
# = Refer to PPRI No. 2212021 Attachment Vl Category ll
* Subcontracting
NA = Not Applicable
(x,x) = (,) As character indicate thousands notation
(x.x1 = 1.;As character indicate decimal notation ) ')\
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No. Test ltem Unit Test Method Result RL
Limit 1#
1 Temperature
.C sNt 06-6989.23-2005 28.7 0.01 31.0 3 i
2 Total Dissolved Solid, TDS mg/L G-LAB/t1(11 97.66 0.01 1,000
3 Total Suspended Solid, TSS mg/L SNI 6989.3:2019 <32.86 32.86 50
4 Color PtCo SNI 6989.80:201 1 46.8038 0.0285 50
5 pH pH SNI 6989.1 1 :2019 7.38 0.01 6-9
6 Biochemical Oxygen Demand, BOD5 mg/L APHA 52'10-B 20't7 2.1 0.2 3
7 Chemical Oxygen Demand, COD mg/L SNI 6989.2:2019 12.11 3.61 25
8 Dissolved Oxygen, DO mq/L sNt 06-6989.14-2004 7.5 >3 >4
9 Sulphate, SOaz- mo/L sNr 6989.20-2019 14.38 0.15 300
10 Chloride. Cl- mq/L SNI 6989.19:2009 2.8 2.6 300
11 Nitrate, NO3-N* mq/L APHA 4500-NO3-B-2017 2.30 0.0918 10
12 Nitrite, N02-N mg/L sNr 06-6989.9-2004 0.0133 0.0019 0.06
13 Ammonia, NH3-N mg/L sNt 06-6989.30-2005 0.0313 0.031 0.2
14 Total Nitrogen mg/L G-LAB/|1(80 0.045 15
15 Total Phosphate, P mq/L SNI 06-6989.31 :2005 0.527 0.005 0.2
16 Fluoride. F- mg/L sNt 06-6989.29-2005 <0.063 0.063 1.5
17 Sulfide, H2S mg/L SNI 6989.70:2009 <0.002 0.002 0.002
'18 Cvanide, CN-* mg/L Test Klt Aquaquant <0.002 0.002 0.02
19 Free Cl, mq/L G-LABIIKIlT 0.02 0.01 0.03
20 Dissolved Boron, B mg/L APHA 3120 8-2017 0.006 0.003 1
RL = Reporting limit, quantitation limit of analyte in sample
= Standard limit, regulatory limit or threshold value
# = Refer to PPRI No. 2212021 Attachment Vl Category ll
* Subcontracting
NA = Not Applicable
(x,x) = (,) As character indicate thousands notation
(x.x; = 1.1As character indicate decimal notation
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