Bogor-Cibeet - (STA2) 2020
Bogor-Cibeet - (STA2) 2020
Bogor-Cibeet - (STA2) 2020
Location name Latitude [°N] Longitude [°E]
215 V, 1
Altitude [m a.s.l.] Climate region
2020 2020
Temperature period Radiation period
Additional information
Uncertainty of yearly values: Gh = 6%, Bn = 12%, Ta = 2,4 °C
Trend of Gh / decade: -
Variability of Gh / year: 5,6%
Radiation interpolation locations: Imported monthly data (2020)
Temperature interpolation locations: Imported monthly data (2020)
P90 and P10 of yearly Gh, referenced to average: 94,7%, 106,6%
Month N Ta Ts Td Tp FF DD RH
Monthly temperature
Sunshine duration