Biochem Lab Quipper

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 enzyme present in potato: catalase

 highest enzyme-substrate activity: chunks of potato + hydrogen peroxide
 lowest enzyme-substrate activity: piece of cut potato in hot water + hydrogen peroxide
 Enzyme Potato Experiment, what is the substrate: hydrogen peroxide
 By chopping up the potato, we: increase the surface area
 test tube 4 of the Enzyme Potato Experiment, enzyme is denatured chemically using:
acetic acid
 test tube 2 of the Enzyme Potato Experiment, enzyme is denatured due to: heat
 enzyme present in saliva: amylase
 5 degrees Celsius, it takes less time to digest starch by the enzyme salivary amylase:
 50 degrees Celsius, it takes more time to digest starch by the enzyme salivary amylase:
 It takes less time to reach the achromic point at: 37 degrees Celsius
 5 degrees Celsius, the enzyme, salivary amylase is: deactivated
 50 degrees Celsius, the enzyme, salivary amylase is: denatured
 salivary amylase digested the starch at what pH: 6.8
 used to track the digestion of starch by salivary amylase: iodine solution

 a double stranded chain of nucleotides: deoxyribonucleic acid

 single stranded chain of nucleotides: ribonucleic acid
 nucleic acid active in cell signaling: ribonucleic acid
 genetic material used in functioning and development of living organisms:
deoxyribonucleic acid
 extraction of nucleic acid is done by breaking outer cell membrane of any plant tissue
along with cytoplasm: cell lysis
 process of DNA extraction which involved centrifugation: precipitation
 DNA extraction, which comes first in the extraction process: removal of membrane
 reagent is added to improve the precipitation of DNA: sodium acetate
 basis of analysis of nucleic acid by UV spectrophotometry: amount of light at specific
wavelength can be absorbed in a specific pattern
 test for purine, purine bases are precipitated by what reagent: silver nitrate
 Diphenylamine test will give what positive result: blue complex
 most sensitive test for pentose: orcinol test
 test for reducing sugar: benedict’s test
 color is positive result to the Orcinol Test: greenish-blue
 Bials’ Test, the condensation product is soluble in what particular reagent: amyl alcohol
 test is commonly used for the estimation of RNA: orcinol test
 test for the presence of DNA: diphenylamine test
 reagents were used in the test for purine, except: hydrochloric acid
 tests are test for pentose, except: benedict’s test
 Diphenylamine test is a test for: deoxyribose

 included in the chemical examination of urine: glucose

 included in the physical examination of urine except: pH
 urine sample is best for routine urinalysis and microbial culture: clean catch urine
 Pale to colorless urine may indicate the following except: dehydration
 Dark yellow urine indicates: dehydration
 tests are used for the detection of sugar in urine except: heller’s test
 test for albumin wherein a cloudy turbid solution or precipitate is formed:
sulphosalicylic acid test
 test wherein the presence of a green ring at the junction of two layers indicates the
presence of Bile Salts in the urine sample: smith’s test
 reagents are used in the Urease Test except: sulfuric acid
 Rothera’s Test, the purple colored ring at the junction of two solutions indicates the
presence of in urine sample: ketone bodies
 reagent used in the chemical test for Chloride ions: silver nitrate
 reagent used in the chemical test for Sulfates: barium chloride
 Heller’s Test in urine, what reagent denatures albumin: nitric acid
 tests are used for the detection of urea in urine except: pettenkofer’s test
 tests are used for the detection of bile salts in urine except: urease test
 protein produced by the liver and is mainly found in the blood: albumin
 kidney disturbance and high blood pressure, albumin level in the urine is significantly:
 yellow green fluid that contains water and organic molecules such as cholesterol, bile
acids, and bilirubin: bile
 humans and most vertebrates, bile is produced by the: liver
 Sugar is ordinarily in normal urine: not present


 excellent presumptive test for blood: kastle-meyer test

 oxidizing agent used in the Kastle-Meyer Test: hydrogen peroxide
 reagents are used in the Kastle-Meyer Test except: hydrochloric acid
 added to phenolphthalein reagent to make it colorless (reduced form) in the Kastle-
Meyer Test: zinc
 Kastle-Meyer test for blood, what other material can give a false positive result: potato
 absent in blood serum: fibrinogen
 plasma protein maintains the colloidal osmotic pressure: albumim
 normal concentration of total protein in blood: 6.5-8.5 g/ dL
 Biuret Method for the estimation of total protein in blood, what is the reagent in the
test tube labeled blank: normal saline
 Using the colorimeter, what is being measured to compute for the total protein in blood
in the Biuret Method: optical density
 volume of reagent used in the Creatinine Test using the Anamol Test Kit: 1000μl
 important materials needed to perform the different tests using the Anamol Test Kit
except: dropper
 Anamol Test Kit for Creatinine, Glucose, Calcium, and Cholesterol Tests, how can the
sample be introduced into the instrument: aspirate
 incubation period for the Calcium Test using the Anamol Test Kit: 5 minutes
 Glucose Test using the Anamol Test Kit, the assay mixture is incubated for 10 min at: 37
degrees Celsius

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