Form of Poetry
Form of Poetry
Form of Poetry
Materials :
1.Acrostic Poetry:
In Acrostic poems, the first letters of each line are aligned vertically to form a word.
The word often is the subject of the poem.
2. Cinquain:
Cinquain poems are five lines long with a certain number of syllables or words in
each. Cinquain poems do not rhyme. There are many ways to write cinquain poems. Here is
an example of one cinquain pattern.
Line 1: Panther
A limerick is a funny little poem containing five lines. The last words of the first,
second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other (A) and the last words of the third and fourth
lines rhyme with each other so the pattern is AABBA. Here is an example of a limerick:
4. Haiku:
A form of centuries old Japanese poetry that consists of seventeen syllables and has
nature as its subject or theme. Haiku is very short and has a 5-7-5 syllable structure with 5
syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line, and 5 syllables in the third line. With
just a couple of words, haiku poetry conveys emotion. It suggests that the reader look and
listen to the world. This poetry was created by a famous writer named Issa. He had a very sad
life. His mother died when he was two and his own four children all died before they were a
year old. As a writer and poet, this sadness, loneliness and compassion helped him be more
sensitive to everything around him. Issa took the time to listen and enjoy the beauty he found
as he heard crickets chirp and as he gazed at the skies. Issa saw the beauty of the natural
world around him; he valued every living thing, even insects, and wanted to share his love of
nature through his haiku. Haiku requires you to observe! Here is an example of haiku:
5.Shape Poetry:
Shape poems form a picture of the topic or follows the contour of a shape that is
suggested by the topic. For example:
Ballads are stories told in verse-often stories of romantic or lurid sort. Ballads are still
written today , especially in the form of popular song. It takes many form. A popular one is
the four line stanza in which the rhyme scheme ABXB(the third line X, need not rhyme or
may rhyme with A :
The winter moon had tipped and spilled
7. Sonnet
This kind of poetry consists of 14 lines, it must be written in one of various standard
rhyme scheme that is A-B-A-B-C-D-C-D-E-F-E-F-G_G.
10That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,(F)
14To love that well which thou must leave ere long.(G)
Assignment :
Write your own limerick, Haiku, Cinquan, and sonnet, it must be very enjoyable………