"He Got Game" Theory? Optimal Decision Making and The NBA
"He Got Game" Theory? Optimal Decision Making and The NBA
"He Got Game" Theory? Optimal Decision Making and The NBA
Feb. 7, 2010
The paper examines the optimality of the shooting decisions of National Basket-
ball Association (NBA) players using a rich data set of shot outcomes. The decision
to shoot is a complex problem that involves weighing the continuation value of the
possession and the outside option of a teammate shooting. We model this as a dy-
namic mixed-strategy equilibrium. At each second of the shot clock, dynamic efficiency
requires that marginal shot value exceeds the continuation value of the possession. Al-
locative efficiency is the additional requirement that at that “moment”, each player in
the line-up has equal marginal efficiency. To apply our abstract model to the data we
make assumptions about the distribution of potential shots. We first assume nothing
about the opportunity distribution and establish a strict necessary condition for op-
timality, which nearly all players/teams pass. Adding distributional assumptions, we
establish sufficient conditions for optimality. In line with dynamic efficiency, we find
that the “cut threshold” declines monotonically with time remaining on the shot clock
at approximately the correct rate. Most line-ups show strong adherence to allocative
efficiency. We link departures in optimality to line-up experience, player salary and
overall ability.
We would like to thank James Andreoni, David Eil, Pedro Rey Biel and Charlie Sprenger for extensive
notes. Nageeb Ali, Gordon Dahl, Uri Gneezy, Craig McKenzie, David Miller, William Peterman, Joel Sobel
and Joel Watson provided helpful comments. This paper is a merger of Goldman’s “Optimizing in the
Half-Court” and Rao’s “He Got Game Theory:...” (note the lack of “?”).
1 Introduction
A fundamental concern of economics is optimality: do agents and firms maximize in ac-
cordance with the normative predictions our theoretical models? This paper examines the
problem of the allocation of resources across time and different modes of production in order
to maximize firm output — a classic line of inquiry, which is taken to a new testing ground.
The firms being studied are National Basketball Association (NBA) teams, and the agents
making the allocation decisions are the professional players (and coaches) and their objective
is the accumulation of points. In NBA basketball, a 5-man line-up has 24 seconds to take
the best shot possible. To do so the team must allocate the ball effectively across its factors
of production (players) and over the course of the shot clock. We model the game using
two important theoretical concepts from game and decision theory: 1) mixed strategy Nash
equilibrium (MSNE) 2) weighing current alternative versus the continuation value of a pro-
cess of random arrivals (optimal stopping). These two concepts underly important economic
models that run the gamut from job search to bilateral bargaining.
This paper takes these concepts seriously. If we are going to use them as backbones of
economic models, experts should adhere to them, especially in high stakes environments.
This should apply even for difficult decisions and games. Equilibrium play in basketball
requires effective randomization across the 5-man line-up, allocative efficiency, and accu-
rately weighing the continuation value of a possession versus a current realization, dynamic
efficiency. We examine NBA teams’ adherence to optimality using rich data set comprising
all shots taken in the NBA from 2006 to 2010. Our modeling approach is to combine the
stopping problem with the allocation problem. At each point on the shot clock, players must
randomize over shooters in order to maximize allocative efficiency and also use an appropri-
ate threshold value for continuing the possession versus realizing a shot opportunity. The
vectors of shooting frequency should maximize points per possession. Each vector implies
a “threshold equilibrium” of play, in the spirit of a purified game (Harsanyi, 1973). It is of
course challenging to fit a complex game such as basketball in an abstract game-theoretic
model, but we show that we can establish necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality
with minimal assumptions. This allows us to fit our model of shot allocation and optimal
stopping to observed shooting behavior. We then link adherence to optimality conditions to
metrics such as team success, line-up experience and player/coach salaries.
Our key finding is that NBA players are superb optimizers. The average NBA player is
shown to adopt reservation shot values almost exactly equal to the continuation value of his
team’s possession throughout the entire range of the shot clock. This “cut threshold” declines
monotonically with time remaining on the shot clock at almost the exact rate implied by
dynamic efficiency. Most teams core line-ups show impressive allocative efficiency, with the
spread of marginal efficiencies within a line-up quite small. Very few players can be shown
to individually overshoot from the dynamic (shoot too soon) or allocative (shoot too much
overall) perspective. Undershooting is more common and seems to occur primarily in players
easily recognized as amongst the NBA elite. Such behavior is suboptimal in our model, but
is easily rationalized if we allow for such players to conserve their energy and health for the
long-haul of the season at the slight expense of their team’s immediate performance.
Past work has tested the predictive power of game theoretic equilibrium concepts in
both the laboratory and field. The advantage of the laboratory is that the experiment
can be tailored to test the falsifiable implications of the model, while the advantage of the
field is that the agents (or firms) under study are performing a familiar task in a natural
setting. Indeed the “poor” performance of experimental subjects has led to the use of experts
with relevant experience as subjects (Palacios-Huerta and Volij, 2009; Levitt et al., 2010;
Palacios-Huerta and Volij, 2008). Studies of MSNE in field settings have typically used
2 × 2 games such as soccer penalty kicks (Chiappori et al., 2002; Palacios-Huerta, 2003)
or tennis serves (Walker and Wooders, 2001). The only work we are aware of that applies
an optimal stopping model to professional sports is Romer (2006), which examines NFL
coaches’ decisions to “go for it” on 4th down on the NFL.1 These papers generally find that
players use the correct mixing proportions and do not serially correlate actions, which are
the necessary and sufficient conditions for equilibrium play.
One of the important distinguishing features of this paper from prior work is that the
game under study is much more difficult to play optimally. Soccer penalty kicks and tennis
serves can be modeled as a game only slightly more complex than matching pennies. In
the game of basketball, players face shooting opportunities with variable defensive pressure
and shot distance; further complicating matters is the fact that the shot must be taken
before the 24 second shot clock expires. Finally, each team’s lineup consists of unavoidably
heterogeneous players who realize the scoring opportunities via different methods and from
different distributions. In shot allocation, the team must mix over five pure strategies because
there are five players on the court at one time, as compared to an individual mixing over
two pure strategies. Furthermore, each player must be cognizant of the continuation value
of a possession and should shoot only if the value of the shot is in excess of the continuation
A key difference between this study and ours is that Romer studies a deliberative decision made about
10 times per season by the coach, not the players, and the low number of occurrences means coaches might
intentionally do the wrong thing in order to adhere to the (mistaken) “conventional wisdom”. This is
precisely what the author finds.
Studying a more complex game does come at a cost — it is more challenging to fit into the
confines of an abstract game-theoretic model. The chief hurdle in determining the optimality
of player actions is to determine what would have happened had the player shot less or
more. Suppose that we observe a player offering higher productivity than his teammates at
a given interval of the shot clock. In order to conclude that he is not shooting enough in
equilibrium, we have to be sure that his opportunity distribution permits a marginal increase
in production at levels similar to those observed. It is entirely possible that such a player’s
average efficiency is boosted by a number of easy, inframarginal shots. That is, in order to
take additional shots, he would have to settle for much less efficient opportunities on the
margin. Just as in the theory of the firm, it is the efficiency on these marginal opportunities
that should guide optimal allocation.
Unfortunately marginal opportunities are not readily observed (Skinner, 2010; Oliver,
2004; Berri, 1999). Our estimation strategy is to use a telescoping set of assumptions, starting
with the case of assuming essentially nothing about the shot opportunity distribution, which
provides us with a strict necessary condition of optimality. We then impose more restrictive,
but still fairly flexible, assumptions in order to strengthen our optimality tests in the form
of a sufficient condition for optimal allocative and dynamic efficiency. The goal is to apply
the strictest test of optimality without incorporating a model misspecification. Below we
discuss our modeling approach in a bit more detail.
Shot timing is modeled using a finite period optimal stopping model in which players
face shot opportunities of varying expected point values and must decide between shooting
and continuing the possession. Since a shot must be taken in a 24 second period (the length
of the “shot clock”) the process has finite opportunities. In this sense, the problem is similar
to textbook “secretary” or “car buying” problems, which have been extensively studied in
the lab (Seale and Rapoport, 200; Lee, 2006). The wrinkle we add is that not only must
a player consider his own future realizations, but also realizations of his teammates on the
court. We model this as a repeated, single-shot game of “who will shoot.” Intuitively, the
offense has to keep the defense guessing about who will shoot the ball so the defense cannot
apply extra pressure on the eventual shooter. At a given interval of the shot clock, it should
be the case that the offense cannot reallocate the ball and increase team productivity. Put
another way, the vector of shooting frequency should maximize points per possession. The
vector of shooting frequencies can be thought of as a mixed strategy conditional on defensive
Even when we assume nothing about the opportunity distributions we can still establish
a necessary condition for optimality that can detect overshooting: at a given time in shot
clock, a player’s expected point value per shot should not be lower than the continuation
value of a possession, where the continuation value is based on observed play. Exceedingly
few players run afoul of this condition. The condition is strong in that is assumption free,
but weak in that it will miss many players who take many reasonable shots, but overshoot
on the margin. To combat this, we add more structure to the problem by assuming a
dependence pattern of shot opportunity arrivals for each player and across different values of
the shot clock. This allows us to estimate opportunity distributions (by player and line-up)
and provides a stronger test of optimality, because it yields an estimation of the value of
the marginal (worst) shot a player is selecting in each interval. Using these estimates, we
construct the implied threshold values for continuing a position and find that they closely
match those implied by dynamic efficiency. As the shot-clock winds down, players are willing
to take monotonically worse shots at nearly the exact rate implied by the model.
We then use these estimates to examine allocative efficiency. The prediction of optimal
play is that for a given interval of the shot clock, marginal efficiencies within a line-up should
be equal. Using a measure of “spread” that does not depend on sample size, we find that
most line-ups share the ball very well — spread in marginal output is low. Adherence to
allocative efficiency is correlated with overall performance of the line-up (aggregate output
per possession) and player talent. Two basic predictions of our model are strongly supported
in the data: 1) good players shoot more but with similar marginal efficiency 2) good players
raise the continuation threshold for all players (and thus ’make their teammates better’ in
observational data).
Our formal model excludes learning and the relevance of factors such as within-line-up
talent/salary inequality. In reality, these features might impact the adherence to optimality.
To address this question we link the sufficient statistics from our tests of optimality to line-up
experience (how often the players share the court), player tenure in the league, player salary
and salary inequality using OLS regression. We find that adherence to allocative efficiency
significantly positively related to line-up output and salary level. Increased variance in
line-up salary leads to more optimal play. On the individual level, star players are more
likely to undershoot, perhaps to conserve energy/health of the course of the season. For
both measures, player tenure in the league does not appear to have a meaningful impact
controlling for these other state measures.
Our paper offers two main contributions. The first, which has already been discussed, is
extending past work on MSNE in expert populations to a more difficult, robust game. The
second is the analysis of an important stopping problem that has been extensively studied
in the lab, due to its association with labor market decisions, but not previously tested in
the field, on account of the difficulty in observing relevant decision inputs and outcomes. In
prior laboratory study, subjects tend to use fixed stopping thresholds (Lee, 2006) or that
are declining but too flat cite (Lee et al., 2004). The experts we study perform far better,
even though the decision environment is more complex. Past work using experts has studied
firm decisions in dynamic settings such as as harvesting tree stands (Provencher, 1997),
renewing patents (Pakes, 1986), replacing bus engines (Rust, 1987) and continuing drives in
professional football (Romer, 2006). These problems are similar to the stylized lab version
of the problem in one respect — the decision is based on the comparison of expected value
of acting versus continuing — but are dissimilar in that they do not involve random arrivals
of opportunities (for instance, one can replace a bus engine at any time). NBA shooting
presents a situation that is strikingly similar to the classic version of the stopping problem.
The paper proceeds as follows: Section 2 describes the data, Section 3 gives the model
estimation and results starting with the minimal assumption set and telescoping out, Section
4 presents a discussion and Section 5 concludes.
2 Data
This analysis is entirely based on play-by-play data for all NBA games from 2006-2010 (four
seasons). The game logs detail all the players on the court the outcome of every play. All
variables discussed herein are constructed (via some fairly extensive coding) from the raw
game logs. Approximately 100 games (out of the 4,920 played during this time period) are
missing from this data set. We have no reason to believe their omission is anything other
than random.
Event/Action Description
Offensive/defensive line-up Players on court at given time
Game-time Minutes and second of each event
Game day Date of game
Shooter Player/time of the action
Rebound/assist Player/time of the action
Foul Shooting, non-shooting, flagrant, illegal defense
x,y coordinate of shot Physical location of shot
Turnover Broken down by bad pass, dribbling error, charge, lost ball
We performed data cleaning to eliminate cases where the assumptions of our model are
clearly violated. First, we remove possessions where risk-neutrality is violated, such as end of
quarter and end of game situations. Since our model applies only to half-court sets and not
to “fast-breaks” (actions taken immediately after steals or offensive rebounds, which involve
fairy trivial decision making). We define a fast break as any possession used within the first
seven seconds of the offense and have purged all such possessions from the data. Finally,
we remove situations when one team is leading by a point margin so wide that the game
outcome is no longer in doubt as our model only applies to situations where the outcome of
the game can reasonably be effected by chosen offensive strategy.
gD (dO1 , dO2 , dO3 , dO4 , dO5 ) ≤ 0 (1)
Definition of Variables
First, some definitions. For some possibly singleton set I ∈ O and a possibly singleton and
convex T ∈ {0, ..., 24}, define NI,T as the number of shots used by players in I over elements
of the shot clock in T and define PI,T as the total number of points realized from these
possessions. Further, let:
PI,T ′ ′ NI,T
EI,T = ; T∗ = {t ∈ {0, ..., 24} : ∀t ∈ T, t < t }; UI,T = (2)
E is a measure of average efficiency in the periods in T and U is the hazard rate with
which possessions are used over a particular interval T and by a particular subset of offensive
players. Note that all of these variables describe observed data, if we wish to describe the
“true” efficiency or usage rate of a particular set of players over some interval, we will use a
lower case version of the same definitions (e, u).
General Solution
Each player i chooses a cut-off level, ci,t , such that he will use the possession at interval t
if and only if ηi,t ≥ ci,t . If ∀i, ηi,t < ci,t than no player choses to use the possession and the
team proceeds to the next period of the shot clock. In order for a player’s choice of cutoff
to be optimal it must meet two basic criteria.
Allocative efficiency: At any given t, the team cannot reallocate the ball to increase pro-
ductivity on the margin. The frequency at which each player shoots generates equal marginal
productivity. Allocative efficiency generates the best set of shot opportunities, because ran-
domizing effectively is a best response to selective defensive pressure. Formally, allocative
efficiency requires that ∀i, j ∈ O, ci,t = cj,t .
Dynamic efficiency: Conditional on allocating efficiently in future periods, a shot is
realized only if its expected value exceeds the continuation value of a possession. Formally,
dynamic efficiency requires that ∀i ∈ O, ci,t = eO,t∗ .
It is straightforward the lineup of Dynamically efficient players would nessecarily satisfy
Allocative efficiency. However, we may be interested in lineups which allocate shots poorly
across time, but appear to do so in an equitable manner across the players on the team. We
now apply these conditions to observed behavior.
of dynamic efficiency that:
EI,T ˜N (eI,T , )
EO,T∗ ˜N (eO,T∗ , )
T ∩ T∗ = ∅ → EO,T∗ ⊥ EI,T
σO 2 σI 2
EI,T − EO,T∗ ˜N (eI,T − eO,T∗ , ( ) +( ))
We ran this test for all players in our sample with T = {12, ...17} and were only able
to find a single player who violated it at α = 0.05. The lone violator was Joel Przybilla
(t=-2.463291). These results indicate that NBA players are not taking patently wrong
actions. However, we note that the power of this test is quite weak. Typically there is a
divergence between a player’s “worst shot” (based on shot frequency) and average shot, with
the average shot necessarily offering higher efficiency. Put another way, there may be much
slack between their average efficiency (ei,t ) and their marginal efficiency (ci,t ). If a player’s
average is consistently below the continuation value, the team would be better off if he did
not shoot at all for the interval of the shot clock. Our results show that this optimality
condition is rarely violated in NBA play.
the interval [Bi , Ai ]. Additionally, the player selects a shot in period t if his draw lies in the
interval of [ci,t , Ai ]. For the vast majority of players, Bi will take a negative value. This does
not mean that players have opportunities to lose points, but merely reflects the fact that
the vast majority of players do not realize a good scoring opportunity in most periods of the
shot clock. As long as ci,t > 0 the part of our theoretical uniform opportunity distribution
that lies below zero is irrelevant.
Conditional on the parameters θi = {Ai , Bi , {ci,t }t∈T }, it is straightforward that:
We achieve parametric identification because the likelihood matrix is non-singular for all
players who choose at least some variation in cutoff levels across periods of the shot clock.
This should not be a surprise, if a player did the same thing in every period of the shot clock,
our shot clock instrument is irrelevant and we have on hope of learning about his tradeoff
between usage and efficiency. It is doubtful that any NBA player’s shooting behavior is
truly invariant to pressure from the shot clock. However, lack of identification at this point
has the potential to create distortions in standard Wald statistics if the truth is in a small
enough neighborhood of the unidentified region. We do not believe this difficulty is relevant
to the vast majority of players in our data and in this version we will not explicitly address
it. But we do note that recent advances in the econometric literature (Dufour et al. 2010;
Andrews et al. 2010) may enable us to better understand and be robust to any nonstandard
properties of our estimators.
Additionally, our likelihood equation is dependent upon the normality of the distribution
of points from an individual shot. In small samples, this is trivially incorrect as the actual
distribution of points is discrete and slightly skew. Additionally, we have no reason to
believe that our uniform specification is exactly correct. As such we shall not assume that
the true data generating process falls within our model and apply consistently estimated
covariance matrices from White (1982). Further we shall only perform Maximum Likelihood
Estimation (MLE) for each player with at least 15 used possessions in every relevant period
of the shot clock. Despite the fact that we are fitting a uniform distribution, the support
of observed efficiency and usage rates over any finite sample does not change so we do not
have a regularity problem and are able to calculate standard asymptotic variances from the
likelihood matrix.
Figure 1 provides the aggregate results of this estimation procedure. We see that indeed
NBA players use a monotonically declining cut threshold consistent with the predictions of
an optimal stopping problem with finite periods. More impressive is the fact that the cut-
thresholds are nearly identical to the continuation values of the possession and the functions
have the same shape. We present the results in two panels to enhance the contrast of the
slope, while still showing it for all periods of the shot clock. Overall, Figure 1 is strong
evidence in favor of near optimal play. NBA players appear to be well-tuned to the contin-
uation value of the possession and adjust their shot choice to reflect it. This is precisely the
mechanics of optimal stopping. Not only do they get the mechanics right, but the rate at
which the players lower their cut threshold matches the continuation value nearly exactly!
0 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20
Time Remaining on the Shot Clock Time Remaining on the Shot Clock
We do note, however, that in Figure 1 the cut-threshold does lie slightly above the
continuation value, which is evidence that undershooting is more common that overshooting.
To extend the analysis, we now examine which player’s tend to overshoot or undershoot on
average. We take as a null hypothesis that each player is dynamically efficient on average.
Namely that for each player i, t∈{2,..,17} ci,t = t∈{2,..,17} eO,t∗ . To maximize power to detect
deviation, we test this hypothesis with a weights inverse to the variance of our estimated
cutoffs. Figure 2 provides a histogram of the resulting t-statistics. A negative t-statistic
indicates overshooting, a positive t-statistic indicates undershooting.
The results again indicate that undershooting is much more common than overshooting.
In fact, only 5 players are found to be significant overshooters — less than we would expect
to find by chance alone (although if we take the mean to be 1, not 0, the evidence these
players overshoot strengthens considerably.2 In line with this reasoning, the distribution
appears standard normal but shifted over about 1 (the mean 0.98) Most players appear to
be optimizing and mistakes tend to come in the form of undershooting early in the shot
clock. In this sense, some players wait too long to shoot or do not expend maximum effort
on each possession. In contrast, lab subjects tend to pull the trigger too early, typically
through the use of a fixed threshold (Lee et al., 2004). We also compute the loss in surplus
due to sub-optimal shooting decisions (intuitively integrating between the two lines in Figure
1). The median value of DWL across players is 4%, consistent with nearly optimal play.
20 15
10 5
−4 −2 0 2 4
t−test for Dynamic Effiency
Figure 2: Player-by-player t-statistic for deviations from dynamic optimality. Positive values
indicate “under-shooting.”
In the discussion section we examine how much of a role effort conservation plays in this
finding. While we cannot observe effort directly, we can observe which type of players tend
Lamar Odom, Monta Ellis, Rafer Alston, Russell Westbrook and Tyrus Thomas are the guilty parties.
to undershoot. We find that under-shooters are frequently highly paid “star” players. Our
intuition is that some of undershooting is driven by effort conservation by star players who
play relatively more minutes-per-game.
ĉ ∼ N (c, VNc )
Where ci,t is the cutoff chosen by player i in period t and c¯t is the average over the five
teammates of the cutoff chosen in period t and c̄ is the appropriate corresponding kT kkIk×1
vector of averages.
Note that, if we define M = IT ⊗ (I5 − 5
), we may also simply write z = M c and
S = c′ M ′ M c = c′ M c.
Ŝ = i=1 (cˆ − cˆ¯t )2 = ẑ ′ I ẑ
t∈T i,t
However, a little bit of calculation reveals that this measure is biased upwards, especially
for small samples.
E(ẑ) = c − c̄
Spread Using 4−Man Cores
−.4 −.2 0 .2 .4
Figure 3: Distribution of spread for 4-man cores. Higher values indicate larger deviations
from optimality.
M Vc M
V (ẑ) ≡ Vz = N
2 2 diag(M Vc M )
Thus: E(Ŝ) = E(zi,t ) = E(zˆi,t ) + V (zˆi,t ) = S + diagVz = S +
turns out to be upward biased and especially so for small n. In order to correct for this,
we essentially subtract off the bias and define:
diag(M Vˆc M )
Sˆ∗ = Ŝ − N
We use this as our measure of dispersion in the marginal output of players sharing the
court and refer to simply as spread. It turns out that the same 5-man line-ups share the
court relatively in frequently. We thus need to define the concept of “4-man core.” A 4-man
core includes all line-ups that share the same 4 players and and the fifth player is occurs less
frequently than the core-4. An example is if 4 starters typically share the court with 1 of 3
back-ups (the fifth player). In this case, each back-up plays less than the starters with the
line-up, so is not in the 4-core. We then compute spread as defined above.
Figure 3 presents the distribution of spread for the 246 most common 4-man cores in
our data. The median is exceedingly small; it comes in at 0.036 (the mean is slightly larger
at 0.06). We also see a large spike at 0 in the distribution. In most line-ups, the players
show near equal marginal efficiencies at each period of the shot clock. Again, this is strong
evidence of near optimal play, but again play is not perfect. Players seems to be sharing the
ball incredibly well, but still about 10% of line-ups are estimate to have spread in excess of
0.25. These line-ups show clear room for improvement in terms of ball allocation.
In the Appendix we present the distribution of spread for 3-man cores. The results
confirm the results presented in Figure 3 and in fact the distribution is even more closely
centered around 0. This makes sense, in a 3-man core we compute spread over 3 players,
instead of 4, that are more familiar with each other and have more similar characteristics.
In the discussion section we delve into how spread correlates with features of the line-up.
Correlation between Spread and Output
.4 .2
0 −.2
lower spread. Table 2 demonstrates that this relationship is significant at the 0.10 level
using a two-tailed test. Given that our hypothesis is in fact one-tailed, this significance
level can be adjusted to 0.05. Table 2 also gives estimates of other correlates of spread. N
gives the number of possessions the core shared in the sample. The impact of N is weak
and positive. This is not necessarily evidence of a negative impact of repetition because of
numerous endogeneity issues based on coaches’ decisions. Column (1) includes the average
salary of the line-up in logs. Column (2) includes the simple arithmetic mean. For both
cases, higher paid line-ups perform significantly better in terms of spread. Higher salary
inequality, as measured through the standard deviation, is associated with larger values
of spread. This result is potentially of interest to labor economists concerned with salary
equality and production. “Experience” gives the number of years played in the NBA at the
start of 2006. The mean of playing experience across the line-up does not appear to impact
adherence to allocative efficiency. The standard deviation of experience seems to have a
slight negative impact on spread.
Table 2: Impact of line-up characteristics on allocative efficiency (spread).
(1) (2)
Output -0.214* -0.205
(0.124) (0.124)
N 4.41e-05*** 4.88e-05***
(1.61e-05) (1.69e-05)
ln(Mean Salary) -0.0862**
Mean Salary -1.16e-08*
s.d. Salary 1.38e-08* 1.30e-08*
(7.56e-09) (7.38e-09)
Mean Experience 0.00714 0.00658
(0.00598) (0.00625)
s.d. Experience -0.0171 -0.0182*
(0.0103) (0.0104)
Line-ups 238 238
Robust standard errors in parentheses
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
Table 3: Impact of player characteristics on dynamic efficiency (t-stat for optimality)
(1) (2)
Mean Salary 8.61e-08***
Log Salary 0.502***
Years Experience -0.0529 -0.0544
(0.0382) (0.0367)
Offensive rebound rate -30.05*** -29.18***
(7.432) (7.648)
Defensive Rebound Rate 4.537 5.369
(4.186) (4.130)
Position Dummies X X
Players 198 198
R-squared 0.142 0.146
Robust standard errors in parentheses
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
long-term contracts create a moral hazard for effort, but it is interesting that very few players
exhibit “selfish play.” Our belief is that the prevalence of under-shooting among the higher
paid players is evidence that the better players conserve energy at times due to their high
playing time and long season (over-shooting would be impossible to rationalize this way and
we say far less over-shooting).
4.4 Dynamic stopping problems
Past work has also studied stopping problems similar to this one in the lab. It is hard to know
how to generalize these studies though, because these are difficult problems that my require
experience and training. Perhaps, however, people just do typically have the capacity to
solve these complex problems, even with experience. This would be a very important results
for models of labor search. There have been papers that have looked at optimal stopping
problems using highly trained professionals. These studies use deliberative decisions made
by firms harvesting trees (Provencher, 1997), renewing patents (Pakes, 1986) and replacing
bus engines (Rust, 1987). In the field of sports, Romer (2006) is most similar to this paper
in the study of coaches decisions to “go for it” on 4th down on the NFL. Again this is a
deliberative decision made perhaps 10 times per season by the coach (in this sense it is one
that he may not have a lot of experience in making).
This study uses a huge volume of quick decision made players observing a random arrival
of shooting opportunities. The findings indicate the players do this quite well, far better
than lab subjects. Trained individuals appear quite capable of solving problems with the
level of complexity of classical optimal stopping problems.
5 Conclusion
Past work has studied experts playing relatively simple games. We study a much more
difficult game and in this way really put the theory to the test. Importantly, while this game
is difficult, it is far easier than equilibria implied by many models that have complicated
MSNE, such as bidding in common value auctions. If we take our theory seriously, we
should apply these “hard” tests. The unique decision environment we study allows us to
extend a stylized stopping problem from the lab to a field setting. Furthermore, we extend
the analysis of allocative efficiency across pure strategies to a markedly more difficult game.
The trade off is that is more challenging to get hard-and-fast optimality conditions, but our
modeling approach telescopes in the strength of assumptions and still provides meaningful
conclusions about the adherence to the theoretical standards employed.
The paper uses a huge volume of quick decisions made by players observing a random
arrival of shooting opportunities. The decision to shoot is modeled as a dynamic allocative
stopping problem. By using a realistic modeling approach we are able to derive strict tests
of optimality. We find that players overall adhere quite closely to the theoretical predic-
tions; overall they are suburb optimizers, although mistakes are made. In the context of
dynamic efficiency, the shot threshold has precisely the correct slope and nearly overlaps the
continuation value of the possession. The mistakes that are made tend to be undershooting,
in that the continuation value is lower than the marginal shot; these “mistakes” could be
rationalized by the conservation of energy across possessions. In allocative decision making,
most teams show a very low variance of marginal efficiencies across players on the court for
each interval of the shot clock, consistent with near optimal sharing of the ball. Overall our
results extend the realm and difficulty level of games that humans can play according to
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6 Appendix
6.1 Parametric Model Specification Tests
Our model is identified by assuming invariance of a player’s ability to realize scoring oppor-
tunities across different values of the shot clock. However, because we make this assumption
for 16 different periods of the shot clock, our model is overidentified and our assumptions
can be tested. Suppose for example that defenses became progressively more tenacious over
the course of the shot clock and that player’s opportunity distributions generally declined
across the shot clock. Then, we would find that a single distribution could not accurately
reflect a players ability to score in both the beginning and end of the shot clock. Players
would end up shooting less and less efficiently towards the end of the shot clock than our
model would predict. In future versions of this paper, we hope to present formal tests of
our specification. For now, we present plots showing how our model preforms across the
shot clock as an average across all players in our sample. We take solace in the lack of any
obvious trends in our residuals.
6.2 Additional support for Risk Neutrality
The following plot shows the simulated winning percentage for an underdog with baseline
mean expected point value of 1.38 playing a team who averages 1.4 points per possession
with standard deviation 0.45. Each “game” was simulated 10,000 times. As evidenced by
the figure, although the underdog wants to increase the standard deviation of the expected
value of shot attempts it does not want to trade off any meaningful amount of mean to do
Appendix Figure 1: Underdog winning percentage as a function of standard deviation and mean
6.4 3-man Cores
Spread Using 3−Man Cores
100 50
−.5 0 .5
Distribution of spread for 3-man cores. Higher values indicate larger deviations from