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Blk. 36 Lot 9 Metrogate Meycauayan II Ph. 2 Heritage Homes,

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Name: ___________________________________________Score:_____________

Grade & Section:__________________________________Instructor: Mr. Resty C. Samosa

Multiple Choice: Read each of the following statements /questions and choose the
item that answers correctly the question or the best completes the statements. Write the
letter of your choice.

1. The purpose of research presents a picture of the specific of the details of a

situation, social setting or relationship.
 EXPLORATORY RESEARCH: tries to understand a subject of study in a
preliminary way. It is usually depend on direct observation of a small selection
of what is to be studied. For example, drinking behavior.
 DESCRIPTIVE: used to describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon
being studied. It does not answer questions about how/when/why the
characteristics occurred.
 EXPLANATORY: a research conducted for a problem that has not been studied
more clearly, intended to establish priorities, develop operational definitions
and improve the final research design.
 QUANTITATIVE: defined as a systematic investigation of phenomena by
gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical, mathematical, or
computational techniques.

a) Exploratory c) Explanatory
b) Descriptive d) Quantitative

2. Educational qualifications of teachers affect their socioeconomic status because

the higher the educational qualification, the higher the salary will be. Educational
qualification is.
 INDEPENDENT VARIABLE: variable that experimenter changes or controls & is
assumed to have a direct effect on the dependent variable. So in an experiment,
the researcher is looking for the possible effect on the dependent variable that
might be caused by changing the independent variable.
 DEPENDENT VARIABLE: In a scientific experiment, you cannot have a
dependent variable without an independent variable. For example, you are
interested in how stress affects heart rate in humans. Your independent
variable would be the stress and the dependent variable would be the heart
 INTERVENING VARIABLE: they are usually called mediating variables, or
mediators. These variables that are difficult to measure (or simply unavailable)
that actually cause the phenomenon you’ve interested in, instead of the variable
you happen to have
 MODERATING VARIABLE: this can be qualitative (non-numerical values like
race, socioeconomic class or sex) or quantitative (numerical values like weight,
reward level or age) for example: according to the American Psychological
Association, stress has a bigger impact on men than women.
a) Intervening variable c) Dependent variable
b) Independent variable d) Moderator variable

3. The characteristics of good research that any conclusion drawn is based upon
hard evidence gathered from information collected from real life experience or
observation is?
 RIGOROUS: as a concept, rigor is perhaps best thought of terms of the
QUALITY of the research process. In essence, a more rigorous research process
will result in more TRUSTWORTHY findings. Transparency, as its name
suggests, refers to clarity in describing the research process.
 EMPIRICAL: research using empirical evidence. So it is based on observed and
measured phenomena & derives knowledge from actual experience rather than
from theory or belief.
 SYSTEMATIC: organized and systematic way of finding answers to questions.
Systematic because there is a definite set of procedures and steps which you
will follow.
 CRITICAL- exhibits careful and precise judgement

a) Rigorous c) Systematic
b) Empirical d) Critical

4. A type of applied research that is a discipline process of inquiry conducted by

and for those taking the action.

a) Impact assessment research c) Evaluation research

b) Action research d) Basic research

5. The third type of research aims to explore and describe.

a) Quantitative method c) Qualitative method

b) Mixed method d) Scientific research

6. The quantitative research is concerned with cause - and - effect relationship.

a) Non- experimental design c) Correlation design

b) Experimental design d) Survey research

7. This type of qualitative research describes experiences as they lived.

a) Ethnography c) Historical
b) Phenomenology d) Case study

8. An abstract form _________or idea, often conveyed on a single word which serves
as a springboard or building blocks of theory.

a) Theory c) Framework
b) Concept d) Paradigm

9. A method of acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method of inquiry to

enrich the system of objective knowledge in the field of natural and social

a) Discipline c) Theory
b) Research d) Model

10.The research considers the protection of research participants by obtaining

approval from participants through voluntary written consents.

a) Validation c) Reliability
b) Informed consent d) Interview
11.Since a study involves people, special care is taken into consideration to ensure
that respondents are treated ethically in all aspects.

a) Open coding c) Benchmarking

b) Ethical consideration d) Bracketing

12.A research process that uses more than one source of data to strengthen the
validity of research by telling a more comprehensive story of the things to be

a) Correlation c) Complementarity
b) Triangulation d) Expansion

13. Civil status affects the performance of teachers in performing their duties. To
which of the variables does civil status belong?

a) Dependent variables c) Intervening variable

b) Control variable d) Moderate variable

14.The purpose of research is to formulate more precise questions that future

research can answer.

a) Descriptive c) Explanatory
b) Exploratory d) Combination

15.Treatment of time is another dimension in research. Researcher capture features

of people or other unit at more than time.

a) Cross- sectional c) Summative

b) Longitudinal d) Formative

16.One important goal in conducting research is to

a) Advance the personal and professional qualification of practitioner
b) Produce evidence based practice
c) Focus direction of the research
d) Describe characteristics of a population
17.The first step in the research process begins with generating research ideas for
research problems and synthesis.
a) Formulating research designs and methodology
b) Establishing problems and synthesis
c) Collecting data
d) Drawing conclusion and recommendations
18.Salinity is a variable that affect the growth of seaweeds. To which of the variables
does salinity fall?

a) Independent variable c) Control variable

b) Dependent variable d) moderate variable

19.A statement that makes a specific prediction between one to two variables.
a) Problem
b) Hypotheses
c) Gap in literature
d) Proposition
20.One important basic question asked about the research title.
a) Do they meet basic questions asked?
b) Does the title describe what the study is all about?
c) What are the factors that affect the skills of teachers
d) Thinks of a topic in research which can be made and used as the title of
the study.
21.An introduction answers question about the problem, one of these is.
a) What is the methodology?
b) Why is it a problem?
c) What are the conclusions?
d) What are the recommendations?
22.The problem statement is
a) Background of the study
b) The verbalization and articulation as well as the analysis of the “question”
in which the researcher wants the research to answer.
c) Description of the issues
d) Analysis of the question
23.The purpose of a background study is to
a) Report observation or research results.
b) Help you to prove the relevance of your research question and to further
develop the thesis
c) Go to the library to gather data
d) Complete the research
24.A hypothesis is not the research answer , but rather
a) A theory to be tested
b) A proposal to be tested and evaluated
c) Imaginary terms or situations
d) It is an assumption in a thesis
25.A statement about the population or populations being examined that states that
there is no effect, no change or relationship.
a) Alternative hypothesis
b) Null hypothesis
c) Research hypothesis
d) Independent and dependent hypothesis
26.There are several sources of research. These are published writings and reports
that critique or reports on primary sources and can be found in periodical and
references books.
a) Primary sources
b) Secondary sources
c) Tertiary sources
d) Non- documentary searching
27.Organized related literature and studies to inform the reader of what is
a) A researchable area
b) A known and conflicting area
c) A research area of interest
d) A broad area of research
28.Component of research process wherein it describes properly the relationship of
variables is

a) Assumptions c) Research design

b) Data processing d) Theoretical framework

29.A popular system of referencing is the APA format also called

a) A brief citation of the sources in text and full citations and all work cited in
the text.
b) Author- date method of parenthetical documentation or in text citation.
c) Footnotes and endnotes used to acknowledge the source of the idea or
d) A list of citation of sources whereby each citation is given description
historical and textual explanation.
30.Plagiarism is to
a) Use inappropriate statistical techniques in order to obtain favorable
results and enhance the significance of one’s research.
b) Present someone else’s ideas or work as your own.
c) Publish the same paper in two different journals without informing the
d) Discuss with your colleagues data from the paper that you are reviewing
for a journal
31.Paraphrasing is
a) Harm that is physical, financial, or psychological experienced by the
b) Using someone’s idea in own words to restate the author’s ideas and
acknowledge to give credits to the original author.
c) Minimizing harm and risk to human lives
d) Making derogatory comments and personal attacks in the review of
author’s submitted work.
32.Written documents such as books, periodicals, magazines, journals, newspapers
and legal citations.
a) Primary sources
b) Related literature
c) Secondary sources
d) Related studies
33.Previous studies that involves similar variables including theses, dissertations,
scholarly written papers, studies, published and unpublished.

a) Primary sources c) Related literature

b) Related studies d) Secondary sources

34.The purpose of review of related literature and studies is to inform the reader
about what already is known, what is not known or research blank spots.

a) Blind spots/ conflicting areas

b) Unexplored areas
c) Research gap
d) Irrelevant statement

35.A written or visual presentation that explains either graphically or in narrative

form, the main things to be studies, the key factors, concepts or variables and the
assumed relationship among them.

a) Independent variable c) Theoretical variable

b) Conceptual variable d) Dependent variable

36.One of the qualities of good researcher that he keeps on inventing unique, new,
and original researches is

a) Efficient c) Resourceful
b) Creative d) Scientific

37.It is response variable which is observed and measured to determine the effect of
stimulus variable is

a) Intervening variable c) Independent variable

b) Moderate variable d) Dependent variable

38.A statement showing the research design and methodology or the entire process
of research using a theory or theories for developing a hypothesis.
a) Conceptual framework
b) Theoretical framework
c) Independent variable
d) Dependent variable
39.In interpreting hypothesis test result, any result that lies outside of the
confidence level, can be _______________.

a) Confirmed c) Accepted
b) Rejected d) Alternated

40.In a final research output, the ____________ is referred to the “bottom line”.

a) Appendices c) Conclusions
b) References d) Recommendations

41.In a non-random sampling technique, the researcher uses _________ sampling

when they include people that are available as they are easily recruited.

a) Quota c) Convenience
b) Purposive d) Cluster

42. This technique is not a non-random sampling technique

a) Quota c) Convenience
b) Purposive d) Cluster

43.In one of the items below, it illustrates how recommendation in a research report
should be stated: “Increase enrollment through marketing campaign” this
illustrates a recommendation that is ______________.

a) Specifically stated c) Time - bound

b) Measurable d) Result orient

44.The element in the front matter of a thesis that ensures the use of other works
cited is in accordance with legal requirements.

a) Title page c) Copyright page

b) Approval sheet d) Acknowledgement

45.Which of the following refers to large scale collaboration in research?

a) Information and computer technology
b) Middleware
c) Cyber infrastructure
d) E - research
46.In writing the front matter of a thesis, the ________carries the names and
signature of adviser and panel of examiners.

a) Title page c) Copyright page

b) Acknowledgement d) Approval sheet

47.Which of the following qualitative approaches describe individual experiences of a


a) Phenomenology c) Case studies

b) Ethnography d) Grounded theory

48.In organizing the research report, the chapter title assumes the

a) Multilevel headings c) First level

b) Third level d) Second level

49.For appropriate sub - heading of thesis elements, the statistical tools or

treatment are cited in.
a) Sampling techniques
b) Data analysis
c) Data gathering procedure
d) Research problem
50. Which is not validating procedure?

a) Triangulation c) Reliability testing

b) Focus group discussion d) Clustering

51.In citing references, the notes- bibliography format list using __________ as

a) Bibliography c) References
b) Work cited d) End notes

52.This qualitative approach provides comprehensive description of the culture of

group of people in a study.

a) Case studies c) Grounded theory

b) Ethnography d) Phenomenology

53.In the preliminaries, which elements provide the list of all content of front matter,
body and back manner?

a) Acknowledge c) Abstract
b) Table of contents d) Copyright page

54.The use of footnote is common with _______ format.

a) Notes bibliography
b) Parenthetical reference
c) Modern language Association
d) APA Format
55.The sentence style capitalization of book title and other references are associated
with form and style of a
a) Chicago style
b) APA
c) Modern Language
d) Turabian Form and Style
56.It refers to the following ethical considerations below, the “no harm”, “do good”,
the focus in
a) Informed consent
b) Non- malefience and beneficence
c) Justice and fairness
d) Right to full disclosure
57.This is unethical when a researcher copy material intensively from others.
a) Informed consent
b) Non- malefience and beneficence
c) Justice and fairness
d) Right to full disclosure
58.When a researcher said, “there is no need to inform the parents of the pupils that
we are changing the lunch schedule for few minutes, anyway what they don’t
know won’t hurt them”.
a) Informed consent
b) Non- malefience and beneficence
c) Justice and fairness
d) Right to full disclosure
59.Sampling design in which the investigator simply takes the closest individuals as
subjects of the study because they are most available is

a) Quota sampling c) Incidental sampling

b) Purposive sampling d) Cluster sampling

60.Sampling design in which the population is grouped into small units such as
blocks or districts is

a) Cluster sampling c) Cluster sampling

b) Quota sampling d) Incidental sampling

61.The best random sampling design since every member in the population is given
equal chance of inclusion in the sample is.
a) Systematic random sampling
b) Restricted random sampling
c) Stratified random sampling
d) Unrestricted random sampling
62.Sampling design intended to improve the validity of the sample and is applicable
when the population being studied is homogeneous is.
a) Unrestricted random sampling
b) Stratified random sampling
c) Restricted random sampling
d) Systematic random sampling

1. B 31. B

2. B 32. B

3. B 33. B

4. B 34. B

5. B 35. B

6. B 36. C

7. B 37. B

8. B 38. D

9. B 39. C

10. B 40. B

11. B 41. D

12. B 42. B

13. D 43. C

14. B 44. C

15. B 45. D

16. B 46. D

17. B 47. A

18. C 48. B

19. B 49. B

20. B 50. D

21. B 51. A

22. B 52. C
23. B 53. B

24. B 54. B

25. B 55. B

26. B 56. A

27. B 57. A

28. B 58. B

29. D 59. C

30. B 60. C

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