Qualitative Exam

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If a researcher works at a factory and observes the workers

without telling them, it is an example of:
a. Overt participant observation
b. Interview
c. Covert participant observation
d. Focus group
e. Archival records

2. Qualitative research involves looking at _____ data.

a. Numerical
b. non-numerical
c. categorical
d. emotional

3. How do phenomenological researchers attempt to understand

the universal nature of an experience?
a. By carrying out statistical analysis of the numerical
data gathered in the research
b. By carrying out interviews and examining the views of
people who have experienced the phenomenon
c. By immersing themselves into the real world in order to
experience the phenomenon for themselves
d. By reviewing the data gathered through a quick survey
handed out to the research subjects

4. Neisha wants to study how people feel after watching the

newest animated movie. She asks each person coming out of
the theater to fill out a survey rating different emotions
on a scale of 1 to 3. Which of the following best describes
the type of research that Neisha is conducting?
a. Qualitative
b. Quantitative
c. Confrontational
d. Animated

5. Qualitative research looks at:

a. None are correct
b. Statistics
c. All are correct
d. Numerical data
e. Non-numerical data
6. Which of the following should not be a criterion for a good
research project?
a. Demonstrates the abilities of the researcher
b. Is dependent on the completion of other projects
c. Demonstrates the integration of different fields of
d. Develops the skills of the researcher
7. Which form of reasoning is the process of drawing a
specific conclusion from a set of premises?
a. Objective reasoning
b. Positivistic reasoning
c. Inductive reasoning
d. Deductive reasoning
8. Research that seeks to examine the findings of a study by
using the same design but a different sample is which of
the following?
a. An exploratory study
b. A replication study
c. An empirical study
d. Hypothesis testing
9. A researcher designs an experiment to test how variables
interact to influence job-seeking behaviors. The main
purpose of the study was:
a. Description
b. Prediction
c. Exploration
d. Explanation
10. Cyber bullying at work is a growing threat to employee job
satisfaction. Researchers want to find out why people do
this and how they feel about it. The primary purpose of
the study is:
a. Description
b. Prediction
c. Exploration
d. Explanation
11. A theory:
a. Is an accumulated body of knowledge
b. Includes inconsequential ideas
c. Is independent of research methodology
d. Should be viewed uncritically
12. Which research method is a bottom-up approach to research?
a. Deductive method
b. Explanatory method
c. Inductive method
d. Exploratory method
13. How much confidence should you place in a single research
a. You should trust research findings after different
researchers have replicated the findings
b. You should completely trust a single research study
c. Neither a nor b
d. Both a and b
14. A qualitative research problem statement:
a. Specifies the research methods to be utilized
b. Specifies a research hypothesis
c. Expresses a relationship between variables
d. Conveys a sense of emerging design
15. Which of the following is a good research question?

a. To produce a report on student job searching behaviours

b. To identify the relationship between self-efficacy and
student job searching behaviours
c. Students with higher levels of self-efficacy will
demonstrate more active job searching behaviours
d. Do students with high levels of self-efficacy demonstrate
more active job searching behaviours?

16. A review of the literature prior to formulating research

questions allows the researcher to :

a. Provide an up-to-date understanding of the subject, its

significance, and structure
b. Guide the development of research questions
c. Present the kinds of research methodologies used in
previous studies
d. All of the above

17. Sometimes a comprehensive review of the literature prior

to data collection is not recommended by:

a. Ethnomethodology
b. Grounded theory
c. Symbolic interactionism
d. Feminist theory

18. The feasibility of a research study should be considered

in light of:

a. Cost and time required to conduct the study

b. Access to gatekeepers and respondents
c. Potential ethical concerns
d. All of the above
19. Research that uses qualitative methods for one phase and
quantitative methods for the next phase is known as:

a. Action research
b. Mixed-method research
c. Quantitative research
d. Pragmatic research

20. Research hypotheses are:

a. Formulated prior to a review of the literature

b. Statements of predicted relationships between variables
c. B but not A
d. Both A and B

21. Which research approach is based on the epistemological

viewpoint of pragmatism?

a. Quantitative research
b. Qualitative research
c. Mixed-methods research
d. All of the above

22. Adopting ethical principles in research means:

a. Avoiding harm to participants

b. The researcher is anonymous
c. Deception is only used when necessary
d. Selected informants give their consent

23. A radical perspective on ethics suggests that:

a. Researchers can do anything they want

b. The use of checklists of ethical actions is essential
c. The powers of Institutional Review Boards should be
d. Ethics should be based on self-reflexivity

24. Ethical problems can arise when researching the Internet


a. Everyone has access to digital media

b. Respondents may fake their identities
c. Researchers may fake their identities
d. Internet research has to be covert
25. The Kappa statistic:

a. Is a measure of inter-judge validity

b. Compares the level of agreement between two judges against
what might have been predicted by chance
c. Ranges from 0 to +1
d. Is acceptable above a score of 0.5

26. Which research paradigm is most concerned about

generalizing its findings?
a. Quantitative research
b. Qualitative research
c. Mixed-methods research
d. All of the above
27. A variable that is presumed to cause a change in another
variable is called:
a. An intervening variable
b. A dependent variable
c. An independent variable
d. A numerical variable
28. Researchers posit that performance-related pay increases
employee motivation which in turn leads to an increase in
job satisfaction. What kind of variable is ‘motivation”’
in this study?
a. Extraneous
b. Confounding
c. Intervening
d. Manipulated
29. Which of the following is NOT a method of quantitative
a. Grounded Theory Research
b. Correlational Research
c. Quasi-Experimental Research
d. Experimental Research
30. The grounded theory approach was developed by:
a. Heidegger
b. Glaser and Strauss
c. Husserl
d. Denzin
31. Deductive Reasoning is applied in:
a. Qualitative research
b. Quantitative research
c. Action research
d. Applied research
32. Which of the following is a qualitative research design
where lived experiences of individuals are examined in
their "life-world"?

a. Ethnography
b. Ethology
c. Phenomenology
d. Grounded theory

33. Which of the following is a characteristic of

qualitative research?
a. Deductive process
b. Control over the context
c. Fixed research design
d. Inductive process

34. Qualitative research design involves

a. Emergent design
b. Correlative design
c. Experimental design
d. Cohort design
35. Phenomenological study involves all the following
features, EXCEPT

a. Bracket out
b. Intuition
c. Analysis
d. Description
e. Manipulation
36. Which of the following qualitative methods focuses on
description and interpretation of cultural behavior?

a. Phenomenology
b. Grounded theory
c. Ethnography
d. Symbolic interactionism
37. The area of inquiry in grounded theory approach is

a. Holistic view of culture

b. Lived experiences
c. Behaviour observed over time in natural context
d. Social structural processes with in social setting
38. The research design in which the area inquiry is the
manner by which people make sense of social interactions:
a. Grounded theory
b. Phenomenology
c. Symbolic interactionism
d. Ethnography
39. The term triangulation was coined by:

a. Denzin (1989)
b. Leininger (1985)
c. Glaser and Strauss (1967)
d. Heidegger
40. In qualitative research, a guiding principle in deciding
sample size is:

a. Effect size
b. Number of variables
c. Data saturation
d. Sub-group analysis
41. The term refers to the use of multiple referents to draw
conclusions about what constitutes the truth:

a. Item analysis
b. Factor analysis
c. Error measurement
d. Triangulation
42. Characteristics of qualitative research design are

a. Flexible and elastic design

b. Use of mixed methodologies
c. Ongoing analysis to formulate subsequent strategies
d. Researcher becomes the instrument
e. All of the above
43. The tendency in qualitative research to derive a complex
array of data from a variety of sources, using variety of
methods is termed as:

a. Triangulation
b. Bricolage
c. Cross-tabulation
d. Confirmability
44. The term “action research” was coined by:

a. Kurt Lewin
b. Glaser & Strauss
c. Karl Pearson
d. Jacob Cohen
45. The standards of critiquing qualitative research include,
a. Descriptive vividness
b. Methodological Congruence
c. Analytical and interpretative preciseness
d. Heuristic relevance
e. Chance for committing Type-I error
46. A method of analyzing qualitative data that involves an
interactive approach to testing research hypothesis:

a. Analytic induction
b. Axial coding
c. 'Blind' review
d. Inquiry audit
47. The process of identifying and holding in abeyance any
preconceived beliefs and opinions one has about the
phenomena of understanding is:

a. Bricolage
b. Content Analysis
c. Bracketing
d. Bricoleur
48. A design that unfolds in the course of a qualitative study
as the researcher makes ongoing design:

a. Experimental design
b. Quasi-experimental design
c. Exploratory design
d. Emergent design
49. One of the main advantages of observational research is:
a. It is easy to get access to people and situation to
b. It requires a relatively small labor effort
c. It allows for the observation of the phenomenon of
interest in a natural setting.
d. It is nearly impossible to have an impact on the
outcome, so small risk of bias.
50. The case study research method can be used:
a. To test theories.
b. To develop casual explanations.
c. To compare theories.
d. All of the above.

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