ASSIGNMENT 2 (25%) : Diploma Programmes Introduction To Information Technology (CSC40704/ CSC40104)
ASSIGNMENT 2 (25%) : Diploma Programmes Introduction To Information Technology (CSC40704/ CSC40104)
ASSIGNMENT 2 (25%) : Diploma Programmes Introduction To Information Technology (CSC40704/ CSC40104)
Learning Outcome
Each student will be required to keep a Digital Portfolio i.e. personal journal that records their journey
throughout this semester (from Week 1 to Week 13). Students will be required to use a web-builder (eg.
WIX, Weebly, WordPress etc) to perform this task and each student is required to present it in Week 14.
Students will be guided during their respective tutorial classes (as needed) as well as progress of their
work need to be demonstrated to the tutor/lecturer accordingly. This will be done via ZOOM if the classes
are still conducted via online.
Assignment Description
Your Digital Portfolio contents should consist of the following items:
a) Personal : a brief self-introduction with supporting graphics (include your values, personality traits,
b) Each of the subject undertaken for this semester should contain the following:
i) A brief description of the topic alongside with 2 or 3 supporting graphics (with captions)
connected with the subject.
c) How has the development of the Digital Portfolio help/ benefit you?
Additional Information:
Guidelines for citation (if required):
1. Each student is to submit ONE MS-PowerPoint slide (containing student name, ID , Subject
Code, Section(if any), list of subjects for this semester and the website link) in TiMES. ((Please
ensure that the link is accessible to the respective lecturer & tutor)
2. Each student will be given 10–15 minutes to present his/ her work. This time-frame includes the setting-
up time as well. The details will be given in Week 12. Expected presentation week is in WEEK 14.
1. All discussions that include the lecturer/tutor will be done via Taylor’s official email.
Other information
The following penalty (based on university assessment policy) will occur under the following
Deduction of Description
5% daily 5% deduction from the final mark will occur on a daily basis each day; effective ONE
day from the date and time of the submission
100% Submission of assignment 5 days after the date and time of submission
Please note that NO extensions will be granted for this assignment submission.
Plagiarism is a serious offence and any individual (who is suspected of plagiarism) would be referred to
the Academic Integrity Committee of Taylor's College. Please refer to the Student Handbook for further
Assessment Criteria (Mark Scheme)
Assignment 2 contributes 25% of the overall marks. Your efforts will be assessed based on the following criteria:
Personal Compilation is inaccurate with Compilation has minimal Compilation has adequate Complete and accurate
Development irrelevant information and information and concepts of the information and concepts of compilation that are relevant to
Compilation concept of the covered topics. covered topics. the covered topics. the covered topics.
(Max 5%)
Presentation Difficult to follow because Audience has difficulty following Student presents information in Student presents information in
Skills there is no sequence of presentation because student logical sequence which logical, interesting sequence
(Max: 5%) information. Mumbles, jumps around. audience can follow. Student's which audience can follow and
incorrectly pronounces terms, Student's voice is low. Student voice is clear. appreciate. Student uses a
and speaks too softly to be incorrectly pronounces terms. Student pronounces most clear voice and correct, precise
heard. Some confidence, at times words correctly. pronunciation of terms.
Stammer/long pauses appears Showing confidence most of the Speaks with confidence. Does
throughout awkward. Reads sometimes with time. Does not read with not read but explains eloquently.
presentation. Reads assistance assistance.
with assistance.