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3 Diesel Performance

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- A diesel power plant or Standby power station is the plant when we use diesel engine as a
prime mover for the generation of electrical energy.
- Diesel plants produce power in the range of 2 to 50 MW, are used as central stations for
supply authorities and work
- Uses a diesel engine as prime mover for the generation of electrical energy.

1. Design and installation are very simple.
2. It can respond to varying loads without any difficulty.
3. It occupies less space.
4. For the same capacity diesel power plant is compact and smaller than a thermal power
5. Require less quantity of water for cooling purposes.
6. No problem of ash handling system.
1. High operating cost.
2. High maintenance and lubrication cost.
3. The capacity of a diesel plant is limited. They cannot be constructed in large sizes.
4. In a diesel plant noise is a serious problem.
5. Diesel power plants cannot supply over loads continuously where as steam power plants
can work under 25% overload continuously.

Diesel Engine
– is an internal combustion engine which used low grade oil and which burns this fuel inside
the cylinder solely by the heat of compression.
- Is a compression ignition system.
- The 2- stroke cycle engine is more favored for diesel power plants
- The air required for the diesel engine is drawn through the air filter from the atmosphere and
compressed inside the cylinder.
- The fuel(diesel) from the diesel engine is drawn through a filter from the all day tank and
injected into the cylinder through fuel injectors.
- Because of the high temperature and pressure of the compressed air, the fuel ignites.
- The fuel burns and the burnt gases expand to do work on the moving part inside the cylinder
called piston.
- This movement of the piston rotates a flywheel and the engine is directly coupled to electric
- The gases after expansion inside the cylinder is exhausted into the atmosphere and passes
through a silencer in order to reduce the noise.
A. 4 STROKE CYCLE DIESEL ENGINE. A four stroke cycle diesel engine produces
power in 4 piston stroke and in two crankshaft revolution.
1. Intake or Suction Stroke: (Fuel-air mixture is introduced into cylinder through intake
 Piston moves from Top Dead Center (TDC) to Bottom Dead Center (BDC)
creating vacuum in the cylinder
 Intake Valve opens allowing only air to enter the cylinder and exhaust valve
remains closed.
2. Compression Stroke ( Fuel-air mixture compressed)
 Both valves stay closed
 Piston moves from BDC to TDC, compressing air to 22:1.
 Compressing the air to this extent increases the temperature inside the cylinder
inside the cylinder to above 600⁰C.
3. Expansion or Power Stroke (Combustion(constant volume) occurs and product gases
expand doing work )
 Both valves stay closed
 When the piston is at the end of compression stroke (TDC) the injector sprays a
mist of diesel fuel into the cylinder.
 When hot air mixes with diesel fuel an explosion takes place in the cylinder.
 Expanding gases push the piston from TDC to BDC
4. Exhaust stroke (Product gases pushed out of the cylinder through the exhaust valve)
 Piston moves from BDC to TDC
 Exhaust valve opens and the exhaust gases escape
 Intake valve remains closed

B. TWO STROKE CYCLE DIESEL ENGINE. In two-stroke engines the cycle is

completed in two strokes, that s, one revolution of the crankshaft as against two
revolutions of four-stroke cycle. These engine have 1 power stroke per revolution of the
 Intake begins when the piston is near the bottom dead center. Air is admitted to the
cylinder through ports in the cylinder wall (there are no intake valves). All two-stroke Diesel
engines require artificial aspiration to operate, and will either use a mechanically driven
blower or a turbo-compressor to charge the cylinder with air. In the early phase of intake, the
air charge is also used to force out any remaining combustion gases from the preceding
power stroke, a process referred to as scavenging.
 As the piston rises, the intake charge of air is compressed. Near top dead center, fuel is
injected, resulting in combustion due to the charge's extremely high pressure and heat created
by compression, which drives the piston downward. As the piston moves downward in the
cylinder, it will reach a point where the exhaust port is opened to expel the high-pressure
combustion gasses. However, most current two-stroke diesel engines use top-
mounted poppet valves and uniflow scavenging. Continued downward movement of the
piston will expose the air intake ports in the cylinder wall, and the cycle will start again.
Performance of Diesel Generating Set
1. Heat generated by the fuel/Heat Supplied; Qf
Qf = mfQh ; KW
Where: mf = fuel consumption, kg/sec mass flow rate of fuel
Qh =heating value of fuel, KJ/kg
= 41,430 + 139.6 ° API, KJ/kg use liquid fuel since this is use in diesel power plant

2. Air fuel Ratio; A/F

- the mass ratio of air to a solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel present in a combustion process.
The combustion may take place in a controlled manner such as in an internal combustion
engine or industrial furnace, or may result in an explosion.
- Use to define mixtures used for industrial furnace heated by combustion
ma kgair
A/F =
mf kg fuel
ma =
3. Piston displacement; Vd
- Volume displaced by the piston as it moves from top dead center to bottom dead center
Vd = ( )D2LNC
Where: D = diameter of cylinder (bore) ;m
N = speed ;rpm (for 2-stroke)
N/2 = speed ;rpm (for 4-stroke)
L = length of stroke ;m
C = Number of cylinder
4. Piston Speed; Ps
- The total distance of piston travels in a given time.
Ps = 2LN ; m/sec
Whre : 2L = distance travelled by piston N = speed
5. Indicate Power; I.P.
- Power developed/delivered by an engine as calculated from the average pressure of the
working fluid in the cylinders and the displacement.
Measuring instruments used: Engine indicator traces actual P-V diagram.
Planimeter – measures the area of P-V diagram
Tachometer – measures speed
I.P. = Pmi x Vd
Where: Pmi = indicated mean effective pressure ; KPa
Area of diagram
= x spring scales
Lngth of diagram
Vd = piston volume displacement ; m3/sec
6. Brake Power; B.P. – power developed by an engine as measured by a force applied to a
friction brake or by absorption dynamometer applied to the shaft flywheel.
- Power output of any engine measured at the engine’s flywheel.
Measuring instruments used: Dynamometer measures the torque.
Tachometer – measures the speed
B.P = 2πTn ; KW
Calculation of Brake power using Brake mean effective pressure:
B.P. = Pmb x Vd ;KW
Where: Pmb = brake mean effective pressure ; KPa

7. Friction Power; F.P.

- Power dissipated in a machine through friction
F.P. = I.P. – B.P.
8. Mechanical Efficiency; Em
- the ratio of the brake power to the indicated power

B . P . P mb x V D P mb
Em = = = BP = IP x Em
I .P. Pmi x V D Pmi

9. Electrical or generator efficiency; Eg

- The ratio of the generator output to the brake power
generator output
Eg =
brake power
Where: generator output = B.P x Eg
= I.P. x Em x Eg
Note: overall efficiency is the ratio of the generator output to the indicated power.
Eo = gen OR Eo = E g x Em
I .P.

10. Thermal Efficiency

- Ratio of the work done by the heat engine for the heat energy absorbed by it.
a. Indicated thermal efficiency; Eti
I .P.
Eti =
mf Qh
b. Brake thermal efficiency; Etb
B. P.
Etb =
mf Qh

c. Overall or combined thermal efficiency; Etc

generator output
Etc =
mf Qh

11. Volumetric efficiency; Ev

- The ratio of the volume of air drawn into the cylinder to the piston displacement

actual volume of air entering V a

Ev = =
Piston displacment VD
m a RT
Where : Va =
12. Specific fuel consumption – the weight flow rate of fuel required to produce a unit of
power or thrust. It is also known as specific propellant.
a. mi = indicated spec fuel consumption
m x 3600 kg lb
mi = f ; ;
I.P. KW −hr HP−hr

b. mb = brake spec fuel consumption

m x 3600 kg
mb = f ;
B.P. KW −hr

c. mc = combined or overall spec fuel consumption

mf x 3600 kg
mc = ;
generator output . KW −hr

13. Heat Rate = expression of the conversion efficiency of a thermal power plant or engine as
heat input/unit work output.
m f x 3600 x Q h KJ
a. Indicated heat rate = ; OR miQh
I .P. KW −hr
m f x 3600 x Q h KJ
b. Engine Heat rate = ; OR mbQh
B. P . KW −hr
m f x 3600 x Q h KJ
c. Engine generation heat rate = ; OR mcQh
Generator output KW −hr
14. Generator speed
120 f
Where: N = speed
f = frequency (usually 60 Hertz if not given)
P = number of poles (even)

Typical Full Load Heat Balance of the Engine

Description Percent share of input

Useful output(brake output) 34%
Cooling loss 30%
Exhaust loss 26%
Friction, radiation, etc 10%
Total heat input by fuel 100%

Mass balance of the engine:

ma + mf = mg


1. A single cylinder, single acting four-stroke diesel cycle egine having a 12” bore and 18”
stroke operates at 200 rpm. The mean effective pressure as obtained from the indicator
card is 96psi. Other test data are as follows: Length of brake arm, 60”; fuel used 20 lb/hr;
heating value of fuel oil, 19,500 BTU/lb ; net weight on brake is 220lbs.
2. A torque of 200 ft-lb is developed by a diesel engine when running at 1200 rpm and
using 20lbs of fuel per hour. The heating value of the fuel is 19,000 BTU/lb. The engine
is of 4-stroke cycle and has 4 cylinders. The bore equals to stroke. The engine takes in
25lbs of air per lb of fuel. The volumetric efficiency is 80%, T = 60⁰C. Calculate the
brake thermal efficiency and the bore in inches. Assume that it is operated at standard

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