Determining The Prevalence of and The Factors Associated With Antihypertensive Medication Non-Adherence in The Gaza Strip
Determining The Prevalence of and The Factors Associated With Antihypertensive Medication Non-Adherence in The Gaza Strip
Determining The Prevalence of and The Factors Associated With Antihypertensive Medication Non-Adherence in The Gaza Strip
Original Article
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences International Campus, Tehran, Iran
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Professions, Israa University, Gaza, Palestine
Department of Health Education and Promotion, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Faculty of Nursing, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine
Background: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of and determine the factors associated with antihyper-
tensive medication (A-HTNM) non-adherence among hypertension care seekers attending primary health clinics
in the Gaza Strip.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted as the recruitment phase of a clustered randomized controlled
trial including 538 participants. The participants were randomly selected from 10 primary health care centers by
two-stage cluster random sampling. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data through face-to-face inter-
view. The questionnaire was developed based on the World Health Organization determinants for medication non-
adherence and the Health Belief Model. The main outcomes of this study were the prevalences of A-HTNM non-
adherence and its associated factors. Adherence status was assessed using the eight-item Morisky Self-Report
Medication Adherence Scale. Data were analyzed by STATA ver. 14.0 (Stata Corp., College Station, TX, USA)
using a standard complex survey, accounting for unresponsiveness and the clustering sampling approach.
Results: The overall prevalence of A-HTNM non-adherence was 65.8% (95% confidence interval [CI], 59.2–
71.8). Among all studied predictors, only self-efficacy of participants (odds ratio [OR], 3.8; 95% CI, 1.79–2.84)
and social support (OR, 2.26; 95% CI, 2.82–5.11) remained significantly associated with A-HTNM non-adherence
after adjust-ing for age, education level, number and frequency of A-HTNM doses per day, and comorbidities.
Conclusion: The high prevalence of non-adherence highlights the need for serious intervention to enhance the ad-
herence rate among hypertension patients. The associated factors can be considered when developing appropriate
Received: June 15, 2019, Revised: August 23, 2019, Accepted: September 5, 2019
*Corresponding Author: Akbar Fotouhi
Tel: +98-21-88992970, Fax: +98-21-88989664, E-mail: [email protected]
152 Khalid Khadoura, et al. • Antihypertensive Medication Non-Adherence
degree of acceptance of the validity and reliability observed in different 5. Definition of Antihypertensive Medications Adherence
cultures with some cross-cultural adaptation of the scale.11,13,14) In this study, we depended on a self-report medication adherence
Self-efficacy was defined as a behavior-specific predictor, which was scale to determine the adherence status. The MMAS-8 by Morisky et
assessed using the modified version of the existing scale.15) Intrinsic al.12) was used for this purpose. It can identify the exact reasons for pa-
motivation was defined as the degree of one’s motivation for a particu- tients’ non-adherence and why the individual is exhibiting this behav-
lar behavior, which was scored using the Treatment Self-Regulation ior. It consisted of eight questions that are assigned points ranging
Questionnaire (TSRQ); both of these tools were previously validated from 0 (“no” answer) to 1 (“yes” answer); a lower score indicates more
and are widely used.16) adherence (0/8). The score has its own cut-off points: 0 for perfect ad-
An Arabic validated and reliable version of the Patient-Doctor Rela- herence, 1–2/8 for medium adherence, and ≥3/8 for low adherence. 12)
tionship Questionnaire-9 was used to assess the relationship between To define the status of adherence, the MMAS-8 scale responses were
patients and doctors.13,17) Likewise, a health care system support ques- dichotomized into optimal and suboptimal adherence. Responses of
tionnaire was used with some modifications. 13,18) 0/8 were classified as optimal adherence, while responses indicating
The Morisky Scale, TSRQ, and Self-Efficacy Questionnaires were non-adherence (≥3/8) and moderate adherence (1–2/8) were defined
translated to Arabic based on the five-step process (forward transla- as suboptimal adherence (A-HTNM non-adherent).
tion, expert panel, back translation, editing, and pre-testing) of trans- The cut-off point for optimal adherence in HTN patients was 80% or
lating and adapting an instrument recommended by the WHO. Oth- more than that in patients showing A-HTNM. However, the decision to
er covariates such as medical comorbidities were assessed using the use self-report measures to identify patients with different levels of ad-
Charlson Comorbidity Index, which is a validated and widely used herence was based on the suggested cut-off point of the scale used.
weighted-index designed to evaluate disease comorbidity. 20)
Content validity of the Arabic questionnaires were reviewed by pan- 6. Sample Size
el of experts. Required changes were made to clarify any ambiguity The sample size was calculated to be 165 participants, with an estimat-
and to ensure the comprehension of Palestinian participants after the ed non-adherence rate of 70%.22) The sample size increased to 291
pilot study. participants considering the effect of a cluster design by 1.5 and allow-
Reliability tests were performed by test-retest within a period of 2 ing a nonresponse rate of 15%. However, the sample size was increased
weeks. Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) and 95% confidence again to 538 participants for the purpose of conducting a controlled
intervals (CIs) were computed for the three questionnaires (Morisky trial, as these data were the baseline data of a clustered randomized
Scale, TSRQ, and Self-Efficacy Questionnaire). Table 1 reveals the controlled trial.
strong agreement level and statistically significant ICC; an ICC agree-
ment level of 0.75–0.9 was considered good, while an ICC level of >0.90 7. Data Analysis
indicated excellent reliability.21) The lowest and highest ICC in each IBM SPSS ver. 23.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) was used for ICC
questionnaire ranged between 0.63 and 0.95. However, the ICC for all test and Cronbach’s α. One-way random effects model was performed,
other items was more than 0.75. and the ICC was reported.
Internal consistency was tested by determining the Cronbach’s α for For the main analysis, a standard complex survey data analysis was
MMAS-8 adherent, TSRQ and Self-efficacy domains, which give the performed by STATA ver. 14.0 (Stata Corp., College Station, TX, USA).
values of 0.92, 0.81, and 0.91 respectively, and 0.81 for the whole ques- We accounted for clustering using the STATA PSU option and for un-
tionnaire, which is considered almost good. equal probability of selection using sample weight variable analysis.
sponse rate. More than half (60.95%) were women with an overall smokers (81.4%). Obesity was the most common comorbidity among the
mean age of 57.1 years (95% CI, 53.1–61.2 years). The majority were study population, with a mean BMI of 32.25 kg/m 2 (95% CI, 31.86– 32.63
educated (90.2%), married (90.4%), unemployed (86.5%), and non- kg/m2). Of the total participants, 45.6% had uncontrolled BP with
Khalid Khadoura, et al. • Antihypertensive Medication Non-Adherence 155
mean systolic and diastolic BP of 131.66 mm Hg (95% CI, 126.78– tory variables. Tables 4 and 5 show that participants’ ages (odds ratio
136.53 mm Hg) and 83.27 mm Hg (95% CI, 81.53–85.02 mm Hg), re- [OR], 1.03; 95% CI, 1.01–1.06), education level (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.08–
spectively. More than half of the participants (57.25%) had been diag- 2.67), number of years since HTN diagnosis (OR, 1.88; 95% CI, 1.04–
nosed with HTN for more than 5 years (mean, 8.46 years; 95% CI, 3.37), number of A-HTNMs (OR, 1.43; 95% CI, 1.02–2.00), and BP mea-
6.68–10.25 years). Almost two-thirds of the participants (64.4%) were surement (OR, 1.98; 95% CI, 1.06–3.68) were the only factors associated
treated with only one A-HTNM once a day (64.84%), while 35.6% were significantly with adherent status.
treated with two or more medications twice or several times a day In the prediction of other independent variables, which could be as-
(35.16%). Only 14.43% of participants had high comorbidities. Approx- sociated with medication adherence status, Table 6 shows that self-ef-
imately 58.96% of the participants considered that their BP is con- ficacy of the participants (OR, 4.47; 95% CI, 3.28–6.09) and social sup-
trolled, while 41.9% rated themselves as having a good health status in port (OR, 2.87; 95% CI, 2.66–3.09) were the only predictors that were
the self-rated health questionnaire (Tables 2, 3). significantly associated with adherent status among all other studied
2. Prevalence of Adherence and Non-adherence A multiple logistic regression model was used to assess the adjusted
The participants were divided into three groups according to their association of predictors with adherence status. All statistically signifi-
MMAS-8 scores: non-adherent (≥3/8), moderately adherent (1–2/8), cant variables from univariate analysis at a level of 0.1 were included in
and adherent (0/8). Approximately 32% (95% CI, 28%–36%) and 32% the multiple logistic regression analysis. The 11 factors that were in-
(95% CI, 26%–42%) of the respondents were classified as moderately cluded in the model were age, education level, duration of HTN, fre-
adherent and non-adherent, respectively, while 34% (95% CI, 28%– quency of anti-HTN medication, number of anti-HTN medications
41%) were adherent. The MMAS-8 scale responses were dichotomized per day, other comorbidities, BP measurement, perception of BP con-
into optimal adherence (0/8) and suboptimal adherence (A-HTNM trol, self-efficacy of participants, social support, and intrinsic motiva-
non-adherent) (≥1/8). The overall prevalence of A-HTNM non-adher- tion. Four of them (duration of HTN, perception of BP control, BP
ence was 65.8% (95% CI, 59.2%–71.8%). measurement, and intrinsic motivation) disturbed the model; hence,
they were excluded by the backward stepwise elimination method.
3. Relationship between Adherence Status and Predictors The other seven factors remained statistically significant and were
Under the standard complex survey data setting, univariable logistic found to be associated with the risk of A-HTNM non-adherence (Table
regression was used to predict the association between adherence sta- 7).
tus and baseline data of the participants and other interesting explana- These significant predictors included the following: age (OR, 1.04;
156 port, poor physician-patient relationship, and health care support af-fect
adherence in different populations.5,7,23-25)
Table 7. Predictors that remained significant in multiple regression analysis Addressing these factors is very important for successful control and
management of HTN. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
Adjusted odds ratio
Variable P-value
(95% confidence interval)
HTN complications can be prevented by patients’ adherence to A-HT-
NM. Factors such as age, sex, number of pills per day, side effects of
medication, comorbid medical conditions, patient’s inadequate un-
derstanding about the complications of A-HTNM, lack of social sup-
Khalid Khadoura, et al. • Antihypertensive Medication Non- intentional and unintentional reasons for medication non-adherence.
Adherence By contrast, indirect measures that in-volve self-report measures have
the potential to identify the exact rea-sons for patients’ non-adherence
study to investigate adherence to A-HTNM and its associated and why the individual is exhibiting this behavior.
factors among HTN patients attending primary health care centers Many other indirect measures are available: pill count, pharmacy
in the Gaza Strip. We investigated the levels of medication refill records, BP measurements, and Medication Events Monitoring
adherence and its predictors among 538 HTN patients attending System (MEMS). The pill count method has been criticized by re-
primary health care centers in the Gaza Strip governorates. searchers because many patients did not return with their pill contain-
Self-reported measures were used in this research to determine ers on each clinic visit. In addition, some patients might combine
the patients’ perceived response in relation to their medication some pills from different containers into one medication container.
adherence behavior, which met the purpose of the study and can Moreover, some patients do not bring the real bottles, which have
serve as a basis for conducting an interventional controlled trial on some remaining pills that indicate their poor adherence to medica-
behavioral change among non-adherent participants. tions or discard the remaining pills before their clinic visit to show
their perfect adherence to the prescribed medications. Although the
The MMAS-8 proved to be reliable, with good concurrent and pre-
effectiveness of MEMS has been shown, it is an expensive measure
dictive validity in primarily low‐income HTN patients and might func-
and has a practical problem: the removal of the dosage unit is equiva-
tion as a screening tool in outpatient settings based on its own cut-off
lent to taking the medication. Thus, the patient could open the con-
points. The scale was shown to correlate strongly with sustained be-
havioral change for individuals who attended counseling sessions. 12,26) tainer without taking the medications just to increase the adherence
Actually, there is no gold standard measure for medication adher- rate.
ence among the widely available measures of medication adherence Meanwhile, because a perfect measure does not exist, a multi-mea-
used in this research. The self-report scales have been classified as sure approach can be a good solution. Still, the decision regarding
an indirect and subjective measure of medication adherence. It is a choosing a suitable approach should balance reliability and practicali-
low cost and simply applicable measure. Determination of ty, especially cost-effectiveness and the purpose of the study. 26)
medication ad-herence can be objective or subjective, also called as The overall prevalence of A-HTNM non-adherence was 65.8% (95%
direct or indirect. The direct measure of medication adherence CI, 59.2%–71.9%). Approximately 32% and 34% of the respondents were
depends on the biologi-cal assay of the drug in body fluids (blood moderately adherent and non-adherent, respectively. These val-ues are
or urine); however, it does not provide information about almost lower than those of a previous study conducted in the
Khalid Khadoura, et al. • Antihypertensive Medication Non-Adherence high comorbidities were more likely to adhere to multiple medica-
West Bank of Palestine in 2013, which revealed that 28.9% and 54% had
Social support is a construct that describes the structure of a per-
medium and poor adherence, respectively. 27) The values reported in this son’s social environment and the perceptible instrumental and emo-
study fall within the range of the recorded results in the United Arab tional support the social environment provides. Self-efficacy is the
Emirates (54.4%), Saudi Arabia (72.1%),13) and Pakistan (77%).24) ability of patients to take their medications in good and bad
In our study, age and education level were found to be significant situations and their ability to integrate medication management into
independent factors associated with adherence, with better adherence their daily life.29) This study illustrates the significant effect of self-
observed in older and more educated people; this finding is in line efficacy and so-cial support on adherence to antihypertensive
with those of other studies. 13,24,27) Older patients could be more sensi- treatment. However, only a few studies in the Arabic region have
tive to the side effect and show deterioration when their medications addressed these factors, and the finding is consistent with those of
are ignored; these reasons probably motivated them to increase their several other studies con-ducted in different countries. 30)
adherence to their treatment. Therefore, counseling for patients in the Although this study is the first study in the Gaza Strip that used
younger age groups should consider full and detailed explanation the survey method to assess medication adherence, several
about the complications of HTN and the risks of poor adherence to limitations were observed. First, this study did not consider all
medications. Patients with greater levels of education may have a bet- factors associated with A-HTNM adherence. Therefore, a
ter understanding regarding the goal of controlling their BP and the qualitative approach and ex-ploration of more factors may provide
potential complications associated with A-HTNM non-adherence. additional information for A-HTNM adherence. Second, we did not
This study found a positive relationship between adherence and the determine the number of other medications that the patients were
number of pills prescribed. Patients taking only one tablet are less ad- taking beside A-HTNM. Third, we did not discuss the classes of A-
herent compared with those taking multiple pills per day. This is in- HTNM and were only concerned about the number of A-HTNM.
consistent with what has been advocated about one tablet dosing to In conclusion, adherence to antihypertensive treatment is low
increase adherence. However, this finding is consistent with those of
several other studies.13,23,24) One reason for this finding could be that
patients taking two or more pills recognize the severity of their
disease and hence become more attentive to their treatment. In
addition, tak-ing multiple pills probably helped them avoid forgetting
their medica-tions.
We also found that high comorbidities were associated with a de-
crease in adherence among these patients. However, previous studies
in Saudi Arabia and the United States have reported that patients with 157
among HTN patients attending primary health care clinics in the Gaza
Strip, Palestine. Therefore, screening for non-adherence to A-HTNM
should be a part of the routine care in primary health care clinics.
Older age, higher education level, multiple pills per day, low comor-
bidities, good self-efficacy, and social support were considered as pre-dictors
of higher adherence. Thus, more attention should be given to younger and
less educated patients. As the same as, attention should be paid to
participants who take only one pill a day, had high comor-bidities and
complain of poor self-efficacy and social support. Due to the multiple factors
associated with non-adherence, interventions for improving adherence rate
should be mainly directly toward the indi-viduals themselves to increase
their ability to challenge and cross this gap regardless of the life situations
they are facing.
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
The researchers would like to thank the Palestinian Ministry of Health
and the General Administration of Primary Health Care. This study was
approved by the Tehran University of Medical Sciences Ethical
Committee and the Palestinian Health Research Council. The re-
searchers are grateful to them.
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