Medication Adherence Perspectives in Haemodialysis Patients: A Qualitative Study
Medication Adherence Perspectives in Haemodialysis Patients: A Qualitative Study
Medication Adherence Perspectives in Haemodialysis Patients: A Qualitative Study
Background: End-stage kidney disease patients undergoing haemodialysis are prescribed with multiple complex
regimens and are predisposed to high risk of medication nonadherence. The aims of this study were to explore
factors associated with medication adherence, and, to examine the differential perspectives on medication-taking
behaviour shown by adherent and nonadherent haemodialysis patients.
Methods: A qualitative exploratory design was used. One-on-one semi-structured interviews were conducted with
30 haemodialysis patients at the outpatient dialysis facility in Hobart, Australia. Patient self-reported adherence was
measured using 4-item Morisky Green Levine scale. Interview transcripts were thematically analysed and mapped
against the World Health Organization (WHO) determinants of medication adherence.
Results: Participants were 44–84 years old, and were prescribed with 4–19 medications daily. More than half of the
participants were nonadherent to their medications based on self-reported measure (56.7%, n = 17). Themes mapped
against WHO adherence model comprised of patient-related (knowledge, awareness, attitude, self-efficacy, action control,
and facilitation); health system/ healthcare team related (quality of interaction, and mistrust and collateral arrangements);
therapy-related (physical characteristics of medicines, packaging, and side effects); condition-related (symptom severity);
and social/ economic factors (access to medicines, and relative affordability).
Conclusions: Patients expressed a number of concerns that led to nonadherence behaviour. Many of the issues
identified were patient-related and potentially modifiable by using psycho-educational or cognitive-behavioural
interventions. Healthcare professionals should be more vigilant towards identifying these concerns to address
adherence issues. Future research should be aimed at understanding healthcare professionals’ perceptions and
practices of assessing medication adherence in dialysis patients that may guide intervention to resolve this
significant issue of medication nonadherence.
Keywords: End-stage kidney disease, Haemodialysis, Medication adherence, Patients’ perspectives, Qualitative study
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Ghimire et al. BMC Nephrology (2017) 18:167 Page 2 of 9
renal failure, treatment adherence, dietary constraints, and (Additional file 1: Appendix 2), and the median inter-
phosphate binding medications [14–16]. To date, little is view duration was 17.5 min (range, 6–41 min). All inter-
known about haemodialysis patients’ perceptions regard- view sessions were audio-recorded and transcribed
ing their prescribed regimen and the factors influencing verbatim; patients were not remunerated for their par-
their medication-taking behaviour. Understanding pa- ticipation. Data on socio-demographic and clinical char-
tients’ perspectives can help identify potentially modifiable acteristics were obtained during interviews and by
factors such as patients’ intention to adhere, beliefs about reviewing medical records. Adherence was determined by
medicines, features about treatment regimens, experiences self-reports using the 4-item Morisky Green Levine scale
of side effects, and provision of support mechanism [20]. Patients with a Morisky score of zero were consid-
required to facilitate adherence [17]. As such, we aimed ered adherent and those scoring 1–4 were considered
to qualitatively explore factors associated with medica- nonadherent, based on similar studies assessing self-
tion adherence, and examine the differential pers- reported adherence in haemodialysis patients [19, 21].
pectives on medication-taking behaviour shown by Interview transcripts were thematically analysed [22].
haemodialysis patients. Transcripts were repeatedly read for familiarization and
data immersion. Two investigators (SG and STRZ) inde-
Methods pendently coded and reviewed the first five transcripts
Study design to ensure concordance was reached. Remaining tran-
A qualitative exploratory design was used. The consoli- scripts were coded by SG and the final themes were
dated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) agreed upon by both SG and STRZ. The analysis was it-
guideline [18] was followed during the conduct and erative during data collection and carried out following
reporting of the study (Additional file 1: Appendix 1). each interview. Data saturation was assumed after 18 inter-
Ethics approval was granted by the Tasmanian Health and views however, all participants who consented for the study
Medical Human Research Ethics Committee (H0014506). were interviewed. Themes generated were mapped against
Written informed consent was obtained from all the the World Health Organization (WHO) determinants of
participants. medication adherence that included patient-related-,
health system/ healthcare team related-, therapy-related-,
Research team and reflexivity condition-related-, and social/ economic factors [23].
Interviews were conducted by a pharmacist researcher Patient-related factors within the WHO model was further
(SG). The interviewer was external to the study site, and sub-divided into aspects such as knowledge, awareness,
both the participants and the interviewer were unknown attitude, self-efficacy, action control, and facilitation; based
to each other before the study. The study aims and pro- on adherence support taxonomy of behaviour change
fessional status of the interviewer were discussed with techniques [24].
the participants prior to conducting the interviews.
Participants Table 1 shows the study characteristics of the partici-
All adult (≥ 18 years), English speaking patients, under- pants. The median age was 71 years (range, 44–87 years),
going haemodialysis at the outpatient dialysis unit in and the patients were taking 4–19 medications daily.
Hobart, Australia were eligible to participate. Participant More than half of the participants were nonadherent to
recruitment was sought from patients who had earlier their medications based on self-reported measure
participated in a cross-sectional study [19] that investi- (56.7%, n = 17). The major themes classified according
gated association between medication regimen complex- to WHO determinants of adherence is presented below.
ity and medication adherence in haemodialysis patients. The exemplar quotes for each theme is provided in
This study had a good response rate of above 75%, with Table 2. Full compilation of quotations is supplied as
53 haemodialysis patients completing the study. These Additional file 1: Appendix 3. Please note the following
patients were re-invited for participation for the qualita- abbreviation for the section below: P = patient (with a
tive interview. Thirty haemodialysis patients consented number to indicate the interview sequence for example,
for the qualitative interview whereas nonparticipation by P5 is the fifth interviewed patient).
the rest was mainly due to lack of interest, fatigue or
inconvenience. Theme 1: Patient-related factors
Knowledge and belief about medicines
Data collection and analysis Patients assigned variable importance to their prescribed
One-to-one interviews were held during the dialysis medicines and it appeared that the patients who were less
session. All interviews were conducted by SG between informed of the purpose of their medicines see little for
February and June 2015, using the interview guide taking them regularly (P1; P5). This lack of understanding
Ghimire et al. BMC Nephrology (2017) 18:167 Page 3 of 9
Table 1 Characteristics of study participants (n = 30) perceived effectiveness (P12) of their medication therapy
Variables Number (%) and were therefore adherent.
Age, in years 69.6 ± 11.0
40–59 5 (16.7)
Awareness and attitude towards medicines
Being aware of the consequences of nonadherence such
60–79 18 (60.0)
as deterioration of medical condition and in rare cases,
≥ 80 7 (23.3) fear of death was found to be a motivator to be adher-
Gender, male 23 (76.7) ent. Motivated patients desiring to live longer (P12; P15;
Marital status, married 17 (56.7) P20; P21; P25) and those expressing positive attitude to-
Living with family 18 (60.0) wards taking medicines (P10; P11; P15; P21; P24; P28)
Level of education, ≥ high school 24 (80.0)
were thus found to be adherent. On the contrary, a pa-
tient who was not motivated to overcome the general
Smoking history, non-smoker 24 (80.0)
dislike of taking medicine was likely to demonstrate a
Number of medicines prescribed 11.4 ± 4.3 nonadherent behaviour (P13).
1–5 4 (13.3)
6–10 7 (23.3) Self-efficacy
≥ 11 19 (63.3) Patient’s ability to manage their medication in different
Daily pill burden 16.0 ± 6.1
situations also influenced their medication-taking behav-
iour. Disruption to daily routine, particularly the midday
1–9 4 (13.3)
dosing frequency, was identified as a practical barrier to
10–19 15 (50.0) medication adherence. This was pertinent in patients ex-
≥ 20 11 (36.7) pressing personal preferences of taking medications at
Years on dialysis 4.1 ± 4.1 their conveniences (P8), or in those prioritizing import-
<1 6 (20.0) ant life events of the day besides taking medicines (P18).
1–5 17 (56.7)
Also, some participants accentuated that carrying medi-
cines and remembering to take them was inconvenient
≥6 7 (23.3)
during their travel and outdoor activities (P3; P6).
Hospitalization (past 1 year)b 22 (73.3) Whereas, patients accustomed to their regimen after fol-
Dialysis session missed 5 (16.7) lowing a routine for a relatively longer span of time were
Diabetes 7 (23.3) found to be adherent (P15; P16; P20; P21; P27; P30)
Hypertension 17 (56.7) while, a patient who was unaccustomed with his recent
Cardiovascular disease 16 (53.3)
changes in medication regimen had a tendency to forget
a and was more likely to be nonadherent (P8).
Adherence to medication
Adherent 13 (43.3) Action control
Nonadherent 17 (56.7) Patient’s capacity to control medication intake as planned
For continuous variables, Mean ± SD; for categorical variables, numbers with was also influencing medication adherence. Participants
percentages in parentheses
Adherence to medication was based on self-reported measure using 4-item
expressed forgetfulness as an excuse for not taking medi-
Morisky Green Levine scale. Patients scoring zero were considered adherent cation and gave an impression that nonadherence was un-
At least one event of hospitalization or dialysis session missed in past 1 year intentional (P6; P8; P14). Adherent patients, though, made
prior to the month of data collection
their circumstances favourable for taking medicines by
using stimuli such as pill boxes (P15; P18; P25) or by vis-
ibly allocating their pills (P10; P12). Furthermore, some
also led to the misconception that some of their medicines patients related their meals and medicines together by
get washed out during dialysis and would remain ineffect- stating that skipping meals during the day might end-up
ive (P8). Such misconceptions triggered doubts about their with them not taking their medicines (P5; P6).
necessity, which led to prioritizing medication due to lack
of benefit (P1; P5), and relative importance given to some Facilitation
medicines (P6), thus encouraging nonadherence behav- Patients who were influenced and reinforced by their
iour. Furthermore, some patients acquired nonadherent family members (P12; P15; P21; P27) were better adher-
behaviour as they expressed safety concerns about their ing to their medications whereas, patients expressing
medications (P5; P6). On the other hand, patients having lack of support from their family members (P7) or those
better understanding about their disease process had who lived alone (P2) were found to be nonadherent to
higher perceived need (P11; P15; P16) and developed their medications.
Ghimire et al. BMC Nephrology (2017) 18:167 Page 4 of 9
Theme 2: Health system/ healthcare team related factors medications will not be attended to by their doctors pre-
Quality of interaction with healthcare team ferred either hiding their concerns (P5) or portrayed
Few patients expressed dissatisfaction from their inter- themselves as a good patient (P6; P8). Dissatisfaction
action and engagement with the healthcare team and and mistrust, following unpleasant interaction with
were likely to demonstrate nonadherent behaviour. physicians, may have further aggravated patients in
Some of the issues raised by these patients include, one- making parallel or collateral arrangements for them-
sided communication by their physician (P7); lack of selves by surpassing physicians’ decision and recom-
engagement during consultation visits (P2; P4); and lack mendation regarding their medications. Patients thus
of time for medication counselling (P5). Some patients exerted a sense of personal control over their treat-
avoided discussing adherence related issues with their ment (P2; P7; P8). In contrast, patients who were hav-
doctor as they had a preconceived notion about what ing a satisfying and trustworthy relationship with their
their doctors would say. This might have occurred doctors seemed to have followed the prescribed in-
due to a prior unpleasant interaction with their doc- structions in a relatively unopposed fashion (P10; P11;
tor. For instance, a participant remembered an occa- P15; P20; P25).
sion where doctor showed less empathy towards her
unresolved symptoms despite taking medicines (P5).
On the other hand, patients expressing satisfaction Theme 3: Therapy-related factors
from their interaction and engagement with the Physical characteristics of medicines
healthcare professionals tend to be adherent to their Physical characteristics of medicines were considered to
medications (P11; P16). hinder adherence in some patients. Pharmaceutical
make-ups such as size of pills especially the larger ones
Mistrust and collateral arrangements (for e.g. phosphate binders) were considered difficult to
A general lack of trust on healthcare team particularly swallow (P9; P10). Also, few patients complained about
towards medical profession was observed in some pa- palatability of medicines to be a nuisance when they
tients. Those who perceived that their concerns towards have to be taken early in the morning (P5; P13; P22).
Ghimire et al. BMC Nephrology (2017) 18:167 Page 7 of 9
physicians not necessarily always respond to them, even settings to develop behavioural and educational interven-
if they were reported [32, 33]. Suboptimal patient- tions for examining patient concerns associated with
physician interaction may lead to patients losing trust on medication adherence.
physicians’ recommendations and hiding their concerns Study limitations need a mention. This is a single-
while trying to be a good patient [10]. This may also lead centred study that may limit the generalizability of the
to patients making collateral arrangement for their medi- findings. Interviews were conducted with English speaking
cations to exert a flawed sense of control over their treat- patients only, thus, the findings may not be generalizable
ment, resulting in nonadherence. Thus, it is extremely to non-English speaking patients. Although the partici-
important for the healthcare professionals to routinely in- pants were interviewed in an outpatient setting of a ter-
stigate dialogs on medication issues with patients and en- tiary care metropolitan hospital, some of the patients
courage them to volunteer such information if they were came from rural areas driven by access limited healthcare
not being asked for during consultations [32]. services and support mechanisms. Hence, the access bar-
Socio-economic factors such as access to medicines rier gained attention in our themes, which may only be
and its affordability also raised concerns that hindered true for patients living in rural areas [25]. As interviews
adherence. Access to prescribed medicines and profes- were conducted during dialysis sessions, patients may
sional medical services gradually declines when moving have been hesitant in responding freely while sharing their
away from metropolitan cities through rural and remote experiences. Furthermore, interviews for research purpose
locations [34]. Although our study site was located in may have facilitated social desirability response [37],
the metropolitan city, some patients visiting the dialysis though it was unlikely as a wide-ranging viewpoints were
centre lived in rural areas and were required to travel to expressed. Despite limitations, we used a purposive
the city where they could access to professional advice sampling method to identify participants of different demo-
for acquiring prescriptions or repeat them from the graphic characteristics, and showing different medication-
pharmacy. Though eligible patients benefitted from the taking behaviour that best represented the perspectives of
government subsidy schemes for the cost reductions in patients regarding the phenomenon under study.
prescription medicines [35], the large financial burden
accumulated from the number of prescription and non-
prescription medicines, the cost of acquiring scripts, Conclusions
transportation, and out-of-pocket payments annulled the Haemodialysis patients expressed a number of concerns
cost benefits from the subsidy in haemodialysis patients. that led to nonadherence behaviour. Many of the issues
Medicine affordability can be much more challenging identified were patient-related and potentially modifiable
for patients in developing countries where public health- by using psycho-educational or cognitive-behavioural in-
care system does not guarantee subsidy of prescription terventions. Healthcare professionals should be more vigi-
medicines and the patients generally does not subscribe lant towards identifying these concerns to address
to health coverage schemes [36]. adherence issues. Future research should be aimed at un-
This study finding have both clinical and research im- derstanding healthcare professionals’ perceptions and
plications. As dialysis patients, coupled with comorbid practices of assessing medication adherence in dialysis pa-
illness and dialysis-associated complications continually tients that may guide intervention to resolve this signifi-
demands high pill burden for treatment, we tend to lose cant issue of medication nonadherence.
considerations on how polypharmacy, regimen complex-
ity, and adherence issues should be addressed. As such,
Additional file
this study provides a subjective account of patients’ con-
cerns that may lead to nonadherence. Healthcare profes- Additional file 1 Appendix 1 Consolidated criteria for reporting
sionals may routinely instigate dialogs and encourage qualitative studies (COREQ): 32-item checklist. Appendix 2 Interview
patients to volunteer information concerning their current guide. Appendix 3. Summary of interpretation of themes with exemplar
quotes. (DOCX 32 kb)
medicines, readiness to start new therapy, changes with
dose or dosage requirements, and side-effects or safety
concerns they might be dealing with. Any transitioning of Abbreviations
medication therapy may be facilitated by providing BMQ: Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaires; COREQ: Consolidated Criteria
personalized education by capitalising on the need and for Reporting Qualitative Research; ESKD: End-Stage Kidney Disease;
PBS: Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme; WHO: World Health Organization
importance of taking medicines. Improving access to pro-
fessional medical and pharmaceutical services and
developing dialysis centre-based intervention programs Acknowledgements
We thank all the patients and the dialysis unit staffs of Nephrology South,
focussing on the psycho-educational support may be ef- Hobart, Tasmania, Australia for their participation and support during the
fective. The same framework may be utilized in research conduct of the study.
Ghimire et al. BMC Nephrology (2017) 18:167 Page 9 of 9
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