L/.epublic of Tbe Llbilipptne% Upreme ( (Ourt: Iffila N Ila
L/.epublic of Tbe Llbilipptne% Upreme ( (Ourt: Iffila N Ila
L/.epublic of Tbe Llbilipptne% Upreme ( (Ourt: Iffila N Ila
PERLAS-BERNABE, Chairperson,
-versus- GESMUNDO,
LOPEZ, M., and
The Case
• Designated additional member per Special Order No. 2797 dated November 5, 2020.
1 Penned by Associate Justice Louis P. Acosta and concurred in by Associate Justices Pamela Ann Abella
Maxino and Dorothy P. Montejo-Gonzaga, all members of the Twentieth Division, rollo, pp. 5-17.
Decision 2 G.R. No. 245922
The case was raffled to the Regional Trial Court - Branch 20,
Catarman, Northern Samar. On arraignment, appellant initially pleaded guilty
to Homicide, which plea, the trial court refused. He then changed his plea to
not guilty to the charge of Murder. Cahusay, on the other hand, remained at
During the pre-trial, the prosecution and defense stipulated that4 the
incident happened on March 21, 2004 around 12 o'clock midnight at Sitio
Pinana-an, Barangay Calantiao, Bobon, Northern Samar; and on March 22,
2004, Espina, Sr. was found dead inside appellant's house.
Then 16-year old Pascualito Espina, Jr. (Espina, Jr.), 6 the victim's
son, testified that Cahusay invited his father to a drinking spree around 4
o'clock in the afternoon of March 21, 2004. The two (2) were enjoying a
drinking session inside their house until 7 o'clock in the evening when
Sometimes referred to as "Espina".
Rollo, pp. 5-6.
CA rol/o, p. 44.
'Id at 45.
6 Id at 45-46.
Decision 3 G.R. No. 245922
appellant invited them to move to his own house just 900 meters away to
continue their drinking spree.
Out of fear, he ran toward the house of their neighbor Barangay Tanod
Dodoy and sought help, but he was refused. Thus, he asked Dodoy to
accompany him to his aunt at Barangay Trujillo. They got there around 2
o'clock in the morning.
The following day, his aunt sought assistance from the Barangay
Council of Calantiao to retrieve Espina, Sr.' s lifeless body. Inside appellant's
house, they saw his father's lifeless body seated on the floor. Appellant and
his family and Cahusay were nowhere to be found. They brought the cadaver
to Bobon, Samar by boat. 7 The victim's brother, Paquito Espifia corroborated
Espifia, Jr.'s testimony.
Appellant8 testified that Espina, Sr. and Cahusay came to his house for
a drinking spree around 7 o'clock in the evening of March 21, 2004. They
brought with them one (1) gallon of tuba (coconut wine) which they consumed
at the suy-ab. He did not recall any verbal altercation with Espifia, Sr. because
they only talked about their salaries. After two (2) hours, Espina, Sr. and
Cahusay decided to go home as there was no more tuba left to drink. After his
visitors left, he and his family went to sleep.
The following morning, his wife was shocked when she saw Espifia,
Sr.'s lifeless body at the suy-ab. He noticed that Espifia, Sr. sustained several
stab wounds. Afraid, he and his family went to their house in Barangay
Salvacion. They did not inform anyone of the incident. He intended to return
to their house to check on other things but decided not to when he got
informed that he was the suspect for Espifia, Sr.' s death and the latter's brother
was already looking for him for revenge.
Decision 4 G.R. No. 245922
On appeal, 11 appellant faulted the trial court for rendering the verdict of
conviction. He argued:
Second. Only a gas torch illuminated the place of incident such that it
was impossible for Espina, Jr. to have positively identified him as the
Third. Espina, Jr.'s reaction after witnessing the incident ran counter
to human experience. Ordinarily, a son who witnessed his father being stabbed
would run for help. Instead of seeking help, Espina, Jr. ran to inform his aunt
about the incident.
10 Id. at 48.
Id at 25-43.
12 Id at 58-72.
Decision 5 G.R. No. 245922
Through its assailed Decision 13 dated August 16, 2018, the Court of
Appeals affirmed. It held that the prosecution sufficiently established
appellant's guilt. Evident premeditation was apparent when appellant and
Cahusay invited Espi:5.a, Sr. to a drinking spree, and in unison over a pre-
hatched plan, they inflicted 33 fatal wounds on the victim. Too, the severity
and number of wounds inflicted clearly showed treachery.
The Court of Appeals increased the award of civil indemnity and moral
damages to Pl 00,000.00 each in accordance with People v. Jugueta. 14
Murder is defined and penalized under Article 248 of the Revised Penal
Code as amended by Republic Act No. 7 659, viz.:
Art. 248. Murder. - Any person who, not falling within the
provisions of Article 246 shall kill another, shall be guilty of murder and
shall be punished by reclusion perpetua, to death if committed with any of
the following attendant circumstances:
See People v. Corpuz, G.R. No. 220486, June 26, 2019.
Decision 6 G.R. No. 245922
Q: When you arrived at the place of Danilo Toro, did you enter the house
of Danilo Toro?
Q: Where in particular?
A: Inside the extension portion "suy-ab" of Danilo Toro.
Q: Were there other persons inside the extension place of the house of
Danilo Toro aside from your father?
A: Yes
Q: Do you mean to say that only the three of them, your father, Salvador
Cahusay and Danilo Toro were there inside the extension place of
Danilo Toro?
A: Yes.
Q: Could you see them inside the extension place of the house of Danilo
Toro without necessarily entering the door?
A: Yes.
Q: Was there an illuminating light at the place when you saw them?
A: Yes, "sirilya," a sort of gas torch. 20
The trial court and the Court of Appeals uniformly gave credence to
Espina, Jr.'s clear, straightforward, and categorical eyewitness account of the
incident. With the light from the sirilya (gas torch), Espina, Jr. was able to
Decision 7 G.R. No. 245922
identify appellant as the one who stabbed his father 33 times while Cahusay
held his father to ward off any form of resistance or retaliation. Against
appellant's denial and alibi, Espina, Jr.' s positive identification surely
deserves greater weight and credit. 21
Espi:fia, Jr. in fact ran for help towards Barangay Tanod Dodoy's house.
As he was refused the help he needed, he asked the latter to accompany him
to his aunt instead. At any rate, this Court has consistently ruled there is no
standard form of human behavioral response when one is confronted with a
strange, startling and frightful experience. 22 Sans any ill motive to implicate
appellant to this gruesome crime, Espina, Jr.'s credibility must, perforce, be
upheld. Ordinarily, any person, especially a minor, would not point to an
innocent person as fall guy as his father's assailant but would want the real
killer to be prosecuted to serve justice. 23
The Court agrees with appellant that the Information failed to specify
the acts which constitute treachery as required under Section 9, 24 Rule 110 of
the Rules of Court. Appellant, however, is deemed to have waived such defect
in t.½.e Information for his failure to file a motion to quash or motion for bill of
particulars before arraignment.
In People v. Solar, 25 the Court ruled that appellant Rolando Solar was
deemed to have waived his objections against the formal defects in the
information, including the supposed lack of particularity in the description of
the attendant circumstances, for his failure to question its sufficiency by either
filing a motion to quash or by filing a motion for bill of particulars before
arraignment. In other words, Solar was deemed to have understood the acts
imputed agai11st him by the Information despite its purported insufficiency.
and the qualifyh'lg and aggravating circumstances must be stated in ordinary and concise language and not
necessarily in the language used in the statute but in terms sufficient to enable a person of common
understanding to know· what offense is being charged as well as its qualifying and aggravating
circumsta..11.ces and for the court to pronounce judgment. (9a)
G.R. No. 225595, August 6, 2019.
Decision 8 G.R. No. 245922
There is treachery when the offender commits any of the crimes against
the person, employing means, methods, or forms in the execution thereof
which tend directly and specially to insure its execution, without risk to
himself arising from the defense which the offended party might take. 26 It
(a) the employment of means of execution which gives the person attacked
no opportunity to defend or retaliate; and
(b) that said means of execution were deliberately or consciously adopted. 27
Here, the lone prosecution eyewitness saw his father being held by
Cahusay while appellant stabbed him 33 times:
See People v. Fie/dad, 744 Phi!. 790, 803 (2014).
27 See People v. Aquino, 396 Phil. 303, 307 (2000).
28 See People v. Enriquez, Jr., G.R. No. 238171, June I 9, 2019.
CA rolla, p. 67.
Decision 9 G.R. No. 245922
At best, the prosecution merely proved that appellant and Cahusay took
advantage of their superior strength and employed means to weaken the
victim's defense - circumstances which would have qualified the killing to
murder were they alleged in the Information. The Court, nevertheless, is not
precluded from considering this circumstance in awarding exemplary
damages pursuant to People v. Jugueta. 31
Art. 249. Homicide. - Any person who, not falling within the
provisions of Article 246, shall kill another without the attendance of any
Decision 10 G.R. No. 245922
These amounts shall earn six percent (6%) interest per annum from
finality of this Decision until fully paid. 37
These monetary awards shall earn six percent ( 6%) interest per annum
from finality of this Decision until fully paid.
,. Id.
35 V. In other crimes that result in the death of a victim and the penalty consists of divisible penalties, i.e.,
Homicide, Death under Tumultuous Affray, Infanticide to conceal the dishonour of the offender, 127
Reckless Imprudence Resulting to Homicide, Duel, Intentional Abortion and Unintentional Abortion, etc.:
1.1 Where the crime was consummated:
a. Civil indemnity - P50,000.00
b. Moral damages -P50,000.00 (Supra note 12 at 852).
817 Phil. 665,686 (2017).
37 When the judgment of the court awarding a sum of money becomes final and executory, the rate of legal
interest, whether the case falls under paragraph I or paragraph 2, above, shall be 6% per annum from such
finality until its satisfaction, this interim period being deemed to be by then an equivalent to a forbearance
ofcredit. See Nacar v. Gallery Frames, 716 Phil. 267,283 (2013).
Decision 11 G.R. No. 245922
Associate Justice
Senior Associate Justice
\ t
~"»-¥- G. GESMUNDO
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in
consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the
Court's Division.
Senior Associate Justice
Decision 12 G.R. No. 245922
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution and the Division
Chairperson's Attestation, I certify that the conclusions in the above Decision
had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of
the opinion of the Court's Division.