The Phantom of The Opera: Enseñanza y Aprendizaje Del Inglés Prof Carolina Pérez Guillén

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Enseñanza y Aprendizaje del Inglés | Profª Carolina Pérez Guillén

Background The Phantom of the Opera

Your teacher has asked you to write a review I saw the musical of ‘The Phantom of the
of a book you have read recently. Opera’ and wondered if the book would be as
good. The novel was written about 100 years
You should include information on the author ago by Frenchman Gaston Leroux. He was
and type of book it is. You should also say fascinated by the Opera House in Paris and
what you liked/disliked about the book and decided it would be a perfect setting for a
whether you would recommend it to other detective story.
The book starts with a death and the sighting
First paragraph: general information of a ghost in the Opera House in Paris and
• Include a heading continues in the style of a detective novel. It
• Here you should include: is well-written, and the plot was extremely
1. Name of the novel/film… gripping. One of the other strengths of the
2. Name of the author book is the description of one of the main
3. Why the author decided to do it. characters, Erik. He is a complex character
4. Where because, although he is very talented, he has a
5. When terribly deformed face and is therefore
6. How much rejected by society.

Second paragraph: description and opinion I would highly recommend this book. Even if
you don’t usually like detective stories, do not
 Describe the novel (beginning and be put off. The various parts of the story are
how it continues) and your opinion expertly put together and it is very easy to
about it. read. Personally, I couldn’t put it down!

 Use specific vocabulary about the

CD/book/film/play etc… that you are
reviewing (e.g. detective novel)

 Summarise the plot, tell the story in

the present simple tense, but DO NOT
REVEAL the end.

Last paragraph: recommended?

 End your review with a

recommendation (briefly summarising
the reasons for your opinion).

 Contractions are acceptable

Enseñanza y Aprendizaje del Inglés | Profª Carolina Pérez Guillén


 Giving information (about the CD, book, film or play / musical)

 The album was released (edited) in 2006 and went straight to number one

 It’s a huge production with a cast of about sixty singers and dancers

 The film is produced by the same company that made Toy Story and The Incredibles

 The novel describes the author’s childhood in Scotland in the 1960s

 Giving your opinion (about the CD, book, film or play / musical)

 One of the strongest things about the book is the plot, which is exciting and unusual

 The acting is very good, especially the main character, who is played by…

 My favourite track is…

 The song is very lively and has interesting lyrics.

 The only negative thing I would say about the … is …

 Giving a recommendation

 I would definitely recommend buying / seeing / reading it.

 It’s an easy read and I would say it’s perfect for taking on holiday

 If you get a chance, then go and see it as soon as you can.

 I would say try to see it at the cinema (not just on DVD) to make the most of the
special effects


Write a review of a film / book / CD / play / musical that you would like to see/read again. Include
the following information:

Paragraph 1: the type of film or book it is.

Paragraph 2: mention what you liked.

Paragraph 3: mention what you disliked about it.

Paragraph 4: whether you would recommend it to other people or not.

220 - 250 words

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