03 Craft - Tritik Jumputan

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Sarwono1, Rahmanu Widayat2 and Nadia Sigi Prameswari3

Study Program of Textile Craft, Faculty of Visual Art and Design, Sebelas Maret University,
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, 57216 Surakarta, INDONESIA
Study Program of Interior Design, Faculty of Visual Art and Design, Sebelas Maret University,
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, 57216 Surakarta, INDONESIA
Fine Arts Department, Faculty of Language and Art, Semarang State University,
Jl. Sekaran Raya, Gunung Pati, Sekaran, 50229 Semarang, INDONESIA
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract: Traditional knowledge is a knowledge structure about the environmental condition by utilizing
traditional resources. One of traditional knowledge of Javanese people which has high historical value
is tritik and jumputan craft art. Therefore, it needs evidence on how big is the effect of society traditional
knowledge towards the society interest in using the product as the result of tritik and jumputan craft art.
This research is as an effort to investigate the effect of traditional knowledge towards the level of society
preference in using the product of tritik and jumputan motif craft art. This study used incidental sampling
method in taking the respondents samples in the amount of 100 respondents. Based on the result
of significance test multiple linear regression coefficient for variable the community knowledge tcount > ttable,
is 7.491 > 1.66071 and significance value < 0.05, is 0.000. The result of determination coefficient (R )
obtained in the amount of 0.364. The community knowledge has positive and significant effect towards
the level of preference in wearing the product with tritik and jumputan motif.
Keywords: traditional knowledge, tritik and jumputan, craft, Indonesia.

1 INTRODUCTION The hereditary culture has been widely developed

in Javanese society, more specifically the Surakarta
Surakarta City is rich in handicraft which is a form
region [10]. One of the traditional knowledge
of traditional knowledge [1]. Traditional knowledge is
of the Javanese community that has high historical
a composition of knowledge about environmental
value is the art of tritik craft and jumputan. Tritik and
conditions by utilizing traditional resources [2].
jumputan is one form of textile craft from Java [11].
Efforts are needed in order to continue its existence
The method of decorating the white cloth using tritik
[3]. Global interest in protecting traditional
techniques is to sew baste then pulled then dyed
knowledge and cultural wealth is increasingly
and the motif is formed after the yarn is released
evident in the Pacific region over the past few
[12, 13]. Tritik is a technique to decorate cloth. Tritik
decades [4]. These efforts can be carried out
fabric is made by stretching the fabric then being
through regeneration in the younger generation
pulled tightly together into a lump of cloth which
in order to be able to preserve the nation's cultural
is then dipped into the dye [14]. The method
heritage [5]. Traditional knowledge transmission
of decorating a white cloth using a tritik technique
is delivered through socialization to schools
is to sew baste and then be dyed and the motif
to provide an overview of cultural protection for
is formed after the yarn is released [15]. It is named
future generations [6]. Cultural protection can be
as dye sewing because the making is done
transmitted well through traditional knowledge and
by means of being sewn or folded in such a way and
legal protection of regional culture [7]. The need
then dipped in a dye solution to form a motif [16].
to maintain the existence of culture as a form
Tritik experienced rapid development where initially
of character strengthening and aesthetic protection
the tritik fabric consisted of only one color, namely
of the supporting community life [8]. The cultural
dark blue, black, or red like red noni which later
value system is the highest level of customs that
developed into more complex patterns with
becomes a guideline, gives enlightenment and
contrasting color contours [17, 18]. Seeing
becomes an orientation to the life of a society
the potential that can be developed and the demand
because it is considered valuable and important
from the world market, the development of tritik
in community’s lives [9].

Fibres and Textiles (1) 2020 62

techniques is carried out to provide a different traditional knowledge affects their preference
perspective on the process of work [19]. in using tritik and jumputan craft products.
It is different with the case of jumputan techniques Several previous studies that are relevant to this
that are quite familiar in the world of textiles and study have not specifically investigated traditional
clothing coloring. Jumputan comes from the word knowledge in tritik craft and jumputan. This study
"jumput" which has a meaning in the form of making is more specific in investigating how much influence
cloth that is pulled or being jumput which is given by the community traditional knowledge
a Javanese term [20]. Jumputan is a textile on their preference in using tritik motifs and
or handicraft product whose manufacturing process jumputan products.
is easy and the equipment is simple so that it can be
reached and many apply it as a product of a home 2 METHODS
industry [21]. Jumputan fabric usually has a motif
that fills all ingredients. The usual jumputan cloth, Participants in this study were the people
one pair consists of material for the top, bottom, and of Surakarta City. The city of Surakarta was chosen
shawl [22]. For this type, artisans generally make because Javanese traditions and culture in this city
jumputan with one color theme. Jumputan is widely still exist and continue so that the city of Surakarta
known by the term used as Jumputan batik cloth. has branding as the Representative City of Java.
Jumputan is the biggest commodity as a Javanese The incidental sampling method was used in this
livelihood [23]. study [33] as the respondent's sampling method.
Referring to Hair [34], the sample size
The existence of tritik and jumputan certainly needs is recommended at 100-200 respondents so that
to be realized through a form of cultural appreciation the precision value is high. 100 questionnaires were
that arises from the formation of traditional distributed in April 2019 with a span of one month
knowledge in society [24]. Indicators of the ability by sharing it where the participants were filling it
to appreciate culture can be divided into three in directly at that time. There are 5 items
things, namely understanding, interpreting and for the measurement of variable knowledge
valuing. Appreciation can occur if a person of community and 6 items for the variable level
experiences, both directly and indirectly, of preference of tritik handicrafts and jumputan.
in the artwork or culture [25, 26]. Cultural The variables are measured by 5 Likert scales
appreciation is a manifestation of community's (1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree).
preference in their cultural values [27], in this context The analytical method uses statistical descriptive
the cultural values are in the form of tritik and analysis and analysis data.
jumputan motifs. In addition to respecting the use
of the products, the community also needs
to understand the meaning behind the motifs of tritik
and jumputan [28]. Tritik and jumputan fabrics are Descriptive analysis is intended to find out
fabrics that are unique both in terms of motifs and the characteristics and responses of respondents
how they are made. Various types of jumputan to items in the questionnaire. According to Sugiono
cloths are quite popular with the people so that their [33], descriptive analysis is a statistical analysis
products are widespread [29]. used to analyze data by describing collected data.
Understanding and meaning of cultural values
is a reconstruction of principles in traditional Table 1 The demographic profile from sample
knowledge [30]. The reality that occurs
in the community is the large number of tritik and Demographic variable Categories %
Male 19
jumputan products that are starting to become Gender
Female 81
national products, so that cultural works have been 21 – 30 39
widely imposed by Indonesian society in general Age
31 – 40 19
[31]. But in this case, there is no understanding 41 – 50 25
51 – 60 17
and appreciation of the community towards
Employees 28
the cultural products they use. The community has Occupation Civil servant 25
not fully understood the style and symbols that are Entrepreneur 47
worn so that the message of culture has not yet fully SHS 39
derived. The transmission of morality values and D1/Diploma 1 1
D3/Diploma 3 18
the message of a noble culture have not been well The highest education
S1/Undergraduate 40
understood by the wider community [32]. Nurse assistant 1
The curiosity of community towards the products Pharmacist 1
of tritik culture and jumputan needs to be
encouraged so that they can take the message From the 100 respondents surveyed, 81% were
contained in every motif and color. Therefore, women. Up to 39% of respondents were aged
it is necessary to prove how much the community between 21-30 years. While as many as 47%

Fibres and Textiles (1) 2020 63

of the respondents' jobs were self-employed 3.1 Validity test
and 40% of the respondents were undergraduate Validity test is a measure that shows the level
education. of validity of an instrument. An instrument is said
to be valid if the instrument can measure what
should be measured. The validity test used
Table 2 Indicators of community knowledge
is the Factor Analysis Method (KMO). To be able
Community knowledge
n N % to do a factor analysis, it must be fulfilled
the requirement that the value of Kaiser Meyer Olkin
Knowledge about traditional knowledge 1 379 500 75.8
Measure of Sampling Adequacy (KMO MSA) must
Steps of making tritik and jumputan motif 2, 3 636 1000 63.6
The application of tritik and jumputan be more than or equal to 0.500 and significance
4, 5 763 1000 76.3 below 0.05. While to know whether each item
is valid, it can be seen from the MSA value in anti-
The data above shows that the application of tritik image correlation that the value of MSA must
and jumputan motifs has the highest percentage at least 0.5 which indicates that the item is valid and
that is 76.3% because the phenomenon can be further analyzed [34].
in the community shows great enthusiasm for
the use of cultural products as a form of application Table 4 Results of factor analysis
of tritik and jumputan motifs. Then the community
knowledge towards traditional knowledge is also KMO and Bartlett's test
in a good category with a percentage level of 75.8%. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy 0.769
Approx. Chi-square 583.824
The last is the method of making tritik and jumputan Bartlett's test of sphericity Df 55
motifs that are in a good category with a percentage Sig. 0.000
level of 63.6% where there are still few people who
know about the process of making tritik motifs
Based on Table 4 of the output of 'KMO and
and jumputan.
Bartlett's test', it can be seen that in the first test,
the value of the KMO-MSA (Kaiser Meyer Olkin
Table 3 Indicators of preference level measure of adequacy) is 0.769 and is
at the significance level of 0.000. With this data
The level of preference Item No. n N %
it means that it can be analyzed further, because
The feeling of preference in tritik
and jumputan motif
1, 2 775 1000 77.5 it has met the criteria stating that the KMO MSA
Goods ownership with tritik and value must be greater or equal to 0.500.
3, 4 695 1000 69.5
jumputan motif Whereas in the output of 'anti-image matrices',
The usage of goods with tritik
and jumputan motif
5, 6 651 1000 65.1 the correlation value for validity test can be seen
in the numbers with the sign 'a' which indicates
the number of MSA (measure of sampling
The data above shows that the community’s adequacy).
preference on tritik and jumputan motifs has
the highest percentage that is 77.5% because From the data in Table 5, it can be concluded that all
the general community is very interested in tritik items in the community knowledge questionnaire
and jumputan motifs which are considered attractive have an MSA value in anti-image correlation above
and aesthetic. Then community ownership of objects 0.5 which indicates that the item is valid and can be
with tritik and jumputan motifs is also in a good analyzed further. Then from Table 6, it can be
category with a percentage level of 69,5%. The last concluded that all items in the preference level
is the use of objects with tritik and jumputan motifs questionnaire have an MSA value on anti-image
that are in the good category with a percentage level correlation above 0.5 which indicates that the item is
of 65,1% where there are still a few people who use valid and can be analyzed further.
tritik and jumputan motifs.

Table 5 Results of community knowledge data validity test

Anti-image Anti-image
No Community knowledge
covariance correlation’s
1. I know that tritik and jumputan are one of traditional knowledge 0.650 0.914a
2. I know how to make tritik motif 0.278 0.667a
3. I know how to make jumputan motif 0.372 0.617a
4. I know that tritik motif can be used to decorate blangkon and kemben 0.370 0.719a
I know that jumputan motif can be used to decorate clothes and interior equipments
5. 0.522 0.709a
like bed cover, pillow cover and table cloth

Fibres and Textiles (1) 2020 64

Table 6 Results of validity test on the preference level data
Anti-image Anti-image
No The level of preference
covariance correlation’s
1. I’m interested if there is cloth with tritik and jumputan motif 0.279 0.765a
I’m interested if there is interior equipments such as bed cover, pillow cover, table
2. 0.242 0.727a
cloth with tritik and jumputan motif
3. I have a t-shirt or shirt with tritik and jumputan motif 0.618 0.900a
I have interior equipments such as bed cover, pillow cover and table cloth with tritik
4. 0.544 0.909a
and jumputan motif
I frequently use clothes with tritik and jumputan motif because it can make me more
5. 0.307 0.814a
I feel more handsome or more beautiful if I wear clothes with tritik and jumputan
6. 0.346 0.828a

3.2 Reliability test of r count for the relationship of community

Reliability test is a tool to measure a questionnaire knowledge (X1) with the level of preference (Y)
which is an indicator of a variable. Reliability testing is 0.603> r table 0.195. Therefore it can be
is done by looking at Cronbach alpha. A variable concluded that there is a relationship or correlation
is said to be reliable if it gives a Cronbach alpha between the community knowledge variable
value that is > 0.70 [35]. Items that enter testing are and the preference level. Because r count
valid items only. To determine whether or Pearson correlation in this analysis is positive,
the instrument is reliable, the 0.6 limit can be used. it means that the relationship between the two
According to Sekaran [36], reliability that is less than variables is positive or in other words, the increasing
0.6 is not good, while 0.7 is acceptable and above community knowledge will increase the level
0.8 is good. The results show Cronbach alpha of community preference.
for each variable as follows:
Table 8 Results of Pearson's bivariate correlation analysis
Table 7 Results of reliability test KS LP
Cronbach's No KS 1.000 0.603
Variables Description Pearson correlation
alpha of item LP 0.603 1.000
KS 0.000
Knowledge Sig. (1-tailed)
0.791 5 accepted LP 0.000
of the community
The level of preference 0.850 6 good KS 100 100
LP 100 100

From Table 7, it can be seen that community

3.4 Hypothesis test
knowledge has acceptable reliability because
Cronbach's alpha is above 0.70, while Positive effect of community knowledge on the level
the preference level has good reliability because of preference:
Cronbach's alpha is above 0.80. The t-test basically shows how far the effect of one
independent variable individually explains
3.3 Inter variable correlation the dependent variable [35]. The t-test is
Based on Table 8, the conclusions can be made an individual fit test of the variable community
as follows: Based on significance value sig. (2- knowledge on the level of preference.
tailed), the value of sig is known, (2-tailed) between An independent variable affects the dependent
the variable of community knowledge (X1) with variable can be seen from the significance value
the preference level variable (Y) that is 0.000 <0.05, of the t-test. That value is said to be significant
which means that there is a significant correlation if the significance level is < 0.05. The results of this
between the variable of community knowledge and test indicate that the path analyzed has a significant
the variable of preference level. Based on effect. It can be seen from the result
the Pearson correlations, it is known that the value of the significance level that is smaller than 0.05.

Table 9 The t-test results of community knowledge with a level of preference coefficients
Change statistics
Mode Std. error
Adjusted R R square Sig. F
R square of the F change df1 df2
I R square change change
1 0.603 0.364 0.358 3.48396 0.364 56.111 1 98 0.000

Fibres and Textiles (1) 2020 65

Table 10 Results of R value analysis of community knowledge with the level of preference model summary
Change statistics
Mode Std. error
Adjusted R R square Sig. F
R square of the F change df1 df2
I R square change change
1 0.603 0.364 0.358 3.48396 0.364 56.111 1 98 0.000

The general value (R) is 0.603, while the adjusted especially in using cultural products with tritik and
R square value is 0.364. This means that 36.4% jumputan motifs.
of the dependent variable (level of preference) Cultural preservation is the main condition for
can be explained by its independent variable strengthening character and national identity.
(community knowledge). The remaining 63.6% In this case, a stimulus is needed to encourage
is influenced by other variables not included in this interest as an effort to preserve culture.
research model. The provision of stimulus in the form of embedding
From multiple linear regression analysis, it is known traditional knowledge is needed, according to what
that the regression coefficient of each variable was stated by Wardhana [37] who said that through
is positive, so that it can be said that community efforts to cultivate traditional knowledge
knowledge is positively related and significant with in the community, then interest will grow
the level of preference. in preserving jumputan culture as one of the nation's
cultural heritage. Utami & Irhandayaningsih [38]
4 DISCUSSION reinforced that traditional knowledge or indigenous
knowledge needs to be owned by the community
This study discusses the effect of traditional in order to encourage the preservation of the culture
knowledge on the level of community’s preference around them. If community's preference in tritik and
in using tritik and jumputan motifs. This happens jumputan as their own culture can be appreciated
because traditional knowledge provides properly, then the culture of the community
understanding to the community in encouraging will strengthen. The application of traditional
interest and preference for using the craft products knowledge also needs to be instilled early
of tritik and jumputan motifs. The community to encourage the love of young people towards tritik
in general already knows about traditional and jumputan. This is in accordance with what was
knowledge. Traditional knowledge as a public stated by Darmojo [39] that early childhood
knowledge of the traditions exists around education can be applied to batik jumputan making
the supporting community. Through traditional so that it can foster the love of early childhood
knowledge, the community has an understanding towards their culture. In his research, early
of culture and traditions that have been inherited childhood can be directly introduced to how to make
from generation to generation. One of the traditions batik by the teacher so that children can feel
and cultures of the community who still have the sensation and indirectly explore their creativity
existence is tritik and jumputan. Tritik and jumputan so that their interests and talents can be well
become a local cultural heritage with traditional channelled. As an effort to strengthen cultural
knowledge, which with its existence it motivates identity, especially in the conservation of tritik and
the community to understand and apply tritik and jumputan, community also need to play an active
jumputan in daily life. The analysis results show role by using tritik products and jumputan. In this
the large regression coefficient for the public case, according to what was stated by Kusumadara
knowledge variable is 0.681 with positive [40] that cultural sustainability can be realized
parameters. So that it can be said that community through the joy and pride of the community towards
knowledge has a positive and significant effect their culture. Appreciation of the community towards
on society preferences. Based on the significance tritik and jumputan by wearing tritik motifs and
test of multiple linear regression coefficients for jumputan indirectly encourages cultural
the community knowledge variables, it was found preservation.
that tcount > ttable or 7.491 > 1.66071 and
the significance value < 0.05, which is 0.000.
The results of the determination coefficient (R2) are
obtained at 0.364. Based on these data it can be This research is an effort to investigate the effect
concluded that community knowledge has a positive of traditional knowledge towards the level
and significant effect on the level of community's of preference in using product with tritik and
preference in wearing the tritik and jumputan motifs. jumputan motif. Based on the analysis which had
Conversely, if the traditional knowledge been conducted, it can be concluded that there is
of the community is low, their interest or the level positive and significant effect of community
of community's preferences will be decreased, knowledge towards their level of preference.

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