03 Craft - Tritik Jumputan
03 Craft - Tritik Jumputan
03 Craft - Tritik Jumputan
Abstract: Traditional knowledge is a knowledge structure about the environmental condition by utilizing
traditional resources. One of traditional knowledge of Javanese people which has high historical value
is tritik and jumputan craft art. Therefore, it needs evidence on how big is the effect of society traditional
knowledge towards the society interest in using the product as the result of tritik and jumputan craft art.
This research is as an effort to investigate the effect of traditional knowledge towards the level of society
preference in using the product of tritik and jumputan motif craft art. This study used incidental sampling
method in taking the respondents samples in the amount of 100 respondents. Based on the result
of significance test multiple linear regression coefficient for variable the community knowledge tcount > ttable,
is 7.491 > 1.66071 and significance value < 0.05, is 0.000. The result of determination coefficient (R )
obtained in the amount of 0.364. The community knowledge has positive and significant effect towards
the level of preference in wearing the product with tritik and jumputan motif.
Keywords: traditional knowledge, tritik and jumputan, craft, Indonesia.
Table 9 The t-test results of community knowledge with a level of preference coefficients
Change statistics
Mode Std. error
Adjusted R R square Sig. F
R square of the F change df1 df2
I R square change change
1 0.603 0.364 0.358 3.48396 0.364 56.111 1 98 0.000
The general value (R) is 0.603, while the adjusted especially in using cultural products with tritik and
R square value is 0.364. This means that 36.4% jumputan motifs.
of the dependent variable (level of preference) Cultural preservation is the main condition for
can be explained by its independent variable strengthening character and national identity.
(community knowledge). The remaining 63.6% In this case, a stimulus is needed to encourage
is influenced by other variables not included in this interest as an effort to preserve culture.
research model. The provision of stimulus in the form of embedding
From multiple linear regression analysis, it is known traditional knowledge is needed, according to what
that the regression coefficient of each variable was stated by Wardhana [37] who said that through
is positive, so that it can be said that community efforts to cultivate traditional knowledge
knowledge is positively related and significant with in the community, then interest will grow
the level of preference. in preserving jumputan culture as one of the nation's
cultural heritage. Utami & Irhandayaningsih [38]
4 DISCUSSION reinforced that traditional knowledge or indigenous
knowledge needs to be owned by the community
This study discusses the effect of traditional in order to encourage the preservation of the culture
knowledge on the level of community’s preference around them. If community's preference in tritik and
in using tritik and jumputan motifs. This happens jumputan as their own culture can be appreciated
because traditional knowledge provides properly, then the culture of the community
understanding to the community in encouraging will strengthen. The application of traditional
interest and preference for using the craft products knowledge also needs to be instilled early
of tritik and jumputan motifs. The community to encourage the love of young people towards tritik
in general already knows about traditional and jumputan. This is in accordance with what was
knowledge. Traditional knowledge as a public stated by Darmojo [39] that early childhood
knowledge of the traditions exists around education can be applied to batik jumputan making
the supporting community. Through traditional so that it can foster the love of early childhood
knowledge, the community has an understanding towards their culture. In his research, early
of culture and traditions that have been inherited childhood can be directly introduced to how to make
from generation to generation. One of the traditions batik by the teacher so that children can feel
and cultures of the community who still have the sensation and indirectly explore their creativity
existence is tritik and jumputan. Tritik and jumputan so that their interests and talents can be well
become a local cultural heritage with traditional channelled. As an effort to strengthen cultural
knowledge, which with its existence it motivates identity, especially in the conservation of tritik and
the community to understand and apply tritik and jumputan, community also need to play an active
jumputan in daily life. The analysis results show role by using tritik products and jumputan. In this
the large regression coefficient for the public case, according to what was stated by Kusumadara
knowledge variable is 0.681 with positive [40] that cultural sustainability can be realized
parameters. So that it can be said that community through the joy and pride of the community towards
knowledge has a positive and significant effect their culture. Appreciation of the community towards
on society preferences. Based on the significance tritik and jumputan by wearing tritik motifs and
test of multiple linear regression coefficients for jumputan indirectly encourages cultural
the community knowledge variables, it was found preservation.
that tcount > ttable or 7.491 > 1.66071 and
the significance value < 0.05, which is 0.000.
The results of the determination coefficient (R2) are
obtained at 0.364. Based on these data it can be This research is an effort to investigate the effect
concluded that community knowledge has a positive of traditional knowledge towards the level
and significant effect on the level of community's of preference in using product with tritik and
preference in wearing the tritik and jumputan motifs. jumputan motif. Based on the analysis which had
Conversely, if the traditional knowledge been conducted, it can be concluded that there is
of the community is low, their interest or the level positive and significant effect of community
of community's preferences will be decreased, knowledge towards their level of preference.