Effectiveness of Kumustahan Questionnaire Checklist

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Questionnaire Checklist on

The Effectiveness of Project KUMUSTAHAN, As an Intervention Program of

Kasiglahan Village Elementary School

Part 1.
Background Information:
Kindly fill out the space provided after each statement to indicate your
background information.

1. Age: ____________
2. Sex: ____________
3. Civil Status: _________________
4. Educational Qualifications: _________________
5. Administrative Experience/Teaching Experience:

Part 2.
Effectiveness of Project KUMUSTAHAN:
Below are Program Effectiveness Survey Questions. Kindly check (√) the
appropriate column which corresponds to your honest perception of your
satisfaction regarding the effectiveness of Project KUMUSTAHAN according to the
scale below.
Scale   Descriptive Rating
5 Highly Effective (HE)
4 Effective (E)
3 Moderately Effective (ME)
2 Slightly Effective (SE)
1 Not Effective (NE)
5 4 3 2 1
1. Project KUMUSTAHAN has defined desired
2. Project KUMUSTAHAN has associated goals.
3. Project KUMUSTAHAN goals are time-bound.
4. Project KUMUSTAHAN have action plans
developed to help each program meet desired
5. Project KUMUSTAHAN has action plan that
contains discrete activities that will enable programs
to reach desired outcomes.
6. Project KUMUSTAHAN have indicators established
for each program to monitor progress towards
desired outcomes.
7. Project KUMUSTAHAN contribute to the
improvement of pupils’ academic achievement.
8. Project KUMUSTAHAN enable teachers to develop
a culture that is conducive for teaching and learning.
9. Project KUMUSTAHAN encourage teachers,
parents, and other stakeholders to share decisions
making about school-related problems.
10. Project KUMUSTAHAN contribute to the general
performance of school.

B. Teachers Involvement in Project KUMUSTAHAN 5 4 3 2 1

1. Teachers are involved in developing the visions and
missions for the school.
2. Teachers are involved in developing the strategic
plan for the school.
3. Teachers are involved in developing discipline
policies of the school.
4. Teachers are involved in directing function; (clarify
uncertainties and risk; providing knowledge,
experience, and judgment).
5. Teachers are involved in the organizing function:
defining and structuring roles.

C. Parents' involvement in Project KUMUSTAHAN 5 4 3 2 1

1. Parents are encouraged to participate in decision
2. Parents are consulted before making decisions.
3. Parents are involved in making school programs.
4. Parents are engaged in addressing administrative
5. Solving administrative problems with parents
improves the academic performance of pupils.

D. Pupils' involvement in Project KUMUSTAHAN 5 4 3 2 1

1. Involving pupils in decision making improves
academic performance.
2. Pupils’ personal development and democracy
benefit their learning about sharing power, as well
as taking responsibility.
3. Pupils’ involvement in management lead to
improvements in academic achievement and
4. Pupils’ involvement in management makes them
feel more confident in their learning.
5. Involvement of pupils in management brings better
discipline and behavior and more positive
community relationships between the school,
children, and adults
Thank you very much.

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