Vaccine: Rong Jia, Lingyan Yan, Jihua Guo
Vaccine: Rong Jia, Lingyan Yan, Jihua Guo
Vaccine: Rong Jia, Lingyan Yan, Jihua Guo
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Article history: DNA vaccine provides a promising method for preventing and treating diseases. However, the low
Received 22 June 2019 immunogenicity restricts its application. New approaches are urgent to be explored to enhance the
Received in revised form 10 November 2019 immune response of DNA vaccine. MicroRNAs are endogenous, small non-coding RNAs which play parts
Accepted 29 November 2019
in gene expression inhibition. In this study, microRNA-9 (miR-9) was found to inhibit the expression of
Available online xxxx
the GLU-A-P antigen protein encoded by the anti-caries DNA vaccine. Mutation of miR-9 binding sites in
the gene fragment encoding GLU-A-P antigen protein significantly increased the expression of antigen
protein. Moreover, miR-9 sponge can improve the expression of the GLU-A-P antigen protein. The co-
DNA vaccine
immunization with miR-9 sponge and anti-caries DNA vaccine significantly enhanced the specific
miR-9 immune response in vivo. In conclusion, attenuating the inhibition of endogenous miR-9 enhanced the
Immunogenicity antigen expression and immunogenicity of the anti-caries DNA vaccine.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0264-410X/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: R. Jia, L. Yan and J. Guo, Enhancing the immunogenicity of a DNA vaccine against Streptococcus mutans by attenuating the inhi-
bition of endogenous miR-9, Vaccine,
2 R. Jia et al. / Vaccine xxx (xxxx) xxx
immune response through forming a feedback control of the 2.3. MicroRNA mimics and inhibitors
nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-jB)-dependent immune response [22]
or the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor d (PPARd)- MicroRNA mimics of miR-9, miR-29b, miR-33a, miR-33b, miR-
dependent response [21]. 96, miR-103, miR-135a, miR-140-5P, miR-145, miR-182, miR-
In this study, we found miR-9 has multiple binding sites in gene 375, and miR-NC as well as microRNA inhibitors of miR-9, miR-
fragment of GLU and A-P (GLU-A-P). Mutation of these miR-9 bind- 96, and miR-NC were bought from Genepharma (Suzhou, China).
ing sites enhanced the expression of GLU-A-P antigen protein
encoded by the anti-caries DNA vaccine. A miR-9 sponge plasmid 2.4. RNA extraction, reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR), and
was able to enhance the expression and in vivo immunogenicity quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR)
of GLU-A-P antigen protein encoded by the anti-caries DNA
vaccine. Total RNA was extracted using Total RNA Miniprep Kit (AXY-
GEN, USA). RNA samples were treated with DNase I (Invitrogen,
USA) to eliminate DNA contamination and reverse-transcribed
2. Materials and methods
using random primers and Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus
(MMLV) Reverse Transcriptase (Promega, USA). PCR was per-
2.1. Cells and transfection
formed using rTaq DNA polymerase (TaKaRa, Japan) with following
HEK 293 (a human embryonic kidney epithelial cell line) and
GAAGGCGATAGAAGGCG-30 for Neomycin resistance gene, 50 -GAA
C2C12 (a mouse myoblast cell line) were cultured in Dulbecco’s
modified Eagle medium (DMEM; Hyclone, USA) supplemented
for GAPDH.
with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS, Hyclone, USA) and 1%
Total RNA including microRNA was purified using miRNeasy Kit
antibiotic-antimycotic (Gibco, USA). One microgram DNA vaccine
(QIAGEN, Germany). The endogenous miR-9 levels were analyzed
plasmids or 20 nM microRNA mimics and inhibitors were trans-
using TaqMan Advanced miRNA Assays (Applied Biosystems,
fected into HEK 293 cells using Lipofectamine 3000 Reagent (Invit-
USA) in accordance with the manufacturer’s protocol. U6 was used
rogen, USA) according to the manufacturer’s protocol, respectively.
as an internal control.
C2C12 cells were transfected using a SE cell line 4D-Nucleofector X
Kit and Unit (Lonza, Basel, Switzerland) in accordance with the
2.5. Western blot
manufacturer’s protocol. Total RNA and protein were harvested
48 hrs later.
Total cellular protein was extracted with 2 SDS sample buffer,
and denatured for 3 min in 95 °C. Protein samples were separated
2.2. DNA vaccines and microRNA sponge expression plasmids in 10% Nu-PAGE Bis-Tris gel (Invitrogen) and transferred to nitro-
cellulose membranes (Pall Corporation, USA). The membranes
Previously, we constructed a DNA vaccine, pGLUA-P (Fig. S1), were blocked in 5% milk for 1 h and incubated at 4 °C overnight
which can express GLU-A-P antigen protein [including the with the following antibodies: mouse monoclonal anti-CTLA4
glucan-binding domain (GLU) of the glucosyltransferase-I and the (Epitomics, USA), mouse monoclonal anti-NF-jB1 (Santa Cruz,
alanine-rich and proline-rich regions (A-P) of the cell-surface pro- USA), followed by horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated anti-
tein antigen (PAc) from S. mutans] [11]. pGJA-P/VAX (Fig. S1) can mouse IgG antibody (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) or mouse IgG binding
express GLU-A-P antigen fused with the signal peptide and extra- protein (Santa Cruz, USA), respectively. b-actin was set as an inter-
cellular regions of the human cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated nal control detected by HRP-labelled mouse anti-b-actin antibodies
antigen 4 (CTLA4) gene and Fc region of the human IgG1 [12]. (Sigma-Aldrich, USA).
Because the shortage of specific anti-GLU-A-P antibody for Wes-
tern blot, the expression of GLU-A-P protein was analyzed by 2.6. Immunization of mice
anti-CTLA4 antibody. To monitor the transfection efficiency of
DNA vaccine plasmid, the vector backbone of pGJA-P/VAX was Twenty four of 6-week-old female BALB/c mice were divided
replaced by pcDNA3.1 to obtain pGJA-P/cDNA plasmid (Fig. S1), randomly into four groups. Each mouse was injected with 200 lg
which can not only express GLU-A-P antigen protein, but also of plasmid DNA (dissolved in 200 lL sterile saline) via quadriceps
express neomycin resistance gene. muscle injection (100 lg per site, total 200 lg) under isoflurane
MiR-9 binding sites in GLUA-P were predicted by an online inhalation anesthesia. Group DNA vaccine + miR-9 sponge (n = 6)
microRNA prediction tool from Segal lab (https://genie.weiz- mice were immunized with the mixture of pGLUA-P and miR-9 (Table S1). Overlap sponge (100 lg of each plasmid). Group DNA vaccine + NC sponge
extension PCR method was used to mutate miR-9 binding sites in (n = 6) mice were immunized with the mixture of DNA vaccine
GLUA-P fragment in pGJA-P/cDNA plasmid. Mutations were pGLUA-P and NC sponge (100 lg of each plasmid). Group
designed by using degenerate codons to avoid changes in encoded Vector + miR-9 sponge (n = 6) mice were immunized with the mix-
amino acids (Table S1). ture of pCI vector plasmid and miR-9 sponge (100 lg of each plas-
MiR-9 sponge was designed according to the miR-9 binding mid). Group Vector + NC sponge (n = 6) mice were immunized with
sites in CDH1, NFKB1, MDGA2, and LYVE1 (Fig. 3A and S2) the mixture of pCI vector plasmid and NC sponge (100 lg of each
and targeted has-miR-9-5p. The mature has-miR-9-5p sequence plasmid). All mice were boosted at 2 weeks using the same strat-
is UCUUUGGUUAUCUAGCUGUAUGA, the conservatism of which egy as primary immunization. Peripheral blood was collected on
is 100% in mice. A DNA fragment (Fig. S2) including the miR- 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks after the second immunization from the
9 binding sites in CDH1, NFKB1, MDGA2, and LYVE1 were syn- retro-orbital plexus with a syringe and maintained at 4 °C over-
thesized by Genechem company (Shanghai, China) and cloned night. And sera were obtained by centrifugation at room tempera-
into the 30 UTR region of a green fluorescence protein (GFP) ture next day and kept at 20 °C. All the experimental procedures
gene in GV262 vector (Genechem company) at XhoI and EcoRI were approved by the ethics committee at School of Stomatology
sites. The information of GV262 vector could be found in Gen- in Wuhan University. All animal experiments presented in our
echem company ( study were conducted in compliance with NIH guidelines for care
GV262). and use of laboratory animals.
Please cite this article as: R. Jia, L. Yan and J. Guo, Enhancing the immunogenicity of a DNA vaccine against Streptococcus mutans by attenuating the inhi-
bition of endogenous miR-9, Vaccine,
R. Jia et al. / Vaccine xxx (xxxx) xxx 3
2.7. Antibody assays 3.2. Mutation of miR-9 binding sites improved the expression level of
GLU-A-P antigen
The specific anti-GLU serum IgG antibody levels in mice were
determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The To overcome effect of miR-9 on the expression of GLU-A-P anti-
96-well microtiter plates were coated with 100 lL recombinant gen protein, the binding sites of miR-9 on GLU-A-P gene fragment
GLU protein [synthesized by Sangon Biotech, China, 5 lg/mL in were mutated without altering the amino acid sequence (Fig. 2A
ELISA Coating Buffer (BioLegend, USA)] per well at 4 °C overnight, and B, Table S1). As expected, mutation of miR-9 binding sites sig-
and then were blocked with blocking buffer [3% bovine serum nificantly enhanced the expression of GLU-A-P antigen protein
albumin in ELISA Assay Diluent (BioLegend, USA)] for 2 h at (Fig. 2C). The transfection efficiency of plasmids is similar in all
37 °C. Then the mice sera diluted in ELISA Assay Diluent were treatments (Fig. 2D).
added to the plates and incubated overnight at 4 °C, followed by
the incubation with goat anti-mouse IgG (Thermo scientific, USA) 3.3. MiR-9 sponge can prevent miR-9 from inhibiting the expression of
for 1 h at 37 °C. Bound antibodies were detected by incubation GLU-A-P antigen protein
with HRP conjugated donkey anti-goat IgG antibody (Thermo sci-
entific, USA) for 1 h at 37 °C. TMB Substrate Set (BioLegend, USA) MicroRNA sponge is a new type of microRNA inhibitor which
was used to develop the reaction and Stop Solution (BioLegend, contains multiple, tandem binding sites to a target microRNA
USA) was used to stop the reaction. Optical density (OD) readings and obstructs this microRNA from binding to the gene of interest
were performed at 450 nM. A positive mouse anti-GLU serum [24]. We constructed a miR-9 sponge DNA fragment and cloned
was used as standard serum to establish the standard curve. The it to the 30 UTR region of a GFP gene (Fig. 3A). Then we co-
relative concentration of serum specific anti-GLU IgG was calcu- transfected miR-9 sponge or NC sponge plasmid with miR-9 or
lated according to the standard curve using four-parameter logistic NC mimic into 293 cells, respectively. And it turned out miR-9
regression method [23]. mimic significantly down-regulated the GFP expression of miR-9
sponge plasmid in contrast to other three groups (Fig. 3B, C,
2.8. Statistical analysis p < 0.01), which illustrated that this miR-9 sponge responded to
miR-9. NF-jB1 is a known target gene of miR-9 [22]. In this study,
The relative concentrations of serum specific anti-GLU antibody transfection of the miR-9 sponge increased the expression of NF-
were logarithmic transformed. The differences in relative serum jB1 in 293 cells (Fig. 3D), confirming the function of the miR-9
antibody concentrations between four mice groups were analyzed sponge. As expected, co-transfection with miR-9 sponge signifi-
using one-way analysis of variance followed by Tukey’s range test. cantly enhanced the protein level of GLU-A-P antigen (Fig. 3E).
Two-group statistical comparisons of means were calculated with The transfection efficiency of plasmids is similar in both the treat-
Student’s t-test. ments (Fig. 3F). MiR-9 sponge transfection significantly down-
regulated cellular miR-9 level compared with miR-NC control
3. Results sponge (Fig. 3G). These results suggested that miR-9 sponge may
be able to attenuate the suppression effect of miR-9 on the expres-
3.1. MiR-9 inhibits the expression of the antigen protein encoded by a sion of GLU-A-P antigen protein.
DNA vaccine
3.4. MiR-9 sponge enhanced the immune response of DNA vaccine
To detect which microRNA regulates the expression of the anti- pGLUA-P in vivo
gen protein (GLU-A-P) encoded by a DNA vaccine, pGJA-P/VAX, we
previously constructed [12], we utilized an online microRNA pre- DNA vaccine pGLUA-P encodes GLU-A-P antigen [11]. To evalu-
diction tool from Segal lab ( ate the effect of miR-9 sponge on the vaccination efficacy of
mir07/mir07_prediction.html). Many microRNAs were found to pGLUA-P DNA vaccine in vivo, we designed following experiment:
have potential binding sites on the gene fragment coding the anti- mice of 4 groups were immunized two weeks apart with pGLUA-
gen. And particularly, miR-9 had the most binding sites of all that is P + miR-9 sponge, pGLUA-P + NC sponge, Vector + miR-9 sponge,
23 binding sites (Fig. 1A and Table S1). Then we co-transfected or Vector + NC sponge intramuscularly, respectively. To avoid the
pGJA-P/VAX plasmid with the mimics of 11 types of microRNA effect of muscle injury on the expression of microRNAs, we avoided
which have the most binding sites in GLU-A-P antigen gene frag- to apply bupivacaine to treat muscles before immunization. There-
ment into 293 cells. Western blots showed that the expression fore, DNA vaccine pGLUA-P + NC sponge group showed no induc-
levels of antigen protein are lower in miR-9, miR-96, miR-145, tion of specific serum IgG antibody. However, we noticed a rise
miR-375 and miR-135a mimic groups compared with miR-NC in the serum specific anti-GLU IgG antibody level in pGLUA-
(Fig. 1B). MiR-9 and miR-96 showed the lowest expression of P + miR-9 sponge group although no significant differences among
GLU-A-P antigen protein than other microRNAs. To analyze the these groups at 2 weeks (Fig. 4A, P > 0.05). At 4 weeks, pGLUA-
plasmid transfection efficiency, we replaced vector backbone of P + miR-9 sponge group showed a significantly higher specific
pGJA-P/VAX with pcDNA3.1 to obtain pGJA-P/cDNA plasmid, anti-GLU IgG antibody level (Fig. 4A, P < 0.01) than other groups.
which can also express neomycin resistance gene after transfec- At 6 weeks, the mean specific serum anti-GLU IgG antibody level
tion. Co-transfection of pGJA-P/cDNA with miR-9 or miR-96 mim- in pGLUA-P + miR-9 sponge group decreased by almost 50%, but
ics also repressed GLU-A-P antigen protein expression (Fig. 1C). still distinctly higher than other groups (Fig. 4A, P < 0.01). Finally,
Moreover, we suppressed the expression of miR-9 and miR-96 at 8 weeks, although the mean serum specific anti-GLU IgG anti-
with their inhibitors. Compared with miR-96 and the negative con- body level of group pGLUA-P + miR-9 sponge was still higher, a sig-
trol, inhibition of miR-9 induced the highest levels of the GLU-A-P nificant difference was only observed between this group and
antigen protein expression (Fig. 1C). The transfection efficiency of Vector + miR-9 sponge group (P < 0.05).
plasmids is similar in all treatments, suggesting that the repression Because muscle cells were transfected with DNA vaccine and
of antigen protein expression is not due to lower transfection effi- sponge plasmid and expressed antigen proteins, we also analyzed
ciency of DNA vaccine (Fig. 1D). All these results indicated that miR-9 expression in a mouse myoblast cell line, C2C12 cells. We
miR-9 could inhibit GLU-A-P antigen expression encoded by DNA found that C2C12 expressed lower level of miR-9 than HEK 293 cell
vaccine. (Fig. 4B). However, the co-transfection of miR-9 sponge could also
Please cite this article as: R. Jia, L. Yan and J. Guo, Enhancing the immunogenicity of a DNA vaccine against Streptococcus mutans by attenuating the inhi-
bition of endogenous miR-9, Vaccine,
4 R. Jia et al. / Vaccine xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 1. MiR-9 inhibits the expression of GLU-A-P antigen protein. (A) Diagram of the miR-9 binding sites on the gene fragment of GLU-A-P antigen. (B) Expression of GLU-A-P
antigen was detected by western blots. MiRNA mimics of miR-9, miR-29b, miR-33a, miR-33b, miR-96, miR-103, miR-135a, miR-140-5P, miR-145, miR-182, miR-375, and
miR-NC control, were co-transfected with pGJA-P/VAX DNA vaccine plasmid into 293 cells. Actin served as a loading control. (C) The mimics or inhibitors of miR-9, miR-96
and miR-NC were co-transfected with pGJA-P/cDNA into 293 cells, respectively. Western blots were used to detect the expression levels of GLU-A-P antigen protein. (D) The
transfection efficacy of plasmid was monitored by analyzing the transcription levels of the neomycin resistance gene using RT-PCR. Neor represents neomycin resistance gene.
enhance the expression of GLUA-P antigen protein encoded by inserted the response elements of a non-avian miRNA (miR-93)
anti-caries DNA vaccine in C2C12 cells (Figs. 4C and S3), and into the open-reading frame of the viral nucleoprotein of influenza
down-regulate cellular miR-9 level (Fig. 4E). The transfection effi- A virus and significantly improved vaccine safety in mice [26]. On
ciency of plasmids is similar in both the treatments (Fig. 4D). These the other hand, by incorporating an intron expressing miR-155,
results suggested that attenuating miR-9 function was a potent which targets cellular antiviral proteins, into an HIV DNA vaccine,
method to enhance vaccination efficacy of DNA vaccine encoding the immune response toward the HIV-1 envelope (Env) was signif-
GLU-A-P antigen protein. icantly enhanced [27]. In this work, we demonstrated that the
expression of antigen protein could be suppressed by microRNAs.
Abolishing the effect of microRNA by mutating binding sites or
4. Discussion microRNA sponge did enhance the expression of antigen proteins.
Moreover, we found that co-administration with anti-microRNA
MiRNAs play the role of gene silencing, which has been utilized sponge significantly enhanced the serum immune response to anti-
in vaccines according to reports. In order to balance the immuno- gen encoded by DNA vaccine. To the best of our knowledge, this is
genicity and safety, Barnes et al. inserted a neuronal-specific the first study to indicate that attenuating the effect of an endoge-
miRNA target sequence into the viral genome of live poliovirus nous microRNA can enhance the expression and immunogenicity
vaccine to reduce the viral replication in the central nervous sys- of a DNA vaccine.
tem but still maintain peripheral replication to elicit strong neu- Generally, three methods are used for miRNA loss-of-function:
tralizing antibody titers at the same time [25]. Perez et al. genetic knockouts, antagomirs [28] and sponges [24]. We selected
Please cite this article as: R. Jia, L. Yan and J. Guo, Enhancing the immunogenicity of a DNA vaccine against Streptococcus mutans by attenuating the inhi-
bition of endogenous miR-9, Vaccine,
R. Jia et al. / Vaccine xxx (xxxx) xxx 5
Fig. 2. Mutation of miR-9 binding sites improved the expression level of GLU-A-P antigen. (A) Schematic diagram of mutation of miR-9 binding sites in the gene fragment of
GLU-A-P antigen. (B) Mutation of the first miR-9 binding site in GLU-A-P antigen without changing encoded amino acids as a representative of mutations. (C) Expression of
wild-type (wt) or miR-9 binding sites mutated (mt) GLU-A-P antigen proteins in HEK 293 cells. Data are representative of three independent experiments. (D) The
transfection efficacy of plasmid was monitored by analyzing the transcription levels of the neomycin resistance gene using RT-PCR.
Fig. 3. MiR-9 sponge promotes the expression of GLU-A-P antigen protein. (A) Schematic diagram of a miR-9 sponge plasmid. MiR-9 sponge plasmid was constructed by
cloning the miR-9 binding sites of CDH1, NFKB1, MDGA2, and LYVE1 to the 30 UTR region of green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene. (B and C) miR-9 sponge responded to miR-9.
HEK 293 cells were co-transfected with miR-9 sponge + miR-9 mimic, miR-9 sponge + miR-NC mimic, NC sponge + miR-9 mimic or NC sponge + miR-NC mimic. MiR-NC is a
non-specific microRNA. NC sponge is a non-specific sponge plasmid. The expression of green fluorescent protein was analyzed by flow cytometer. Representative data of three
experiments are shown. (C) The histogram summarized the geometric means of fluorescent intensity of GFP positive cells in each treatment. (D) MiR-9 sponge promotes the
expression of NF-jB1 in HEK 293 cells. MiR-9 sponge or NC sponge were transfected into 293 cells. Western blots were used to analyze the expression of NFjB1. Actin serves
as a loading control. Representative data of two experiments are shown. (E) MiR-9 sponge enhanced the expression of GLU-A-P antigen protein. HEK 293 cells were co-
transfected with pGJA-P/cDNA and microRNA sponge plasmid. The protein expression of GLU-A-P antigen protein was detected by Western blot. Representative data of two
experiments are shown. (F) The transfection efficacy of plasmid was monitored by analyzing the transcription levels of the neomycin resistance gene using RT-PCR. (G) MiR-9
sponge down-regulated the expression level of endogenous miR-9 in HEK 293. The expression levels of endogenous miR-9 were detected by qRT-PCR. Data are representative
of two independent experiments.
Please cite this article as: R. Jia, L. Yan and J. Guo, Enhancing the immunogenicity of a DNA vaccine against Streptococcus mutans by attenuating the inhi-
bition of endogenous miR-9, Vaccine,
6 R. Jia et al. / Vaccine xxx (xxxx) xxx
Fig. 4. MiR-9 sponge enhanced the immune response of DNA vaccine pGLUA-P in vivo. (A) Groups of mice were immunized twice with indicated plasmids. ELISA was used to
detect the serum specific anti-GLU IgG antibody. The relative concentration of serum specific anti-GLU IgG was calculated according to a standard curve constituted by using a
positive mouse anti-GLU serum. Data are expressed as the mean ± SE. *, significantly different from other groups at P < 0.01; **, significantly different from Vector + miR-9
sponge group at P < 0.05. (B) Expression levels of miR-9 in HEK 293 or C2C12 cells were analyzed by qRT-PCR. (C) MiR-9 sponge enhanced the expression of GLU-A-P antigen
protein in C2C12 cells. C2C12 cells were co-transfected by pGJA-P/cDNA and microRNA sponge plasmid. The protein expression of GLU-A-P antigen protein was detected by
Western blot. Data are representative of three independent experiments. (D) The transfection efficacy of plasmid was monitored by analyzing the transcription levels of the
neomycin resistance gene using RT-PCR. (E) MiR-9 sponge downregulated the expression level of endogenous miR-9 in C2C12 cells. The expression levels of endogenous miR-
9 were detected by qRT-PCR. Data are representative of two independent experiments.
microRNA sponge, which express mRNAs with the tandem repeats of NF-jB1 (Fig. 3D). Therefore, miR-9 sponge may also enhance
of binding sites of a specific miRNA to absorb the endogenous tar- immune response via promoting NF-jB1 expression. It is a two
get miRNA and saturate its function [29]. Using miRNA sponge birds one stone approach by co-administration of a DNA vaccine
technology in vaccination may have several potential benefits. 1) with a microRNA sponge against a microRNA which inhibits both
MicroRNA sponge can attenuate the inhibition of endogenous antigen expression and immune response.
microRNA and enhance the antigen expression. 2) MicroRNA Intramuscular inoculation is a common method to deliver DNA
sponge can be designed to target not only single specific miRNA vaccine. Muscle cells can uptake plasmid DNA and express antigen
but also miRNA family members sharing the same seed region protein [1]. We found that the co-transfection of miR-9 sponge can
[30]. 3) MicroRNA sponge against immunosuppressive microRNAs increase the expression of GLUA-P antigen protein encoded by
may enhance immunogenicity of vaccination. 4) MicroRNA sponge anti-caries DNA in a mouse myoblast cell line, C2C12 cells, and
can be expressed by plasmid DNA. Therefore, it is convenient to use enhance immune responses in vivo. These results suggest that
the similar methods to produce and use both DNA vaccine and attenuating the inhibition of endogenous microRNAs may be a
sponge plasmid. However, like DNA vaccine, microRNA sponge promising method to enhance the antigen expression and
plasmid may also have the potential risks of chromosomal integra- immunogenicity of intramuscular DNA vaccination. Because the
tion and inducing autoimmunity. expression of GLUA-P antigen protein is driven by cytomegalovirus
MiR-9 is a multifunctional microRNA. Suppression of its func- (CMV) promoter in anti-caries DNA vaccine, and CMV promoter
tion by sponge plasmid may affect cellular processes. For example, works well in many types of human cells, we speculated that
miR-9 is required for neural progenitor cell proliferation and GLUA-P antigen protein could be expressed in many types of pri-
upregulated in Alzheimer’s disease [31,32] and glioma [33]. MiR- mary human cells. Co-transfection of miR-9 sponge may also
9 promotes the tumorigenesis of glioma [33]. Therefore, miR-9 increase the expression of GLUA-P antigen protein in primary
sponge may potentially inhibit glioma and Alzheimer’s disease. human cells with miR-9 expression. In this study, we mainly used
NF-jB, including five mammalian proteins (Rel, RelA, RelB, NF- human embryonic kidney 293 cell line (HEK 293), which expresses
jB1 and NF-jB2), is a family of transcription factors involved in miR-9. HEK 293 is widely used in gene expression experiments. In
inflammatory and immune responses [34]. NF-jB1 can form het- general, the transfection efficiency of plasmid DNA and the expres-
erodimer with RelB, and promotes the production and secretion sion level of gene encoded by plasmid DNA are high in HEK 293
of CCL19, and then enhances the antigen-presenting ability of den- cell. Therefore, HEK 293 cell is a satisfying cell type to study the
dritic cells and immune responses [35]. NF-jB1 is involved in the effect of miR-9 on the expression of GLUA-P antigen protein
regulation of both acquired and innate responses, and the patients encoded by anti-caries DNA vaccine.
with NF-jB1 deficiency showed combined immunodeficiency [36]. In summary, miR-9 inhibited the expression of antigen protein
MiR-9 binds to NF-jB1 mRNA and inhibit its protein expression encoded by the anti-caries DNA vaccine. Attenuating the inhibition
[37,38]. We found that miR-9 sponge can enhance the expression of endogenous miR-9 enhanced the antigen expression and
Please cite this article as: R. Jia, L. Yan and J. Guo, Enhancing the immunogenicity of a DNA vaccine against Streptococcus mutans by attenuating the inhi-
bition of endogenous miR-9, Vaccine,
R. Jia et al. / Vaccine xxx (xxxx) xxx 7
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Please cite this article as: R. Jia, L. Yan and J. Guo, Enhancing the immunogenicity of a DNA vaccine against Streptococcus mutans by attenuating the inhi-
bition of endogenous miR-9, Vaccine,