Online Vs Face To Face Learning: A Comparative Analysis in Performances of Grade 12 in National College of Business and Arts
Online Vs Face To Face Learning: A Comparative Analysis in Performances of Grade 12 in National College of Business and Arts
Online Vs Face To Face Learning: A Comparative Analysis in Performances of Grade 12 in National College of Business and Arts
Arce, Jemimah
Avila, Chrizel
Mediado, Jessica
Onia, Mark
Pasculado, Nicole
Rodrigo, Drea
Siguin, Jonathan
S.Y 2020-2021
Table of Contents
4.3 Table 3………………..…………………………………………….……34
References ……………………………………………………………………47
And next is for our classmates who shared their words and advice
and encouragement to finish this study. We are thankful for giving us a piece of
knowledge even we all are struggling this year you always help us and we are
thankful because of that. And for the teacher who gives us guidance to finish this
study and giving us the knowledge to create this useful research. We thankful for
all you did to us this whole school year even thought are the one who most
struggling because of this new type of learning and we are thankful because you
are not giving up to teach and guide us.
The study presents the comparative analysis of the performance of students in
the national college of business and arts The research led to online learning and
face to face learning have no difference in way of teaching in students or online
learning is not much effective than face to face learning. The study finds that
many students in the national college of business and arts are saying that online
learning is more ineffective than face to face learning. Researchers find that the
problem of online learning is not because of the capacity of a student but the lack
of resources of students. The researcher administered the survey in the national
college of business and arts in grade 12 student in several 179 respondents in an
overall number of 324 respondents. In the survey conducted the researcher finds
that most students are more likely the face to face than online learning in the
overall weighted mean of 2.34 and interpreting that most students disagree on
online learning. On the other hand face to face, learning has an overall weighted
mean of 3.37 shows that most students are more likely the face to face classes.
And according to the result of the study. The p-value that the study gets is that
the research hypothesis is being rejected for the reason of getting the value of .
288. And the reason is that the null hypothesis showed that if the p-value is less
than 0.5 the research will be rejected
Chapter 1
It's been six months ago since pandemic started, Coronavirus disease
(Covid-19) are spreading and affects people in different countries. The first act
saw the disease spread from China to the rest of world. As of March Year 2020
Philippines is under control of the governments impose to stay in the house for 2
months. However they declared quarantine protocols down in any areas to
provide decrease in virus and not to be contagious. It's been hard for the people
to adjust in what's happening especially for those students that are adjusting in
new way of teaching. Department of Education prepares alternative way of
Learning by offering Online classes for the reason that students cannot be back
in face to face learning for a while due to the Covid-19. The fact that the students
all adjusting, other people can’t afford the new normal way of learning as a result
of that some of the students are not enrolled and their families are struggling with
the tuition fees that need to be paid for student to enroll online class. This new
normal is hard for everyone due to the fact that all places that you’re passing by
is all closed and not everyone can work because of the pandemic.
This Department offers degree programs in the Arts, Sciences,
Business and Education as well as Diploma programs. Online learning has
become the new learning system of their school. There is a lot of changes that
happened in month of March, 2020 that affects their way of schooling. Since the
Virus is spreading they decided to impose an online class for the students to
have an opportunity to pursue in their education. It is a new surroundings for the
students due to the fact that they accustomed by the way of learning in the past.
Proceeding with this type of system is disturbing because of the changes in
circumstances. There is a lot of work that they need to do to accomplish a good
learning experience for their tutees. This new normal is time consuming than
personal appearance because it has synchronous and asynchronous that they
follow in class. The traditional learning is more efficient and effective way of
teaching because the teacher and the students can communicate properly and
clearly. It is beneficial for the students because they can used the facilities
offered by the school and feel satisfied with the tuition fees that they paid. The
events could experience by them and have fun sometimes so they can have their
rest day within the year.
This type of learning system is the essential teaching for now in every
school. The researcher conclude that online learning is not much productive than
traditional learning.
equivalent or similar levels in educational experiences for learners. The essence
of this claim is that the teacher is separated by distance and time and that, in
terms of a critical relational aspect of the learning group, students have a
perceived sense of loss. Bullen (1998) found that when studying online, some
students feel disconnected from other students or alienated. In addition, learners
also felt that the delay in online interactions had decreased the dynamics of
online discussions.
1. What are the differences between online class and face to face learning?
1.1. Does face to face learning make the students productive?
1.2. Does online learning make the students productive?
1.3. How is leaning online different from face to face learning?
2. What are the challenges of the students facing in an online learning
3. What is the performance of a students in online and face to face learning?
1.1. How can it affect in the students’ performance?
1.2. How the students adapt to the situation?
4. Is there a Significance difference between online learning and face to face
Scope and Delimitation
This research will define an online class and face-to-face learning and
compare them to each other in terms of the students’ performance in these two
different learning modes. This research will help the readers understand the
difference and efficiency between the two techniques by knowing the students’
performance in each learning technique in the Grade 12, Senior High School
Department of National College of Business and Arts (NCBA).
Students: The result of the study will help students to have a vast knowledge
about the online learning to traditional or face to face learning system. This
research will help student to identify which learning is more productive and
effective. Students will have some tips on how they can adapt and catch up in
different new type of learning system
Teachers: The given data would guide the teacher on how they can effectively
deliver and teach their students. And to identify their weaknesses and strength in
employing the new strategies in a new learning system. The teacher will have a
piece of vast knowledge in teaching their students and adapt to this new normal
way of teaching
Parents: The parents who are a great concern about the education of their
children will be aware of the new way of teaching on how their children learn.
Administrator: The administrators of the school can get an idea to this study for
more efficient and better learning techniques for further improvement of the
school in terms of educating the students better and efficiently.
Future researcher: For the future researcher, this research will be a useful
reference for the researcher who would plan to make any related study precisely
in the study of comparing and contrast in online and face-to-face learning. This
study will also serve them the cross-reference that will give them background or
an overview of the research
Chapter 2
Related Literature
Online Platform
studying styles. “The design of the delivery of online learning plus how we
support our students in terms of mental well-being during this pandemic is
actually critical,” Santos said. President Rodrigo Duterte allowed on Tuesday the
conduct of limited face-to-face classes in areas with low risk of COVID-19
starting January 2021. The President previously opposed the holding of physical
classes until a vaccine for the virus becomes available. (CNN Philippines, 2020)
classroom practice in K-12 classrooms. (Herrington, Herrington, Hoban & Reid,
2009). The data collected in this study indicated that teacher professional
learning through the online modules impacted the students substantially by
engaging them in authentic and meaningful learning experiences, the students
taking greater control of their learning, responding well to technology and using
the technology to express themselves. (Lin, Hsu, & Cheng, 2011).
A study was done from the University of Memphis human. Data were
gathered from students at several times to see if students’ answers would
change over time. According to Dr. Meyer, K. A. “the advantage goes to . . . both.
There are positive characteristics of each setting for a discussion and negative
ones as well. But what may be most intriguing is how the differences in the two
settings may be useful for encouraging different types of learning experiences
that are valuable . . . both of them”. Online class and the traditional class can be
beneficial on their own. Student’s familiarity with their own learning styles and to
shoulder responsibility for online learning will be major factors in their success.
“Student time management and organizational skills will remain paramount.
Additionally, students with better reading and writing skills will do better in online
classes. The literature continues to report that traditional students (age 18-24)
believe they learn more in face-to-face courses but choose online courses for
various personal reasons.”(Stern, B.S.).
solely offer online contents such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
have also become popular.
Related Studies
educational application. After the students take the post-test it has a higher
number than the pre-test. (Hipol et al, 2020).
Cabahug & Bongon, (2020) a blending learning, (a combination of online and
traditional learning) can make it efficient because it is monitored and certain
areas of learning can be enhanced.
countries, rather than developed countries. This study employed technology
acceptance model (TAM) to compare the factors affecting e-learning among the
Nigeria and Philippines students, modules/part-time students in universities
approved for specified technology considered as the unit of analysis. AMOS-
SPSS utilized to the analyses sum of 1306 responses for the two counties.
Hypothesized; electric supply, technical resources, ease to use and perceived
usefulness on e-learning supported, 69% and 80% variance explained of the
study achieved. Although, electric supply regressed on perceived ease not
supported. Thus, recommended the replication of this study to increase the
generalizability of achieved results.
Traditionally, learning has been assumed to take place in a
classroom or face-to-face environment where the instructor and students are
physically together. But, not all students learn the same way and therefore the
traditional approach is not ideal for all students (Young, 2002). Today, hybrid and
online courses are among the delivery strategies widely used. In the traditional
format, the teacher develops and transmits the content to the students who learn
in a face-to-face environment (Knowles, 2005). Although during a set period of
time, learners are frequently provided with activities that require them to be active
rather than listen and or watch passively (Berg, 2003; Knowles, et al, 2005; Perry
2003). According to Young (2002), Graham Spanier, president of Pennsylvania
State University, hails the convergence of online and resident instruction as "the
[hybrid courses] single-greatest unrecognized trend in higher education today."
Putting courses partially online can save a university some money without
prompting students' protests (Carnevale, 2006).
In the fall of 2007, more than 17.9 million students were enrolled in
degree-granting, postsecondary institutions. Of those students, more than 3.9
million were enrolled in one or more online courses. Online enrollments
represented 21.9% of total enrollments. From fall 2002 to fall 2007, online
enrollments grew at a compound annual growth rate of 19.7% from 1.6 million to
more than 3.9 million (Allen & Seaman, 2008). Russel (2001) compiled an
annotated bibliography of 355 research reports that examined differences in
student outcomes between online and traditional courses. The majority of
research revealed no statistically significant difference in student outcomes
based on delivery mode. However, recent research on course completion and
performance has been inconsistent. Brady (2001), Carr (2000), and Simpson
(2003) found that course completion was generally lower in online courses when
compared to traditional courses.
Social presence involved interactions with other colleagues. These interactions
allowed the participants to develop relationships that promoted teach (Holmes,
Signer & MacLeod, 2010).
Online learning
importantly, classroom instruction is extremely dynamic. Traditional classroom
teaching provides real-time face-to-face instruction and sparks innovative
questions. It also allows for immediate teacher response and more flexible
content delivery.
Figure 1
Students’ Academic
Written Works
Task Analysis of Data Students’ Academic
Quarterly gathered through Performances
Examination survey, difference in Online
questionnaire, and Class and Face to
Students’ Productivity interviews. Face Learning
The model represents the process of how the researchers will know the
difference in terms of academic performances of Grade 12 Senior High School
students of National College of Business and Arts in online and face to face
learning. The researchers will identify their past and present academic
performances as well as their productivity in different aspects. Productivity of
students can also affect their academic performance that is why the researchers
include it in the input. The process includes the collection of data that the
researchers gathered and the analysis of it. The outcome of the analysis of the
data gathered is in the output, the researchers will now know the difference of the
students’ academic performance
Definition of Terms:
E-learning – Learning that conducted in via electronic media, and typically on
the internet.
Online learning – online learning is the type of learning system that using
internet or any gadgets and replacement for the traditional learning system
Quarantine – the special type of rules for preventing the spread of disease
Technology – The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes,
especially in industry
Chapter 3
Research Methodology
This chapter presents and discusses the research design, subject and
respondents of the study, population, sample size, sampling techniques, data
gathering instrument, validity and reliability of the instrument, data gathering
procedures, and data analysis.
Research Design
Population and Sample size
Sampling techniques
The total population use to find the sample size and determined using
Slovin formula:
n = N / 1 + N e2
n = sample size
N = Population size
e = margin of error
= 324 / 1 + .81
= 324/ 1.81
= 179
ni = N1 ( )
Nt = total population
Aristotle 54 30
Bacon 55 30
Brazil 53 29
Confucius 54 30
Lao Tzu 54 30
Mencius 54 30
Total 324 179
Research instruments
The questionnaire is divided into two sections. The first section contains
the profile of the respondent about the research. Such as name, gender, age,
and grades in their previous school year. While the second section contains all
the questions regarding the respondent's opinion and experience about the
difference and productivity of online learning and traditional learning system.
Instrument Validity and Reliability
Hence, the instrument used for the students were valid and reliable for
them to easily understand and answer every questionnaire. The researcher uses
Criterion validity and predictive validity type to predict the outcome of the test for
comparing and contrast online learning and traditional learning. And for a reliable
questionnaire, the researcher uses Cronbach’s alpha and gets the value of online
learning which Is 9.4 while face-to-face learning which 9.7. The data gathered by
the researcher can be used and acceptable due to proper acquisition.
Cronbach's alpha determines the internal consistency or average correlation of
items in a survey instrument to gauge its reliability.
The information gathered were tabulated and processed manually and
with the use of computer to determine the precise interpretation of the results.
The table were made to organize, summarize and analyze the data gathered for
easy determination of its difference from each other.
Data were collated, tabulated and analyzed the following statistical tools
were used in the analysis of data.
P = F/N x 100
P = Percentage (%)
F = Frequency
2. Likert Scale
2 1.75 – 2.4 Disagree
∑ WX
W = points (4, 3, 2, 1)
3. Weighted mean
Another technique used by the researchers in the study was the
weighted mean. This was used to order to determine the average
response of the different option in the third part of the questionnaire to
analyze the data to the respondent degree of agreement
W = weighted average
Pearson r Correlational Coefficient was used to determine the
significant relationship or difference between the online learning and
traditional learning system. Pearson r Correlation has been widely used in
statistic to measure the relationship between the two variable.
n = Number of sample
If the p-value is <0.5 the hypothesis of research will rejected. And the
research will automatically conclude that the new learning system will not affect
the students’ performance.
Chapter 4
This chapter will presents the data gathered together with the statistical analysis
and its own interpretation
Table 1
Table 2
Total 179 100.00
Table 3
Table 4
(Year 2019-2020)
The table 4 describe that many students in national college of
business and arts are having 86-90 grade with the frequency of 83 with
percentage of 46.3. And followed by grade of 91-95 with frequency of 53 with
percentage of 29.6. Followed by 80-85 grade with frequency of 46.3. And
followed by the 2 lowest in bracket of grading in NCBA with general average of
96 and above with frequency of 7 with percentage of 3.9 and lastly 75-80 with
frequency of 1 with percentage of 0.6.
Table 5
SA A D SD Weighted Verbal
Online Learning 4 3 2 1 Mean interpretation
I am more actively
Communicate with my 13 63 90 13 2.42 disagree
Classmates and instructor
I am more active in online 8 51 94 26 2.23 disagree
As a student. I enjoy
working with other 9 63 76 31 2.28 disagree
students in online
I believe that learning on
online class is more 7 25 10 46 2.0 disagree
Motivating than the 1
regular course
I am able to manage my
study time effectively in 17 91 56 15 2.61 Agree
online learning system
I always got a higher 14 74 79 12 2.50 Agree
score in online classes
Overall Weighted mean 2.34 Disagree
Table 6
4 3 2 1
Face to Face learning Weighted Verbal
Mean interpretation
I am more actively
Communicating in a face 95 70 12 2 3.44 Strongly agree
to face classes.
I am more active in a face
to face classes. 85 73 19 2 3.35 Strongly agree
I can manage my study Agree
time effectively in a face to 65 86 25 3 3.19
face learning.
Table 7
Note: if p-value is less than the level of significance which is 0.5 reject the null
hypothesis otherwise accepts Pearson coefficient value: ±0.90 - 1 Very high strong;
±0.76 - .90 High positive; ± 0.50 – 0.76 Moderate; ±0.30 – 0.50 low; 0 – ±0.3 Very low.
Chapter 5
Summary of Findings
The findings show the performance of the students in online learning and
face to face learning. It shows whether the students are more motivated in online
learning or in face to face learning.
2. The second table shows the percentage of male and female in the total
number of respondents. It clearly shows that there are more female
than male. The third table represents the percentage of age of the
3. The fourth table represents the percentage of the general average that
most students has. In this table, it shows what is the most common
level of grade that the respondents are, it is clear that most of the
students has above average in terms of their grade.
5. The sixth table shows the performance of the students in face to face
learning. The table shows that the students are more motivated and
productive in a face to face setting. Students are most likely agreed in
every statement that is given to them.
6. The seventh table shows the difference between the average of each
statement in table five and six. This means that the online learning and
face to face learning have no difference in way of teaching in students
7. The tables shows that most of the students preferred face to face
learning than online learning but not all of them are agreed to it and
some are actually preferred online learning than face to face learning.
1. Online learning can frequently include in-person contact with you and your
learners. This is because, along with other instructional methods, online
learning is used as a blended learning strategy. However, it is used on digital
forms of communications such as messaging apps, video calls, discussion
boards, and the school’s learning management system (LSM). While the
face to face learning can take many forms, the physical classroom allows
you to interact with your students before and after the class. It is also easier
to communicate than online learning.
1.1 Face-to-face learning is really effective way to learn knowledge and
skills it helps the students to be more productive for the reason that
teachers are allowed to see them while doing their task.
1.2 If you want to succeed in the world of online learning, It is important
to have time management since it takes a lot of radiation from the
device that the student used to learn, Being productive in this type of
learning system also needs time to break.
1.3 Online learning is also known as the education that takes place over
the Internet. It is also referred as an “E-Learning” or “Distance
Learning”. Online learning has a lot of difference in face to face
learning, it refers to the idea of using different tools like Mobile
phones, Laptop, Computers.
2. Students may encounter a lot of challenges in online classes and one of the
common that they may experience is loss of connection, it struggles the
students when it comes to the internet due to the fact that they may hard to
catch up in discussions.
3. In our research paper Face to face learning is more favorable in many
students in National College of Business and Arts. In the other hand online
classes has a different impact in Student performance to the learners.
1.4 It affects the students in their performance in school because they are
not used to learn in this type of learning system therefore it is new to
them to get used to it.
1.5 The students adapt the system that they had nowadays by getting
used to it and doing the things that they think they can help them
accustomed to and to catch up.
4. Yes, it has a lot of difference between Online learning and Face to Face
learning and it is also had different benefits for the students. Online learning
input a lot of time management, Refined critical thinking and gives a new
technical skills while Face to Face is beneficial because students can use
the facilities offered by the school and they can experience different events
that the students wants and needs some of their lives.
and teachers. Conduct an enhance questionnaire to a larger sample size
to get more precise and accurate result.
5. Providing guidance for learning for groups of students appears less
successful than using such mechanism with individual learners.
6. Provide devices for students to work if at all possible or at least ensure
that any online learning activities can be completed with a smart phone.
7. Use simple assignments that do not require students to navigate complex
8. Facilitate student success and foster a sense of virtual community
through student-to-student communication.
9. The researcher highly recommended to Create a regular study space
and stay organized
10. The researcher recommended that the future researcher to seek further
research toward improving the whole process and much gathering about
the research study.
Lao Tzu
General average (Grade 11):
96- Or higher
Part 2: Checking the appropriate in box, which you believe the applicable
answer in question.
Face to Face learning Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Disagree Disagree
I am more actively Communicating in
a face to face classes.
I am more active in a face to face
As a student, I enjoy doing
schoolwork’s with my Classmates in
a face to face Classes.
I believe that traditional Is more
productive than An online learning
I can manage my study time
effectively in a face to face learning.
I always got a higher score in a face
to face classes
Pearson r correlation and p-value of online learning and face to face learning
Statement 4 2.0 3.61
Online References
2. CNN Philippines staff (2020) the online classes is the safest option amid in
Covid 19 pandemic
7. Dr. Sunta mondal and Dr David Cult (2017) Academic Performance in Online
versus Blended Classes in Principles of Economics and Statistics Courses
11. Barbara slater stern and james Madison university (2016) A Comparison of
Online and Face-To-Face Instruction in an Undergraduate Foundations of
American Education Course