Eng Compostion Outline - Fall 20

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Department of computer sciences and IT

English Composition & Compréhension
BSCS - Fall 2020

Course Out line

Credit Hours 3 hours

Pre-requisite(s) N/A
Post-requisite Communication and Presentation Skills
Course Type English
Course Duration 18 Weeks
Weekly tuition pattern 2 Lectures (90 Minutes each)
Course Structure Presentation by instructors, quizzes, assignments
The course will be delivered mostly in a classroom
Course Style environment or zoom lectures
Web Link https://www.grammerbook.com/
Mehwish Tayyab, Nayyer Hassan, Sundas Bashir
Teaching Team

Course Description

Many first year students of post- secondary institutions find the reading load and level that they
encounter along with the writing standards expected from than, rather overwhelming. The
transition between high school and university or college can therefore be a rather difficult one.
Academic reading and writing is a course designed to” bridge the gap” between English and the
literacy skills required in first year university programs. The main objective is to improve
student’s reading and writing skills in all academic areas, including the Arts based disciplines
English, History, Political science, Sociology, Psychology, Business studies etc.

Course Objectives:

The objective of the course is:

1. To improve students’ knowledge of academic writing
2. To develop extensive knowledge of vocabulary and grammar
3. To learn how to evaluate and analyze different genres of texts
4. To enhance writing skills by engaging in different texts
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)

Through this course, students will be able to:

1. develop analytical writing skills with an emphasis on the construction of cogent
arguments and the marshalling of supportive evidence.
2. see the art of, reading and writing as interpretative and creative
3. develop students’ ability to evaluate critically through various mediums and to enhance
reading and writing skills.
4. familiarize with some of the key terminology associated with different aspects of

Course structure
 Presentation and use of white board for lectures
 Online lectures through zoom
 Class activities and homework
 Assignments & Quizzes

Course duration
The course will be held twice a week in 1.5 hours class each

Course style
The course will be delivered in a class room environment using multimedia projector and white

Additional course requirement

In addition to the objectives of this course, students are expected to gain skills which would be
needed in the professional work environment.

Text books and other recourses

1. English grammar and composition by Wren & Martin
2. Good old secret seven by Enid Blyton (story book)
3. Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (story book)

Week wise lecture plan

The lecturers are supposed to complete the followings topics / sup topics before the mid/ final
term examination as prescribed in the course outline below.
Week Course Content

Week 1  Warm up Activities

 Introduction to parts of speech
Noun, pronoun, adjective, determiner, verb, adverb,
preposition, conjunction, and interjection.
Practice Quizzes

Types of Sentence Structure

Week 2  Simple
 Compound
 Complex
 Compound Complex
In-class Practice Exercises
 Grammar Practice
Week 3 Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present
Perfect Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous Past Perfect,
Past Perfect Continuous, Future Simple, Future Continuous,
Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous

Week 4
Punctuation and the Use of Capitals
Common Errors in the use of Punctuation

Week 5 Paragraph writing

Elements of a Good Paragraph
Practice Paragraph Writing

Week 6 Essay Writing

 Descriptive Essays
 Narrative Essays
Week 7 Intro to Skimming and Scanning
Practice Reading Comprehension
Week 8 Synonyms & Antonyms, acronyms, abbreviation, Homonyms,
Homographs Heteronyms Prefixes, Suffixes Base, Denotation,
Week 9 Mid-term exam

Week 10 Essay Writing

 Argumentative Essays
 Expository Essays
Conducting a talk show
Precis Writing
Week 9
Paraphrasing & Summarizing
Week 10 Analyzing and summarizing excerpts or dialogues from a
play/novel/short story
Week 11 Dialogue writing

Story writing
Week 12 Contents and structure of a plot
Understanding symbols and pictures
Week 13
Analyzing newspaper for paraphrasing

Reading and writing reviews on incidents

Week 14 Writing an Autobiography & Biography

Week 15
Practice Skimming & Scanning

Week 16
Presentation week

Week 17 Presentation week

Week 18 Final-term exam

Assessment Criteria

Criteria Weight Policy

Quizzes 10 % All Quizzes taken (no retakes)
Assignments 10% All Assignments taken
Presentation 10% Presentation
Mid Term Examination 30 % Comprises course contents covered in class
Final Term Examination 40 % Comprises course contents covered in class
Total 100%

Attendance Requirements
Students are encouraged and expected to attend all lectures, lab sessions, or any other
activity related to the course. Moreover, students are responsible for their attendance and
they must meet the minimum attendance requirement policy of the Department for
appearing in final term exam.

General Information
 Students are required to be familiar with the University’s code of conduct, and to
abide by its terms and conditions.
 Students must provide proper references to acknowledge other’s works/ideas.
Students are required to follow American Psychological Association (APA) style
of referencing or any other style recommended by the department.
 In order to avoid plagiarism, students are required to follow the guidelines
provided by the Department/University.
 Students may use any sources (acknowledged of course) other than the
assignments of fellow students.

Reference Material

 https://www.grammerbook.com/

 https://www.ielts-exam.net/Download-free-IELTS-

 www.bbclearningenglish.com

 www.engvid.com

 College Skills with Reading, by John, McGraw-Hill, 5th Edition

 A Text Book of English Prose and Structure by Arif Khattak, et al, GIKI Institute,

 High School English Grammar & Composition by Wren & Martin


Verified by Approved by,

Dr. Muhammad Atif Chattha

Cluster Head HoD, CS&IT
Sundas Bashir

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