Date and Time Cues Need Nursing Diagnosis Objectives of Care Nursing Intervention Evaluation

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Date and Time Cues Need Nursing Diagnosis Objectives of care Nursing Intervention Evaluation

C 1. Encourage
7-3shift Subjective: O Acute pain r/t med- After 8 hours of verbalization of After the 8-hour
7am G ical problem nursing interven-
nursing feelings about the
“Sakit kaayo akong ti- interventions, the pain. tion, the patient
yan sir.”- verbalized by T patient will de- R: To provide non-pharmacologic verbalized that the
the patient pointing @ I scribes satisfactory pain management pain scale level is
her stomach V pain control at a now 3
level less than 3 to 2. Encourage and assist client to do deep
4 on a rating scale breathing exercises. Goal partially met.
Objective: of 0 to 10. R: Deep breathing for relaxation is easy to
R learn and contributes to pain relief
- Pain Scale level = 6 C
- Patient is irritable E 3. Provide rest periods to promote relief,
- Expressive behavior P sleep, and relaxation.
- Self-report of pain T R: Pain may result in fatigue, which may
characteristics A
result in exaggerated pain. A peaceful and
-Patient is irritable L quiet environment may facilitate rest.

P 4: Assess vital signs, noting tachycardia,

A hypertension, and increased respiration,
T even if client denies pain.
T R: Changes in these vital signs often indi-
R cate acute pain and discomfort. Note:
N Some clients may have a slightly lowered
BP, which returns to normal range after
pain relief is achieved.

5: Administer Medication as per doctors

R: Necessary for treatment of the underly-
ing cause

6. Evaluate pain frequently in immediate

postoperative phase and regularly.
R: Provides information about need for,
and effectiveness of, interventions.
7. Heat compress
R: heat decreases pain through improved
blood blow to the area and through reduc-
tion of pain reflexes

8. Massage the affected area when suita-


R: A massage traps pain transmission, in-

crease endorphin levels, and minimizes
tissue edema.

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