GED Math Practice Test 1
GED Math Practice Test 1
GED Math Practice Test 1
8. The table below shows the number of 10. Taylor is trying to fill an old fire pit in his
bouncy ball possibilities at an arcade. Each front yard with dirt. How much dirt will he
of the bouncy balls have one color and one need to fill the entire pit? Round up to the
design. If a red bouncy ball is chosen at nearest whole number.
random, what is the possibility that it will
have stars on it?
A) ¼
B) ½
C) 33%
D) 5/12 A. 16 ft³
B) 18 ft³
9. Below is a chart showing the attendance C) 20 ft³
record for a math summer camp. D) 21 ft³
12. Paul is building a new dog house for his 14. Carly gets a loan from bank for a new car.
dogs. The old dog house has a base that She borrows $5,000 and get a simply yearly
measures 2 ft by 3 ft. The plans for the new interest for 8%. She pays it off in 3 years
dog house have a base that measures 3ft x 5 with 36 payments. What is her monthly
ft. How much larger is the area of the new payment?
dog house than the old dog house? A) $172.22
A) 12 ft² B) $206.20
B) 9 ft² C) $138.89
C) 6 ft² D) 105.56
D) 3ft²
15. Kelly needs 13 gallons of gas. One gas
13. What is the area of the blue space below? station in town has gas priced at
$2.49/gallon. The other gas station has gas
prices at $2.62/gallon. If Kelly buys gas for
$2.49, how much will she have saved
compared to the other station.
A) $1.69
B) $1.96
C) $2.04
D) $2.06
A) 2.5 m2
B) 3.9 m2
C) 5.5 m2
D) 7.5 m2
GED Math Practice Test: Answers
1) B. 49 5) B. y > 27
Explanation: $160 x .20 = $32 in Because C is less than $10, that is the
savings. We then need to subtract the correct answer.
savings from the original price, so
$160 - 32 = $128 for the Kindle. 7) B. 2
8) A. ¼ 11) D. 14 km
13) C. 5.5 m2
14) A. $172.22
15) A. $1.69