DelvenDeep V3.0
DelvenDeep V3.0
DelvenDeep V3.0
Necessary Components
If playing with RAOV, you will need a copy of the RAOV rules and
the AO deck. If playing with RAMV, you will need a copy of the RAMV Monster AI Cards
RAMV rules and the Monster AI cards. You will also need a printed If using RAMV, you will need the
copy of the DelvenDeep Dungeon, Event, Dark Influence, and Monster AI cards for monsters and
Quest cards. lieutenants. The RAMV Event and Dark
Influence decks are not used.
DelvenDeep assumes that you have access to Threat tokens from
the official Lieutenant Packs. If you do not have these tokens, use
some other marker as a substitute.
Turn Order
If playing with RAOV, follow the standard Descent turn order
rules (heroes first, then Overlord). Any references to start/end of Quest Deck
the round in this document apply to the start/end of the Overlord Remove the Final Level card from the
turn for RAOV. Quest deck and set it aside. Shuffle the
remaining cards.
If playing with RAMV, follow the RAMV turn order (alternating
There are two types of Event cards:
Summary Cards Instant: These Event cards are one-time effects that are
Summary cards are available as a resolved immediately. Once the effects of an Instant Event card
quick reference for some rules. are resolved, it is discarded.
Place three of the face down tokens in a stack and set them If there is a lieutenant on the map that shares a name with a
aside. Dark Influence card in play, then that lieutenant gains +2 health
per hero.
Shuffle the white token face down with the remaining two tokens.
Place these tokens in a stack underneath the first treasure token
stack. Exploring the Dungeon
Unlike a standard game of Descent, the entire map is not known
The First Room at the start of the game. Heroes must explore the dungeon to
Draw a Dungeon card and attach the indicated tile to the reveal new rooms.
Entrance tile, in any orientation. If a corridor is drawn, discard it
and draw another card. This is the First Room. Resolve any The goal for the heroes is to find the Portal down to the next
spawns and effects listed on the Dungeon card for that room. level. Finding the Portal will trigger a quest that must be
completed before the heroes can move to the next level.
The Overlord When a room is revealed, effects and monster spawns may be
One player should be assigned to manage the Overlord actions triggered.
(playing cards and monsters). All cards played for the Overlord
are placed in the Overlord play area. The steps for revealing new rooms are as follows:
Dungeon Card There is a limit of 1 HUGE monster group and 1 MASSIVE
After a hero explores an open edge, draw a Dungeon card. Place monster group that may be in play at one time (Lieutenants and
the map tile indicated by the card, connected to the explored Agents do not count towards this limit). If a HUGE or MASSIVE
open edge. The new map tile may be placed in any orientation monster group is drawn while there is already a group of that
that will fit. size in play, then place the card on top of the Monster deck and
draw another one.
The effect text indicates any effects that apply to the tile. These
Open effects only apply to that specific map tile, and not the rest of the
Edge map, unless otherwise stated. Some effects will be resolved
immediately and occur only once, while others may be a
persistent effect that remains active on the tile. For a persistent
effect, it is recommended to place the Dungeon card near the tile
as a reminder.
At this point, the hero that revealed the new map tile may
continue their turn if they have any remaining actions.
Corridors may only connect to rooms, not another corridor. If a
corridor Dungeon card is drawn when exploring from a corridor,
discard the card and draw another. Mists of Bilehall
The Mists of Bilehall Dungeon cards can be especially dangerous,
If an open edge would obviously not be able to accept any map due to the corruption of the mists. Whenever a Mists of Bilehall
tile, then it is considered a dead end and can't be explored. Place map tile is added to the map, the Tainted Mists Global effect will
an end cap tile on any obvious dead ends. trigger. Perform the following steps in order:
Once the new map tile is placed, the hero that revealed the tile Tainted Mists:
moves 1 space into the room or corridor.
1. Each hero with a face up Tainted card suffers 2 H.
Heroes and monsters may move freely between explored rooms 2. Each hero with a face down Tainted card flips that card
and corridors. face up.
3. Each hero without a Tainted card rolls on the Trapped
Spawns and Effects Treasure Tokens table to determine an attribute to test
Dungeon cards may list spawns and effects that will occur against. If a hero fails the test, that hero gains a
immediately after the tile is placed and the exploring hero moves random face down Tainted card.
onto the tile.
Per the standard rules, any hero with a Tainted card gains +2
The spawn text will indicate if any monster groups and treasure Health. When a hero with a face down Tainted card is knocked
tokens are placed on the tile. Sometimes, other items may also out, flip the card face up.
be spawned.
Trapped Treasure Tokens: When a hero searches a treasure Blitz Cards
token and reveals a red or blue token, that hero must make an If using RAOV, ignore the Overlord card, Plot card, and threat
attribute test. Roll a blue die to determine which attribute to test token text of a Blitz card drawn from the AO deck. Drawing a
against. Blitz card will simply indicate that all figures in the monster group
will prioritize targeting the hero with the least remaining health.
X: Lowest attribute
2: Awareness
3: Knowledge
4: Might The Overlord uses threat in order to spawn reinforcements.
5: Willpower Threat is gained as follows:
6: Highest attribute
1. One threat token at the end of each round.
Green Token: Not trapped. Discard the token and draw a Search 2. One threat token at the end of each round for each Dark
card. Influence card in play.
3. One threat token at the end of each round if there are
Red Token: Damage trap. If the hero that searched the token any lieutenants in play.
fails the attribute test, then the hero and all other figures
adjacent to the treasure token suffer one red die of damage.
Discard the token without drawing a Search card.
If the hero passes the test, then no damage is suffered. Discard When a monster group is defeated, set the monster card aside to
the token and draw a Search card. form the Reinforcement deck. Any new cards added to the
Reinforcement deck are placed on top.
Blue Token: Condition trap. If the hero that searched the token
fails the attribute test, then draw a card from the bottom of the A reinforcement check is made at the start of each round, before
Condition deck and apply the condition to that hero and all other drawing an Event card. A reinforcement check will only be made
figures adjacent to the treasure token. Discard the token without if the Overlord has eight or more threat tokens.
drawing a Search card.
If there are four or more monster groups (not counting
If the hero passes the test, then no condition is applied. Discard lieutenants) already in play when making a reinforcement check,
the token and draw a Search card. then a reinforcement monster group will not be spawned.
Instead, the Overlord discards four threat tokens and each hero
White Token: Not trapped. The heroes have discovered the suffers 1 F.
Portal which leads down to the next level. Leave the white
objective token face up on the map. If there are less than 4 monster groups (not counting
lieutenants) already in play when making a reinforcement check,
When the portal is revealed, or the last treasure token is placed then a reinforcement monster group will be spawned. The
on the map, place an end cap tile on all remaining open edges of Overlord discards eight threat tokens and spawns reinforcements.
the map. The heroes may no longer explore to reveal new rooms.
When spawning reinforcements, draw the bottom monster card of
Revealing the portal will trigger a quest. See Quests, below. the Reinforcement deck and put it into play as if spawning a new
monster group. Place figures for the monster group on the
Entrance. If all figures for the monster group will not fit on the
Entrance, then place any extra figures in the First Room as close
Condition Deck
to the Entrance as possible.
Whenever a random condition is to be applied to a figure, shuffle
the Condition deck and draw the bottom card. Apply the condition
If there are no cards in the Reinforcement deck when placing
to the figure and return the condition card to the Condition deck.
reinforcements, draw a card from the bottom of the Monster deck
If a hero already suffers from the drawn condition, draw another
Lieutenants do not reinforce.
Each figure in a Dark-Scarred monster group gains the following If the heroes fail the quest, the heroes become trapped forever
bonuses: within DelvenDeep. The current campaign ends and the players
will need to start a new campaign.
• +3 Health
• +1 Speed
• +1 brown defense die Completing A Level
If the heroes complete the Quest for a given level, they may
Lieutenants cannot become Dark-Scarred. prepare to continue to the next level.
Summary cards are included to mark which monster groups (and Each hero gains 1 XP for completing an Act I level, and 2 XP for
possibly heroes) are currently Dark-Scarred. completing an Act II level.
The heroes gain gold equal to the value of all search items they
Lieutenants are holding. Return these search item cards back to the Search
When a random Lieutenant spawns, draw the bottom card from deck.
the Lieutenant deck for the current Act. The Lieutenant will
spawn on the Entrance. The heroes also gain 25 gold per hero for completing an Act I
level. The heroes gain 50 gold per hero for completing an Act II
If the heroes have Raythen or Serena as an ally, then the level.
Lieutenant of the same name cannot be spawned. Discard the
Lieutenant card and draw another. The heroes may spend XP to buy new skills.
If a Lieutenant is defeated, place the card on the top of the If the heroes have an ally, they may give that ally one their
Lieutenant deck. available skills.
The heroes may purchase new gear. Deal out the top six shop
Allies item cards for the current Act. Any items not purchased are
When an ally spawns, the players immediately take control of returned to the bottom of the shop item deck.
that ally. An ally will not spawn if the corresponding Lieutenant is
already in play. After the Shopping step, the Overlord discards all threat tokens.
However, if the Overlord has collected any hero tokens, the
Allies cannot explore. Overlord keeps threat tokens equal to the number of collected
hero tokens when starting the next level. Return the hero tokens
If an ally is defeated, it is removed from the game. A defeated to the players after adding the bonus threat.
ally will not appear for the rest of the campaign. Ignore any
effects that would spawn a defeated ally. The players recover all health and stamina, and discard all
conditions and Tainted cards.
Shuffle all discarded cards and cards in play back into their
Knocked Out Heroes
respective decks, except for the Quest card.
The first time a hero is knocked out during an encounter, place
one of that hero's hero tokens in the Overlord play area. The
Add one Dark Intervention card to the Event deck.
Overlord may only have one hero token from each hero.
Zealous Fire: Exhaust this card when an Event card is played. At the start of each round, discard one search token from the
Recover 1 F. When you refresh this card, choose 1 monster secret room without drawing a Search card. Once the last search
within 2 spaces of you. That monster suffers 1 H. token is discarded, the secret room is removed. Any figures
within the secret room when it is removed are placed on or as
Prophet close as possible to the secret room entrance token.
Grim Fate: A hero with the insight token may suffer 2 f and
exhaust this card during his turn to reveal the top card of the Not Quite As Dark Influences (-Difficulty)
Event deck. Place the revealed card on the top or bottom of the Treat Dark Influence cards as standard Global Event cards. Dark
Event deck. Influence cards do not remain for the entire encounter, and they
can be replaced by standard Global Event cards coming into play.
Danger Sense: Exhaust this card to discard one threat token in Smaller Dungeon
the Overlord play area. If you have limited table space, the Dungeon deck can be
adjusted to create a less sprawling dungeon layout. Simply
remove all corridor cards that do not have any spawn or effect
Appendix B: Optional Rules text from the Dungeon deck.
Agents (+Difficulty)
Create an Act I Agent deck by shuffling all Act I Agent card
together. Do the same for Act II Agent cards. These will form the Appendix D: Relics
Agent decks. When spawning a new Agent, draw a card from the As an optional rule, DelvenDeep can be played using relics. At the
bottom of the deck for the current Act. start of the campaign, collect all relic cards and shuffle them
together to form the Relic deck.
When a Dark-Scarred monster group spawns, replace one master
monster in that group with a random Agent. If there are no Whenever a lieutenant spawns, roll a brown die. If the result is
master monsters in the group, then replace one minion monster one I, then the lieutenant will carry a relic. Draw a relic off the
with a random Agent. bottom of the Relic deck and equip it on the spawned lieutenant.
Agents are considered a member of the group they spawn with, If the heroes defeat a lieutenant carrying a relic, the heroes get
but they do not gain the Dark-Scarred bonuses. to keep the relic for the rest of the campaign.
If an Agent is in play that shares the name of a Dark Influence Some effects on relics may not apply to the DelvenDeep
card in play, then that Agent gets +1 Health per hero. environment. The following are some adjustments to make relics
compatible with DelvenDeep.
If an Agent is spawned while a Lieutenant of the same name is in
play, then discard the Agent and draw a new one. Bones of Woe: Instead of drawing an Overlord card, the
Overlord gains one threat token.
If an Agent is in play when a lieutenant of the same name is
spawned, remove the Agent from the map and discard the Agent Omen of Blight: Choose a random condition from the Condition
card. Place the Lieutenant in the space on the map that the deck.
Agent was removed from (instead of placing the Lieutenant on
the Entrance). Shadow Plotter (Good): Instead of revealing the Overlord
hand, the Overlord discards three threat tokens.
Agents will not carry relics. They are treated as master monsters Shadow Plotter (Evil): Instead of drawing Overlord cards and
for all other purposes. discarding, the Overlord gains three threat tokens. This card does
not refresh until the start of another encounter.
If the heroes have Raythen or Serena as an ally, they cannot
spawn as an Agent. Discard the Agent card and draw another. Shards of Ithyndrus: The effect of this Relic only applies to the
lieutenant or monster wielding it.
Likewise, if Raythen or Serena are on the map as an Agent, the
heroes cannot choose them as an ally. Staff of Shadows: Exhaust this card to reroll either an X result
on a blue attack die, or a blank result on the highest defense die
Agents do not reinforce. If an Agent is defeated, place the Agent of the lieutenant.
card on top of the Agent deck.
Stone of Wayward Means: While a lieutenant is carrying this
Secret Rooms (+Difficulty) Relic, its effects apply to all monsters on the map.
When a secret room Search card is drawn, place the secret room
entrance token on the space that contained the treasure token. Sun's Fury: Ignore the “Return this card to the game box...”
Choose a secret room tile and place it near the map. text.
Place one search token in each corner of the secret room. These The Manor's Heart (Good): Recover wounds or fatigue equal to
are standard search tokens, and are not trapped. the number of threat tokens in the Overlord play area.
The Manor's Heart (Evil): While a lieutenant is carrying this
Spawn one new monster group in the secret room. This monster Relic, its effects apply to all master monsters on the map.
group will be Dark-Scarred, and ignores any limits for the number
of Dark-Scarred monster groups in play. The Shadow Rune (Evil): Ignore the Zachareth Only text. The
last surge option should read “Gain a threat token”.
Monsters may move freely into and out of the secret room.
Tome of the Five Lies: When this lieutenant spawns, the
Overlord gains threat tokens equal to the number of heroes.
Valyndra's Gift: The lieutenant will always use this relic for itself
when it is first attacked.