STS KS Rulebook
STS KS Rulebook
STS KS Rulebook
Game Overview
Slay the Spire is a cooperative rogue-like deckbuilding adventure. Craft a unique deck, encounter
bizarre creatures, discover relics of immense power, and finally become strong enough to defeat
the boss at the end of the Act!
Slay the Spire is a Deckbuilder. That means
each player starts with a simple deck of
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cards that they can improve by adding and
removing cards during the game. With searchable rulebook,
soundtrack, card library,
Slay the Spire is also a rogue-like. That achievement tracking,
means that when you die (and you will die!), and more!
start over from the beginning. Take the
lessons you learned and try again! (Not required to play the game.)
85 Ironclad (red)
87 Silent (green)
85 Defect (blue) 113 Tokens
85 Watcher (purple)
17 Curses 450 Sleeves 1 Ascension 31 Dividers
Reference 8 Small Dividers
22 Colorless
2 Main Boards
11 Boss Cards
HP Board (26 including unlocks)
Merchant Board/Player Aid
1 Die 1 Boot
50 Plastic
4 Minis Cubes 4 Player Boards
1. Pick a Character - Each player chooses a character and takes the corresponding player
board, mini, starter deck, card rewards deck, and rare rewards deck. Shuffle the decks.
2. Token Tray - Take out the token tray.
3. Player Board - Put a cube on your character’s Energy track at 3, on their Block track at 0,
and on their HP track at the highest printed number.
4. Get Decks Ready - Take out the following decks. Shuffle each deck except Summons,
Daze , and Status / , then place them in separate piles. Shuffle and keep the “1st
Encounter!” cards separate from the Encounter deck.
• Encounter Act I “1st Encounter!” • Event Act I • Daze Deck
• Encounter Act I • Relic • / Status Deck
• Elite Act I • Potion • Curse Deck
• Summon Act I Don’t shuffle! • Boss Relic
5. The Board - Take out the Act I board. Randomly choose an Act I map.
6. Map Tokens - Shuffle the map tokens face down. Randomly place dark map tokens on dark
spaces, and light map tokens on light spaces. Then flip the tokens face up.
7. Character Figure - Place your character figure on the board in the lowest open space.
8. Reveal the Boss - Randomly choose an Act I Boss. You can roll the die and use the Boss with
the matching die result on the back of the card. Place that Boss face down on the map on top of
the icon.
9. The Boot - Place the boot meeple at the bottom of the map next to the bottom encounter .
10. Player Aid / Merchant Board - Keep the Player Aid board handy as a quick rules reference.
When you encounter a Merchant , flip the board over and set up the Merchant side.
11. Neow’s Blessing - Shuffle the Neow’s Blessing deck (three-eyed whale). Each player draws
one Neow’s Blessing card. Gain the reward in red, then choose one of the 3 rewards in blue
(see Rewards, page 8). When players are done, put all Neow’s Blessing cards away.
12. Solo - If you’re playing solo, also gain and the “Loaded Die” solo relic.
13. 1st Encounter - Setup the 1st Encounter (see page 10, Combat Setup). Then start combat.
use this
token until
to do so.
Start 7
here Curse Status Daze
Deck Deck Deck
Your Play Area
Below is a suggestion for how to organize your play area. Do whatever works for you!
• Draw Pile - Shuffle your deck before combat begins to create your draw pile.
• Discard Pile - After you play a card, it goes to your discard pile.
• Exhaust Pile - When you Exhaust a card, place it in the exhaust pile. You can’t use it again this combat.
• Item Area - Items are small cards. Keep items you gain in front of you.
• Power Area - When you play a Power, it stays in play until the end of combat. Keep Powers in front of
you. At the end of combat, they return to your deck.
Exhaust Pile Draw Pile Discard Pile
Your Deck Card Types
• Attack - Attacks deal damage to enemies.
• Skill - Skills block damage and have other useful abilities.
Energy Cost Name Banner • Power - Powers give you abilities that last the entire
combat. Powers stay on the table in front of the player.
• Curse - Curses are bad cards that can get added to your
deck. Curses can’t be Transformed. When you gain a Curse,
add the top Curse card to your deck.
• Status & Daze - Powerful enemies can weaken your deck
by adding Status / , and Daze cards to it. Remove
these from your deck at the end of each combat.
Type Energy – Energy is used to play cards. You
can have a maximum of 6 Energy at once. Each character
Text has their own Energy icon, although they all mean the same
thing. You can gain Energy from sources with icons that
don’t match your character. You’ll usually see “ ” used to
mean Energy on items and in the rules.
X Cost Cards - You can spend any amount of Energy when
playing an X cost card, including 0. It has an effect based on
how much Energy you spend. The text will tell you the effect
for spending X Energy.
Banner & Rarity - Cards have different rarities, which you can tell by the color of the banner
behind their name. Gray banners are common, blue banners are uncommon, and yellow banners are
rare. There are 2 copies of all commons. Starter deck cards have gray banners and gray borders.
Each character’s starter deck has 4 or 5 starter Strikes and starter Defends.
Starter Common Uncommon Rare
Items Items are small cards that you’ll collect on your adventure. There are
Relics , Boss Relics , and Potions . There’s also the Loaded Die
Name solo relic (see below). Keep items in front of you.
There are several types of rewards below... but first, some general rules about rewards!
• Pick Order – Gain rewards in any order you want!
• Skip - You may skip gaining any reward below. You may also skip revealing or drawing from any rewards deck.
• Full Knowledge - After revealing cards or items, you can look at what the other rewards are from that combat
before making any final decisions on what to choose or skip. You can check upgrades. If you’re ever unsure if
you’ll get to see another combat reward from your current room before finalizing a choice, the answer is yes.
• Trading - Potions can be given to other players outside of combat. Nothing else can be traded.
Card Reward – Reveal the top 3 cards of your card rewards deck and lay them out in front of you.
You may add one revealed card to your deck or skip adding a card. Return any unselected cards to the
bottom of your card rewards deck.
Golden Ticket – Whenever you reveal a Golden Ticket, reveal the top card of your rare rewards
deck and add that to your choices. Unpicked rare cards return to the bottom of your rare rewards
deck. Put the Golden Ticket on the bottom of your card rewards deck.
Upgraded Card Reward – This is just like a “card reward” above, but the card you pick is immediately
upgraded (see Upgrade below). You can always look at what an upgrade does before choosing.
Rare Reward – Reveal 3 cards from your rare rewards deck and lay them out in front of you. You
may add one to your deck or skip. Return any unselected cards to the bottom of your rare rewards deck.
Potion – Draw a card from the potion deck. You may gain that potion or skip it. Keep it face up in
front of you until used. You can’t have more than 3 potions. Potions are all single-use items. When a
potion is used, discarded, or skipped, put it on the bottom of the potion deck. If you gain a potion but
you’re at the limit, you must either: skip the potion, pass the potion to a player who is below their potion
limit, or discard or use a potion then gain the new potion. Gambler’s Brew, Entropic Brew, Blood Potion,
and Fairy in a Bottle can be used outside of combat if applicable.
Relic – Draw a card from the relic deck. You may gain that relic or skip it. Keep your relics face up
in front of you. When relics are discarded or skipped, put them on the bottom of the relic deck.
Boss Relic – Reveal 1 Boss relic per player + 1. Reveal 3 instead if playing solo. Each player may gain
a relic or skip. Keep your Boss relics face up in front of you. When Boss relics are discarded or
skipped, return them to the bottom of the Boss relic deck.
Gold – Gain gold tokens equal to the value. Gold can be spent at the Merchant or certain Events.
You can use your gold to pay for any amount of another player’s purchase at a Merchant or Event.
The Map
You start at the encounter on the bottom of the map. When you’re done with a room, move the
meeple up the map along one of the paths to the next room. See rules for each type of room below:
1st Encounter! - If this is the first encounter, place a “1st Encounter!” card in each player’s row (see
Combat Setup, page 10). After combat, set aside the 1st Encounter cards (they’re no longer needed).
Other Encounters - Draw one encounter card per player (see Combat Setup, page 10).
Event Card
Draw a card from the Elite deck (see Combat Setup, page 10).
Draw a card from the Event deck. If there is text in [yellow brackets],
brackets] text
each player must choose one of those options. Each player makes
their own choice and acts once in any order. Some Events work
differently, as described in their text. To choose a “Pay” or “Give”
option, you must first have what it is asking you to pay or give. When
all players are done, put the Event on the bottom of the Event deck.
Each player chooses one of two actions, Rest or Smith:
• Rest - Heal 3 HP. • Smith - Upgrade a card.
Each player gains a relic .
Place 3 relics and 3 potions on the merchant board in the indicated slots. Each player
reveals the top 3 cards of their card rewards deck. You can use your gold to pay for any amount of
another player’s purchase at a Merchant or Event. Players can...
• Buy Items - Buy or for the gold cost on the bottom right of the item. The relic in the top left
is on sale for 1 less gold.
• Buy Cards - Buy cards you revealed for , , or based on their rarity (see merchant board).
Gray banner cards are common , blue banners are uncommon , yellow banners are rare .
• Card Remove - Pay to remove a card from your deck. Each player can only do this once per
When you’re done, return any unpurchased cards to the bottom of the deck they came from in any order.
When you reach the Boss, start combat against the Boss card at the top of the map (see Combat Setup,
page 10). If the Boss is defeated, you beat the Act! After gaining rewards, you can save and continue later,
proceed to the next Act (see page 4, Setup), or end the game here.
Enemy Cards
Combat Setup Rewards Name
Rows - Each player has a row. Enemies are placed
in rows, except for Bosses.
Summons - Some enemies will summon more Starting HP.
Put a cube
enemies. If you see a green bar and this icon ,
on numbers
then search for with yellow
that enemy in the outlines.
Summons deck and
put them into play at the start of combat. Some
enemy actions or special abilities can also summon. Enemy
Random Summons - When multiple Summons
have the same name, select them randomly. You Special
can do this by picking one without reading its ability
abilities or shuffling Summons with the same
name in a small face down pile and drawing one. Summon box
“Gremlins” have a Gremlin icon on the back to help
you select them randomly.
11+ HP
Encounter Setup Some monsters have
more than 10 HP.
Use 2 cubes.
Encounters - Place one enemy in each player’s
row. If there are Summons , they are placed in the
row of the enemy that summoned them to the right.
Special Abilities
Special abilities appear in Yellow
Yellow. Usually
they’re always active, but some have triggers
or don’t have an effect until later in the fight.
For example, the Fungi Beast’s Spore Cloud
ability triggers when it dies.
The Gremlin
Nob’s Enraged
ability doesn’t
start until turn 2
of combat.
Elite Setup Elite with Summons
Elites - Place one Elite in the bottom row.
If there are Summons, place them in each
player’s row with the Elite to their right.
HP Board
Some enemies use the HP board.
Boss Setup Their HP is formatted like this.
The top number is their starting
Bosses are treated as being in all rows. HP for 1 player, the next number
down is for 2 players, etc. Set
Keep them to the right of the board with any
their HP using cubes.
Summons in rows and closer to the board.
Rewards Name Starting HP
Enemy actions
Combat Round - Player Turn
Combat rounds consist of a Player Turn followed by an Enemy Turn. Rounds repeat until combat ends.
Player Turn
Shuffle your deck before combat starts. There’s one shared Player Turn that’s broken into the phases
below: Start of Turn, Play, End of Turn. All players take these steps simultaneously.
• Start of Turn
1. Reset - Set Energy to 3 and Block to 0.
2. Draw - Draw 5 cards. There is no maximum hand size.
Empty Draw Pile - When your draw pile is empty and you need to draw, your discard pile
becomes the new draw pile. Shuffle it. If a card was just played that drew you cards, that card is
set aside while you shuffle, then added to the new discard pile.
3. Roll - Roll the die . If any abilities can change the die result, they must be used now before
resolving other abilities. The die result tells you what action some monsters will take later during
the Enemy Turn and which relic abilities are about to trigger (see next step). One die result
determines all die effects for the round! Don’t roll it again until next round!
4. Start of turn abilities - The following abilities trigger in any order players choose:
• Start of turn - Abilities that have “Start of turn” or “Start of round” text.
• Start of combat - These abilities only trigger on the first turn of combat.
• Die relic abilities - Abilities that trigger on the indicated die result.
• Play
Players can play cards, use potions, and activate abilities in any order they choose.
• Discuss - Players can discuss strategy, such as which enemies to attack and which players need
help. It is encouraged to announce if you have Weak or Vulnerable effects early in the
turn, as well as to ask questions like, “How much damage do you have?” or “Do you have enough
Block?” rather than look at a player’s hand.
To play a card:
• Pay - Pay the Energy cost on the upper left of the card. Track Energy on your board.
• Choose - Make any decisions and choose targets for the card. You can target any enemy with
your effects. Effects with a symbol affect all enemies in one row and always affect the Boss.
• Being Played - While the card is being played, it isn’t in your hand or in your discard pile.
• Resolve - Execute the card’s printed effects from top to bottom. Any abilities triggered by the
card don’t take effect until after the card is finished resolving all of its text.
• Cleanup - The card goes to your discard pile. If it’s a Power, instead place it face up in front of
you. If it Exhausts, it goes to your exhaust pile. (Note: Exhaust to the deck they came from.)
• End of Turn
When players are done playing cards, the following effects occur:
1. End of turn abilities - Abilities that have an “End of turn” effect trigger in any order players choose.
The phrase “End of turn” is only used to refer to the end of the Player Turn (never the Enemy Turn).
2. Discard - Discard all cards in your hand in any order.
Combat Round - Enemy Turn
Enemy Turn
The Enemy Turn is broken into the phases: Remove Enemy Block, Enemy Actions, Move Cube Actions.
1. Remove Enemy Block - Enemies lose all of their leftover Block tokens.
2. Enemy Actions - Starting with the highest row, enemies act left to right taking one action
each. Then enemies in the next row down act left to right. This continues until all enemies in all
rows have acted once. Bosses always act last. Enemies that say “acts last” act after other enemies.
See types of enemy actions below.
3. Move Cube Actions - If an enemy uses Cube Actions (see below), slide their cube down the
track. Then the combat round repeats.
The Dead
When enemies are reduced to 0 HP, they are dead and lose their tokens. Flip them
over until the end of combat. When a player dies, the game immediately ends in defeat.
End of Combat
Combat ends immediately when all monsters are dead or have left combat, unless an enemy had an “on
death” ability that is going to summon an enemy. At the end of combat:
1. End of Combat Abilities - Abilities that say “End of combat” trigger now.
2. Rewards - Players gain the rewards on the upper left of the enemy’s card (see page 8). In encounters,
gain rewards from the enemy in the row you ended combat in. In Boss and Elite fights, all players gain
the rewards.
3. Reset Your Deck - Return your Powers, discard pile, and exhaust pile to your deck. Remove any /
and cards from your deck and return them to their respective decks.
4. Reset Player Board - Reset the Block and Energy tracks. Lose all tokens ( ) except for
gold. The Defect removes all Orbs. The Watcher enters Neutral Stance.
5. Clear Enemies - Put and on the bottom of their respective decks. Summons return to the
Summons deck.
6. Switch Rows - Players may switch rows anytime between now and before the next combat room.
Actions & Effects
Most icons are explained on the back of the rulebook or the player aid. Below are examples of what these
symbols mean when used on player cards or enemy actions.
Some Attacks have multiple hits on the same card, like Twin Strike. Some cards say “deal X for
each...”, like Finisher or Barrage. Some enemy actions have multiple hits in one action. All of these
are examples of a multi-hit.
• All on a multi-hit have the same target (unless stated otherwise).
• All on a multi-hit are affected equally by any damage bonuses, such as from .
• All on a multi-hit are affected equally by or . Remove one / token when the entire
multi-hit is complete. With Weak , each has its damage reduced.
Multi-hit Example
The Ironclad plays Twin Strike against a Cultist with a
Vulnerable token. The Twin Strike deals double damage,
2 2 , for a total of 4 damage. Then the Vulnerable
vs token is removed.
Vulnerable token.
Targeting for Players
Effects with the icon or that say
Players can target “any row” target all enemies in a single
any enemy. row. They also always affect the Boss.
Some Bosses have different “Modes”, like The
Guardian. The enemy can only use actions and
abilities from the mode it is currently in. The
Guardian starts in Attack Mode.
The Ironclad
The remaining soldier of the Ironclads. Sold his soul to harness demonic energies.
Strength (max 8)
The Ironclad has many ways to gain Strength . A player can
have a maximum of 8 . You deal +1 damage on each hit for
each token you have.
The Ironclad has many ways to Exhaust cards and synergies
with Exhaust. See the back of the rulebook for more on Exhaust.
Extra HP
The Ironclad starts with more HP than any other character.
The Defect
Combat automaton which became self-aware. Ancient technology allows manipulation of Orbs.
When the Defect Channels an Orb, place an Orb of that type in an open Orb slot on the player board.
Use yellow cubes for Lightning, blue cubes for Frost, and purple cubes for Dark. If a card Channels
multiple Orbs, Channel them one at a time. If you Channel an Orb and don’t have any more cubes,
ignore the effect.
End of Turn
At end of turn, gain the “End of turn” effect for each Lightning and Frost Orb as shown on the Defect
player board. Choose targets for Lightning Orbs. They can each have a different target.
When an effect Evokes an Orb, remove an Orb of your choice from its
slot and apply the Evoke effect for that type of Orb as written on the
Defect player board. If you play Dual Cast, Evoke an Orb twice. Each
Lightning and Dark Orb Evoke effect can have a different target.
Orb slots are full - If you Channel an Orb and all Orb slots are full,
Evoke any Orb, then place the Channeled Orb in its slot. When multiple
Orbs are Channeled at once, resolve this effect one Orb at a time.
The Silent
A deadly huntress from the foglands. Eradicates foes with daggers and poisons.
Poison (max 30)
Place a Poison token on a target for each icon on the effect. At
the end of turn, enemies with lose 1 HP per token they have.
Losing HP ignores Block (Poison doesn’t deal damage). Don’t
remove Poison tokens from an enemy until they are dead. There
can’t be more than 30 Poison combined on all enemies.
Shivs (max 5)
Shivs are tokens that may be used to deal 1 whenever you could
play a card. Each is treated as a separate Attack and is affected
separately by Strength , Vulnerable , and Weak . You start combat
with 0 Shiv tokens, and gain Shiv tokens from cards with the Shiv
icon. They don’t go away until used or the end of combat. You can use
them immediately or save them up for a combo!
Note: If you’re out of Shiv tokens and you gain a Shiv , you can deal Shiv
damage immediately or skip gaining the Shiv. Shivs don’t count as cards.
The Watcher
A blind ascetic who has come to “Evaluate” the Spire. Master of the divine Stances.
Miracles (max 5)
Miracle tokens can be used any time to gain 1 Energy . You can’t have more than 5 at once.
Gain Miracle tokens from cards and abilities with the icon. Your starting ability gives you a . You
can use Miracles to go over the Energy limit (max 6) if they are immediately used to pay for a card.
Scry & Retain - See the back of the rulebook for Scry and Retain descriptions.
Start each combat in Neutral Stance. The Watcher can enter or leave Stances to gain different abilities.
When you enter a Stance, move the cube to the new Stance. You cannot enter a Stance you are already
in (the effect is ignored).
Neutral - Start each combat in Neutral Stance. Neutral
doesn’t grant any abilities.
FAQs & Random Rules
• Is there a maximum hand size? No, there is no maximum hand size.
• Can Block prevent an effect that says “Lose X HP”? No. You can only block damage. Damage comes
from hits and “damage” effects.
• What if we run out of tokens? If you run out of tokens, you can’t gain or apply more tokens. The effect
is ignored. This is true whether it’s gaining gold, Strength , or applying Poison . But keep in mind
with Shivs , you can use them immediately to deal damage (see Shivs on previous page). So a Shiv
should never go to waste unless you want it to.
• Do cards remember? Cards have no memory once they leave your hand. Once they leave your hand,
cards don’t know if they were Retained last turn, their cost changed, etc. However, cards with an
ability that changes their own cost still have an effect while in the discard pile. So for example: While
Streamline is in the discard pile with 2 Powers in play, it’s treated as costing 0.
• Starter Strike vs “containing Strike”: what does this mean? A “starter Strike” is one of the Strikes in a
starter deck. A card that “contains Strike” has the word “Strike” somewhere in its name.
• What happens if I Transform a colorless card? The added card comes from your card rewards deck.
• Do I remove any Weak , Vulnerable , and Poison tokens at end of round? Nope. See back of
rulebook for details.
• Do Summons leave combat when all other enemies are killed? No. Unlike the video game, Summons
don’t “flee” combat when the enemy that summoned them is killed.
Playing Copies
When a card is played multiple times, each copy is treated as a separate card. Copies do not cost
Energy to play. If the card has X in the Energy cost, the copies use the same value of X as the original.
Each copy can have different targets and is affected separately by Vulnerable , Weak , and single-
use bonuses. Copies cannot also be copied.
A card can only be affected by one effect that plays cards multiple times. Any additional effects that
would play a card multiple times wait for the next valid card. For example: If you use two Skill Potions,
then play a Skill, it is played twice. The 2nd Skill Potion has no effect until you play another Skill.
The copies are played first. While the copies are being played, the original isn’t in your hand or in
your discard pile. When the original resolves, it then goes to your discard pile.
Triggered Abilities
Some abilities don’t have an effect until the conditions of their trigger are met. Examples are:
On death - When an enemy with this ability dies, the ability triggers.
Start of turn - Relics and Powers with this phrase trigger at the start of the Player Turn (see Combat
Round, page 12). Note that the Enemy Turn doesn’t have a “Start of Turn” phase.
Start of combat - These abilities are like “Start of turn” abilities, but only trigger turn 1 of combat.
Start of next round - This refers to the “Start of Turn” phase during the next Player Turn. (See Combat
Round page 12.) This trigger is found on some Bosses.
End of turn - Relics and Powers with this phrase trigger at the end of the Player Turn (see
Combat Round, page 12). Note that the Enemy Turn doesn’t have an “End of Turn” phase.
End of combat - These abilities trigger at “End of combat” (see Combat Round, page 13).
Once per combat - These abilities can only be used once per combat. Use them anytime
during the Player Turn. Once used, flip the item face down. Flip it face up after combat.
Once per room - This ability is found on items that can only be used once per combat or
Event. They typically alter the die result, and so can affect Events that use the die. Once
used, flip the item over. Flip it face up after combat or when the party is done with the
Die relic abilities - These abilities trigger on a die result at the “Start of turn” (see
page 12). These abilities are only found on relics and Boss relics .
Whenever you finish a game, each player checks 1 box per Boss defeated, plus 1 extra box each. You must
check boxes for your character until they are all checked, after which you may check Colorless or Act IV
boxes. When you check all of the boxes next to a lock, add the locked cards with a matching number
to the appropriate decks.
When unlocked, take out the colorless rewards deck during When unlocked, after you beat Act III, you may
setup and shuffle it. Don’t shuffle it between Acts. The continue to Act IV if you collect all 3 keys .
party reveals 3 colorless cards at the merchant. Their cost See page 22 for rules on Act IV and the keys.
is based on rarity. Add the Events and Neow’s Blessing
cards to the appropriate decks.
After you defeat an Act II Boss (Act III if you’re playing solo), unlock Ascension 1. To unlock higher
Ascensions , you must be playing with the modifiers of all previous Ascension levels and defeat an Act
II Boss (Act III if you’re playing solo). You don’t have to play on the highest Ascension you’ve achieved,
although you may need to revert changes to some decks to play on a lower Ascension.
1. Harder Elites - Open the Ascension pack. Replace Elites in each Act with the 1 Elites.
2. Lose 1 Max HP - Your maximum HP is 1 lower. Put a black cube in your highest HP slot.
3. Harder Events - Open the Ascension pack. Add the 3 cards to the appropriate decks.
4. Potion Limit is 2 - You’re limited to 2 potions (instead of 3).
5. Start Cursed - During setup, add Ascender’s Bane to your starter deck.
6. Heal 4 HP after Boss - You heal 4 HP instead of to full HP at the start of Acts II & later.
7. Harder Encounters - Replace Encounters with corresponding 7 cards. Add the 7 Summons.
8. Card Removes Cost 4 - Card Removes cost 4 gold at the Merchant .
9. Start Damaged - Lose 1 HP at the start of the game (after losing 1 Max HP from 2).
10. Harder Bosses - Only use the 10 Boss deck.
11. Harder Act IV - Use the 11 Corrupt Heart. Fight the 11 Elites in Act IV.
12. Harder Elites - Replace Elites in Acts I through III with the 12 Elites.
13. Double Act 3 Boss - After defeating the Act III Boss, fight a different random Act III Boss.
Jaxxed - Hit the Strength limit (8). Ruby - Beat Act III with the Ironclad.
Catalyst - Hit the Poison limit (30). Emerald - Beat Act III with the Silent.
Ninja - Play 7 Shivs in one turn. Sapphire - Beat Act III with the Defect.
Powerful - Have 7 Powers in play at once. Amethyst - Beat Act III with the Watcher.
Barricaded - Hit the Block limit (20). My Lucky Day - Beat Act III with a Daily Climb.
You are Nothing - Defeat a Boss on turn 1. Infinity - Create an infinite card combo.
All for One - Beat Act III with 4 players. Who Needs Relics? - Beat Act III with no relics or
Perfect - Beat a Boss with all players at full HP. Boss relics (you can skip items).
Daily Climb
As an optional game mode, you can play a Daily Climb. Roll the die twice and gain one random game
modifier from each section below. All players are affected.
All Star - Start with 5 random colorless cards.
Shiny - Start with 5 random rare cards. Custom Run
To play a custom run, instead of rolling for
Heirloom - Start with a random Boss relic.
game modifiers, pick whichever modifiers
Transformed - All become Transform a card. you want from this list.
Vintage - from encounters become .
Prismatic Shard - Start with the Prismatic Shard special relic (see page 19). Also, when you gain
, each revealed card must come from a different card rewards deck of your choice. This can
include colorless rewards. When you gain , each revealed card must come from a different
character’s rare deck of your choice. (You still reveal 3 cards total).
Act IV Players heal at the start of Act IV, just
like they do at the start of Acts II and III.
Act IV must be unlocked (see page 20). To enter Act IV you must obtain all 3 keys by the end of Act III.
The Act IV map is on the back of the Act IV Boss card. To obtain a key...
Ruby Key - All players must simultaneously take no action at a room (can’t Rest or Smith).
Sapphire Key - All players must simultaneously skip gaining a relic at a or room.
Players may reveal the before deciding. Discard revealed if you gain the key.
Emerald Key - Players must defeat a Burning Elite (see below). When you fight the Burning
Elite, before combat begins, each player shuffles into their deck. Front
Optional Rules
The Last Stand
When a player dies in a Boss fight, other players can continue fighting. Enemies in a row with a
dead player target the nearest row with a player below them. If there are no players below them,
they target the nearest row with a player above them.
If at least one player survives, treat this as beating that Act (or the game, if it’s your final Act). If a
player died, you cannot continue to the next Act.
Sequential Turns
If simultaneous turns don’t work for your group, players can take Player Turns sequentially.
Turn Order - The player that starts the round in the bottom lane (Lane 1) takes their Player Turn,
followed by the player to their left. This continues until all players have taken a Player Turn. When all
players have taken a Player Turn, the Enemy Turn begins. Rounds repeat like this until the end of combat.
The Die - The die is only rolled during the first Player Turn in a round.
Your Effects on Your Turn - Your abilities, die triggers, start of turn, and end of turn effects, etc.
only happen on your Player Turn. This includes when you draw cards at the start of the turn, reset
your Energy, and discard your hand.
Game Design by Graphic Design by Casey Yano, Gary Lead Playtesters
Gary Dworetsky Dworetsky, David Lanza Andrew Narzynski, Arjun Krishna,
Anthony Giovannetti Joseph Johnston
Miniatures by TytanTroll Miniatures
Casey Yano Playtested by
Rulebook Editor C. “Sable” Voyles
Based on the video game “Slay the Spire”
Card Bot by Rodskin Karsten Kutterer, Robin
by Mega Crit Hassgård, Adam, Tyler Leonard,
Special Thanks to
Developed by Amanda Shagoury, Nicholas
Penny Rose Feldman The Backers! for making this possible Denny, Michael Wright, Calli
Joseph Johnston Jorbs for inspiring us Wright, Anna Dworetsky, Jack
Arjun Krishna John Clair for double sided cards Cumpsty, Michael Habib, Ethan
Andrew Narzynski Anna Dworetsky for Slaying Sams, Nikki Liu
Clemens Lohmann for Not for Sale tag
Cover & Map Art by Bruce Brenneise Jeremy Howard for Monster cards
Art by Anailis Dorta, Casey Yano
Abilities & Keywords
Area of Effect - For players, everything that follows this symbol affects all enemies in any single
row and always includes the Boss. For enemies, everything that follows this symbol affects every
player, unless the enemy is gaining Strength or Block . (See “Targeting,” page 15.)
ALL Enemies - The effect targets ALL enemies in EVERY row and always includes the Boss.
Block (Max 20 for players) – Prevent the next 1 damage to a player or enemy for each point of Block
they have. After the damage is prevented, removed that much Block. Players use their player board to
track Block, while enemies use tokens. Block does not prevent “Lose X HP” effects. A player’s Block is
removed at the start of the Player Turn. An enemy’s Block is removed at the start of the Enemy Turn.
Daze – Put a card on top of your draw pile. They return to the Daze deck when Exhausted.
Energy (Max 6) – Energy is used to play cards. Each character has their own Energy
symbol, although all are equivalent and usable by any character. The symbol is used on items and
in the rules to mean “Energy”.
Ethereal - At end of turn, if this card is in your hand, Exhaust it. (See FAQ for Dark Embrace interaction.)
Exhaust – An Exhausted card is removed from your deck. Keep Exhausted cards in a separate pile
and return them to your deck at the end of combat. Daze and Status / cards return to their
respective piles when Exhausted.
Hit - Hits deal damage equal to the number in front of them. Hits are affected by Vulnerable ,
Weak , and Strength . See “Multi-hit Attacks”, page 14. (Note: “damage” effects aren’t hits.)
Retain - Retained cards are not discarded at the end of the Player Turn. Some cards have a bonus if
you Retained them. After such cards leave your hand, they “forget” that they were ever Retained.
Scry X - Look at the top X cards of your deck. You may discard any number of them. Then put any
remaining cards back on top of your deck in the same order. You can’t Scry more cards than are in
your draw pile. Scrying has no effect if your draw pile is empty.
Status / - Status cards use the top or bottom effect, whichever icon is on the enemy that gave it
to you. The other effect is ignored that combat. Put the Status card on top of your discard pile. has
an Energy cost of 1. They return to the Status deck when Exhausted.
Strength (Max 8) – You deal +1 damage on each hit for each token you have. Enemies can also
gain .
Unplayable – Cards with “Unplayable” cannot be played and do not have an Energy cost. If an effect
attempts to play an Unplayable card (like Distilled Chaos), that card has no effect and is discarded.
Vulnerable (Max 3) – Add a token to the target, up to a limit of 3 per player or enemy. When
a player or enemy with tokens is attacked, damage from each hit in the Attack or enemy action
is doubled, then the target loses one token. Add damage bonuses like Strength before doubling.
Weak (Max 3) – Add a token to the target, up to a limit of 3 per player or enemy. When a
player or enemy with one or more tokens attacks, each in the Attack or enemy action deals -1
damage, then one token is removed. For attacks (ex. “ 2 ”) or multi-hit attacks (ex. “1 1 ”),
they still only lose a single .
Weak vs Vulnerable - If a Weak target attacks a Vulnerable target, the attack is unaffected
by both Weak and Vulnerable . After the attack, remove a token from the attacker, and
remove a token from all affected targets.