Agarwalgardner Decline Curves Analysis 2015

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Agarwal–Gardner Decline

Curves Analysis 5
The pseudo-pressure normalized flow rate (q/∆pp) and material balance time function tca
are introduced in the Blasingame method to establish type curves. The bottom hole flow-
ing pressure variation in production and variation of gas pressure–volume–temperature
(PVT) properties with formation pressure are also taken into account in this method. The
pseudo-pressure normalized flow rate (q/∆pp), material balance pseudo-time function tca,
and the relationship between the dimensionless parameters in transient well test are used
by Agarwal to establish the Agarwal–Gardner type curves. Because of the difference in
the definitions of dimensionless variables, the early part of type curves is more dispersed
than Blasingame type curves, which can reduce the ambiguity in the result of match-
ing analysis. This chapter mainly presents the theoretical basis of the Agarwal–Gardner
decline curves analysis method, which is suitable for the vertical well in closed circu-
lar homogeneous reservoirs, as well as the type curve plotting, and the curve matching
method. Furthermore, several case studies using the previous method are given.

5.1  Agarwal–Gardner Type Curves Plotting

5.1.1  Agarwal–Gardner Dimensionless Flow Rate
Assuming that there is a vertical well centered in a closed circular reservoir producing
at a constant rate q. The reservoir radius is re. The BHFP, reservoir thickness, initial
reservoir pressure, wellbore radius, reservoir porosity, total compressibility, perme-
ability, fluid viscosity, and formation volume factor are denoted by pwf, h, pi, rw, ϕ, Ct,
K, m, B, respectively. The skin effect is not considered. Under the basic SI unit system,
the following expression can be obtained as shown in Chapter 4.

1 ∂  ∂ pD  ∂ pD
 rD = (5.1)
rD ∂rD  ∂rD  ∂tD

pD ( rD , 0 ) = 0 (5.2)

 ∂ pD 
 rD ∂r  = −1 (5.3)
D rD =1

∂ pD
=0 (5.4)
rD = reD

Advanced Production Decline Analysis and Application

Copyright © 2015 Petroleum Industry Press. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
126 Advanced Production Decline Analysis and Application

The dimensionless variables are defined as follows

2π Kh ( pi − pwf ) Kt r re
pD = tD = rD = reD =
qµ B ϕµCt rw2 rw rw

The dimensionless time introduced by Agarwal et al. (1998) based on drainage

area is

Kt rw2 1
tDA = = tD = β tD
ϕµCt rw A π ( reD − 1) (5.5)
2 2

Substituting Eq. (5.5) into Eq. (5.1), we have

1 ∂  ∂ pD  ∂p
 rD  =β D (5.6)
rD ∂rD  ∂rD  ∂tDA

The Laplace space solution for the definite solution problem of Eq. (5.6), (5.2),
through (5.4) is

K1 reD β s( +
K0 β s ) ( ) 
pD =
1 
 (
I1 reD β s I0 β s) ( ) 
s β s  K1 β s

( )

I1 β s K1 reD β s ) ( )  (5.7)

 0
βs ( ) (
I 0 β s I1 reD β s) ( ) 
The definition of dimensionless flow rate is as follows
qD = (5.8)
L−1  pD 

 

Rearranging Eq. (5.8), we have

1 qµ B
qD = = (5.9)
pD 2π Kh ( pi − pwf )

5.1.2  Agarwal–Gardner Dimensionless Flow Rate Curves

The inverse of pressure solution at a constant flow rate 1/pD and dimensionless time
tDA is plotted in Figure 5.1. The decline curves controlled by reD include a cluster
Agarwal–Gardner Decline Curves Analysis 127

Figure 5.1  Agarwal–Gardner dimensionless flow rate curves

of curves in the transient flow stage. With the increase of reD, the decline curves
shift downward. The curve cluster results in a straight line with the slope of –1 in
the boundary-dominated flow stage. In the late stage of boundary-dominated flow
­(pseudo-steady state at constant flow rate production), we have

2t D 3
pD ≈ + ln reD − (5.10)
r −1
eD 4

Substituting Eq. (5.5) into Eq. (5.10), we have

3 (5.11)
pD = 2π tDA + ln reD −

Substituting Eq. (5.11) into Eq. (5.10), we have

1 1
qD = = (5.12)
pD 2π t DA + ln reD − 3 / 4

In the pseudo-steady state stage, when the dimensionless time tDA is much larger
than lnreD, the decline curves result in a straight line with a slope of –1 in the log–log
coordinate. Because of the difference in the definitions of dimensionless variables, the
Agarwal–Gardner type curves are more dispersed than Palacio–Blasingame (Palacio
and Blasingame, 1993) type curves (Figure 4.7), which can improve the matching
128 Advanced Production Decline Analysis and Application

5.1.3  Agarwal–Gardner Dimensionless Inverse Normalized

Pressure Derivative Curves
In order to improve the reliability of the analysis, Agarwal–Gardner introduced the
inverse normalized pressure derivative function, that is, 1/DER, given as under

1 1 1 1
= = = (5.13)
∂ p ∂ p
tDA D tDA p′D
∂ ln t DA ∂tDA

In the Laplace space,

 (
K1 reD β s K 0 β s
) ( ) 

p′D =
1 

I1 reD β s( )
I0 β s ( ) 
 (5.14)
( ) (
β s  K1 β s I1 β s K1 reD β s

) ( ) 
 0 βs ( ) ( ) (
I 0 β s I1 reD β s ) 

1 1
= −1 _ (5.15)
DER L [ p′D ] tDA

The Agarwal–Gardner inverse normalized pressure derivative curves are similar to the
Fetkovich decline curves, and the type curves can be separated into two parts. In the left
part, tDA < 0.1, which corresponds to the transient flow stage, which is mainly controlled
by reD. In the right part, tDA > 0.1, which corresponds to the late pseudo-steady state flow.
The type curves result in a straight line with the slope of –1 as shown in Figure 5.2.
In the Agarwal–Gardner decline curves as shown in Figure 5.3, the inverse normalized
pressure derivative curve is equivalent to the pressure derivative curve and has a similar
role to the well test pressure derivative, which could more easily recognize the different
transient flow states. When tDA = 0.1, transient flow turns into boundary-dominated flow.
The decline curve is a straight line with a slope of –1, and all curves have this feature.
However, this parameter requires high-quality data, and the derivative curve analysis will
be meaningless when the production data are distributed dispersedly.

5.1.4  Agarwal–Gardner Dimensionless Inverse Normalized

Pressure Integral Derivative Curves
By introducing the inverse normalized pressure integral derivative function, the previ-
ous problems can be solved. It is defined as
1 (5.16)
pDi =
tDA ∫ pD dtDA
Agarwal–Gardner Decline Curves Analysis 129

Figure 5.2  Agarwal–Gardner inverse normalized pressure derivative curves

Figure 5.3  Agarwal–Gardner dimensionless flow rate qD and inverse normalized pressure
derivative 1/DER curves

Differentiating Eq. (5.16), we have


tDA pD dtDA − ∫ pD dtDA

dpDi =
t DA
130 Advanced Production Decline Analysis and Application

Figure 5.4  Agarwal–Gardner inverse normalized pressure integral derivative 1/DERI curves

Substituting Eq. (5.17) into Eq. (5.13), we have

1 1 1
= = (5.18)
DERI t ∂ p Di pD − pDi
∂ t DA

As shown in Figure 5.4, the derivative curve retains the majority of the characteris-
tics of the “raw data” derivative, with less dispersion.

5.1.5  Agarwal–Gardner Decline Curve

The Agarwal–Gardner decline curves shown in Figure 5.5 are obtained by superposing
the previous three curves. Because of the difference in the definitions of dimensionless
variables, the Agarwal–Gardner decline curves are more dispersed than the Palacio and
Blasingame (1993) decline curves (Figure 4.7) in the early stage, which can improve
the matching analysis and achieve a lower ambiguity than the Blasingame method.

5.2  Decline Curves Analysis Using Agarwal–Gardner Style

Type Curves
5.2.1  Type Curves Matching Procedure—Oil Well
Similar to the Blasingame matching analysis procedure, the Agarwal–Gardner decline
curve matching analysis procedure of oil well is listed as under.
Agarwal–Gardner Decline Curves Analysis 131

Figure 5.5  Agarwal–Gardner decline curves (after Agarwal and Gardner, 1998)

1. Calculate the material balance time

tc =

2. Calculate the normalized rate

q q
∆p pi − pwf

3. Calculate the normalized pressure integral

 ∆p  1 p −p
  = ∫
(5.21) dτ
i wf

 q i tc 0

The subscript i represents integration.

4. Calculate the normalized pressure integral derivative

 ∆p   ∆p 
d  d 
 ∆p   q   q i
 q  = d ln t = tc dt

id c c

The subscript i represents integration, and d represents derivation.

132 Advanced Production Decline Analysis and Application

5. Calculate the inverse normalized pressure derivative

1 1 1
= =
DER  ∆p   ∆p 
∂  ∂  (5.23)
 q   q 
∂ln tc ∂tc

6. Calculate the inverse normalized pressure integral derivative

1 1 1
= =
DERI  ∆p   ∆p 
(5.24)∂  d 
 q   q i
∂ln tc dtc

The subscript i represents integration, and d represents derivation.

7. In the log–log coordinate system, plot the normalized rate, inverse normalized pressure de-
rivative, and inverse normalized pressure integral derivative curves versus material balance
q 1 1
time respectively, ~ tc , ~ tc , ~ tc .
8. Choose any of the three curves or any combination thereof to match the actual points with
the type curves (Figure 5.5), aiming to acquire the best matching of each curve.
9. According to the matching results, record the dimensionless drainage radius reD.
10. Randomly select a matching point, and record the actual matching point ( tc , q ∆p )M and
the corresponding theoretical matching point (tcDA, qD)M. If the reservoir thickness, total
compressibility, and wellbore radius are known, then we can calculate the reservoir perme-
ability, skin factor, drainage area, reserves, etc.
11. According to the rate matching point and Eq. (5.9), calculate the permeability, and we have

(q ∆p )M µ B
K= (5.25)

( D ) M 2π h

12. On the basis of the time matching point and the permeability determined in step (11), cal-
culate the drainage radius re

K  tc 
re = (5.26)
πϕµCt  tcDA  M

13. On the basis of reD determined in step (9), calculate the effective wellbore radius rwa

rwa = (5.27)
Agarwal–Gardner Decline Curves Analysis 133

14. Calculate the skin factor S

S = ln (5.28)

15. Calculate the original oil in place (OOIP) by the volumetric method

π re2ϕ hSo
N= (5.29)

5.2.2  Type Curves Matching Procedure—Gas Well

The procedure of Agarwal–Gardner curve matching analysis for gas well is similar to
that for oil well, as follows.
1. Calculate the material balance pseudo-time
Assuming reserves G, calculate the material balance pseudo-time for each production data

( µCt )i t

tca = ∫
dt =
p pi − p p )

q 0
() ()
µ p Ct p
q (5.30)

Please refer to the normalized pseudo-pressure pp in Eq. (4.57), and the average reservoir
pressure could be calculated according to Eq. (4.60).
2. Calculate the normalized rate

q q
= (5.31)
∆pp p pi − p pwf

3. Calculate the normalized pressure integral

 ∆p  ∆p
(5.32) ∫ dτ
p p
  =
 q i tca q

The subscript i represents integration.

4. Calculate the normalized pressure integral derivative

 ∆pp   ∆pp 
d  d
 ∆pp 
(5.33)  q i  q  i
 q  = d ln t = tca
id ca

The subscript i represents integration, and d represents derivation.

134 Advanced Production Decline Analysis and Application

5. Calculate the inverse normalized pressure derivative

1 1 1
= =
 p
p  ∆pp 
∂  ∂
 q   q 
∂ln tca ∂tca

6. Calculate the inverse normalized pressure integral derivative

1 1 1
= =
DERI  ∆pp   ∆pp  (5.35)
∂ d
 q   q  i
∂ln tca dtca

The subscript i represents integration, and d represents derivation.
7. In the Cartesian coordinate system, plot ~ tca curve and regress the data points
linearly; then apply the slope of the line to Eq. (4.65), calculate the value of G, repeat steps
(1)–(7) and make iterative computations until G meets the permissible error.

Slope × Cti

8. Prepare the log–log plot of the normalized rate, inverse normalized pressure derivative and
inverse normalized pressure integral derivative changing with material balance pseudo-
time, respectively, in the same coordinate system. In other words, we need to plot the
q 1 1
~ tca , ~ tca , and ~ tca curves.
9. Choose any of the three curves or any combination thereof to match the actual points with
the type curves (Figure 5.5), aiming to realize the best matching of each curve.
10. Record the dimensionless drainage radius reD according to the matching results.
11. Randomly choose a matching point, and record the actual matching point tca, q ∆pp ( M
and the corresponding theoretical matching point (tcaDA, qD)M. If the reservoir thickness,
total compressibility, and wellbore radius are known, then we can calculate the reservoir
permeability, skin factor, drainage area, reserves, etc.
12. Calculate the permeability according to the rate matching point and Eq. (5.9), and we have

K= M
( q ∆p )
p µB
( qD )M 2π h
Agarwal–Gardner Decline Curves Analysis 135

13. On the basis of the time matching point and the permeability determined in step (12), and
Eq. (5.5), calculate the drainage radius re

K  t 
re = 

πϕµCt  tcaDA  M

14. On the basis of reD determined in step (10), calculate the effective wellbore radius rwa

rwa = (5.39)

15. Calculate the skin factor S

S = ln w

16. Calculate the original gas in place (OGIP) by the volumetric method

π re2ϕ hSg
G= (5.41)

5.3  Case Study of Agarwal–Gardner Decline Curves Analysis

We still take the case in Section 4.4 as an example. The main parameters are as follows.
A gas well centered in a closed circular reservoir is producing at a variable rate and a
variable BHFP. The initial reservoir pressure is 30 MPa, the reservoir temperature is
80°C, the reservoir thickness is 10 m, the reservoir porosity is 0.1, the distance between
the well and boundary is 500 m, and the gas reserves are 2.0 × 108 m3. The relative
density of gas phase is 0.6, the pseudo-critical temperature is 195.697 K, the pseudo-
critical pressure is 4.66875 MPa, the reservoir permeability estimation from well
test is 2.0 mD, the skin factor is –5.52, the production time is 800 days, the cumulative
gas production is 11813 × 104 m3, the fluid viscosity is 0.0228 mPa·s, the rock com-
pressibility is 4.35113 × 10-4 MPa–1, the gas compressibility under initial condition is
0.0246 MPa–1, the gas formation volume factor under initial condition is 0.0039497,
and the production data have been listed in Table 4.1.
Neglecting the process of iterative computation for G, and assuming G = 2.0 × 108 m3
immediately, the analysis process is as follows.
1–5. Calculate the material balance pseudo-time and the relative normalized rate parameters.
 alculate the average reservoir pressure, normalized pseudo-pressure change, normalized
pseudo-time, normalized rate, inverse normalized pressure derivative, and inverse normal-
ized pressure integral derivative according to Eq. (4.60), (4.122), ­(5.30), (5.31), and (5.34),
the results are shown in Table 5.1.
136 Advanced Production Decline Analysis and Application

Table 5.1  Material

balance pseudo-time and the relative normalized
rate parameters of well B

∆ pp ∆ pp 1/ 1/
t q pwf pavg (pavg) (pwf) tca q/∆ pp DER DERI

d 103 m3/d MPa MPa MPa MPa d 103 m3/ MPa/103 m3/d

1 199.8 27.72 30.00 0.01 2.26 0.12 88.41 158.46 —
2 199.7 27.23 29.99 0.01 2.74 0.14 72.85 44.64 256.88
3 199.5 26.92 29.95 0.05 3.04 1.15 65.69 588.56 1423.95
4 199.4 26.70 29.91 0.09 3.25 2.16 61.30 428.98 941.90
5 199.2 26.53 29.87 0.13 3.42 3.17 58.23 369.39 719.67
6 199.0 26.38 29.83 0.17 3.56 4.17 55.91 339.73 606.07
7 198.9 26.26 29.79 0.21 3.68 5.18 54.08 320.79 537.72
8 198.7 26.16 29.75 0.25 3.78 6.19 52.58 308.04 492.12
9 198.6 26.06 29.71 0.29 3.87 7.19 51.32 298.76 459.42
10 198.4 25.98 29.67 0.33 3.95 8.20 50.24 291.06 434.83
20 196.8 25.41 29.27 0.73 4.49 18.18 43.82 231.12 326.79
30 195.3 25.01 28.88 1.11 4.88 28.06 40.04 171.36 268.76
40 193.7 24.64 28.50 1.49 5.22 37.84 37.08 130.40 223.53
50 192.2 24.29 28.13 1.86 5.56 47.54 34.58 104.71 188.86
60 190.6 23.94 27.77 2.21 5.88 57.16 32.41 87.40 162.42
70 189.1 23.60 27.41 2.56 6.20 66.70 30.52 74.77 141.98
80 187.6 23.27 27.06 2.90 6.50 76.17 28.84 65.35 125.93
90 186.1 22.94 26.72 3.24 6.80 85.57 27.35 58.06 113.04
100 184.6 22.62 26.38 3.56 7.10 94.92 26.01 52.09 102.52
110 183.2 22.31 26.05 3.88 7.38 104.21 24.80 47.48 93.77
120 181.7 22.00 25.73 4.19 7.66 113.46 23.71 44.04 86.42
130 180.2 21.69 25.41 4.49 7.94 122.66 22.71 40.41 80.14
140 178.8 21.39 25.00 4.89 8.20 134.53 21.80 37.88 76.25
150 177.4 21.10 24.90 4.98 8.46 138.22 20.96 34.41 68.77
160 176.0 20.81 24.61 5.26 8.72 146.93 20.19 32.48 64.75
170 174.6 20.53 24.32 5.52 8.96 155.65 19.48 30.96 61.19
180 173.2 20.25 24.04 5.79 9.21 164.39 18.81 29.42 58.03
190 171.8 19.97 23.76 6.05 9.44 173.13 18.19 27.94 55.18
200 170.4 19.70 23.49 6.30 9.67 181.89 17.62 26.78 52.63
210 169.1 19.43 23.22 6.55 9.90 190.66 17.08 25.65 50.31
220 167.7 19.17 22.95 6.80 10.12 199.44 16.57 24.54 48.19
230 166.4 18.91 22.68 7.04 10.34 208.22 16.09 23.60 46.25
240 165.1 18.65 22.42 7.28 10.55 217.02 15.64 22.73 44.47
250 163.7 18.40 22.16 7.52 10.76 225.83 15.22 21.94 42.81
260 162.4 18.15 21.90 7.75 10.96 234.65 14.82 21.13 41.29
270 161.1 17.91 21.65 7.97 11.16 243.48 14.44 20.45 39.87
280 159.9 17.66 21.40 8.20 11.36 252.31 14.08 19.76 38.55
290 158.6 17.42 21.15 8.42 11.55 261.16 13.74 19.10 37.31
300 157.3 17.19 20.90 8.63 11.73 270.02 13.41 18.50 36.16
310 156.1 16.95 20.66 8.85 11.92 278.89 13.10 17.92 35.06
320 154.8 16.72 20.42 9.06 12.09 287.77 12.80 17.39 34.04
330 153.6 16.49 20.18 9.26 12.27 296.65 12.52 16.88 33.07
340 152.4 16.27 19.95 9.46 12.44 305.55 12.25 16.47 32.16
Agarwal–Gardner Decline Curves Analysis 137

Table 5.1  Material

balance pseudo-time and the relative normalized
rate parameters of well B (cont.)
∆ pp ∆ pp 1/ 1/
t q pwf pavg (pavg) (pwf) tca q/∆ pp DER DERI
350 151.2 16.05 19.72 9.66 12.61 314.47 11.99 16.08 31.29
360 150.0 15.83 19.49 9.86 12.77 323.39 11.74 15.60 30.47
370 148.8 15.61 19.26 10.05 12.94 332.32 11.50 15.19 29.69
380 147.6 15.39 19.03 10.24 13.09 341.26 11.27 14.81 28.95
390 146.4 15.18 18.81 10.42 13.25 350.21 11.05 14.45 28.24
400 145.2 14.97 18.59 10.60 13.40 359.18 10.84 14.05 27.57
410 144.1 14.76 18.38 10.78 13.55 368.15 10.63 13.72 26.92
420 142.9 14.55 18.16 10.96 13.70 377.14 10.43 13.41 26.30
430 141.8 14.34 17.95 11.13 13.84 386.14 10.24 13.11 25.71
440 140.7 14.14 17.74 11.30 13.98 395.15 10.06 12.77 25.15
450 139.5 13.94 17.53 11.46 14.12 404.18 9.88 12.50 24.60
460 138.4 13.74 17.32 11.63 14.25 413.21 9.71 12.29 24.08
470 137.3 13.54 17.12 11.79 14.39 422.26 9.54 11.94 23.58
480 136.2 13.34 16.92 11.94 14.52 431.32 9.38 11.66 23.10
490 135.1 13.15 16.72 12.10 14.65 440.40 9.23 11.47 22.64
500 134.1 12.95 16.52 12.25 14.77 449.49 9.08 11.21 22.19
510 133.0 12.76 16.33 12.40 14.89 458.60 8.93 11.00 21.76
520 131.9 12.57 16.13 12.54 15.01 467.72 8.79 10.75 21.34
530 130.9 12.38 15.94 12.69 15.13 476.85 8.65 10.51 20.94
540 129.8 12.19 15.76 12.83 15.25 486.00 8.51 10.23 20.55
550 128.8 12.00 15.57 12.96 15.36 495.17 8.38 10.10 20.17
560 127.8 11.82 15.38 13.10 15.48 504.35 8.26 9.92 19.80
570 126.8 11.63 15.20 13.23 15.59 513.55 8.13 9.75 19.45
580 125.8 11.45 15.02 13.36 15.69 522.76 8.01 9.59 19.11
590 124.8 11.27 14.84 13.49 15.80 531.99 7.90 9.31 18.78
600 123.8 11.09 14.67 13.61 15.90 541.25 7.78 9.20 18.46
610 122.8 10.91 14.49 13.74 16.00 550.51 7.67 9.09 18.14
620 121.8 10.73 14.32 13.86 16.10 559.80 7.56 8.91 17.84
630 120.8 10.55 14.15 13.98 16.20 569.11 7.46 8.69 17.55
640 119.9 10.37 13.98 14.09 16.30 578.43 7.35 8.56 17.26
650 118.9 10.20 13.81 14.21 16.39 587.79 7.25 8.46 16.98
660 118.0 10.02 13.64 14.32 16.49 597.15 7.16 8.30 16.71
670 117.0 9.84 13.48 14.43 16.58 606.54 7.06 8.18 16.45
680 116.1 9.67 13.32 14.53 16.67 615.95 6.97 8.02 16.19
690 115.2 9.50 13.16 14.64 16.75 625.39 6.87 7.91 15.95
700 114.2 9.32 13.00 14.74 16.84 634.84 6.78 7.76 15.70
710 113.3 9.15 12.84 14.84 16.92 644.33 6.70 7.65 15.46
720 112.4 8.98 12.69 14.94 17.01 653.83 6.61 7.51 15.23
730 111.5 8.80 12.53 15.04 17.09 663.36 6.53 7.40 15.01
740 110.6 8.63 12.38 15.13 17.17 672.91 6.44 7.27 14.79
750 109.8 8.46 12.23 15.23 17.25 682.50 6.36 7.17 14.57
760 108.9 8.29 12.08 15.32 17.32 692.10 6.29 7.07 14.36
770 108.0 8.12 11.93 15.41 17.40 701.74 6.21 6.95 14.16
780 107.2 7.95 11.79 15.49 17.47 711.40 6.13 6.82 13.96
790 106.3 7.77 11.64 15.58 17.55 721.09 6.06 6.74 13.76
800 105.5 7.60 11.50 15.66 17.62 730.81 5.99 6.62 13.57
138 Advanced Production Decline Analysis and Application

Figure 5.6  Agarwal–Gardner rate functions for well B

6. Plot log–log relationships of ~ tca , 1 DER ~ tca , and 1 DERI ~ tca curves, as shown
in Figure 5.6. ∆pp
7. Match type curve (Figure 5.6) with the actual production history curve, as shown in
Figure 5.7.
8. Record the dimensionless drainage radius reD = 20.
9. Choose the actual matching point (290, 108)M and the corresponding theoretical matching
point (1, 1)M to simplify the calculation.

Figure 5.7  Matches of production data for well B: Agarwal–Gardner

Agarwal–Gardner Decline Curves Analysis 139

10. Calculate permeability according to the rate matching point and Eq. (5.9). The following
expression is obtained under the SI unit system

( q ∆p ) p M (
µ B 1.866 × q ∆pp M µ B
( q D ) M 2π h ( qD ) M h
1.866 × (108 × 1000 ) × 0.0228 × 0.0039497
1 × 10
= 1.81mD (5.42)

11. On the basis of the time matching point and the permeability determined in step (12), and
Eq. (5.38), calculate the drainage radius re

K  tca  3.6 × 10 −3 K  tca 

re =   =
πϕµCt  tcaDA  M πϕµCt  tcaDA  M
3.6 × 10 −3 × 1.81  290 × 24  (5.43)
=   = 507.3 m
3.14159 × 0.1 × 0.0228 × 0.0246  1 M

According to Eq. (5.38) and Eq. (5.42), the following expression is obtained under the SI
unit system

re =
3.6 × 10 −3 B  tca  1.866 × q ∆pp ) M

πϕ hCt  tcaDA  M ( qD )M
2.1383 × 10 −3 B  tca   q ∆pp 
=  t   q  (5.44)
ϕ hCt caDA  M 

2.1383 × 10 −3 × 0.0039497  290 × 24   108 × 1000 

re =    
0.1 × 10 × 0.0246 1 M 1 M
= 508.0 m (5.45)

12. Calculate the effective wellbore radius rwa

re 508
rwa = =
(5.46) = 25.4m
reD 20

13. Calculate the skin factor

rw 0.1
S = ln
(5.47)= ln = −5.54
rwa 25.4
140 Advanced Production Decline Analysis and Application

14. Calculate the OGIP by volumetric method

π re2ϕ hSg 3.14 × 5082 × 0.1 × 10 × 1

G= = = 2.05 × 108 m 3 (5.48)
Bgi 0.0039497

Substituting Eq. (5.44) into Eq. (5.41), we have

π re2ϕ hSg πϕ hSg 2.1383 × 10 −3 B  tca   q ∆pp 

G= =  t   q 
Bgi Bgi ϕ hCt caDA  M  D M (5.49)
6.7177 × 10 −3  tca   q ∆pp 
=  t   q  Sg
Ct caDA  M  D M

We have

6.7177 × 10 −3  290 × 24   108 × 1000 

G=     × 1.0
0.0246  1 M 1 M
= 2.05 × 10 m
8 3

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