Coat of Arm

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Name: Lalaine Vargas ________________Course/Year: BSBA-HRM1A Sched: 7:30-9:00 A.

IRS 1-Ncean Development Program Summative Assessment II

1st Semester 2021-22

Performance Based-Task Prompt

Year Level: First Year Students

Activity: Creating Emblem/Coat of Arm

ILO: Create own Core Values in life through an emblem

The objective of this activity is to assess the application of your learnings about the topic NCF
Core Values. In this task, you are assigned to create an illustration of your own interpretation of
the NCF Core Values through an emblem or coat of arms. The template to be used is provided
and attached here. This will be done individually and outputs will be submitted by turning in on
your google classroom on or before the set deadline. Rubric is provided for the grading
assessment of your submission.

Please be guided by the attached rubric

Criteria Exemplary Excellent Acceptable Needs
(10pts) (8pts) (6pts) Improvement

Clarity Emblem shows The emblem shows The emblem The emblem
clearness of ideas and eighty percent of demonstrates sixty design is not
can be easily clearness of ideas and percent of the related to the
understood a bit confusing understanding of topic.
Originality The emblem and text The emblem and text The sixty percent The emblem
used on the design used on the design ideas used on the doesn’t
activity reflects an activity reflects design activity are demonstrate any
exceptional degree or student eighty based from others original ideas. All
hundred percent of percent of creativity idea. information used
student creativity in his in his output. are based from
output. the internet.

Attractivenes The output is The output is The output achieved The design of the
s exemplary attractive in attractive in terms of its sixty percent activity is
terms of design, layout design, layout and attractiveness in distracting to the
and neatness. neatness. terms of design, eyes of the
layout and neatness. viewer.

Relevance The emblem shows The emblem shows The emblem shows The emblem does
exceptional or hundred eighty percent sixty percent not show any
percent relatedness to relatedness to the relatedness to the relationship to
the topic and easy to topic and easy to topic. Unrelated topic the topic.
understand. understand. and design are
sometimes used.

“Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep

moving forward. If you want to fly, you have
to give up what weighs you down.”

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