ATT-TELCO-812-000-159-AOtX Methods and Procedures
ATT-TELCO-812-000-159-AOtX Methods and Procedures
ATT-TELCO-812-000-159-AOtX Methods and Procedures
C&E Application: AOtX Methods and Procedures
This M&P outlines the process to be followed for Outside Plant Design Engineering personnel to follow when
sending a new engineering work order through the AOtX interface for the creation of data in the LFACS and
Granite databases.
Wireline Construction & Engineering Employees Region(s): 21-State Center(s): NA
Effective Date:
Scott Arthur ATTUID sa2761 Rob Eacott ATTUID re1828 Joanie Sapp ATTUID es0597
Table Of Contents
Reason For Current Issue
1. Introduction to AOtX 1
2. AOtX Functionality 3
3. Basic Dependencies 6
4. Adding F1 Cable 6
5. Serving Area Interfaces and Cross-boxes 6
5.1. SAI Replacements 7
6. Buffer Zone Pairs 8
7. Distribution Terminals 9
7.1. T-Commit Pairs 9
8. New/Existing Copper Facility Address 12
8.1. P and S Commit Pairs 12
8.2. CT Loops in LFACS 13
9. Sample Copper Project 14
10. Copper Terminal Activations/Expansions 24
10.1. Existing SAI - All Regions 24
10.1.1. Terminal Count Activations/Expansions – In Counts 25
10.1.2. Terminal Count Activations/Expansions – Out Counts 33
10.1.3. Warnings and Error Messages on Activation/Expansion Dialogue 36
Box - Midwest, Northeast, Southwest and West Regions Only
10.1.4. Unable to Determine Correct Binding Post - Midwest, Northeast, 37
Southwest and West Regions Only
10.1.5. Terminal and Count Restrictions and Remarks 41
11. Resolving LFACS Errors - All Regions 41
12. CTAP Tasks: Cable Throw, Recon, LST, FLST, Splice and Load Coil - All 51
12.1. Cable Throw and Recon 51
12.2. LST 53
12.3. Splice and Load Coil Tasks 57
12.3.1. Splice Tasks 57
12.3.2. Load Coil Task 57
12.3.3. Fiber LST 58
16.4.7. GPON Conversion Review Screen for EGPON and RGPON - All 153
16.4.8. GPON G.FAST DPU ONX & 7367-ONX Terminal - All Regions 154
16.4.9. Add a New Facility Address to an Existing MDU-ONT - All Regions 163
16.5. FTTX Conversion Projects - Southeast Only 169
16.6. Granite LU and Build Type Flags 181
16.7. FTTP Non-Candidate Scenarios - All Regions 185
17. Project Level Completions - Midwest, Northeast, Southwest and West 187
18. The AOtX Web Site 187
18.1. Establishing an AOtX Userid 189
18.2. Logging In 191
18.3. Web Functionality 192
18.3.1. Ad-hoc Reports 193
18.3.2. AOtX Status Report 193
18.3.3. AOtX History Report 199
18.3.4. AOtX Pending Projects Report 200
18.3.5. Wire Center Mapping Report 200
18.3.7. NIDS Living Unit Report 202
18.3.8. Granite and LFACS Errors Table 203
18.3.9. AOtX Wire Center Table 206
18.3.10. EWO Functions 208
18.3.11. Engineering Functions 208 Add A Terminal to NIDS 209 Cancel Project 210 Change LFACS Makeup 210 CTAP Status Report 210 Delete A Project from AOtX 213 Generate A PFP Jumper Report 214 Modify ION On Job 217 Put a Job in Trouble on Hold 218 Remove A Task From Manual Mode And Restart Processing 220 Reset Items IP (in-progress) - LFACS ONLY 221 Reset Granite Items 222
All Methods and Procedures in this document adhere to AT&T’s competition policy which includes compliance with
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72 11/14/17 sa2761
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1. Introduction to AOtX
AOtX (Automated Outside Plant to X (LFACS/GRANITE) is an application created to mechanize inventory build
from ARAMIS-DT, BSTCAD or OPTI into LFACS and GRANITE. ARAMIS-DT is the standard work print tool used in
the Midwest and West regions, BSTCAD is the standard work print tool used in the Southeast region and OPTI is
the standard work print tool used in the East and Southwest regions. The system architecture is depicted in the
graphic below. (Figure 1)
The standard work print processes will be read by Middleware programming. The information will be translated to
computer language and the FCIF header messages will be sent to LFACS for inventory builds for certain LFACS
transactions. Some examples are adding cables, adding terminals, adding addresses and adding dedicated pair
information. Loop makeup will also be added to new terminals.
The functionality described in this document consolidates previous M&P documentation of AOtX deployed in sever-
al releases in the East, Midwest, Southwest and West regions beginning in November, 2003 and the Southeast
region beginning February 18, 2008. This document will then be revised with each additional release of AOtX.
The first releases of this interface were called AOtL (ARAMIS-DT/OPTI to LFACS) but has since been
changed to AOtX (Automated Outside Plant to LFACS/Granite). For purposes of this document acronyms
AOtL and AOtX are interchangeable.
2. AOtX Functionality
This 21-State document is intended to consolidate previous M&P documents on the C&E OSS Web site, as well as
more recent documents stored in the Apex repository. The table below is a list of AOtX Inventory functionality. It is
important to note that not all regions have the same functionality.
Web-based training courses are available via the Elink Learning Solution Overview (LSO) site. For the
Midwest, West and Southwest regions course number 51433875, for the Southeast region course number
ADD CA (BAU Copper) This transaction is used to build new BAU F1 cop- East, Midwest, Southwest
per cables that terminate on the CO Frame and West
ADD TERM This transaction is used to add the two basic types All Regions
of terminals in LFACS: cross-connect boxes (includ-
ing pseudo VRAD terminals) and distribution termi-
nals. Adding SAI terminals on the work print and
sending them to LFACS using the ADD TERM
transaction builds distribution cable and counts into
LFACS. This transaction will also be used when an
SAI or distribution terminal is being replaced.
ADD CA (PG) This transaction is used to add a shell for any new Southeast
BAU Pair Gain cables (SLC5, SLC96, etc.)
CHG CA (BAU Copper) This transactions will build BAU copper cable inven- East, Midwest, Southwest
tory changes. and West
CHG TERM This transaction is used to change the name or All regions
count of an existing distribution terminal or cross-
ADD FALP This transaction is used to add facility addresses All regions
and the first dedicated loop to LFACS when dedica-
ted pairs are involved.
CHG MU This transaction is used to add or update loop make All regions
up to LFACS for new or changed terminals.
Automatic LCAT Notification This function automatically notifies LCAT when an All regions
FTTN job is built into LFACS and GRANITE
ADD BTERM Builds new MDU ONT, PFP, Splitter, FST as well as East, Midwest, Southwest,
the derived fiber cable from the CO or Remote to West
the Splitter, Splitter cable and the derived PON
leaving the PFP.
CHG BTERM Allows changes to cards on existing MDU ONT's East, Midwest, Southwest,
and make changes to terminal names and ports for West
FTTP terminals.
HUT/CEV Associated with VRAD Allows automated builds of FTTN builds with associ- All regions
Send dedicated ports (FTTP) Allows dedicated ports (fiber stands) on new FST to East, Midwest, Southwest,
New VRAD/multiple SAIs. Allows build of a new VRAD to multiple SAI's (new, All regions
replacement, activation, or expansion).
Multiple new VRAD/SAI Allows the build of multiple new VRAD to an associ- All regions
ated SAI (new, replacement, activation or expan-
Split Pigtail (FN, Tie Cable) Allows builds of split counts for Pigtail (FN, Tie Ca- All regions
counts ble) counts.
New VRAD/Distribution Terminal Allows builds of VRADS associated to a Distribution All regions
Terminal (new, replacement, activation or expan-
Movement of Binding Post/Pigtail Allows for binding post moves between IN and OUT All regions
Cables (FN or Tie Cables) counts of the SAI for Pigtail cables (FN or Tie Ca-
bles) terminations.
Build CABLE ASSOCIATIONS in- AOtX will build CABLE ASSOCIATIONS into All regions
to GRANITE GRANITE and reflect the status of the ASSOCIA-
TIONS on the AOtX Routing Report
Ability to split Tie Cable counts AOtX allows a job to be built where the Tie Cable All regions
counts are not on consecutive shelves going to the
same SAI.
Ability to terminate Tie Cable pairs AOtX allows a job to be drawn that terminates Tie East, Southeast, and South-
in less than 200 pair increments. Cable pairs in less than 200 pair increments (i.e. west regions only
300 pairs).
Create EGPON inventory AOtX provides the ability to create EGPON invento- All regions
ry. EGPON (Ericsson Gigabit Passive Optical Net-
work). is GRANITE controlled and will be built into
Add additional splitters to an exist- With release 8.0 the Work Print Creator has the West, Midwest, Southwest
ing PFP in both LFACS and ability to add additional splitters to an existing PFP and East
GRANITE. when this information is input using the drawing
tool. (LFACS assignment controlled ALCATEL
Ability to add an Ericsson GPON AOtX provides the ability to add an Ericsson GPON All regions
MDU-ONT and fiber jumper to MDU-ONT and the fiber jumper. EGPON (Ericsson
GRANITE only. Gigabit Passive Optical Network) is GRANITE con-
trolled and therefore the inventory is only built into
GRANITE. Note: EGPON is not being deployed in
the 12-State region at this time.
Create fiber cross-connect jumper AOtX provides the ability to add the fiber cross-con- Southeast Only
at the PFP for EGPON (Ericsson nect jumper at the PFP. The ability to build the ONT
Gigabit Passive Optical Network). was provided in AOtX 7.0 and AOtX 8.0 adds the
ability for the fiber cross connect jumper.
Add a new facility address to an AOtX provides the ability to add a new facility ad- All regions
existing Ericsson MDUONT in dress to an existing Ericsson MDU-ONT into GRAN-
GRANITE only ITE only. Ericsson GPON is GRANITE controlled
and is not inventoried into LFACS.
3. Basic Dependencies
AOtX will create items of plant in the LFACS database as per pre-determined dependency rules. For example, a
cable must exist before it can be terminated in a terminal or SAI. The SAI must exist before a distribution terminal
can be built behind it, and a distribution terminal must exist before a facility address can be created and a facility
address must exist in order for a P or S commit loop can be established.
4. Adding F1 Cable
For the West, Midwest, and Southwest regions AOtX will add new F1 copper cables into LFACS. These cables
must be sourced to the CO (Central Office) and must not already exist in LFACS. DPG (Digital Pair Gain) cables
are created by PIB. BAU PG (Business As Usual Pair Gain), FH (Fiber Hubbed) and WB (Wide Band) cables must
be created manually by the EWO group. The Southeast functionality varies in that for the Southeast, AOtX will add
new or expand existing BAU PG cables in LFACS. However, since AOtX cannot derive all required information from
the work print, such as plug status and RLA (Remote Location Address), the BAU PG will be built as just a shell.
The EWO group will need to add additional information once the cable is built. A remark will be indicated on the
AOtX Routing Report indicating that additional data is required.
For purposes of this document all copper interface type terminals will be referred to as SAI's.
Replacement SAI is identical address The F2 cable is identical in AOtX will make existing terminal –old and
as the existing SAI, and the F1 read- both name and size will also add –old to the F2 cable name and
ing is identical in both count and build the new SAI and create a new F2
binding post appearance
Replacement SAI is identical address The F2 cable is identical in AOtX will make existing terminal –old and
as the existing SAI, and the F1 read- name, but a different size and will also add –old to the F2 cable name and
ing is identical in both count and no distribution terminals have build the new SAI and create a new F2
binding post appearance been added behind the expan-
ded F2 count
Replacement SAI is identical address The F2 cable is identical in AOtX will make existing terminal –old and
as the existing SAI, and the F1 read- name, but a different size AND will also add –old to the F2 cable name and
ing is identical in both count and distribution terminals have also build the new SAI and create a new F2 and
binding post appearance been added behind the expan- post the distribution terminals behind the
ded F2 count new F2
Replacement SAI is identical address The F2 cable name is different AOtX will make existing terminal –old and
as the existing SAI, and the F1 read- will also add –old to the F2 cable name and
ing is identical in both count and build the new SAI and create a new F2
binding post appearance
Replacing an SAI where new SAI ad- The F2 cable is identical in Engineering will need to contact EWO prior
dress is different from existing SAI, both name and size to submitting the project to LFACS and have
and the F1 reading is identical in both EWO change the existing F2 cable name to
count and binding post appearance add -OLD - this will allow the new SAI to
build and create the new F2 cable
Replacing an SAI where new SAI ad- The F2 cable is identical in Engineering will need to contact EWO prior
dress is different from existing SAI, name, but a different size to submitting the project to LFACS and have
and the F1 reading is identical in both EWO change the existing F2 cable name to
count and binding post appearance add -OLD - this will allow the new SAI to
build and create the new F2 cable
Replacing an SAI where new SAI ad- The F2 cable name is different AOtX will build the new SAI
dress is different from existing SAI,
and the F1 reading is identical in both
count and binding post appearance
Replacement SAI is identical address The F2 cable is identical in AOtX will make existing terminal –old and
as the existing SAI, and the F1 read- both name and size will also add –old to the F2 cable name and
ing is different in either count and/or build the new SAI and create a new F2
binding post appearance
Replacement SAI is identical address The F2 cable is identical in AOtX will make existing terminal –old and
as the existing SAI, and the F1 read- name, but a different size will also add –old to the F2 cable name and
ing differs in either count and/or bind- build the new SAI and create a new F2
ing post appearance
Replacement SAI is identical address The F2 cable name is different AOtX will make existing terminal –old and
as the existing SAI, and the F1 read- build new term with new F2
ing differs in either count and/or bind-
ing post appearance
Replacing an SAI where new SAI ad- The F2 cable is identical in Engineering will need to contact EWO prior
dress is different from existing SAI, both name and size to submitting the project to LFACS and have
and the F1 reading differs from exist- EWO change the existing F2 cable name to
ing in either count and/or binding post add -OLD - this will allow the new SAI to
appearance build and create the new F2 cable
Replacing an SAI where new SAI ad- The F2 cable is identical in Engineering will need to contact EWO prior
dress is different from existing SAI, name, but a different size to submitting the project to LFACS and have
and the F1 reading differs from exist- EWO change the existing F2 cable name to
ing in either count and/or binding post add -OLD - this will allow the new SAI to
appearance build and create the new F2 cable
Replacing an SAI where new SAI ad- The F2 cable name is different AOtX will build new SAI with new F2
dress is different from existing SAI,
and the F1 reading differs from exist-
ing in either count and/or binding post
7. Distribution Terminals
AOtX has the functionality via the ADD TERM and CHG TERM transactions to add new or replacement terminals to
LFACS. To qualify as a replacement, the new distribution terminal being placed must have the identical name as
the existing distribution terminal to be removed. AOtX will perform a CHG TERM transaction in LFACS and add -
OLD to the existing distribution terminal and then create the new distribution terminal via the ADD TERM transac-
tion. All distribution terminals added to LFACS will have a restriction placed at the terminal level to prevent service
order flow through until such time the project is complete. Once the project is complete, these restrictions will need
to be removed manually by the EWO group.EXCEPTION: Distribution terminals marked with the replacement flag
will not be restricted as to not hinder processing of the typically associated Recon task.
RULE: LFACS logic dictates that an item must exist before it can be changed. LFACS will verify the old
terminal information exist as the change indicates, and will return an error if it does not. With this in mind,
the user must recognize that terminal addresses, pair ranges and facility addresses must be entered
correctly in order for the system to find the terminal in order to process a change to it.
Ability to Add Commit Status to Defective Pair The Work Print Creator has the ability to show a P, S or T commit
on a pair which is shown to have a defective status in LFACS, however the pair will remain defective. P, S and T
commit pairs passed to LFACS via FEI will have the defect removed automatically before the creation of the P, S or
T commit.
Revised T-commit Processing Due to LFACS limitations and FEI Processes, Work Print Creators have been
receiving an ERROR when attempting to send through a new T-commit on a job where FEI has already posted
those T-commits. Also, currently the failure for AOtX to post a T-commit is not a resolvable error. The following
process changes AOtX R6.0 will alleviate these issues. • ON REPLACEMENT TERMINALS ONLY: AOtXwill
remove the existing T-Commit pair(s) from the old terminal involved in the replacement. This will allow the terminal
being replaced to be renamed to "-old" and the T-Commit pair(s) to be posted in the new terminal. The T-commit
would have to be indicated on the work print in the new terminal or would have to be rerun via FEI after job comple-
tion. The Work Print Creator will now have the ability to change an ERROR on a T-commit to ERR2 and add routing
comments for EWO.
Only NEW TCommit pairs can be created through AOtX for the following scenarios:
Currently, the Southeast region's drawing tool, BSTCAD, will only send a new TCOMMIT pair when creating
a new terminal.
Below is an example of a new TCOMMIT pair being added to an existing distribution terminal will be displayed on
the AOtX Send to LFACS screen. (Figure 2)
Figure 2:
Currently, the drawing tools only have the ability to show a TCOMMIT pair as NEW, so if the TCOMMIT pair
is existing in LFACS, it should not be shown on the current project.
Existing facility addresses associated with terminal replacements will need to be indicated as RECON on the termi-
nal attribute screen. This will be discussed in more detail in a later section.
The input of a facility address is standard across 22 states, in that it should match the SAG, which is governed by
the addressing authority/agent for that area. Some fuzzy matching capabilities will exist such as:
• Entry of special characters in the number or street name field. An address such as 2345 ½ could be
found without the ½. The search will look at the entire number range for that street and bring back all
possibilities, including ½ if it exists. The user will then be able to select the correct address from the list
• Entry of a special character in the street name, such as the ‘ in Malone’s Dr., would not absolutely have to
be present on the terminal attribute screen. The SAG match will return any variation of the name Malone,
including Malones and Malone’s. The user again will have the opportunity to choose the correct address
from those returned.
• Variations of spelling will also bring up a list of candidates. For example, 2300 E St. Luis blvd. would bring
back 2300 E St. Louis blvd. as a candidate match for that entry.
WARNING: Gross misspelling of any street name will prevent the AOtX SAG engine from finding a
valid candidate and will require the user to perform further investigation to determine correct street
name spelling.
Ability to Add Commit Status to Defective Pair: AOtXhas the ability to show a P, S or T commit on a pair which
is shown to have a defective status in LFACS, however the pair will remain defective. P, S and T commit pairs
passed to LFACS via FEI will have the defect removed automatically before the creation of the P, S or T commit.
See example in (Figure 3)
Figure 3:
selected prior to the items being submitted to LFACS. For detailed information on this functionality, please refer to
the Create CT Loop in LFACS document housed in the Shared Documents section of the AOtX SharePoint site.
In the West, Southwest and Midwest regions, AOtX has a built an interface with the SAG group. AOtX will generate
a SAG notice to alert the SAG group that a street addresses is being added to LFACS that is not currently in the
SAG database. The screen below will appear any time a new facility address is added, that was not SAG validated
within the ARAMIS-DT or OPTI drawing tools.
(Figure 4)
All street names will all appear on one screen and include all address numbers on that street that need to be valida-
ted. The Work Print Creator must select the correct Zip Code from the list provided for each street on the screen.
They will not be able to “Send Email” if multiple zip codes are left in that field. Next the user will select “Refresh” to
move to the next screen. (Figure 4)
Populating the fields on this form and clicking “Send Email” will allow the address information to be emailed to the
appropriate SAG Bureau for investigation and entry to permanent PREMIS/ASON/Billing records. Should any
changes to spelling or format of the address occur upon investigation and entry to the permanent SAG records, the
changes will be forwarded to the MLAC/AFRC via methods currently in place in each region. MLAC/AFRC then
assumes responsibility for facility address updates in the LFACS database should they be required. Next the user
will select “Refresh” to move to the next screen.
Projects should not be routed to the AOtX interface with temporary LOT numbers used for facility address-
es, as these cannot be SAG validated, nor would they be a candidate for “Pending Sag Validation”.
The Work Print Creator will then be presented with the AOtX Change Terminal Validation Menu. The BSTCAD
drawing tool currently used by the Southeast region passes binding post information to AOtX, so for the Southeast,
there will be no action on this screen other than to select the Next button. In the West, Southwest and Midwest
regions, binding post information is not passed from the drawing tools, so any terminals that are involved with a
count activation will be displayed on this screen with an associated hyperlink so the Work Print Creator may input
the associated binding posts. This will be explained in more detail in a later section of this document. (Figure 5)
Figure 5:
The Work Print Creator will then be presented the Send to LFACS screen with all data that is eligible to be sent to
LFACS displayed along with the status indicated. (Figure 6)
Figure 6:
By clicking on the underlined number beneath the terminal address, the Work Print Creator will be presented with
the data that will be sent to LFACS for that item. (Figure 7)
Figure 7:
Once the data is reviewed for accuracy, the Work Print Creator would click on the Select All button, then the submit
button to begin sending the data to LFACS. (Figure 8).
Figure 8:
When the Submit button is selected, the Sending to LFACS - Results screen appears. The word Status is a hyper-
link that when selected will return the Work Print Creator to the Send to LFACS screen with the items displaying the
updated status. (Figure 9)
Figure 9:
At the bottom of this screen there is now a Refresh button, that when clicked will update the screen with the current
status. (Figure 10)
Figure 10:
Once the project is finished sending to LFACS, all items should have a DONE status. Different status values will be
discussed in a later section. (Figure 11)
Figure 11:
The screens depicted in Figures 14 through 18 will not be presented, nor do they apply to the SE Region
users, as BSTCAD automatically sends the binding posts information to AOtX. Work Print Creators in the
SE Region will go straight to the screen indicating 'No Terminals to Review' shown in Figure 17.
Figure 12:
Once the review button is selected, AOtX will display proposed terminal count activations/expansions as entered in
ARAMIS-DT/OPTI if detected. The first dialogue box will entitled “ENTER BP FOR IN-COUNT ACTIVATIONS:” will
show the cable and pair ranges that are indicated in ARAMIS-DT/OPTI as being added to the terminal being
The left hand column shows the cable and pair count being activated/expanded as entered in the ARAMIS-DT/OPTI
terminal attribute screen. The column on the right is where the user will specify the starting binding post to be used
in the LFACS terminal count. Below these columns the Work Print Creator is given an example of what is available
for assignable binding posts in LFACS to use as a guide. This display shows the terminal count as it currently exists
in LFACS. The left hand column shows the cable and count. The middle column shows the current low binding post
for the count in LFACS. The right hand column shows the high binding post for the count in LFACS. The remarks
column indicates which counts are available to be selected as the new binding posts in LFACS for the proposed
activated/expanded counts. This example shows that the proposed new count (1:301-350) can be inventoried
beginning at BP 301 in the right hand column of the dialogue. (Figure 13)
Figure 13:
Once the binding post data is filled in and the Work Print Creator selects the Submit button, the following screen
appears. This screen allows the Work Print Creator to review the changes they submitted before actually submitting
them, and the opportunity to make corrections if needed. Once all data is review for accuracy, select the Submit
button. (Figure 14)
Figure 14:
The following acknowledgement will be displayed to advise the Work Print Creator that the changes they indicated
have been accepted. Once received, this screen may be closed. (Figure 15)
Figure 15:
The Work Print Creator will then be returned to the Change Terminal Review Validation Menu and select the
Refresh button. (Figure 16)
Figure 16:
Once all terminals have been reviewed, the Work Print Creator will see the screen displayed as below and the Next
button will be enabled. (Figure 17)
Figure 17:
The next screen the Work Print Creator will see is the Send to LFACS screen. Notice the Status of the XBOX is
showing CHG rather than NEW, because this was an existing SAI. (Figure 18)
Figure 18:
Before submitting the project to LFACS, the Work Print Creator should click on the blue IPID/ION hyperlink beneath
the terminal address (hyperlink shown in Figure 19) to display the data that will be sent to LFACS. (Figure 20)
Figure 19:
Figure 20:
The remaining steps are the same as those described in section 9. Errors will be addressed in a later section.
The screens depicted in Figures 21 and 22 will not be presented, nor do they apply to the SE Region users,
as BSTCAD automatically sends the binding posts information to AOtX. Work Print Creators in the SE
Region will go straight to the screen indicating 'No Terminals to Review' shown in Figure 19.
Figure 21:
Figure 22:
• WARNING: You have selected an IN-COUNT binding post higher than what LFACS has.: Means that the
Work Print Creator chose a binding post higher than what LFACS had on the IN-COUNT side. Just a
warning to the Work Print Creator to indicate they are exceeding the high binding post. This warning is
expected when sending an expansion on the F1 side of the crossbox.
• WARNING: You have selected an OUT-COUNT binding post higher than what LFACS has.: Means that
the Work Print Creator chose a binding post higher than what LFACS had on the OUT-COUNT side. Just
a warning to the Work Print Creator to indicate they are exceeding the high binding post. This warning is
expected when sending an expansion on the F2 side of the crossbox.
• Error Message: Selection of BP Values other than Current LFACS INCOUNT LBP values remarked with
Available are prohibited. This indicates the Work Print Creator chose a binding post on the IN-COUNT
side currently occupied by live pairs.
• Error Message: Selection of BP Values other than Current LFACS OUTCOUNT LBP values remarked
with Available are prohibited. This indicates Work Print Creator chose a binding post on the OUT-COUNT
side currently occupied by live pairs.
• Error Message: BP Values chosen from Available INCOUNT list should not be repeated . This indicates
the Work Print Creator entered multiple binding posts on the IN-COUNT side with the same value.
Figure 23:
Once the user clicks on Submit, the following message is displayed. (Figure 24)
Figure 24:
Once the screen above is closed, the Work Print Creator will be returned to the AOtXCHANGE TERMINAL VALIDA-
TION MENU. (Figure 25)
Figure 25:
Once all terminals have been reviewed, the Work Print Creator will be presented the Send to LFACS screen, noting
that the terminal has been placed in ERR2 status. (Figure 26)
Figure 26:
Selecting the ERR2 hyperlink will display the following message. (Figure 27)
Figure 27:
The job can now be submitted to LFACS. The appropriate EWO office will review the changes and update LFACS if
necessary, or notify the work print creator of changes necessary to the job to get the count to flow per the ERR2
EWO resolution option used now.
Figure 28:
Figure 29:
If a cable throw drops for manual assistance at either of the LFACS transactions of Setup EWO or Add Throw, the
manual flag will be indicated in the ENG column and the error resolution will need to be handled by the Engineering
group. Once the issue has been resolved, the processing can be restarted from the Engineering Functions menu on
the AOtX web site.
Link to LFACS or Granite Error Tables. If ERRORs are received, the Work Print Creator will have an opportunity to
fix the errors and resend the items of network back through AOtX for processing by clicking on the “Resolve
Errors/Add Routing Comments” link. There are two types of errors, hard and soft. A 'hard' error will have an asterisk
in place of a check box next to the error and will not allow the Work Print Creator to bypass the error. A ‘hard’ error
must be corrected on the work print and resent. A ‘soft’ error will have a selectable check box next to the item(s) the
Work Print Creator wishes to set to ERR2 and pass to LFACS along with a routing comment to EWO as to why the
item of plant cannot be corrected at the work print level and must be manually entered into the LFACS data base. If
an item in ERROR status has dependent items, the user will need to select all associated items to set all to ERR2.
For example, if a distribution terminal errors, then the LMU will error along with any living units being added to that
distribution terminal, etc. After the information for the EWO group has been entered in the text box below, select the
Submit button (Figure 30)
Figure 30:
LMUs with greater than 10 lines of LMU input will be automatically updated to reflect ERR2 and the EWO
group will need to manually post the LMU as accurately as possible. An email will be generated to the EWO
group mailbox for notification.
Once the Submit button is selected on the previous screen, the Work Print Creator will receive the acknowledgement
screen pictured below. (Figure 31)
Figure 31:
Once the above screen is closed, the Work Print Creator is returned to the Send to LFACS screen. To see the
updated status, the Work Print Creator will need to attempt to send the project from the drawing tool again. When
the Send to LFACS screen is displayed, the status of the item(s) selected will reflect ERR2. (Figure 32)
It is NEVER acceptable to set the status of an SAI associated with a VRAD, SEM or IPDSLAM to ERR2.
Granite uses binding post information gathered from a successful Send to LFACS, in order to create the
SAI equipment in Granite. Therefore, the SAI must be created/updated by AOtX in order for the Granite
build for the project to process to DONE.
Figure 32:
The Job Comments section of the AOtX Routing Report (also known as Status Report) reflects the notes from the
entry on the Resolve Errors screen. EWO should review this report and take any necessary action. (Figure 33)
Figure 33:
If an item was set to an ERR2 status by mistake, or if some action has occurred in the database that will now allow
the original information to pass successfully to LFACS, the Work Print Creator can set the ERR2 status back to
ERROR. To accomplish this, the Work Print Creator will select the <Unresolve Errors (change ERR2 back to
ERROR)> hyperlink on the Send to LFACS screen. (Figure 34)
Figure 34:
Once selected, the following screen appears to allow the Work Print Creator to select the item(s) they wish to set
back to ERROR and attempt to send through again. (Figure 35)
Figure 35:
An acknowledgement screen appears to advise the action has been completed. (Figure 36)
Figure 36:
When the above acknowledgement window is closed, the Work Print Creator is returned to the Send to LFACS
screen. Select Refresh. (Figure 37)
Figure 37:
Once Refresh is selected, the status of the item(s) will be updated to reflect ERROR, and the Submit button is now
enabled to allow the Work Print Creator to select the items and submit to LFACS. (Figure 38)
Figure 38:
12. CTAP Tasks: Cable Throw, Recon, LST, FLST, Splice and Load
Coil - All Regions
The creation and scheduling of tasks requiring the movement or rearrangement of existing outside plant is referred
to as Cable Transfer Activity Plan and includes the following actions:
• Cable Throw: A throw task must involve live to live count and affect one or more terminals. This action is
triggered by the 'Throw' button in ARAMIS-DT and OPTI. In BSTCAD the action is triggered by the place-
ment of an LFACS Task with the task scenario of 'Throw'. In all instances, the from and to cable pair
ranges and affected terminals are passed from the drawing tool to AOtX.
• Reconcentration of Drops (Recon): A recon occurs when existing facility addresses are being reassigned
from one terminal to another. There must be at least one loop (CT, CF, PCF, WKG) that is to be moved
from one terminal to the other. If no loops exist, then there is nothing to recon and no task is required.
• Line Station Transfer (LST): An LST occurs when moving a loop (CT, CF, PCF, WKG) from one pair to
another in the same terminal.
• Fiber Line Station Transfer (FLST): An FLST occurs when moving a working circuit in Granite from one
splitter and strand to another splitter and strand in the same PFP.
• Splice Task (Deactivation): For the purposes of CTAP a splice task refers to the deactivation of live pairs
in one or more terminals.
• Load: A load is defined as the unloading of cable pairs that appear in downstream terminals. AOtX identi-
fies the terminals that multiple in the affected cable pair ranges by looking in LFACS. Upon task comple-
tion, the LMU for those pair will be updated in each terminal.
While load and splice tasks are considered to be CTAP tasks, they do not require work sheets to be issued from the
LFACS database for the construction forces to perform the work in the field. Cable throws, LSTs, FLSTs and Recon
tasks will require work sheets to be issued and sent to the field. AOtX functionality includes cable throws, Recon
and LST tasks to be established in LFACS and subsequent production of work sheets upon electronic notification
from JAM/OSP or requested directly in AOtX in lieu of JAM for the Southeast region. AOtX functionality includes
FLST tasks to be established in Granite and subsequent production of work sheets upon electronic notification from
JAM/OSP or requested directly in AOtX in lieu of JAM for the Southeast region. Certain information which cannot be
detected by AOtX must be provided at job creation. The process for providing this information is described in the
following sections.
To lessen confusion, the verbiage on the error messages sent to the EWO Group mailboxes, Engineering Group
mailbox, and the individual that requested the work sheets via JAM, has been revised.
Cable throw and Recon information is gathered from the data entered in ARAMIS-DT, OPTI and BSTCAD screens.
There is no special interaction of the AOtX Web except for the dependency list discussed in section 12.4.
12.2. LST
An LST will move a loop (WKG, CT, CF, PCF) from one pair at a terminal to another spare pair that already exists
at the same terminal. For the 12-State Region, the CTAP FTI (S%215) triggers AOtX that an LST needs to be
performed. For the SE Region, the use of an LST task is all that is required. When an LST is shown on the work
print, the Work Print Creator will receive the AOtX LST Validation Menu (shown below) when performing the “Send
to LFACS” transaction. The Work Print Creator will select the “0” hyperlink in the pairs column to access the LST
Information screen and enter the from and to pair information for the LST steps. (Figure 39)
Figure 39:
Once the hyperlink has been selected, the user will be prompted to select if they are doing a single segment or
multiple segment LST (Figure 40)
Figure 40:
The following instructions are for a single segment entries. There is a hyperlink to multiple segment LSTs at the end
of this section. The maximum number of rows that can be entered is 50. This limit has been set to avoid errors
when sheets are requested due to LFACS limitations. The default value for the LST input screen is 10 rows. If more
rows are needed, selecting the 'More Rows' button at the bottom of the screen will add an additional 10 rows. This
should be done prior to any entries being made. The Work Print Creator is required to enter the 'from' cable and
'from' pair in the left two columns and the 'to' cable and 'to' pair in the two columns on the right. (Figure 41)
Figure 41:
The LST Information screen will appear confirming the data has been submitted to AOtX. The screen can be closed
to continue sending the project. (Figure 42)
Figure 42:
Once the LST Information screen shown above has been closed, the AOtX LST Validation Menu will appear and
the Work Print Creator will select “Refresh”. Once “Refresh” has been selected, the hyperlink in the Pairs column
will be updated from “0” to the number of LST items input. (Figure 43)
Figure 43:
Select the <Next> button to continue the Send to LFACS. The next screen presented will be the Dependency List.
For information on multiple segment LST information input, please click here .
• For ARAMIS-DT and OPTI users, this requires the 'throw' button to be selected on a splice task within the
drawing tool.
• For the BSTCAD users this occurs by selecting 'splice' from the drop-down menu on the Place LFACS
Task dialog box
No sheets are required. The deactivation will establish sheets and complete in LFACS automatically upon task
completion in JAM for the ARAMIS-DT and OPTI users or when the CIAC center marks the task complete in AOtX
via the SE Task Completion functionality on the AOtX web site for the BSTCAD users.
Figure 44:
The maximum number of rows that can be entered is 50. The default value for the FLST input screen is 10 rows. If
more rows are needed, selecting the 'More Rows' button at the bottom of the screen will add an additional 10 rows.
This should be done prior to any entries being made. The Work Print Creator is required to enter the 'from' cable
and 'from' strand in the left two columns and the 'to' cable and 'to' strand in the two columns on the right. (Figure
Figure 45:
The FLST Information screen will appear confirming the data has been submitted to AOtX. The screen can be
closed to continue sending the project. (Figure 46)
Figure 46:
Once the LST/FLST Information screen shown above has been closed, the AOtX LST/FLST Validation Menu will
appear and the Work Print Creator will select “Refresh”. Once “Refresh” has been selected, the hyperlink in the
Pairs column will be updated from “0” to the number of FLST items input. (Figure 47)
Figure 47:
Select the 'Next' button to continue the Send to LFACS/Granite. The next screen presented will be the Dependency
Figure 48:
Figure 49:
Figure 50:
Items are displayed as determined by the job in OPTI/ARAMIS-DT/BSTCAD. Each individual task is interpreted and
displayed according to print and task number and type of activity (Recon, Throw, Activation, Deactivation) There is
a drop down box to specify dependency. The default is “Independent” which means a task can be considered
complete and ready for service without having to wait on an associated task or job to complete first. (Figure 51)¶
Figure 51:
In the example shown above, the drop down demonstrates that the user can either select a task from the same job
by print and task number, or they may specify a different job number and associated task on which the task in
question is dependant.
Once “Submit” is clicked, the following screen appears verifying the information to be added to the AOtX tables.
(Figure 55) the Work Print Creator would then select <Submit>. Normal AOtX processing continues and all other
review screens will appear in normal fashion. Once any new or simple change items are submitted from the AOtX
submit page, the throw information will be stored by AOtX until such time that work sheets are requested from JAM/
OSP. No further action on the part of the Work Print Creator will be required from this point for cable throws unless
EWO determines a change to the print is needed. Electronic notification to the responsible design engineer and the
person who created the print will advise of any situation that would require a change to the print.
Figure 52:
Figure 53:
Values in the Difference? column on the Setup Dependency screen (see Figure 51) are as follows:
• T = Will show on a Throw task to indicate there was a change in terminals affected
• R = Will show on a Throw task to indicate there was a change in either 'from' or 'to' cable pair
ranges or both
• B = Will show on a Throw task to indicate there was a change in both cable pair range and termi-
nals affected
• Y = Will show on a Recon or LST/FLST tasks to indicate there was a change recognized by AOtX
WARNING: ATTENTION SE REGION USERS: Changes required on CTAP tasks for projects
created prior to the BSTCAD V8i Release will need to be edited via the process outlined in section 8 of
the AOtX SE CTAP for Design Engineering ATT-TELCO-JA-000-002-721 .
12.5. LMU Input for Terminals Involved in Cable Throw - MW, NE, SW
and W Regions Only
The ability to enter future loop make-up data for terminals involved in a cable throw is outlined in the document
entitled LMU Input for Terminals Involved in Cable Throw . This functionality is for the 12-States only, as the South-
east Region passes this data from the drawing tool (BSTCAD) for those terminals involved in a cable throw.
sheets have not yet been requested at the time the task is deleted, it will drop from the AOtX Status Report. Click
here for detailed screen shots.
• VRAD/IPDSLAM at Customer Premise - When sending a project to LFACS that is placing a VRAD at the
customer premise, the AOtX Change Terminal Validation Menu will appear before receiving the BP
Activation Screen below
• VRAD/IPDSLAM with a throw on the F1 or F2 side of the SAI - Projects can be sent through the AOtX
interface that have dead throws on the feeder or distribution side of the SAI. When throwing feeder-
binding post no service can be working on the on the binding post behind the SAI where the work takes
place. When throwing F2 binding post no service and/or no terminals may be assigned to the binding post
being thrown. No throw symbol is required, this is treated as a straight splice.
• VRAD/IPDSLAM with _I and _O both in the F1 or F2 side of the SAI - AOtX allows the Work Print Creator
to reassign “feeder” binding posts to distribution binding post or reassign distribution binding post to
feeder binding post.
• VRAD/IPDSLAM with Split counts - The _I and _O on spare binding post on the SAI can be split up and
sent via the project through AOtX.
• Multiple SAI’s Connected to One VRAD - Projects that have one VRAD connecting to multiple SAI’s can
pass through the AOtX interface. The Work Print Creator will get the Terminal Review Screen and will
have to review each SAI on the project by selecting the “Review” hyperlink.
• VRAD Expansions - The Work Print Creator has the ability to expand an existing VRAD. The Send to
LFACSscreen within AOtX will indicate a CHG status for both the VRAD and the SAI. (Figure 54) If the
new expansion shelf is feeding a different SAI, there will be a new VRAD terminal created in LFACS.
AOtX will create this new VRAD terminal with an incremental number at the end (see example explana-
tion below).
Figure 54:
AOtX will return an ERROR to the Work Print Creator if:
• The CLLI code on a VRAD, SEM24, SEM48, AREM-A, VSEM-C or ROLT project is not 8 or 11
characters in length, or if the
CLLI code is left blank. This ERROR will prevent the Work Print Creator from continuing to send
project through AOtX until the work print is corrected and resubmitted from the drawing tool.
• There are new or replacement distribution terminals on the same project placing a new VRAD or
shelf. Due to the validation required that each terminal on a project placing a new VRAD count,
must have
all or part of that tie cable count appearing as In-count, AOtX cannot process distribution termi-
nals on
the same project. The FTTN project should contain only the VRAD or VRAD shelf, and the associ-
ated SAI
or building terminal. All other distribution terminals must be cared for on a separate project.
AOtX will create a VRAD/IPDSLAM terminal and add the tie cable pairs to the associated SAI in both LFACS and
The table below displays the system types that AOtX will create in LFACS. For ARAMIS-DT/OPTI users, when the
Work Print Creator selects the Vendor in the first column with the type indicated in the second column, the system
type shown in column 3 is what will be created in LFACS. For BSTCAD users, the Work Print Creator is able to
select the System Type directly in the drawing tool. Column 4 indicates the number of pairs associated with an
individual card within the device. This will impact the VRAD address by automatically adding a number suffix to the
end of the device address in LFACS, dependent on the first pair within the range feeding a particular SAI. This will
allow the business to manage customer capacity by DA rather than by device. Column 5 indicates the symbol that
should be used on the work print, and column 6 shows the address suffix that should be shown on the work print.
Vendor Type - 12-State Only System Type Minimum Card/ Symbol Address Suffix
(Entered on DSLAM Association
terminal in the ter-
minal attribute
screen in the draw-
ing tool)
FTTN Tie Cable Pair Ranges Split - All Regions The VRAD and IPDSLAM tie cable pairs (cable names ending in
FN or IP) will now be split in the appropriate size according to the system type to enable card updates to be made
via automation. The chart below depicts the system type and the card size association.
The table below depicts a few example scenarios to explain how AOtX will create the VRAD/IPDSLAM terminal
addresses in LFACS, based on the card association and SAI relationship.
Initial project creates one VRAD with 400 pairs (de- VRAD terminal with address ending in VRAD and tie cable
vice type has 50 pair association) all feeding the count of 1-400
same SAI
Second project expands VRAD from initial project to Existing VRAD terminal would have the tie cable count expan-
add 200 pair feeding the same SAI ded to 1-600
Initial project creates one VRAD with 400 pair (device VRAD terminal with address ending in VRAD and tie cable
type has 50 pair association) all pairs feeding the count of 1-400
same SAI
Second project expands VRAD from initial project to New VRAD terminal with address ending in VRAD-9 (there
add count 401-600 feeding a different SAI will be no VRAD terminals for this location numbered 1-8) and
tie cable count of 401-600. Tie cable name must differ from
the one created by the initial send.
Initial project creates one VRAD with 100 total pairs Two VRAD terminals, one for each SAI. The VRAD terminal
(device type has 25 pair association). Pairs 1-50 will address for the first 50 pair would end in VRAD-1 and have a
feed one SAI and pairs 51-100 will feed adifferent tie cable count of 1-50.
SAI. The VRAD terminal address for the 51-100 count would end
in VRAD-3 (there will be no VRAD terminals for this location
ending in 2) and have a tie cable count of 51-100. The tie ca-
ble names must differ from each other.
Second project expands VRAD from initial project to New VRAD terminal with address ending in VRAD-9 (there
add pairs 101-200, all feeding a third SAI. will be no VRAD terminals for this location numbered 4-8) and
tie cable count of 101-200. Tie cable name must differ from
both of those created on the initial project.
Selecting the ION/IPID hyperlink on the Send to LFACS page will allow the Work Print Creator to review the infor-
mation before submitting to LFACS. The system type will be displayed in different locations dependent on the type
of field deployment.
For equipment being deployed in a building terminal/CPE location, the system type is displayed on both the fiber
cable and the FN_I cable. (Figure 55)
Figure 55:
For hard-wired IPDSLAM scenarios, the system type is shown on just the out count. (Figure 56)
Due to the AOtX configuration parameters for cable and pair match up completions on the dedicated xconn
screen by EWO, the Work Print Creator should not indicate a dead count on either the IN-COUNT or the
OUT-COUNT of a hard-wired IPDSLAM terminal.
Figure 56:
If an IPDSLAM terminal is shown to have an out-count cable name beginning with PPG, and the dedicated
X-con box is not marked in the drawing tool, AOtX will display a red error message on the Send to LFACS
screen which reads: ERROR: This is a possible hard-wired cross-connect scenario, but the dedicated cross-connect flag
is not set and the Work Print Creator user will not be able to proceed.
IPDSLAM terminals must also be symmetrical, meaning they must have an equal numbers of in and out
pairs. If the number of in-count pairs does not equal the number of out-count pairs at the IPDSLAM terminal
and the hard-wired box is checked in the drawing tool, AOtX will display a red error message on the Send
to LFACS screen which reads: ERROR: VRAD is unable to build cross-connects. Please check the counts from OPTI,
ARAMIS-DT, or BST CAD and the Work Print Creator will not be able to proceed. The indication of more than
4 fiber strands on the IN-COUNT of the IPDSLAM terminal will cause AOtX to interpret those fibers as
copper cable and will cause the count to be non-symmetrical and the same hard error will be returned. The
work print must be corrected and resubmitted.
For a conventional deployment to an SAI, the system type will be displayed on the FN_I count. (Figure 57)
Figure 57:
• VRAD Replacement
° AOtX is unable to process VRAD replacement jobs. There will be an error returned for 'Termi-
nal Already Exists'. Typically there is no posting required in LFACS/Granite, as these are
usually like for like replacement scenarios due to damage. There is no need to send these
projects to AOtX. For OPTI Regions, going to the AOtX Web site, Engineering Functions, Place
a Job in Trouble on Hold, will remove the PRELIMINARY stamp from the project.
° AOtX is unable to process a project which replaces an SAI with existing FTTN tie cable counts
(FN_O / FN_I pairs) if additional tie cable counts are being added on the same project (VRAD
expansion). The Work Print Creator will receive a red error on the Send to LFACS screen and
will not be allowed to submit the project to AOtX. This type of job is a total manual build for
EWO in both LFACS and Granite. The Work Print Creator will have to place the project on hold
by accessing the Engineering Functions menu on AOtX Web Site and selecting Put a Job in
Trouble on Hold. (See Section, Figure 139)
• Two-cable configuration - the IPDSLAM terminal will use a cable naming convention that includes IP_I
and IP_O (similar to the FN_I/FN_O used for the VRAD).
• Hardwired - there will be only one cable between the IPDSLAM terminal and the downstream SAI. In this
scenario the cable name will begin with the letters PPG. This can be accomplished via an activation,
expansion or cable throw to the downstream SAI.
Due to different build configurations within the LFACS database, AOtX is unable to process the placement
of a hard-wired (PPG) shelf and a conventional shelf (IP_O/IP_I) on the same project.
If an IPDSLAM terminal is shown to have an out-count cable name beginning with PPG, and the dedicated X-con
box is not marked in the drawing tool, AOtX will display the red error message depicted below on the Send to
LFACS screen. (Figure 58)
Figure 58:
s will not have a Submit button when this error message is displayed. The work print will need to be corrected
and resent from the drawing tool before submitting to LFACS to insure proper inventory creation.
In the following example, the SAI(s) is not shown on the Send to LFACS screen because the pairs reach the SAI via
a cable throw. (Figure 59)
Figure 59:
The Work Print Creator will continue Sending to LFACS/Granite utilizing processes currently in place.
14.3. All In One (AIO) Intercept Cabinet for IPDSLAM- All Regions
The new AIO (All In One) Intercept Cabinet is an SAI/VRAD or SAI/IPDSLAM cabinet combination. Consult
BSTCAD (Release date: 10/31/2009), ARAMIS-DT ATT-TELCO-002-202-185 and OPTI 4200 M&P for design
instructions in the respective drawing tool.
Due to current limitations in the drawing tools, this feature will be depicted as two separate symbols on the workprint
(a VRAD and an SAI) and in AOTX. The AIO cabinet will carry a Term Type of XBOX and should have an address
extension of INTERCEPT added in the drawing tool. The IPDSLAM extension will automatically be added in the
drawing tools when an IPDSLAM system type is selected (except for BSTCAD). (Figure 60)
Figure 60:
Below are the terminal attribute screens that make up an AIO cabinet in AOTX. (Figure 61)
Figure 61:
The downstream SAI behind an AIO and the IPD count coming out of the AIO will NOT be inventoried in
The Work Print Creator will continue Sending to LFACS/Granite utilizing processes currently in place.
Figure 62:
Figure 63:
For BSTCAD users, the system type will be chosen on the VRAD/IPDSLAM attribute screen (Figure 64). No suffix
will be automatically attached to the DSLAM address in BSTCAD so the user must include either VRAD or
IPDSLAM (dependent on system type) after the address on the work print.
Figure 64:
As with existing DSLAM-TYPE devices, ARAME devices will be inventoried by CLLI code in Granite. Figures (65
through 67) below are IPID/ION DSLAM hyperlinks depicting the new Function of ARAME and the new associated
system types applicable to the ARAME.
Figure 65:
Figure 66:
Figure 67:
If the original placement of an ARAME device was IPDSLAM technology, the terminal address will end with
IPDSLAM. If the original placement was video capable technology, the suffix on the address will be VRAD.
When an additional shelf is placed in this same cabinet, regardless of technology type, the DSLAM address
must be entered on the work print exactly as the original placement, including the suffix of IPDSLAM or
VRAD (as it currently exists in LFACS).
Per the Engineering Practice, an SAI should not have a combination of both IPDSLAM and Video Ready shelves.
Therefore, as you can see in the example below, the original technology placed for the ARAME cabinet at R 11023
Carnation was video ready, which created the terminal R 11023 CARNATION VRAD. (Figure 68)
Figure 68:
Figure 69:
On a subsequent project, an additional shelf was added to this same ARAME device, only this time the system type
for the 2nd shelf was IPDSLAM, going to a different downstream SAI. As you can see below, the cable name is
different and the count is shown as 201-400 which is associated with shelf 2 (Figure 70). AOtX will automatically
create a new DSLAM address of R 11023 CARNATION VRAD-2, even though the system type is IPDSLAM
Figure 70:
The most common cause for this error if that the FTTN project has been sent through AOtX and subsequently
deleted, yet the tie cables (FN_O/FN_I) were not removed from Granite. The Work Print Creator will be able to
resolve this error by selecting the work ERROR, which is a hyperlink which will present a pop-up menu indicating a
tie cable name and exact count already exist in Granite with the same VRAD CLLI. This pop-up will allow the Work
Print Creator to continue to create the terminations in Granite using the existing cable or set the item to ERR2 and
have EWO process manually.
Figure 71:
The association is created between the cable and the VRAD site in Granite, prior to the termination of the
actual cable pairs on the equipment. If the cable count already exists in Granite, then AOtX would create the
associations using those existing pairs, but will return an ERROR on the termination piece.
When the Work Print Creator selects the hyper-link for the ERROR next to the tie cable, the pop-up screen appears.
(Figure 72)
Figure 72:
The above screen gives the Work Print Creator detailed information as to what data Granite is receiving from AOtX
to create, and what information is already existing in Granite. At this point the user may select 'Set to ERR2' or
'Send'. Sending will allow AOtX to continue to process using the existing tie cables found in Granite. If the 'Send'
button is selected, the Sending to Granite - Results screen appears with the option to 'Close Window', which will
return the Work Print Creator to the Send to Granite screen where they can refresh to get the most current state of
the transaction. (Figure 73)
Figure 73:
Setting the item to ERR2, will allow EWO to make any updates manually, and present the user the AOtX Results
screen with the option to 'Close Window', which will return the Work Print Creator to the Send to Granite screen.
(Figure 74)
Figure 74:
Figure 75:
Figure 76:
shown as 'in' counts to the building terminal, they must be shown as 'out' counts of the VRAD terminal on the work
print. Figures 77 and 78 depict the ION/IPIDs associated with this build scenario
Figure 77:
Figure 78:
15. Revisions
There are specific instances when the Work Print Creator can make revisions to a work print, updating the LFACS/
Granite databases with the new information, utilizing the AOtX Project Reset process, without manual intervention
from the EWO group. AOtX will attempt to back out the data from the initial pass of the project in LFACS using the
transactions of RMV LP, RMV FA, and RMV TERM. If all LFACS data is able to be removed successfully, AOtX will
then continue on and remove the data sent on the initial pass from Granite (if applicable). If data in either database
does not reflect the data sent on the initial pass, prior to the revision process, the Project Reset will fail. For
example, terminal name changed/terminal removed, either due to subsequent project or manual intervention.
• Manual intervention which has changed data from the initial send
Revisions on projects involving the above scenarios will have to be handled manually by the EWO group.
• First and foremost, all items on the entire project must be in either a DONE or ERR2 status, for both
LFACS and Granite (if applicable) from a prior send.
• Secondly, only items with a DONE status can be revised. Items with an ERR2 status cannot be revised
via automation. Any changes will need to be made manually by the EWO group.
• Thirdly, the DONE item to be revised must be the same IPID/ION as the original send. Deleting and
replacing an item of plant will cause a new IPID/ION to be generated and will cause the automated
revision process to fail.
• Lastly, the item's data in LFACS and/or Granite (if applicable), cannot differ from the initial send of the
project when the item(s) went to DONE (whether this change occurred manually, a request for work
sheets as been requested, or due to a subsequent project passing through AOtX).
Automated revisions can be performed via AOtX on the following items of plant, only if the project meets the above
° Terminal address
° Terminal count
° T-commit pairs
° Terminal indicator
° Taper code
° RZ/CZ data
° Buffer Zone
• Revisions of BPON Fiber Serving Terminals (FST) in LFACS and Granite, including:
° Size (as long as it matches existing template sizes of 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72 or 96)
° FST address
• Expanded change term transaction that allows a distribution terminal (Serv Term, FST, MDU-ONT) to be
moved from one interface terminal site to another in LFACS and Granite
• Activated counts in distribution terminals in LFACS, excluding binding post only changes for the W, MW &
• Activated/expansion counts of SAIs in LFACS, excluding binding post only changes for the W, MW & SW
• Activation/expansion of SAI with associated VRAD, IPDSLAM or SEM in LFACS and Granite, excluding
binding post only changes for the W, MW & SW
• VRAD Expansion in LFACS and Granite, excluding binding post only changes for the W, MW & SW
• Sealed Expansion Module (SEM) in LFACS and Granite, excluding binding post only changes for the W,
A project revision that involves ONLY changes to the F1 fiber strands on VRAD, SEM, IPDSLAM projects
are not required to be sent to AOtX, as AOtX does not create any inventory for them in either LFACS or
Granite. If the project is sent to AOTX, the user will see nothing noted in AOtX on the change. The VRAD
hyperlink will still reflect original fiber data.
After the Send to LFACS transaction has been performed on the revised project, AOtX will present the “AOtX
Project Reset” screen. Only items involved in the revision will be displayed. The status of all items displayed should
now show “RESET”. (Figure 79)
Figure 79:
On the Project Reset Screen, the Work Print Creator has the opportunity to compare the “original” data
sent to DONE against the data from the “revised” work print by selecting the applicable ION/IPID. A split
screen will be displayed. (Figure 80)
Figure 80:
After the Submit button is selected, “Project Reset” will be presented where the Work Print Creator will simply select
Status. (Figure 81)
Figure 81:
After selecting the Status button, the AOtX Project Reset Screen will be re-displayed (Figure 82) and the Work Print
Creator will select the Refresh button until all status depict DONE.
Figure 82:
Upon a successful “DONE” status the Work Print Creator will select “NEXT” and receive existing AOtX screens as if
the project had never been previously sent. The Work Print Creator will continue Sending to LFACS/Granite utilizing
processes currently in place.
Figure 83:
A Microsoft Internet Explorer pop window will appear questioning if all items in ERROR really should be set to
ERR2. (Figure 84)
Figure 84:
The Work Print Creator will select the OK button and the AOtX Change Terminal Validation Menu will appear
(Figure 85) as though the revisions were completed.
Figure 85:
The “Send to LFACS” page is returned reflecting the previous items set to ERROR are now set to ERR2. The ERR2
items will not be sent to LFACS. The remaining items are shown as NEW and the Work Print Creator can now
proceed to Select all, Submit and continue sending to LFACS utilizing processes currently in place. (Figure 86)
Figure 86:
When an item is placed in ERR2 status via the Resolve Errors link on the Project Reset screen, the status of
that item will be depicted as RERR2 on the AOtX Status Report, to indicate that the project was in 'Reset'
mode whenever the resolution was applied. Once the Work Print Creator arrives on the Send to LFACS
screen, they should select the Resolve LFACS Errors/Add Routing Comments hyperlink and enter routing
comments on the project to advise the EWO group of the issue preventing the automation revision from
processing successfully.
Southeast only, until the FBT symbol is deployed in BSTCAD, this process as outlined in section 15.1.1 will
not work and should not be attempted. If a revision or change is needed on the FBT Project after an initial
send the user must contact the EWO so they can manually handle the updates in Granite. AOtX should
remain unchanged. Only after the new symbol in BSTCAD is deployed, should this process as outlined be
• a. If the revision consists of moving PON strands between two or more FBTs there is a potential the initial
send becomes a two part process. The reason for this is the strand modification will happen for each FBT
one at a time in a multi-step process. If the process fails at step iii below due to another FBT still having
the strands wanted terminated a second send will be necessary. This assumes during this send the user
made the strands available. The process is as follows:
° If the FBT has the fibers needing altering in Granite from the way they were on the original
send and have no service on them AOtX will remove the fibers to the FBT. If there is any
service in the range in the FBT AOtX will err2, this should not have been attempted through
AOtX and should have been a manual update by the EWO. If the fibers from the original send
are not found in Granite as expected AOtX will error.
° Once the fibers are unterminated AOtX tries to re-terminate the new fibers. The new fibers
must be available for use in Granite at the time of this transaction.
A fix has been put in place internal to AOtX so it does not remove FA’s from Granite needlessly. This removal not
only caused processing issues but it negatively impacted service order flow. The first fix in place is what we refer to
as a resort issue. From time to time if an address was added or removed from the drawing tool AOtX would impact
more than just the single addresses touched in the drawing tool. The 1707 release fixed this issue and the Work
Print Creator should only see the change on the items touched.
The next update is the FST revision process. Prior to the 1707 release any change to the FST AOtX would try to
remove the FST from Granite and then re-insert it. Now any changes to the FST will be updated in Granite by
AOTX. A few of the same old rules apply. If there is a path or pending path in Granite to a particular FST/
CFST/FBT/ONX AOtX cannot update fiber counts at that location. If the FST/CFST/FBT/ONX had been altered
internal to Granite after the send from AOTX, then AOtX cannot update it. Lastly, if the Work Print Creator get the
item needing revised in AOtX out of a DONE status, AOtX cannot recognize the changes and it will fail in this
scenario. Over all the process from a User standpoint works the same.
1. AOtX has sent items to Granite and is in a DONE status and left in a DONE status.
2. Nothing on these items has changed internal to Granite since the send. They look the same, no orders,
no name changes and no count changes.
3. Updates are then made to the same original symbol in the drawing tool. If we delete and replace it
becomes a new FID/ION and will not work.
4. A send to AOtX occurs and the system looks at what is in a DONE status and the information that has
come across on the new send. If there are any differences the system sees, it knows to update that item
on this send.
5. Once sent from the RESET screen in AOtX the updates are made. To get back to done the Work Print
Creator must advance past that screen with the next button and continue as far as the Work Print Creator
Below are a few screen shots from our testing on these revisions to show how the screens will look.
Both terminal revisions above included FA changes shown in the screenshot below.
TEMPLATE SIZE INCREASES. With AOtX’s August 2017 release the work print creator can now revise an active
job to increase the template size of an FST or CFST. A previous release allows the work print creator to also revise
an active job and change the terminal type from FST to CFST and CFST to FST. However, the work print creator
cannot increase the template size and change the terminal type on the same send to AOtX. It can be done but it is a
two step process and requires 2 submissions to AOtX. The first send needs to be changing the terminal type. Once
the Terminal type has been changed and the work print creator has confirmed the changes in Granite, resending
the terminal can be done to increase the template size. The following snap shot, Figure 90, shows a correct submis-
sion. Note: the Terminal type for both the revised and original is FST. AOTX will add the new PON strands and
increase the template size from 12 to 24.
Figure 90:
The following snap shot, Figure 91, shows an incorrect submission. It is changing both the Terminal type from
CFST to FST and adding PON strand to increase the template size.
Figure 91:
If you submit the job as shown above you will get the following error message Figure 92:
Figure 92:
The error is created because the Ports won’t build into Granite on this type of transaction. When a job is submitted
with both a terminal change and an increase in template size the only item that is changed in Granite is the terminal
name. As an example if the work print creator is trying to change a CFST to a FST and increase the template size
at the same time the only action that takes place is that in Granite the terminal name has changed from CFST to
FST. To resolve: the the work print creator needs to contact EWO and have EWO manually change the terminal
name back to its original status. In the example above in Figure 91, EWO would need to change the terminal that is
now a FST back to a CFST in Granite. Once EWO is done the work print creator needs to go into the Engineering
Functions tab in AOtX and select Reset Items in Granite. From the drop down menu choose Only Items in ERR2.
Next the work print creator needs to send the project through AOtX again. Send the CFST but only to change the
CFST to FST. Once the job is in a done status and the work print creator has confirmed in Granite of WEBXNG that
the change occurred the user needs to resubmit the now FST to AOtX a second time. On the second send the work
print creator will increase the template size and add the PON pairs for the expansion. AOtX will automatically build
the missing ports and make the terminations in Granite when this process is followed.
As of February 2016 AOtX will have the functionality to revise PFPs in a newer method. AOtX currently wants to
remove any element being revised, then reinsert it into downstream systems. With this release the PFP element
AOtX will now be modified in Granite and not removed and then reinserted. This permits the engineer to make
changes to the PFP with reduced errors in AOtX. The screens will look the same, but will perform transactions
differently behind the scenes on the PFP and Splitters only. If a PFP job is revised and one or more FST jobs had
already been sent to Granite AOtX will send an email stating what job(s) are impacted. The impacted job(s) do not
have to be resent to AOtX, simply update the impacted job(s) in the drawing tool for your records. Below is listed out
how the new functionality will work.
1. PFP name change = AOtX will modify the name and it does not matter if Paths or FSTs associated with
the PFP.
2. Splitter name change = AOtX will modify the name and it does not matter if Paths or FSTs associated
with the PFP.
3. PON cable name change = AOtX will modify the name and it does not matter if Paths or FSTs associated
with the PFP.
4. Splitter cable name change = AOtX will modify the name and it does not matter if Paths or FSTs associ-
ated with the PFP.
5. Splitter addition = AOtX will simply add the splitter to the PFP and it does not matter if Paths or FSTs
associated with the PFP.
AOtX Revision when items are removed from Granite and reinserted:
1. PON cable strands added or subtracted = AOtX will remove the entire PFP and Splitters as it does today.
The reason is the Template changes in Granite. If there are any Paths or FSTs associated with the PFP
this should not be revised through AOtX.
2. Splitter size change = AOtX will remove Splitters only. If there are any Paths associated with the PFP this
should not be revised through AOtX.
3. Splitter Feeder fiber strand change = AOtX will remove Splitters only. If there are any Paths associated
with the PFP this should not be revised through AOtX.
Figure 93:
• Optical Splitter
• FST (Fiber Serving Terminal), CFST, FBT (Fiber Building Terminal for ABF applications)
• Facility Address
• Dedicated Port
16.1. Dependencies
It is important to note that all items of plant in an FTTP/FTTC design must be sent to Granite in logical order from
the CO (Central Office) to the field. The Splitter/PFP job should be passed prior to passing the project placing the
FST's or ONTs and facility addresses.
Figure 94:
BSTCAD sends the taper code data to AOtX, therefore the above screen will not be presented to Work Print
Creators in the Southeast Region, they will be taken directly to the Send to Granite screen.
Once the taper code is entered and the 'Next' button is selected, the Work Print Creator will be taken straight to the
Send to Granite screen with a check mark pre-populated for all items to be sent to Granite. (Figure 95)
Figure 95:
The underlined number under the PFP address and the splitter address are the ION/IPID hyperlinks. When selected
the hyperlink will display an image of the data that is being sent to Granite for that particular item of plant. (Figure 96
& 97)
Figure 96:
Figure 97:
The Work Print Creator should select the 'Submit' button to send the project's data to be created in the Granite
Once submitted the 'Sending to Granite - Results' screen is displayed. (Figure 98)
Figure 98:
Clicking the blue 'Status' hyperlink will take the user back to the Send to Granite screen where status will be
Selecting the <Refresh> button will update the status as the job processes. (Figure 99)
Figure 99:
Once the build has completed the status will be updated to DONE. (Figure 100)
Figure 100:
WARNING: Due to validation coding that checks the database to verify existing splitters, AOtX will
return a RED error message if the Work Print Creator indicates dead ports on the F1 (splitter) side of
a PFP and the Submit button will be disabled. The error message reads: ERROR: The number of SPT
pairs on the PFP does not match the splitter out-count:xxx
Splitter additions to ROLT fed PFPs in the MW, W, and SW: AOtX will now be able to add splitters to PFP with a
Parent site in Granite of something other than a CO. This is not an issue in the SE because they had never altered
their PFP builds in Granite and all parent sites are CO’s.
Projects adding additional splitters will require the Work Print Creator in the 12-State region to input the taper code
on the Splitter Review screen as shown in section 15.2. Both the existing splitters as well as the new splitters being
added are displayed. (Figure 101)
Figure 101:
While the CAD drawing tools and AOtX will allow the work print creator to place different size splitters in
the same PFP, it is not currently the 22-State policy to do so. This functionality is for future capacity
The Work Print Creator will then be presented with the Send to Granite screen. The screen will reflect a status of
NEW for both the splitter and PFP. (Figure 102)
Figure 102:
Clicking on the hyperlink for the splitter will display the splitter information and show the indicator of new or existing.
(Figure 103)
Figure 103:
Only splitters shown with an 'N' in the Existing column will be created in Granite. If splitters shown with a Y
do not actually exist in Granite, they will need to be manually created by EWO or the work print corrected to
reflect them as 'New'. AOtX does not verify if splitters shown to exist are actually built in Granite, so no
error message is returned.
Clicking on the hyperlink of the PFP will indicate what splitter count is going in as NEW on the current project.
(Figure 104)
Figure 104:
WARNING: Due to validation coding that checks the database to verify existing splitters, AOtX will
return a RED error message if the Work Print Creator indicates dead ports on the F1 (splitter) side of
a PFP and the Submit button will be disabled. The error message reads: ERROR: The number of SPT
pairs on the PFP does not match the splitter out-count:xxx
FTTP/FTTC distribution projects that have the following conditions will not be able to be fully processed by AOtX.
This does not mean a project may not be designed this way. The Work Print Creator can help the EWO group if the
project is a combined fiber and copper project by assuring the major portion of the build is sent first so that it is
mechanized. Then leave AOtX in a DONE status and add the additional parts to the send. The additional parts will
remain in a NEW status in AOTX.
• The fiber count for the FST(s) cannot already appear in another FST.
• The PFP and PON cable must already exist or be going in on the same project.
Figure 105:
This restriction was been implemented because when service order assignment was still inventoried in
LFACS a request for new service generated the automatic creation of a new ONT terminal in LFACS which
was addressed by adding ONT 00000# to the beginning of the existing FST terminal address. The LFACS
field limitation for a terminal address name is 50 characters. The AOtX verification of 40 characters on the
initial FST build project in the CAD systems, eliminated future service order fall out, due to the addition of
the ONT information being added to the existing FST in LFACS. This restriction is still in place today,
although the inventory is not longer created in LFACS.
If the PFP is not indicated as NEW on the same project with the FSTs, the Work Print Creator will be prompted to
enter the upstream PFP information via the following screens.
The first AOtX screen requiring data entry is the FST/ONT Review screen. (Figure 106)
Figure 106:
The next screen entitled Input PFP Information for FST/ONT's needs to be carefully filled in to assure accurate data is
passed to Granite. (Figure 107)
Figure 107:
Selecting the “Next” button will then display the Send to Granite screen to the Work Print Creator.
Dedicated port information will now be stored in Granite via an association which will be established between the
SFU and a specified port at the FST. Dedicated PON fibers are indicated in the Dedicated Pairs column with a Loop
Status of NEW. (Figure 108)
Figure 108:
All items are pre-selected. The Work Print Creator will select the 'Submit' button to continue sending the project to
If CFSTs are being placed the PON TYPE of PON-C must be selected in the drawing tool so it is built
correctly in Granite. This ensures the proper installation technician gets dispatched once an order is
placed. BSTCAD users must manually append CFST to the end of the terminal name. All other drawing
tools add FST automatically based on the symbol and when PON-C is selected AOtX will update the name
to CFST prior to the send to Granite.
UPDATE:1707 Release now provides the Southeast Region the ability to correctly send a Fiber Business Terminal
symbol from BSTCAD via AOtX and built into Granite.
UPDATE: 1610 release for Southwest, Midwest and West includes some changes to this Fiber Business Terminal
build and include information about using the “Primary Terminal Field” in ARAMIS and OPTI. This release also sets
the connectorized flag in Granite for these type of terminals.
1. New processing of error E-mails with this release. The UID of the person that has sent the project from
AOtX to Granite will always receive a Processing Complete E-mail from AOtX. In this E-mail if the project
has encountered errors during the build it will list out all of the errors. If the project is encountering any
errors on the send the User will receive an initial E-mail stating the project is encountering errors. This E-
mail will not list out the errors it will simply notify the user they are being encountered.
2. For FBT symbol information refer to the specific drawing tool for design details. ARAMIS and OPTI will
append the “FBT” on the terminal address just as they do for the FST type terminals
3. With this release AOtX will not permit a send if the Work Print Creator encounters the following scenarios
if an FBT is on a project. PFP name is not in Granite, PON cable name is not in Granite, or the PON
strands selected are not available for use in Granite. The user will need to fix these issue prior to the
send being permitted.
4. FBTs with PON strands will be sent and inventoried into Granite. If an FBT has PON and any other type
Fiber counts in the same terminal only the PON strands will be inventoried in Granite.
5. It is assumed FBT type terminals are meant to feed Business and have the ABF indicator on the facility
addresses. So all facility addresses are defaulted with the ABF indicator but they can be changed/de-
selected (figure 107).
6. All FBT terminal updates will be modifications, not removals and re-inserts. This will present challenges
when moving fibers between multiple terminals and more details can be found in Section 15 of this
7. FBT site naming conventions per ATT-TELCO-002-600-038 and based off coding in AOtX (figure 109).
8. After a Project has been sent the Work Print Creator may enter the AOtX Business/ABF screen and make
updates to the indicator for a particular address after the initial send to Granite. To change the selection
the user will go back to the screen shown below (figure 110), update the selections and send them back
into Granite.
Below is an example screenshot (figure 111) showing the Primary Terminal field that was used in the
drawing tool when the original terminal placed in Granite did not end in 1-1.
Figure 111:
16.4.4. New and/or Existing Facility Addresses and Dedicated Ports - All
Facility addresses should be indicated to be NEW/ADD (BSTCAD) in the FST/CFST terminal wiring limits of the
drawing tool will be sent to AOtX and created in Granite. Dedicated fiber strands are not recommended in cases not
identified in CLR 17 (see NOTE below) but can be indicated on the terminal attribute screen within the drawing
tools, much like a dedicated copper pair would be shown. This information will then be passed to Granite.
See APEX document ATT-TELCO-JA-000-000-552 C & E: 22 State Outside Plant Engineering Job Aid for
additional information. 17.12.19 (P) Fiber Serving Terminals. The following information is now required on
all EWO jobs due to AOtX updates, the Work Print Creator must place FST behind terminal address on all
new GPON FTTP jobs. Example: 1234 Main ST FST or 1234 Main ST CFST. It is not required to have a (P)
commit status on Fiber strands at FST locations. Do not splice Fiber Drops to PON Fibers on SFU Green-
field EWO’s. (P) Fiber Serving Terminals at MDU Locations. This revision changes the OSP
Design by adding a P-Commit status to Fiber Strands at MDU-Fiber Serving Terminal locations ONLY!
The 1702 release of AOtX provides the ability for an existing SFU in granite to be sourced to two different parent
sites. This has been introduced so that SFUs that exist in the Granite inventory under older technologies can be
mapped to newer technologies allowing the SFU the ability to migrate to the newer technology on a service order
basis. This feature can be turned on at the wirecenter level with a request to Staff. At this time the wirecenters listed
below are believed to impacted and have a need or will have a need for this feature.
• 305230
• 305245
• 415553
• 770921
• 770972
• 770974
• 972231
Only 972231 and 415553 will be turned on at deployment, the others will be turned on once notified by
the local project managers that they are ready for this feature. Once the projects in the above areas are
completed and there is no longer a need, the feature can be turned off with a request to AOtX Staff.
When the feature is turned on in a wirecenter, the user entering the AOtX website will be asked a
question on all FTTP distribution projects. “Do these FAs (SFU) currently exist in Granite and should they
be considered for a Granite to Granite overbuild conversion?” The selection at this point is critical (figure
Figure 112:
• When the question is answered yes, AOtX and Granite handle the Facility Addresses (SFUs) differently.
Selecting yes provides the address the ability to maintain the old NTI codes and/or service in Granite until
the new FST/CFST is turned green or IE. Once the new FST/CFST is turned green a new NTI code will
be added to the address showing the new services available. Answering yes, would mean this is not a
standard overbuild as we know them for LightGig. Typical LightGig overbuilds have existing networks
inventoried in LFACS today. If yes is selected, the person should be sure the existing inventory is in
Granite not LFACS (this is very rare). If AOtX finds the Facility Address in Granite, the address will move
to the NEW parent site and Granite will add the old parent site in the General information section on the
site (figure 110). Due to this, revisions are not able to be processed though AOtX on these type projects.
If changes are needed the Work Print Creator must request the EWO to manually update the information
in Granite. If AOtX does not find the match for a facility address on this project, it will be built as new in
Granite. AOtX will note on the send screen which ones are being added (figure 114) and on a completion
email. This should alert the user sending the information so they can determine if the addresses are
indeed new or if they had made a mistake on the address detail on their project. AOtX looks for matches
on street number, street, unit number if applicable and community name. If addresses were added by
mistake EWO would need to remove them from Granite prior to re-sending the correct ones back into
Granite through AOtX.
Figure 113:
Figure 114:
AOtX is not able to add dedicated fiber assignments to new facility addresses being added to existing Fiber
Serving Terminals. Dedicated fiber strand assignments can only be created via automation when shown on
the same project that places the FST/CFST as new. The dedicated port information for facility addresses
being added to existing FSTs/CFSTs should be shown as dumb text or miscellaneous text on the work
print. These DPs will have to be created in Granite manually by the EWO group.
WARNING: If dedicated ports are shown on NEW facility addresses being added to an EXISTING
FST/CFST, Granite will return the following error message 'Xng RC Exception In Layer
The screens depicted in Figures 115 and 116 will not be presented, nor do they apply to the SE Region
users. Work Print Creators in the SE Region will go straight to the screen ONT Review screen shown in
Figure 117.
Figure 115:
Figure 116:
The EGPON and RGPON MDU-ONTs will require a fiber jumper be placed at the PFP at the time the job placing
the ONT is sent through AOtX.
• The OPTI and ARAMIS-DT drawing tools will allow the Work Print Creator to input fiber jumper informa-
tion on the terminal detail, and it will be passed to AOtX. If the fiber jumper information is not entered on
the terminal in the drawing tool, the Work Print Creator will be presented the ONT Review screen to input
the information. (Figure 114)
• The BSTCAD drawing tool requires the Work Print Creator to enter the PFP information on the work print,
but it does not have the ability to add the jumper information on the ONT terminal dialogue. The Work
Print Creator will be presented the ONT Review screen to input the information. (Figure 114)
In the Southeast region when AOtX builds the splitter and first MDU-ONT at the pedestal location
the Work Print Creator will be required to jumper information for PFP/HDT for this placement. If
there is a second MDU-ONT being placed on the first job or followed up with a subsequent job the
jumper information is not required as this second MDU-ONT is splitter fed and the jumper infor-
mation is established with the initial MDU-ONT.
To maintain splitter purity, AOtX will create the PFP cross connect during the Send to Granite process on the MDU-
ONT project. This requires the F1 (SPLITTER/PFP) project to be sent through the AOtX interface and processed to
DONE, prior to the sending of the ONT project.
Fiber Serving Terminal (FST) and Optical Network Termination (ONT) addresses should end with FST or
ONT, respectively, when sent from the drawing tool, to enable the ability to add new facility addresses to
existing FSTs and MDU ONTs on future projects.
Figure 117:
The ONT REVIEW screen will show the model number of the associated GPON ONT being placed. (Figure
Figure 118:
Selecting the Jumper to Splitter hyperlink will allow the Work Print Creator to select the appropriate splitter fiber.
(Figure 119)
Figure 119:
Once the splitter fiber is highlighted, select the Next button to continue.
The Work Print Creator will then be returned to the ONT Review screen and the Next button will be enabled. (Figure
Figure 120:
Selecting the Next button will display the GPON Conversion Review screen. (See Section 16.4.6)
It is currently a requirement of the Granite XngRC system, that before a fiber jumper can be created, there
must first be an existing PON Network Path on the NT port of the associated splitter. This PON Network
path is not currently being created via automation. It is therefore a requirement for the EWO group to
manually create the PON Network Paths as is done today, prior to the MDU-ONT project being sent through
AOtX. Due to this constraint, it is highly recommended that MDU-ONT jobs be created separately from the
PFP/SPL job to allow ample time for EWO to create the necessary paths.
16.4.7. GPON Conversion Review Screen for EGPON and RGPON - All
Once the splitter fiber is selected as is indicated in Section 16.4.5 of this document, the Work Print Creator will be
presented with the GPON Conversion Review Screen. This screen will allow the user to select the yes or no button
to indicate if the addresses associated with the GPON equipment are related to a conversion. These addresses
were gathered from the work print. (Figure 121)
Figure 121:
Selecting the Submit button on an will display the Send to Granite screen. The Work Print Creator will continue the
Send to Granite utilizing processes currently in place.
Although there may be conversion addresses associated with an RGPON project, those addresses will
need to remain in LFACS, so for the purposes of LightSpeed Release 8, the bullet on the GPON Conversion
Review screen should remain at the 'no' position for an RGPON project. Once the Next button is selected
on an RGPON project, the Work Print Creator will be presented the Send to LFACS screen, as RGPON will
still be inventoried in both LFACS and Granite for LightSpeed Release 8.
16.4.8. GPON G.FAST DPU ONX & 7367-ONX Terminal - All Regions
AOtX has the functionality to add a new G.FAST DPU ONX device and a ALU 7367-SX-12VP ONX terminal from
the regional CAD Tools via their existing AOtX interface.
UPDATE: The October 2016 release for all regions includes some changes to this 7367 ONX terminal build and are
detailed below.
• The G.FAST DPU & 7367 ONX device will be inventoried in Granite only, fed by a PFP but the site will be
inventoried under the CO CLLI.
• The G.FAST DPU & 7367 ONX device is fed by 1 PON strand from an existing PFP and 1 Splitter strand
from an existing Splitter. Each additional shelf placed will require 1 PON strand and 1 Splitter strand port
wired in AOtX for each 7367 ONX device.
• The G.FAST DPU & 7367 ONX device equipment will be built by MIC whereas AOtX is responsible for
building all the fiber facilities including facility addresses.
• All G.FAST DPU & 7367 devices must be fed by the same PON count on the project.
• Each G.FAST DPU & 7367 ONX device will have one 11 character CLLI code per location (not per shelf).
2nd shelf terminal address would be designated by .2 or -2, 3rd shelf by .3 or – 3, etc.
• Facility Addresses can be added in bulk under the site on the initial or subsequent jobs and will not have
dedicated strands
• AOtX will support revisions on the G.FAST DPU & 7367 ONX device builds for PON strand, terminal
address and facility address changes. Facility address changes will process the same way they do today
by removing the FA that built on the previous send via Project Reset process and the following screen will
allow the Work Print Creator to build the changes back into Granite. Changing PON strands will appear a
little differently but the update to the new strand will be immediate as soon as the reset processes. The
user will still need to go to the next screen to remove the status from RDONE.
• The G.FAST DPU Is fiber-fed via GPON using a 1 x 8 splitter per PON fiber strand. All 1 x 8 splitters
placed will be used for G.FAST (and 7367 ONX in SE only) terms with the last 4 ports built as restricted.
The screen shots below are what the Work Print Creator will see when sending a G.FAST DPU and/or a 7367 ONX
device via AOtX. Work Print Creators in the West, Midwest and Southwest regions will be presented the FST/ONT
Review Screen and the Input PFP Information screen as they are today for all FST projects. The Southeast region
will not be presented with these screens as the PFP information is shown directly in BSTCAD on the drawings.
At the ONX Review screen wire the Work Print Creator will port wire the PON strands with the Splitter strands of the
new or existing Splitter now in Granite by using the drop down under Splitter Fiber. Fill out the equipment or Shelf
letter in the ONX Equipment details below. If the equipment has already been built by MIC and is in Granite under
the CLLI of the new DPU or 7367, the drop down under Equipment name will allow the user to select which cabinet
to terminate the PON strand to. If there is no equipment the user will select the shelf letter and AOtX will build an
association in Granite, similar to the way it does VRADs today, so when the equipment is sent from MIC the strand
will be terminated then.
Figure 122:
Figure 123:
If a restricted Splitter port is selected here to port wire with the PON strand the user will be notified via email (Figure
124) informing them that the port used was Reserved and is now Active.
Figure 124:
PON strands are pre-populated from the information sent from the user's drawing tool. It is the user's choice on
what Splitter strands to select and they do not have to be consecutive. The user cannot move forward to the next
screen if all fiber strands on the ONX Review screen above are not selected and Equipment drop downs are not
filled in when available. Select “Next”.
IMPORTANT: The Work Print Creator must be sure to choose the correct shelf letter that is associated with
each terminal shelf or EWO manual intervention will be required to remove the build from Granite.
The next screen will be the “Send To Granite screen where the user can verify that all of the Facility Addresses they
are sending are shown in a NEW status and associated with the correct ONX terminal.
Figure 125:
Selecting the hyperlink under the ONX terminal will allow the user to verify what they are sending is correct similar
to the screen shot below. (Figure 126). The Work Print Creator can verify the equipment name and PON fiber
strand selected all each ONX device. The PON type for a 7367 ONX is GPON and the G.FAST DPU is GPON-
Figure 126:
AOtX will support revisions on the G.FAST DPU and 7367 ONX device builds for PON strand (see IMPORTANT
below figure 127), port wired Splitter strand, Terminal Address and Facility Address changes. Facility Address
changes will process the same way they do today by removing the FA that built on the previous send via the Project
Reset process and the following screen will allow the user to build the changes/additions back into Granite. Chang-
ing PON strands will appear a little differently but the update to the new strand will be immediate as soon as the
Project Reset processes.
Screenshot examples changing PON strands on a terminal in a DONE status on a previous send below.
Figure 127:
Selecting the hyperlink below the terminal allows the user to view the changes they are making on the terminal.
Select “Submit” to process the changes.
Figure 128:
Select Next to complete the processing to show a DONE status on the AOtX Routing Report.
Figure 129:
If, on the user's original send through AOtX that built the DPU there was no Equipment in Granite for the
Site, AOtX builds an association. Attempting to revise the PON strand on that same DPU that is now termi-
nated on Equipment built by MIC in Granite after the initial send will not re-terminate the new strand on that
equipment. AOtX will only build an association to the site and the termination of the equipment on the new
PON strand will need to be done manually by EWO. AOtX cannot see on a revision that there is now equip-
ment built by MIC since the original send.
The 9-State (Southeast) regions do not currently have the same embedded FTTP Mission Bay Plus build in
LFACS, therefore adding a facility address to an Ericssson model MDUONT will go straight to a Send to
Granite screen.
In order to add a new facility address to an existing MDU-ONT the following criteria must be met:
Figure 130:
The Work Print Creator will receive an expected ERROR on the Send to LFACS. (Figure 131)
Figure 131:
This is an expected ERROR because the MDU-ONT will not be inventoried in LFACS. (Figure 132)
Figure 132:
The Work Print Creator should leave the Send to LFACS web page open, then proceed to the AOtX web site via
another web page. Log on to the AOtX web site and select Engineering Functions from the left-hand blue menu and
then select Modify ION on Job from the sub-menu that is displayed. (Figure 133)
Figure 133:
The Work Print Creator will need to provide all data indicated in red. (Figure 134)
Figure 134:
Select the OK button on the message screen to verify the user really wants to update the status of the submitted
ION/IPID to DONE. (Figure 135)
Figure 135:
A positive acknowledgement screen will be returned to advise that the attempt to update the status has been
completed. (Figure 136)
Figure 136:
The Work Print Creator may now return to the Send To LFACS screen and select the Refresh button. The status of
the new living unit will now show DONE. (Figure 137)
Figure 137:
Selecting the Next button will display the Send to Granite screen. The Work Print Creator will continue the Send to
Granite utilizing processes currently in place.
• Splitter information for the PFP/HDT, splitter sizes include: 1X4, 1X2, and 1X1
• PON and splitter cable names and terminations for the PFP/HDT
• Splitter information for the CFST, splitter sizes include 1X8 and 1X16
• AOtX will create and build a splitter cable name, this name is based on the unique number Granite adds
to all site names internal to Granite
• 1X2 splitter fed MDU-ONT site, Terminal information and Facility Addresses
What cannot be sent by the Work Print Creator from AOtX to Granite on these project types:
• Dedicated fibers
These project types will look very similar to the standard FTTP builds, they will however have a few distinct
• AOtX builds splitters at both the PFP/HDT and the CFST equipment
• AOtX will automatically append “PED” to the end of the site name in Granite when an CFST has
the Ind=PED (i.e. F 123 MAIN ST CFST PED)
• AOtX creates the splitter cable name at the CFST. This cable name is derived from the unique
identifier Granite adds to all site names internal to Granite
Once the Work Print Creator has sent the project from BSTCAD into AOtX they should enter AOtX and review the
information before performing the send to Granite. If a PFP/HDT is included on the work print AOtX will present the
Port Wiring screen (figure 135). This screen must be filled out correctly from the information on the “Splitter Data
Sheet” for each CFST.
The port wiring for the MDU-ONT’s had been an embedded process internal to AOtX and will remain the
same. That port wiring will be completed as it always has been and is not part of the new port wiring
screens for the PFP/HDT. This is covered in section 16.4.5 and referred to as PFP jumper information.
At this time the Work Print Creator will only get one send from AOtX with this information and it cannot be revised. If
a mistake is made the only way to correct it is to get EWO involved.
UPDATE: As of February 2016 AOtX will have the ability to add port wiring after the job has been initially
sent through AOtX and in a DONE status. The Work Print Creator cannot alter what was previously sent, but
they can add to the initial send as long as the job exists in AOtX and has not been altered.
As the user populates the data, using the “tab” key will move them from line item to line item. AOtX will not permit
the user to duplicate PON fibers or use fibers that are outside of the strand range being sent. Once the port wiring
screen is populated and the user selects the next button to go to the PFP/HDT send to Granite screen. The actual
send of the port wiring occurs automatically after the PFP/HDT and splitters reach a good DONE status.
It is very important to review your work and assure it is correct prior to sending the PFP/HDT job to Granite.
If an error is made on the send it will be labor intensive to correct the errors. Once the PFP/HDT and port
wiring are completed if the Work Print Creator needs to revise an item pertaining to the PFP/HDT they will
need to discuss this with EWO prior to sending it through mechanically. The discussion should be to deter-
mine the most efficient way to revise or update the PFP/HDT. The reason for this discussion is AOtX cannot
revise the port wiring (jumper placements), so if the job gets removed by the EWO from Granite the port
wiring needs to be re-input on the new send. The second big driver to the discussion to manually revise or
automate will be whether CFST's have been built behind the PFP/HDT in Granite. For the EWO to remove all
that data it takes a very long time. There is much more data internal to Granite on these cascaded splitter
jobs than with a typical CFST job. The EWO may want to perform the updates rather than delete everything
out of Granite.
Figure 138:
The Work Print Creator pulls up the job in AOtX and will be presented the screen below, the status should be NEW
on all items being sent. When the Work Print Creator selects on the IPID/ION hyperlinks they will be presented the
details of those items (Figure 139)
Figure 139:
The Work Print Creator should first review the PFP/HDT to assure the data is all correct and the Ind = HDT by click-
ing on the IPID/ION hyperlink under he PFP name, this should be done prior to the send to Granite. (Figure 140)
Figure 140:
Clicking on the IPID/ION hyperlink under the splitter name will display the fiber feeder and splitter details. The user
should assure the details are correct before initiating the send to Granite. (Figure 141)
Figure 141:
Clicking on the IPID/ION hyperlink under each CFST prior to the send will show the PON fiber feeding the splitter in
the CFST and the splitter size being sent. The Work Print Creator should assure the details are correct before
initiating the send to Granite. The PON TYPE should = PON-C and the terminal name should end in CFST (Figure
Figure 142:
When clicking on the IPID/ION under the CFST after the item has reached a DONE state the details will include the
splitter cable name. (Figure 143)
Figure 143:
AOtX can send MDU-ONT’s fed by cascaded splitters (available only after the BSTCAD 3.2 Release). The MDU
ONT’s not splitter fed follow the embedded MDU-ONT’s process which is outlined in section 16.4.5 of this practice.
The new MDU-ONT’s fed with 1X2 splitters will have some distinct differences in the way they look in AOtX.
2. Single MDU-ONT terminal fed by a cascaded 1X2 splitter at the pedestal site
• AOtX cannot at this time unwire ports, so if the Work Print Creator revises the MDU-ONT they
will need to request the EWO to unwire the port after the initial reset has been sent and the
ION goes to RDONE.
The below figures (144 & 145) point out the differences the Work Print Creator will see with the new MDU-ONT’s in
the Southeast.
Screen Selections: The next new screens require the user to select/send Build types to Granite and ultimately
systems downstream from Granite. The first selection is a build type for the addresses involved on the project. The
selections are: Overbuild = Overbuild of our existing copper network with the new FTTP network, Greenfield = New
FTTP Development/Buildings, Out of Franchise = Out of Franchise FTTP Network build type (we do not do a lot of
this) and lastly the FTTC Build out type = FTTC overbuild of our existing FTTC network with the new FTTP casca-
ded type splitter network or FTTP overbuilds in those areas the SE is doing. The FTTC Build out type will also apply
if only part of the LUs on the job are FTTC and part are Greenfield or Overbuild.
The second selection required is the service address type for the project. The selections are SFU = Single Family
Unit, MDU = Multi Dwelling Unit (residential), MTU = Commercial or Business only and Mixed = Mixed property both
Business and Residential. The screenshots below will cover these new screens.
If more than one selection is made due to the project being a combined build type or combined facility address
types. To the right the Work Print Creator will need to make a selection to default all terminals to one of the choices.
Then on a subsequent screen further selections will need to be made.
The last selection is made automatically depending on the terminal indicator selected in the drawing tool (terminal
indicator default to is listed below). This selection can be overridden in AOtX if needed the screen where the Work
Print Creator can override various items are shown below.
• PED = terminal is above ground inside of a pedestal/closure. PED is to be selected in the buried environ-
ment when a pedestal is present. = Buried Service Wire
• BUR = buried (splices in the buried environment). Usually located below ground and DOES NOT have a
Pedestal. These terminals are below the ground and require excavation for access. = Buried Service
• SC = Splicing chamber (manhole or vault). This should be chosen when the terminal is placed in a
sidewalk box, handhole or other re-enterable below ground structure. = Buried Service Wire
• HUT = Hut. = NA
• HDT BSTCAD Only = Required for PONS and PFP terminals on FTTX Projects (FITL ONU Conversions
only). = NA
If the Work Print Creator are adding addresses to existing FST/CFST/ONX/FBT placed on another project
into Granite through AOTX. These selections are only applied to the added FA’s. It does not impact or
change any existing flags on existing items in Granite.
In the screen shot above the color schemes in the table help determine the status of the living units. This status
report is null and void if the project is deleted from AOTX. The table on the right is a reminder on the default service
wire types based on the terminal indicator selected in the drawing tools.
The below screen shot is an example of what would be displayed in AOtX once the hyperlink under the terminal
names have been selected. As the Work Print Creator can see all the indicators have been added in the bottom of
the new screen. These indicators are the information that will be sent into Granite.
Figure 150:
Projects that fall into the Non-Candidate Scenario category can be placed on hold as outlined in section
AOtX is not able to send a new PFP symbol with an existing PFP symbol shown on the drawing of the same
Figure 151:
Figure 152:
Selecting the hyper-link will display the MyLogins web site where users can access the request form. (Figure 153)
Figure 153:
Once the request is submitted, the requestor will receive an E-mail notification which will include a hyperlink to
check status. An email will be sent to the requestor once their AOtX access has been established.
18.2. Logging In
Once the region selection is submitted, the user will be taken to the ATT Global Logon page. Once logged in, the
AOtX Main Menu will be displayed for the region selected. (Figure 154)
Figure 154:
Work Print Creators in the Southeast region are required to have an AOtX account and log into the AOtX Web in
order to submit their projects to LFACS and Granite. Work Print Creators in the West, Midwest and Southwest
regions are able to initiate the Send to LFACS directly from their respective drawing tools. Work Print Creators in all
regions are required to have an AOtX account to be able to use the functionality available in the Engineering
Functions menu. EWO group users in all regions are required to log into the AOtX Web site when they need to use
the functionality available to them on the EWO Functions menu on the AOtX web.
Figure 155:
The following section descriptions are not necessarily listed in the same order as the above figure 152.
AOtX enhancement release 2 in 2012 alphabetized and added new web tool options. To avoid replacement
of existing figure numbering, the new information was just incorporated.
Figure 156:
Figure 157:
The following is a Routing/Status Report for a VRAD project. (Figure 158 & 159)
Figure 158:
Figure 159:
The following is a chart of the possible statuses that may be displayed on the AOtX Routing/Status Report along
with their definitions. (Figure 160)
Figure 160:
Figure 161:
Figure 162:
Figure 163:
Figure 164:
The LFACS errors are shown in alpha/numeric order, with the error message and the most common resolution
steps. A portion of the LFACS Routing Errors table is shown below. (Figure 165)
Figure 165:
The Granite Routing Errors table is similar to the LFACS table, but there are no error numbers associated with
Granite errors. (Figure 166)
Figure 166:
Figure 167:
The table will display a list of all the applicable NPANNX's for the state selected. To define a search further, a "Find"
window can be opened by holding down the CTRL key and typing an F. The user can either enter the known
Central Office CLLI code or a minimum of the first three alpha characters of the CLLI in the "Find What" box then
select the "Find Next" button.
(Figure 168)
Figure 168:
An "AOtX Wire Center Overview" link is available that further defines each column in the table.
Figure 169:
Figure 170:
• Department responsible for correcting the error (Engineering Manual = Y, requires Engineering resolu-
• Specific error message details by clicking on the error hyperlink (error also received in Engineering
• JAM Task Completion Status (Complete = Y, task complete in JAM & cannot be modified)
Error Notification
If an error occurs during the cut sheet process, the appropriate department (Engineering or EWO) will receive an
email notice of the failure in their respective group mail box. It is advised that group mailboxes be monitored
frequently so error resolutions can be corrected and sheets issued to construction in a timely manner.
Figure 171:
Removing a task from Manual Mode will update the data contained on the CTAP Status Report once the
error for that task has been resolved.
Figure 172:
This feature is not currently activated for the Southeast region.
Figure 173:
Using this option will only remove the inventory items on the project from AOtX. Deletion of the CTAP tasks
occurs by the task being removed from the work print in the drawing tool and resubmitted through AOtX. If
sheets were requested or partially created in LFACS, the EWO group must be contacted to remove the data
from LFACS manually. No change will occur on the CTAP Status Report, but the AOtX Status Report will
indicate the task has been deleted.
Figure 174:
• AOtX Staging Area is for jobs that have been sent from the drawing tool, but not yet sent to Granite.
• AOtX Sent to Granite is for jobs that have already been passed to Granite. The report should show the
jumper indicated whether the Send to Granite was actually successful or not.
The report can be displayed in 3 different ways: Sorted by Project Number, Sorted by Splitter Low Pair or Sorted by
Distribution Low Pair. (Figures 175, 176 & 177)
The Modification Type drop-down menu has two options. The 'Delete' choice is used when items are sent in error
and need to be resent to AOtX. Prior to project being resent, contact EWO to manually correct LFACS by removing/
changing the item incorrectly sent or an additional error will be received. The 'Delete' feature will delete a specific
IPID/ION in AOtX, not the entire project.
The 'Set to Done' choice is used when a specific IPID/ION being sent to LFACS receives an ERROR because the
data being sent already exists in LFACS (i.e. FACSRC issue where data was posted in LFACS, but a time-out
ERROR was returned to AOtX). Prior to setting to DONE, the data must be verified in LFACS. One way to verify
terminal count data would be to use the LFACS Terminal Inquiry screen on the AOtX web site as outlined in section
18.4 below. Setting the IPID/ION to 'Done' will update the Send to LFACS status page allowing the Work Print
Creator to continue and send the job to Granite, if applicable. (Figure 178)
Figure 178:
The IPID/ION for a SAI that is to be sent to Granite should NEVER be set to 'Done' on the send to LFACS via
this function.
All Regions:
In the case where a project is not a candidate to be sent from the drawing tool to AOtX, the Work Print Creator
should utilize this function to notify the EWO group that this project has been issued without being passed via AOtX.
Placing a project on hold will add a note to the routing report to alert EWO to handle the project manually. The
required entries are NPANNX and project number. (Figure 179)
Figure 179:
The following screen appears to allow the Work Print Creator to enter detailed instruction to the EWO group. (Figure
Figure 180:
For OPTI region, this will also remove the PRELIMINARY stamp from the work print.
Figure 181:
Figure 182:
Figure 183:
Figure 184:
Figure 185:
The fields with red must be populated. Terminal types are FST = FST/CFST, FBT = FBT and ONX = 7367 and
G.FAST DPU terminal types, NPANNX = NPANNX (example; 865482), TEA = the site name internal to Granite the
new address should be mapped to (TEA must already exist in Granite), Taper Code = Taper Code/PSA of the area,
GPON Type = GPON type there are many (example and most common today= GPON or PON-C), Address Number
= the number (example 2315) and lastly the Street Name = Street name (example MAIN AV). These addresses
should be SAG valid, there is no check here. All of the fields in black font are optional, in 99% of the cases we do
see the Community name (SAG valid community name) and State filled out.
Figure 186:
The resulting report will display real time terminal data from LFACS, including terminal type, cable count and facility
addresses served by the terminal. (Figure 187)
Figure 187:
Self-paced web-based training course 51433875 for the Midwest, West and Southwest Region
Revision Log
72 11/14/17 sa2761
Updated section to
include the FBT for the
Southeast Region for
AOtXRelease 1707
Replaced screenshot #
Updated section to
include verbiage on
combined fiber/copper
65 10/27/16 re1828
64 10/27/16 es0597
Information, update to
port wiring in the SE.
• Updated
Keyword to
C&E Applica-
• Revised
section 19 for
• Updated
Keyword to
C&E Applica-
• Revised
section 19 for
• Updated
Keyword to
C&E Applica-
• Revised
section 19 for
• Added section
19.5 'Cancel-
led Tasks”
• Revised
section 19.2
• Updated chart
in section 14
with new
ARAM-E data
• Added section
14.4 - Alcatel
Model E
• Added section
20 - 13-State
• Updated
section 12
introduction for
clarity of
Granite only
• Added section
11.5 - FTTP
• Added figure
120 to section for
• Updated
Section 14
with new
with R13 and
system type/
vendor chart.
• Added Section
14.4 Power
Section 24 - updated
Related Document list
13 03/05/10 de3409
behind the
• Revised
section 7.1 on
for further
• Changed note
in Section 8 to
a Warning
• Added
keyword ID of
• Resized
graphics for
ease of print-
• Added note to
section 11.2
following figure
• Modification to
sections 7, 11,
12, 14 and 15
• Added Section
20.4 - LFACS
Terminal Inqui-
• Expanded
section 11.4 to
add clarity
• Added Section
• Added Section
14.1 - FTTN
System Type
• Added Section
14.2 - Error
Received on
Tie Cables
• Correction in
Section 15
revisions on
• Addition of
note in Section
19.3 on throws
that would
cause more
than 26
segments to
be issued