Week 5 - Should There Be A Ban On Child Performers
Week 5 - Should There Be A Ban On Child Performers
Week 5 - Should There Be A Ban On Child Performers
Yes No
1. Child performers are exposed to a much 1. In some films or television shows, child actors
higher level of responsibility than their peers, are absolutely necessary in order to realistically
without the maturity to deal with it. They may be portray society and the roles children play. The
exposed to sex, drugs, or alcohol, in a context incredibly popular Harry Potter films, for
too far removed from a normal life that they example, would not have been half as convincing
don’t learn adequate coping mechanisms. It is no without the large cast of actors under the age of
surprise that many child performers “burn out” 18 playing the schoolchildren. Studies estimate
by the time they reach adulthood, often that children between the ages of 6 and 11 spend
experiencing problems long before, as in the on average 28 hours a week watching television
case of actress Drew Barrymore, who entered and are exposed to as many as 20,000
rehab at the age of 13. Children should not be commercials in a single year. So, child actors are
encouraged to enter into these adult worlds of also necessary in the advertising industry, in
acting, modeling, dancing, etc. Michael Jackson order to make products appealing to a younger
attributed his obsession with children and audience. Some sports, too, would be
childhood as a consequence of having missed endangered if children were not allowed to
out on a childhood himself. compete. Ice skaters and dancers, for example,
benefit greatly from training starting at an early
2. Children involved at a professional level in 2. While being a child performer is legal, these
sports are at a higher risk than their peers of children’s working circumstances are under the
physical problems like breaking bones. In some protection of the law and monitored by
cases, these physical problems can be fatal; e.g.,
government departments such as the Inland
Julissa Gomez, who died from complications of
a vaulting injury contracted when she was 15 in Revenue, Health and Safety, etc. Were child
warm-ups for a gymnastics competition. performers to be banned, it is certain that some
children would still perform, but would not be
Even in careers like acting and dancing there are thus protected. This has already happened in
risks for child performers. Actors and dancers
certain professional sports where athletes can
are usually encouraged to stay thin, often to an
unhealthy degree. Because children are benefit by lying about their age. For example, it is
particularly vulnerable, they are more easier for Latin American baseball players to sign
susceptible to the perils of over-exercising for with U.S. Major League teams if the teams think
athletes and eating disorders for performers. It they are young. As a result, countless players
has been found, for example, that girls who have lied about their age, including a number of
dance in their childhood are more likely than high-profile cases, such as Miguel Tejada who
their peers to develop anorexia nervosa in later
was named Most Valuable Player in 2002. Many
life. Lena Zavaroni, the childhood winner of
‘opportunity knocks’ in the 1970’s, struggled of these young players, however, have been less
with eating disorders for all of her life and died successful. There are too many unfortunate
aged 34. With the damage eating disorders can examples of players who came to the United
do to a person’s body, it should be illegal to States at a young age and, under the increased
expose children to such risks. pressure, fell victim to serious drug problems,
often resulting in overdose and death. A ban
would not prevent children from performing; it
would actually further expose them to whatever
risks may be involved.
3. Even experienced adults can find it difficult to 3. Many child performers would undoubtedly
deal with stage fright or performance anxiety. protest if their right to perform were taken away
Children, more emotionally vulnerable than from them, and justly so. This can be seen in
adults by nature, should not be exposed to this
quotes from the likes of Roddy McDowall, who
sort of pressure. This is especially true in
situations where the child is being paid for their said in an interview in 1963 that he “had a
performance since the added necessity to particularly wonderful time” as a child actor, and
perform well can lead to even more pressure. would presumably have been quite upset had a
Although suicide among children is rare, it is ban been enforced in his lifetime. It is beyond the
believed often to occur as a result of the child rights of the government to make illegal an
feeling like she is under too much pressure, or opportunity that allows those talented on the
failing to meet the expectations of others.[1]
stage, in front of a camera, on the pitch, etc. (who
There are also consequences that continue long might well not be so strong in other, e.g.,
past the child has stopped performing; former academic, areas) to make a living from doing
child actors often have the problem as young what they do best. Some child performers have
adults as feeling as having already ‘peaked’ and also proved to be extremely business savvy – the
find themselves without a sense of drive or
‘Olsen Twins’ have built a massive industry off
ambition or a coherent adult identity,
consequently they often suffer from substance of their Disney stardom.
abuse and addiction
4. If children are working they are not spending 4. Modern attitudes to children are a recent
their time in formal education. For example, cultural development; for centuries children had
Phuong My Chi is a Vietnamese singer who rose to go out to work and were treated as adults from
to fame after appearing on the program a much younger age than today. We should not
"Vietnamese Child Singing" when she was ten impose this cultural bias upon those with
years old. Now, due to her hectic schedule, she is exceptional talents and supportive families,
in danger of dropping out of school due to so providing the law prevents them from being
many absences. Regardless of what kind of work exploited. Ultimately we must trust loving
they are doing this deprives them of something parents to know best for their own children. A
so important that makes it compulsory for all few scare stories should not be taken as
children. Although the minimum legal representative of the happy and successful
requirements can often be provided by tutors on performing careers of many talented young
the set or sports academies it can be hard to keep people.
performance and education in proper balance
when one appears to bring so many immediate
rewards both in terms of fame and money.
5. Children are less able to make decisions for 5. In the end, education is designed to prepare
themselves and to represent their interests. This children for their adult lives and careers. Working
leaves them at risk of exploitation in the in a profession like acting, or training as a
workplace. While parents can represent their football player may be better prepared for some
children’s interests to their employers, there is children’s future than school-based learning.
always a danger that parent’s interests do not Provided they fulfill legal minimum levels of
align with their children’s. Discrepancies in education why shouldn’t they start their career
interests can arise when the child’s earning early? After all, almost every country allows
power far outstrips that of the parent or the parents to opt to homeschool their children, even
activity fulfils the ambitions of the parent more if they have no teaching qualification. Almost all
than the child’s. This can be seen Eden Wood child performers have well-qualified tutors and
who crowned in the reality show Toddlers & some child stars go on to achieve high grades in
Tiaras confided her mother had entirely university. For example, Jodie Foster got
controlled her during her childhood time. Unlike acquainted with cinema very early, after starring
many children of the same age, Eden's life as children in several commercials and TV series,
revolves around competitions and beauty care. Jodie appeared in her first movie, Menace on the
Since she was only 4 years old, once every 3 Mountain (1970), at the age of 8. After her debut
months, she has to get botox injections so that film, she continued to participate in several other
her face is always as shiny as a doll. Every day, Disney films, and eventually, she became a
Eden is reeling from lessons in dance, singing, famous actress in Hollywood.
piano, and violin lessons and studying interview
skills. All of these were planned by her mother
and she had no choice but following these tasks
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