Islam Webercise
Islam Webercise
Islam Webercise
What kind of job did Muhammad have before What nicknames did Muhammad have? What
becoming a prophet? do they mean?
What do you think is the importance of the Where did Muhammad retreat to prayer?
Black Stone story? Why add it to the site? Who visited him there?
The Rise and Development of Islam -
How many prophets do Muslims believe in?
What two religions influenced Islam?
List them all.
What year did Muhammad receive his first Why didn’t the rich clans like Muhammad’s
revelation? How old was he? message?
Why didn’t merchants like Muhammad’s What happened after Muhammad’s wife and
message? uncle died?
What year did Muhammad die? What
Why is Jerusalem important for Muslims?
problems arose after his death?
What city did Muhammad and his follows Which caliph decided on a new calendar?
migrate to? How was it different from Calculate what year it is now in the Muslim
Mecca? calendar.
What is the hajj, and how often must a Which of the five pillars is linked Ramadan?
Muslim perform it? When, why, and how do Muslims fast?
* Questions adapted from World History for Us All Big Era 5 Landscape 2.