Bob Beck Protocol - Quick Summary
Bob Beck Protocol - Quick Summary
Bob Beck Protocol - Quick Summary
Have these flour Proven cures been known previously? Apparently, but not in
combination. Related discoveries have been
reported in medical journals and patents over many years. Most were lost,
ignored, disbelieved or suppressed by doctors and
pharmaceutical cartels because this knowledge thwarts profiteering from
people's suffering. US patents on related inventions
establish public domain by prior state-of-the-art (many are pre-1982). Such
miracle "cures" have been independently rediscovered
and proven effective many times. Lately all four combined therapies were
tested. This proved to be a synergistic breakthrough -the
magic-bullet solution to most diseases was found and confirmed by clinical
studies including numerous PCR tests plus
disappearance of all symptoms.
Why haven't doctors revealed this before now? A patient cured is a medical
customer lost! When actualized, these data could
interrupt HMO profits; disrupt medical-pharmaceutical cartels; abort all
biological warfare schemes; eliminate most drugs,
medicines, debility, and early deaths; wipe out hospital and health care
capital investments; minimize insurance machinations;
dramatically abate sickness and suffering; plus imperil social security
futures with bankruptcy; wreck sales of supplements, herbs,
homeopathic and other health "remedies", machines, and practitioner's
incomes. These are not politically correct.
Bob Beck