Banned Miracles by Lazar Valentin Apparatus For Curring Cancer
Banned Miracles by Lazar Valentin Apparatus For Curring Cancer
Banned Miracles by Lazar Valentin Apparatus For Curring Cancer
Everything around us is energy from light around us to solids. Solid matter can become light as
happens in the sun or in nuclear reactors.
In general human senses are limited.
Gaze captures only a small part of the surrounding so-called visible light. The same is true for
Hearing can take and transmit that information to the brain only part of the surrounding sounds,
called auditory sounds.
I see for example infrared light, ultraviolet light, radio waves, X-radiation, etc..
All these energies affect our lives for better or worse.
Take for example the sound. Many times it becomes annoying. This apparatus was built which
sounds cancel results in high noise environments. Such equipment is mounted inside the aircraft
to cancel noise that they produce propeller engines. These devices produce a sound equal in
intensity and frequency but in counter phase with the tone that we want to cancel.
You can say that light cannot be undone. In one experiment, a laser issued in error, black light.
Thinking the matter as an energy. Look at it as a light or music.
Are physicians who consider the universe as a huge hologram.
It was hypothesized that at the smallest particle of matter would be a string that vibrates and
gives a feeling of material, like a vibrating guitar string.
Japanese doctor Masaru Emoto says:
'Existence is vibration ... Whole universe is in vibration state and each thing generates its own
frequency, which is unique. Although it is difficult to accept that even the chair you sit, body,
everything we see and touch is just vibration. Indeed, it is unbelievable that we can take things in
hand and see, things like wood, stone, concrete objects are all reflections of a vibratory state. "
Matter and antimatter meet when they cancel each other sounds as against phase is canceled.
Antimatter has the same construction as the material.
In the Old Testament is written, the beginning was the word. "
It seems that in the antimatter is a 'sound' the same frequency as the 'sound' which underlies
matter but for phase.
By this I wanted to show that depending on the energy it receives this man can bring energy input
if they are similar to those of body or energy to get sick if it gets canceled body energy.
The body receives energy through air, food, light, heat, music, etc..
Subtle bodies
The human being is formed out of the physical body and other subtle bodies that overlap and
intertwine with each other each having a well established role is interrelated with energy and
information exchanges between them and linking the physical body and speck of divinity with
which God has endowed us.
Since each body has a physical body vibration level of the previous one, occupying the same
space and being in the extension.
Doctor William Kilner in 1911 published his observations on the human energy field. He managed
using color filters to observe the human aura. He noticed a heavy layer thickness of about half a
centimeter close to the skin, followed by another layer perpendicular thin radiating body in thick
and 3-7 inches more subtle third layer to a distance of about 15 centimeters. He noted that the
aura differs from person to person. The doctor found that diseases occur as thin spots and the
aura of helping them to develop a diagnostic system based on color and structure aura. Today's
systems are performing observation, diagnosis and recovery of human aura.
Subtle bodies
The human being is formed out of the physical body and other subtle bodies that overlap and
intertwine with each other each having a well established role is interrelated with energy and
information exchanges between them and linking the physical body and speck of divinity with
which God has endowed us.
Since the physical body, each body has a higher level of vibration before the previous one,
occupying the same space and being in the extension.
Doctor William Kilner in 1911 published his observations on the human energy field. He managed
using color filters to observe the human aura. He noticed a heavy layer thickness of about half a
centimeter close to the skin, followed by another layer perpendicular thin radiating body of 3-7
inches in thickness and the third layer more subtle up to a distance of about 15 centimeters. He
noted that the aura differs from person to person. The doctor found that diseases occur as thin
spots and the aura helping them to develop a diagnostic system based on color and structure
aura. Today there are efficient systems of observation, diagnosis and recovery of human aura.
Etheric Body
Following after the physical body is the etheric body which has a higher vibration level so the
Etheric body is composed of fine line of energy has the same structure as the physical body
including all organs.
Etheric body extends from a few millimeters to several centimeters around the body and takes
color from blue to gray depending on the person. You can see the etheric body by placing a hand
next to a white wall lit stronger (without looking embarrassed) and the long arm contour.You'll see
that within half an hour notice a blue light (or dark tone that everyone according to his body is
essential) around the hand.
Etheric body is the matrix on which cells grow. Cells grow on the etheric body's energy lines.
Etheric body decides where each cell increases.
It was found that the etheric body of a plant leaf is designed before the rise of leaves, leaf molds
growing given the etheric body.
Kirlian wives were the first to have discovered a method of photography that highlights an existing
light emission around living organisms. They were able to differentiate healthy from the diseased
leaves, noting that emissions of energy around the diseased leaves are much smaller than
healthy leaves emissions before the disease to manifest physically.
This shows that the disease is installed from the reduced energy of the subtle body. If a part is
removed from a leaf and then photographed by Kirlian method, the remedy is visible as a bright
Wilhelm Reich in the period 1934-1938 when he worked as a researcher at the Psychological
Institute of the University of Oslo, Norway revealed a blue energy which he called orgone energy.
He built a device which accumulates and which he called orgone Oraccu. Device is a hexagon-
shaped box is built of layers of organic and inorganic materials interior wall is made of an iron
Organic materials like wool, cotton, wood absorbs orgone energy. Layers battery ensures a flow
of energy from outside to inside. Device design reminiscent of the Holy Ark.
It was found that the plants placed in the box grow much faster. Reich said that in cases of
cancer of the blood content orgone was completely exhausted. The researcher was convinced
that this energy is carried by red blood cells and transmit the body with oxygen.
Cells with low energy loads are easily contracted and has a thin edge blue, bright light.
When the body is loaded with energy and red blood cells dilate blue edge becomes more intense,
sometimes covering the entire cell
No organism can survive around these red cells heavily loaded with orgone energy.
Wilhelm Reich also discovered another form of energy that he called orgone energy dead.Based
on orgone energy built a device that can bring rain.
In 1956 Reich was brought into court by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on charges of
fraud. The organization denied the existence of orgone energy and destroyed all the books and
scientific studies of Reich as equipment which it owned. He was sentenced to two years'
imprisonment for the distribution of orgone accumulators and the suspect died in prison in
1957.Interesting is the discovery by U.S. researchers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory have found
that sending a very powerful ultrasound in a bowl with water to form tiny bubbles emitting blue
flashes. Phenomenon called sonoluminescence. Energy centers
People have a lot of energy centers of various sizes from the seven main energy centers and
ending with the lower energy centers that are points used in acupuncture.
Remember some secondary energy centers and they are used by some people.
The two energy centers one in each hand. are used for bioenergeticieni. in treating patients.
Centers of the right eye, one for each eye are used. a class hypnotist. the challenge of hypnotic
Centers of one foot on each leg by drawing your energy to earth. Therefore it is said that summer
is good to walk barefoot through the grass and earth.
One center over each of the two breasts. Centre which was above the left breast is highly
activated in those who practice prayer heart.
Centers are also found in the knee, stomach, liver, kidney, gonads, thymus, spleen, pancreas,
near the solar plexus, ear, clavicles intersection, etc.. Opening of energy centers belonging to the
internal organs in some people give what is called 'unique phenomenon. " Those people can live
without feeding, some even without drinking water. With those picks they open energy centers
that feed the body with cosmic energy.
Therese Neumann of town Konnersreuth Bavaria starting in 1922 has not eaten anything, and
since 1926 has not drank anything. And it occurred to her death in 1962. In 1927 being kept
under observation and subjected to multiple investigations Waldsassen hospital by chief surgeon
Dr. Seidl, Theresa Neumann found that weight over two weeks ranged from 52.5 kg to 55 kg. But
it is known mainly because bear the stigmata of Christ. At 60 hours after it was shared by a priest
expelled through the mouth Ostia (communion) in the stomach. To the surprise of doctors Ostia
was intact without being affected in any way the gastric juice.Remained the most amazing Ostia
gone before them. to recur in the mouth of Theresa.
Principal energy centers
-Muladhara (the root meaning in Sanskrit)-base center is located between the anus and genital
organs. It consists of four whirlwind. In Indian tradition is represented by a lotus with four petals.Is
red and belongs to the adrenal glands. Human link with the land. Bottlenecks at the center can
produce depression, greed, and physically lead to obesity, diseases of the spine, etc.. The
awakening of this center lead to the release of repressed emotions and memories of the past.
- -Svadistana (own home) sacral center is between navel and genitals. It consists of six whirlwind
is designed as a lotus with six petals. Is orange and belongs to the ovaries or testicles. Activation
of this center is to increase sexuality, physical attractiveness and self confidence. Disturbance of
this center leads to diseases of the urinary system and sex. The awakening of this center lead to
strong sexual desires and sharpening all senses to a painful, the effects disappear when the
energy is placed.
-Manipura (gemstone beautifully) is above the solar plexus center near the navel rib. This
center has ten petals have yellow color and endocrine gland is the pancreas which it
belongs. Give and power will be turned in particular to people who order: police, soldiers,
presidents, hypnotist, healers. Because the system manages digestive disorder that leads to
illness center bodies belonging to it. Fire is considered the center for the body that manages
every vital energy from food, air, etc.. This center controls feelings. The awakening of the national
center can control fire and the heat generation individuals. In Tibet there are competitions
between people who woke up this center and can control their internal fire. In full winter those
people strip and is wrapped with sheets soaked in ice water. When a sheet is dried it is placed in
water again and re-wrapped around the person. Who wins until dawn. Win at the dawn of dried
up mostly bed.
-Anahata (intangible) heart center is the middle rib in the heart. Is represented by a lotus with 12
petals is green and belongs to the thymus. This center emanated beings love to others. Manage
especially heart and circulatory system. The first three centers and commitment matters related to
this person. Raising energy from the spine and activating the center raises human consciousness
to a higher level making it to have spiritual experiences and not to run after worldly
pleasures. After awakening the heart center can activate the energy center which is only eight
petals in it and make wishes to meet immediately.
Because the heart meridian palms begin and end at heart is the person who has turned your
heart can heal others using both the energy which flows through the palms and mental
energies.Negative thinking leads to closure of these two centers.
-Vishuddi (purify) the right center of the neck is seen as a lotus with 16 petals, is blue and
belongs to the thyroid and parathyroid. Disturbance of this center lead to respiratory diseases and
thyroid gland. Keep the creativity and intuition. Wake gives clear auditory center, the power to
communicate telepathically, the power to travel in time to be indestructible and able to endure
hunger. Speakers, writers, composers, are some of the people who enabled this center.
-Ajna (science) The third eye is the energy center above the place where the cross eyebrows,
has 96 petals, the color indigo, and belongs to the pituitary. Belongs eyes, nose, ears, and part of
the brain, the rest belonging to the last energy center. The opening of this center gives the
spiritual clairvoyance and the power to influence the lives of others better.
-Sahasrara (thousand times) in the center crown of the head is called the thousand-petal
lotus.This center has a purple color and belongs to the pineal gland. Activation of this center
gives what is called spiritual salvation in Christian or Buddhist illumination. This center is depicted
in Christian iconography by a halo of golden light surrounding the faces of the saints.
In Indian tradition was established that there are hundreds of thousands of energy channels that
cross the body, of which 14 are principal.
To reach enlightenment sushumna use, the most important energy channel across the backbone
along it. This energy channel start with the energy center at the base of the spine continue to link
up where each energy center. and ends with the energy center of the crown.
Ida and ping other two main energy channels. go left and right energy center at the base of the
spine continuing upward through a series of curves sushumna crossing over back and forth is
encountered with the latter between the two eyebrows and forming an energy hub.
Center at the spine and the crown is a single energy channel is the beginning and end while the
rest Sushumna main centers are in duplicate each other front and back.
These centers are actually the whirlwind formed themselves in the whirlwind smaller
(petals).which are equal in health status between them and spins clockwise.
The seven main energy centers are present on all the subtle bodies at the same place, which is
possible because these subtle bodies have different frequencies of increasingly high.
Through these subtle energy centers bodies feed on cosmic energy, each energy center of a
vortex by taking a certain type of energy. At the same time through energy centers to transmit
information and energy from one to another subtle body.
Indian mythology is represented by a serpent asleep at the base of the spine where the energy
center Muladhara.
By exercising practitioner need to control this energy and have a gradual rise along channel
Sushumna energy and so on all energy centers open meeting. Sahasrara center until last the
time achieve enlightenment.
Raising Kundalini suddenly may cause serious health damage or death.
Professor Harry Oldfield is the founder, International School of Electrocrystal Terapy "and was
perhaps the first researcher who obtained a photo of Kundalini Kirlian method.
He has conducted photography. Kirlian equipment a woman of 50 years suffering from a neural
blockage before and after treatment under a electrocristalin. In the first photo to get a blocked
energy flow in the second photo imaged Kundalini energy flow freely moving as a coiled serpent.
Emotional Body
The second body is associated with subtle feelings, has a fluidic structure, and its color varies
according to the feelings you give that person. and go from clear to dark colors.
Thickness up to 7 cm from the body. Unlike centers with blue etheric body, emotional body
centers have specific colors energy centers.
Mental body.
The third layer extends from about 15 to 20 cm around us and presented as a golden light. Is
where thoughts are formed and function of emotions that people they have different colors and
Astral body
The fourth layer extends to about 25-30 cm from the body and consists of vivid colors. This subtle
body belongs to your heart and manage relationships between people.
At this level occur bridges between people with energy exchanges between them. These bodies
are close and unite those persons that we, and remove the antipathy.
BODY Keter.
This layer is the template that is built etheric body.
Gives impression of solid consistency. Having dark blue color and is crossed by transparent
In these goals energy is blue which formed the etheric body and this energy increase the body's
These goals represent a template that contains all of the physical body structure.
BODY. Heavenly.
Subtle body is the sixth and is level from occurring spiritual experiences. Represents the bridge
between man and divinity.
Being the seventh layer extends to about one meter around the body and is ovoid shape. It
consists of gold-silver wires that support all the subtle bodies and protects them from external
negative influences. On this layer are printed as bands films of our lives.
After an author there are at least two layers. In case of illness these subtle layers are affected.
Bioenergetic people use their own energy field to restore subtle bodies affected patient. Counts
but how well prepared is healer and to what energy level can work.
In traditional Chinese medicine known that the human body circulating energy by some
vessels. They called meridians.
Meridians carry energy the body organs. These meridians go from place to place body
surface places known as acupuncture points. When not circulating through these meridians
energy. Free and the quantity required bottlenecks occur leading to illness.
Chinese medicine uses acupuncture and acupressure to release energy circulating through the
meridians act on the acupuncture points. Another method is to adjust our own energy that flows
through meridians. One of the most successful techniques are Qi Gong exercises.
Qi Gong
In Qi Gong Jing (essence), Qi (energy) and Shen (spirit) are considered the three treasures, three
origins, the three foundations.
Practitioner must retain the essence "to transform the 'energy' internal to learn to stand up and
turn it into 'spirit'.
The practitioner must first learn to control his emotions and to eliminate. This process lead to
health and longevity. 'Essence' parents transmitted through sperm fusion with egg is called, the
original essence "or" essence of water. " In addition there is the 'essence' of food and air time
called, the essence of fire. "By practicing Qi Gong may improve quality, originating substance. It
is considered important to strengthen and preserved the essence of the original.
By excessive sexual activity is lost, the essence of the original "and the body degenerates
quickly. After birth, the original essence "is determined in the kidneys and therefore it must be
kept healthy.
Existence, substance originating underline when personally fail in this, "essence" of a patient
being treated bioenergetics. If it fails too much, the essence of "Healer's body will feel pain in the
right kidney, a sign that the essence" is running on its own and must also refrain from breaking,
"essence" of the patient.
Fetus draws its nutrients through the umbilical cord by an aspiring movement of the abdomen.
Abdomen is considered the main source of 'energy' because it is located in the abdomen. 'The
essence of the original "which is established after birth the kidney becomes rooted in
continuously," energy "which in turn collects in the lower Dan Tian (Xia Dan Tian), an energy
reservoir which is situated on the meridian Concept.
The lower Dan Tian is the main reservoir, "original energy" and is located at 3 cm below the navel
and a andâncime 3-5 cm. 'Energy' converted, the essence of the original "is called the energy of
water while the energy produced in the 'essence' of food and air time is called 'fire
power." 'Energy water' is associated with wisdom and cool, the energy of fire "which is linked to
'Energy' flows through meridians in the body maintaining good condition. Part of the 'energy' is
used to thinking, feelings, emotions. Mind uses when it wants to make such a motion being
transmitted muscles. Part of the 'energy' called 'protective power' (Wei Qi) forms a protective
layer of the skin and protects the body from external negative influences.
Man must have a 'spirit' that is strong and made with the mind. Mind is also of two kinds,
"emotional mind" and "meditative mind". Man must monitor, emotional mind 'with' meditative
mind. This man must be free of emotions. When the spirit is strong and the energy is strong.
When the spirit is weak and the energy is low. 'Spirit' is that managing traffic, "energy" in the
body. 'Fire Power' spirit while giving force, energy, water "reinforces," meditative mind "to control,
spirit." 'Spirit' fed, energy, water and kept in premises ,, meditative mind "is called 'original spirit"
(Shen Yuan) or "spirit water."
,, Meditative mind "must be stronger as' emotional mind." When you are doing something but you
will do what you want you are influenced by 'emotional mind. "
When you have the desire and willingness to put into practice what you want are under control,
the meditative mind. Consumption of meat, alcohol, drugs stimulates, emotional mind and
eliminates, meditative mind. Therefore the body must be purified by diet and by fasting.
The human body is crossed by 12 meridians connecting the extremities of the body and organs
through which energy flows. In addition there are eight meridians which are designed tanks which
regulates energy and energy flow in the 12 main meridians.
Energy to be healthy in these tanks should move freely without stopping. Two of the conception
vessel meridians are situated on the anterior midline of the body and governor meridian located
posterior midline of the body (spine). These two meridians are linked to each other forming a
closed circuit. Energy must fill the tanks and move slightly to adjust the energy movement in the
12 meridians.
The abdomen abdominal breathing is moving making energy in the body to move freely without
any obstructions.
The second is Dan Dan Tian Tian's medium (Dan Zhong Tian) linked to the solar plexus and
heart where it produces and gathers, the energy of fire "that caused the essence of food and air
This energy is influenced by emotions. If an excessive consumption of food quantity, energy of
fire leading to a growing body faster degeneration of the body. If starvation quantity energy of fire
decreases body leading to illness. When a person have too much energy, the fire "by Qi gong,
energy, water is mixed with, the energy of fire to cool it.
The three-century Dan Tian is located on the forehead and is called the upper Dan Tian (Shang
Dan Tian). Thinking uses more energy to be conveyed to the top of penetrating meridian (Chong
This meridian is a complex route. Run through the soles of feet and reach the kidneys. Other end
of this meridian starts from the sinus through the body near the meridian concept of
communicating, almost to the sexual organs where the link comes from the soles, reaching the
spine where the spinal cord enters the brain that goes to. Spirit is located in the upper Dan Tian
and mental functioning of human energy to reach the desired quantity here.
The 12 main meridians are divided into two categories: positive meridians (yang) and negative
meridians (yin).
Yin meridians and their related organs are: heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas, vessels-
Yang meridians and their related organs are: stomach, small intestine, large intestine, gall
bladder, urinary bladder, triple warmer.
Energy level is higher than the yang organs in the yin organs. Practicing Qi Gong aims to
maintain health, cure disease, extend life.
Diseases are often caused by emotional excesses. Depression causes stomach ulcers, anger
affects the liver, lungs sick sadness, fear destroys the kidneys and bladder. To avoid ill man must
learn to control emotions.
When circulation is blocked energy meridians in the body begins onset. When a meridian energy
is too much or too little yin and yang that is related to body starts to work sick and if not corrected
energy movement that body will suffer damage.
It says that an Indian prince Bodhidharma Buddhist Chinese Emperor Liang was invited to spread
his philosophy.
He found a Shaolin temple all sick monks.
To remedy the situation he retired in solitude and after nine years returned with two treaties:
Yi Jin Jing (Treatise on the movement of muscles and tendons) and
Xi Sui Jing (Treatise on Money marrow).
'Treaty on spinal money "remained secret until 20 years ago. This Treaty relates to the
functioning of energy in the bone marrow and spinal cord.
Good movement of energy in the bone marrow leads to a better quality of blood cells on a longer
period of time thus leading to a health and longer life. This practice is considered a superior form
of Qi Gong.
Qi Gong practitioner must cancel all thought and to focus on exercises.
As the tumour has its own energetic structure, it acts as a living being. The images
of some malignant tumours were obtained for the first time using electrono-graphical
techniques by researchers Dumitrescu, Golovanov and Celan. The discovery with the
number 82556 was patented in Bucharest.
Dumitrescu discovered that there was an intensification of the emission of light in
the affected zone, this being the brightest zone in the picture. When the patient has
leukaemia, the whole peripheral zone of the organism is brighter, because the blood is
affected by the disease.
Dumitrescu artificially induced the guinea pigs the malignant hidroperitonita. In the
resulting electrono-graphic pictures he noticed a bright spot in the eighth day of
As time went by, the radiant zone increased its brightness and volume;
Dumitrescu stated: "The hypothesis according to which malignant tumours may act as
sources of electromagnetic waves might be real."
Prof. Lambert presented the following results in his work entitled "Bodily
Resistance and Malignant Growth": "In tissue cultures, the cancerous cell is altered at 39º
C and dies at 42º C. The normal cell is altered at 43º C and dies at 46-47º C."
One of the methods used in treating cancer is raising the temperature of the affected zone
up to 43-44º C, thus provoking the death of the cancerous cells.
Another method is to use two rays of electromagnetic radiations which would meet
exactly inside the tumour, leading to an increase in temperature of that specific zone and
consequently to the elimination of the tumour. This method is mostly used in treating
brain tumours to avoid surgery.
The third method is to insert a probe inside the tumour through which a liquefied
gas is introduced; this leads to the cooling of the metallic walls of the probe and to the
freezing of the tumour.
Thought control can help the brain to resume full control the body transmission signals to cancel
foreign signals who made it possible installation disease.
By viewing can be obtained spectacular results in body recovery.
Mrs. Carl and Stephanie Simonton visualization techniques used to help cancer to heal.
They have suggested a patient, naval officer to imagine that leukocytes are some divers that puts
me wall cancer cells and it blows.
Another case presented by the Discovery television channel is a child. that. I was discovered. a
brain tumor. It was proposed to use visualization to heal.
Influenced by science fiction films he has imagined an army consisting of spacecraft he leads and
destroy the tumor using lasers. Every day he led an army increasingly higher against the tumor.
One day when preparing to attack noticed that no longer find the tumor. The analysis was found it
disappeared without trace. Mature he became a pilot of light aircraft.
Control that it exercises the mind the body can see very well in people hypnotized.
A personal pain caused by a decayed tooth, subject to a short lesson hypnosis just a few
minutes, the pain has disappeared for a period of three days. As is known hypnotist does not
filling the masses.
A young man could not sleep all night all because of a decayed masses. Having undergone a
brief hypnosis session and having doubt about the outcome of teeth begin to chatter increasingly
louder then without saying anything up and leave. Asked where the answer goes, "Let me sleep."
Pain disappeared and I wanted to recover after sleepless night.
Overall hypnotist must be very careful to commands given medium.
A young man who had a form of poisoning skin red spots and suggested that light is acting out
the disease in the body inside the body to the skin. As a result almost all areas immediately
imflamate have increased and new ones appeared. After this result and suggested that the body
does two rays of light, one inside and another from outside to inside. The result was that a quarter
of an hour 80% of the spots have disappeared.
Through hypnosis or hypnosis mind is that people can make sure that its action is suggested.
Information not pass through the filter of human logic. When action is set to perform live brain
receives information, rational thinking, removed from the context.
Nervous system normally performs work without our realizing it. The only information we receive
is damaged when you feel pain. The human body is like a garment that we put into account only
when no breaks.
Hypnotized person may give orders directly to the internal organs and make them perform a
certain action (increase or decrease the blood flow and temperature in an area or throughout the
body, destruction or restoration of body cells and so on). In 1901 Edgar Cayce young 24 years
old who became the greatest American seer was subjected to Al. Layne in a hypnosis session in
order to be healed because his voice is lost.
Hypnotist asked the band because of his illness he started talking, "talking through hypnosis. In
the normal state cannot articulate words and sounds due to vocal cord paralysis due to muscle
tension. Is a state of panic caused by a psychological impact. I can heal by increasing blood
circulation in affected areas. "
I suggested is to increase blood circulation in the affected area it healed after about 20 minutes
after leaving the band began to speak normally. Later it was found that the state of trance Edgar
Cayce could answer any questions.
A person subjected to hypnosis and suggested that his skin is touched with a red iron in the fire,
which was actually achieved with a feather. The surprise was that the place has emerged a
burn. The brain takin good information sent cells affected by failure behave as had been burned,
more specifically to self-destruct.
All through mind control human cells can survive without problems and a few hundred degrees.
In Greece on May 21, 1982 C. Ducteil French reporter witnessed. Langada area near
Thessaloniki a religious ceremony the occasion of St. Constantine.
Anasteria sect members they stabbed a bull on the embers and roast meat. Hot coals has a
diameter of 4 meters and several centimeters thick. The rhythm of music group members prayed
to St. Constantine. Sect members are barefoot and begin to walk on embers dancing one after
another. When completed dance takes place table.
None has traces of burns on the soles. These stories show how the mind can have greater
control over the body. We know that through hypnosis a person can quickly learn a foreign
language or to paint. What is less known is that through hypnosis can develop rapidly and mental
capacities which include a place of honor clairvoyance (see Edgar Cayce). People can have
spiritual experiences, see angels, and space travel including other planets, etc.. However by
hypnosis man has access to information. There is a heavenly council which gives access to
certain information. When information is prohibited psychic sees black eyes or a white
cloud. When a person wants for example lottery numbers and all attempts to obtain them be
warned however that if you find them someone will die of the family. Theft is punishable even in
heaven. Opinion amateurs.
In Edgar Cayce came one day an official of the bank to ask for help. He wanted to know the lotto
numbers and the money thus earned to cover the amount of money they steal, and they spent
gambling. Edgar Cayce in a trance state tells him not to give numbers because he had arrived in
prison and broken family. Man dissatisfied with the response turn to Edgar Cayce
collaborators for them the forthcoming session of hypnosis ask him and lottery numbers.
Therefore man won the lottery in place to cover the hole in the bank money spent on gambling,
he arrived in prison and his family fell apart. Edgar Cayce found and has fired employees.
An acquaintance of mine all its stress on the top asking them to give lottery numbers to win and
she some pennies. After receiving a response time as a dream.
See with her sister dead in his arms and then see lottery numbers. He was assigned to choose, if
he wins the lottery sister dies.
She said her husband numbers but did not play. Because dealing with sale of newspapers looked
back from Bucharest to see the lottery numbers. Were those of dreams.
Placebo effect
Man can autosuggestion enabling to cure diseases only using his mind power.
Everyone has heard of the placebo effect. This is a way to fool a patient saying that is given a
miracle drug that will heal quickly.
I can explain how acting that substance in the body and the discovery epochal is. I give examples
of patients healed even giving the persons concerned.
So far so good. But a small problem arises. Pill that contain anything else but no miracle
substance. And because it was not invented yet (or has been banned).
Everything is a hoax. Or so it seems at first sight. Certainly that if the doctor is convincing the
effect is guaranteed.
Man is fallen morale due to illness and negative state of mind reflected on the body further
weakening it and leaving the place open the disease to develop.
Once the patient that there is a remedy for that disease the change of heart, is optimistic.
Given a positive provision brain takes control the body and will begin the attack the disease.
The general returned to the battlefield and defeat.
On the Discovery channel was presented. If a surgeon who work for arthritis patients. It was
decided at a time to see if the placebo effect works for operations.
Surgeon in the operating room the patient was taking. I fall asleep on him after it began what
ought to be operation.
Cut the skin and walk on your knees asking nurses utensils that he had to perform the
operation. Everything as a normal operation or so it seemed at first sight.
Clear is that Dr. not cut than superficial skin and then walk on that surface as operation should be
For the show to be perfect the room was placed a television the present a real operation.
Finally patients were told that the operation succeeded. The percentage of healed by this
method was the same operate as if the real.
The issue achieved in eight years away were presented and several people, operated "in this
way. If prior to surgery could not move at the time of interview were perfectly healthy the knee,
operated. " CONTROL WILL
Man can go through the exercises at will and control capabilities that seem impossible for most
People who go on broken glass swallowed glass pieces after they have cut its teeth without being
affected in any way.
Others leave their body pierced by sharp metal rods at the ends.
When they are removed from the body not even a drop of blood flow.
A person is struck by the sharp blade of a sword. I leave without the slightest scratch.
Just curious looks and walking on coals. Embers dance was used in ancient times as a religious
In Greece, the ritual, the fire gods "originated from ancient times when you have to show
reverence to the faithful that worship god Dionisios dancing on fire to honor God without burning.
In Kosti village on the border with Bulgaria residents called popular, Aghia Eleni "dancing on fire
celebrating Saints Constantine and Helen. Popular legend says that this ritual dates from around
1000 when the church caught fire in Kosti and villagers walk through fire to save icons on the
walls in the flames.
Diana Schrech a German journalist tells the 'Mannheimer Morgen "of July 26, 1988 a religious
ritual in the river town of Ladenburg Nekar.
Around 25 people are held hands around a curtain of fire 4 meters in length singing a prayer. A
barefoot man forward on the carpet of coals without being pravocate any burns.
Were often shown on TV cases with people with such capacities.
Only a small proportion of these people were born with these abilities and most of them by
developing will control.
Many of them have developed these skills after they have suffered accidents and serious
illnesses, which left them in bed for many years.
Most resigns himself to being a disabled but there are others who choose to fight, and having a
combative spirit fail to rise.
A couple remained paralyzed in bed for many years chose to fight having nothing to lose. He
managed to overcome their handicap and even the human environment.
Being out with a friend for a ride in a hot summer day at a time he says it is too hot and then with
your fingertips start to gather clouds in the sky above them after starting to rain.
This story brought me to mind another situation which at first glance seems a joke.
A few years ago because of dry summers in a village priest goes to a priest in a parish adjacent
to ask you to remove icons from the church and join a religious procession in order to bring rain.
The latter's reply was, "You know it too hot, and then I engine (water pump).
Give the gift that it is required and worth it.
Brain waves
When a person becomes ill have major changes in types of brain waves emitted by the brain,
which is totally different from those of health. Returning to release the same type of brain waves
that occur in health status leads to a rapid healing of the patient.
The patient is placed sensors on the scalp and the signals captured are transformed into visual
images on the computer screen. Depending on the program computer screen can see all types of
brain waves emitted at that time, or you can use a ball in motion picture or other image.
When the patient will deliver the same types of brain waves as health will stabilize the remaining
ball in the center of the screen. The person will succeed in about two weeks to go they can
control the type of brain waves emitted.
In the brain waves were established 4 groups with frequencies from 0-4Hz Delta Theta 4-8Hz, 8-
12Hz Alpha Beta 12-21Hz.
In 1973 Gerald Oster of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York found that placing a
subject by emitting an audio headset sound through each speaker with a difference of 6 Hz
between these brain produces brain waves specific to 6 Hz Theta waves.
Thus it was found that the specific difference of a sound emitting brain waves brain to produce
brain waves with that frequency. These sounds are used to: create certain moods, quick learning,
healing, relaxation, decorporare, etc..
Placing sensors on the skin area affected by the disease that the patient can observe the
characteristics of the sensors and displayed on a computer screen, to change their thinking by
controlling blood flow and temperature in that area.
In 1959 doctors Troskin Serov and demonstrated in an experiment that the number of leukocytes
may be amended by autosuggestion.
Edgar Cayce
Edgar Cayce was born in Kentucky (USA) in 1878 and lived until 1945.
At 24 years by Edgar Cayce The Layne is subject to a hypnosis session in order to be healed
because he lost his voice.
Time was crucial for his future because apart from the fact that he regained his voice found in a
state of trance can answer any question he is asked.
He has dedicated his life to helping athers. În state of trance gave recipes and medical treatments
often considered strange. However his diagnosis was correct and the treatment they gave their
proven efficacy forever.
His wife which is a detection of tuberculosis in the terminal stage of trance state has prescribed a
treatment consisting of capsules of heroin vapor inhalation and brandy. Five months later his wife
was cured. Prescribed diet, medicines, homeopathy, phytotherapy, exercise, etc..
The cancer treatment consisted of a rabbit injected with cancer cells taken from patients. After the
rabbit produced antibodies needed, some rabbit blood was injected into the patient. In 1966 a
medical team from Wayne State University tested on 20 cancer patients treated similarly. Two
people were healed and the other eight tumor growth ceased.
Edgar Cayce in a trance state asks a patient to use drug Clarawater. This medicinal product
search ads in several newspapers giving including Europe but without success.
Return to Edgar Cayce in a state of trance which gives the product composition. Later that person
receives a letter from Paris of a man who says that the product had been manufactured by his
father. but because it has not been purchased by patients. he had to quit the factory in
May. Recipe sent with the letter proved to be identical to that dictated by Edgar Cayce.
But most interesting is that the story did Edgar Cayce in a trance state and out its previous life
has been Egypt's leader.
In conflict with the army he had had to leave followed by a few thousand people representing the
majority of scientists in the country. They were established in Sudan laying the foundations of a
civilization developed. Departure of this social class had a disastrous effect on Egypt. Distance of
several tens of years due to economic depression which bathe Egypt Egyptian state leadership
sent a commission to ask the leadership to return to Egypt. They were left disappointed when
they appeared before a stooped old man. Front on to return to Egypt was subjected to treatment
with a device that has reclaimed it regained body couple.
,, MOBILE healing "
Today we have the technology needed to produce equipment for regenerating the body. More
specifically these devices is as shown in the first chapter is all you will need to put on the
market. Be made a catalog with each wavelength and what kind of condition can be used.
Watched a television report a hallucinating.
A major U.S. mobile phone company has made available $ 100,000,000 a famous scientist to find
a way to cancel amis cellular radiation producing brain cancer especially when a call is made but
also the place where we mobile customers.
Researcher takes work seriously and discovered during experiments on mice that are frequencies
cure cancer. When the company announced the results have been withdrawn from all funds and
was fired.
For each cancer patient in the western world are spending at least $ 50,000. Given that 30% of
deaths in the Western world are caused by cancer, you realize the enormous funds within the
accounts of major drug concerns. A 'cell' that can cure cancer one person costs $ 50. Given that
changing the frequency used can cure all diseases concernele of 'drugs' could go bankrupt. What
we do not want. No?
Padre Pio (Padre Pio)
Padre Pio was born Francesco Forgione in as the 25th May 1887 in the village Pietricina
Benevento province.
His parents father and mother Mary Forgione Grazio Giusepa Di Nuntio had seven children:
Michele 1882, Francesco 1884 (lived 19 days), Amalia1885 (he died a month before the birth of
Padre Pio), Francesco 1887 (Padre Pio) Felicia 1889, Pellegrini 1892, 1894 Grazia. Grazio
Forgione was a farmer with less land and was forced to emigrate to America twice to be able to
support his family.
Parent log Agostino one of the first Padre Pio's spiritual directors are aware that it was still early
spiritual experiences since he was only five years and were so frequent that they consider them
One day father Agostino says, "You do not see Madonna (Virgin Mary).
At the same time and first impressions have demonic, "My mother left the world, many monsters
prejma and I came in crying. Lit world and I was silent because the monsters disappear. Again I
am a left and I started to cry because monsters. "
It happens that Francesco to find a priest to the door, a priest who does not let him go.Francesco
began to pray, see a barefoot boy who cross. priest disappears.
Mother of Padre Pio Francesco surprised that once was nine at the time while flagellate with a
chain of iron.
Ask, "Why son beat you so." He replied, "I gotta beat beat Jews as they did Jesus and his blood-
and back out."
One day in 1896 Grazio Forgione has carried his son to the sanctuary of San Francesco in
Altavilla Pelegrino Irpin Pietricilna 26 Km.
The church, near Francesco was a woman with a small child who was crying in his arms
deformed and prayed before the altar in order to get his healing. Francesco begins to weep and
to pray for healing little boy. . Mother at a time tired of praying slam child on the altar and begins
to scream: Why I do not want to cure him. "
The church sat silent then hear the child scream to stand up completely healed.
On January 5, 1903 received approval to enter the novice to the brothers capuchins. Because
she was very ill he was sent home more than once hoping that native air make him better.
Spent noviciate in Morcone monastery. After a year he was sent to continue his studies of all the
monasteries of Pianisi Sant'Elia, Monte Santa Maria, San Marco Catholic Church.
In early 1909 he was appointed to Benevento diacon then was sent to the monastery of
On July 30 was spent as a priest at the Cathedral of Benevento. From 1910 until 1916 Padre Pio
of Pietrelcina lived and where she served in the holy fame.
In April 1913 lice were studded flowering plants. A peasant called to Padre Pio to get rid of
insects. The priest went and while he prayed and blessed harvest, insects fell instantly
flashed.Because of this and other peasants have turned to Padre Pio, a week throughout the
harvest was saved. During the night the devil came to torment him Padre Pio devastating room,
bending thick bars of the bed that could not be bent with hands or a strong person, and leaving
bruises on the priest, not infrequently deploying bones.
In the afternoon of September 7, 1910 while praying to Padre Pio, he made his appearance
Jesus and Virgin donating his stigmata. Right in the middle of the palms and soles skin turned
red in the middle of giving her severe pain. Since then submit them to the torments of the demons
have become unbearable.
On August 5, 1918 Padre Pio he had a spiritual experience as it appeared a heavenly character
which have in hand a long iron and the sharp end of which came fire and pierce his soul. he felt a
pain of death. In a letter dated September 5 writes his confessor, "bleeding wound that is
reopened and bleeding continues. On September 20 it is the same character, this time with
hands, feet and ribs full of blood.
In a letter dated October 22, 1918 says, "When I find the mysterious figure bent arms, legs and
bleeding heavily from the coast. Imagine the pain that you tried it and trying it all day. Heart
wound bleeds heavily in special Thursday night until Saturday. Wed afraid that if God does not
die without the blood and not hear my moans I take these wounds. Let me take the pain and
anguish but my the external signs that give me unspeakable humiliation, confusion and
Padre Pio in 1916 and spent his entire life in San Giovanni Rotondo Capuchin monastery.
Besides Padre Pio who was credited with miraculous healing power to be there in several places
Marie Pompilio a spiritual daughter of Padre Pio Nicola says that his brother was seized while
praying sleep he felt a hand hit him causing him to awaken. Ask the next day Padre Pio if he
struck him he replied, "This departs sleep when they pray." One day Mary Pompilio saw an
episode in which a man falls to his knees crying in front of Padre Pio, "Father, thank you that I
have saved from death. He was captain of artillery on the battlefield during a shootout sees a
monk who tells him, "Sir distant from the place you come with me quickly." It is close to where the
priest is and before reaching a projectile exploded in the place where he was leaving a
crater. Turning he saw that the priest had disappeared.
Belin priest while Michelangelo was still a student written in November 1921 Padre Pio asking
him to pray for his dying grandfather who was almost 80 years. After several days old into a
coma. The next day old man reeling saying that he dreamed of a monk who brought 10 years of
life yet. His grandfather lived just 10 years. General Aviation Dr. Bernardo Rosina told the
following story.
During the war has received information that the San Giovanni Rotondo is a German holding
material to be destroyed.
U.S. general who was in command of U.S. air forces in the area wanted to fly himself appliance
squadron of bombers. When they approached San Giovanni Rotondo he and his pilots saw the
figure of a priest appears in the sky with his hands up. Bombs were loosened and fell into the
bushes automatically and changed planes and pilots route without intervention.
After the war General accompanied by a few drivers went to the Capuchin Friar. They recognized
that Padre Pio said, "You are the one who wanted to kill us all."
Speranza mother who lived until 1980 was a nun who was also famous stigmata of Christ. It
declared that met every day during the Padre Pio a full year in Rome between 1937-1939 when it
was available Sant'Uffizio. Complaint expressed by Father Alberto D'Apolito nun replied, "You are
free to think as you want. I repeat that I saw Padre Pio a year, all days in Rome. I always prayed
for him and now I pray for his glorification. "However Padre Pio was not only one time in Rome in
1917 to accompany his sister to the monastery of Santa Brigida Grazia.
Luigi Antonelli author of several novels of a cancerous tumor was discovered and doctors gave
her three months or six months of life that is operating. Appealing to Padre Pio was healed.
Cleon Morcaldi turn to Padre Pio to see if her grandson went to war is alive and to ask the
Guardian Angel to help send him a letter. That evening he wrote that letter and put it on
bedside.To the surprise of this morning the letter was gone. After two weeks family answered the
grandchild. Savino Grieco was a well known atheist materialism in Puglia and his wife banned
him very loyal to go to church and talk to God sons. In 1950 Savino and the discovery of a brain
tumor at the hospital in Bari. He was transported to Milan to undergo a surgical operation. One
night I dreamed that Padre Pio told him: 'You'll see time will heal you. "
From morning to feel better but doctors wanted to perform the operation and before entering the
operating room he ran into his parents' house in Milan. After several days the pain reappeared
and he was again admitted to hospital. Doctors refuse to operate it but finally surrender. Before
surgery is subject to a new examination and finds that the tumor disappeared. Savino went to
Padre Pio but the abbey. She'd had worse. Two men wearing it to Padre Pio and he said: 'Go
home and pray you. I will pray for you. You'll heal. " Gemma di Giorgio Sicilian town of Agrigento
province Ribera was born on Christmas day of 1939. After birth mother realizes that her daughter
has different eyes of other children at the age of three months and realized it no sees.
Your daughter in Ribera sent to two specialists in Palermo ophthalmologists Cucco and Contino
and the discovery that the girl was born without pupils. When th girl was seven years a nun it was
also a relative advise the family to turn to padre Pio and he sent him a letter to explain its
case. Girl's grandmother went to church in the locality and prayed a long time to cure the girl.
One night, Padre Pio mother appears to him in dream and said, Where is this Gemma for which
so many prayers deafen my head. "Also in his present mother daughter sleep. The next
day mother received a letter from Padre Pio as written, "Dear daughter, I assure you that we pray
for their daughter." Encouraged by this response deciseră to go immediately to San Giovanni
While going by train girl told her grandmother impression that he had seen something. I do not
think Grandma seeing no change in the girl's eyes. Once they went to San Giovanni Rotondo to
confess to Padre Pio. This girl's eyes met his. wound of hand making them crossed. . Grandma
concerned for the girl to call him Padre Pio said, Gemma sees and you know it. "In a few days the
girl began to see normally but without pupils. There were even scientific reports on the subject.
In 1945 Giuseppe Canaponi Sarteano lived in the area of the province of Siena. He was married
and had a son. On May 21 while returning from work on the motorcycle is hit by a truck. After the
accident suffered: a skull fracture bone fracture above the left eyebrow, left eardrum rupture
fracture of ribs and a fractured left leg in five parts. Recovery was satisfactory outside the left
He was admitted to hospitals: Sarteano, Chiusi, Montepulciano, Siena, Bologna. Left leg could
not be bent at the knees and was diagnosed with 'fibrous ankylosis of the left knee. "
It was considered incurable and retired through illness. Tried to bend the knee on forced
Zuppinger device under general anesthesia. Therefore femur broke again should stay another
three months with leg in plaster.
He told his wife a believer of Padre Pio. It ask their husband to go to San Giovanni Rotondo but
he starts to swear and curse against Padre Pio. In a later realizing he had nothing to lose decided
to go to Padre Pio. Arriving at the monastery he went to confession to Padre Pio and without
realizing he knelt before the priest and said the sign of the cross. After confession Giseppe rose
and turned to his wife without realizing that normally goes to the surprise of his son and
wife. Back home with his wife danced for two hours in front of friends to surprise them.
Giseppe Canaponi lived to age 70 years and still receive disability pension because doctors have
observed that the physical causes which caused disability were still present. And yet he
continued to work normally although the left leg was two inches shorter and half as righteous.
Antonio Carotenuto Boscoreale town in the province of Naples remained paralyzed for five
months due to a herniated disc.Profesorul Giudice Giuseppe decided to operate it. . Before
operating Antonio prayed to Padre Pio.
At night I dream of Padre Pio who said, "Do not be afraid, you have nothing, you're right." The
day before surgery herniated disc finds that teacher was gone.
Ms Giuseppina Chimento Turin nets seven years have osteoarthritis in my right hand and gave
him continuous pain. One morning in October 1980 prayed to Padre Pio. The next day found that
his hand is healed.
Antonio Paladino lying completely paralyzed for 33 years because of an accident at work. On the
night of December 12, 1968 feel that Padre Pio and met him he said, "up and go." He stood up
and began to go completely healed.
Karol Wojtyla in 1962 while he was in Rome he was informed that a family pal of 40 years Wanda
Poltawska psychiatry professor and mother of four girls had a cancerous tumor.
Doctors said the surgery would be unnecessary. Karol Wojtyla by Angelo Battisti sent a letter to
Padre Pio asking him to intervene to bring Wanda Poltawska heal.
Padre Pio says, "When it cannot say no." Padre Pio received one week of future Karol Wojtyla
Pope John Paul II a letter thanking him for healing Poltawsca teacher.
Perhaps one of the most shocking episodes is the one that was witnessed Sanguinetti Gulielmo
One day came to San Giovanni Rotondo a lady with a suitcase. It sat in a row waiting to
confess. Arrived in front of Padre Pio open suitcase and began to cry.
Surrounded by old clothes was a corpse of a baby about six months. Woman with sick child
journey undertaken Padre Pio hoping it will heal. The little train die and his mother with a huge
belief is hidden in suitcase and continue the journey.
Dr. Sanguinetti argues that even if the baby was alive when he put the bag it would certainly have
died asfisiat. While the woman screamed. Padre Pio took the body of little hands him a brief
prayer and then addressed the women: 'Yeah why both guys. Can not you see that your son is
sleeping.''Indeed child breathes quietly.
Since the advent of stigma and death until one who was Padre Pio, Sant'Uffizio "(Holy Office)
issued a long series of decrees that were not canceled until today against any person who was
the first priest with stigmata.
Twice for long periods he was forbidden to have contact with parishioners.
Emanuele Brunatto both times I managed to order the Vatican to lift ban on.
First published in three languages and distributed worldwide book, Antichrist in the Church of
Christ "in 1933.
He published a second time, "White paper" which showed the tortures to which he was subjected
to Padre Pio from the Vatican and was to be forwarded to representatives of all countries in a UN
press conference on March 2, 1964 which Vatican made to give back. Senior prelates at the
Vatican have not suffered as a simple monk to be closer to God than they.
The beatification process of Padre Pio began on March 20, 1983 and this seat because the pope
Karol Wojtyla became known as Pope John Paul II.
On September 13, 1972 Cardinal Giuseppe Siri commemorating four years after the death of
Padre Pio in the church of Santa Caterina of Genoa said: "The first who had to admit it I am
Jesus Christ who sent him on the cross, and it happened so with Padre Pio ... he he was reduced
to a murderer, was isolated, it reached the point of being forbidden to communicate with believers
.... "
That scurvy was a disease caused by vitamin C has long been considered a contagious disease.
Jean-Antoine Villemin member of the Academy of Medicine in Paris said, "Scurvy is a contagious
miasma comparable typhus epidemic that takes form when people live piled with the smooth:
prisons, ships, sieges, etc.."
Pellagra is a disease caused by lack of food due to a vitamin niancinei exclusive use of corn-
based foods.
Those hit hard by the disease the skin becomes red followed by dementia, weight loss, diarrhea
ending with death.
Military physician Joseph Goldberger found that changing the diets of pellagra patients recovering
them. It announced its results in 1915 and the New York Times published the news.
Thompson-McFadden Commission appointed by the U.S. government continued to treat pellagra
contagious epidemic. Even that doctor Jean-Antoine Villemin, his wife and 14 employees were
injected blood and various body fluids from patients suffering from pellagra without ill not
convinced the medical world, the victims continue to die of the disease.
In Japan starting in 1955 there was an epidemic called Smon manifested by internal bleeding and
diarrhea followed by neurological degeneration. Tried to find the cause of disease by looking for a
virus that caused disease. Disease is emerging through an ordinary diarrhea.
This was treated with increasing doses of drugs followed by large and worsening the patient's
Pharmacology 1969 H. Beppu test drugs and entero-vioform Emaform which were treated
"patients of Smon mice.
Much to his surprise found that mice died immediately.
The two drugs were made of the same substance chioquinol. The epidemic ended in 1973 with
the prohibition of drugs based chioquinol. The epidemic resulted in 11,007 casualties of which
several thousand deaths.
Ciba-Geigy pharmaceutical company lost the lawsuit although bribery many doctors who had to
And today is selling drugs for diarrhea based derivatives Chioquinol substance.
Genetic therapy is used together with radio-therapy. The radiations kill not only the
cancerous cells but also the healthy ones, including the cells that form the bone marrow.
The genetic therapy would be more successful (it has the highest rate of healing
anyway) if it were used in combination with the rays of light treatment discovered by
Romanians, which kills only cancerous cells (this treatment is presented at the beginning
of the book). Stem Cells
Are cells that are at the initial stage of cell development. Embryo develops from a single cell that
begins to multiply. The first cells are identical and only later will specialize turning into different
cell types that make up the various tissues of the body. These stem cells can turn into any tissue
type desired.
Because stem cell capacity to transform into any desired cell type scientists trying to obtain these
cells in several ways and their implantation in tissue weakened. in order to regenerate the
area. Can be used in heart disease, diabetes, Parkinson's, etc.. One way of obtaining stem cells
by cloning. German researcher Kansai Spemann issue in 1938 the theory that cloning was
possible starting from the nucleus of a cell of an individual who was inserted into an egg whose
own first nucleus is removed. Cloning is the beginning and present difficulties. It took 484
embryos to be cloned sheep Dolly was born and 84 for mouse Cumulina.
From these eggs have replaced the nucleus of adult somatic cells. Egg which is now complete
genetic code (DNA double chain) behave like a fertilized egg and kept in culture medium under
conditions appropriate chemical stimulation begins to divide and multiply. With stem cells are
obtained various cell types of tissues, skin, nerve, retina, smooth muscle, bone, cartilage,
connective tissue, etc.. The next step would have been transplanted tissues in patients. It
replaced the egg nucleus with a nucleus of a somatic cell taken from a patient who wants stem
cell transplantation. Replacement occurs because stem cells results. have the same DNA in the
nucleus, thus wishing to that transplanted stem cells be compatible with the patient and decrease
the chances of being rejected by the body. Yet there is danger of being rejected because besides
kernel of the same patient's DNA that has been transplanted cells, cell rest has another gene
Italian researcher Angelo Vescovi demonstrated experimentally that nerve cells can be
transferred into cells hematite thus opening a new field of research. Today treatment with stem
cells is performed with the patient's own stem cells harvested from bone marrow avoiding any
rejection. A diabetic which will be injected their own stem cells in the pancreas, they will turn into
pancreas cells and heal the person with diabetes. The cornea will be injected into cells that make
up the cornea, regenerating it, people being healed.
Dr Amit Patel from Mc Gowan Institute of Regenerative Medicine in Pittsburgh performed
bypass coronary on twenty patients with severe heart failure. Half of them were taken from bone
marrow of the pelvis two types of stem cells which were injected into the heart during
surgery. University announced that after six months left ventricle of the heart that pushes blood
increased by 24% its thrust. Dr. Amit Patel said: "one of these patients could not work at all and
now are returning to work. Are very promising results. Stem cells injected into heart muscle cells
turn into new heart and new blood vessels.
A report conducted by the Discovery Television presented the cases of older people with serious
cardiac deficiencies after they were injected into muscle tissue of the heart stem cells which had
been harvested from bone marrow have returned can run several miles daily.
Another experiment: a few mice were removed a portion of the spine spinal nerve leaving them
paralyzed. After those were implanted stem cells in place were implanted special fibers which
were coated with stem cells (as cotton absorbs water) so that the stem cells to restore spinal
nerve connections between the ends of the spine, namely replacing the missing portion. Stem
cells turned into nerve cells and mice began to walk without sequelae remains. Stem cell
treatment is the best option being transplanted into their body cells that have the same genetic
In organ transplantation they have different genetic construction and the body rejects the
transplanted organ, namely the immune system attacks and destroys cells transplanted
considering them enemies because of different genetic structure of the host body.
Man must take rest of life immunosuppressants, drugs that block the immune system and leaves
the body discovered before the disease. Anyway man lives after a transplant usually a very short
time. For someone to receive an organ someone else must die. When an individual who needs a
transplant has a good financial standing and is willing to pay, the situation is resolved. Specifically
someone is killed. Melatonin
Melatonin is a hormone secreted by glands located in the brain epiphysis.
Dr. Randy Nelson of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore has taken a number of mice that has
divided into two groups. In both groups gave carcinogens only difference being that one group
was kept in an environment with low light (winter) while the other group was kept in bright light
(summer). 85% of mice kept in bright light of summer have cancer while none of the mice kept in
low light (winter) were not sick.
Dr. W. Wright and Dr. J. Shay from Medical Center al University of Texas have found a way to
deactivate genes leading to cell death which could theoretically live continuously.
Dr. Judith Campisi of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory using a substance able to maintain active c-
fos gene making the cell able to divide indefinitely.
Dr. Michael West researchers in Molecular Biology from the University of Southwestern Medical
Center at Dallas Chicago Tribune magazine presents an experiment in which he managed a way
to stop aging and young cells maintain genetic maneuvering genes M-1 and M-2. Aging cells
have gene M-1 in activated position.
Dr. Michael West has failed to disable gene M-1 cells and become young and continuing
divisions. Disabling and gene M-2 cells divide continuously.
Dr. Michael Rose, University of California has managed to create a variety of vinegar flies that
live twice more. Additional inoculated in DNA genes that produce SOD (superoxide dismutase).
Dr. Thomas Jonson biologist at the Institute for Behavioral Genetics at the University of Colorado
in Boulder and he succeeded as modifying a gene to double the life of roundworm. It was found
that they had a high amount of SOD and catalase enzyme.
Molecular Biology Specialist Dr. Thomas Maciag from Biosciences Laboratory Jerome
Holland al American Red Cross has managed to double the life of skin cells by inactivating a
gene that produces protein interleucină. Technique is called antisense and used to create those
remaining tomatoes ripe indefinitely. So-called dutch tomatoes (with plastic taste) that if you look
on the table. go back over two years and find them equally. By controlling cell proliferation genes
ensure that this is possible using an extracted stem cells from bone marrow to create an organ or
amount required to be injected into weakened organs. Another way is to add genes "Matusalem"
a stem cell after it is multiplied in number to create the desired organ transplant or to be injected
into organs, tissues and bone marrow. This method will increase the amount of SOD in the body
can be used to treat people who have been subjected to large amounts of radiation such as
"Chernobyl" or cosmonauts. Genes can be used "Matusalem" or portions of the genetic material
of bacteria radiodurans, which can be constructed in the desired amount. These genes can be
replaced in creating human eggs who have a lifetime several times longer than those of today
and to enjoy good health.
The large amount of radiation coming from the sun as ozone depletion and acid rain due to the
proliferation of hundreds of nuclear explosions made by major powers over time, will destroy
more and more crops, shortly crops can not be grown outdoors. Therefore be created by genetic
engineering of plants to be multiplied the amount of genes "Matusalem" In this way people still
have food. Increasing the amount of SOD in plants when they are consumed fresh
(unprocessed) will increase of SOD in the body protect people from diseases.
Natural antibiotic
Doctor of medicine and chief scientist specializing in molecular biology Michael Zasloff of
Magainin Pharmaceuticals. Pennsylvania announced the discovery in 1993 in the small stomach
spiny dogfish. Acanthias Squalas a powerful antibiotic called it sqalamină.
A steroid in sqalamină is linked to a positively charged molecule through which sqalamina
actually stick to negatively charged membranes of microorganisms (bacteria, protozoa, fungi,
etc.) they dissolve. and. destroy them this way.
Shark cells as human cells are not destroyed by squalamina because they are not negatively
charged. Team of researchers led by Professor Shai Yechie from Biochemical
Department Weizmann Institute in Tel Aviv, Israel discovered in insects peptide that inhibits
bacterial infections.
Synthesized in laboratory conditions was found from experiments that these peptides are
attached to dissolve membrane of bacteria and leading to their death. Peptides do not act on
human cells.
Mircea Ciuhrii biologist Doctor docent and active member of the New York Academy of Science in
1999 found that some proteins exist in insects inhibit the process of assembling the nucleic acids
in proteins tires. blocking the possibility of viruses to multiply and thus eliminated by the immune
system. Researcher Mircea Ciuhrii managed the Centre scientifically Application "Insect Farm" to
create a variety of pharmaceuticals that have proven effective in viruses hepatitis A, B, C, D and
E, cirrhosis, liver cancer, prostate adenoma, rheumatism, herpes, staph infections and
streptococcal etc.. Fractals or mathematics of Divinity
Mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot was the one who coined the word fractal to bring together the
work of others before him.
Comes from the Latin word fractal frangere which means to break into irregular pieces.
Mathematician Benoit in 1975 published the paper "A Theory of fractal sets" representing the
starting point of studying fractals. In 1982 Benoit will publish "Fractal Geometry of Nature
Fractal is the mathematical formula (simple or complex) which shows a picture (graphic).
Mathematician Michael Barnsley has been fascinated since childhood by observing that each leaf
fern resembles the whole.
He built a simple computer program to create graphics these characteristics. Resulting image
was more real than expected.
Mathematicians Barnslez Michael and Elton John have demonstrated that it can be
reproduced. any image in the world using fractals.
Succeeded compression very large images in very small codes having a compression ratio of
10,000 to 1.
Each atom, molecule, cell and is organized with a fractal mathematical pattern.
Each creature (plant, animal, human, etc.) develops after a fractal mathematical equation. The
nature and the universe are built on the same fractal codes. When you see a flower a butterfly, a
crystal a tree, an animal actually see how nature is organized respecting mathematical patterns
Chemicals, organic chemicals, particles in motion (light, electromagnetic radiation, X-rays,
sounds, etc.) are Structural each by a fractal and the contact and interaction with the cell will be
beneficial or destructive to the fractal structure of the cell.
Fractals benefits are fractals which helps to keep intact the fractal organization of cells.
Fractals destructive are those fractals that interaction with fractals of living cells produce changes
in their program leading to the destruction of living cells.
Cell cancer resulting from healthy cell that has been modified mathematical program (fractal) after
it was built. and manage the cell.
Cell which was modified fractal pattern with the new math (fractal) modeling and acting after the
new program (fractal). The treatment is trying to restore the original mathematical fractal pattern
of healthy cell.
Water has a simple structure H2O. However at level water influence was observed
experimentally that fractal organization the various streams of particles (energy) have on the
fractal organization of water. Fractal organization of water see when it freezes. All have seen frost
formed on the glass in winter. We remain amazed at the beauty of frost and wonder why take
such forms.
Who knows beauty snowflake diversity and organization of their perfectly geometric which
actually represents the crystallization of water respecting the fractal patterns.
Possibility to modify the fractal structure of water was established from experiments conducted by
Japanese researchers.
Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto has followed higher education at the University of
Yokohama, where he earned a degree in physics. This caused astonishment in scientific
circles with results they obtained from experiments on water. Dr. Emoto Masuru observed from
research that water is influenced by feelings, emotions, words, prayers, music and even written
When near a bowl of distilled water were uttered words like "thank you", "peace", "angel", "love",
"mother" and was made to "listen" to music by Vivaldi, Beethoven, Schubert, Mozartcrystals
resulting from the freezing water that please the eye with a symmetric geometry harmonious.
Fractal program introduced water through words and music give by freezing water that
architecture crystals with atoms and molecules arranged in an orderly manner with divine
In the case of water which were sent words like "devil", "war", "blood", "death" or was made to
"hear" heavy metal and hard rock music with violent texts resulting crystals from freezing
water were broken, crushed as if they had a blast
Do you realize what effect have those fractals on living cells.
Now understand why the plants died made to bear the heavy metal and hard rock music .
They took two samples of water from the same place.
Water that has "listened" prayers by a priest after freezing the crystals that had this beautiful
geometric shapes.
Water that has "listened" to prayers. After freezing this have twisted crystals, broken.
Therefore it is good before we sit down to ask divine blessing on the food that we follow to
Water may be induced. a fractal beneficial. that the consumption to help maintain the good
condition of the fractal structure of the body. For introduction of fractals benefits on the water
structure. Several methods are used. One of these is to put a glass bowl of water near a speaker
that emits music by Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Schubert and so on.
Before the speaker solder glass is better to be purified quartz crystal.
Crystal is purified keeping it two weeks in water with salt in order to remove potential negative
fractals. Then continue cleaning the crystal with prayer to induce positive fractals.
Crystal serves. to purify the emission of particles with negative fractals that crossing at the exit of
this stream of particles having a positive fractal construction. Wife of Dr. Lee Lorenzen had a
disease that could not be cured by any of the treatments that has been subjected.
Dr. Lee Lorenzen built a device through which water was subject to the action of a laser and a
magnetic field inducing such information (fractals) benefits.
Consuming treated water as his wife was cured.
The Kirlian photography underline aura (flows of particles are emitted by bodies being subtle).
And these subtle bodies are built respecting a mathematical pattern, a fractal. To work subtle
bodies need food energy and therefore captures energy. Flows of particles around.
If fractals particle flux will have the same fractal structure as subtle bodies and loading them will
help keep in good condition subtle bodies and thus the entire body.
When the body is deprived of these streams of particles or particle streams receiving have
destructive fractal structure subtle bodies will be affected and the body will fall sick.
Japanese scientists or thought to capture and transfer positive energy those streams of particles
that it receives from the environment and the subtle bodies that feed. Japanese specialists after
studies found that this energy is of cosmic energy and they called Pi. Japanese research group
led by Dr. Shinji Makino have developed a complex technology called 'Bio Control System "to
capture and to transfer this energy.
They discovered that water can receive the easiest and stored in a long time this energy.
Water is purified and subjected to a stream of particles (loaded with energy) with Life Energy
Following Kirlian photography was found that the resulting water has a halo (particulate
emissions) similar to the human energy field. Pi water used for crop irrigation has led to increased
production by 35% compared to control cultures.
Pi water has beneficial effects on the whole body when consumed.
Particulate flows stored of Pi water have the same fractal structures with particle flows that
support the subtle bodies and will have the role of feeding, loading and regeneration maintaining
good working condition subtle bodies and hence the physical body. From a group of 24 cancer
patients with pi water consumption without further treatment, five patients have tumors
disappeared, the other eight of these tumors were significantly reduced, and the rest have been
reduced disease manifestations. THOUGHT
Thought is a fractal that change fractal image we want to change.
Thoughts are formed in simple form of words which are simple codes that structuring our ideas
into a larger code (phrases), or complex shapes consisting of images which are actually complex
codes (fractals) and is the higher form of thinking. Hence the words "a picture is worth a thousand
Mind is a hologram, a three-dimensional image. Composed from structured particles after a
mathematical program (a fractal). Thought is a mathematical program (a fractal) attaching the
desired image and alter the structure of mathematics (fractal). it consists. Depending thought
issued. an image can be: an object, a being, a situation, a mood, illness, environment, etc..
Everyone has heard of computer software viruses that destroy or modify a program that and
antivirus that destroy viruses. As is the case of thoughts. We are a program (fractal) that we are
moving in a program wider (external environment). Reality around us and where we are are the
result of our thinking but also those around us.
When you curse someone we do a change in body program that personae and situations which
will be that person. Since it is a destructive program that thought will have destructive influence
on us and our health.
Man must think only positive. as once thought from the way its delivered running that
program.For. that our desire to satisfy mind must be focused on target and make sure of its
Doubt is a destructive program that kills the program thought. Want a car. If you think constantly
and you are sure you have the car then thought that is actually a program will go and make
necessary changes in the program universe thus creating the situation to obtain the desired
When doubt occurs then everything is blocked.
If you think you do not have money to buy the car that you can not pay for insurance and
gasoline then wish fulfillment remains suspended pending completion other conditions. Simply
have a conditional desire the fulfillment of other desires. First you create a program to change the
universe. Then you conditioned on the fulfillment of the program running other programs.
In this way a program easily met you into a series of programs to be fulfilled by one and finally to
fulfill the original program (the car). I thought I might say masochistic.
Would you go to visit a foreign country. When you think you have no money to make that road trip
you conditioned on the fulfillment of other desires. When you are sick you think you have no
money for drugs.
After you get the money and medicines default notice that they have no effect. It would be better
if you want and make sure you heal.
Thoughts are subtle form of reality. Thought is a mathematical program, an image composed of
small particles. The desire is more intense thought even take physical form turn into reality. The
reality is condensed form of thinking. "Ask and you will be given, knock and the door opens."
Man through his thoughts it emits requires certain things and situations which should be
made. We can compare human thinking with a honeycomb of bees in each small room is being
placed one thought.
Every thought must be placed given in their pantry. For example you want a car. Thought must be
placed and will unite with thoughts that you have given along the life and you wanted a car but
also those related to cars. Delivered thought will join similar thoughts until that closet will be filled,
namely thought will become brighter and will have power to make necessary changes in the
universe bringing the desired object or situation that you requested.
If you want a Mercedes, but you always think you do not have money to buy it result of your
thinking might be evidenced by a Trabant. To know a person's future, we must know the past.
Human life is particularly the result of thoughts that he has delivered throughout life but the
thoughts of those around him as well as actions taken by him and that creates the reality in
which that person is alive. The thoughts the man asked to be put in certain situations and they will
perform throughout life when they have favorable conditions for expression.
Fears, desires and actions create reality. That we want or not. Thoughts issued a lifetime building
and shaping our life and body. When we see or someone tells a story note that often happens to
us after a while the same fact.
Is the result I was impressed of that happening and later because thoughts issued by us universe
will put in the same situation. The thoughts I have recreated the same program of reality.
The difference between a saint and an ordinary man is less than you think, but at the same time
as great as the distance between earth and heaven. Linear thinking is a normal man.
Time always goes forward. After days following night.
Objects are obtained by processing raw materials.
To get a place depending on the distance we travel by foot, car, boat or ship and not least by
plane, and in exceptional cases, with the spacecraft.
When installing a disease we must go to the doctor to take medication and only afterwards to
heal us. Man is born, grows, ages and dies. Can not rise and rejuvenate or even less, become a
Man is man and not once could not turn for example, in rock, water, plants, animals, air, etc..
We hear so-called doctors giving verdicts as incurable disease or genetic disease (incurable).
Normal human thinking faces a lot of things. It's a real beehive: what I wear, what I eat, to make a
phone call an hour I met with X etc..
St mind is focused only to God. Having eliminated parasitic thoughts, his mind will be clear. When
you want something, that wish will come true instantly there is no other desires and especially
there is no doubt.
If you want to walk on water, he will go. First St. believes it is possible and the divinity will fulfill
their wish.
No doubt. Shall not ask questions on how to comply and physical laws that make that action
possible. Hologram
If ordinary lamps emitted photons moving in all directions. In a resulting laser photons moving in
one direction as a multiplicity of parallel straight lines.
When a laser beam passes through a transparent plate printed with a holographic image photons
change their direction of travel respecting the structure of holographic print and the output
photons with different directions of travel will interfere at some distance (seen) resulting in
brighter areas thus constituting the hologram (as two beams of flashlights will meet in the air
resulting in a light that area better).
When creating holographic images have a multitude of light beams that meet in the air.
When a coherent light (laser) is directed to a transparent plate light will follow its travels and travel
in a straight line without being modified initial trajectory any angle and positioning of transparent
plate front of the beam.
Direction of travel of photons will be the same over the surface of the board or as they cross a
border or center plate. Transparent plate can be crossed at the same time. A lot of photons each
with different direction of travel and having to exit the same path as its input (this is a theoretical
explanation in practice there are small deviations "losses").
Some cards have holographic photographic emulsion consists of small grains of silver bromide is
set in a transparent gelatinous substance. Each particle of the photosensitive substance will
record all directions of photon travel which bounced off the subject which are recorded
holographic image plate.
Hologram acts as a mirror. When the mirror is broken any piece can reflect the whole picture.
Hologram because the entire image is recorded on each particle separately when it will be broken
every piece will reflect the whole picture Of course respecting proportions. Hologram is called flat
if the photosensitive layer is of the order wavelength used.
Three dimensional hologram has thickness photosensitive layer larger than the wavelength
used may have m which is 30 times more than the wavelength of helium-neon laser 20
Hologram plane fixed in the plan. trace of photons the bounce from object while three-
dimensional hologram. Register directions of travel of photons (coming from the object) in
volume. Hologram plane is a two-dimensional image of interfering lines of, photon and three-
dimensional hologram is a structure in space being composed of from interference layer
consisting of curved layers.
On one hologram can record a large number of images (per 100 cm2 in a volume encyclopedia)
which can be decoded independently of one another. Record and play scenes changing the angle
of light beam falls on the hologram. Polish physicist 1920 M. Wolfke published the paper "On the
Possibility of optical representation of molecular network" showing that radiation using X-ray
diffraction on crystals obtained image optical lattice.
In 1948 English physicist Dennis Gabor discovered holography by trying to increase the power of
resolution electron microscopy and published his "A new microscopic principle" in which exhibited
two stages of obtaining holographic representation. He noted that the electronic beam when
crossing a transparent plate some of the electrons apart interfering (meeting with). Part of the
beam was not spread. .
Physicist D. Gabor said that the idea to build a hologram in which the object is registered with an
electronic beam and image reconstruction is made using a light beam appeared following the
publication in 1942 by English physicist W. Bragg of the paper " Roe.ntg.en microscope. Image
created by physicist D. Gabor were of poor quality and had a duplicate.
Once discovery has revived interest in laser holography.
In 1961, American physicists E. Leith and J. Upatnieks created the first hologram without lining.
A coherent beam hitting directly holographic plate. Other coherent light hitting the subject
reflecting its image on the holographic plate where they meet at an angle the first coherent
beam such recording hologram on holographic plate and escaping the double because the two
rays on the plate exactly met. Three dimensional holograms were discovered in 1962 by Russian
physicist N. Denisiuk using thick photographic emulsions. He obtained these holograms using:
laser, holographic plate, object.
Ray emitted by the laser. through the photographic emulsion plate, meets the object reflecting the
object image on the plate obtaining such registration object on holographic plate.
To obtain a spatial image clearer, the object is struck coherent rays from several angles
simultaneously and then reflecting the object image on plate with photosensitive substance.
When a laser beam similar to that of the printed hologram will hit holographic
plate. photonscomposing the corresponding radius will be diverted by the photosensitive
substance on the direction of travel of the photons that have printed holographic plate. Across the
holographic plate photons will be reflected in certain angles and out of that boardphotons out in
certain angles will meet at various distances the photons exit the other angles creating brighter
areas of interference and all those areas taken together give objective picture printed on
holographic board.
In 1971 physicist Dennis Gabor received the Nobel Prize for establishing the first hologram.
Dr. Karl Pribram researcher in psychiatry for 10 years after a study found that mental structure of
the brain is holographic. Information received through sight, hearing, taste, touch are registered at
the mental level as holograms and distributed throughout the body.
For example a hair (or any other thing from the body) will contain all information about the
condition of the person to whom it belongs. It is considered by some physicists that the universe
is a holographic structure. Mind recorded in holographic form. Holographic information captured
Thoughts are actually holograms which will merge on holographic universe exist
simultaneously in the so-called Bell's theorem. According It any happens to subatomic
particles affect immediately remaining particles. This behavior is specific of holograms.
Max Planck discovered that heat energy is emitted in packets of energy called quanta. Einstein
found that electromagnetic radiation is in the form of quanta. We may call them holographic
Researcher Rupert Sheldrake in his book "A new science of life" concluded that once a member
of a species learn a new behavior will cause small changes in behavior similar to all members of
the species. If it occurs long time, the behavior will be assimilated by all members of the species
and spread in time and space. In his book "Flow of Life: Biology Understanding" scientist Lyall
Watson found that after a group of monkeys on one island learned to make something new,
monkeys on other islands begin to have the same behavior.
If we consider the behavior of a species as a hologram, then any change in behavior hologram of
a member of that species will behavioral changes throughout the hologram of that
species.Doctors George De La Warr and Ruth Drawn managed by an apparatus and using hair
as an antenna to obtain images of organs affected by disease as malignant brain tumors, liver
cyst, even a child of three months.
Since 80% of diagnostic errors made by doctors and patients are given drugs in this way the
patient's condition worsens. Romanian researcher Mircea Brasoveanu created a device that
measures the human energy field, food, medicines, etc..
The device can using a hair to establish disease of someone suffering but Also predispositions to
disease. At the same time may determine if a drug leads to the restoration and strengthening of
individual energy field or destroy it.
Even if a crime perpetrator can be established (a number of people between the killer and to be)
made measurements on the hair of the participants. Events are recorded in a being or an object
in the form of a chain of holograms (holographic film). Because they are registered as
holograms an object as small. He keeps the film all the events has been involved. Cronovizor
device was constructed which capture and play images from the past as a movie.
Some people by touch or look can. See events that attended a person or object.
If we consider the universe a hologram then the human eye are those
recorded. on. brain.External holograms. The human body is a holographic structure evidenced by
the fact that each cell contains all the information body. A cell can create another body identical to
that of which belonged. Brain and mind implicitly manage the organization of holographic
structure of the organism as a whole but also of smaller holograms represented by cells. When
the brain signals not corrector they do not reach cells when disease occurs more precise
disruption that holograms. Lack of coordination by the brain of cells is best seen in the case of
tumors. Positive thoughts bring brightness and power main hologram representing body and
consequently all the smaller holograms that component (cells). The time which is given a
negative thought. it acts as an interference in brain signals who go to cells. Negative thinking is a
hologram that weakens, edit and destroy small holograms (cells) and hence large hologram
(body). Thoughts as holograms themselves as positive or negative change in the human body
and our environment.
When a person has suffered an injury in a previous life from the example of a spear in its current
aura you will see that spear. The hologram that person's aura Javelin hologram was added
creating the physical discomfort. A clairvoyant therapist out that spear from aura of the person
solving such problems generated. because of it. . Get Out Javelin hologram leaving hologram that
person clean.
Any treatment is to restore the structure and brightness of the hologram is the physical and subtle
The disease is disaggregating holographic structure. Of the body.
A method of healing is to overlap. over the physical body. Another hologram representing a new
mold for the body.
Here imagination plays an important role. Such methods are used by Native American shamans.
Don Jose Matsuwa is 109 years old Spook Huichol Indians a tribe of the Sierra Madre mountains
of Mexico numbering about 15,000 members. He said: 'When I start the ritual of healing, he
claims. on Nierika to open. (This is the crossing point of the spiritual world in a tunnel-like
material.) I see a circle and I call Kauyumarit brother deer. Ask him to come help us. . Then, using
songs and feathers do deer spirit to enter in sick person's body. I imagine as deer body image
becomes human. If the two images overlap, everything is fine. Sometimes after an hour or
two must check whether the image is superimposed as well. Sometimes the images overlap very
quickly, but sometimes it takes time. "
One day old healer had a vision in which appear a person who was lost. Huichol Indian territory
for five days without food and water and being on the brink of death. It was a 18 year old
American named Brant who left New York in order to learn the secrets Native American
shamanism. . Men sent by Don Jose'l found and brought before it who adopted him as 'grandson'
it. He stayed 12 years with Don Jose 'who taught the mysteries of shamanism after that was sent
to lead knowledge among the whites. In the words of Brant see holographic essence of being
human. , When taking in hand feathers, then I feel transformed into an eagle. Master air I use
bunch of feathers as one fan to invoke the spirit of wind. At that time become able to see the flow
of vital energy of man. Finally, take feathers as some brushes and paint, repair holes where the
flow is interrupted. If shaman is looking at this time the sick he can see through the glass as his
body is transparent. Where the body is not transparent, is disease. "Then invoke the spirit of the
deer to run into that person. Then the shaman place near the mouth of sick and absorbs "disease
of the patient. After a spat in a pot. There is also opportunity. the shaman to become ill while one
person heals. Reality around us is a hologram. Is changed continuously. it fits as holograms of
our thoughts.but affected by holograms thoughts of others.
When someone wants something then holographic reality around that person will be
created.respectively hologram thought expressed by that person. Therefore thought a person
who wishes to obtain something must be formed from a clear, bright object or situation that would
be made.
The person who thinks negatively and is afraid of something not happening will be put in that
situation since through his thoughts reality around him was molded by them. He created a
hologram (thought) and the universe recreated in the physical plane that hologram. Thought once
released becomes structure of the universe structure. Thought becomes reality when it will be as
bright as the rest of the structure of the universe. At that time the thought will become what we
call event positive or negative depending on the structure that thought and our interests at that
Life is a film consisting of a series of events whether it is a being or about the universe as a
whole. Life is a series of events which are actually translation into reality thoughts issued by that
person but also of thoughts issued by others and related to that person.
Thought will become an event in a person's life when this thought will have enough clarity and
brilliance that can be translated into the physical. With the advent of a new hologram when it will
become bright enough to be a reality once reality hologram molded by it will be part
of holographic structure of the universe and can easily be recreated in reality whenever you
want although at first implementation and translation into reality hologram was
created very difficult.
While already created a hologram may be modified slightly as a hologram structure creating new
slightly different from the first thus requiring less time to obtain a new hologram to create a new
hologram from the beginning. This is true in all the creation of a substance from to the events of
human life and the universe. In work Crystals and Crystal Growing signed by Holden and
Singer is this following statement, "about 10 years ago firm produced one of its factories simple
crystals culture. tartrate diaminc ethylene reared in tanks and water solution. From the
factory crystals were transported to another where they were cut and polished to industrial. One
year after the factory opened. Crystals of culture tanks began to increase at a spectacular rate,
crystals different structure adhered to them creating a new structure which is developing rapidly.
Problem occurred and give the second factory crystal cut and polished and presented same
superficial symptoms. Material to be obtained was tartrate diamine of ethylene anhydrous and
unwanted material has to be found monohydrate same substance. During the first three years of
research and testing as during manufacturing, not found any structure formation of the
monohydrate. After these four years but the monohydrate spread generalizing
CANTASTIM . Most important vaccine against cancer. Vaccine was produced at the
Cantacuzino Institute in Bucharest. During former President Ion Iliescu and Prime Minister
Adrian Nastase has ordered the institution to produce only small amounts of vaccine.
During the current president Traian Basescu Institute was forbidden to produce any
vaccine. That while he goes and vaccinated with Cantastim. World Government wants the
world's population to be reduced through extermination. It is intended that the false
epidemic type swine flu population to be vaccinated. He wants the people to be receptive
to being vaccinated. then be vaccinated with a vaccine that will kill most of the population.
CANTASTIM (CS) is a purified extract of Pseudomonas aeruginosa with beneficial effects
related to enhancing the immune responses in conditions such as chronic viral and bacterial
infections, immunodeficiencies and cancer immunosuppression. The aim of this study was to
determine the capacity of this biological product to stimulate in vitro human leukocytes in
whole blood. Blood samples from healthy donors and cancer patients were incubated with CS
for 24 h and leukocytes were assessed for induction of inflammatory cytokines (TNF-alpha
and IL-1beta) by ELISA and expression of early activation marker CD69 by flow-cytometry.
For both groups of investigated subjects, the levels of TNF-alpha and IL-1beta in the
supernatants of whole blood culture stimulated with CS were significantly higher than in
unstimulated cultures, although lower than in LPS-stimulated samples. Stimulation of whole
blood cultures with CS increased both the frequency and the expression of CD69 on the
surface of T lymphocytes and NK cells. Importantly, this was noticed not only for healthy
controls, but also for cancer patients. These data demonstrate the capacity of bacterial
immunomodulator CS to activate human leukocytes of healthy subjects and cancer patients.
Romanian scientists. between miracle and ... betrayal. Truth about Cantastim.Who has
the interest to destroy. Romanian drugs? . Dr. Andrew Olinescu, Cantastimului inventor,
became a public person. The scandal caused by banning the production of bacterial
extract transformed into u ...
Romanian Science
Doctorul Andrew Olinescu, Cantastimului inventor, became a public person. The scandal caused by
banning the production of bacterial extract transformed into a "hero" the Romanian media. In PACA
up, investigators have not reached the essence of the problem. About a great scientist about his
research is not known, actually nothing. He has not the press, which gave the true elucubratii
his account, nor the public knows, that could benefit greatly from this scholarly work. I do not know
- or, rather, they pretend they do not know - nor officials of managers of the Ministry of Health,
which had made a life activity under the embargo. Why?Please find the answer, reading material
girl, a story as dramatic as it was real, about the campaign of destruction and removal of Romanian
drug market.
"Ironically, before" 89
there is more interest
for science than now "
- Mr. Doctor Andrew Olinescu, Cantastim product produced by the Cantacuzino Institute, is currently
a real celebrity. Whose actually think it is due?
- Sorry, but I can not answer the question. Through an official letter, Medicines Agency warns me
that my law prohibits me, as the inventor, to talk about medicine that I created. Institute go to the
pharmacy, ask for a brochure and you will learn everything there is know about Cantastim.
- I'm sure in that leaflet is written as you have found this fix, as you worked to make it worth
finding ...
- It would be nice to know something about remedies to boost immunity, because I think it is
normal for newspapers to help inform the population, a correct, let's just call it scientific. And I
think that your newspaper even make such information. Cantastimului I will make him any praise,
not to be accused advertise ... Although I do not know what to do advertising on foreign medicines
and why we are not allowed to show our products are good .. . But this is a job that competent
bodies will have to settle it once. I tell you where this story came with Cantastimul, but for this you
will be doing a little science lesson.
In our surrounding environment there are a number of substances called antigens, which when in
the body, triggers a defensive response from it. And the body has an "army" all very sophisticated
and very complex organized, we still will not know but at a rate of 5-10% and which is generally
called the immune system. This "army" has real training centers, barracks with "soldiers" - that
immune cells with different specialties.When entering the privacy of an aggressor body (antigen) for
removal of part two cell types, some educated in a barracks, and other educated in another
barracks. They are called T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. They are, they say, about one billion of
antigens which are combated these two cell types, and only five antigens known so far, so-called
timo-independent antigens, which are removed from a one type of cells - B lymphocytes Well, now
almost 30 years, I asked: "I'll have me a chance to find the sixth antigen-independent timo? won 't
be in nature only five". And I started working with a range of bacterial extracts, plant etc.. And
working so, I came across a bacterial extract obtained by a biochemist specializing in biochemistry
bacteria, the late Doctor Marx.Taking extracts that work with him, I noticed that one of them has
some remarkable qualities over others. Following the water stream, we found that bacteria in which
Dr. Marx extracted substance was isolated from a child who died with sepsis galloping Hospital
"Grigore Alexandrescu" in Bucharest. Bacterium called Pseudomonas aerogenesor, more simply,
Pseudomonas, and is very aggressive, being held in the collection of strains of the Cantacuzino
Institute. Following the thread of things, we found that isolates from the child have some molecules,
some phospholipids with the biological potential of difference - was actually a curiosity of nature! Of
course, experiments began, saw a series of effects on different cell types, I asked: "Is not it, if I use
this bacterial extract can block the development of tumors?". We tested the extract against a very
aggressive tumors in mice. Witnesses who were inoculated with saline in two weeks went, and those
who are inoculated this extract only develop one small tumoreta all. We repeated the experiment
three times (it took me years of testing) and very excited about this finding, we presented a
communication at a scientific meeting at Institute babes.
A scientist in the audience questioned me and told me that there can be a preparation to inhibit a
degree in development of Ehrlich tumor type, that is a bluff. I answered: "Go now and do the test,
and if so, when I come in this room that I do two shakes, ordinary liar". Deputy Director of the
Institute of days came to me during the break: "Do not say anything to not patentable". Eventually,
I was forced (it was before '89, when - paradox! - There is more interest now than no science) and I
patented the whole thing.
- So Cantastimul, which Cantacuzino Institute in the press was told that the test is not enough,
there in years "80?
- The road was much longer. First, I was in commission of Ministry of Health and Biological Products
have presented all the scientific data obtained. The Commission said:"Yes, good, very good, but you
can not give right to use the extract in humans. In testing it on an animal species, not only in
mice". So I used this extract to another species: the piglets from farms. The results were
amazing. We have vaccinated hundreds of gruntling: half saline, half with bacterial extract, as I said
so then, only then was baptized Cantastim. Weaning piglets were in when they are most susceptible
to infection, being decimated by disease in all farms. A month and a half after the injection, the
differences were net! Mortality was 30-35% (you realize that large economic losses!) Those injected
with saline and only 2.5 or 2.8% of those injected with Cantastim future.I submitted the result and
I repeated the experiment in Teleorman. Commission of organic products, without knowing me,
examined data from one drive to another county of Iasi and Timis. As a result, have approved its
use on a limited number of people after they saw that all data were confirmed by five consecutive
- Want to see and acknowledge the inter-national scientific Cantastimului? Remember, German
translation of the prospectus. Germans came to me to ask me that in German and translated leaflet
- it's up nemteasca, done perfectly. Here is an address to Americans. I sent Americans to walk on,
but I think eventually took Cantastimul that have never discussed with me. They took everything
they had and good day! Heck, my correspondence with Professor Watanabe, who made a similar
product in Japan Cantastimului very good Picibanilulobtained from another strain of
Pseudomonas. They do not give Picibanilul - ampoules than other countries at the request of the
Government. Here is my answer Professor Sato of Japan. Then, here's his answer Fogert ... And
they (ie Medicines Agency and the Institute no) did CICA data that has not done anything. It's
nonsense! Forget all the data and they say they are not. But nobody asked me anything, that gave
them: Look, make photocopies and take them! I do not like to talk about this thing, honestly tell
you. Too bad that this country is destroyed and trampled. And I can not tolerate it.
- Cantastimul is your only "child" or you and others?
- Cantastimul is a VAX, this is it they say that I commend to my invention but not to boast that we
have others with which to boast ...
- Suppose you have a lot of young employees. They will support, not for you and hope for Romanian
- My younger employees ... (Teacher laughs, then list your fingers.) One is in Spain, two in Sweden,
Göteborg, one in Texas, one in New Jersey, and California ... Last collaborating recently went to
Boston ... Many have gone to scholarships, saying they will return. Neither returned. The people
there are not kidding - if I see you're good, propels you immediately. Associates of my youth are
now university professors, scientists in the West. Say, for example, the last case of Angela Dolgan
Duca. It was organized last year in September, in Berlin, an immunology course of seven days for
up to thirty years younger. I "pushed her" Angela from that course and went. Young people in eight
countries - seven countries in western Europe - and it was only in Eastern Europe. The program was
extremely intense: between the hours of 8.00-12.00 - classes held by various teachers, lunch break
12.00-13.00 and from 13.00 to 1.00-2.00 night was working at the laboratory table. On the first
day, the course leader, a German teacher - I do not remember the name - when he saw him in
Romania, said wondering:"Well I, Romania, what you research?". When Angela started working,
standing about three behind her face to see what that "cracked down from the tree." And a German
teacher asks: "How long's you have worked in America?". "Well I was in America.""If not, then what
western European country?" I was nowhere. ""How this in Romania you do? ""Yes." He took a
teacher at her home and held her. A car went, ate, slept on it.Then completing the course, and he
turned and came in two or three weeks, an offer from a teacher who held her. Therefore, a thief,
gave him 1,800 German marks a month (sorry I have not kept that letter, a document that was
very "nice"), engage her to take her home and ... and to care for child, school, etc. to arrange
it. Then, course director (who asked if there was research in Romania) sent (independently of one
another) a letter inviting him to work in the lab and gave him 2,000 marks per month. Finally, to
not know how long, a week, Boston received a letter from a teacher who taught there and who gave
$ 2,000, and the girl says: "What we do". I said: 'Angela, you decide. I higher than other options I
see now I offer you ". On January 1, at four o'clock in the morning, was at the Otopeni airport and
went to Boston. And taken it! And if I had to enumerate them all ... Now I do not have nearly
anyone, and I go, what will a be ...
- In connection with your qualified veterinarian, who has made much ado, including the media,
which is the truth?
- You know what skill was Pasteur? He was a chemist, not a doctor, although medicine has
enormous service. You know what skill was the creator of the International Society of
Physiology? Was novel, Professor Ion Atanasiu, professor of physiology at the Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine. You know what skill is the one who saved hundreds of millions of people, which has
developed staphylococcal toxoid principle anatoxinelor? E veterinarian - Gaston Ramon. You know
what skill is one that has established the relationship between viral infection and antigens of
histocompatibilitate and received last year or two years ago the Nobel Prize? Doherty
veterinarian. What does one another? I graduated specialization of Veterinary Medicine, which
helped me to work in experimental medicine, but not veterinarian for 41 years worked in the
Ministry of Health. But as you finish, to ask you all sorts of rubbish in the back, poke all sorts of
things. I saw a newspaper that read: "Father is a veterinarian Cantastimului", like he said
Cantastimului father is a murderer. What's this? Cellular immune phenomena are the same in the
animal world. Sorry I've worked only human medicine and veterinary medicine that do not know
which is more difficult than human medicine. Then, how many human doctors did what I
did? Students from studying medicine on the books written by me. Sponsors are not giving money
for books, if my name appears as safe to have scientific value of the book. So I say it - leave it dead
with veterinarians, as he has nothing to do and you put them more in my head ...
- I know you held dozens of training courses to doctors, even recently. In these courses, you have
demonstrated that the explosion of cancers and leukemia in Romania in recent years could be
provided. Also, now you can predict what will follow more than a decade in this field. What can you
tell us about it?
- I have developed a scheme of investigation in the field of immune cell-mediated immunity. It's
something original - a very serious job. I need it to control cells taken from healthy people,
normal. Take the army - the soldiers were normal. But for the "85, I noticed that many times, my
witness normally respond" more blind "than others who were sick. In '89, we had a case with a
person who had a fantastic shingles, but was well nourished. Well, its cells responded better than
cells soldier. Then I realized the girls and I put the lab to make a statistics for the last five
years. When I showed in 1990, comparative data from past years, I told staff: "Remember what I
say and you'll see ten years cancer". And, indeed, you now interested to see how a surgeon
operates, a neurosurgeon, has many tumors in 2000 compared to 1985. How many laryngeal
tumors, many breast tumors. Go see what is at the Cancer Institute, the mass of people. Some cell
ratios were reversed and it is miserable due to environmental conditions, they mock us, brutally and
unconscious. When they were poisoned ate over the Siren, alarm that have seen it, but slow
poisoning, insidious, which will see over 10.20, 30 years no one suffers ... A serious unconscious!
- That what? Air pollution, drinking water, food additives, stress ...
- All this and more. Now I found another situation and I told a public meeting, two months ago, the
Romanian Society of Physiology: "Remember what I say, if no-ndreapta things now, ten years to
see leukemia and diseases derived therefrom ". I had some two or three years before a million days
per millimeter of peripheral blood lymphocytes and polymorphonuclear about two million per
milliliter, to normal. Now, instead of one million, I find - on average - about three million and some
three times more! But reacts less. See what it meant to be! God give me to talk nonsense, but I
fear they do not talk much nonsense. See, if he had to boast, these immunological methods of
investigation I would praise, with dozens of international communication, immunology problems,
which we do alongside big names of world medicine, which correspond to decades,
not Cantastimul. We talked with Director of National Agency of Medicines and told him: "Sir, look, if
you mind, give it hell Cantastim. I do not talk about Cantastim press, but let other drugs and
achievements of the Institute <<Cantacuzino>> to reach people ".
- Yet, the Romans tried to look at thousands of suffering, serious illness, an extremely valuable
drug, it denigrating him and the inventor or, like the crime!
- The problem is much worse. And I will illustrate with a case vo: six years ago, a lady came to me
with tifoane feet tied, as they were before moletierele soldiers. Lady have some wounds to the legs
of a seriousness which drained bloody yellow. He teaches at the University of Bucharest deMedicina
working in a famous clinic in Bucharest. What happened? In 1994, the committee was checking,
admission to college, when he felt a strong knife on the left side that fell down in pain. Were scared,
they took her, led a clinic, have made ultrasound. Then he appeared lesions on the feet and came to
me. I said: "Madam, you have appeared lesions on spleen, the spleen will be removed. V lesions
appeared on the legs, feet cut off. will appear tomorrow, tomorrow, foci of necrosis in the liver, liver
out, then lung, brain and, almost certainly will heal. There you have problems, but I tell me: this is
normal behavior therapy?! I guess you have, but I need some confirmation. Please, come tomorrow
morning, you will get some blood and in ten days you have the result ". Suspicion was confirmed
me. A lady came, sat on the chair on which you now stand and gave the cry of his soul and stood
beside her husband lost. He had also taken part in the same liver and lung lesions. I said: 'Lord,
crying not solve anything. We immediately go to the pharmacy, take Epurox 60 vials, 10 vials of
Cantastim and start treatment ". Healed in ten days and came here. If I published "Life
care" and "Romanian medical journal". Lady had an aggression syndrome granulocyte and
resolved. She had a genetic defect and I knew, and even published as if something genetic, it could
come back, and it will appear exactly the same phenomenon. A week ago, came back to me, here,
again crying. I said: "Madam, you have the same thing".But now I could tell him: "The crying does
not solve anything", because "Cantacuzino" Institute Epurox not produce any or Cantastim. See,
why I'm against those who block and destroy everything. It's not only Cantastim. No longer produce
more. For example, mouth ulcers come people with terrible, terrible suffering. Another time, I say,
"You darn" and gave him the schedule and Cantastim Antiherpin. Now, I can not say something,
Antiherpin no longer manufactured, I Cantastim. That's it!
Short epilogue
Dr. Olinescu was and is ruled out, step by step, the Romanian scientific circles. It was "branded with
anger Workers" at a meeting of the Institute "Cantacuzino", which of course was not called. I was
taken leadership laboratory. He was removed from the editorial board of scientific journal of
immunology. To quote him: "Do not know what I do to bring me to silence. It would surprise me
and give me a car over". Same scenarios and methods, same goal - the destruction of the
Romanian drug industry.Romanian anything not good, just what is imported is accepted. No matter
the truth, but what officials say. It is hoped, perhaps, that - when the truth will come to the surface
- will be too late, and the Romanian drug production - finally buried. The only remaining solution to
not get in this situation is probably a vehement reaction of public opinion to show that those in
leadership positions that are home to offices after not belong to them forever and they have a moral
duty and human face of the many, they feed functions and prosperity.
,, Novel cancer cell inhibitors have been isolated from the venoms of poisonous snakes Crotalus
atrox and Naja n. kaouthia; they are called Atroporin and Kaotree, respectively. The cancer cell
inhibitors Atroporin and Kaotree are characterized as potent anti cancer agents. Atroporin and
Kaotree, individually, or combined together selectively kill various types of cancer cells in
concentrations as low as 0.5
……………………………………………………… rest of the book I hope to translate it