Coek - Info - Handbook of Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions
Coek - Info - Handbook of Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions
Coek - Info - Handbook of Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions
short introductory chapter on the theory of in theoretical chemistry of the Molecular covered, this book has something to offer
aqueous electrolyte solutions, the majority Orbital (MO) method, and the comparative chemists, development scientists, and others
of the book is devoted to a section-by- eclipse of the Valence Bond (VB) approach. with interest in the nuclear industry.
section discussion of electrolyte properties On a longer timescale this shift has also S. .I. Lyle
which have been measured, where the data occurred in the language used by the wider
may be found, and how it correlates with chemical community. In the first edition of The Manufacture of Soaps, Other
the general theoretical picture. There are The Chemical Bond, the authors recognised Detergents and Glycerine. By Edgar
approximately 1800 references to the origin- that traditional textbooks (including their Woollatt. Pp. 473. Ellis Horwood,
al literature where the necessary data can be own Valence Theory) had not caught up Chichester. 1985. f55.00
located. The electrolyte properties discussed with these changes and wrote an elementary
The impressive feature of this book is the
are phase diagrams, vapour pressures, introduction to bonding concepts from an
remarkable breadth of the treatment of the
critical properties, density, compressibility, MO standpoint. This stance is maintained in
subject. Topics include, for example, tech-
velocity of sound, osmotic coefficient, sur- the second edition.
nical implications of weight-control legisla-
face tension, viscosity, thermal conductivity, Accordingly the book has, after some
tion, review of world markets, including
heat capacity, latent heat of vaporisation, historical introduction, chapters on Atomic
recent trends, as well as the main theme
and entropy Orbitals; Periodicity; Molecular Electronic
which is, of course, detailed information on
The book can truly be described as Wavefunctions; the LCAO Approximation;
detergent manufacturing processes and
unique and will be an invaluable sourcebook Symmetry and Orbitals; MOs and the
equipment and an excellent chapter on
for physical chemists, chemical engineers, electron-pair bond; Hiickel theory; Bond
glycerine recovery and refining.
and geochemists in industrial and academic theory; and Perturbation and Ligand-Field
The ‘other detergents’ include not only
research. Regrettably, the price is beyond theories. Then come chapters on VB,
spray-dried non-soapy detergent powders,
most individual purchasers, but certainly all Reactivity, and Intermolecular Forces. The
but also the manufacture of such products
chemical libraries and some laboratories final chapter is new, a brief introduction to
without spray-drying. The range of product
should have the book alongside their copy ab initio (MO) calculations.
types embraces liquids of several kinds,
of the Rubber Handbook. The second edition also contains an
powder and cream scouring products,
J. G. Dawber additional page on symmetry and updates
machine dishwashers, bleaches, and lava-
various details. There is no mention of the
tory cleaners. etc. However packaging
Metal Ions in Biological Systems. Vol. modern theory of clusters, though this
processes are outside the scope of the book.
19. Antibiotics and their Complexes. would fit well with the philosophy of the
apart from passing references and some
Edited by Helmut Sigel. Pp. 464. Dekker, book. Overall. this remains a useful intro-
points of interest on plastic bottles for
New York. 1985. $85.00 (USA & Canada), duction to the subject.
$102.00 (all other countries). P. W. Fowler
Some of the historical material, whilst
This volume concerns the binding of cations interesting, has no foreseeable practical
to antibiotics. I would have liked to have ActinidelLanthanide Separations. Edited application - for example, the Chilean
had a short introduction which told me that by G. R. Choppin, J. D. Navratil and W. process for making soap from sperm whale
there are different kinds of such interac- W. Schulz. Pp. 360. World Scientific oil - while a fuller treatment of ‘fashionable’
tions; that they had (or had not) biological Publishing, Singapore. Distributed by topics. such as transparent and striated
significance in each case; and that there Wiley, Chichester. 1985. f4 1.75. soaps, would have been valuable.
were (or were not) common mechanistic Isotopes of the lighter lanthanides. and The’ style is concise, the text well
features. For one set of antibiotics, the several actinides. notably plutonium and illustrated; the table of contents and index
ionophores, this introduction would have americium. are produced, directly or in- excellent; and the bibliography and lists of
separated channel formers from carriers, for directly, as a result of neutron-induced suppliers of equipment and materials most
example. I think it would also have grouped fission of uranium and plutonium in nuclear useful.
the chapters on the Na ’ /Kt ionophores away reactors. They are, therefore. present in D. D. Penkelh
from those on calcium and those on iron or spent fuel and waste fractions from fuel
other heavy metal transporters and away from reprocessing. This volume contains papers Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. Edited
the antibiotics which are just given a delivered at a symposium which was part of by J. J. Lee, S. H. Hutner and E. C.
conformation, sometimes of doubtful signi- the scientific programme of the Internation- Bovee. Pp. 630. Allen Press, Lawrence,
ficance, by in vitro metal-ion binding. Apart al Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin for the Society of Protozoologists,
from this fact, that there is only the common Societies, held in Honolulu, in December Lawrence, Kansas. 1985. $60 to
theme of complex formation, each chapter is 1984. There are contributions from the members, $80.00 to non-members,
very well written. The chapters are on USA (12), Japan (3), France (3), Canada(l), Annotated lists of selected protozoa and
lonophores (Pressman - very good to see); and the USSR (1) covering develop- illustrations fill most of this book of 629
Tetracyclines and Daunorubicin (Bruce Mar- ments, all in applied science, from the time pages. The 23 authors use the taxonomic
tin); Streptonigrin (Hajdu); Bleomycin of the previous symposium in 197X. They framework of the classification published in
(Sugiura, Takita, Umezawa); Valinomycin range from small-scale separation for analy- 1980 in Journal of Protozoology; it includes
(Easwaran); Beauvericin (Steinrauf); Grami- tical purposes. through laboratory screening protistans otherwise known as algae and
cidins (Hinton, Koeppe); Nactins (Nawata, and testing of reagents, to industrial scale fungi. Keys aid the identification of gcncra;
Ando, Iitaka); Lasalocid (Painter, Pressman); operations. The importance of solvent basic techniques are noted; and the glos-
Cycloserines (O’Brien); Iron Antibiotics extraction in hydro-metallurgical operations sary. an essential part of a guide. works well
(Nielands, Valenta); and Theory (Grcsch, is much in evidence, with reports on although it was written before its authors
Pullman). searches for more selective and efficient had seen the other chapters. Some illustra-
R. J. P. Williams
extractants. Use of pyrotechniques, e.g. tions will not assist identification, others will
molten salt extraction for selective removal mislead because they are not reproduced at
of impurities from plutonium, is covered in the magnification stated in the legend.
The Chemical Bond, 2nd Ed. By J. N.
some detail and the environmentalist can Figures with a scale can be trusted and the
Murrell, S. F. A. Kettle, and J. M. Tedder.
take some comfort from ongoing efforts to precision of text and references is accept-
Pp. 333. Wiley, Chichester. 1985.
decontaminate low-level wastes before dis- able.
Paperback f8.95.
posal The last quarter of this century will be
An indirect consequence of the invention of While it cannot be regarded as a balanced notable for the impact of studies on
the clcctronic computer is the predominance account of work in the field over the period molecular biology of Plasmodium, Trypano-