The Aether
The Aether
The Aether
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All content following this page was uploaded by Frederick David Tombe on 17 December 2022.
“Long ago he (mankind) recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary
substance, of a tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Ākāśa or luminiferous
ether, which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence,
in never ending cycles, all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into
infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the
motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance.”
Perceptible Matter
I. The quote in the abstract is taken from an article entitled, “Man’s Greatest
Achievement”, which was first written by Nikola Tesla in the year 1907 and
finally published more than twenty years later in the Milwaukee Sentinel, [1]. It
presents a picture of a fluid-like primary substance known as the aether, filling
all of space, but which only becomes perceptible as matter when it is rendered
into tiny whirlpools that are believed to possess extremely high angular speeds.
No explanation is given as to how this happens, other than to state that it occurs
due to the agency of a life-giving creative force. No distinction is made in
principle as between the 118 elements of the periodic table which we associate
with ponderable matter, and the much smaller molecular vortices that James
Clerk Maxwell proposed in the year 1861 to fill all of space in order to account
for electromagnetic phenomena, [2].
We are therefore left to consider three different degrees of perception. There
is first of all the pure fluid itself, which although considered by men of old to be
imperceptible, is surely that which can manifest itself as electric current, and
which we all know can be very perceptible!
Secondly, we have Maxwell’s all-pervading sea of tiny molecular vortices
that is involved in electromagnetic and optical phenomena. It is proposed that
what is now referred to as the magnetic vector potential and normally denoted
by the vector symbol, A, is in fact the momentum density of the pure electric
fluid (or aether), whether in the irrotational or the curled state. The vector, A,
was known to Maxwell as the electromagnetic momentum, and he identified it
with Faraday’s electrotonic state. Each of the tiny aethereal vortices in
Maxwell’s luminiferous medium will involve a circumferential momentum with
an associated vorticity expressed through the curl equation, ∇×A = B, where B
is the vorticity density or the magnetic flux density.
And thirdly, we have the 118 elements of the periodic table which we can
weigh on the scales, and which comprise what we refer to as ponderable matter.
The atoms of these elements of ponderable matter, which we can actually touch
and feel, are undoubtedly aethereal vortices of a more complex nature, each
containing a nucleus which accounts for most of its mass.
It is now proposed that all atoms and molecules contain at least one aether
sink and one aether source, whether they be the tiny molecular vortices of
Maxwell’s luminiferous medium, or the larger complex vortices of ponderable
matter. These sinks and sources constitute electrically charged particles and they
serve as portals connecting the universe to something external that is beyond
II. About a hundred years prior to Maxwell, Johann Bernoulli II, the younger
brother of the more famous Dan Bernoulli, had also proposed that space is filled
with tiny aethereal whirlpools. Johann Bernoulli II was working in the field of
optics, and he proposed that these tiny vortices were pressing against each other
with centrifugal force while striving to dilate.
Fig. 1. A single magnetic line of force. The double helix alignment channels an electrostatic tension along
the line, and this will pull a north and a south pole magnet together.
III. In the 1937 Encyclopaedia Britannica, the following quote appears in the
article entitled, “Ether (in physics)”, but it is not clear who was the originator
of the idea presented in the quote. The article itself was written by Sir Oliver
Lodge, but he doesn’t say that it was his own idea. The quote in question is in
relation to the speed of light, and it reads as follows, [6],
“The most probable surmise or guess at present is that the ether is a perfectly
incompressible continuous fluid, in a state of fine-grained vortex motion,
circulating with that same enormous speed. For it has been partly, though as
yet incompletely, shown that such a vortex fluid would transmit waves of the
same general nature as light waves— i.e., periodic disturbances across the
line of propagation—and would transmit them at a rate of the same order of
magnitude as the vortex or circulation speed”
Contrary to what it says however, the pure irrotational fluid will certainly
be compressible, but as to whether or not the actual sea of tiny vortices as a
whole will be compressible, that is harder to decide. It might be that any
external pressure applied to a volume of the vortex sea, rather than reducing the
volume, will simply result in the vortices spinning faster, such that the increased
centrifugal pressure generated internally, will always exactly cancel with the
externally applied pressure.
Consider the vorticity equation mentioned in Section I above,
∇×A = B (1)
and consider it in connection with the sea of tiny vortices, exactly as per the
1937 Britannica article. The magnetic flux density, B, will represent the axes of
rotation of these vortices, while A will represent the fine-grained
circumferential momentum density.
And now we will consider Ampère’s circuital law as it applies in this
physical context. Ampère’s circuital law, in general, takes the form,
∇×B = μJ (2)
∇×B = μA (3)
A = −ε∂2A/∂t2 (4)
where ε is the elasticity factor known as the electric permittivity. Taking the
curl of equation (1) and substituting equations (3) and (4) into the right-hand-
side, then providing that we are in the Coulomb gauge, where the divergence
of A is equal to zero, we obtain,
Equation (5) is the electromagnetic wave equation first derived by Maxwell
in his 1873 Treatise, [7], and it matches perfectly with the physical model for
such waves described in the quote above from the 1937 Encyclopaedia
The Coulomb gauge means that the wave propagation mechanism does not
involve any volumetric distortion of the wave carrying medium, and so we are
left to conclude that the displacement mechanism must entail fine-grained
precession. Hence it doesn’t matter what the orientation is of the prevailing
background magnetic alignment. A precession wave can propagate either along
the magnetic lines of force, perpendicular to them, or at any angle in between.
It’s a matter of curiosity that the term Coulomb gauge is somewhat ironic,
since it means that we are dealing with a physical phenomenon which, being
perpendicular to the radial electrostatic Coulomb force, does not therefore
involve the Coulomb force itself.
An electromagnetic wave equation in B can be obtained by taking the curl
of equation (5), and since by definition, electric field, E, is equal to ∂A/∂t, as
observed in the case of time-varying electromagnetic induction, then we can
also obtain a wave equation in E by taking the partial time derivative of
equation (5).
[4] Tombe, F.D., “The Double Helix and the Electron-Positron Aether”
[5] Tombe, F.D., “The Double Helix Theory of the Magnetic Field” (2006)
Galilean Electrodynamics, vol. 24, Number 2, p.34, (March/April 2013)
[7] Maxwell, J.C., “A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism”, vol. II, Chapter
XX, ‘Plane Waves’, section 790, equation (19), pp. 389-390, (1873)
[8] Tombe, F.D., “Wireless Radiation Beyond the Near Magnetic Field”
For the equivalence of the luminiferous medium with the inertial medium, See, “The
Rattleback and the Magnus Force” at,