Principal Interview 1
Principal Interview 1
Principal Interview 1
Education Practicum
Principal Interview
11 October, 2020
Principal Interview
Anschuetz is the principal at Madison Middle School. He has been an assistant principal for four
years and a principal for twenty. Prior to becoming a principal at Madison Middle School,
Anshuetz worked for four years as a mathematics teacher. Anshuetz also graduated from Eastern
During the interview, the first question that was asked was, “how is the school curriculum
decided? Who decides what textbooks to use?” Anshuetz stated that the curriculum is decided by
stakeholders. Stakeholders include, parents, businesses, and other members of the community.
Along with including stakeholders in the decision making process, Madison Middle School also
uses focus groups to determine the curriculum. These focus groups conduct interviews and
meetings to discuss what should be taught in the classroom. Anshuetz also mentioned the
importance of getting cross curriculum input. For instance, if a teacher is teaching a biology
course, the teacher would also interview English and history teachers. This creates a well
rounded curriculum, and it ensures that all classes are teaching similar and grade appropriate
topics. When responding to this question, Anshuetz put great emphasis on the importance of
gaining input from a variety of backgrounds. Both the community and teachers are heavily
rules and how is discipline handled?” When asked this question, Anschuetz nodded and stated
that there are concrete rules stated in the school handbook. The handbook also includes
punishment, and the punishment becomes more severe if they have more than one offense.
Anshuetz also stated that punishment is not their main focus at Madison Middle School, though.
Anshuetz mentioned that they focus on the reinforcement of positive behavior. For instance, if
they see a student showing exemplary character, they will give praise to that student. This
In order to conclude the interview on a more positive note, I asked the question, “what do
you enjoy most about your job?” When I asked this question, Anshuetz’s eyes seemed to
brighten and he mentioned that he loves to be a part of something bigger than the individual
person. He enjoys watching students grow and seeing them graduate. He also mentioned that he
loves seeing students want to attend Madison Middle School. Madison is over 50% school of
choice, so Anshuetz feels pride knowing that students choose Madison over the other local
Overall, my interview with Principal Brad Anshuetz was a positive experience. It was
like a breath of fresh air to see someone so passionate about their job and their role in student’s