Driving Solenoids in Automotive Applications: Rev. 1.0 - 4 December 2020 Application Note
Driving Solenoids in Automotive Applications: Rev. 1.0 - 4 December 2020 Application Note
Driving Solenoids in Automotive Applications: Rev. 1.0 - 4 December 2020 Application Note
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Abstract There are a wide variety of solenoid drive circuit topologies. Most of them use MOSFETs in
various configurations and driving modes. In this application note four of them will be discussed:
solenoid driver with free-wheeling diode, solenoid driver with MOSFET avalanching, solenoid
driver with active clamp and solenoid driver with auxiliary boost circuit.
Nexperia AN50003
Driving solenoids in automotive applications
1. Introduction
Throughout the evolution of modern engineering electromagnetic devices have taken prevalence
in changing electrical energy to mechanical energy or movement. Most commonly we think about
motors for such applications, however the humble solenoid is used even more often, thanks
to its simplicity of construction and ease of driving. Solenoid coils are typically found in relays,
contactors, and valves.
In the automotive sector solenoids are used for a range of applications as well, from starting
the engine to shifting the transmission. Solenoids are used to activate four-wheel drive system,
fuel injection systems, locking the doors of the car and controlling the air flow in the vehicles air
conditioning system. The vast number of valves in the vehicle are also controlled by solenoids.
From the electrical viewpoint, the solenoid acts as an inductive component, consisting of multiple
wound coils. The current flowing through them creates a magnetic field. The sluggish nature of
this highly concentrated field creates a voltage (termed Electro Motive Force, EMF) that opposes
change in the magnetic field, and therefore in the current as well. In this way as voltage is initially
applied to the solenoid coil the current starts rising gradually. The magnetic field, and therefore
the force applied to the armature rises until it reaches a point where it is large enough to move
the armature in the desired direction. Because of this slow response, it is prudent to apply a high
voltage to the solenoid at the start of its actuation to initiate a faster current response. As the
armature starts moving, the solenoid’s inductance (as a function of the armature position) and back
EMF (as a function of the armature speed) rise, limiting the rate of rise of the current.
Once the movement of the coil is mechanically prevented as it reaches its intended resting point,
the back EMF diminishes. At this point the current continues to rise until only the coil resistance
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limits its value. This current can be quite high for the power supply, which is normally a battery in
automotive applications
As the system has reached a mechanical steady state the amount of force needed to maintain
this state is much lower than for moving the armature. Besides, the armature is usually part of a
magnetic circuit with an air gap. This air gap is closed by actuating the solenoid and moving the
armature, therefore rendering the magnetic reluctance (equivalent for resistance in electric circuits)
very small. This in turn allows the magnetic field flux (equivalent to current in electric circuits) to
flow in abundance, increasing the applied force to the armature.
For the above reasons it is advisable to decrease the applied voltage to the solenoid after its
armature has reached its intended position, to limit the applied power and avoid depleting the
vehicle battery. An idealised voltage and current waveform are shown in Fig. 2.
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Fig. 3. Peak and hold solenoid current waveform in a fuel injector application
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Δt = L ΔI
V (1)
Both MOSFETs and diodes will need to withstand the battery voltage. Both MOSFETs and the top
free-wheeling diode need to be rated to the reference Peak current, while the bottom free-wheeling
diode conducts only the Hold current for a short amount of time. The dissipated energy was
calculated for each component during the whole activation process. Comparison of the energies
dissipated in each device for each topology can be found in Section 5. To obtain the power, the
calculated energy value needs to be multiplied with the desired frequency of operation.
P = E.f (2)
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IL, Iref
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
t (s)
Compared to the other driver topologies, the free-wheeling driver is simple, has a low component
count, but it is the slowest due to the inductor voltage being approximately equal to the battery
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Due to the high voltage of avalanche compared to the battery voltage, this method decays and
therefore releases the solenoid faster. However, the energy of the inductor is now dissipated in the
MOSFET in the form of heat. Therefore, careful consideration of a MOSFET is needed to handle
this energy. The selection of the MOSFET is addressed in Section 6.
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AN50003 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © Nexperia B.V. 2020. All rights reserved
Fig. 9. MOSFET gate voltage (top), drain to source voltage (middle) and inductor current
(bottom) for the active clamp topology
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60 V
+12 V
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AN50003 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © Nexperia B.V. 2020. All rights reserved
1 2
E = 2 LI (3)
This gives a value of 4.9 mJ. From Fig. 12 it can be seen that the number of cycles that can be
allowed is approximately 2.5 billion.
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We are left only to ensure that we are within the allowable junction temperature. As for the fuel
injection frequency we can take a low value of 20 - 30 Hz, the junction temperature is of low
concern as the MOSFET junction will have plenty of time to cool.
As these values satisfy the application requirements with small margins, a MOSFET with slightly
higher current rating is chosen for the simulations.
7. Avalanche portfolio
Nexperia’s application specific FET portfolio for Repetitive Avalanche offers an alternative between
the high-performance/high-cost boost and low-performance/low-cost freewheeling diode solenoid
drives. The avalanching method has been made possible using planar technology, however by
technology optimisation of the vertical structure, the Repetitive Avalanche products can comfortably
handle avalanche breakdown currents. The devices are tested rigorously for up to 1 billion cycles
to ensure reliability.
Placed within the LFPAK package the device operating point is ensured to be below 175 °C.
For more information please visit the links below:
• Nexperia application note AN10273: Power MOSFET single-shot and repetitive avalanche
ruggedness rating
• YouTube video: Selecting repetitive avalanche rugged MOSFETs
• YouTube video: Repetitive avalanche rugged MOSFET applications
• Nexperia product category Repetitive Avalanche ASFETs
8. Revision history
Table 3. Revision history
Revision Date Description
1.0 2020-12-04 Initial version
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List of Tables
Table 1. Energy losses comparison of surveyed
topologies (mJ)...................................................................11
Table 2. Performance comparison of surveyed topologies.11
Table 3. Revision history....................................................13
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List of Figures
Fig. 1. Solenoid principle of operation................................. 2
Fig. 2. Idealised voltage and current waveforms..................3
Fig. 3. Peak and hold solenoid current waveform in a
fuel injector application........................................................ 4
Fig. 4. Schematic of driver with freewheeling diode.............5
Fig. 5. Solenoid and reference currents as a function
of time.................................................................................. 6
Fig. 6. Schematic of driver with avalanching MOSFET........ 7
Fig. 7. Avalanching inductor current (top) and
MOSFET voltage (bottom)................................................... 7
Fig. 8. Schematic of driver with active clamp.......................8
Fig. 9. MOSFET gate voltage (top), drain to source
voltage (middle) and inductor current (bottom) for the
active clamp topology.......................................................... 9
Fig. 10. Schematic of driver with Boost converter..............10
Fig. 11. Avalanche current as a function of avalanche
time..................................................................................... 12
Fig. 12. Maximum number of avalanche events as a
function of avalanche energy.............................................12
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1. Introduction................................................................... 2
2. Solenoid operating principles..................................... 2
3. Current regulated solenoid drives.............................. 4
4. Discussion of simulation results................................ 5
4.1. Solenoid driver with free-wheeling diode..................... 5
4.2. Solenoid driver with MOSFET avalanching................. 7
4.3. Solenoid driver with active clamp................................ 8
4.4. Solenoid driver with Boost converter......................... 10
5. Summary of the topologies....................................... 11
6. How to select a repetitive avalanche rugged part.... 12
7. Avalanche portfolio.................................................... 13
8. Revision history..........................................................13
9. Legal information........................................................14
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