The Early Development of Chick: Cleavage & Gastrulation.: January 2015
The Early Development of Chick: Cleavage & Gastrulation.: January 2015
The Early Development of Chick: Cleavage & Gastrulation.: January 2015
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1 author:
Meena Yadav
University of Delhi
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Lesson: The early development of chick: cleavage and
Lesson Developer: Dr Meena Yadav
College/Department: Maitreyi College, University of
Cleavage in chick
The hypoblast
The primitive streak
Formation of endoderm and mesoderm
Regression of primitive streak
Cell movement in the ectoderm
Avian Embryo: Axis Formation
pH and dorsal-ventral axis
Gravity and anterior-posterior axis
Left-right axis
Gene expression on the right side of primitive
Gene expression on the left side of primitive streak
Suggested readings
Useful web links
There have been many animal models for studying embryology. Aristotle was the first
scientist to follow the early development of the chick till 3-weeks. Since then, chick has
become a favorite organism for embryological studies. Advantages of chick as the
model organism for such studies are:
1. It is accessible all around the year and is easy to breed.
2. Its developmental stage can be accurately predicted at any given temperature.
This makes it possible to collect large number of embryos at same stage of
3. The embryos can be surgically manipulated
4. Since the stages of its development are similar to mammals, it provides a
suitable medium to study various stages of development and also provides an
insight into the development of mammalian embryos.
In birds, fertilization occurs in the oviduct of the female just before the albumin and
shell are laid upon it. The chick egg is telolecithal i.e. the cytoplasm has been pushed to
one corner of the egg and the rest of the egg is filled with yolk. A small disk of the
cytoplasm is present on top of a mound of yolk (Figure 1).
The cleavage in eggs of the birds is discoidal meroblastic. The cleavage divisions occur
only in the cytoplasm present at the animal pole in the form of a blastodisc, its
diameter being only 2-3 mm. The first cleavage occurs at the center of the blastodisc
and other cleavage divisions follow soon, to create a single layer of cells called
blastoderm (Figure 2). The cleavage divisions do not extend into the yolk, so the
peripheral cells remain in contact with yolk and the rest of the cells are also connected
with each other.
Later the vertical and equatorial divisions continue in the blastoderm and produce a
sheet of tissue consisting of six to seven layers. These cells are now connected with
each other by tight junctions. As the divisions continue, the blastodermal cells absorb
fluid from the albumin and secrete it such that the fluid accumulates between the cells
and between the cells and yolk. The space between the yolk and blastoderm is called
subgerminal cavity. The cells present in the deep center of the blastoderm die and
are shed, thus creating a one-cell thick area pellucida. This part forms the actual
embryo while the peripheral ring of the blastoderm does not shed the cells and form the
area opaca (Figure 3).
Marginal zone or marginal belt is the name given to a thin layer of cells between the
area pellucida and area opaca.
The hypoblast
In hen, at the time of laying eggs, the blastoderm contains as many as 20,000 cells.
Most of the cells of the area pellucida remain at the surface of the animal pole and form
the epiblast, while the rest of the cells of the area pellucida delaminate themselves
and migrate into the subgerminal cavity, where they form polyinvagination islands
or primary hypoblast. These cells exist in clusters of 5-20 cells each. The posterior
margin of the blastoderm contain a local thickening of cells called as Koller’s sickle.
As soon as the delamination of the hypoblast cells starts, a sheet of the cells from the
Koller’s sickle region starts migrating to the anterior side and join the polyinvagination
islands, thus forming secondary hypoblast (Figure 3).
Cell movements of the primitive streak of the chick embryo. (A-C) Dorsal view of the
formation and elongation of the primitive streak. The blastoderm is seen at (A) 3–4 hours,
(B) 7–8 hours, and (C) 15–16 hours after fertilization. The early movements of the
migrating epiblast cells are shown by arrows. (D-F) Formation of notochord and
mesodermal somites as the primitive streak regresses, shown at (F) 19–22 hours, (E)
23–24 hours, and (F) the four-somite stage. Fate maps of the chick epiblast are shown for
two stages, the definitive primitive streak stage (C) and neurulation (F). The endoderm
has already ingressed beneath the epiblast, and convergent extension is seen in the
Source: CC
The blastoderm now has two layers i.e. epiblast and hypoblast, separated by a cavity
called blastocoel. The entire avian embryo is formed from the cells derived from the
epiblast. The hypoblast cells form the portions of the extraembryonic membranes like
yolk sac and stalk, which links the yolk mass to endodermal digestive tube. The epiblast
cells, thus, form the embryo and some extraembryonic membranes.
The anterior end of the primitive streak contains a thickening of the cells known as
primitive knot or Hensen’s node. This node contains a funnel shaped depression at
the center, called primitive pit, which acts as a passage for the cells to pass to the
blastocoel (Figure 5). The Hensen’s node is analogous to dorsal lip of the blastopore in
The above figure shows that once the primitive streak is formed, its cells start
migrating through the primitive groove and primitive pit into the blastocoel. These cells
migrate anteriorly and form the foregut, head mesoderm and notochord. Another
population of cells passes through the lateral portions of the primitive streak and
gives rise to most of the endodermal and mesodermal derivatives.
Institute of Life Long Learning, University of Delhi
The early development of chick: cleavage and gastrulation
push up the anterior midline region of the epiblast to form the head process. This
places the head of the embryo anterior (rostral) to the Hensen’s node.
(3) The next cells in line become the chordamesoderm (notochord) cells. These
cells extend anteriorly to the presumptive midbrain and meet the prechordal
plate. The chordamesoderm extends from some anterior portion of Hensen’s
node till some posterior portion of it. The chordamesoderm at the level of the
Hensen’s node and caudal to it form the hindbrain and trunk respectively.
(4) Simultaneously, the cells continue to migrate from the lateral sides into the
primitive streak. As they enter the blastocoel through the primitive groove, they
separate into two layers:
(i) The deep layer joins the hypoblast in the middle and displaces the hypoblast
cells to the sides. These cells give rise to the endodermal organs of the embryo
and most of the extraembryonic membranes. The hypoblast cells give rise to rest
of the extraembryonic membranes.
(ii) The second layer spreads itself between the endoderm and the epiblast and
forms a loose layer of the cells. These middle layer cells form the mesoderm and
thus the mesodermal derivatives and some extraembryonic membranes.
After 22 hours of incubation, most of the presumptive endodermal cells lie at the
interior of the embryo while the presumptive mesodermal cells continue their
migration inwards.
Fig. Schematic diagrams showing the pre-cardiac cells, from stage HH3 (PS3) to stage
HH10, in the developing chick embryo. Red indicates the mesodermal pre-cardiac cells, and green
the endodermal cells that are related to cardiogenesis. The section shows the migration of epiblast
cells ingressing through the primitive streak at stage HH4.
Source: Carmen López-Sánchez, Virginio García-Martínez. Molecular determinants of cardiac
specification Cardiovascular Research185-195.DOI:
At this point of development, all the presumptive endodermal cells and the mesodermal
cells lie inside the embryo and the epiblast represents the presumptive
ectodermal cells. As the cells migrate and take their respective future positions in the
embryo like head, notochord etc., the anterior-posterior axis is established in the
embryo. The cells at the anterior portion of the embryo are ahead in their development
and start forming the organs even as the cells at the posterior portion are still
undergoing gastrulation. Thus, there is an obvious spatial and temporal difference in
the stages during the chick embryogenesis. For the next few days, the anterior portion
runs ahead with the development as compared to the posterior portion.
The avian Hensen’s node is analogous to the amphibian dorsal blastopore lip
i) It is the site where the gastrulation begins
ii) It is the region whose cells become chordamesoderm
iii) It is the region whose cells can establish new embryonic axis when transplanted
into new locations of the gastrula.
iv) If the Koller’s sickle is transplanted into a new embryo, it causes formation of
new axes
v) The middle layer cells of the Koller’s sickle express goosecoid as do the cells of
Spemann organizer in amphibians.
The neural induction in chick is different from that of fishes or amphibians. Unlike in
amphibians, in chick embryos, ectopic expression of chordin in non-neural epiblast
cells do not cause neural induction and BMPs do not inhibit neural induction.
The important factor that causes positive regulation of neural induction in chicks are
Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGFs). They are produced in Hensen’s node and
primitive streak and generate neuronal phenotypes in the epiblast. The signals
controlling the anterior neuron production are still unknown but studies by Diaz and
Schoenwolf (1990) and Darnell et al (1999) suggest that anterior visceral
endoderm may provide such signals.
Left-right axis
The vertebrate body is distinctly divided into left and right axis, and so are its internal
organs located on either of the sides. For example, heart and spleen generally lie on
the left side of the body while the liver occupies the right side. There are two major
proteins that regulate the left and right axis formation:
i) Nodal (a paracrine factor)
ii) Pitx2 (a transcription factor)
The mechanisms by which these two genes i.e. nodal and pitx2 regulate the left-right
axis formation varies in different groups of vertebrates.
Some of the common genes expressed during the lefty-right axis formation are
(Figure 7):
Gene expression on the right side of the primitive streak:
a) Sonic hedge-hog: the expression of this gene occurs on both the sides of the
primitive streak. However, once the primitive streak reaches its maximum length,
transcription of its mRNA stops on the right side of the embryo. This is due to
presence of a protein activin and its receptor, which actually downregulate the
expression of shh gene.
But at the same time activin signaling activates the expression of fgf-8. FGF-8
prevents the expression of the caronte gene. In the absence of caronte gene, the
BMPs are able to block the expression of two genes i.e. nodal and lefty-2.
b) Snail gene (cSnR): The suppression of the nodal and lefty-2 genes activates
the snail gene, expressed exclusively on the right side of the embryonic organs.
expression of the sonic hedgehog gene is suppressed. This blocks the expression of
the nodal. Under such circumstances, the heart may be present on either left or
the right side.
If certain cell are grafted on the right side of the Hensen’s node, which secrete
sonic hedgehog, the above condition results.
In all these cases, nodal is induced symmetrically in the lateral plate of mesoderm and
the heart has equal chances of being present on either of the sides.
Once the three germ layers have occupied their respective positions in the embryo, the
organogenesis can begin. Although, several genes or factors that play role during
gastrulation and in the axes formation have been identified and their role ascertained,
there still lie several lacunae in the in-depth understanding of the exact mechanisms of
events occurring during avian gastrulation.
1. The chick egg is filled with huge amount of yolk and little cytoplasm at the point
of sperm entry.
2. The cleavage divisions start at the blastodisc and after subsequent divisions
form a single layer sheet of cells called blastoderm
3. The cleavage divisions form two distinct regions in the embryo i.e. area opaca
and area pellucida. The region between them is known as marginal zone.
4. The formation of the primitive streak and gastrulation starts at the posterior
marginal zone.
5. The primitive streak is formed from the deep cells of the posterior marginal zone
and anterior epiblast cells.
6. The primitive streak moves anteriorly and simultaneously Hensen’s node is also
7. The cells that migrate through the Hensen’s node into the blastocoel form the
chordamesoderm (notochord). These cells extend upto the presumptive
midbrain where they meet the prechordal plate.
8. The prechordal induces the formation of the forebrain; chordamesoderm forms
the midbrain, hindbrain and spinal cord.
9. Cells that enter the blastocoel from the lateral side of the primitive groove form
the endoderm and in the process they displace the hypoblast.
10. The mesodermal cells follow the endodermal cells into the blastocoel.
11. The ectoderm, present on the surface, surround the entire yolk by epiboly
12. The dorsal-ventral axis in birds is dependent on the pH difference on two sides
of the embryo while gravity determines the anterior-posterior axis.
13. The left-right axis is dependent on the expression of the nodal gene on the
left-side of the embryo. Nodal gene activates the pitx2 gene which leads to
formation of the structures on the left side of the body.
Q.1. Give contribution of the following scientists:
Q.4. Draw a comparison between avian Hensen’s node and amphibian dorsal lip of the
Q.5. List the genes involved in the development of structures on the left and right side
of the chick embryo.
Area opaca: The cells at the peripheral ring of the blastoderm are not shed and form
area opaca.
Area pellucida: The deep cells of the blastoderm die and are shed, giving rise to single
layer of cells called area pellucida. These cells form the actual embryo
Blastocoel: The cavity between epiblast layer and hypoblast layer
Blastoderm: A single layer of cells formed after cleavage divisions in chick at the
animal pole.
Blastodisc: The name given to small amount of cytoplasm in the avian eggs.
Epiblast: The cells of the area pellucida are known as epiblast cells
Filopodia: The cytoplasmic processes of the precursor ectodermal cells at the outer
edge of area opaca, which maintains contact with vitelline envelope. They act as the
locomotor apparatus and help pulling other ectodermal cells around the yolk during
Germinal crescent: The specific region at the anterior portion where the hypoblast
cells get accumulated and form the precursors of the germ cels
Hensen’s node/primitive knot: Thickening of the cells at the anterior portion of the
primitive streak
Koller’s sickle: Local thickening of the cells at the posterior margin of the blastoderm
Marginal zone/marginal belt: The thin layer of cells between area pellucida and
area opaca.
Polyinvagination islands/ Primary hypoblast: The cells delaminating from the
epiblast and exist in the groups of 5-20 each
Posterior marginal zone (PMZ): The cells that initiate gastrulation and start the
formation of the primitive streak, thereby inhibiting other cells of the marginal zone to
initiate other primitive streaks.
Primitive groove: The groove formed at the centre of the primitive streak due to
ingression of cells
Primitive pit: A funnel shaped depression at the centre of the Hensen’s node
Primitive streak: Thickening of the cells at the middle line of the blastoderm in
anterior-posterior direction, starting from the posterior side near Koller’s sickle
Scatter factor: A protein (190-kDa) secreted by the cells themselves as they enter the
primitive streak and is required for their delamination from it
Subgerminal cavity: The space between yolk and blastoderm
Telolecithal eggs: The eggs which contain large amount of yolk and the small amount
of cytoplasm lies at one end.
1. An introduction to embryology: B.I. Balinsky and B.C. Fabian