Mid Term Assignment of 120 Hours TESOL Course: Muneesa's Lesson Plan

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TESOL Mid-term Assignment (after phase 5)

Mid term assignment of 120 hours TESOL course

REG.NO: ACT/TESOL/3501/2021/0543

A.Design a conversation activity (speaking skill) based on either “Learning a musical instrument” or
“Planning a trip to any holiday destination”

Muneesa’s Lesson plan

Name of the Topic: Planning a trip to any holiday destination.

Time Duration: 45 mins

Age and number of students: 10-15 years (15students)
Language spoken by students: Malayalam

Level: Beginners.

Objective: The Objective of a Students will be able to:

lesson plan includes what the − Equip them with the ability to think creatively.
students will learn or achieve − Have the ability to express their views using how, why,
through this lesson using
where ,what in English with correct vocabulary.
which techniques as well can
be included. You should also − Focus on a particular grammar point based on their language
include the accuracy level Proficiency.
at which the objective will be − Present their travel information to the class in a 7–10 minute
achieved by the students group presentation.
(70% or 80%) − Effectively communicate in a conversation.
Warmer: Hot Seat: Have a list of vocabulary words prepared. Bring a chair to the
front of the classroom. Split the class into two teams and have one
Time :(5-7 minutes) student from the first team sit in the chair (the “hot seat”) facing the
Good one. class. He/she cannot see the board. Start a timer (one minute) and
write the first word on the board. The team must say things related to
that word in order to elicit that word from their teammate sitting in
the hot seat. Once the student guesses correctly, write the next word.
Context setting or Pre- Show and tell activity (this needs some initial plannings)
speaking 1. Students bring in a small item that can fit into their bag and is
Kindly mention the time school appropriate.
taken. 2. Each student who has an item, one by one, comes to the
front of the class and talks about that item for at least 45
Let students know about a week ahead of time that they can
bring in an item that they would like to talk about. Let them
Good activity. know this will be “Holiday destination,” with an emphasis on the
Destination for holiday. This item should be from a place they
have visited. Let students take a few moments to get together
their thoughts on what they would like to say about their item.
Give them some guidance on what they should talk about in
their 30 seconds:
 Where is your item from?
 Do you think people would like to visit where you got
that item? Why?
 What is the special significance of the item they brought?
If time allows after ask students in pairs to decide on the three
places they would go based on what they’ve heard and why.
Have pairs share this information with the class.
Video link from youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Actual content or While- Video for introduction:https://www.youtube.com/watch?
speaking activity. v=5KYeKcLa_Oo
The students will try to recollect the tourist locations in Sri Lanka
Kindly mention the time mentioned in the video and enhance their Listening skill.
taken. Role play: Shivangi and Nooha are talking about their end of year
Nooha: Where did you go on holiday?
Shivangi: I went to Sri Lanka with my parents.
Nooha: How was it? Did you have a good time?
Good one. Shivangi : It was wonderful.Sri Lanka is a great city with many
beautiful beaches and historical landmarks.
Nooha: What did you see there?
Shivangi : We visited the Rock Fortress of Sigiriya and other
interesting tempes such as Temple of the tooth, Dumbulla cave temple
and Yalla national park. They were really interesting!
Nooha: I have been to Sri Lanka once travelling to maldives, but I
didn’t have time to travel around.
Shivangi : Too bad. You could have stayed longer. It’s not difficult to
find cheap hotels in Sri Lanka.
Nooha: Really? Where did you stay, anyway?
Shivangi : We stay at a homestay at dambulla in Sri Lanka.
Nooha: Was it good?
Shivangi : Yes, it was a great budget homestay. The room was clean
and it offered free drinks, fruit and snacks every day. How about your
Nooha: I didn’t go out because I took a drawing class.
Shivangi : Oh, that’s good. I may want to try that on my next holiday.
Recapitulation or Post − Students are handed over few Pictures of some locations inSri
speaking Lanka. Then they are separated in groups of 4. Each group will
explain what they see in the picture and describe what they
Time: (10 minutes) understand from that picture with their views on how they will
spend the day, kind of clothing that is worn and what it signifies
Good one. etc. Some examples of pictures are given below:

− The above conversation between Shivangi and Nooha will be

turned into fill in the blanks question and each group will be
given a chance to complete the sentences with correct word
which will give them the opportunity to use their grammatical
Your lesson plan is arranged well. And good use of teaching aids.

B. Consider any 3 of the following situations and discuss how you might handle them. (word limit
for each situation should be within 200 to 300 words)

A) One or more student/s is/are not participating or engaged in the lesson.

Assess student's prior knowledge and tailor your lessons to build on what students already know.
Students will feel successful and be more engaged when new content is linked to what they already
know.Allow for student collaboration. Well-timed opportunities for students to work together or even
discuss a concept mid-lesson can be great for engagement. Turn and Talk is a great strategy where
students are given a discussion topic and time to turn quickly and discuss with a partner. The 123
Teach strategy is also great for reviewing content. This works best for material that needs a lot of
review–more knowledge level content. For this strategy, the teacher names the concept to be
reviewed (e.g., the definition of a vocabulary word) and after counting 123 the students turn and
review the concept with a partner as many times as they can until the teacher calls time.
Use the jigsaw strategy. When working on a large amount of content, allow groups of students to
become "experts" on a small section of knowledge, and then have them teach the content to the rest
of the class. This allows students to work together and helps them process difficult content in smaller
and more manageable chunks.Give students a task during your lessons. Try giving students a key
word to listen for throughout the lesson—you can also link this to a movement or chant. For example,
during a lesson about area and perimeter, you can cue students to chant the formula for area every
time you say area throughout the lesson. Not only does this repetition build memory, but it keeps
students engaged throughout the lesson.Give student a choice in how they learn. Students tune out
when they feel like their ideas do not matter. Allowing students to make choices about how they learn
and the type of work they do will make them feel invested in the lessons.
Well done. Good way of handling.

B) The beginning of the class is delayed because two students are fighting.
Sometimes students don’t get along. That’s okay. But if there is a dispute or confrontation in your class, you
should separate the students right away. Try to keep the dispute from turning into a fight. If it does turn into
a fight, make sure the other students are safe and get some help or support from another teacher or the
support staff at your school. Do not try to stop a fight, get help.
You can use non verbal cues to get a student to stop being disruptive. Try to make eye contact with them.
You can also get close to them. They will usually notice how close you are and stop the behaviour. You
might need to apologize to the class if it is a big disruption. Then move on and continue with the class.
Don’t hold a grudge. When the disruption is over continue on like nothing happened. At the end of the day, it
is important to remember to stay calm. They usually just want attention, and might not notice that they are
distracting their classmates or that they are holding up the class. So, breathe and smile, it will all be over
soon.i know i can handle it!

Good one.

C) You have assigned a task, and some of the students have already
completed it, but others are still working.
Will Ask the student to go deeper into the topic i.e,Scaffold.Given the right access to the right materials (a
book, app, collaboration, audience, etc.), this could be a default/bare minimum ‘what to do if you finish early’
strategy, Homework: Student may move on to homework and complete it early.Correct: Give students the
chace to self assess and let them score the work. If their work is lacking, let them revise.Jobs: Give
students jobs. If they finish early, they can check on their job.Music: Have a music center where students
can go to listen to or create music. Team: Have on standby team-building activities that early finishers can
engage in with their team. Fiddle: Keep something on hand that students can fiddle with if they finish early.
Entertain: Allow students to entertain the class pet (real or virtual).Time: Time the students. Give each
student an allotted time to complete the assignment. Let the students see the finish line. Chunk: Help
regulate the pace by chunking the lesson. Break up each part into chunks to complete. Keep it short.You
could also use a timer, and move back and forth between ‘chunks,’ where students that were finished could
revisit their work, and students that weren’t finished, could finish. Plan: Ask students to help plan the next
level. This would do wonders to improve understanding and strengthen content knowledge if students were
engaged enough to ‘care’ and do this well. Beads: Allow students to bead something. It doesn’t have to be
beads, of course. Any hands-on manipulative that engages students–a Rubick’s Cube, for example. Jokes:
Keep a joke book in the classroom. Let students master a joke to tell. Sleep: Take a quick nap. Sounds
impractical and even silly, but imagine if this was actually possible. We’d also add meditation to that ‘What
if?’ list.Game: Allow students to create a game.You could also use coding–or the Scratch software, for
example.Chat: Create a chatting area where students can move away from their desk and chat quietly.

D) One student is causing disruption (acting out).

As a teacher I should keep in mind that I have limited time with my students so,should utilise it proparly. As
a good techer i should maximize the instructional time and minimize the distrations. To deal with the
disruptive student or disruptive stuation, the teacher should be quick and be ready to face all these
situations. And it is important to realise that every situation is different. A strategy that works well for one
student may set another one off. The first thing that a teacher has to think if a student is disrupting the
class then it is because of the teaching method followed in the class or the subject is not intresting to the
student. Positive and polite behaviours are important in any class. Try to stress how important they are at
the beginning class of academic year.i will try to quickly write the rules of the class on the first day of class
to let them know how and what I expect from them. If I am teaching small children or teenagers I will try
giving points or reward system. I believe building relationships with your students in order to gain their
support, increase engagement can minimize disruptions in your classroom. Try to engage that student with
some type of common ground. Ask direct questions to that student. Set your rules and expectations with
them and pay attention to what they are interested in. Talk to them and try to build a rapport with them.
another great way to get students to behave in class is, when students do particularly well or are actively
participating, rewarding them with a sweet or no homework can be a great incentive and will encourage
similar behavior. If the misbehaving student sees all of his peers getting sweets, he will be more likely to
stop misbehaving. Another way to get the student to stop misbehaving and disrupting class is by having
them present to the class. You can ask them to repeat what you have been going through or ask them to
answer a question relating to the material. This will have them engage with the material and being called on
will cause them to pay closer attention.
Thank you for your assignment.

You have to only mention any 3 classroom situation.

The handling techniques suggested by you for all the three classroom situations are
appropriate and relatable. These resolutions are capable of helping any teacher
establish a strong, independent and nourishing teaching environment in the class.

Your assignment is arranged well.

We appreciate your hard work.

All the best!


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