Dublin: One Place One Voice One FM

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European Facility Management Conference
J u n e 2 0 1 9 · D u b l i n · I r e l a n d

One Place · One Voice · One FM

Be part of this International FM festival packed with knowledge, inspiration and innovation, with a new
“concert” style that will maximize interactions, creativity and networking OneFM Facility Management
th th
13 14 15th Celebrating in 2019 the 27th edition
Food and drinks available during the whole two days demonstrates the importance and longevity of
the flagship event of EuroFM. Evolving every
I V year with a new setup and a new innovative
approach allows participants to receive not only
3 Open Workshops

3 Open Workshops
a high dosage of inspiration and knowledge in
different areas, but also networking time which
II VI Site Visits could lead to new projects or collaborations.
Rockstar Rockstar registration needed
This is the only opportunity where top
researchers that could lead the future of our
Concerts Concerts profession, blend together with end users,
III VII creating a perfect environment for learning
EuroFM from each other. The presence of the best FM
Ambassadors students from the best universities also helps to
Assembly exchange views and expectations.
by invitation
With ambassadors from over 40 countries and
delegates representing 5 continents, the event
Awards is without doubt, the most international Facility
Welcome Party Ceremony
registration needed registration needed Management encounter and a must-attend if
you are part of the industry.
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& info DUBLIN

European Facility Management Conference

Atrium Floor


Zone Zone

Main Stage Floor

Aviva Stadium
Lansdowne Road.
Dublin 4, Ireland.

The format will be an innovative concert-style approach at the AVIVA stadium central Entrance
Atrium: all events will take place in the same space, so that attendees may maximize
networking time without missing out on the highlights of the programme. Flexible seating
and a range of exciting ambiences will recreate some of the most up-to-date workplaces in
the market.


12 June

European Facility Management Conference

EuroFM Ambassadors Assembly (18.00-20.00)

(only by invitation)
The international EuroFM ambassadors program has given rise to several representatives worldwide that
have become the voice of EuroFM to spread their philosophy and join forces. This meeting will serve to
share experiences and propose the next objectives.

Welcome Party (20.00-22.00)

(only by regsitration)
EuroFM wants to welcome everybody with its traditional reception, prior to the conference. This will be a
great opportunity to gather all the FM community, creating the perfect environment to meet up and make
new friends. Taylors Three Rock will host this gathering in an atmosphere with traditional dances and of
course, Irish beer.

Taylors Three Rock

Grange Road.
Dublin 16, Ireland.
Welcome & Registration
08:30 - 09:00
Moderator: Rockstars Concert I
Matthew Tucker Main Stage
Chair Open Workshops
RNG (Research Network Group) EuroFM 09:00 - 10:30 Four dedicated spaces where experts on the different topics will present or share their knowledge with
.... Short Speech the audience. Delegates attending the conference can participate in the different options and interact with
“How Research in FM Could Influence the Industry” people interested in each field. Findings and conclusions of the workshops could be part of a study or a
report, even a longer-term project

"The Benefits of Building Information Modelling (BIM) to Simon Ashworth

Facility Management Over Built Assets Whole Lifecycle”
373 separate benefits of BIM are categorised into 12 main groups to
Specific Zones
make the them more transparent for facility managers. The findings will
help FM practitioners construct more grounded and clear business
Researcher 09:05 09:30 - 18:00
Zone A Zone B Zone C
cases for the adoption and use of BIM to align with their business
objectives and asset management strategies.
ZHAW (Zurich University Updating Added Value Integration Attracting Young Talent
of Applied Sciences) & Other Benefits of FM Innovation in FM into FM
+ During this innovation There is a lack of presence or
“Towards an Automated Dynamic Benchmark Reporting” Alexander Bombeck Student Presentations block, you will learn about young people in actual FM
Entrusted with the conduction of a semi-annual benchmark, the authors the impact of the fast- activities, and market
couldn't help but wonder whether repeating the same task every six changing society on your stakeholders of the profession
months was productive. The speech presents a scalable solution to Research work in FM. What does must make an effort to get newer

Continuos Coffee, Food & Networking

compile high quality reports and presentation on the fly. 09:20
Associate this mean for the way FM generations more involved in
professionals work in the certain roles that are shaping the
near future future of our profession
KIT (Karlsruhe Institute
of Technology)

“Minutes of FM Meetings in Swiss Hospitals. Worth a Franziska Honegger

Look At”
This speech presents applied research providing FM executives
with a guideline, to analyse and if applicable improve minute Senior Research
taking practices and hence more importantly to improve their Associate
meetings. Because in times of rising healthcare costs, available
resources such as meeting time must be used to their full extent.
ZHAW (Zurich University
of Applied Sciences) Facilitator:

“When you Have to Prioritize”

Ian van der Pool
Knut Boge
Smart designs often make workplaces for activity based working attractive
and fashionable. However, which factors are most important? University
students are tomorrow's knowledge workers, and the universities' reading Associate
areas provide an excellent opportunity to investigate which physical work 09:50
environment factors that really matters for knowledge worker's well-being
and productivity..
Head of Facility
OsloMet (Oslo Metropolitan Management
University) Ministerie van
“The Legacy from Construction Projects to FM: The Good, Helle Lohmann
the Bad and the Ugly”
Based on a web-based questionnaire among FM practitioners, we
discuss the most and least experienced FM difficulties in new built PhD student 10:05
facilities in Denmark. Examples are “difficulties to control indoor
climate”, “Start-up difficulties after hand over” and “Lack of Operation
and Maintenance material from the design and construction stage”
DTU (Technical University
of Denmark) Presenter Falicitator: “Trends”
Susanne “Career of Choice”
Balslev “Connect”
There is a lack of precence of
young people in actual FM activities
and with market stakeholders.
10:45 In the workshop we highlight three
themes, which will be handled
aternately during the day.
Professor Just join the interactive workshop
OSLOMET (Oslo at any time.
Metropolitan University)
“Value Adding FM in Let's create our future together!
Practice: The Case of the
Technical University of
EuroFM Ambassador The resent study environment
Moderator: Rockstars Concert II investigation gives important
feedback to the FM-
Levent Alatli Main Stage organisation, DTU Campus
Service, that constantly needs to
Chairman Of The Board justify that its value creation
TRFMA (Turkish Facility Management Association) 11:00 - 12:15 justify the associated the costs.
What matters the most for the
Short Speech satisfaction of students and how
“What do you need to know to understand Eastern FM” will FM contribute to maintain
and improve the satisfaction in
coming years?

“Opportunity Knocks: Green Leases and Green Leasing in Facilitator:

Sustainable Office Buildings”
Dave Collins Marcel
Continuos Coffee, Food & Networking

This talk intends to illustrate the barriers and drivers for the
development and implementation of Green Leases and Green Leasing in 11:05
sustainable office buildings in Norway, with supporting data also from Lecturer
the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA). This
paper also establishes the difference between the terms 'Green Lease'
and 'Green Leasing'. NTNU (Norwegian University
of Science and Technology)
Head of Innogy IdeaLab
"CarMa – Carbon Management for Facility Services” at Innogy SE
Stefan Schmid Imagineering
With climate change on the rise, decarbonisation is becoming the new Facilitator:
guideline for all industries. Therefore, methods, benchmarks and Academy
calculation tools are needed, which rarely exist for facility services. This Research Olga van
challenge was picked up by a consortium of two universities resulting in 11:20
Assistant Diermen Hitoshi
the research project “CarMa – Carbon Management for Facility Services
HWR Berlin (Berlin School
of Economics and Law)

“Factors influencing the occurrence of food waste in the

.... service Gabriela Leiblein-Züger Senior Lecturer
food process in hospitals”
.... THUAS (The Hague Managing Director
From the facility management perspective food waste is process University of Applied
waste. The research of this paper is based on the literature review of Research Institute of
a larger project. The result is a list of food waste factors. They Associate 11:35 Sciences) Facilitainment
provide knowledge about the complexity of food waste reduction and
give ideas how to reduce it “Global evolution of
ZHAW (Zurich University....
of Student Presenter: innovation in FM”
Applied Sciences) Ahmad Alakkad And how to better
innovate yourself
12:50 Startup area:

Student Presenter:
Anouschka de Waal
& Maud Willigers


Student ....
Iris van Oers


Student Presenter:
Maaike ter Stal
EuroFM Ambassador
Moderator: Rockstars Concert III ....
Chris Moriarty Main Stage
13:30 ....
Director of Insight
IWFM (Institute of Workplace & Facility Managment) 14:00 - 15:15
Short Speech
“What Was First: Chicken or Egg”

“The Influence of Personality on Preferred Workplace Ilse Toonders

Activity-based working environments are often implemented in
European offices, yet theory and practice show that users differ in their Project
satisfaction with the workplace environment. So why are one-size-fits- manager
all solutions still implemented? Research indicated a relation between
personality and workplace preferences which could be used to create a
Continuos Coffee, Food & Networking

more human-centric workplace. Tetris

“Insights & Inspiration from Over 100 International FM Mike Petrusky

As our world evolves, we must rethink how we care for the built
environment and the occupants of our facilities. Advancing technologies Host & Presenter 14:20
and shifting cultures require FMs to innovate. After interviewing over
100 industry leaders, Mike Petrusky shares inspirational lessons. -Host
of the “Workplace Innovator Podcast-
Workplace &
Innovation Podcast
“Creating an ethical framework for applying artificial Juho Vaiste ....
intelligence in FM"
FM faces new opportunities and challenges through the emerging
solutions of AI: security robots, control and surveillance systems, Researcher, ethicist 14:35
autonomous guidance, and intelligent maintenance applications. With
powerful technologies, the great responsibility follows. Ethics of AI
technologies has recognized as an essential field of research, and
integral part of applying AI. Turku AI Society

The future of anything is based on
the activity of new generations, and
Program Manager RE & Facility Management is not an
exception. While numbers of
Campus Development students in FM degrees and pr
Presenter Falicitator: XXX
Torben Bernhold &
Christian Schlicht

Professor Director Center
FH MÜNSTER Management - FM
(University of Applied ECE
“Become an Outperformer!
Measurement of Added Value”
A new understanding of value
added in Facility Management with
a multidimensional measurement
and control instrument based on
the Tableau de Bord that integrates
a vertical and functional level of
.... operationalization and
measurement; The backbone of
EuroFM Ambassador
Moderator: Rockstars Concert IV ....this research is a multiple
research method
Lilyana Mejía Main Stage
Property and Asset Management Director
Bancolombia 16:00 - 17:15
... Short Speech
“Question from LatinAmerica: Follow the FM
Path or Take Shortcuts?”

“Quantitative Improvement in Workplace Performance Julia Ayuso

Through Biophilic Design: A Pilot Experiment Case Study”
Several studies affirm that biophilic design improves productivity and
user’s well-being in the workplace. However, by how much? In response Researcher &
to this challenge, we have conducted a scheduled pilot experiment. The Director
results highlight an improvement in well-being and productivity and
opens new ways to measure workplace capabilities
Continuos Coffee, Food & Networking

“A Systems Perspective on the Work Environment” Justin Timmer

In modern companies, the workplace and its employees are dynamic
entities influencing each other continuously. But how could you guide
their mutual flow? From a systems perspective, we investigate the In-House
factors that lead towards effective “attractor states” where both the 16:20
workplace and employees can evolve and flourish


“Elements of Change. How to Develop Employee Antti Pitkänen

Experience and Organizational Culture Through
Workplace Transformation?” Co-funder-Chairman,
Elements of Change is an inspirational talk by Antti Pitkänen from Insights & 16:35
Agile Work, that showcases through practical tools, case examples Strategy Director
and theoretical frameworks how to develop employee experience and
organizational culture during workplace transformation
Agile Work

"Digital Transformation of the FM Department”

Johan Ohlsson
Evolution does not apply only to the core business or to service
providers. People within the support units are responsible for bringing
in that transition and they are also responsible to assure a good and say Head Facility &
that this transformation is as strong as the FM department itself, and 16:50
Property Group
we took this fact very seriously in IKEA

Opening & Registration
08:30 - 09:00
Moderator: Rockstars Concert V
Hannah Wilson Main Stage
Senior Lecturer in Research Methods Open Workshops
Liverpool John Moores University 09:00 - 10:30 Four dedicated spaces where experts on the different topics will present or share their knowledge with
Short Speech the audience. Delegates attending the conference can participate in the different options and interact with
.... "Imagining a Formula to Solve a FM Equation” people interested in each field. Findings and conclusions of the workshops could be part of a study or a
report, even a longer-term project

“Emerging technologies and their influence on Facility Alexander Redlein

Macro-economic studies show dramatic changes in Facility Services.
Head of the Specific Zones
Institute of Real
As current studies analyze the macroeconomic changes, the aim of
this presentation, is to answer the more detailed questions: Which Estate & Facility 09:05 09:30 - 18:00
Zone A Zone B
smart building technologies are relevant for FS, which are already in Management
use and which services will be affected by which technologies?
TU Wien (Technical Updating Added Value From the Digitalisation
University of Vienna) & Other Benefits of FM Buffet…
+ It is important before
“The Lowest Common Denominator in the Maintenance Student Presentations deepening into any subject,
Management of Critical Facilities in Europe”
Justin Amesz to able to have a look at it
Subject Matter from a more general
Our research paper describes the results of a state of the art analysis perspective. In this case is it
regarding maintenance regimes, applied on critical facilities in four Expert (SME), CoC 09:20 compulsory because of the
different countries: Germany, United Kingdom, Ireland and the Data Centers / novelty of the theme and the
Netherlands. The analysis covers maintenance standards, legislations, Critical Systems speed at what is developing
best practices and identifies synergies as well as optimisation and changing.
potentials related to the maintenance of critical facilities across Europe Apleona HSG
Klaus Homann
“Changing the Engine While Driving – Transforming a Hanne Vågen
Government Hospital’s Internal FM Organization to Handle
New and Hard Facts of Life” 09:30

Until January 1st 2017, most Norwegian government hospitals’ internal Researcher 09:35
FM organizations lead a protected life behind an armour of 25 per cent
VAT. This study investigates how to transform a mature internal FM Professor, Head of
organization that experiences an external shock and has to adapt to new
and hard facts OsloMet (Oslo Metropolitan Department, Business
University of Denmark)
“Towards a Standardised Definition of Room Categories for DHBW Stuttgart
Healthcare Facilities (RakaS)"
Oliver Kuchen (Baden-Wuerttemberg
Cooperative University)
For the first time, a validated standardised room categorisation for
healthcare facilities (RakaS 2.0) is presented. It is the basis not only for Research 09:50
room KPI benchmarking - potentially leading to cost reduction and Assistant
efficiency improvements - but also for the transfer of data into digital
ZHAW (Zurich University of
Applied Sciences)

Jake Smithwick
Assistant 10:05

“Benchmarking Practices and Preparing for the Future of

Facility Management: A Case Study” UNC Charlotte (University of
Facility Management organizations are in a state of flux, due to the North Carolina at Charlotte)
retirement of a large contingent of its workforce and the introduction of Presenter Falicitator:
new technologies. Through a study of 2,000 facilities, this presentation
will show how benchmarking performance information can be used to Michael Bown Alenka
improve custodial and maintenance operations

Brigham Young University

NTNU (Norwegian University
of Science and Technology)
“Exploring the ....
Roles of Facility
Management for....Liveable Cities”
The functions of facilities
management in the quality of urban
life based on the sustainable urban
project of Pådriv in Norway will be
explored. The methods are review of
the literature and a case study. A
dynamic model that includes co-
design, co-creation, co-ownership
and co-evaluation for habitable cities
EuroFM Ambassador will be explored in the case
Moderator: Rockstars Concert VI
David Martínez Main Stage
Global Director
CIFMERS GLOBAL 11:00 - 12:15
.... Short Speech
“Future Jobs in Facility Management, Believe It or Not”

"FM Standards are Developed by Humans, I Think” Laverne Deckert

Perhaps another point of view is that FM standards are developed by “a
collective with multiple personalities”. Looking in from the outside and
as psychologist, I’ve identified several personalities, and ultimately, all Secretariat &
were necessary to achieve the quality of work that is the ISO 41000 11:05
series of FM Standard
Olga van
ISO TC-267 Diermen

"A Journey Understanding the Meaning of Digitalization Mads Beier

in FM”
“This is probably one on the hottest topic in FM now. But until you
start writing down concepts, elements and trying to structure it you Sales Executive Senior Lecturer
don’t realize how vague or wide the term is. Danish Facility FM THUAS (The Hague
Management network have been working to put together the first University of Applied Program Manager RE &
brick of the wall” Sciences) Campus Development
Compass Group XXX
The future of anything is based on
Trine Thorn the activity of new generations, and
“Common Strategies for Sustainable Development of FM Peter Lubkert Student Presenter:
and Transport” Marie-Luise Guyot
With climate change on the rise, decarbonisation is becoming the new Head of Facility
guideline for all industries. Therefore, methods, benchmarks and 12:20
calculation tools are needed, which rarely exist for facility services. This
Management 11:35
challenge was picked up by a consortium of two universities resulting in & Transport
13:00 Head of Workplace
the research project “CarMa – Carbon Management for Facility Services
OECD (Organisation for Economic Nordea
Co-operation & Development) Student Presenter: “Future Facility
Mirjam van den Dool culture in–aCreating

“Working Conditions and Workers’ Health” Program Manager RE &

Jorge Cabrita 13:10
Campus Development
Having a job is good but the working conditions also matter for our Presenter:
health and wellbeing. How do working conditions determine workers’ XXX
health? What can be done to improve that relationship? Based on the .... Poul Ebbesen
most recent data of the European Working Conditions Survey, this Research Manager 11:50 Student ....
presentation will address those and other important questions Nienke Post
13:20 Senior Specialist in FM
Ramboll Group
Student Presenter: “Structured
Patricia Dankert
EuroFM Ambassador
Moderator: Rockstars Concert VII ....
Alexey Grinchenko Main Stage
13:30 ....
Facility Director
TPV CIS 14:00 - 15:15
Student Presenter:
Short Speech
"Situation of FM in Eastern region” Virna Monero

“Innovation, Innovation and Innovation, The Only Way Up Michael Pitt 13:40
for Facility Management”
Every discipline evolves due to generational changes, new technology, Professor of
or even a completely different approach to the market. Facility Facility Management 14:05
management is not an exception, and despite what is perceived, there is
a huge revolution in the way FM will be understood in the coming years. Innovation
Innovation is the only way to do not became obsolete
UCL (University College
of London)

“Digitilization of FM - Experiences from Property Managers” Marit Støre-Valen

Norwegian property managers and FM providers report a tendency to
digitise individually, not having an holistic approach. An integrated
approach and new competences are needed to fully understand the Associated
potential of using sensor technology. They report a shortage of 14:20
methodologies to analyze the BIG DATA collected

NTNU (Norwegian University

of Science and Technology)

“Daring to Be Human - Superskill of the AI Age “ Camilla Tuominen

The 24/7 information flow, ever increasing demands and the rise of AI
that will do all the linear decisions, it is pivotal for everyone to develop
and learn a new skillset for the future: understanding and leading of CEO &
emotions. It consists that we learn how to listen and understand more 14:35
than just facts, have a clear head to see the bigger picture, hear the also Co-founder
the week signals, connect the unusual dots and have the courage to
express it. It is a skill is still often neglected by worklife but it is a
crucial skillset that should and can be learned by anyone Emotion Tracker

"Operating a Truly FM Global Model - 15 Years Journey in a Jeff Schumacher

15 - Minute Speech”
Real Estate strategies are sometimes difficult to extrapolate at regional
or global level. It is not only about the markets, their maturity or even the Sr Real Estate
services providers. The inner client has to be ready to accept a level of Portfolio Manager
standardization, and sometimes people is more difficult than buildings.
The creation and implementation of a Center of Excellence has been a Presenter Falicitator:
key tool to achieve these goals. Microsoft Mark Mobach


Professor Facility
Hanze UAS (Hanze
University Of Applied
Sciences Groningen)
"Urban FM for Healthy
Cities can be much healthier and
Facility Management has a lot to
offer. Clean, green, and safe
environments, active-friendliness,
and the right food and prompts show
impact.But how to create productive
cross-overs with healthy cities?
Cohesive spatial and business
EuroFM Ambassador concepts and public private
Moderator: Rockstars Concert VIII partnerships may proof to be vital.

Alexandros Alivizatos Main Stage

HFMA (Hellenic Facility Management Association) 16:00 - 17:15
Short Speech
"How to Justify FM in a Construction Environment”

“'Facityly' Management from student perspective, The FM Rachel Kuijlenburg

influence in an urban environment”
'Facityly management' is the influence of facility design on urban quality
of life. Hereto, is the question how to integrate the principles of Senior & Research
resilience thinking into the city's facility processes and how to develop Lecturer
improvements from the points of view of 'facityly' management.

THUAS (The Hague University

of Applied Sciences)

“Real Impact of Technology on Facility Management. Be Jay Latta

Ready or Die”
It is known how quickly technology changes and how difficult is to be Emerging
up-to-date. Every week new breakthroughs or applications are shaking Technology 16:20
the industry. But the problem will be for those that are not aware of
what is coming, or even better, what is already here. AR, quantum Strategist
computing, 5G or AI are going to change the way we understand FM.
Are you ready? STINT

.”Developing the next gen of cognitive buildings” Claire Penny

Global Industry
Leader - IoT for 16:35



Student Competition Finalists

The three finalists of the EuroFM Student Competition will

? ? ?
present their projects on the main stage. The winner will be
announced during the awards ceremony. 16:50

Awards Ceremony and cocktail dinner

Main Stage
17:15 - 19:00
15 June

European Facility Management Conference

FM Site Visits
(only by registration)

Guided FM Visit 01: Google Docks 10:00h

Barrow Street,
Dublin 4, D04 V4X7. Ireland

Guided FM Visit 02: Microsoft 12:30h

One Microsoft Place. South County Business Park

Leopardstown. Dublin 18. Ireland

European Facility Management Conference



Media Partners:

European Facility Management Conference
J u n e 2 0 1 9 · D u b l i n · I r e l a n d

For Groups or Member Organizations

Disscounts Might Apply.
Professional 750 € For more info, contact:
[email protected]
Student* 350 € Book Now
* Document of proof must be provided

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