Chennai Sorted Questions 19-20
Chennai Sorted Questions 19-20
Chennai Sorted Questions 19-20
Solas 12
emergency generator capacity, regulations, regulations
global warming
marpol new annex, regulations
solas, chapters
cross question
lifeboat for tanker
pumproom entry procedures
enclose space entry
crude oil washing
co2 extinguisher
heeling tank
dynamic stability static stability
intact stability
ig safeties
bonjean curve
what is the enclosed space
how will you enter
what is the oxygen percentage inside the enclosed space
how will you check,
how will you go inside enclosed space
how many fire pump do you have in your ship
what are the power source for your fire pump
fire pump regulation
what is the pressure inside the fire line
if it is power excess what will happen
emergency power source
emergency generator starting
how many start emergency generator room regulation
emergency switch Board location
what are the supplies in emergency switch board
What is the difference between blackout and dead ship
what is inside the Co2 room
How many fixede fire fighting system in your engine room
CO2 room regulation
what is the instruction in CO2 room
How many cylinders,
what is the light using CO2 room
2.risk assessment
3.flooding in cargo hold. How u will identify the hold
4.panting and pounding and how to resist
5.phyrothenicis and lte. how many no will be provided in life boat
6.fixed fire fighting systems on boad and CO2 flooding criteria and where it is fitted and
7.what is bdn and entries in BDN
8.what is marpol and annex
9.certificate and documents in annex 6
Fixed co2 monthly maintenance
annex all(marpol)
garbage discharge criteria
what is transom space
Special areas in marpol annex I
Inert gas system – safeties
Stiff & tender ship
Angle of Loll
ICCP - explain
what are the drill carrying on ship
1,inert gas system
2fixed deck foam
3,life buoy
4pressure vaccum breaker
5,marpol annex 4 sewage criteria
6,different types of stability
1. Bwm (D1 and D2 ) means
2. Annex 6 eedi, edoi? And more ?
3 propeller slip? Types of slip? Pitch of propeller? Pitch ratio ?
4 Annex 5 - all why we invite garbage record book 2? reason
5 watertight bulk head importance and strength? Where is thickness high? Top or bottom
6 types of fire? What are the detectors fitted? Where
7 co2 room where and how to enter?
8 before co2 release what is your actions?
9 types of survival crafts? Free fall life boat? And speed of life boat, fuel capacity?
1.Length Overall of your ship
2.Freeboard of your ship when its fully loaded
3. Emergency fire pump , location , suction pressure, excess pressure what will happen
4.Co2 room weekly checks, maintenance , co2 leak from bottle where will it go 5.Switchboard
fire in engine room your action
6.Annex to your ships
7.Annex 5 full , new amendment
8.torsion box n racking effect
Stiff and tender ship
Nox reduction in ship &cross
DCP extinguishers working and operating procedure
Meta centric height
Difference between life boat and rescue boat
Annex 2 Discharge criteria
for annex 2 Some questions I forget
1) type of ship sailed
2)what are the safety in cargo tank
3)ig working ,oxygen content in ig
4)safeties in ig
5) why there is two pilot cylinder in co2
Rudder drop and how to measure Few more ques
2.Stern tube. Pressure, how u know its well lubricated
4, types of frame, frame in your ship.
5.drught of your ship.
6.types of fixed fire fighting system in your ship
7.explain co2. Weekly maintenance.
Greenhouse effect,
Angle of loll,
Stable ship,
Co2 fixed system and weekly test,
What safety meeting discussing on ship,
Type of ship
Anex applied on Ur ship
Oil record book
MLC 2006
rescue boat type ( engine type)
Rescue boat carrying material
Bollard pull
Nox emissions How to prevent it
Anchor chain cable full
Fire plan
Firehose box contains
Type of ship
Which type cargo
Why we use inert gas?
What is deckseal and types
What is pv valve
Mast riser
Hazard zone
1. Racking effect.
2.torsion box
3.list and heel
4.annex 4 discharge criteria
5.annex 1 certificate on board
6.types of rudder
7.annexure applied on your ship
Collision bulkhead
Why not inerting pump room
Sludge tank oil what you do in your ship
How many waste oil TK
Stable ship cross
Stiff and tender ship cross
What is Extinguisher.
Smoke in engine room action.
Flammable limit.
Shear strake.
Annex 4
Deck plating.
Bluboss bow
1.What is racking
2.angle of loll
3.stiff ship, tender ship, its effects
4.torsion box, purpose,from where to where.
5.lifeboat launching procedure, onload and offload mechanism
6.what is risk assement,what is working aloft and what risk assessment you will make
7. Marpol annex 6 certificates and document
8.marpol annex 1 discharge criteria in special areas.
9.cargo hold firefighting detection and extinguishing system( co2 flooding- container vessel)
10.what is ISPS, who decides the ship security level when arriving port. Who is CSO,SSO,PFSO.
11.what is your role as duty engineer on ship security
1.thrust pad
3. Annex( with newly added)
4. How the shaft connect from propeller to engine
5. Location and purpose of emergency fire pump
Galley Fire*
25 - 09 - 2019
Gang way saftey
- Buoyancy - Centre of Buoyancy - Metacentric height
Bulkhead Class
- Types - A 60 , What that number 60 denotes - Explain Class B
Fixed fire fighting - System in your Ship
CO2 system - Releasing procedure - Steps to follow befor releasing
Sprinkler - Colour code - Working
Seweage treatment plant - Working
Ism code,
Bulk carrier additional safeties ,
Co 2 properties,
Annex 6 certificates , documents need to maintain
Emergency fire pump requirements
Foam system explain,
23/07,Safety :
E/R Co2 volume calculation
1)Marpol annex : and explain Annex 4 & 5 Regulation
2)Life boat type and regulation for fully enclosed type
3) safe work permits -explain in detail
4) Life boat launching procedure
5) SOLAS : detail abt Chapter 3 & 11
How ship floats?
What is Archimedes Principle?
What is Hogging and Sagging?
What is longitudinal and transverse bulkhead and beams?
What is Collision bulkhead?and cross questions.
What is bulkhead deck!?
Solas traing manul
Type of ship , its realted marpol
Substance under annex 6
Overload relay purpose
Explosion proof equipments
Diesel engine safeties
Steering gear motor insulation value?(exact value)
Electrolyte of lead acid / nickel cadmium both
lead acid battery how to mix h2so4 and water
if sp.gravity of electolyte is less what will you add
tie rod why? Function
Transformer losses
transformer vs auto transformer
Power factor? Imortance of it
Steering gear motor ir value & other safeties
Single phasing? On board for which motor the single phasing protetion is given
Critical motors onboard
1,msb safeties
2squential starting
3,earth fault indicator and how it works
4,reverse power trip
type of ship sailed
intrisically safe on deck (gas carrier)
Paralleling & Synchronising
diff b/w dead ship & black out
diff b/w earth leakage & insulation low
brushless excitation
dc motor
working of avr
preferential trip
emg generator
paralleling of generator
Electrical: Compound motor,
Types of starter,
Star delta starter and how much voltage and formula,
How to measure conductor,
DC shunt motor and series motor,
Perfect insulation,
Types of insulation,
Types of fuses,
Msb safety
What is fuse and relay
Insulated neutral system
Earthed neutral system
Checks in battery
What is relay
What is exciter current
Why air gap is there in motor Preferential trip
Electrical electronic means what is different.
Shock on u r body.
Power factor
Transformer working principles
Rms valve.
Paralleling of generator
1. How to check IR,minimum valve for IR,what are to check during IR to perform blackout test.
3.methods of starting emergency generator. How many source of start should be there.
4. Power factor and explain. Correction of power factor.ideal value of PF.
5.principle of induction motor
6.losses in transformer.basic explanations of each type
7. What is zener's application
8.Earth fault Indication.
1. Induction motor y we are using starter
2. Consumption of motor
3.dead to live ship to increase insulation and what is good insulation
1. Paralleling of generator
2. Motor flooded in sw and what will u check
3.hydrophore working
4.brushless alternator
5. Dol circuit diagram
1) induction motor explain.
2)earth fault testing procedure
3)preferential trip explanation
4)power factor
5) emergency generator regulations and where it supplies power.
6) synchronoscope
Fun 5.
Insulation hw to take .... minimum value
Function of zener diode in AVR
KW, kVA, kvar difference
Power factor and how to improve
Why insulated neutral system .....
Earth fault indicator how it works, lamp method explain
How will you load test Emcy generator
What is power factor
Relation between kVA and KW
What is Transformers ?
Working principles of transformer
Single facing ?
Over current protection
Tong Tester
How will get shocked when touching electrical conductors on ships?
What is insulated and earthed neutral system?
what neutral system in your ship?
What is Current Transformer and Potential Transformer?
What is purpose of slip and what will happen if slip is more?
What is difference between Synchronous motor and induction motor and their explanation?
Three condition of Paralling, what is synchroscope and its function?
What will you do if insulation shows low on your MSB?
How Insulation Failure occurs?
How will get shocked when touching electrical conductors on ships?
What is insulated and earthed neutral system?
what neutral system in your ship?
What is Current Transformer and Potential Transformer?
What is purpose of slip and what will happen if slip is more?
What is difference between Synchronous motor and induction motor and their explanation?
Three condition of Paralling, what is synchroscope and its function?
What will you do if insulation shows low on your MSB?
How Insulation Failure occurs?
FN 5
induction motor
Open short earth circuit
Paralleling of generator
1)HOW will you synchronize no 2 generators (condition )
2)what is phase sequence
3)Main part of the alternator
4) what rectifier will do
5)how alternators working
6)location of diode in alternators (free end or rotating end)
7)sequantial starting how it is working
5)How will you reduce
the voltage
6)transformer working
1)current transformer
2)shaft starter
3)shaft starter arrangements
1.what are force's acting on bottom end bearing of connecting rod
2. Different between Me and GE governor
3. Crankcase explosion alarm and indication
4. Air bottles requirements
5. Reversing of main engine
6. What's interlock
7. Main engine specifications
8. Still some questions
Scavenge fire how? Action in ur watch
How to take main bearing clearance? Methods?
Moment of inertia force?
Waste heat recovery
How to change gland packing? Cutting procedure
Alternator space heater why?
Why blow through engine?
White-metal composition
Purifier vibration reasons
Expansion tank why placed at some height?
A/E cyliner head why 2 springs provided? Spring will rotate or not?
Reasons for A/E crankcase breather with oil vapour’s
How crankcase gets pressurised
Scavange space inspection
Advantage of long sroke engine
what type of engine
Comp. Unloader not working how will you start?
1,engine starting components
2,engine reversing and cross question
1. Types of engine , specifications
2. What's scavange? Types of scavenge ?
3. Scavenge space fire indication? Reason ? What Action to take?
4 .on your M/E turbocharger type? How to lubrication take place inside both bearing ( rotor,
blower) if oil comes from main lube oil pump?
5. Why take boiler water test? What are the test? If chloride high? What you will do?
6. Both main air bottel empty and need to fill up 0- 30 when two compressor running (how
long time to be take)
7. How to check compressor efficiently work or not?
8. Main engine interlocking list?
What type of ship you sailed in?
How will u know if the turbocharger is fouled very badly?
What liquid is inside the manometer?
Generator trips
What is the provision for exhaust gas expansion from exhaust valve?
Difference between pulse and constant pressure turbocharger
Engine specifications
What is MC
How many turbocharger
What cause surging
Types of scavenging
Scavenge temp high reason
What check u will do in AE connecting rod and pistons
TC labyrinth seal
Stresses on Me
cy wear down where max and why clover leafing
stren tube structure and location,purpose fun mec seal parts and inside
what boiler atm condenser and why it is name like that and its function
Me cooling system advantages
1)Engine specification
2)Viscotherm, principle, working, what is the viscosity of the fuel oil in your ship
3)After Jan 2020 what grade of fuel oil is using
4)How much Fresh water is producing per day in FWG
5)In UMS ship before changing the boiler to auto mode what are the things u will check
6)critical speed, what is the critical speed in your ship
Centrifugal pump explain
Priming of pump
Lump oil sump level increasing why
1)engine specification
2) whats ur maine engine fuel pump type
3)fuel pump working
4)cylinder lube oil property
5)peak pressure high
6)reasons for exhaust temperature high
7)purpose of cam
8) knocking sound reasons in main engine
Fun 4
Int :Gopi sir , ext: ?
Calorific value
Engine specification 6s60mc - what is mean by 60 and unit,
Interlock for not turning the engine.
Exhaust valve how it is closing,
What is mean by intercooler, and why Bursting disc,
Relief valve
What is mean by compression ratio,
Type of ship and engine specifications
How to start main engine
How lubrication takes place in main engine
Reversing of main engine
Why blow through the engine
How to change over the fuel
Internal :- sirish sir External :-
Type of engine sailed
Previous attempt question discussed
Type of engine
How injection take place
Types of lubrication.. explain everything
Lube oil difference
Rta and rtflex difference
Superlong stroke ?
Peak pressure?
Indicator diagrams?
Explain purpose of all diagrams
Why using multi stage y not single stage
Ejector principle
Purpose of frictional clutch
How much temp maintain in FO
Boiler blow down procedure
Wat s past and pre purging
Wat force acting of con rod bolt in auxiliary engine
.A/E starting system
.Types of vibration in engine
.How vibration is reduced
.What arrangements are given
.Tell about moment compensators, top bracing
Cylinder lubricatior type When it is injected How it is controlled as per load and speed
4.Which pump gives more output Centrifugal or Reciprocating and why ?
5.How does fule injector works
6.What is Auto ignition
7.Reasons and actions against Black smoke with Sparks
---motor old-----
(1) Draw :Power card ,Draw card ,Light-spring diagram (Uses of these)
(2) Draw : Refrigeration system (Explain cycle)-Cross question
(4) Draw:Fresh water generator (Explain)-Cross Question
(5) Hunting of vaccum in FWG
(6) Crank shaft definition (draw Table and Diagram )
1.steam trap
2.oil floating in observation tank, how will you fine which tank is leaking
3. reason for combustion pressure less oil supply to framo pump in oil tanker
5.which type of pump drive framo pump( like these kind of question)
electricals: how to check continuity, uses of megger, function of transformer,how many wires
come from generator output,difference between synchronous motor and induction
motor,application of synchronous motor in ship
OWS - Working Principal
Main Engine - Cross Head Lubrication - Reversing
Starting air system - Explain Step By Step
A/E - Crank Case Inspection - How to set TAPPET CLEARANCE
Soot blowing - How - when - What will happen if we don't do soot blowing
Types of Pumps present in ER
What pump is used for Bilge pumping
Screw pump - Filter Cleaning
Sea Cheast Filter Cleaning procedure
Explain stuffing box,
Explain FIFA valve in ME engine
Crankshaft deflection procedure and why we need to take
Checks at pistan
Checks at cylinder head
Pinching screw,
Purpose of butt, axial , radial clearance
How to prepare an electrolyte
How to measure Electrolyte's density
Dead man's alarm
Exhaust manifold - thermal expansion
How to remove a stud broken and not in surface contact?
Pre heating arrangements for ME
1.What happens if turbo charger Air filter got fouled.
2.Expansion arrangement on ME&AE exhast pipe.
3.Explain about Fuel pump Plunger effective pressure.
4. How to identify the starting air v/v leakage during Manuvering.
5. What action you have to take if spark comes on Exhaust Funnel.
6. Why expansion tank installed on top.
3)Types of scavenging
4)what is fuel injector purpose, How combustion take place
5)centrifugal pump working principle
6)how oily water separator work, principal,chambers
7)what is dual cycle
8)Refregeration temp how are we maintaining
Fun 4
CrossHead purpose
Cross Head lubrication
Diff types of lubrication
Aircomp multistaging why.?
Tappet clearance
A/E 1unit high ext temp.Why?
Liner Lubrication,Cylinder oil properties, Effects of new sulfur reg wrt liner lubrication.
Scavenge fire how occurs, Identification,actions to take
Type of lubrication and where it is used.
Fuel pump working, Effective stroke ,fuel pump lead
Manual Starting of air compressor
Motor and Mep questions
Engine nomenclature
Diff btn superlong & long stroke
Stresses in 4 stroke conrod
Explain about Running in direction interlock.
Rotocap and vanes working
Stem seals?
Clover leafing
Refer compressor short cyling reasons
1. Why 2 springs in Ae
2. Welding defects
3. Liner piston calibration
4. How to purge air from ref. System
5. How to check jwc high temp. Trip in AE
6. Volumetric efficiency of MAC
7. Purifier overflow reasons
8. Why belt drive is used for ref. Air compressor ?
Why tapper clearance is more on exhaust valve why not suction v/v
what are the checks u seen when u dismantle the centrifugal pump
How to check the trueness of the shaft
if shaft is crack how u find the crack will take place
leakage of oil in cascade tank how u find leak
how to find leak in shell and tube heat exchanger
what is the scarificial anode material
condition for running the ows
how u pump out the bilges
what is backlash in gear pump
how to start fwg
if vaccum not created what to do
Purifier friction pad worn out u dont have spare what to do
why timing gear in gear p/p
what type of governor used in aux engine
aux engine not stopping from local and remote how will u stop
Vernier calipar error checking
Crosshead motion
How purifier vertical shaft connect
How connecting rod check for 4 stroke
How rocker arm cooling Bhp and ihp calculation and what instrument you have to check
Ballasting and de ballasting
what are the check in meter Multi stage compressor why we use, and stages
1,centrifugal pump type
overhead crane check
cylinder head overhauling
types of valve in your ship
how will you find diff gate v/v and globe v/v
Overhauling of gate v/v
purifier gear case check
swl of crane
ows function and discharge criteria
boiler alarms and trip
how to check low water level alarm in boiler
compressor trips & safeties, working
How many relief valve in air bottle, safeties & mountings
Fuel Injector Over hauling and maintenance
Incinerator alarms and safeties
Boiler How many feed check valve , which one filled to boiler, what type of valve
Boiler safeties and alarms
Type of safety valve
easing gear, how is it connected to safety valve
how heat transfer takes place in aux boiler and exhaust gas boiler
refg compressor working
TEV? Venturi effect? Explain, latent heat of evaporation? If relief valve lift where does that
refrigerent will flow?
m/e safeties
how will you analyse the perfomance of a/e
checks while o/h a/e
how turbocharger getting lubrication? How in emergency time & for how long?
Type of steering gear system in your ship
how will you carry out testing steering gear system
why manhole door is fitted from inside
4s engine starting air motor working
type of refrigerant used in your ship?
Boiler mountings ,
engine specifications,
types of scavenging,
types of turbocharger,
how many centrifugal pumps,
how many reciprocating pumps,
type of ows,
some questions about steering,
boiler furnace temperature,
What type of FWG How much ppm for seawater inlet
What hapns in FWG
What type of compressor how many stages
Why not single stage
How much air pr for suction in compressor
What will u do if one gauge showing water level normal and another one showing less water
Boiler mountings
How many tube is boiler
Ows operation
Ows type
What precautions to take will doing maintenance in ows Regulations for bilge tank
How often you will clean bilge tank
What maintenance done in ows Easing gear?
What measures to take while using easing gear
How often you will test easing gear
Type of steering gear Emg steering gear
1. ME specifations
2.engine fails to start on air and cross questions
3.cylinder head relief valve and cross
4.A/E cylinder head overhaul and it's checks and cross questions
6.fwg vacuum not creating reason and cross questions
7.2nd stage relief valve lifts up reason cross like why!!!why!!!
8.steering gear safeties and it's locations.......cross
9.purifier vibrations
10.boiler water tests and it levels from that boiler water tests cross questions for each tests
11.Txv fuctions formations in refeer system Refer system full explain
deciding questions asked by shirish in mep and motor
Unloader not working how will start the comp?
annealing quenching
Sea water pump over haul and check Trueness of connecting rod
How to remove broken stud in cylinder head
Compressor unloader
Multi stage compressor
Ows principles
Generator starting procedure and checks.
Pistion 2s vs 4s.
2, stroke engine working principles
Bearing clearance.
Starting of ballast pump.
Gauge of blow down procedure
---mep old------
1 solas training manual
2 freash water allowance
3 stif ship and tender ship
4.preferential trip
Reasons for crankcase exp and safeties..
Explain omd
Fun 6.
LEL value to enter enclosed space for work / for hotwork
How to remove liner and checks
Purifier starting,
Choosing gravity disc
ER over head crane will you lower the weight if over load trip activated
Easing gear
Various test in boiler water , purpose and values
19 July 2019
Ganga way Safety
Name of the Sprinkler Bulb name
Methods of defrosting
What is Tappet Clearance ?
What will happen if there is no Tappet Clearance?
Tie rod - Function
Which holding down bolts breaks early ME or AE
Function of Demister in FWG
Fun 6..
Freshwater gen lower production. Why?
Oil in feed water. What steps to be taken.?
Boiler steam pressure adjustment? How?
Deciding questions?
Air Compressor valve overhauling
Bearing types, nomenclature
Centrifugal pump overhauling and inspection
How to check shaft straightness
Bunkering procedures in detail
Exhaust valve working, division plate.
1. Hot corrosion
2. Rotocap
Parts of centrifugal pump
How will you select gland packing without manual and old packing?
How to check A/E fuel pp timing?
A/E Cylinder head inspection
How will change A/E big end bearing?
How will order nut and bolt without IMPA book?
Deciding questions?
Manual firing of boiler
Reasons for back fire of boiler
Boiler furnace inspection?