Est22 Panel Themes Description Booklet
Est22 Panel Themes Description Booklet
Est22 Panel Themes Description Booklet
Panel Themes
Even prior to the global Covid-19 pandemic, Translation Studies had turned its
attention to the important role of translation and interpreting in mediating
emergencies (e.g. Federici and O’Brien, 2020) and, in so doing, started to build
bridges with the elds of Disaster Studies (Alexander and Pescaroli 2020) and Crisis
Communication (Schwarz et al 2016) and has advanced discussion on policy
(O’Brien et al 2018), on citizen translator training (Federici et al 2021), and on the
ethical aspects of the eld, among other things. The global Covid-19 pandemic has
since underlined the need to investigate and lobby for the study and application of
translation and interpreting in crisis response, as well as the need to build more
bridges and consolidate conversations with other disciplines. To this end, we propose
a panel dedicated to a broad variety of topics that touch on the concept of Crisis
Translation. The panel organisers welcome proposals that go beyond considering the
role of professional translation and interpreting in response to crisis situations to
broader topics such as
• Human rights, the law and crisis translation Translation/Interpreting for crisis
Alexander, David and Gianluca Pescaroli 2020. ‘The role of translators and
interpreters in cascading crises and disasters: Towards a framework for confronting
the challenges’, Disaster Prevention and Management 29(2): 144-156
Federici, Federico M., Minako O’Hagan, Patrick Cadwell, Jay Marlowe, and Sharon
O’Brien. 2021. 'Empowering Communities and Professionals with Crisis Translation
Training' In: Minako O'Hagan and Judy Wakabayashi (eds). Translating and
Interpreting in Australia and New Zealand: The Impact of Geocultural Factors.
O'Brien, Sharon, Federico M. Federici, Patrick Cadwell, Jay Marlowe, Brian Gerber.
2018. 'Language translation during disaster: A comparative analysis of ve national
approaches'. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 31: 627-636
Schwarz, Andreas, Matthew W. Seeger, and Claudia Auer (eds). 2016. The Handbook
of International Crisis Communication Research. Wiley
Todorova, M., Ruiz Rosendo, L. (Eds.). (2021). Interpreting Con ict: A Comparative
Framework. Palgrave
Public Service Interpreting and Translation (PSIT) in the times
of a pandemic: the past, the present and the future
Conveners: Carmen Valero-Garcés, Nune Ayvazyan
The global pandemic that hit the world in 2019 was unprecedented in that it happened
in a world that was used to the highest level of mobility in human history. All of a
sudden, the world came to a halt, which has affected (and will possibly reshape)
migratory ows, including migration for work and for asylum (European
Commission 2020). This situation has again reminded us that in the event of a crisis,
the most vulnerable might be at risk of losing their fundamental language, and
therefore human rights (United Nations), something impermissible in modern-day
democratic societies. During the pandemic, in many countries face-to-face
communication has been reduced to a minimum. Where a pro cient speaker of a
language could communicate freely on the telephone or interact with social services
on the Internet, less privileged ones have seen their access to virtually all types of
information drastically curtailed. Translation, and in particular interpreting services
might have been inaccessible to those vulnerable, even more than before the
pandemic. The question is whether the pandemic has also changed the way we will
communicate in the “new normal” (for example, possible extended use of remote
communication) and how this might affect those at risk of exclusion. The time is ripe
for us as a discipline to prepare for the challenges of the future, as our “understanding
of the complexities of translation and interpreting practices and their contexts,
requirements, and constraints is still developing” (Monzó-Nebot and Wallace 2020:
20). This panel is therefore concerned with identifying the challenges posed by the
“new normal” and how public service interpreting and translation (PSIT) has been
affected by it. Researchers are invited to submit abstracts related but not limited to
topics such as
• How has the pandemic affected access to public service interpreting and
• Which role have languages access played during the health crisis: translated
materials and resources for immigrants
• Which role have languages of lesser diffusion (LLD) played during the
• What are the challenges posed by a possible change to a more virtual type of
• What - if any - quality improvements in TISP quality are observed during the
Corpas Pastor, Gloria and Mahmoud Gaber. 2020. “Remote interpreting in public
service settings: technology, perceptions and practice”. In SKASE Journal of
Translation and Interpretation 13(2): 58-78
FITISPos IJ. 2020. Special issue. Research Methods in Public Service Interpreting
and Translation (PSIT) /Métodos de investigación en TISP. Monzó-Nebot, Ester &
Melissa Wallace (guest eds.). DOI:
Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law. 2019. Monographic section.
Legal translation and interpreting in public services. Wallace, Melissa, & Monzó
Nebot, Esther (eds), 2019, 71.
Valero Garcés, Carmen (ed). 2020. Technology at the service of PSIT in crisis
situations: Experiences and Perspectives. Alcalá de Henares: Servicio de
Publicaciones de la Universidad
Translation policies and practices in multilingual settings:
concepts, methodologies, and case studies
Conveners: Simo Määttä, Shuang Li, Tanya Escuder
This panel has two discussants: Reine Meylaerts, KU Leuven; Mustapha Taibi,
Western Sydney University
Finell, E., Tiilikainen, M., Jasinskaja-Lahti, I., Hasan, N., & Muthana, F. 2021. Lived
experience related to the COVID-19 pandemic among Arabic-, Russian- and Somali-
speaking migrants in Finland. International Journal of Environmental Research and
Public Health 18, 2601.
Taibi, M. (ed.) 2018. Translating for the Community. Bristol: Multilingual Matters
• Discourse analysis and migratio
Baker, M. 2020. Rehumanizing the migrant: the translated past as a resource for
refashioning the contemporary discourse of the (radical) left. Palgrave
Communications, 6 (12), 1-16. doi: 6:12 |
Rico, C. 2019. Mapping Translation Technology and the Multilingual Needs of NGOs
along the Aid Chain, in O’Brien, S. & Federici, F. (eds) Translation in Cascading
Crisis. London: Routledge, 112-131
Revisiting trust in high-stakes intercultural mediation:
Theoretical and methodological concerns
Convener: Bei H
However, the epistemological scope and practical implications of the role of trust
remain unclear, at the same time as there is a lack of consensus on methodological
apparatuses. These factors tend to limit theoretical discussions, reducing trust to a
marginal consideration in wider discussions of translation ethics. In addition, while
research on trust typically gives more prominence to translators, the implications for
the reception of translations have received very little systematic attention to date,
with fewer empirical contributions on the subject (Rossetti, O’Brien and Cadwell
• How does trust shape translational dynamics, power relations between various
agents and translation norms
• In what sense, or to what extent, can trust (in various kinds) be built or re-built
in translational activities
• Under what conditions does mistrust occur in the translation system? With
what implications
• How does trust affect public health responses in the Covid-19 pandemic
• What (empirical) methodological and analytical approaches are best suited for
in-depth analyses of trust-based intercultural interactions
Abdallah, Kristiina and Kaisa Koskinen (2007). Managing Trust: Translating and the
Network Economy. Meta 52(4): 673-687
Chesterman, Andrew (2001). Proposal for a Hieronymic Oath. The Translator 7(2):
Edwards, Rosalind, Bogusia Temple and Claire Alexander. (2005). Users’ experiences
of interpreters: The critical role of trust. Interpreting 7(1): 77-95
Rizzi, Andrea, Birgit Lang and Anthony Pym (2019). What is Translation History? A
Trust-Based Approach. Palgrave Macmillan
Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS) - in its more restricted sense as the systematic
theoretical approach introduced by Gideon Toury (1995/2012), or as an umbrella term
for the diverse discourse of descriptive scholarship that developed alongside or
following Toury’s work (Pym 2014, 62-85) - played a seminal role in the maturation
of the discipline of translation studies. Arguably the rst attempt to systematically
explain translation phenomena in their historical and cultural contexts, DTS brought a
sociological sensibility to the discipline which had heretofore been lacking. In recent
years, DTS seems to have fallen out of favor. It has been subjected to criticism for
importing the goals of the exact sciences, for endorsing an overly dichotomous target-
oriented approach, for demonstrating insuf cient self-criticism and self-re exivity,
and for not concentrating enough on power relations and ideology, nor on the
translator as an agent (Rosa 2010/2016). However, DTS’s exible and highly
applicable tools for the study of translation maintain their relevance, and remain
foundational for the descriptive analysis of case studies. Moreover, some of the
ideological and theoretical critique that DTS drew may have been more indebted to
its insights than is often acknowledged. This panel seeks to revisit DTS’s major
concepts and contributions, by engaging them with contemporary trends in translation
theory and reality. Its intention is to suggest the value of approaching new
developments in the study of translation - with regards to technology, globalization,
history, activism, ecology, emotions, multimodality, interpreting, intralingual
translation, adaptation, and other expanding sub elds of our discipline - from a
distinctly DTS perspective; and to explore how recent developments in these areas
can contribute to a better understanding of DTS’s theoretical merits and/or
shortcomings. Along these lines, we welcome proposals that bring new light to the
contributions of DTS, including, but not limited to, its notions of
• target-orientednes
• shift
• assumed translatio
• pseudo-translatio
• indirect translatio
• translation equivalenc
Additional Language Teaching in Translation and Interpreting
programmes – examining the speci city perspective
Conveners: Melita Koletnik, Astrid Schmidhofer, Enrique Cerezo Herrer
Navigating uncharted waters: towards reframing translator
Conveners: Elsa Huertas Barros, Nataša Pavlović, Catherine Wa
The move of instruction to online environments during the past year due to the
covid-19 pandemic has profoundly affected higher education in general, and with it,
translator education. The unexpected online transition has involved considerable
challenges for translator educators, but it has also forced them to re-examine and
adapt their familiar teaching models and try out new ones, often experimenting
outside of their comfort zone. After the initial shock of the sudden and unprepared
online transition has worn off, the emergency switch to new environments and ways
of teaching can now be seen as an opportunity for translator educators to overhaul
their practice and emerge from the crisis enriched for the experience. The massive
overnight shift of instruction to online environments has also highlighted the shortage
of robust and adaptable training-the-trainers programmes and models that could be
implemented on short notice and meet the educators’ needs in times of emergencies.
Although the last few years have witnessed further research into blending teaching
and learning methodologies and collaborative multimodal working environments
(e.g. Olvera-Lobo, 2009, Secară, Merten & Ramírez (2014), Prieto-Velasco & Luque-
Fuentes, 2016), research into areas such as changing and adapting classroom methods
and materials for online use and socio affective aspects of virtual training are still
understudied areas in translation pedagogy. In this panel we would like to welcome
contributions dealing with both of the above aspects of advancing translator
education. On the one hand, we would like to invite novel, innovative methods that
have proven successful in fully online translation teaching but also those that, being
informed by the online experience, can be applied to onsite and hybrid environments.
On the other hand, we would like the panel to address the issues related to the
training of translator trainers in such new methods and especially those equipping
them for future rapid adaptation of instructional design to changing circumstances.
Preference will be given to research-based contributions and innovative practical
proposals dealing with, but not limited to, the following topics
• innovative and adaptable methods and materials for onsite, hybrid and/or
online translator educatio
• the impact of the changing professional landscape and new job pro les on
translator education as a result of recent global event
• authentic and novel types of assessment for the changing circumstances and
changing professional landscap
• socio-affective aspects of translator education in various learning
Secară, A., Merten, P. & Ramírez, Y. (2014). What’s in your blend? Creating blended
resources for translator training. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 3(2), pp.
In modern translation and interpreting studies, more and more attention is paid to the
emotional and affective side of the translation/interpreting process. Translation and
interpreting scholars have started to put greater emphasis on what happens – in terms
of emotions and other psycho-affective factors – while translators translate and
interpreters interpret. However, from our perspective, it is equally important to draw
attention to various psycho-affective phenomena occurring at different stages of
translator and interpreter education. For this reason, we would like to propose a panel
devoted to psycho-affectivity in translator and interpreter education. We understand
psycho-affectivity quite broadly – as an intricate, continually active complex of
various affective phenomena constituting part of each translator’s/interpreter’s/
trainer’s/trainee’s psychological make-up. We are also of the opinion that the
elements of psycho-affectivity (i.e. emotions, affects, psycho-affective factors) can be
triggered by nearly all constituents of the translation/interpreting process.
Furthermore, they may also affect those aspects, in uencing the overall translation/
interpreting output quality. The affective is also present in translator and interpreter
education, manifesting itself in, for example, trainees’ emotions invoked by source
texts, trainees’ psycho-affective factors (e.g. anxiety, stress) experienced during
translation and interpreting tasks, trainees’ personality dimensions and their impact
on translation/interpreting products, trainees’ development of soft skills, trainee’s
language inhibition resulting from their weak language ego, trainees’ self-concept and
the resulting approach to translation/interpreting assignments, emotionally burdening
translation and interpreting environments, to mention just a few. However, despite
this diversity of themes touched upon with reference to psycho-affectivity in
translation and interpreting education, this issue can still be considered an under-
researched area of inquiry, waiting for new insights from research. The outcomes of
such psycho-affectivity-oriented scholarly endeavours could then be applied to
translator and interpreter education, thereby enhancing the education process and its
results: developing trainees’ psycho-affective traits as well as their skills,
competences and knowledge to better meet the demands of a more and more
competitive labour market. We welcome papers on all aspects related to the psycho-
affective side of translator and interpreter education. The topics can include (but are
not limited to): trainers’ and trainees’ psycho-affective factors, soft skills, anxiety and
stress, motivation, emotional intelligence, the role of personality dimension, testing
trainees’ aptitude in terms of their psycho-affective properties, language ego, strategy
training, boredom and frustration in a translation/interpreting class, trainees’ self-
concept, self-ef cacy and self-esteem, motivation in a translation/interpreting class,
trainees’ empathy, trainees’ language ego and language inhibition, etc
Koskinen, Kaisa (2020) Translation and Affect. Essays on sticky affects and
translational affective labour. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins
Advancing Translation Studies through Language Industry
Conveners: Erik Angelone, Gary Massey, Maureen Ehrensberger-Do
In recent years, the language industry, de ned here as comprising the key elements of
globalization (G11n), internationalization (I18n), localization (L10n) and translation
(T9n), together with interpreting, consulting, project management and tool design,
has undergone unprecedented transformation. Primary drivers of change include
technological advancement at breakneck speed, a proliferation of language industry
pro les to address both existing and emerging societal needs and an increasingly
digitized, multilingual global landscape. While translation and interpreting continue
to serve as the two key prototypes in the language industry, the respective roles and
positions of each in the broader context of language service provision and
multilingual communication are witnessing a sea change. In this panel, we advocate
for advancing Translation Studies through explorations in the still incipient, industry-
informed eld of Language Industry Studies. These explorations, in their broadest
sense, encompass various kinds of research on the domains, activities, technologies
and stakeholders that shape the multifaceted language industry. Contributions are
welcome on any facet of language industry studies, including, but not limited to, the
following focal points
Angelone, Erik, Ehrensberger-Dow, Maureen and Gary Massey (Eds.). (2020). The
Bloomsbury companion to language industry studies. Bloomsbury Academic Press
Cid, Clara Ginovart, Carme Colominas and Antoni Oliver. (2020). Language industry
views on the pro le of the post-editor. Translation Spaces, 9(2), 283-313
Dunne, Keiran J. and Elena S. Dunne (Eds.). (2011). Translation and localization
project management. The art of the possible. John Benjamins
Risku, Hanna, Rogl, Regina and Jelena Milosevic (Eds.). (2019). Translation Practice
in the Field: Current research on socio-cognitive processes. John Benjamins
• Training approaches
Delgado Luchner, C., & Kherbiche, L. (2019). Ethics Training for Humanitarian
Interpreters Working in Con ict and Post-Con ict Settings. Journal of War and
Culture Studies 12:3, pp. 251 267
Phelan, M., Rudvin, M., Skaaden, H., & Kermit, P. (2020). Ethics in public service
interpreting. Routledge
Accessibility in Context: Inclusiveness in Specialised
Translation and Interpreting
Conveners: Alessandra Rizzo, Cinzia Spinzi, Gian Maria Grec
Antonini, Rachele, Letizia Cirillo, Linda Rossato & Ira Torresi (eds) 2017. Non-
professional interpreting and translation: State of the art and future of an emerging
eld of research. Amstedam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins
Koskela, Merja, Kaisa Koskinen & Nina Pilke. 2017. Bilingual formal meeting as a
context of translatoriality. Target 29:3, 464‒485
Lomeña Galiano, María. 2020. Finding hidden populations in the eld of translating
and interpreting: A methodological model for improving access to non-professional
translators and interpreters working in public service settings. FITISPos–International
Journal 7:1, 72–91
Non-professional interpreting and translation:
advancement and subversion
Conveners: Melissa Wallace, Michelle Pinzl, Aída Martínez-Góme
• How NPIT instantiate ethical principles and in uence changes in how they are
conceived by the eld at larg
Antonini, Rachele., Cirillo, Letizia., Rossato, Linda., & Torresi, Ira. (Eds.). 2017.
Non-professional Interpreting and Translation: State of the art and future of an
emerging eld of research. John Benjamins.
Drugan, Joanna, and Rebecca Tipton. 2017. "Translation, ethics and social
responsibility." The Translator 23 (2): 119-125.
Interdisciplinarity and interaction: moving forward with
journalistic translation research in the 21st Century
Conveners: Denise Filmer, Roberto Valdeo
• Multimodal approache
• Diachronic perspective
Davier, L., & Conway, K. (Eds.). (2019). Journalism and translation in the era of
convergence. John Benjamins
Davier, L., Schäffner, C, & van Doorslaer, L. (Eds.). (2018). The methodological
remainder in news translation research. Special Issue, Across Languages and Cultures
19 (2), pp. 155–164 (2018) DOI: 10.1556/084.2018.19.2.
Interlingual and intralingual translation in science news
Conveners: Luc van Doorslaer, Jack McMartin, Michaël Opgenhaffe
The past two covid years have put the dissemination of science news at the center of
attention, including among researchers. This panel aims at describing, analyzing and
interpreting interlingual as well as intralingual processes in the circulation of science
news. It is conceived as an explicitly interdisciplinary setting where translation
studies (TS) and journalism studies (JS) can exchange approaches and ndings on
this topic. News translation research has developed into a sub eld of TS over the past
two decades, referring to speci c journalistic practices (see Valdeón 2015) and
research methodologies (see Davier, Schäffner and van Doorslaer 2018). Although
several types of news and media have been the object of research (for instance
political, economic, nancial; print, online, radio), science news has remained
underinvestigated so far. The covid context has drawn researchers’ attention to the
troublesome transfer of often dif cult and delicate science information. The transfers
take place at several levels, in many cases almost simultaneously: at language and
content level (both inter- and intralingual translation), but also at platform and media
level (remediation – Bolter and Grusin 1999), sometimes co-determined by the
speci cities of ‘interplatform translation’ and by the media logic (Welbers and
Opgenhaffen 2019). The complementary experience and expertise of JS especially at
the latter level can be of high value for further progress in news translation research
in general, and for emerging research on science news translation in particular.
Therefore, this call invites abstracts that deal with, but are not necessarily limited to,
the following topics
• trajectories and linguistic and social conditions that shape the creation of
transformed, distorted or even false information in science new
• the position of universities and research institutions in the translation and
remediation of science news ow
Bolter, Jay David, and Richard Grusin. 1999. Remediation: Understanding New
Media. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
Davier, Lucile, Christina Schäffner, and Luc van Doorslaer (eds.). 2018. Methods in
News Translation. Special issue of Across Languages and Cultures 19 (2)
Commonalities of and di erences between interpreting
Conveners: Elisabet Tiselius, Michaela Albl-Mikas
Sign Language Interpreting: Research and Global
Practices. Bridging Gaps and Linking Worlds
Conveners: Riccardo Moratto, Xiaoyan Xiao, Christopher Stone
With the rising need for Deaf people to gain equal access to information and services,
sign language interpreting has become an important social factor in the contemporary
world. This panel is an opportunity to examine its value for potential users. This
panel aims to discuss an array of subjects in this research eld which allows
researchers to have a comprehensive view of the research themes, theoretical
approaches and methodologies as well as specialized sign language interpreting
practices. It is also hoped that this panel will further spur governmental agencies and
other ad hoc institutional bodies to recognize the fact that sign language interpreters
ought to enjoy the same rights as spoken language interpreters. As Sandra Hale
(2007, p. 162) rightfully points out: “It is the responsibility of all those involved: the
interpreters themselves, the service providers and the service recipients to put
pressure on policy-makers to instigate the necessary changes. […] Research can do
much to describe and highlight the issues, demonstrate the needs for training, provide
useful information for the improvement of interpreters’ performance; but it needs to
be read and considered seriously by the interested parties in order to have any effect.”
Sign languages are natural languages, as proven by numerous neurobiological
studies. However, in the history of the development of sign language studies around
the world, it has taken a lot of efforts by linguists and neurobiologists to give sign(ed)
languages their well-deserved status and dignity of natural languages; in some
countries and regions, this is still not the case. Although the international scienti c
community has amply proven that sign languages are on a par with spoken languages,
in terms of linguistic accuracy, degree of completeness, and dignity, many sign(ed)
language interpreters around the world do not share the same status as their fellow
spoken language interpreters, even if the International Association of Conference
Interpreters (AIIC) decided, by an overwhelming majority at the AIIC general
assembly held in Buenos Aires in 2012, to open its doors to sign language conference
interpreters, as a result of the close cooperation and fruitful discussions between AIIC
and WASLI as well as the European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters (EFSLI)
Stone, C. A., & West, D. (2012). Translation, representation and the Deaf ‘voice’.
Qualitative Research, 12(6), 645–665.
Xiao, X., Y. Peng & Y. Deng (2020). Sign language interpreter education: In search of
a Chinese Model. Journal of Foreign Languages. 43 (5)
Video Remote Interpreting in Healthcare
Convener: Franz Pöchhacke
The delivery of interpreting services via video link was a growing trend
even before the covid-19 pandemic but has acquired particular signi cance in the
context of social distancing, travel restrictions and remote work. In public service
settings, video remote interpreting (VRI) has been implemented mainly in police and
asylum interviews but also in healthcare settings, though empirical research on this
novel practice has been relatively slow to emerge. This panel therefore aims to bring
together recent and ongoing studies of VRI in healthcare settings undertaken from a
variety of disciplinary vantage points, including linguistic and sociological
approaches as well as the paradigms of interpreting studies and healthcare
communication. The panel will also seek to cover different stakeholder perspectives
on the use of VRI, including the concerns of healthcare organizations and
institutional interpreting service providers (agencies); the perceptions and
experiences of video remote interpreters; the needs and expectations of healthcare
service providers using VRI in their professional practice; and, last, but not least, the
needs and experiences of patients whose access to quality care is mediated by a video
remote interpreter. Within this multitude of relevant research perspectives, thematic
focal points may include but are not limited to
6) the constraints and affordances arising from the visuospatial ecology of VRI in
clinical encounters; an
It is expected that research on these and other topics will employ a broad range of
methods (and combinations thereof), including quantitative survey research,
qualitative interviews, ethnographic observations, and discourse-based analyses of
video-recorded interactions
Koller, M., & Pöchhacker, F. (2018). “The work and skills”: A pro le of rst-
generation video remote interpreters. In J. Napier, R. Skinner & S. Braun (eds), Here
or There? Research on Interpreting via Video Link. Washington, DC: Gallaudet
University Press, 89–110
Price, E. L., Pérez-Stable, E. J., Nickleach, D., López, M., & Karliner, L. S. (2012).
Interpreter perspectives of in-person, telephonic, and videoconferencing medical
interpretation in clinical encounters. Patient Education and Counseling, 87, 226‒232
The virtual shift in conference interpreting practice and
Conveners: Agnieszka Chmiel, Nicoletta Spinol
The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the adoption of virtual tools in conference
interpreting practice and research. Interpreters have been forced to quickly adopt
remote interpreting solutions with little or no previous training and work out best
practices for ef ciently cooperating with boothmates. Professional associations have
hurried to create guidelines to ensure safe interpreting conditions. Researchers have
had to cope with the issue of ecological validity when collecting data remotely,
pushing their creativity limits when replacing lab-based research methods with
remotely available ones while pro ting from geographically unrestrained remote
access to study participants. Remoteness and its consequences on communication
also come with a growing complexity in human-computer interaction: interpreters use
multiple devices and increasingly sophisticated workstations; researchers face not
only remote, but also novel environments in which to collect data, as well as a wealth
of new variables to take into account. Thus, the virtual shift triggered by the
pandemic has become an unprecedented learning experience for all members of the
interpreting community. Despite its numerous challenges and constraints, it has led to
important advancements in the practice and research of interpreting. We would like to
take stock of these recent developments, discuss limitations and embrace new
opportunities that have been created. We welcome presentations related but not
limited to the following
Mellinger, C. D.; Hanson , T. A. (2018). Interpreter traits and the relationship with
technology and visibility. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 13 (3), 366-392
Seeber, K. G., Keller, L., Amos, R., & Hengl, S. (2019). Expectations vs. experience:
Attitudes towards video remote conference interpreting. Interpreting, 21(2), 270-304
Interpreting in Religious Contexts at the Intersection of
Conveners: Jonathan Downie, Teresa Paris
Nearly a decade after the rst appearance of Interpreting in Religious Contexts (IRC)
as a panel at EST Congress (Downie and Karlik, 2012), this panel will ask how
understanding of this practice and its effects on religious communities can be
enlightened by inter-disciplinary research. IRC is understood as the performance in a
signed or spoken language of a representation of what was said or signed in another
language within any form of religious practice or religious organisation. New
perspectives on this practice are especially timely in view of the changes in religious
practice and interpreting delivery brought about by COVID-19 restrictions on in-
person gatherings. Researchers have stressed that IRC serves wider purposes, beyond
providing access to the semantic content of what was said or signed. Vigouroux
(2010) argued that interpreting was the performance of vision of the church and its
relationship with the surrounding community. The work of St André (2010) on the
translation of Buddhist sutras and van der Louw's (2008) on the preparation of the
Septuagint translation of the Jewish Scriptures pointed to the role that interpreting
played in the process of sacred text translation and the adaptation of such translations
to their cultural environment. This suggests that Balci Tison (2016) was correct to
connect IRC with church identity formation. We particularly welcome papers on the
following areas
• Discussions of the social and cultural position and power of IRC using tools,
theories and methods from cultural studies, sociology, sociology of religion,
performance studies, and social psychology
Downie, J. and Karlik, J. (2012) Panel 19: Translating and interpreting in religious
settings., EST Congress 2012. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Available at: (Accessed: 14 January 2014)
van der Louw, T. (2008) ‘The Dictation of the Septuagint Version’, Journal for the
Study of Judaism, 39(2), pp. 211–229
Translation process research has come of age from the rst studies which solely used
think-aloud protocol data in the mid-1980s to current empirical studies that draw on
large data sets and use computational tools. Building on the triangulation paradigm
(Alves 2003), translation process research has inquired into user activity data (UAD),
investigated segmentation patterns and translation units, and attempted to account for
instances of peak performance or to model translation entropy, among several other
topics. The development of the database CRITT TPR-DB (Carl, Schaeffer &
Bangalore 2016), storing and integrating translation-process data in a large repository,
has enabled researchers to use a data pool to compare and extend empirical studies of
translation-process data. In parallel with developments in empirical research, the eld
has also seen the emergence of a research agenda that considers human cognition, and
indirectly the act of translating and interpreting, to be situated, embodied, distributed,
embedded, and extended (Risku & Rogl 2020), challenging the standard
computation-oriented and information-processing views of translation process
research and claiming that studies need to be placed in context and consider the act of
translating as embodied, embedded and affective action. At the same time, advances
in machine translation systems has enhanced the focus on human-computer
interaction and contributed to expand the agenda of translation process research in a
new direction. The merging of translation memories and machine translation, as well
as the advent of adaptive and interactive neural machine translation systems and the
use of multimodal input, have had an impact on the process of translation (O’Brien
2020). Advancing translation process research is, therefore, required to understand
these new forms of translational activity. Advocating in favour of a complementary
approach, Alves & Jakobsen (2020) have insisted that only by integrating them into a
coherent whole can cognitive translation studies lay the epistemological,
paradigmatic and interdisciplinary foundations for its further development. It should
ground itself “in theories of semiosis (meaning-making) and linguistics (language
use) and on cognitive science (neurocognition and situated-action cognition)”. For
Alves & Jakobsen, cognitive translation studies must incorporate in its research
agenda not only features of machine translation and aspects of human-computer
interaction, but also enlarge the scope of its theoretical formulations to include
situated, distributed and extended aspects of human cognition. In line with these
emerging trends, this panel invites contributions seeking to advance translation
process research, e.g. (but not necessarily) by suggesting an integrated alternative to
the dichotomic separation of computational and non-computational approaches in
translation process research or other ways of clarifying the relation between the
translation process, the translation product and machine-related activities in
translation. Suggestions for bridging the gap between representational and non-
representational views of human cognition or for computationally modelling
translating as a dynamic cognitive activity are also welcome. Contributions can be
based on any language pairs and translation modes (including oral and signed), and
on all kinds of empirical data, as long as the aim is to offer ideas for advancing
translation process research, in particular, and to contribute to the development of
Translation Studies in general
Carl, Michael; Schaeffer, Moritz; Bangalore, Srinivas (2016). The CRITT Translation
Process Research Database. In: Michael Carl, Srinivas Bangalore and Moritz
Schaeffer (Eds.) New Directions in Empirical Translation Process Research -
Exploring the CRITT TPR-DB. London: Springer, p. 13-56
Risku, Hanna; Rogl, Regina (2020). Translation and situated, embodied, distributed,
embedded and extended cognition. In: Fabio Alves; Arnt Lykke Jakobsen. (Eds.). The
Routledge Handbook of Translation and Cognition. New York: Routledge, p.
Advancing TS through think-aloud: Showcasing a
challenging but unique method
Conveners: Claudine Borg, Brita Dore
In the 1980s and 1990s, Krings, Lörscher, Séguinot and Gerloff were pioneers in
using verbal data to study translation processes, with methodological advances
employing verbal reports backed by Ericsson and Simon’s ground-breaking work.
Introspective reports, both concurrent and retrospective, as well as dialogue protocols
were the method largely applied to understand what was going on in the
translators’ “black box”, paving the way for what is now known as Cognitive
Translation and Interpreting Studies. Since the 1990s, favoured by technological
advancements and more powerful statistical tools, new quantitative methods have
been added to process-oriented research, such as keystroke logging, eye-tracking, and
EEG. The importance of think-aloud decreased, triggered by criticism targeting its
validity and reliability, the immense effort required to gather and analyse verbal data
in the form of Think-Aloud Protocols (TAPs), and its predominantly qualitative, and
thus subjective, nature. However, despite such criticism, think-aloud continues being
a powerful and unique method for analysing cognitive processes, particularly in
triangulation settings. And technological advances nowadays facilitate data
processing and analysis, for instance, transcriptions by using automated speech
recognition. As Jakobsen & Alves (2021:4) put it, “[t]he TAP method remains a
strong method, as there may not be a better way of getting information about a
person’s mind than by having the person tell us about it in words”. Recent work
showing the valuable and unique insights think-aloud provides include Borg (2017),
Dorer (2020), Sun et al. (2020) and Vieira (2017).This panel aims to shed light on the
strengths, uniqueness and power of think-aloud for TIS. We invite contributions
discussing think-aloud in relation (but not limited) to
• situated translatio
• literary translatio
• translator trainin
• professional practices
Jakobsen, A.L. & Alves, F. 2021. ‘Introduction’. In F. Alves & A.L. Jakobsen (eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Cognition. London: Routledge, 1-20
Sun, S., Li, T., & Zhou, X. 2020. ‘Effects of thinking aloud on cognitive effort in
translation’. Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series: Themes in Translation Studies,
19, 132-151
Vieira, L. N. 2017. ‘Cognitive effort and different task foci in post-editing of machine
translation: A think-aloud study’. Across Languages and Cultures, 18(1), 79-105
Revisers do not need theory or training to become revisers. And yet they operate as
recognized professional revisers. We would like panellists to give account of
everyday normal ways of action to make meaning of the terms reviser, revision. Also
what does the agent performing revision look like and what is the role of this agent in
any speci c nished product? In this panel we group all revisionary activities
(currently referred to with the tems revision, editing, proofreading, post-editing,
fuzzy matching) under revision as the umbrella term. We request panellists to
investigate professional practices to advance theoretical approaches regarding
revision; in turn practice may draw on these new theoretical perspectives e.g. project
managers understanding the complexities of the social networks in which the various
agents operate in order to generate a speci c product. The research framework used
will be data-based, drawing on patterns that emerged from the analysis of real-life
data. Panellists will follow a more sociological approach in researching publishing
projects, since sociological theories may provide the background against which we
can explain the very complex patterns in the actual revisionary activities. At this stage
very little is known about the way revision takes place, but empirical data on the
actual genesis of published texts will describe the various roles, power, as well as the
socio-cognitive aspects operative in revision. The following research questions could
for example drive the investigations of panellists
The styles and applications of revisionary activities may vary from project to project,
and also from agent to agent, depending on the nature of the text and individual
working style and personality of the agent at work. We therefore invite contributions
on the following topics
• revision agents (author, translator, reviser, reader, reviewer) and their agencies
(habitus, processes, networks, power relations, gender, post-colonialism
Koponen, M., Mossop, B., Robert, I. and Scocchera, G. (eds.). 2021. Translation
Revision and/or Post-Editing. London, New York: Routledge
Mossop, Brian (2014) Revising and editing for translators. 3rd edition. London &
New York: Routledge
Eyetracking and screen recording (e.g., Walker & Federici 2018) have drawn much
attention as data collection tools in the last decade. In contrast, the case can be made
that keyloggers are now increasingly underused, often relegated to collecting
secondary or supportive data in otherwise welcome mixed methods research projects.
However, much of what we know of translation processes is based on keylogging
studies, even though many were carried out with software that does not record key-
moving and typing actions (Couto Vale 2017, 211). Keyloggers yield rich behavioral
descriptions of the typing ow that might be exploited in many different ways. Unlike
eyetracking technology, which is somewhat expensive, many keylogging tools (e.g.,
Translog II, Carl 2012; Inputlog, Leitjen & van Waes. 2013) are free, which can
further break down nancial barriers that might otherwise exist in attempts to
advance Translation Studies research. Multilectal mediated communication tasks can
be seen as particular instances of language production. Across tasks, the very act of
language production tends to be mainly linear, but the processes leading to its
unfolding are not necessarily so. Researchers have traditionally formulated and tested
hypotheses derived from the interplay between text chunking, various characteristics
of the segments resulting from such chunking (e.g., length and grammatical nature,
but also mistakes such as false starts and typos), delivery speed, pause types and
lengths, and the interleaving of language production with other subtasks, such as
listening, reading or vieweing, searching the web, online and nal revision. This
panel seeks to update and relaunch the use of keylogging as the main source of data,
on its own and combined with other data-collection tools, to analyze language
production tasks as manifest in various forms of mediated communication including,
but also transcending translation, at high levels of granularity—mainly with
quantitative approaches. Resemblances between tasks, such as revising as a stand-
alone activity and revising as a subtask within a translation activity, are obvious, and
they extend to research constructs that are often assumed to apply to both of them.
However, many analytical insights may pertain to not only translation and writing in
their strictest senses, but also audio description, live subtitling, transcription, and
other forms of meditated communication, such as simultaneous interpreting, where
keylogging the computer use of interpreters may yield additional insights into their
mental processes, and consecutive interpreting, when note-taking is performed
through digital means (keyboard, pen). Contributions are welcome on topics such as
Walker, Callum, & Federico Federici (Eds.) 2018. Eye Tracking and
Multidisciplinary Studies on Translation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Carl,
Michael. 2012. Translog-II: a Program for Recording User Activity Data for
Empirical Reading and Writing Research. Proceedings of the Eighth International
Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), pp.4108--4112.
Couto-Vale, Daniel. 2017. What does a translator do when not writing? In S. Hansen-
Schirra, O. Czulo & S. Hofmann, eds. Empirical modelling of translation and
interpreting (pp. 209–237). Berlin: Language Science Press
Leitjen, Mariëlle. & Luuk van Waes. 2013. Keystroke Logging in Writing Research:
Using Inputlog to Analyze and Visualize Writing Processes. Written Communication
30 (3): 1 –35
Muñoz Martín, Ricardo, & Matthias Apfelthaler. [in press]. A Task Segment
Framework to study keylogged translation processes. To be published in Translation
& Interpreting, vol. 14
Past, present and future of speech technologies in
translation — life beyond the keyboard
Conveners: Dragoș Ciobanu, Alina Secară, Julián Zapat
The quality of speech technologies is improving so fast for certain languages that the
latest report published by the Language in the Human-Machine Era (LITHME)
COST action highlights “two imminent changes to human communication [...]:
speaking through technology and speaking to technology” (2021:6). In situations
where two-way communication is not necessary, however, speech technologies have
already been implemented to optimise monolingual and multilingual content
production work ows: for over a decade, human-to-machine dictation (automatic
speech recognition / speech-to-text) has been the preferred mode of creating content
of professional linguists whose technological set-up allowed this kind of
enhancement or who work in live contexts, such as broadcasting, where immediate
access to the text produced is crucial. In addition, automatic speech synthesis (text-to-
speech) has also been gaining ground in recent years. Research has shown that both
speech recognition and synthesis can positively in uence the output quality, language
professionals’ productivity and workspace ergonomics associated with translation,
revision and post-editing machine translation (PEMT) processes. Despite these
demonstrated bene ts, technology providers have been somehow trailing behind in
implementing speech technologies into current CAT/PEMT/TEnT environments.
Moreover, with the exception of respeaking in accessibility-related scenarios, there is
little evidence that speech technologies are nding a place in translation training and
research. This panel will focus on the practical, methodological and educational
implications of using speech technologies by professional and trainee translators. We
invite contributions from industry practitioners and academics that discuss observed
advantages and disadvantages of integrating speech technologies into translation,
PEMT, audiovisual translation, revision, or review processes; creative ways of
achieving such integrations; novel training approaches created for such new
integrations; as well as future directions of research, development and training
Ciobanu, D., Ragni, V., & Secară, A. (2019). Speech Synthesis in the Translation
Revision Process: Evidence from Error Analysis, Questionnaire, and Eye-Tracking.
Informatics, 6(4)(51), Article 4.
Herbig, N., Düwel, T., Pal, S., Meladaki, K., Monshizadeh, M., Krüger, A., & van
Genabith, J. (2020). MMPE: A Multi-Modal Interface for Post-Editing Machine
Translation. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for
Computational Linguistics, 1691–1702.
155 LITHME. (2021). The Dawn of the Human-Machine Era. A Forecast of New and
Emerging Language Technologies. rst-publication-
Teixeira, C. S. C., Moorkens, J., Turner, D., Vreeke, J., & Way, A. (2019). Creating a
Multimodal Translation Tool and Testing Machine Translation Integration Using
Touch and Voice. Informatics, 6(1)(13), Article 1.
Zapata, J., S. Castilho and J. Moorkens (2017) ‘Translation Dictation vs. Post- editing
with Cloudbased Voice Recognition: A Pilot Experiment’, in Proceedings of the MT
Summit XVI – The 16th Machine Translation Summit, Nagoya, Japan
Advancing Translation Studies by understanding the
Labour in Translaboration
Conveners: Cornelia Zwischenberger, Alexa Alfe
Fuchs, Christian. 2010. Labor in Informational Capitalism and on the Internet. The
Information Society 26 (3), 179-196
Koskinen, Kaisa. 2020. Translation and affect. Essays on sticky affects and
translational affective labour. Amsterdam: John Benjamins
Kücklich, Julian. 2005. Precarious Playbour: Modders and the Digital Games
Industry. The Fibreculture Journal (5), n.p
Narotzky, Susana (2018). Rethinking the concept of labour. Journal of the Royal
Anthropological Institute 24, 29-43.
Advancing Translation Studies through task-
comparative and hybrid task research into multilectal
Conveners: Iris Schrijver, Pawel Korpal, Isabelle Rober
Over the past decades, Translation Studies has witnessed a growing body of research
into emergent forms of mediated communication that surpass the dichotomy of
translation versus interpreting, as well as the traditional divide between translation,
writing and adaptation. Objects of study are technology-enabled, often multimodal,
hybrid modes of practice, such as theatre surtitling, interlingual live subtitling or
speech-to-text interpreting through respeaking, simultaneous interpreting with text,
sight translation, (live) audiodescription, audio-introduction, audiosubtitling and
interlingual summary translation. However, research in which such hybrid forms are
studied and compared with their af nitive variants is still limited (but cf., Puerini,
2021; Seeber, Keller & Hervais-Adelman, 2020), even though it would yield insight
into the similarities, differences and possible transfer between the tasks that are
activated. In turn, these insights would advance Translation Studies as well as
neighboring disciplines including Writing Research, Media Accessibility and
Cognitive Science. Moreover, they would sketch a more uid portrait of the
communicative skills the human translator/interpreter of the future may need. In
support of calls for more comparative research into related multilectal mediation
tasks (e.g., Remael, 2016; Dam-Jensen, Heine & Schrijver, 2019; Xiao & Muñoz
Martín, 2020), this thematic panel aims to provide a framework for converging
critical inquiry into such research. Contributors may address a wide range of topics,
such as conceptual and theoretical implications (e.g., similarities and differences in
cognition and reception between related tasks, their impact on existing process and/or
competence models), interdisciplinary issues (e.g., common disciplinary ground or
diverging terminology and premises that allow/hinder comparative research),
methodological challenges and requirements (e.g., inter-subject vs intra-subject
design, matching of stimuli across tasks and/or conditions, measurement of quality
and satisfaction), technological aspects (e.g., prerequisites for related tasks, level of
impact on cognition and reception), practical and pedagogical aspects (e.g., af nitive
tasks used and skills taught in translator training)
Dam-Jensen, H., Heine, C., & Schrijver, I. (2019). The nature of text production –
Similarities and differences between writing and translation. Across Languages and
Cultures 20(2), 155–172
Puerini, S. (2021). Typing your mind away. Comparing keylogged tasks with the Task
Segment Framework. Università di Bologna
Seeber, K., Keller, L., & Hervais-Adelman, A. (2020). When the ear leads the eye:
The use of text during simultaneous interpretation. Language, Cognition and
Neuroscience, 35(10), 1480–1494
Xiao, K., & Muñoz Martín, R. (2020). Cognitive Translation Studies: Models and
methods at the cutting edge. Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series: Themes in
Translation Studies 19, 1–24
Translation and Tourism: Encounters through space and
Conveners: So a Malamatidou, Elena Manc
Tourism is a global phenomenon and one of the largest industries worldwide, which
heavily relies on translation to achieve its goals both before and during the visit.
Therefore, translation has the capacity to shape how the visitor understands and
responds to the destination, attraction, event, activity, etc. and of particular interest
are the various ways in which the translation of tourism texts adapts the texts in terms
of language, ideology and identity. This panel aims to encourage and advance critical
discussion on the important role played by translation in tourism, especially in, but
not limited to, the context of the recent pandemic, which has offered an opportunity
for re ection on tourism practices, including how destinations are being branded and
promoted. This panel recognises tourism translation as an interdisciplinary research
area that can draw from a range of elds, e.g. translation studies, tourism studies,
discourse studies, narratology, linguistics, intercultural communication. Moreover,
tourism texts offer translation researchers a rich source of data to examine how
different languages and cultures interact and importantly how identities and
ideologies are negotiated through translation. This panel ultimately seeks to open up a
collaborative and supportive space for interdisciplinary research on tourism and
advance our understanding of how translation mobilises and supports tourism
communication. Contributors may address any aspect of tourism translation, but we
particularly welcome submissions for the following areas
• The construction of brand and identity in tourism texts and how these are
negotiated in translation
Urry, John, and Jonas Larsen. 2011. The Tourist Gaze 3.0. London: SAGE
• How does our ontological basis affect how we approach these questions
We also wish to generate debate on the effects of the full integration of MT, and
related activities such as post-editing, into translation studies as a multidiscipline, and
invite re ection on whether incorporating MT represents an advance for the
discipline or an impoverishment (if we think MT constitutes a reduction of translation
to automatable transfer). Ultimately, the panel poses a question that goes to the heart
of the discipline: could MT be the straw that breaks translation studies’ back, under
the weight of the ongoing import of knowledge from outside, or could MT be a
golden opportunity for translation studies to reveal the value of the knowledge it has
already constructed and continues to construct on its object of study
do Carmo, Félix (2020) ‘Time is Money’ and the Value of Translation. In Joss
Moorkens, Dorothy Kenny and Félix do Carmo (eds) (2020) Fair MT: Towards
ethical, sustainable Machine Translation. Special Issue of Translation Spaces 9(1):
Kenny, Dorothy, Joss Moorkens and Félix do Carmo (2020) ‘Introduction’, Fair MT:
Towards ethical, sustainable Machine Translation, Special Issue of Translation Spaces
9(1): 1-11
Nurminen, Mary and Marit Koponen (2020) Machine translation and fair access to
information. In Joss Moorkens, Dorothy Kenny and Félix do Carmo (eds) (2020) Fair
MT: Towards ethical, sustainable Machine Translation. Special Issue of Translation
Spaces 9(1): 150-169
Advancing Translation Studies: integrating research on
the translational construction of the social world
Conveners: Dilek Dizdar, Tomasz Rozmyslowic
For quite some time now, Translation Studies has been interested in translation and
interpreting as constructive practices from which different types of collectivities
emerge. While the focus has mainly been on understanding national or ethnic
identities as products of translation processes, other research (also from other
disciplines) has indicated that translation and interpreting also play a vital role in the
emergence of other collectivities, such as linguistic communities, international
organizations, scienti c communities, religious gatherings, and social identity groups.
However, these various undertakings have not yet been systematically related to each
other. The aim of this panel is to bring these research endeavors together and discuss
their results as investigations into the translational construction of collectivities. This
way, a common frame of reference can be established which allows for comparisons
between the different types of collectivities that translation and interpreting practices
help to produce and the various ways in which they do this: Are similar mechanisms
involved? How does the impact of translation and interpreting on the construction –
or deconstruction – of collectivities differ across time and space? What concepts,
theories, and methods are adequate for the investigation of such processes? Can we
draw from established approaches within Translation Studies or is it necessary to look
beyond disciplinary boundaries? The panel invites empirical, methodological or
theoretical papers addressing questions related to the various forms and ways in
which translation and interpreting practices participate in carving up the social world
into collectivities. Possible topics include, but are not limited to
The Self-Translation of Knowledge: Scholarship in
Conveners: Spencer Hawkins, Lavinia Helle
Recent surges in con ict and oppression have led to an in ux of refugees to Europe,
which has in turn prompted us to reexamine traditional associations between nation
and identity. These reexaminations have not left Translation Studies unaffected.
During the last decade, Translation Studies has devoted new attention to the
geographic relocation of human beings as a driving force behind interlinguistic
transmission of loan words, exotic concepts, translated texts, and appropriated
traditions. Throughout the migrational turn in Translation Studies, literary output has
become paradigmatic of migrant cultural ambassadorship. Privileging the literary
over other forms of discursive participation, however, risks obscuring the centrality
of academic migrants who in uence their host cultures through the complex work of
self-translation within institutional spaces of knowledge production. For migrants to
continue research abroad requires a complex process of translation and self-
translation, not only into a new academic language, but also into a new academic and
intellectual culture and these self-translations do not leave the host discourses and
cultures unaffected. An intellectual history of academic migration has the complex
task of investigating why certain self-translations achieve in uence by accounting for
social, linguistic, discursive, disciplinary, and philosophical mechanisms of
adaptation, integration, and advancement. The study of (self-)translated humanistic
scholarship promises valuable insight into the extent to which, for example,
academics do in fact show consciousness of the conditions for the success of their
self-translation. Such research could also reveal what academics in exile consider
translatable in their lives and work, for whom those elements are translatable, and
which speci c rhetorical resources they must mobilize, as well as questioning
whether the success or failure of academic self-translation depends on linguistic
factors at all, or whether other factors are far more decisive: such as one’s social and
academic prestige and the suitability of one’s work to academic research trends and
the political climate within the university culture. We welcome paper proposals that
• theorizations of the migrant scholar, like Edward Said’s “Re ections on Exile
• migration in eras where one lingua franca predominates in the sciences and
migration in eras of “Scienti c Babel” (Gordin)
Inghelleri, Moira, Translation and Migration, New York: Routledge, 2017
Re-thinking Translation History: Genealogies, Geo-
politics, and Counter-hegemonic Approaches
Conveners: Brian Baer, Philipp Hofenede
1) The role of the Cold War, its politics and paranoia, in shaping contemporary
histories of translation
3) Case studies investigating diverse translational spaces and times. Of interest are
not only studies between ideologically, politically, and culturally divergent spaces but
also within them (which is the case within the Socialist bloc)
7) Studies that focus on the unpredictable and the contingent in translation history
(networks, spaces, and contacts)
Burke, Peter. 2015. The French historical revolution. The Annales School 1929-2014.
Cambridge: Polity Press
Kurlansky, Mark. 2003. Salt: A World History. New York and London: Penguin
Santos, Buoventura de Sousa. 2018. The End of Cognitive Empire: The Coming of
Age of Epistemologies of the South. Durham and London: Duke University Press
White, Hayden. 1987. The Content of the Form: Narrative Discourse and Historical
Representation. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press
Crossing minorities in translation history: peripheries,
gender and less translated languages
Conveners: Maud Gonne, Laura Fólica,
Branchadell, Albert and Lovell Margaret West. 2005. Less Translated Languages,
John Benjamins
Flotow, Luise von and Frazaneh Farahzad. 2017. Translating Women. Different
Voices and New Horizons, Routledge
Roig Sanz, Diana and Reine Meylaerts. 2018. Literary Translation and Cultural
Mediators in 'Peripheral' Cultures. Palgrave Macmillan.
This panel focuses on the analysis of literary translation and soft power in the longue
durée within the growing eld of global translation history. Much has been written on
literary translation and politics (Tymcozko & Gentzler 2002), but the potential of
translation in terms of consolidating political formations and soft power has only
recently been explicitly addressed (Batchelor 2019). We argue therefore that dialogue
with disciplines such as international relations, cultural diplomacy or global history
(von Flotow 2018; Carbó and Roig Sanz 2022, forth.) offers fertile ground to analyse
the role of translation in shaping the ways a given culture is perceived abroad. As a
corollary, this panel seeks to push further the interdisciplinary analysis of translation
as a form of foreign action in nation-building processes, and historicize it from a
longue durée, multilingual and decentred perspective. It also proposes to explore the
ways literary translation intervenes in the consecration of a given culture/literature,
and as a space where power struggles are manifested and renegotiated both on a
textual and extratextual level. In this respect, we propose the following topics
1. Theoretical proposals that can integrate multiple borrowings from other disciplines,
from international relations and cultural diplomacy to global history or world
literature, to think the ways literary translation can become a form of intervening in
the political arena
3. Case studies from early modern to contemporary periods that can analyse how the
Empire or the State intervene in the creation and manipulation of world literature
through translation, or how foreign cultural policies promote translations through
national institutes, embassies, cultural centres, foreign affairs ministers, or
international institutions such as the International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation
4. The role of agents, both individual and collective, in the promotion of translations
or as responsible of non-circulation. Re ections on how gender plays in this
framework are particularly welcome
Across these research lines, we also seek to encourage the discussion on the effects
and reactions triggered by translations after they are published
Batchelor, Kathryn (2019) “Literary translation and soft power: African literature in
Chinese translation”, The Translator, 25:4, 401-41
Carbó-Catalan, Elisabet and Diana Roig-Sanz (Eds.) (forth. 2022) Culture as Soft
Power. Bridging Cultural Relations, Intellectual Cooperation and Cultural Diplomacy.
Berlin: De Gruyter. Accepted for publication
Nye, Joseph S (2004). Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics. New
York: Public Affairs
Tymoczko, Maria & Gentzler, Edwin (2002). Translation and Power. Amherst:
University of Massachusetts Press
von Flotow, Luise (2018). “Translation and cultural diplomacy” in The Routledge
Handbook of Translation and Politics. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Routledge
Translation and transcultural circulation of memory
Conveners: Geir Uvsløkk, Anneleen Spiessens, Jeroen Vandael
Despite the recent ‘transcultural’ turn in Memory Studies, which underscores the
dynamism of remembering as it travels across time, space, cultures and media, little
attention has yet been paid to the speci c role of translation in disseminating,
retransmitting and understanding memory narratives. Recent publications and
initiatives are beginning to ll this knowledge gap — Deane-Cox (2013); Brownlie
(2016); Castillo Villanueva & Pintado Gutiérrez (2019); Deane-Cox & Spiessens
(forthcoming); and the 2019 conference Translating Cultural Memory in Fiction and
Testimony, which explicitly promoted dialogue between memory studies and
translation studies, thus producing a range of perspectives on translated narratives
about traumatic pasts (Jünke & Schyns 2022 [forthcoming]). Inspired by these
initiatives, this panel intends to explore the mechanisms and implications of various
modes of translation when memories of con icts from the 20th and 21st centuries
travel across languages and cultures, both in ction and non- ction, and both in
testimonies and postmemorial texts. Relevant topics are: Which strategies do editors,
translators and other agents of translation resort to – linguistically, discursively,
literarily, historically – to ensure and shape the transmission of con ict memories that
are not their own? Which ethical roles and questions are at play in such processes? To
what extent are agents of translation invested and involved in texts that are so
intimately connected to the authors’ personal or familial experiences, and in which
cases can they be considered “secondary witnesses” (Deane-Cox 2013)? Moreover,
how are the translations received in the target culture, compared to the original
reception? And what do the translated texts themselves reveal about the way
memories are received, reinterpreted and re-signi ed as they cross borders? The panel
conveners invite contributions that address memory in translation in relation to 20th
and 21st century con icts
Advancing intradisciplinary research on indirect
Conveners: Hanna Pieta, Ester Torres-Simón, Lucile Davie
The panel organizers intend to start and end this panel with an open discussion, to
better connect common threads that emerge from the individual contributions
DAVIER, Lucile, and Luc van Doorslaer. 2018. Translation without a source text:
methodological issues in news translation. Across Languages and Cultures 19 (2):
GAMBIER, Yves. 1994. “La retraduction, retour et détour.” Meta 39 (3): 413–417
Over the last fteen years, research on intralingual translation —roughly de ned as
translation within the “same language”— has actively contributed to expanding the
aim and scope of Translation Studies. Researchers with an interest in this concept
have built on its description as “rewording” in Jakobson’s classic typology to
challenge reductionist understandings of translation, while also destabilising the very
notion of language. Scholarly perspectives on translation today seem to be more
inclusive than ever before, and the pervasive focus on interlingual phenomena is
countered by initiatives such as the upcoming International Research Workshop
“Intralingual Translation: Language, text and beyond” and The Routledge Handbook
of Intralingual Translation. In order to further advance intralingual translation as a
research priority in Translation Studies, it needs to be understood as a highly diverse
set of practices that often requires a very speci c set of skills. Analysing the texts
resulting from such practices in search of microstrategies and shifts has proven
bene cial to describe some of the (dis)similarities between interlingual and
intralingual translation, as well as between different subtypes of the latter. Following
the panel “Intralingual translation — breaking boundaries” at the EST Congress
2016, this panel aims to serve as a space for empirical contributions and theoretical
discussions on intralingual translation, particularly by encouraging original
approaches and the study of instances that have thus far received marginal attention.
Submissions are welcome in areas including but not limited to
• the relationship between intralingual, interlingual and intersemiotic
Hill-Madsen, A. & K.K. Zethsen (2016). Intralingual translation and its place within
Translation Studies – a theoretical discussion. Meta: Translators’ Journal, 61(3), 692–
No Kidding – Translating, Transcreating and
Transmediating for Children
Conveners: Joanna Dybiec-Gajer, Riitta Oittinen, Aleksandra
From a personal perspective, (translated) children’s books provide rst, intimate and
unique encounters with literature. From a TS perspective, studying such texts, i.e.
children’s literature translation studies, seems the only research domain de ned by its
primary recipient – the child, which stresses the deeply engrained humanistic concern
of the enterprise. The impulse to research translations of children’s literature came
from the eld of literary studies (seminal IRSCL proceedings, Klingberg et al. 1978 ).
Since then the research area has gained academic credibility with an enormous
increase in the amount of scholarly and critical writing on the subject, especially
during the last twenty years. In line with the conference theme, the goal of this panel
is to study new advances in the eld, at the planes of both research developments and
professionalization of practices in translating, transcreating and transmediating for
children. Such terminological choices allow for a broader perspective, moving
beyond translation in a prototypical sense and taking into account not only the
classical literary genres, but also audio-medial texts and other created and mediated
in digital environs. In exploring the latest trends and developments in the eld, the
questions that this panel will seek to answer are
• What areas in literature, culture and society pose major challenges for
contemporary translators of texts for children
More speci cally, in line with progressing institutionalization of the research area and
a shift to investigate transformative and mediating practices such as transreation,
transadaptation and transmediation, this panel welcomes contributions related, but not
limited to the following topics
• changes in child images affecting children's literature and its translatio
• classic and new translation problems and issues: dual address, stereotyping,
ideology, gender and racial awarenes
Klingberg, Göte, Øvrig Mary, Stuart Amort, 1978, Children’s Books in Translation,
Lund: CWK Gleerup
Lathey, Gillian, 2016, Translating Children’s Literature, 2016, London & New York:
van Coillie Jan, Jack MacMartin (eds), 2020, Children’s Literature in Translation.
Texts and Contexts, Leuven: Leuven University Press
Being a literary translator in the digital age: Agency,
identity and ethics
Conveners: Wenqian Zhang, Motoko Akashi, Peter Jonathan Freet
In recent years, growing interest in the role and status of literary translators has
resulted in the development of what has been called “literary translator studies”
(Kaindl et al., 2021). However, while scholars have investigated the agency and
ethics behind literary translator’s social and textual acts in various contexts, such as
the position of the translator in the literary eld (Haddadian-Moghaddam, 2014), the
translator’s voice in retranslation (Taivalkoski-Shilov, 2015), and the development of
a translator brand (Zhang, 2020), the focus has often remained on historical contexts.
By contrast, approaches that focus on contemporary contexts and digital
methodologies enable research to show the multifaceted roles that translators can play
in the movement of literary texts between cultures and languages that goes well
beyond acts of linguistic transfer. For example, by offering translation mentorships,
teaching at summer schools and establishing translation prizes (e.g. Daniel Hahn),
interacting with readers via social media; and even developing their own fan bases
(Akashi, 2018). As such, this panel aims to further advance current understandings of
the literary translator’s role by pushing literary translator studies towards the digital,
thereby seeking to generate more dialogue and scholarship both across disciplines,
and between academia and industry. Contributions are invited on the following and
other relevant topics
• The in uence of digital and social media on the role of literary translator
• Literary translator training and the dialogue between pedagogy and practice
Kaindl, Klaus, Waltraud Kolb, and Daniela Schlager. eds. 2021. Literary Translator
Studies. Amsterdam: John Benjamins
42 New Perspectives on Ibsen in Translation
Convener: Giuliano D'Amic
Ever since the German translation of Brand (1872), the works of the Norwegian
dramatist Henrik Ibsen have circulated widely in both European and extra-European
languages. Although his international reception has been an object of study for over a
century, relatively few studies have concentrated on his translations, either as literary
works or as textual means of reception; Ibsen’s stage history has always been the
main narrative. The proposed panel aims to contribute to a reversal of this trend
Liyang Xia, Heart higher than the sky: reinventing Chinese femininity through
Ibsen's Hedda Gabler (2013
Ellen Rees, Ibsen's Peer Gynt and the Production of Meaning (2014
Thor Holt, Far from home: Ibsen through the camera lens in the Third Reich (2020
• The relative identity and autonomy of the eld of ‘song translation studies
We wish to include both theoretical advancements in the topic as well as further case
studies of a descriptive-explanatory nature, e.g. on songs, genres (e.g. pop, rock, art
song), modes (folk tradition, theatrical performance, audiovisual services), as well as
the skopoi and afterlife of song translations
Franzon, Johan, and Annjo K. Greenall, Sigmund Kvam, Anastasia Parianou (eds.).
2021. Song Translation: Lyrics in Contexts. Berlin: Frank & Timme
Desblache, Lucile. 2019. Music and Translation: New Mediations in the Digital Age.
London: Palgrave Macmillan
Low, Peter. 2016. Translating Song: Lyrics and Texts. London/New York: Routledge
Minors, Helen Julia (ed.). 2013. Music, Text and Translation. London: Bloomsbury
The complaint that “translations have by and large been ignored as bastard brats
beneath the recognition (let alone concern) of truly serious literary scholars” (Holmes
1978, 69) has functioned more or less as the birth certi cate of our discipline, but
there are still “bastard brats” around that we ourselves have been overlooking. The
translation of popular music, for instance, has not yet received a great deal of
attention. When in the 1990s the translation of music grew into a normal object of
study, canonical genres (opera, art songs) were privileged. The rst studies dealing
with translated popular music tended to be carried out by practitioners in the eld
rather than by scholars. Since two decades or so, song translation is receiving more
and more academic coverage. Even so, as Lucile Desblache (2019, 27) denounces,
“musical transnationalism, transculturalism and translation in the narrow (translation
involving song lyrics or writings about music) or wide (transcreation or mediation of
musical styles and genres) senses of the word, remain largely unexplored.” Drawing
on insights from both Translation Studies and Cultural Transfer Studies, this panel
aims to shed light on the various ways in which popular music, be it in the original
form or in translation, spreads around the world, both historically and currently.
Clearly, popular music tends to circulate and cross national borders at a very fast
pace. When the lyrics are translated, the translation strategies applied to vocal music
can greatly differ. In other cases, a full comprehension of the original lyrics is
considered of minor importance. Sometimes, the relative inaccessibility of the song
text in a given receiving community can even be advantageous to its success.
Envisaging a scholarly discussion that goes beyond individual case studies and the
multimodal comparison of source texts with corresponding target texts, this panel
proposes to focus on the general mechanisms that are brought into play when popular
music is transferred to a new cultural environment. Possible subtopics and
approaches may include but are not limited to
• What are the similarities and differences between the transfer of popular
music and the transfer of other cultural products, such as poetry
• What selection mechanisms and translation strategies are adopted for popular
• What is the status of the author/translator/performer in the case of translated
popular music
DESBLACHE, Lucile. 2019. Music and Translation. New Mediations in the Digital
Age. London : Palgrave Macmillan
GORLÉE, Dinda L. (ed.). 2005. Song and Signi cance: Virtues and Vices of Vocal
Translation. Amsterdam/New York : Rodopi
MINORS, Helen. (ed.) 2013. Music, text and translation. Camden : Bloomsbury
James, Paul, and Manfred B. Steger. 2016. ‘Globalisation and Global Consciousness:
Levels of Connectivity’. In Roland Robertson and Didem Buhari-Gulmez (eds.):
Global Culture: Consciousness and Connectivity, pp. 5–20. London - New York:
Roig-Sanz, Diana, and Reine Meylaerts (eds.) 2018. Literary Translation and Cultural
Mediators in ’Peripheral’ Cultures: Customs Of cers Or Smugglers? Palgrave
González Núñez, Gabriel, and Reine Meylaerts. 2017. Translation and Public Policy.
Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Case Studies. London/New York: Routledge
Heilbron, Johan and Gisèle Sapiro. 2018. "Politics of Translation: How States Shape
Cultural Transfers" In Literary Translation and Cultural Mediators in 'Peripheral'
Cultures, eds. Diana Roig-Sanz and Reine Meylaerts, Palgrave Macmillan, 183-208
McMartin, Jack, and Paola Gentile. 2020. “The transnational production and
reception of ‘a future classic’: Stefan Hertmans’ War and Turpentine in 30
languages”. Translation Studies 13 (3): 271–90.
Between Tradition and Advancement: How Can
Translational Hermeneutics Contribute to
Contemporary Translation Studies?
Conveners: Beata Piecychna, Larisa Cerce
• The tenets of hermeneutics and their potential use within Genetic Translation
• New theoretical and methodological perspectives on translational
Stanley, J., O’Keeffe, B., Stolze, R. and Cercel, L. (eds.). (2018). Philosophy and
Practice in Translational Hermeneutics. Bucharest: Zeta Books
This panel focuses on the #namethetranslator campaign that has been sweeping
through social media and asking to redress a decades-old injustice committed against
translators by erasing their names from the cover of books. The campaign urges
publishers to allow translators to share the limelight with authors and aims to bring
greater visibility to translators to make people aware that they are reading a book in
translation. The campaign seemingly assumes that all translators would like to gain
visibility through the practice of naming. The panel invites papers looking at
exceptional cases where we encounter a translator who wishes to remain invisible for
various reasons. What could motivate a translator’s deliberate invisibility? Can we
imagine a translator who is deliberately invisible in the sense that they would rather
not be named on the cover or at all? The panel also invites papers relating to the
#namethetranslator campaign that explore whether the act of naming a translator
carries with it an inherent responsibility for translators to market the book and serve
as spokesperson more broadly. Other possible questions to raise may include: Can we
think about the #namethetranslator campaign in connection with Translator Studies
which reengages with the human translator in the age of AI and puts the human back
into Translation Studies? If we are to read a translator’s name on the cover as a
paratextual cue or a peritext, what could we make of its absence or potential
exclusion? Can we detect a different pattern or practice in the act of naming a
translator of minoritized languages
What cognition does for interpreting - what interpreting
does for cognition?
Conveners: Kilian Seeber, Alexis Hervais-Adelman, Rhona Amo
Interpreting has long been recognized as a complex and demanding cognitive activity.
Early accounts of the intellectual requirements for aspiring interpreters, such as
"quick-wittedness" and "good memory" Jean Herbert (1952:4), have fuelled a
recurring debate about whether interpreters are born or made. In other words, whether
a unique cognitive architecture allows interpreters to perform this complex task, or
whether it is the execution of the task that engenders changes to the interpreter’s
cognitive architecture. By analogy with the, admittedly increasingly controversial,
bilingual advantage hypothesis, whereby exercising multilingual language control
leads to bene ts for domain general executive functions, it has been proposed that
interpreting expertise may also drive bene ts in various cognitive domains, such as
predictive processing (Chernov, 1994), attentional control, cognitive exibility
(Yudes, Macizo, & Bajo, 2011), and working memory. Babcock and Vallesi (2017)
found that interpreters had an advantage over multilinguals in a subset of skills
directly associated with interpreting – working memory and language control. In a
longitudinal investigation of trainee interpreters Babcock et al. (2017) found that
there was no signi cant difference in working memory between interpreter trainees
and control groups prior to training, but that an advantage developed after training.
However, the evidence in favour of the "made" over "born" view remains scant, and
there is currently little agreement as to the cognitive domains in which the
"interpreter advantage" (García, 2014) can be reliably detected. In this panel we want
to revisit the question about the complex relationship between cognitive ability and
interpreting expertise. Submissions are welcome in the following areas
Babcock, L., Capizzi, M., Arbula, S., & Vallesi, A. (2017). Short-Term Memory
Improvement After Simultaneous Interpretation Training. Journal of Cognitive
Enhancement, 1(3), 254-267. doi:10.1007/s41465-017-0011-
Babcock, L., & Vallesi, A. (2017). Are simultaneous interpreters expert bilinguals,
unique bilinguals, or both? Bilingualism-Language and Cognition, 20(2), 403-417.
Yudes, C., Macizo, P., & Bajo, T. (2011). The in uence of expertise in simultaneous
interpreting on non-verbal executive processes. Front Psychol, 2, 309. doi:10.3389/