Array-CGH Analysis in A Cohort of Phenotypically Well-Characterized Individuals With "Essential" Autism Spectrum Disorders
Array-CGH Analysis in A Cohort of Phenotypically Well-Characterized Individuals With "Essential" Autism Spectrum Disorders
Array-CGH Analysis in A Cohort of Phenotypically Well-Characterized Individuals With "Essential" Autism Spectrum Disorders
DOI 10.1007/s10803-017-3329-4
Abstract Copy-number variants (CNVs) are associated difficulties in social communication and unusually restricted,
with susceptibility to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). repetitive behaviors and interests (APA 2013). The world-
To detect the presence of CNVs, we conducted an array- wide population prevalence is about 1%. About 45% of
comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) analysis individuals with ASD have intellectual disability, and 32%
in 133 children with “essential” ASD phenotype. Genetic have regression, i.e. loss of previously acquired skills (Lai
analyses documented that 12 children had causative CNVs et al. 2014; Postorino et al. 2016). Males are more frequently
(C-CNVs), 29 children had non-causative CNVs (NC- affected than females, and comorbidity (more than 70% of
CNVs) and 92 children without CNVs (W-CNVs). Results patients with ASD have concurrent conditions) is commonly
on clinical evaluation showed no differences in cognitive found with epilepsy and genetic syndromes, such as fragile
abilities among the three groups, and a higher number of X syndrome, Rett syndrome, Down’s syndrome, Phenylke-
ASD symptoms and of non-verbal children in the C-CNVs tonuria, CHARGE syndrome, Angelman syndrome, Timothy
group compared to the W-CNVs and NC-CNVs groups. Our syndrome and Joubert syndrome (Miles 2011).
results highlighted the importance of the array-CGH analy- Genetics plays a key role in the etiology of ASD, also
ses and showed that the presence of specific CNVs may dif- in conjunction with environmental factors. Twin stud-
ferentiate clinical outputs in children with ASD. ies suggested a high heritability of this condition, which
was estimated at 60–90% in monozygotic twins, 0–10% in
Keywords ASD · Cognitive development · Clinical dizygotic twins (Posthuma and Polderman 2013; Oikon-
phenotype · Children · Genetic investigation · CNVs omakis et al. 2016; Ronald and Hoekstra 2011), and
18.7% in siblings (Ozonoff et al. 2011). Several potential
genes and pathways were identified by linkage associa-
Introduction tion and next generations sequencing studies, including
chromatin remodeling, metabolism, mRNA translation
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a set of heterogeneous and synaptic function (Merikangas et al. 2015; Pinto
neurodevelopmental conditions, characterized by early-onset et al. 2010). The array-comparative genomic hybridiza-
tion (array-CGH) analysis emerged as a powerful tool to
identify genomic copy number variations (CNVs) asso-
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
ciated with a wide range of developmental disorders,
article (doi:10.1007/s10803-017-3329-4) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users. including ASD (Battaglia et al. 2013; Shen et al. 2010).
The description of specific CNVs in ASD-affected chil-
* Stefano Vicari dren has led to a rapid increase in the discovery of novel
[email protected]
microdeletion and microduplication syndromes asso-
Department of Neurosciences, Child Neuropsychiatry Unit, ciated with ASD (Beaudet 2013, 2014; Carreira et al.
Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, IRCCS, Rome, Italy 2015; Coe et al. 2014). Array-CGH analysis, due to its
Laboratory of Medical Genetics, Bambino Gesù Children’s high detection rate (20–25%) in identifying causative
Hospital, IRCCS, Rome, Italy genomic variants (microdeletions/microduplications), is
J Autism Dev Disord (2018) 48:442–449 443
444 J Autism Dev Disord (2018) 48:442–449
Procedure one known gene. Even if desert regions can also lead to
pathological phenotypes if implicated in critical gene regula-
Genetic Investigation tion, the current knowledge about non-coding DNA is still
too defective to be helpful for diagnostic purposes, so we
Culturing, harvesting of peripheral blood cells, and chromo- decided not to consider desert regions.
some banding were performed according to standard meth- In the present study, it has been comprised in the C-CNVs
ods. GTG-banded and karyotype chromosomes were studied classification all the CNVs described in the OMIM database
and interpreted according to the International System for ( in association with a
Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature (Shaffer et al. 2013). known pathological phenotype, and all the karyotypically
DNA was extracted by Qiagen blood extraction kit (http:// visible differences in size and in gene content, suggesting and sample quality was assessed both by their pathogenic role. Further, in the C-CNVs classifica-
1% agarose gel and by NanoDrop 8000 Spectrophotometers tion it has been comprised unknown but potentially causa-
quantification (ThermoFisher Scientific, http://www.ther- tive CNVs having a more uncertain role in the disease, but X-fragile test was performed using two diag- previously described in literature of ASD and considered
nostic kits for X-fragile syndrome (Asuragen Inc. Austin, TX as potentially pathogenic. In the NC-CNVs classification,
USA and Abott Chicago, IL, USA) following manufacturer’s it has been comprised CNVs which: have not ever been
indications. Array-CGH analyses were performed by using described in literature (unknown CNVs) or have not ever
the Agilent Human Genome 4 × 180K CGH microarrays been described in association with ASD; not involve genes
(Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, California, USA), fol- correlated to autism susceptibility; have been described as
lowing the Agilent Oligonucleotide Array-Based CGH pro- probably benign variants in more than three different studies
tocol for Genomic DNA analysis (Version 6.2.1, February in the public available Database of Genomic Variants report-
2010). This platform is an oligonucleotide-based microarray ing all the imbalances detected in healthy controls (http://
allowing genome-wide survey and molecular profiling of When CNVs were not detected,
genomic aberrations with a mean resolution of about 75Kb. participants were included in the group named as without
The array images were scanned using the Agilent scanner CNVs (W-CNVs).
and elaborated by Feature Extraction software v.10.5 and When parental blood was available, the evaluation test
Agilent Genomic Workbench Lite Edition v.7.4 (UCSC was extended to patients’ parents by Real-Time PCR in order
Human Genome Browser hg19). Chromosome aberrations to determine whether the micro rearrangements were inher-
were calculated by ADM2 algorithm. To evaluate whether ited or arose de novo (Sanders et al. 2012).
the CNVs detected were benign or potentially related with
the disease, bioinformatics analyses were carried out using Clinical Examination
freely available Genome Browsers and scientific databases,
such as Database of Genomic Variants (http://dgv.tcag. Cognitive or developmental level was assessed by the brief
ca/dgv/app/home), OMIM ( intelligence quotient (IQ) from Leiter-R (Roid and Miller
omim), Dechiper (, Pubmed 1997) or by the general quotient (GQ) from Griffiths Men-
( tal Development Scales Extended Revised for ages 2–8,
GMDS-ER 2–8 (Luiz et al. 2006). Leiter-R was proposed
Array‑CGH Data Analysis and CNVs Classification to all the children and only when a child failed to complete
the test because of his or her reduced attentional resources,
CNVs may be involved in the development of several dis- then GMDS-ER was administered. Intellectual disability
eases, are the susceptibility loci for their onset (Stankiewicz or developmental delay was considered when, respectively,
and Lupski 2010), and represent one of the most important children had an IQ or GQ score lower than 70.
sources of interspecies physiological variability (Conrad Symptoms of ASD in children were evaluated using the
et al. 2010; Pang et al. 2010; Kearney et al. 2011). Distin- two “gold-standard” tests: the Autism Diagnostic Interview-
guishing between potentially pathogenic deletions/duplica- Revised, ADI-R (Lord et al. 1994) and the Autism Diag-
tions and non-causative or benign familiar variants is chal- nostic Observation Schedule-Generic, ADOS (Lord et al.
lenging and requires both the operators’ experience, and the 2000). The ADI-R (Lord et al. 1994) is a parent-report semi-
careful consultation of public and private databases and of structured interview for establishing a clinical diagnosis of
the scientific literature. On the basis of our array platform autism. It is organized following the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic
resolution and on the guidelines of the Italian Society of criteria for autism in children with a mental age of 18 months
Human Genetics—SIGU—( for CNVs and above. The ADI-R generates algorithm scores for each
interpretation in diagnostic settings, we have only considered of the three subdomains of autistic symptoms: (a) qualita-
aberrations larger than 100 Kb in size and involving at least tive impairments in reciprocal social behavior, (b) delays in
J Autism Dev Disord (2018) 48:442–449 445
language development, (c) restricted range of interests and/ CNVs, and only 1 participant showed 3 or more CNVs. A
or stereotypic behaviors. The ADOS (Lord et al. 2000) is a total number of 50 imbalances were detected (19 deletions
semi-structured direct assessment of communication, social and 31 duplications). Only for 26 imbalances, it was pos-
interaction, and play or imaginative use of materials for indi- sible to test the parental origin: 11 were maternally inher-
viduals suspected of having autism. The ADOS consists of ited, 8 were paternally inherited, and 7 arose de novo. Two
four modules designed for children and adults with different duplications, involving chromosome 4 and 15 (respectively,
language levels, ranging from non-verbal to verbally fluent. 4p16.3p15.1 and 15q11.2q13.1), arose de novo, and were
ADOS was administered and scored by licensed clinicians classified as pathogenic (4%). Ten CNVs (6 duplications and
who have reached clinical reliability on the instrument. The 4 deletions) were included in the unknown but potentially
calibrated severity score (CSS) index (Gotham et al. 2009) causative rearrangements (20%), and 38 (23 duplications and
was also calculated. CSS allows to quantify autism symp- 15 deletions) were considered as NC-CNVs (76%). All the
toms independently from patients’ individual characteristics, CNVs were confirmed by Real-Time PCR.
such as age and language level. Gotham et al. (2009) mapped
raw ADOS totals onto 10-point severity metric and divided
them in three classes: “nonspectrum ADOS class”, when Clinical Evaluation
severity scores range 1–3; “ASD class”, when severity scores
range 4–5; and “autism class”, with severity scores ranging The mean chronological age of whole group was 6.7 years
6–10. The presence or absence of language production was (± 3 SD) and the mean IQ or GQ was 73.7 (± 24.3 SD).
assessed by the clinician with direct observation. Children Out of one hundred thirty-three participants, the percentage
were considered as non-verbal when they used less than five of children with IQ or GQ lower than 70 was 48.9%. The
words. median of the calibrated severity score—CSS (Gotham et al.
2009) was 7 (range 3–10). The percentage of non-verbal
Statistical Analysis children with intellectual disability or developmental delay
are 81% (n = 35). Table 1 shows demographic data, mean IQ
Data were analyzed using the Statistical Program for Win- or GQ, and median CSS for the three groups.
dows, Version 13.1 (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA). Out of 12 children with C-CNVs, 7 children (58.3%) had
Children with C-CNVs and NC-CNVs and children IQ or GQ lower than 70 and 6 (85.7%) of them were also
W-CNVs were compared on IQ or GQ by using one-way non-verbal. Out of 29 children with NC-CNVs, 16 children
analysis of variance (ANOVA) to verify whether their cog- (55.2%) had IQ or GQ lower than 70 and 3 (18.6%) of them
nitive abilities were affected by the presence/absence of were also non-verbal. Finally, out of 92 children W-CNVs,
CNVs, and by the specific CNV subtype. The assumption 43 children (46.7%) had IQ or GQ lower than 70 and 26
of homogeneity of the variance was monitored with Lev- (60.5%) were also non-verbal.
ene’s test. Results on cognitive abilities showed no significant dif-
Statistical analyses on CSS, gender, and the presence/ ferences in IQ or GQ among children with C-CNVs, NC-
absence of language were conducted using Chi-Square met- CNVs, and W-CNVs (F2,130 = 1.14, p = 0.32).
rics (χ2). When the overall Chi square test was significant, For each group (C-CNVs, NC-CNVs and W-CNVs), the
post-hoc pairwise Chi square tests were conducted and Bon- percentage of participants in each CSS class was calculated.
ferroni adjustment (α/k = α/[row!/2!(row − 1)!] × [column!/2 A significant difference was found among groups (𝜒42 = 31.2,
!(column − 1)!]) adopted to correct for Type I error inflation. p = 0.000003). In the post-hoc pairwise Chi square tests, the
alfa level considered after Bonferroni adjustment was 0.02.
Groups did not differ (𝜒22 = 1.27, p = 0.53) for the percent-
Results age of children included in the “autism class” (100% for
C-CNVs, 90% for NC-CNVs, and 85% for W-CNVs). How-
Genetic Investigation ever, the W-CNVs group differed from the other two groups
(𝜒22 = 18.17, p = 0.0001) for the higher percentage of children
All patients were karyotyped and tested for molecular analy- included in the “ASD class” (0% for C-CNVs, 3% for NC-
sis of FMR1 gene. GTG-banding identified only an abnor- CNVs, and 14% for W-CNVs). Regarding the “nonspectrum
mal result, consisting of a huge duplication of the short arm ADOS class”, the group with NC-CNVs differed from the
of chromosome 4 (Appendix 1, child #40). Data obtained other two groups (𝜒22 = 9.7, p = 0.008) for the higher percent-
from Fragile-X analyses documented that no participants age of children included in this class (0% for C-CNVs, 7%
were affected by Fragile-X. Forty-one patients out of 133 for NC-CNVs, and 1% for W-CNVs).
(37 males and 4 females) tested positive for CNVs (30.8%). As regards gender, no difference among the three groups
Thirty-three participants showed a single CNV, 7 showed 2 were found (𝜒22 = 1.92, p = 0.38).
446 J Autism Dev Disord (2018) 48:442–449
CNVs copy number variations, C-CNVs causative copy number variations, NC-CNVs non-causative copy
number variations, W-CNVs without copy number variations, IQ intelligence quotient, GQ general quo-
tient, CSS calibrated severity score from ADOS
Chi-Square test (χ2)
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
For each group (C-CNVs, NC-CNVs, W-CNVs), the is not associated with a well-defined phenotype but the size
percentage of verbal and non-verbal participants was cal- of the aberration and its gene content suggested a patho-
culated. In the post-hoc pairwise Chi square tests, the alfa genic role. Moreover, the above duplication had already
level considered after Bonferroni adjustment was 0.03. A been described in the literature in a patient affected by ASD
significant difference was found among groups (𝜒22 = 29.64, (Tabet et al. 2015), and in another patient included in a study
p = 0.00001), with NC-CNVs and W-CNVs groups having conducted by the International Standards for Cytogenomic
the highest percentage of verbal children (respectively, 86 Arrays consortium, on 15,749 individuals with unexplained
and 64%), and the C-CNVs group differing from the other developmental delay, intellectual disability, dysmorphic
two groups (𝜒22 = 19.97, p = 0.00005) for the highest per- features, multiple congenital anomalies, ASD, or clinical
centage of non-verbal children (50% for C-CNVs, 14% for features suggestive of a chromosomal syndrome (Kaminsky
NC-CNVs, and 36% for W-CNVs). et al. 2011). Similarly to these previous results, our patient
with 4p16.3p15.1 duplication showed severe deficits, such
as marked language delay, moderate symptoms of autism
Discussion (CSS: 5/10), marked deficits in social interaction. Child
#32 carried a 4.8 Mb microduplication on the long arm of
The first aim of the present study was to identify the fre- chromosome 15 (15q11.2q13.1), involving the 15q11-q13
quency of CNVs in children with ASD to provide evidences duplication syndrome (OMIM ID #608,636). The deletion
of the diagnostic yield of array-CGH analysis. Results docu- of this chromosomic region causes PraderWilli/Angelman
mented that 41 patients tested positive for CNVs (30.8%). syndrome, an autosomal dominant condition associated
Specifically, C-CNVs were identified in 12 participants (9%) with severe intellectual disability, developmental delay and
in accordance with previous studies showing C-CNVs in typical dimorphisms. However, the duplication of the same
about 10% of patients with ASD (Schaefer 2016; Schaefer region is associated with incomplete penetrance and vari-
et al. 2010, 2013). Furthermore, a total number of 50 imbal- able phenotypes, which frequently include ASD (Sorte et al.
ances were detected: two duplications were classified as 2013), intellectual disability, ataxia, seizures, developmen-
pathogenic (4%), 10 CNVs (6 duplications and 4 deletions) tal delays, and behavioral problems. This region comprises
were included in the unknown but potentially causative rear- several OMIM genes, including GABRB3 (gamma-amin-
rangements (20%), and 38 CNVs (23 duplications and 15 obutyric acid type A receptor subunit beta-3), and UBE3A
deletions) were considered as NC-CNVs (76%). Both the (ubiquitin protein ligase E3A). GABRB3 gene is involved in
pathogenic CNVs (duplications) involving chromosome GABAergic neurotransmission, and Buxbaum et al. (2002)
4 and chromosome 15 (4p16.3p15.1 and 15q11.2q13.1) hypothesized that genetic variants within the GABA recep-
arose de novo. Child #40 presented a 28.3 Mb duplica- tor gene complex in 15q11-q13 may play a role in ASD. As
tion involving the distal region of the short arm of chro- regards, in a study on animal models, Hogart et al. (2010)
mosome 4, (4p16.3p15.1). The deletion of 4p16.3 leads to hypothesized that increased gene dosage of Ube3a could
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome, a contiguous gene syndrome contribute to some manifestations of ASD, such as atypical
characterized by severe growth retardation and intellectual social interaction, impaired communication, and augmented
disability, microcephaly, ‘Greek helmet’ facies, and closure restricted and repetitive behaviors. These results support the
defects. On the contrary, the duplication of the same region hypothesis that increased UBE3A gene dosage may result
J Autism Dev Disord (2018) 48:442–449 447
in reduced excitatory synaptic transmission, and suggest severity ranging from mild to severe, which corresponds to
that UBE3A gene dosage could contribute to some traits of the typical clinical heterogeneity of ASD.
ASD in individuals with 15q11-13 duplication (Hogart et al. No difference was found in IQ or GQ among the three
2010). Thus, it is plausible that duplication of these genes groups. These data were in contrast with Qiao et al. (2009),
(GABRB3, and UBE3A) contributed to ASD symptoms in who found increased percentages of C-CNVs in individuals
child #32. In support of this hypothesis, this child showed with associated intellectual disability, and no C-CNVs in
increased restricted and repetitive behaviors with impaired patients without intellectual disability. This result could be
communication and severe autistic symptoms (CSS: 7/10). explained by the fact that our study included only partici-
CNVs classified as unknown but potentially causative pants with the “essential” phenotype. Our data, however, are
have no certain association with a clinical phenotype, but, consistent with Merikangas et al. (2015), who did not find
based on their gene content and previous data on patients any significant differences in performance IQ or GQ.
with ASD in the literature, they were considered as having Conversely, different percentages of CSS class partici-
a potential role in the pathological phenotype. The dupli- pants, and different percentages of non-verbal children were
cations involved the chromosome regions 20p12.3p12.2, found among groups. In general, most of the children with
Xp22.33, 7p21.3, Xp11.3, 4q25, while deletions were C-CNVs were included in the “autism class”, thus showing
detected in 22q13.1, 7q36.1, 18q12.3, 12p13.33. All of the highest number of ASD symptoms, while the major-
these regions involve one or more genes for which the dos- ity of W-CNVs and NC-CNVs children showed less severe
age effect is considered as potentially associated with the ASD symptoms, and were respectively included in the “ASD
clinical phenotype. Two of them, PLCB1 (20p12.3) and class” and “nonspectrum ADOS class”. As regards language
NXPH1 (7p21.3) are implicated in cellular signal transduc- skills, we found that in the C-CNVs group, the percentage
tion; ASMT (Xp22.33) is involved in melatonin synthesis; of non-verbal children was higher than that of the other two
CXORF36 (Xp11.3) plays a role as exocytosis regulator; groups. Our results confirmed previous findings demonstrat-
APOBEC3A, APOBEC3C (22q13.1), KMT2C (7q36.1), and ing that patients with causative CNVs have more deficits
KDM5A (12p13.33) are implicated in post-transcriptional in social engagement, communication and language skills
modifications. Details about the function and evidences (Merikangas et al. 2015).
in the literature of these candidate genes are reported in A possible limitation of our study is the relatively small
Appendix 1. number of participants. To support and confirm our results,
For 38 out of 50 CNVs (76%), it was not possible to spec- a larger group of participants should be enrolled in future
ulate whether they may play a role in the autistic phenotype studies. Moreover, we were able to conduct the array-CGH
expression, or they simply represented physiological human analysis of parental samples on 26 participants (out of 41),
variability without clinical consequences. They have not which limited the interpretation of data on the origin and
been reported in the literature or in public databases neither family history of CNVs. For the other 15 participants, it
as pathogenic nor as benign variants, and they have been was not possible to determine whether CNVs arose de novo.
classified as unknown and useless for diagnostic purposes. However, there are some points of strength characterizing
CNVs can probably be considered as a genetic component our study: all participating children were diagnosed by a
conferring an increased risk of developing ASD. ASD are multidisciplinary team, which allowed to obtain a multidi-
well known to be a set of multifactorial and heterogeneous mensional assessment (intelligence level, ASD severity, lan-
diseases in which genetic (CNVs and/or point mutations), guage skills), and included genetic examination to exclude
epigenetic and environmental factors play a role. The onset “complex” physical phenotypes. Furthermore, we used
mechanisms are mostly still unknown and nowadays, they restricted criteria for CNVs characterization by only con-
are the subject of several scientific studies. sidering aberrations larger than 100 Kb in size and involving
The second aim of the present study was to describe the at least one known gene. Lastly, we accurately classified
cognitive profile (intelligence level, ASD severity, language CNVs according to the likelihood of their association with
skills) of children with ASD by identifying different clinical the clinical phenotype, based on gene content and data in
phenotypes based on the presence or absence of CNVs and the literature.
on the specific subtype of CNVs. Considering their demo- In conclusion, our results highlight the importance to
graphic characteristics, our children may be considered as conduct array-CGH analysis in individuals with ASD with
representative of the general population with ASD. Indeed, “complex” as well as “essential” phenotypes. Considering
our group showed male–female ratio and prevalence of intel- the wide heterogeneity of ASD, both in terms of behavioral
lectual disability or developmental delay corresponding to and genetic features, we believe it should be recommended
those reported in previous studies on ASD (Fombonne et al. to better categorize and phenotype each individual with this
2011; Lai et al. 2014; Postorino et al. 2016). Moreover, CSS disorder. Furthermore, our results suggest that the pres-
obtained by ADOS, indicated that participants had a level of ence of C-CNVs may have a significant impact on some
448 J Autism Dev Disord (2018) 48:442–449
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study. The authors would like to thank Paola Giovanna Volpi for her Beaudet, A. L. (2014). Reaching a CNV milestone. Nature Genetics,
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Funding There was no funding for this paper. in subpopulations of patients with autism spectrum disorders.
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