NCM108 Health Care Ethics Course Outline
NCM108 Health Care Ethics Course Outline
NCM108 Health Care Ethics Course Outline
COURSE CODE: NCM108 Suggested Course Delivery Method (check one):
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Health Care Ethics (BioEthics) ☐ Online (all instruction is online)
1. Apply knowledge of physical, social, natural and health science, and humanities in the practice of nursing.
C. Ethical Principles
1. Autonomy
Patient’s Rights
Patient’s Bill of Rights
3 Informed Consent Online
Proxy Consent/Legally Acceptable Representative
2. Veracity
Truth Telling and Right to Information
3. Fidelity
4 4. Justice Online
5. Beneficence
6. Non-maleficence
12 Summative Assessment
Bioethics and Research
A. Principles of Ethics in Research
1. Nuremberg Code
2. Declaration of Helsinki
13 Online
3. Belmont Report
B. Ethical Issues in Evidence Based Practice
C. Ethico-moral Obligations of the Nurse in Evidence Based Practices
1. Introduction to Good Clinical Practice Guidelines
Guidelines on Health Protocol in Documentation and Health Records
14 Online
Ethical Consideration in Leadership and Management
A. Moral Decision Making
1. Principle of Moral Discernment
2. Principle of Well-formed Conscience
3. Strategies of Moral Decision-Making Process
15 Online
Ethical Dilemma
B. Meaning and Service value of medica care
1. Allocation of health resources
2. Issues involving access to care
This course deals with the application of ethico-moral and legal concepts and principles to issues that affect the practice of nursing. These provide the basis for
appropriate decision making given varied situations, to prepare the learner to render effective, efficient and safe nursing care. Furthermore, related learning
experiences provide opportunities to concretize commitment to nursing. The critical thinking process shall be used in the unit with the objective of developing the
intellectual capacity to conceptualize and contextualize what students know about particular ethico-moral and legal issues. Learners are expected to apply sound
ethical decision-making in varied health scenarios.
Suggested course delivery method is Online Learning with 90% online session and 10% on-campus session. Online sessions will be focused on the delivery of topic
discussions while the on-campus sessions will be allocated for final presentation of the course project. All self-paced activities (reflection paper) must be submitted
using TurnItIn as a platform for plagiarism checking.