Declaratie Conformitate - Soclu Detector

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L Modelul de aparat/Produsul: / Apparatus model/Product:

Meldersockelserie USB 502

2. Denumirea ~i adresa producätorului sau a reprezentantului säu autorizat:

Name and address of the manufacturer or hls authorized representative:

Hekatron Vertriebs GmbH, Brühlmatten 9, 0-79295 Sulzburg

3. Prezenta declaratie de conformitate este emisä pe räspunderea exclusive a producätorului.

This dec/aration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.

4. Obiectul declaratiei: / Objectofthe declaration:

USB 502-1 Art.-Nr.: 30-4100005-01-01

USB502-1 MC Art.-Nr.: 30-4100005-91-01
USB 502-2 Art.-Nr.: 30-4100005-02-01
USB 502-3 Art.-Nr.: 30-4100005-03-01
USB 502-4 Art.-Nr.: 30-4100005-04-01
USB 502-5 Art.-Nr.: 30-4100005-05-01
USB 502-6 Art.-Nr.: 30-4100005-06-01
USB502-6 MC Art.-Nr.: 30-4100005-96-01
USB 502-7 Ex-i Art.-Nr.: 30-4100005-07-01
USB 502-8 Ex-i Art.-Nr.: 30-4100005-08-01

5. Obiectul declaratiei descris mai sus este in conformitate cu legislatia relevantä de armonizare a Uniunii:
The object of the dec/aration described above is in conformity with the relevant Union harmonization legislation:

Restriqii privind utilizarea anumitor substante periculoase in echipamentele

electrice ~i electronice/
Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances (RoHS)

6. Standarde armonizate / harmonized standards

Technical documentation for the assessment of electrical and electronic products

EN 50581:2012
with respect to the restriction of hazardous Substances

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7. Dacä este cazul, organismul notificat [nume, numar] a efectuat (descrierea interven~iei] ~i a eliberat certificatul
Where applicable, the notifted body [name, number} performed [description of intervention} and issued the certificate:

Nu se aplicä/ not app/icable

8. lnformatij suplimentare: / Additional information:

Semnat pentru ~i Tn numele: / Signedfor andon beha/fof:

M lesto a dätum vydania / Place and date of issue

79295 Sulzburg, Germany, 6.11.2020

Kirsten Rolf Wittmann Bernd Melzl

Leiter Qualität, Lean- und Qualifizierung
Compliance-Management/ Kompetenzzentrum/
Head of Quality, Lean and Head of Qualiftcation
Compliance Management Competence Center

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