Care - Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan

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Care – Comprehensive Health

Insurance Plan
1) Single STD. Room Rent at Actual
2) ICU Rent at Actual
3) 100% Automatic Recharge on Claim
4) 30 Days Before - Pre Hospitalization
Expenses Cover
5) 60 Days After - Post Hospitalization
Expenses Cover
6) No Claim Bonus
50% Bonus 150%
1 Yr 10% Bonus
1 Yr 60%
2 Yrs 10%
2 Yrs 60%
3 Yrs 10% 3 Yrs 10%
4 Yrs 10% 4 Yrs 10%
5 Yrs 10% 5 Yrs 10%
Sum Insured : 10 Lakhs
With 50% Bonus
10 Lakhs
1 Yr 10% (1Lakhs) = 11 Lakhs
2 Yrs 10% (1Lakhs) = 12 Lakhs
3 Yrs 10% (1 Lakhs) = 13 Lakhs
4 Yrs 10% (1 Lakhs) = 14 Lakhs
5 Yrs 10% (1Lakhs) = 15 Lakhs
Maximum Policy 15,00,000
Sum Insured : 10 Lakhs
With 150% Bonus
10 Lakhs
1 Yr 60% (6 Lakhs) = 16 Lakhs
2 Yrs 60% (6 Lakhs) = 22 Lakhs
3 Yrs 10% (1 Lakhs) = 23 Lakhs
4 Yrs 10% (1 Lakhs) = 24 Lakhs
5 Yrs 10% (1Lakhs) = 25 Lakhs
Maximum Policy 25,00,000
7) Organ Donor Cover *
8) FREE Annual Health Check up
Annual Health Check up
Sum Insured : Complete Blood Count with ESR, Urine
3 Lakhs Routine, Blood Group, Fasting Blood
Sugar, Serum Cholesterol, SGPT, Serum
4 Lakhs Creatinine, ECG

Sum Insured : Complete Blood Count with ESR, Urine

5, 7 & 10 Lakhs Routine, Blood Group, Fasting Blood
Sugar, Lipid Profile, Kidney Function Test,

Sum Insured : Complete Blood Count with ESR, Urine

15,20,25,30, Routine, Blood Group, Fasting Blood
40,50,60 & 75 Sugar, Lipid Profile, TMT, Kidney Function
Lakhs Test
9) Maternity Cover upto 1 Lakhs*
(Sum Insured 50 Lakhs & above)
10) Ambulance Cover up to
1500 to 3000
11) Second Opinion Benefit
(Fix illness Only) *
12) Alternative Treatments AYUSH
(Ayureveda, Unani, Sindha & Homeopathy)*
13) Care Anywhere – 50 Lakhs &
above (Major illness Only)*
14) 541 Day Care Procedures Cover
15) Domiciliary Hospitalization up to
10% of Sum Insured
16) Daily Allowance
(Rs. 1,000 to 10,000)
Optional Cover

Unlimited Automatic Recharge

Everyday Care
OPD Care
Daily Allowance

Coverage for Advanced Technologies &

Coverage of certain Existing Permanent

Reduction in Non-Consumable item

17) Robotic Surgery
Customers can have comfort of shorter
Hospitalization & Reduced Recovery Time with
18) Stem Cell Therapy
Customers can more equipped to defeat Major
illness like : CANCER
19) Bronchical Thermoplasty
Customers can now treat their Asthma with
Bronchical Thermoplasty
20) ORAL Chemotherapy
NOW Customers can FIGHT CANCER with
21) Mental illness Coverd
Treatment of MENTAL ILLNESS Like : Depression,
Anxiety etc. are NOW covered
Now HIV/AIDS Treatment also POSSIBLE
23) Bariatric Surgery
Customers reduce OCCURRENCE OF
Type 2 Diabetes, Joint Replacements, Heart Ailments, Cancer
Treatment of EYE related Ailments with
Intra Vitreal Injections is possible NOW
• Artificial Life maintenance, Including life
support machine use.

• Coverage for various genetic diseases

like : sickle cell anaemia, down syndrome,
thalassemia, klinefelter syndrome.
Reduction in Non-
Consumable Item List
List 1 : Only 68 List of Expenses Generally Excluded (“Non-medical”)

List 2 : List of 32 Items that are to be subsumed into Room Charges

List 3 : 23 Items that are to be subsumed into Procedure Charges

List 4 : List of 32 Items that are to be subsumed into costs of treatment

List 5 : List of 25 Items that are not Payable

First 2 Years Waiting Period

Piles Hernia Cataract

Tonsils Gall Stone Renal Stone

First 2 Years Waiting Period

Urine Stone Nasal Polyps Sinus

Degenrative Disc Varicose Veins Varicose Ulcers

First 2 Years Waiting Period

Fissure & Fistula

Vertebral Diseases Prolaspse of Intervertebral Disc

Deviated Nasal Septum Haemorrhoids Chronic Supparative Otitis Media

First 2 Years Waiting Period

Uterus Related
Cogenital Internal Pancreatic Stones Disorders

Arthroscopic Benign Prostate

Repair/Removal Hydrocele Hypertrophy
Pre-Existing Covered After 4 Years of Continuous
Diseases Renewal With Company
First 30 Days Any thing apart from Accident
Waiting Period covered after 30 Days
Permanent exclusions
• Dental Treatment (Apart from accident & If mentioned in
• Pure Diagnostic tests
• Run Down / General Weakness, etc..
• Bodily Injury / illness Under Influence of Alcohol / Durgs
& Against Law
• Cosmetic Treatments Including Refractive Error or Lasik
• Treatment For Weight Loss

Please read Policy wordings for detailed list of Exclusions

When will my Mediclaim Policy Cover Start
Accident Related FROM DAY 1
Surgical (Newly Diagnosed Critical AFTER 30 DAYS
Non-Surgical (Eg : Dengue, Jaundice, AFTER 30 DAYS
Malaria, Typhoid etc..
Other Surgery Such as Piles, Hernia AFTER 24 Months
All Pre-Existing Diseases ( Diseases
which you or yr family member have AFTER 48 Months
before buying mediclaim policy
Suicide, Cosmetic, Alcohol, Tabacco, Against NO CLAIM IS
Law, Pure Diagnostic, Daily Medicine, Weight PAYABLE
Loss, Lasik, Dental, General Weakness

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